iftherebethornsrp · 7 years
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● Remus is the only son of Hope and Lyall Lupin. His father’s failure to hold his tongue brought the wrath of Fenrir Greyback upon him. The wolf waited until late at night and attacked innocent four-year-old Remus while he slept. He didn’t kill, but the boy was given the same affliction Lyall detested. ● Remus lead a lonely childhood. The family moved every time someone became too curious about his “illness.” They lived in constant fear of his discovery and what it would to do Lyall’s reputation and life, though it had already been changed enough. ● He owes Dumbledore a thank you since he doubts his parents would have let him leave the house without his persuasion. Without the headmaster, he would have never met his three best friends, Peter, James, and Sirius. His complete awe in their friendship often leads him to allow them to get away with pranks he wouldn’t let other students.  ● Remus believes he is a monster because of his curse. Fearing it may lash out at any moment leaves him doing his best to be a kind and caring person. ● Despite his internal conflict, Remus is a Marauders through and through. When pranks seem just a little too perfectly planned, he was most likely the one who came up with the locations and timing. Werewolf or not, he is still a teenage boy at the end of the day. ● When not at club meetings, Remus can be found tutoring students in the library or reading in the common area. He finds that books give him a momentary escape from daily chaos and that tutoring makes him feel like he is giving back to Dumbledore for allowing him a place at Hogwarts, at home.
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Marauders: Best friends Lily Evans: Friend and occasional partner-in-crime Marlene McKinnon & Mary Macdonald: Friends and sometimes helps Mary with DADA work Dirk Cresswell: Acquaintance  Gladys Gudgeon: Trusted aquaintance  Bertha Jorkins: Attempts to tutor her, despite her being older, in the hopes she might catch on to something Malcolm McKinnon: Friends
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iftherebethornsrp · 7 years
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● Severus grew up in a dying town on a decaying street in a house that made it feel like there was nothing to live for anyway. ● He loved the songs his father would sing and the rare magics his mother taught him. He hated his father's fists and his mother for leaving magic behind and bringing a son into this hopeless muggle existence. ● Young Severus wanted so much to be more like Lily. He wanted to be good like Lily and shake off all the dark parts of his life. She gave him that hope when she would sit beside him by the lake. ● Eleven-years-old with a surname no one had ever heard, the older Slythrins hated Severus Snape and made sure that he knew it. Scruffy, defensive, and wearing green robes, no one in the other houses liked him much either. ● Beginning in fourth year, the crueler Slytherins now gone from Hogwarts, things began to get much better for Severus in Slytherin, and the effort it took to be good for Lily, already a strain amongst all the other battled he was fighting, started to lag. ● He never thought much about werewolves at all before, but suddenly he was waking each night soaked in sweat and screaming in fear. ● "Mudblood!" he hissed. "Snivellus!" she shot back and the cracking ground their friendship stood on fell away completely. He was sorry. So, so sorry. Lily Evans didn't forgive him, and he stopped remembering why he had been trying so hard for so long. Why had he wanted to be good, when the other vanguards of the light were bullies and would-be murderers? ● Severus doesn't want to curb himself anymore. He doesn't want to repress parts of himself in the feeble hope for acceptance. He wants to leave the muggle world, school, and this small pathetic life behind to test the limits of his abilities. ● He's going to be someone important. He is going to be powerful and he’s never going to think about Lily Evans ever again.
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Lucius Malfoy: One of the first people to care more about Severus's abilities than his blood, they have become close friends in their own cold way. Rabastan Lestrange: Friends Lily Evans:  First and best friend for years, he doesn't miss her. At all. Nope. Not one little bit. Narcissa Black: Friends. He’s in awe of her. Bellatrix Black: He openly despises her. Damian Mulciber:  Darkly infatuated. Encourages Severus's more sinister curiosities (Could be either real friendship or manipulation)
FC: LEE HYUN JAE Status: Closed
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iftherebethornsrp · 7 years
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● Caradoc grew up in a hippie commune with his half blood mother, his muggle father is absent. ● He has a fascination with magical creatures and is very apathetic to all of them, he has his own family of Puffskeins who he’s named after each of The Beatles. ● He also brews his own ‘bathtub rum’ whilst at Hogwarts and is always trying to perfect it and is certain it’s going to make him rich when he sells it. He calls it Dearborn Rum. But batches of it always have hilarious consequences when he gives it to students as a tester. ● He loves playing the guitar and writes his own songs. He adores his muggle side and his wizarding side and incorporates it in his clothing, always wearing badges or pins or non-regulatory clothing. For example, he refuses to wear the school trousers and wears his own black skinny jeans. ● He is quite childish in nature, growing up in the commune. He was taught from a young age that expressing yourself is not a bad thing and to live to your own expectations. ● He’s very anti-war and violence, always preaching about love and peace. ● Although childish, in his nature, it can either come across as endearing or really annoying. He doesn’t agree with a lot of student opinions when it comes to acting your age; he wants to remain a kid as long as possible. ● Despite his staunch view on war and violence, he’s very gallant and will step the aid of a student if needed, but will always exhaust all other options and if it comes down to fighting, he doesn’t retaliate with violence. ● Caradoc is always trying to bring animals back to Hufflepuff. He once got away with hiding a Bowtruckle in his dorm for four days straight, determined to make sure it’s twig like arm was healed before setting it free, but was found out by one of his dorm mates. ● He wants to be a veterinarian and magiczoologist when he leaves Hogwarts and he’s one of the best people to go to if there is something wrong with a cat, owl or toad.   
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Caradoc was born and raised in a hippie commune who regularly moved around England for protests and demonstrations. His father remains unknown, a passing traveller who was there one night and gone the other. Caradoc is not too fussed about it; he loves his mother and the way he was brought up. He believes in being with one with nature and, despite being a member of the commune in the height of the psychedelic era, he has quite an innocent outlook on life. Caradoc loves his house and the family unity they all possess. To him, it’s like living in the community, although his behaviour can sometimes raise eyebrows. Unabashed, he is known to walk out of the showers naked, unfazed as he saw it all growing up, but his openess and lack of embarrassment can make his housemates awkward. 
Caradoc knows what he would like to do when he finishes school: travel abroad and work with animals- he excels at Care of Magical Creatures and eventually he wants to train to be a veterinarian to help aid animals both magical and muggle. Caradoc is fairly good at Quidditch, although not possessing superb talents. When it comes to him to guard those hoops, he’s on the ball and can pull off some unintentional stunts. Overall, Caradoc is a very optimistic, friendly individual who always tries to be his best and to help others, even if they don’t particularly want it. 
Ted Tonks: Best Friend - Ted and Caradoc are constantly at each others side. Both of a softer, sensitive nature they bonded the instant Ted arrived for his first year. Although both can be quiet or tentative around others, they are full of life when together.  Reginald Cattermole: Best Friend #2  Gladys Gudgeon: Friend/Crush - These two have a close relationship, often or not they can be seen studying together or hanging out in the grounds. Caradoc likes Gladys because she’s so driven but he’s still working on trying to curb her need for perfectionism. He thinks she’s perfect anyway.  Lucy Karoonda, Amos Diggory, Galvin Gudgeon: Friends Dirk Cresswell: Friend - a fellow animal lover, these two are the most sympathetic to an animals plight. They regularly head out into the forest in search for them, to study or interact with. Damien Travers & Peter Pettigrew: Enemies (UTP/Mun for optional reason) Mundungus Fletcher: Enemy, due to Mundungus stealing his things.  
FC: KJ APA Status: Closed
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iftherebethornsrp · 7 years
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● Never once has Gladys felt comfortable in her own skin. Sometimes she blames it on her absent father, a man she never got to know. Other times, she wonders if it comes from her mother - a woman so insecure with herself that she can hardly live without a man and had three different children with three different men as a result of it. ● Even after her father, men came in and out of the Gudgeon family lives. Several of them nearly ignored Gladys’s existence, finding her incessant chatter to be downright annoying.  ● Magic has never come easy to Gladys, not that anything has. While her brothers were able to show signs of magic at young ages, she wasn’t even sure she was a witch until her faithful Hogwarts letter came. Her only brush with magic prior to that was taking her mother’s wand and blowing up their kitchen. She didn’t speak for nearly a year after that. ● When she was sorted into Ravenclaw, she had high hopes that it would finally be around other students who heralded learning above all else. Unfortunately, she was even too much of a know-it-all for Ravenclaw, getting labeled as a teacher’s pet even when the professors disliked her for correcting them. ● For four years, Gladys was known as the nerdy know-it-all with the hand-me-down clothes that had once belonged to her brothers or other neighborhood children. It broke her spirit, but she she had to at least try something. Last summer, Gladys spent all of her time working her hind end off to make enough money to afford makeup and clothing, to look like the other girls. ● Returning to Hogwarts was a bit easier this year. Without a hair out of place and armed with lip liner, she came back to school with a new sense of what she wanted to accomplish. Gladys wants everyone to like her. It’s an unrealistic goal, but her perfectionism is not going to let her give up easily.  ● Now Gladys no longer raises her hand first in class. There is no more correcting the professors. The dirt under her fingernails is cleaned out every night, but her dream of becoming a Curse Breaker remains. ● This year, she does not want to be Davey’s baby sister or Galvin’s baby sister or teacher’s pet. Gladys wants to be pretty, liked, and even possibly admired. With every last detail chosen with others in mind, it is unlikely she will ever feel comfortable in her own skin.
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Emmeline Vance: Close friend Gladys looks up to Remus Lupin: Gladys does not know about Remus’s problem, but she knows he is often in pain. Having her own secrets, she never asks for more information than he gives her. All she does is help. Gideon Prewett: Treats him like another brother, but is kinder to him than her actual brothers Davey & Galvin Gudgeon: Brothers Alastor Moody: Confides in him after he found her crying after being bullied Amycus & Alecto Carrow: Is unaware of how dastardly they can be and is becoming friends Augustus Rookwood: Thorn in his side Emma Vanity: Slightly afraid of after years of verbal bullying Doris Purkiss: Close friend
FC: CAMILA MENDES Status: Closed
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iftherebethornsrp · 7 years
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● Rita is one of the school’s top achievers. Focusing entirely on her writing, her essays come with ease, her skills and knowledge when it comes to words enables her to breeze through essays and homework tasks with barely any stress. She likes to be on top, her pride is a fault and a compliment at the same time. ● She is from a privileged upbringing, her parents are a muggle politician and doctor, despite being a halfblood and a pureblood. Whilst this doesn’t put her in the same levels as the Purebloods, she’s still equally as powerful in the muggle world. ● Her heritage comes from the Gamp family, but her grandmother wiped out their status by marrying a muggleborn. Even her own father’s French-African Pureblood family wasn’t enough to raise their stature. ● Rita has an obsession with schedules and being on time. Her motto is ‘Best be a minute to early than a minute too late.” This passion is shared with her best friend and sometimes bed mate Augustus Rookwood. ● Rita believes in Astronomy a lot. As a Capricorn, her personality is literally a Cap in a nutshell. The goat part of the symbol depicts ambition, resolute, intelligence, curiosity but also steadiness. ● Rita has a fear of water and her boggart is a extension of this building on her fear of entrapment. She suffered a traumatic experience as a young child which has left her terrified of pools, oceans and lakes. Her boggart when faced, instantly turns into a cave or wooden box, with only her screams heard on the inside. ● Rita has an uncanny ability to observe and note everything. Her memory is in top shape, something which terrifies her classmates. She could ask someone to pick a random student and she would list all the things they ate for breakfast. This works well in her role of Gossip Journalist in the Hogwart’s school official paper. ● Rita is an enigma to her friends, although she regularly states she hates the majority of the student body, she has found herself due to her previous relationship becoming unnervingly close to Lily Potter and crew. Her regular friends who she deems ‘worthy’ of her presence are Augustus Rookwood, Narcissa Black, Glenda Chittock, Lucinda Talkalot, Emma Vanity and Andromeda Black.
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Augustus Rookwood:  Her best and closest friend. They have a shared love for nearly everything and with their ambition, willpower and intelligence make a deadly duo. They also have a previous love history- they made a deal to be each other’s friend with benefits their sixth year. This was an arrangement which worked out well for them, neither of them interested in pursuing a relationship and although they called it quits, there always seems to be this unregistered sexual tension between them. Narcissa Black:  Her closest girlfriend, she is very protective of Narcissa. Although she knows deep down she isn’t the wallflower she makes everyone believe, she still wants to make sure she’s set for the world she has to accept. She’s constantly letting Narcissa know she has so much potential, but she’s happy for her friend and her betrothal to Lucius. She knows they were paired well. Narcissa in return, keeps Rita up to date with fashion and make up- something Rita tends to ignore in favour of practicality. They will happily gossip about people for hours. Sirius Black:  Monumental pain in her ass. Although these two started off on a rocky patch- with Sirius not being happy she was dating one of his best friends. The past couple months have changed the tension between them. Although she still thinks he’s an absolute moron, she knows his heart is in the right place and secretly she admires him for being the one to take a stand against his family. Amycus & Alecto Carrow:  There is no love lost between these three. Rita regularly drops hints and comments about their somewhat ‘close’ relationship. She despises them and makes it known. Marlene McKinnon & Lily Evans:  Frenemies. Rita wants to believe their intentions of being friends. She’s found herself wrapped up in their bubble and although the dynamic confuses her, she knows those two are a couple of the fiercest witches around and they’re steadily building up a trust no one thought was possible. Peter Pettigrew: Exes (further specifics up to players) Bellatrix Black: Roommates and frenemies Lucinda Talkalot: Close friends Gilderoy Lockhart: Rivals
FC: KRISTEN BELL Status: Closed
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