altecisbit · 2 months
murder inquiries
In the haste by ABC Australia to say you want us to carry the can whilst you get away with it REFERANCE to the a.l.p and the murders of ruby and kate - someone has to act in the best interest of our country n.y.p.d s.o.d said the U.SGoV will check if any mystery payments have gone into a.l.p accounts since /1992/93 - paul keating and bribes into accounts as josh frydenburg and MTMHR as "bagman" as we know he had offshore accounts is their a law against that for a sitting politician to have money going into offshore accounts in the cayman islands opened up for the l.n.p in the cayman islands on the behalf of the l.n.p by sir rupert murdoch as the l.n.p treasurer josh frydenburg said in #qt -16/6/2024 - fn: the photo of tony abbott taken after he was australian prime minister - SMMHR - 2016-2020 d.j.t /u.s president - hard copy of the formula for gold stolen by my n.d.i.s cleaner(Indians) - noranda modi comments "if anyone works against the country we will kill him" -fn: AuSGoV sited to be audited for consultants in giving advice in a change of priorities the #closeofbusiness reporter sites the big four in a quote from Claire O'Neil - seik activists
ABC Australia ABC News why is the Indian correspondent telling me to watch my back on the four corners report on india and #asio indian spies - 15:25-30,P.M.A.E.S.T 17/6/2024
#finance looking forward to four corners report in to #asio indian spies in australia the specail on norandi modi - "late breaking" - to the p.m by weather girl ABC News - seik activists
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2414241898901934&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz mis - appropriation of funds - a.l.p - l.n.p - AuSGoV
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3608349009491211&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the l.n.p and d.j.t "trump industries"
what was the secret ABC Australia was keeping for the a.l.p #insiders cheif whip - is it the a.l.p.stole the first formula -"yes" as n.y.p.d s.o.d agreed
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3480718108920969&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz formulas - 1992/93 ,- a.l.p - paul keating
#capitalhill say china and cohesion and as aired earlier "we say the a.l.p stole the first formula" not thinking we had thought of it as the Ukrainian President tells us the ukrainians being involved in the downing of Mh-17 it appears the U.SGoV and AuSGoV are on board with our investigations it appears from this highlight in proceedings and the bribes started in 1992/93 in a claim of AuSGoV in to human rights abuse by the chinese government - "ironic" - "boom incident"- related to the deaths of ruby and kate (boom incident on record - OURABC can play both if needed) as n.y.p.d s.o.d in negotiations with the u.s president/joe "hunter" "s" biden in a discussion on my payout and his involvment wich n.y.p.d s.o.d swear of his involvment and have asked the u.s president to enter in a discussion tonight explaining his involvment the police say they are in the know - murder solved - news from switzerland
#closeofbuisness racheal pappazoni goes live and calls Alex Clayton a lier as she had already agreed last time she was on and said she was not worried with my case file on ruby and kate she said "we will see if the plan works" - as you could see how the plan unfolded in the reports from #capitailhill -16/6/2024 - fn: in the hope it works out for goldilocks and the r.b.a
#closeofbuisness on #china is ready to pay you 2billion dollars al a source of the ABC said in a report we told china he intends on selling to joe hunter s biden on offer 100m million dollars n.y.p.d s.o.d - 16/6/2025 - prepared to discredit this report - ABC journalists - 5% and 100m in a cross to the states to follow a report on Elon Musk and #china
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3731795370479907&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz "contract" with the chinese government - (methonine aspartic inhibitor) - the "formula for gold" s6-h-Kr=Ri - "anti matter engine" a report for the u.k patents court - justice drewett - 13/1/2024
#capitailhill china said how about we bumb him off and don't pay for the formulas as the ABC raised with china the foreign minister was present - the Ukrainian President talks of reuniting the u.n charter after to us learning on his countries involvment in the downing of Mh-17 - G.C - #qt does the Australian Prime Minister have a comment - a representative of the australian government tryed to say I was not dealing in reality as ABC journalist denied for me earlier (nic dole) as the AuSGoV was trying to get the cheif phyciatrist order me to take my medication only as aired the cheif phyciatrist is corrupt according to cheif justice keifel
china we shamed the chinese leader to xi jin ping in a cheap shot by the a.l.p and ABC Australia
#capitailhill foreign affairs corrospondant makes reference to evidence on Alex Clayton facebook.com and the bribes - see investigation launched by n.y.p.d s.o.d - 17/6/2024 and the chinese premier showing concern over ruby and kate and a expression of interest for my Intellectual property
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3391886454470802&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz AuKuS - china "treaty"
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3249679072024875&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz trade with vladmir putin
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel - gaza state of Israel - arab states - #iran - the exodus - W.A'St'e mark - 9:11:13:8 - scattered israel - son of god ehaid - l.j.c - R.R.C.C
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3797241327268644&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz exodus
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel - gaza state of Israel - the Israelis counteroffensive - "holy war"
General Clayton - dethcon warning #iran - no Iranian counteroffensive in #iraq and #syria - #iran - state of Israel - the "dominio effect" - G.C - press release - 17/3/2023 - fn: situation room - joe "hunter" "s" biden/ u.s president national security adviser general mark milley**** #jcos u.s military - G.C - #IRANTALKS - "holy war"
#capitailhill and ABC News Radio said the chinese premier and anthony albanese pleased with themselves
BBC WORLD SERVICE IN A CROSS TO @ABCNewsradio - china xi jin ping - the great hall #insiders - foreign ministers in a return of freedoms in return of australian spie Wang Liqiang - Dr Yang Jun - clemancy in a new found cooperation - "state secrets" and the "snake" - lisa (free)- chinese pete (free) dr m.k.wong (retired)
#insiders david spears it was said "are you going to blame Mr Clayton for something that hasn't happened yet"" as a panel member said we will get him on the backslide - as raised Meridith Sheehan and MASTERBATION a sexual favour - see report online Alex Clayton facebook.com why have ABC journalists been offering me sexual favours for years - back to you barry - mike bowers is a two faced lier
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3762534067406037&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz cheif justice gageler.
General Clayton - 7:30 report see ahead of talks with china I am instructed as dr jim chalmers meets with his chinese counterpart as my investigation into the Australian Federal Government concluded earlier as ABC sited the work and so did daniel andrews of the a.l.p - SMMHR and the "STOLEN FORMULA'S" dr jim chalmers and the "rorts" and the scandal wich rocked the U.SGoV and collusion with the Chinese MTMHR/SMMHR and the offshore account of MTMHR and S.I.S MI6 - SEE "PHONE HACKING SCANDAL" AND #MURDOCH AND THE "FORMULAS" AND FRONTWOMEN ITA BUTTROSE and the chinese and the (methonine aspartic inhibitor) - the formula for gold s6-h-Kr=Ri "anti matter engine" all research related written in 1992/93 and the proceeds to c.s.l smythe glaxco and klyne (shell company) and -d.j t "trump industries" - the (hard copy) of the "formula for gold" - stolen by n.d.i.s cleaner ( Indians) handed on by a a.l.p contact to p.m - SMMHR on to u.s president /d.j.t "trump industries. - G.C - press release -18/7/2023 fn: chinese spies in the v.h.d - state secrets fall into the hands of xi jin ping - phyciatrist and chinese spies - C.I.A codes of a spie and the research of Alex m.m Clayton - G.C - L.J.C
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3742582369401207&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz dr jim chalmers - treasurer and the "conspiracy" with dr morley at v.h.d (monash health) to "brand me" a peadophile 
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3580501768942602&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz xi jin ping
#closeofbuisness the l.n.p - Australian Federal Government in 2012/13-15 had a "contract" with d.j.t "trump industries" - 2016-2020 - d.j.t/ u.s president acquired through theft of my n.d.i.s cleaners (Indians) handed of the (hard copy) of the "formula for gold" s6-h-Kr on by a a.l.p contact (Indians) on to p.m SMMHR to the u.s president/d.j.t and as money changed hands in 2016 - 2020 the a.l.p Anthony Albanese rose to power in Australia in 2020/21 and dr jim chalmers expressed his interest in the "stolen formulas" with joe hunter "s" biden/ u.s president I had a pre-existing contact with barack obama /u.s government 2012/13-15 -2016-2020 and have a contract with joe hunters "s" biden/u.s president - 2024/25 - a report for the u.k patents court justice drewett u.k patents court - 14:00P.M A.E.S.T 30/6/2024 - fn: the l.n.p with ABC Australia deleted ALTECISBIT G+ and I lost almost all my work and had to start from scratch
#insiders "host" barry cassidy said to josh frydenburg how much are you prepared to pay to take out alex and lydia
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3566840740308705&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz case file
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3759211741071603&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the murders
#qt p.m said on rorts said the a.l.p and l.n.p accepted bribes to "turn a blind eye" for the murders of ruby and kate #murdoch and #pratt ita buttrose - Lynda Burney said "we are guilty MURDER 1 Lydia" and it was said by the a.l.p m.p as posed the question why did paul keating say "WE WANT MR CLAYTONS FORMULA FOR GOLD AND WE WOULD DO ANYTHING TO GET IT" and Julia Gillard said "we killed his sister's bibi" - as the m.p asked for a record of hansard the p.m at the close of #qt said we are of interest to police n.y.p.d s.o.d he remarked - 19/6/2023.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3569263430066436&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz - "rorts" - a.l.p and l.n.p with bribes "turned a blind eye" in the murders of ruby and kate.
what was the secret ABC Australia was keeping for the a.l.p #insiders cheif whip - is it the a.l.p.stole the first formula -"yes" as n.y.p.d s.o.d agreed
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3480718108920969&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz formulas - 1992/93 ,- a.l.p - paul keating
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2414241898901934&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz mis - appropriation of funds - a.l.p - l.n.p - AuSGoV
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3608349009491211&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the l.n.p and d.j.t "trump industries"
SMMHR - Altecisbit g+ "temple mount" the s.i.u has reported my work on the Mayan Calander and my historical work on the Christian Church with ties to our ancient past is on Altecisbit g+ -so Michelle Guthrie see senate inquiry if you could do somthing to get Larry page to reinstate Altecisbit g+ it would be appreciated by all and Donald j Trump signed 1961 op commander al. #AJNewsGrid
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3206579123001537&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the deletion of ALTECISBIT G+ by the l.n.p and @ABC_Australia
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2247201402272652&id=100009484426712 michelle guthries confession in senate inquiry to organizing the deletion of Altecisbit g+
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2247201402272652&id=100009484426712 cybercrime by @ABC_Australia
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3769179673408143&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz facebook.com - meta a report for mark zuckerberg the hacking of Alex Clayton Facebook.com a report into the parties responsible enclosed in a report to you "sir" could you make the appropriate changes to facebook.com to protect the databases from intrusion and take action against the hackers - your sincerely Alex m.m Clayton - 14:40P.M A.E.S.D.T 16/12/2023
d.j.t - "trump industries" says the formula for gold is his - p.m - SMMHR had my n.d.i.s cleaner steal it for d.j.t "trump industries" in a case of "theft fruad and imbezalment" he says possession is nine tenths of the law - I have a backup copy - it's fruad by d.j.t "trump industries"
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3585914221734690&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz d.j.t "trump industries" cleared of copyright fruad - (deal withdrawn)
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3173106453015471&id=100009484426712 application for "payout" - see government "FRUAD" a report for the cheif justices of the high and supreme court signed general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military - 13/11/2021.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3563089187350527&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz a report for joe "hunter" s biden and coalition partners see "contract" for the formula for gold - u.k patents court a report from the owner of the "formula for gold" - general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military 24/11/2021.
0 notes
onguito · 7 years
Tumblr media
40-year-old typeface #เก๊กฮะ #photoshop #EOD #closeofbusiness #shotoniphone #shotonmoment #momenttele #streetsofthailand #hometownglory #chonburi #สายล่าง #life #dayends #ทำมาหากิน #vsco #typeface (at เก๊กฮะ)
0 notes
wroteitoutloud · 11 years
"I thought close of business was 7pm?"
You're fooling no one. You delivered late and we all know it.
0 notes
altecisbit · 2 months
chinese spies - v.h.d (monash health) - state secrets
In the haste by ABC Australia to say you want us to carry the can whilst you get away with it REFERANCE to the a.l.p and the murders of ruby and kate - someone has to act in the best interest of our country n.y.p.d s.o.d said the U.SGoV will check if any mystery payments have gone into a.l.p accounts since /1992/93 - paul keating and bribes into accounts as josh frydenburg and MTMHR as "bagman" as we know he had offshore accounts is their a law against that for a sitting politician to have money going into offshore accounts in the cayman islands opened up for the l.n.p in the cayman islands on the behalf of the l.n.p by sir rupert murdoch as the l.n.p treasurer josh frydenburg said in #qt -16/6/2024 - fn: the photo of tony abbott taken after he was australian prime minister - SMMHR - 2016-2020 d.j.t /u.s president - hard copy of the formula for gold stolen by my n.d.i.s cleaner(Indians) - noranda modi comments "if anyone works against the country we will kill him" -fn: AuSGoV sited to be audited for consultants in giving advice in a change of priorities the #closeofbusiness reporter sites the big four in a quote from Claire O'Neil - seik activists
ABC Australia ABC News why is the Indian correspondent telling me to watch my back on the four corners report on india and #asio indian spies - 15:25-30,P.M.A.E.S.T 17/6/2024
#finance looking forward to four corners report in to #asio indian spies in australia the specail on norandi modi - "late breaking" - to the p.m by weather girl ABC News - seik activists
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2414241898901934&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz mis - appropriation of funds - a.l.p - l.n.p - AuSGoV
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3608349009491211&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the l.n.p and d.j.t "trump industries"
what was the secret ABC Australia was keeping for the a.l.p #insiders cheif whip - is it the a.l.p.stole the first formula -"yes" as n.y.p.d s.o.d agreed
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3480718108920969&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz formulas - 1992/93 ,- a.l.p - paul keating
#capitalhill say china and cohesion and as aired earlier "we say the a.l.p stole the first formula" not thinking we had thought of it as the Ukrainian President tells us the ukrainians being involved in the downing of Mh-17 it appears the U.SGoV and AuSGoV are on board with our investigations it appears from this highlight in proceedings and the bribes started in 1992/93 in a claim of AuSGoV in to human rights abuse by the chinese government - "ironic" - "boom incident"- related to the deaths of ruby and kate (boom incident on record - OURABC can play both if needed) as n.y.p.d s.o.d in negotiations with the u.s president/joe "hunter" "s" biden in a discussion on my payout and his involvment wich n.y.p.d s.o.d swear of his involvment and have asked the u.s president to enter in a discussion tonight explaining his involvment the police say they are in the know - murder solved - news from switzerland
#closeofbuisness racheal pappazoni goes live and calls Alex Clayton a lier as she had already agreed last time she was on and said she was not worried with my case file on ruby and kate she said "we will see if the plan works" - as you could see how the plan unfolded in the reports from #capitailhill -16/6/2024 - fn: in the hope it works out for goldilocks and the r.b.a
#closeofbuisness on #china is ready to pay you 2billion dollars al a source of the ABC said in a report we told china he intends on selling to joe hunter s biden on offer 100m million dollars n.y.p.d s.o.d - 16/6/2025 - prepared to discredit this report - ABC journalists - 5% and 100m in a cross to the states to follow a report on Elon Musk and #china
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3731795370479907&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz "contract" with the chinese government - (methonine aspartic inhibitor) - the "formula for gold" s6-h-Kr=Ri - "anti matter engine" a report for the u.k patents court - justice drewett - 13/1/2024
#capitailhill china said how about we bumb him off and don't pay for the formulas as the ABC raised with china the foreign minister was present - the Ukrainian President talks of reuniting the u.n charter after to us learning on his countries involvment in the downing of Mh-17 - G.C - #qt does the Australian Prime Minister have a comment - a representative of the australian government tryed to say I was not dealing in reality as ABC journalist denied for me earlier (nic dole) as the AuSGoV was trying to get the cheif phyciatrist order me to take my medication only as aired the cheif phyciatrist is corrupt according to cheif justice keifel
china we shamed the chinese leader to xi jin ping in a cheap shot by the a.l.p and ABC Australia
#capitailhill foreign affairs corrospondant makes reference to evidence on Alex Clayton facebook.com and the bribes - see investigation launched by n.y.p.d s.o.d - 17/6/2024 and the chinese premier showing concern over ruby and kate and a expression of interest for my Intellectual property
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3391886454470802&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz AuKuS - china "treaty"
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3249679072024875&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz trade with vladmir putin
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel - gaza state of Israel - arab states - #iran - the exodus - W.A'St'e mark - 9:11:13:8 - scattered israel - son of god ehaid - l.j.c - R.R.C.C
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3797241327268644&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz exodus
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel - gaza state of Israel - the Israelis counteroffensive - "holy war"
General Clayton - dethcon warning #iran - no Iranian counteroffensive in #iraq and #syria - #iran - state of Israel - the "dominio effect" - G.C - press release - 17/3/2023 - fn: situation room - joe "hunter" "s" biden/ u.s president national security adviser general mark milley**** #jcos u.s military - G.C - #IRANTALKS - "holy war"
#capitailhill and ABC News Radio said the chinese premier and anthony albanese pleased with themselves
BBC WORLD SERVICE IN A CROSS TO @ABCNewsradio - china xi jin ping - the great hall #insiders - foreign ministers in a return of freedoms in return of australian spie Wang Liqiang - Dr Yang Jun - clemancy in a new found cooperation - "state secrets" and the "snake" - lisa (free)- chinese pete (free) dr m.k.wong (retired)
#insiders david spears it was said "are you going to blame Mr Clayton for something that hasn't happened yet"" as a panel member said we will get him on the backslide - as raised Meridith Sheehan and MASTERBATION a sexual favour - see report online Alex Clayton facebook.com why have ABC journalists been offering me sexual favours for years - back to you barry - mike bowers is a two faced lier
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3762534067406037&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz cheif justice gageler.
General Clayton - 7:30 report see ahead of talks with china I am instructed as dr jim chalmers meets with his chinese counterpart as my investigation into the Australian Federal Government concluded earlier as ABC sited the work and so did daniel andrews of the a.l.p - SMMHR and the "STOLEN FORMULA'S" dr jim chalmers and the "rorts" and the scandal wich rocked the U.SGoV and collusion with the Chinese MTMHR/SMMHR and the offshore account of MTMHR and S.I.S MI6 - SEE "PHONE HACKING SCANDAL" AND #MURDOCH AND THE "FORMULAS" AND FRONTWOMEN ITA BUTTROSE and the chinese and the (methonine aspartic inhibitor) - the formula for gold s6-h-Kr=Ri "anti matter engine" all research related written in 1992/93 and the proceeds to c.s.l smythe glaxco and klyne (shell company) and -d.j t "trump industries" - the (hard copy) of the "formula for gold" - stolen by n.d.i.s cleaner ( Indians) handed on by a a.l.p contact to p.m - SMMHR on to u.s president /d.j.t "trump industries. - G.C - press release -18/7/2023 fn: chinese spies in the v.h.d - state secrets fall into the hands of xi jin ping - phyciatrist and chinese spies - C.I.A codes of a spie and the research of Alex m.m Clayton - G.C - L.J.C
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3742582369401207&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz dr jim chalmers - treasurer and the "conspiracy" with dr morley at v.h.d (monash health) to "brand me" a peadophile 
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3580501768942602&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz xi jin ping
#closeofbuisness the l.n.p - Australian Federal Government in 2012/13-15 had a "contract" with d.j.t "trump industries" - 2016-2020 - d.j.t/ u.s president acquired through theft of my n.d.i.s cleaners (Indians) handed of the (hard copy) of the "formula for gold" s6-h-Kr on by a a.l.p contact (Indians) on to p.m SMMHR to the u.s president/d.j.t and as money changed hands in 2016 - 2020 the a.l.p Anthony Albanese rose to power in Australia in 2020/21 and dr jim chalmers expressed his interest in the "stolen formulas" with joe hunter "s" biden/ u.s president I had a pre-existing contact with barack obama /u.s government 2012/13-15 -2016-2020 and have a contract with joe hunters "s" biden/u.s president - 2024/25 - a report for the u.k patents court justice drewett u.k patents court - 14:00P.M A.E.S.T 30/6/2024 - fn: the l.n.p with ABC Australia deleted ALTECISBIT G+ and I lost almost all my work and had to start from scratch
#insiders "host" barry cassidy said to josh frydenburg how much are you prepared to pay to take out alex and lydia
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3566840740308705&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz case file
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3759211741071603&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the murders
#qt p.m said on rorts said the a.l.p and l.n.p accepted bribes to "turn a blind eye" for the murders of ruby and kate #murdoch and #pratt ita buttrose - Lynda Burney said "we are guilty MURDER 1 Lydia" and it was said by the a.l.p m.p as posed the question why did paul keating say "WE WANT MR CLAYTONS FORMULA FOR GOLD AND WE WOULD DO ANYTHING TO GET IT" and Julia Gillard said "we killed his sister's bibi" - as the m.p asked for a record of hansard the p.m at the close of #qt said we are of interest to police n.y.p.d s.o.d he remarked - 19/6/2023.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3569263430066436&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz - "rorts" - a.l.p and l.n.p with bribes "turned a blind eye" in the murders of ruby and kate.
what was the secret ABC Australia was keeping for the a.l.p #insiders cheif whip - is it the a.l.p.stole the first formula -"yes" as n.y.p.d s.o.d agreed
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3480718108920969&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz formulas - 1992/93 ,- a.l.p - paul keating
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2414241898901934&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz mis - appropriation of funds - a.l.p - l.n.p - AuSGoV
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3608349009491211&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the l.n.p and d.j.t "trump industries"
SMMHR - Altecisbit g+ "temple mount" the s.i.u has reported my work on the Mayan Calander and my historical work on the Christian Church with ties to our ancient past is on Altecisbit g+ -so Michelle Guthrie see senate inquiry if you could do somthing to get Larry page to reinstate Altecisbit g+ it would be appreciated by all and Donald j Trump signed 1961 op commander al. #AJNewsGrid
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3206579123001537&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the deletion of ALTECISBIT G+ by the l.n.p and @ABC_Australia
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2247201402272652&id=100009484426712 michelle guthries confession in senate inquiry to organizing the deletion of Altecisbit g+
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2247201402272652&id=100009484426712 cybercrime by @ABC_Australia
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3769179673408143&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz facebook.com - meta a report for mark zuckerberg the hacking of Alex Clayton Facebook.com a report into the parties responsible enclosed in a report to you "sir" could you make the appropriate changes to facebook.com to protect the databases from intrusion and take action against the hackers - your sincerely Alex m.m Clayton - 14:40P.M A.E.S.D.T 16/12/2023
d.j.t - "trump industries" says the formula for gold is his - p.m - SMMHR had my n.d.i.s cleaner steal it for d.j.t "trump industries" in a case of "theft fruad and imbezalment" he says possession is nine tenths of the law - I have a backup copy - it's fruad by d.j.t "trump industries"
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3585914221734690&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz d.j.t "trump industries" cleared of copyright fruad - (deal withdrawn)
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3173106453015471&id=100009484426712 application for "payout" - see government "FRUAD" a report for the cheif justices of the high and supreme court signed general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military - 13/11/2021.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3563089187350527&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz a report for joe "hunter" s biden and coalition partners see "contract" for the formula for gold - u.k patents court a report from the owner of the "formula for gold" - general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military 24/11/2021.
0 notes
altecisbit · 3 months
#buisness elon musk
#closeofbuisness on #china is ready to pay you 2billion dollars al a source of the ABC said in a report we told china he intends on selling to joe hunter s biden on offer 100m million dollars n.y.p.d s.o.d - 16/6/2025 - prepared to discredit this report - ABC journalists - 5% to the clayton sinkovich and 100m in a cross to the states to follow a report on Elon Musk and #china - AuSGoV 380m and 5% to the clayton sinkovich estates
U.SGoV and AuSGoV - #insiders as raised earlier the chinese and the AuKuS #china treaty as #insiders said the chinese ambassador said on trade and the AuKuS #china treaty  - as penny wong in discussion on china
"afternoon breifing" a representative of #tawain do not dispute of AuKuS #china "treaty" who said would be in the best interest of australia
#capitailhill china said how about we bumb him off and don't pay for the formulas as the ABC raised with china the foreign minister was present - the Ukrainian President talks of reuniting the u.n charter after to us learning on his countries involvment in the downing of Mh-17 - G.C - #qt does the Australian Prime Minister.- a representative of the australian government tryed to say I was not dealing in reality as ABC journalist denied for me earlier (nic dole) as the AuSGoV was trying to get the cheif phyciatrist order me to take my medication only as aired the cheif phyciatrist is corrupt according to cheif justice keifel 
In the haste by ABC Australia  to say you want us to carry the can whilst you get away with it REFERANCE to the a.l.p and the murders of ruby and kate - someone has to act in the best interest of our country n.y.p.d s.o.d said the U.SGoV will check if any mystery payments have gone into a.l.p accounts since /1992/93 - paul keating and bribes into accounts as josh frydenburg and MTMHR as "bagman" as we know he had offshore accounts is their a law against that for a sitting politician to have money going into offshore accounts in the cayman islands opened up for the l.n.p in the cayman islands on the behalf of the l.n.p by sir rupert murdoch as the l.n.p treasurer josh frydenburg said in #qt -16/6/2024 - fn: the photo of tony abbott taken after he was australian prime minister - SMMHR - 2016-2020 d.j.t /u.s president - hard copy of the formula for gold stolen by my n.d.i.s cleaner(Indians) - noranda modi comments "if anyone works against the country we will kill him" -fn: AuSGoV sited to be audited for consultants in giving advice in a change of priorities the #closeofbusiness reporter sites the big four in a quote from Claire O'Neil  - seik activists
ABC Australia ABC News why is the Indian correspondent telling me to watch my back on the four corners report on india and #asio indian spies - 15:25-30,P.M.A.E.S.T 17/6/2024
#finance looking forward to four corners report in to #asio indian spies in australia the specail on norandi modi  - "late breaking" - to the p.m by weather girl ABC News - seik activists
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2414241898901934&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz mis - appropriation of funds - a.l.p - l.n.p - AuSGoV
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3608349009491211&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the l.n.p and d.j.t "trump industries"
what was the secret ABC Australia was keeping for the a.l.p #insiders cheif whip - is it the a.l.p.stole the first formula -"yes" as n.y.p.d s.o.d agreed
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3480718108920969&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz formulas - 1992/93 ,- a.l.p - paul keating
china we shamed the chinese leader to xi jin ping in a cheap shot by the a.l.p and ABC Australia
#capitailhill foreign affairs corrospondant makes reference to evidence on Alex Clayton facebook.com and the bribes - see investigation launched by n.y.p.d s.o.d - 17/6/2024 and the chinese premier showing concern over ruby and kate and a expression of interest for my Intellectual property
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3391886454470802&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz AuKuS - china "treaty"
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3249679072024875&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz trade with vladmir putin
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel - gaza state of Israel - arab states - #iran - the exodus - W.A'St'e mark - 9:11:13:8 - scattered israel - son of god ehaid - l.j.c - R.R.C.C
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3797241327268644&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz exodus
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel - gaza state of Israel - the Israelis counteroffensive - "holy war"
General Clayton - dethcon warning #iran - no Iranian  counteroffensive in #iraq and #syria  - #iran - state of Israel - the "dominio effect" - G.C - press release - 17/3/2023 - fn: situation room - joe "hunter" "s" biden/ u.s president national security adviser general mark milley**** #jcos u.s military - G.C - #IRANTALKS - "holy war"
#capitailhill and ABC News Radio said the chinese premier and anthony albanese pleased with themselves
BBC WORLD SERVICE IN A CROSS TO @ABCNewsradio - china xi jin ping - the great hall #insiders - foreign ministers in a return of freedoms in return of australian spie Wang Liqiang - Dr Yang Jun - clemancy in a new found cooperation - "state secrets" and the "snake" - lisa (free)- chinese pete (free) dr m.k.wong (retired)
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3762534067406037&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz cheif justice gageler.
7:30 report - with Sarah Ferguson - paul keating in #qt 1992/93 - raised I was working on the formula for gold "we must contact him" - he said - what happened dr brendan murphy - c.m.o - l.n.p -  who stole the "methonine aspartic inhibitor" - in 1992/93 - 2012/13 - 15 all research related - "formula for gold" -  s6-h-Kr=Ri - "anti matter engine" - einstein's final work the engine for space travell a nuclear reactor with life support systems fully sustainable travelling at light speed - of all work to date it is the most effecient in space travell 
Ionization engine with a - "fully sustainable" - experiment fuelling the engine from a battery producing power for a gas fired engine producing it's own nuclear fuel - mercury - s6-h-kr = rubidium ABC Australia  who deleted all my research of Altecisbit G+ and say they have copies (jeremy fernandaz) ABC News are trying to line up a contract with elon musk copyright fruad djt - @POTUS45 -  "space force" -  and  I wrote the  experiment in 1992/93 2012/13 -15 - 2016 - 2020 - all my research in various stages of development stolen by the Australian Federal Government - "stolen formulas" - Altecisbit G+ was co -  owned by the u.s government -  in a copyright agreement.
General Clayton - I have ABC Australia denying me medical treatment and trying to push me to suicide with a sattilite - "eye in the sky" - starlink - elon musk is after the - s6-h-Kr=Ri - "anti matter engine" -  the ionization engine - for space x - backed by d.j.t/u.s president - a report for joe "hunter" "s" biden - G.C - press release - 21/5/2024 - fn: "space force"
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3253853171607465&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz "einstein's final work"-  by Alex m.m Clayton.
The work on the solid fuel engine einstein's final work engine s6-h-Kr - = Ri - fuel -: see ionization engine earlier work as the radio active battery a self sustainable rocket engine and the work on bonding noble gases and the production of gold - see ABC and BBC WORLD SERVICE WHO BREAK THIS RESEARCH ONLINE - HADRON COLLIDER IN THE REORDERING OF THE PERODIC TABLE AND THE THEORY TO TRAVEL THROUGH A BLACK HOLE - NEUTRON STAR - 12:10-17A.M A.S.D.T 7/3/2023. a hydrogen engine with fully sustainable on board systems a chain reaction to enable space travel (simulation) of the (neutron star) - G.C
General Clayton - joe "hunter" "s" biden/u.s president is  the owner of "my Intellectual property" for the sum of 100m dollars (u.s military service) - a report for justice drewett u.k patents court - 18:35P.M A.E.S.T 15/6/2024 - fn: I await payment as the deal is not confirmed until my admintrator receives payment on my behalf - lydia clayton based on intellectual property written in 1992/93 and theft by AuSGoV and intellectual property written in 2012/13-15 -2024 stolen by AuSGoV - phyciatrict treating teams.
Australian Prime Minister - Anthony Albanese x c.m.o l.n.p dr brendan murphy and the claim by c.s.r.i.o who said had already discovered how to find gold it's a fruad
online - all we need to survive on another planet and space flight - s6-h-Kr=Ri/h/O2(80 mercury)
Ammonia transfer- lipoic acid - Lip(sh)2-Lip - s2  - lipoic acid hydrogen and acetyl carrier phosphenlpyrate - 2 - acetyl -  CoA +  o2 + H2o = iso - citric - lyase and tpp - orthophoshate - N.A.D.P.H = 2 molecules of glutamate - trade name - biotin - methionine aspartic inhibitor - glucose - phosphenlpyrate - 2 - acetyal -  coa + o2 + h2o - catalyst - iso - citric - lyase - malate - synthesise- tissue test - adpose and millennium - biotine _c.s.l to smith glaxco and klyne ®© 17/6/2024
the "formula for gold" s6-h-Kr - the semi oxide process - l.j.c ®© - 28/5/2024
s6-h-Kr=Ri - fusion - fission - excite - h - exchange electron theory with - Ri - radio active isotype attach s6 and Kr to h atom and excite - the fusion will bond the noble gas - to find gold - Alex m.m Clayton ®© - 22:06P.M A.E.S.T 10/4/2024
(O2 -6-3=6 - Ri - Kr) = hydrogen -fuel --s6-h-kr = rubidium.- Ri - Kr  = O2 - 6 - 3 = 6 = 100 x T2/E2 /C2  Rubidium  T = logic therefore (C2 = T X 100 X 1 = M /E2) - RCM = M/CE2 -antimatter- derived from the formula for gold.-= O2 -h -h2 - Ri = Kr- s6 (sum6) - krypton s6 - bonding of a noble gas.-frequency = space - E/M =C2 - C2 = space/ time - time = M/C2 × 100/1= E = C2/M = matter travelling through a black hole  - C.E.R.N ®© 23:41P.M A.E.S.T 10/4/2024
krypton s6  - "anti matter engine" - s6-h-Kr=Ri/h/O2 - (80 mercury) finding a inexhaustible way to store rocket fuel and energy for life support systems s6-h-Kr=Ri/h/O2 (80 mercury) is all that is needed to store as everything else can be produced by the nuclear reactor. ®© 22:45P.M A.E.S.T 10/4/2024
sister pairs of atoms on the periodic table to find new elements (bonding a noble gas  kr - (36) =  s6 (11) = (16) sulphur 6 & 17) = - h (1) - Kr (36) = Ri (37) it's how - I found mercury 80 rubidium 37 extracting rubidium from mercury(80) to find - (s6-h- Kr =Ri) = gold (79) - ((80) mercury - split (excite) the hydrogen atom - s6-h-Kr =Ri - radio active isotype (37)) = gold (79) a new way to look at chemistry - einstein - alex m.m clayton ©®
sister atom (element) of the nuclear isotope - and confirm by the noble gas on the periodic table - the relationship between the noble gas and the isotope sister pairs with sulphur - 6 ( sum 6) - sodium 6 -  it has been established sulphur 6 in formula - and sodium 6 (11) to bond a noble gas - sodium 6 (11):0:33A.M A.E.S.D.T 18/1/2024 © ®
mercury (80) / s6-h-kr (36) a sister element to rubidium (37) s6-h-kr = rubidium extracted from mercury (80) (79)- gold sister pairs of atoms for the basis of element once extracted from each other - (16 ) sulphur and (17) chlorine - s6 (11) - eg: - by a factor of - 1 and 10 x 2 + or - for the isotope and - s6 (11) + - h (1) =  correctly ordering the periodic table ©®
sister atom (element) of the nuclear isotope - and confirm by the noble gas on the periodic table - the relationship between the noble gas and the isotope sister pairs with sodium - 6 - 0:33A.M A.E.S.D.T 18/1/2024 © ®
Formula for gold - s6-h-Kr = rubidium - the extraction of rubidium from mercury to find gold = s6-h-Kr - a nuclear reactor split the (atom) s6-h-Kr formula for gold = O2 - h - h2 - Ri = Kr = s6 - krypton s6 - the chain reaction is the rubidium isotope wich is the fuel for spaceflight it is believed a way of bonding the noble gas sodium 6 with krypton gas in the chain reaction - einstein's final work by Alex m.m Clayton - 17/9/2023 fn: krypton s6 - anti matter engine" isotype - s6-h-Kr=Ri/h/O2 (80 mercury)- finding a inexhaustible way to store rocket fuel and energy for life support systems s6-h-Kr=Ri/h/O2 (80 mercury) all that is needed to store as everything else can be produced by the nuclear reactor.®©23:41P.M A.E.S.T 10/4/2024
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3714721908853920&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz last testament and will of Alex m.m Clayton a report from general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military - 15:37P.M A.E.D.T 30/9/2023
0 notes
altecisbit · 3 months
In the haste by ABC Australia to say you want us to carry the can whilst you get away with it REFERANCE to the a.l.p and the murders of ruby and kate - someone has to act in the best interest of our country n.y.p.d s.o.d said the U.SGoV will check if any mystery payments have gone into a.l.p accounts since /1992/93 - paul keating and bribes into accounts as josh frydenburg and MTMHR as "bagman" as we know he had offshore accounts is their a law against that for a sitting politician to have money going into offshore accounts in the cayman islands opened up for the l.n.p in the cayman islands on the behalf of the l.n.p by sir rupert murdoch as the l.n.p treasurer josh frydenburg said in #qt -16/6/2024 - fn: the photo of tony abbott taken after he was australian prime minister - SMMHR - 2016-2020 d.j.t /u.s president - hard copy of the formula for gold stolen by my n.d.i.s cleaner(Indians) - noranda modi comments "if anyone works against the country we will kill him" -fn: AuSGoV sited to be audited for consultants in giving advice in a change of priorities the #closeofbusiness reporter sites the big four in a quote from Claire O'Neil - seik activists
ABC Australia ABC News why is the Indian correspondent telling me to watch my back on the four corners report on india and #asio indian spies - 15:25-30,P.M.A.E.S.T 17/6/2024
#finance looking forward to four corners report in to #asio indian spies in australia the specail on norandi modi - "late breaking" - to the p.m by weather girl ABC News - seik activists
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2414241898901934&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz mis - appropriation of funds - a.l.p - l.n.p - AuSGoV
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3608349009491211&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the l.n.p and d.j.t "trump industries"
what was the secret ABC Australia was keeping for the a.l.p #insiders cheif whip - is it the a.l.p.stole the first formula -"yes" as n.y.p.d s.o.d agreed
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3480718108920969&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz formulas - 1992/93 ,- a.l.p - paul keating
#capitalhill say china and cohesion and as aired earlier "we say the a.l.p stole the first formula" not thinking we had thought of it as the Ukrainian President tells us the ukrainians being involved in the downing of Mh-17 it appears the U.SGoV and AuSGoV are on board with our investigations it appears from this highlight in proceedings and the bribes started in 1992/93 in a claim of AuSGoV in to human rights abuse by the chinese government - "ironic" - "boom incident"- related to the deaths of ruby and kate (boom incident on record - OURABC can play both if needed) as n.y.p.d s.o.d in negotiations with the u.s president/joe "hunter" "s" biden in a discussion on my payout and his involvment wich n.y.p.d s.o.d swear of his involvment and have asked the u.s president to enter in a discussion tonight explaining his involvment the police say they are in the know - murder solved - news from switzerland
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3391921684467279&id=100009484426712 ",boom incident" and victim impact statement.
#closeofbuisness racheal pappazoni goes live and calls Alex Clayton a lier as she had already agreed last time she was on and said she was not worried with my case file on ruby and kate she said "we will see if the plan works" - as you could see how the plan unfolded in the reports from #capitailhill -16/6/2024 - fn: in the hope it works out for goldilocks and the r.b.a
#closeofbuisness on #china is ready to pay you 2billion dollars al a source of the ABC said in a report we told china he intends on selling to joe hunter s biden on offer 100m million dollars n.y.p.d s.o.d - 16/6/2025 - prepared to discredit this report - ABC journalists - 5% and 100m in a cross to the states to follow a report on Elon Musk and #china
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3731795370479907&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz "contract" with the chinese government - (methonine aspartic inhibitor) - the "formula for gold" s6-h-Kr=Ri - "anti matter engine" a report for the u.k patents court - justice drewett - 13/1/2024
#capitailhill china said how about we bumb him off and don't pay for the formulas as the ABC raised with china the foreign minister was present - the Ukrainian President talks of reuniting the u.n charter after to us learning on his countries involvment in the downing of Mh-17 - G.C - #qt does the Australian Prime Minister have a comment - a representative of the australian government tryed to say I was not dealing in reality as ABC journalist denied for me earlier (nic dole) as the AuSGoV was trying to get the cheif phyciatrist order me to take my medication only as aired the cheif phyciatrist is corrupt according to cheif justice keifel
china we shamed the chinese leader to xi jin ping in a cheap shot by the a.l.p and ABC Australia
#capitailhill foreign affairs corrospondant makes reference to evidence on Alex Clayton facebook.com and the bribes - see investigation launched by n.y.p.d s.o.d - 17/6/2024 and the chinese premier showing concern over ruby and kate and a expression of interest for my Intellectual property
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3391886454470802&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz AuKuS - china "treaty"
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3249679072024875&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz trade with vladmir putin
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel - gaza state of Israel - arab states - #iran - the exodus - W.A'St'e mark - 9:11:13:8 - scattered israel - son of god ehaid - l.j.c - R.R.C.C
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3797241327268644&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz exodus
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel - gaza state of Israel - the Israelis counteroffensive - "holy war"
General Clayton - dethcon warning #iran - no Iranian counteroffensive in #iraq and #syria - #iran - state of Israel - the "dominio effect" - G.C - press release - 17/3/2023 - fn: situation room - joe "hunter" "s" biden/ u.s president national security adviser general mark milley**** #jcos u.s military - G.C - #IRANTALKS - "holy war"
#capitailhill and ABC News Radio said the chinese premier and anthony albanese pleased with themselves
BBC WORLD SERVICE IN A CROSS TO @ABCNewsradio - china xi jin ping - the great hall #insiders - foreign ministers in a return of freedoms in return of australian spie Wang Liqiang - Dr Yang Jun - clemancy in a new found cooperation - "state secrets" and the "snake" - lisa (free)- chinese pete (free) dr m.k.wong (retired)
#insiders david spears it was said "are you going to blame Mr Clayton for something that hasn't happened yet"" as a panel member said we will get him on the backslide - as raised Meridith Sheehan and MASTERBATION a sexual favour - see report online Alex Clayton facebook.com why have ABC journalists been offering me sexual favours for years - back to you barry - mike bowers is a two faced lier
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3762534067406037&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz cheif justice gageler.
General Clayton - 7:30 report see ahead of talks with china I am instructed as dr jim chalmers meets with his chinese counterpart as my investigation into the Australian Federal Government concluded earlier as ABC sited the work and so did daniel andrews of the a.l.p - SMMHR and the "STOLEN FORMULA'S" dr jim chalmers and the "rorts" and the scandal wich rocked the U.SGoV and collusion with the Chinese MTMHR/SMMHR and the offshore account of MTMHR and S.I.S MI6 - SEE "PHONE HACKING SCANDAL" AND #MURDOCH AND THE "FORMULAS" AND FRONTWOMEN ITA BUTTROSE and the chinese and the (methonine aspartic inhibitor) - the formula for gold s6-h-Kr=Ri "anti matter engine" all research related written in 1992/93 and the proceeds to c.s.l smythe glaxco and klyne (shell company) and -d.j t "trump industries" - the (hard copy) of the "formula for gold" - stolen by n.d.i.s cleaner ( Indians) handed on by a a.l.p contact to p.m - SMMHR on to u.s president /d.j.t "trump industries. - G.C - press release -18/7/2023 fn: chinese spies in the v.h.d - state secrets fall into the hands of xi jin ping - phyciatrist and chinese spies - C.I.A codes of a spie and the research of Alex m.m Clayton - G.C - L.J.C
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3742582369401207&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz dr jim chalmers - treasurer and the "conspiracy" with dr morley at v.h.d (monash health) to "brand me" a peadophile 
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3580501768942602&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz xi jin ping
#closeofbuisness the l.n.p - Australian Federal Government in 2012/13-15 had a "contract" with d.j.t "trump industries" - 2016-2020 - d.j.t/ u.s president acquired through theft of my n.d.i.s cleaners (Indians) handed of the (hard copy) of the "formula for gold" s6-h-Kr on by a a.l.p contact (Indians) on to p.m SMMHR to the u.s president/d.j.t and as money changed hands in 2016 - 2020 the a.l.p Anthony Albanese rose to power in Australia in 2020/21 and dr jim chalmers expressed his interest in the "stolen formulas" with joe hunter "s" biden/ u.s president I had a pre-existing contact with barack obama /u.s government 2012/13-15 -2016-2020 and have a contract with joe hunters "s" biden/u.s president - 2024/25 - a report for the u.k patents court justice drewett u.k patents court - 14:00P.M A.E.S.T 30/6/2024 - fn: the l.n.p with ABC Australia deleted ALTECISBIT G+ and I lost almost all my work and had to start from scratch
#insiders "host" barry cassidy said to josh frydenburg how much are you prepared to pay to take out alex and lydia #insiders "host" barry cassidy said to josh frydenburg how much are you prepared to pay to take out alex and lydia - in video below barry cassidy asks josh frydenburg how much is it going to cost you can give me the figure now he replyed well all that information will be available in time - full video a eye opener - cheif justice gageler can supenia ABC Australia records - 00:15AM A.E.S.T 1/7/2024
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3566840740308705&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz case file
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3759211741071603&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the murders
#qt p.m said on rorts said the a.l.p and l.n.p accepted bribes to "turn a blind eye" for the murders of ruby and kate #murdoch and #pratt ita buttrose - Lynda Burney said "we are guilty MURDER 1 Lydia" and it was said by the a.l.p m.p as posed the question why did paul keating say "WE WANT MR CLAYTONS FORMULA FOR GOLD AND WE WOULD DO ANYTHING TO GET IT" and Julia Gillard said "we killed his sister's bibi" - as the m.p asked for a record of hansard the p.m at the close of #qt said we are of interest to police n.y.p.d s.o.d he remarked - 19/6/2023.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3569263430066436&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz - "rorts" - a.l.p and l.n.p with bribes "turned a blind eye" in the murders of ruby and kate.
what was the secret ABC Australia was keeping for the a.l.p #insiders cheif whip - is it the a.l.p.stole the first formula -"yes" as n.y.p.d s.o.d agreed
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3480718108920969&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz formulas - 1992/93 ,- a.l.p - paul keating
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2414241898901934&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz mis - appropriation of funds - a.l.p - l.n.p - AuSGoV
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3608349009491211&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the l.n.p and d.j.t "trump industries"
SMMHR - Altecisbit g+ "temple mount" the s.i.u has reported my work on the Mayan Calander and my historical work on the Christian Church with ties to our ancient past is on Altecisbit g+ -so Michelle Guthrie see senate inquiry if you could do somthing to get Larry page to reinstate Altecisbit g+ it would be appreciated by all and Donald j Trump signed 1961 op commander al. #AJNewsGrid
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3206579123001537&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the deletion of ALTECISBIT G+ by the l.n.p and @ABC_Australia
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2247201402272652&id=100009484426712 michelle guthries confession in senate inquiry to organizing the deletion of Altecisbit g+
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2247201402272652&id=100009484426712 cybercrime by @ABC_Australia
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3769179673408143&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz facebook.com - meta a report for mark zuckerberg the hacking of Alex Clayton Facebook.com a report into the parties responsible enclosed in a report to you "sir" could you make the appropriate changes to facebook.com to protect the databases from intrusion and take action against the hackers - your sincerely Alex m.m Clayton - 14:40P.M A.E.S.D.T 16/12/2023
d.j.t - "trump industries" says the formula for gold is his - p.m - SMMHR had my n.d.i.s cleaner steal it for d.j.t "trump industries" in a case of "theft fruad and imbezalment" he says possession is nine tenths of the law - I have a backup copy - it's fruad by d.j.t "trump industries"
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3585914221734690&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz d.j.t "trump industries" cleared of copyright fruad - (deal withdrawn)
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3173106453015471&id=100009484426712 application for "payout" - see government "FRUAD" a report for the cheif justices of the high and supreme court signed general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military - 13/11/2021.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3563089187350527&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz a report for joe "hunter" s biden and coalition partners see "contract" for the formula for gold - u.k patents court a report from the owner of the "formula for gold" - general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military 24/11/2021.
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onguito · 7 years
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ทองเท่าหนวดกุ้ง #19750บาท #EOD #closeofbusiness #shotoniphone #shotonmoment #momenttele #streetsofthailand #hometownglory #chonburi #สายล่าง #life #dayends #ทำมาหากิน #vsco #แจกทอง (at ตลาดผ้าชลบุรี)
0 notes
onguito · 7 years
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Mood #EOD #closeofbusiness #shotoniphone #shotonmoment #momenttele #streetsofthailand #hometownglory #chonburi #สายล่าง #life #dayends #ทำมาหากิน #mood #vsco (at ตลาดผ้าชลบุรี)
0 notes
onguito · 7 years
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TV time #EOD #closeofbusiness #shotoniphone #shotonmoment #momenttele #streetsofthailand #hometownglory #chonburi #สายล่าง #life #dayends #ทำมาหากิน #vsco (at Chonburi)
0 notes
onguito · 7 years
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Orange #🍊 #EOD #closeofbusiness #shotoniphone #shotonmoment #momenttele #streetsofthailand #hometownglory #chonburi #สายล่าง #life #dayends #ทำมาหากิน #vsco (at @ชลบุรี^^)
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onguito · 7 years
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Sold out #dumplings #EOD #closeofbusiness #shotoniphone #shotonmoment #momenttele #streetsofthailand #hometownglory #chonburi #สายล่าง #life #dayends #ทำมาหากิน #vsco (at ร้านขนมจีบ วรวิทย์ ชลบุรี)
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onguito · 7 years
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Convenience store #เยาวภัณฑ์ #EOD #closeofbusiness #shotoniphone #shotonmoment #momenttele #streetsofthailand #hometownglory #chonburi #สายล่าง #life #dayends #ทำมาหากิน #vsco #โชห่วย (at ศาลเจ้าพ่อหลักเมืองชลบุรี)
0 notes
onguito · 7 years
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The last customer #EOD #closeofbusiness #shotoniphone #shotonmoment #momenttele #streetsofthailand #hometownglory #chonburi #สายล่าง #life #dayends #ทำมาหากิน #ลมโชยเกศา #barbershop #ตัดผม (at ศาลเจ้าพ่อหลักเมืองชลบุรี)
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