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spiritusvitaerp · 4 years ago
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“i gathered wild lilies and honeysuckle and bleeding heart”
NAME: Hestia Jones AGE: 17 HOUSE: Hufflepuff
with two much older brothers hestia was well taken care of growing up and at home. she got so much influence from them as a child that their personalities become hers, she was a mirror reflecting other people and struggled to find her own individuality and desires. soul searching was put on the back burner as she continued to simply reflect those around her, believing it was fine, believing it was enough. if she was like her friends they’d like her more, but her naivety caught up to her at hogwarts.
even in a house as tolerant as hufflepuff many found hestia frustrating, she liked what they liked, did what they did and when asked questions she often barely gave an opinion and then returned the question to them. no one knew who she really was and it sowed distrust. hestia finally realized what she was doing was unkind and set out to discover more of herself. it was a struggle to learn what she liked and disliked, in complete earnestness because she was still very much a people pleaser. but by her fourth year she had learned so much about what she wanted out of life and the people around her, her rather fierce attitude shining through with a determination and dependability she didn’t understand before.
Hestia is still a hodge podge girl, all her pieces rather motley and glued together with good intentions. She gives good advice but rarely takes it herself. She’s wicked at a couple sports but trips over her own feet. She earns high marks on most exams but her essays are done last minute under duress. Hestia wants to settle, she feels as if all her atoms are vibrating at all times and she’s tired, she wishes she could just BE sometimes and maybe someday she will. without a war to fight she feels more lost than ever, her brothers are heroes and she’s just  — hestia.
sun slanting in through windows in late afternoon,  overflowing swear jar,  handmade jewelry, heart shaped rock collection, new plants in old coffee cans, a large collection of tea bags,  swing sets at midnight, girl almighty, vulnerable and invincible, lace camisoles, the smell of honeysuckle
+ selfless + dependable
- self-deprecating - pedantic
1. dirk cresswell hestia was drawn to dirk from the very start, he reminded her of her brothers. she is one of the very few that knows he is homeless and without a family outside hogwarts and her desire to help him can often cause conflict between them. but she helps him study and grasps at any opportunity to spend time with him, even if her motives are selfish.
2. fabian prewett yet another boy hestia has tried to mother, even though she’s rather terrible at it. fabian is often unmotivated and she tries to get him hyped for homework when she really mostly annoys the older boy. he often shoots sarcastic remarks her way but she never realizes when he is being serious until it’s gone too far. currently he is avoiding her like the plague and she is fine with that, last year ended on very bad terms.
3. amelia bones amelia is one of the few people who stuck around while hestia figured herself out, and even though she still manages to annoy most people amelia doesn’t seem bothered. hestia learned quite a lot about feminism and politics from amelia and they often have discussions that allow both to argue and let out steam without worrying about offending each other. hestia has only recently become an essay writer for amelia’s homework ring but she really enjoys how illicit it is and that she gets to help people at the same time.
this character is TAKEN for applications and their board can be found HERE.
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lonelygloryrpg · 6 years ago
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holder: dorcas meadowes affiliation: order of the phoenix secret: is a rogue double agent
“the hanged man shows a man suspended, upside-down, from the living world tree, rooted in the underworld and supporting the heavens. given the serene expression on his face, it is believed he is hanging on the tree of his own will. his right foot is bound to the tree but his left foot remains free, bent at the knee and tucked in behind his right leg. his arms are bent, with hands held behind his back, forming an inverted triangle. the man is wearing red pants representing human passion and the physical body, a blue coat for knowledge, and yellow shoes representing his high ideals. around the hanged man’s head is a bright yellow halo showing spiritual attainment, with the grey background suggesting invisibility (a good reminder to not flaunt your spirituality). this is the card of ultimate surrender, of being suspended in time and of martyrdom and sacrifice to the greater good. this is the archetype to meditate on to help break old patterns of behaviour and bad habits that restrict you.”
upright: sacrifice, release, martyrdom reversed: stalling, needless sacrifice, fear of sacrifice 
the hanged man is open / closed.
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selectionhq-blog · 9 years ago
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Oh, aquele ali é FRANCISCO LACHOWSKI? Não não, é apenas GREGORY FLITZ-OXFOARD, um fotógrafo convidado para cobrir a Seleção. Originalmente vindo de ANGELES, o cavalheiro é da casta CINCO e possui VINTE E CINCO anos de idade.
✔ carismático e inteligente;
✘ convencido e tenaz.
Gregory — ou Gregg como prefere ser chamado —  é o filho mais velho da família Flitz-Oxfoard. Nascido e criado na província de Angeles o garoto nasceu, assim como sua irmã mais nova, com o futuro praticamente já escrito pelos pais, um casal de comerciantes bastante respeitados na província. Donos de um dos restaurantes mais requisitados de Illéa, Leonard e Nora já sabiam exatamente o que o futuro reservava para seus filhos. Os dois iram se tornar grandes chefes e assumiriam o negocio de mais de 50 anos da família, afinal essa era a tradição. Seus avós sempre foram donos de restaurantes e foi quando Leo e Nora nasceram que a união entre as famílias Flitz e Oxfoard foi estabelecida, antes mesmo dos recém-nascidos terem consciência do que era ou não um casamento, e mesmo que inconscientemente, eles estavam seguindo os passo dos avos de Gregg e desenhando os passos que ambos os filhos deveriam seguir, exatamente como aconteceu anos atras com Leo e Nora, uma atitude ariscada mas necessária — na visão dos mais velhos — para manter o legado da família.
Quando entrou na adolescência ainda não sabia ao certo o que queria para a sua vida. Tudo que o garoto sabia era que — mesmo com toda a insistência dos pais para se interessar pela culinária, pelo negocio da família — ele não tinha o mesmo amor que seus pais e sua irmã pelo restaurante dos pais, não era aquilo que ele queria para sua vida. Uma voz em sua cabeça dizia que ele precisava daquilo, pelo seus pais. Mas seu outro lado dizia que ele deveria seguir as suas vontade e não se deixar levar pelo que seu pai ou sua mãe julgavam ser o melhor para ele. Trabalhava todas as tardes no restaurante porém sabia que algo faltava, aquilo era mais um obrigação para o menino e tudo que ele queria era fazer algo que lhe chamasse a atenção, algo que ele realmente amasse! Desde muito pequeno o menino sempre mostrou uma certa afinidade com a câmera e era frequentemente convidado para gravar ou fotografar as festas dos amigos e conhecidos, aos 13 anos já tinha um certo amor pela fotografia e pela filmagem, o garoto era normalmente encontrado com uma câmera nas mãos fotografando as belezas de Angeles ou fazendo documentários e pequenos curtas para competições locais. E, de repente, ele encontrou algo para suprir o vazio que sentia ao se ver dentro da cozinha do restaurante, ele não queria aquilo, queria capturar momentos com uma câmera, transformar lembranças em fotografias, aquela era a sua verdeira vocação, seus pais gostassem ou não, aprovassem ou não.
Não foi nada fácil ter que se ver na frente dos pais falando que não era aquilo que ele queria para a sua vida, ele de certa forma amava o negocio dos pais mas não era isso que ele queria. Leo por sua vez não gostou nada da ideia porém o que poderia fazer? Gregg sempre fora bastante cabeça dura e seus pais sabia muito bem que quando o filho colocava uma coisa na cabeça ninguém conseguia faze-lo mudar de ideia, então depois muito discordarem, vendo que nem os melhores argumentos do mundo faria o menino mudar de ideia, acabaram aceitando a decisão do filho, que disse que sempre que pudesse ajudaria no restaurante, ele apenas não iria e não queria dedicar a sua vida toda a isso. Hoje — depois de muitos estudos e força de vontade — O rapaz já é conhecido por Illéa como um dos melhores fotógrafos da região. Com muito trabalho conseguiu abrir um pequeno estúdio fotográfico na província e consegue se sustentar consideravelmente bem, mesmo pertencendo a casta cinco desde que saiu da casa dos pais. Ficou surpreso quando recebeu o convite real para ser um dos fotógrafos da seleção mas não conseguia esconder a felicidade que sentia, estava animado, sabia que depois dessa oportunidade sua vida nunca mais seria a mesma.
Gregg sempre foi um cara bem humorado e de bem com a vida, porém costuma ser bastante convencido as vezes, ele é um garoto muito bonito e bem, ele sabe muito bem disso, mas por estar sempre fazendo piada de tudo, quando seu alter ego aparece todos em sua volta acham que é apenas mais uma das suas inúmeras brincadeiras. Mesmo sendo brincalham Gregg sabe muito bem dividir as coisas, ele sabe a hora de ser serio e acabar com as brincadeiras, se alguma coisa não lhe agrada você poderá se surpreender com seu lado responsável e maduro. Vindo de uma família que sempre presou pela educação, Flitz-Oxfoard é também um garoto bastante inteligente e educado. Gregory também é bastante tenaz, firme e obstinado que nunca desiste daquilo que acredita.
informações básicas sobre o char:
status: indisponível
player: Magu
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stranded-islands--rpg-blog · 11 years ago
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Jayla Wright - 17 - ’ Blunt/Funny/Sweet/Tough’ - FC: Here
Jayla is blunt. She’s tells it how it is but she’s also funny and sweet. She loves to crack jokes every once and a while just so everyone can get a laugh. But she’s tough. She’s violent sometimes because she grew up around boys and won’t put up with anyone’s shit, she will say what she has to in your face and hates fake people, she is very strong for someone who looks so sweet,it may not seem like it but she is very insecure at times, but all together she is a chill person
Encounters: Malik- Boyfriend, Joseph - Cousin, Alexis- Best Friend. Cat - Super close friends
Secrets: ” I’d rather not say.”
Why were you on the cruise ship? Me and my boyfriend were on vacation.
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lonelygloryrpg · 6 years ago
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holder: alecto carrow affiliation: death eaters secret: despises her brother because he is idolized by their parents 
“the queen of swords sits high on her throne with a stern look on her face indicating that no-one can fool her. in her right hand, she comfortably holds a sword pointed to the sky, and her left hand extends as if she has something to offer to others. behind her is a spring sky, different from the winter settings on most other swords cards, and this has an emergence and growth quality to it. the sky is clear, representing her clarity of mind as she considers matters of the intellect. the bird above her head symbolises the mind’s ability to soar above day-to-day issues in order to arrive at appropriate solutions.”
upright: quick thinker, organised, perceptive, independent reversed: overly-emotional, bitchy, cold-hearted
the queen of swords is open / closed.
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lonelygloryrpg · 6 years ago
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holder: mary macdonald affiliation: order of the phoenix secret: lost a child
“under a golden sky, a woman gently pats a lion on its forehead and lower jaw. the woman gazes down at the lion with a peaceful smile on her face and appears to be successfully taming this wild beast. the fact that Strength is represented by a woman indicates that this card is not focused on pure physical strength. she has the infinity symbol above her head, the same symbol seen in the magician. her white robe is that of the innocent fool, indicating a purity of spirit. the blue mountain in the background is the same phallic symbol seen in the lovers. the lion is a symbol of our animal passions and desires. the lion itself is sticking out his tongue. animals that are preparing to bite do not stick their tongues out. this lion is happy to submit and surrender to the woman. the woman overcomes the lion with a quiet strength that can only come from within. her left arm represents mental effort, while the right arm represents physical effort. her right arm is merely holding, while the left arm is exerting all the pressure. she wears a belt and crown of flowers and stands unprotected in an open green field. the crown on her head represents the fullest, most beautiful expression of nature and transient life.”
upright: inner strength, bravery, compassion, focus reversed: self doubt, weakness, insecurity
strength is open / closed.
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stranded-islands--rpg-blog · 11 years ago
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Imani Jones - 16 - ’ Sweet ‘- FC: Zendaya Coleman
Imani has had a rough past with her father abusing and raping her but she’s a survivor. Imani tries her best to make everyone happy so they can never feel sad like how she felt when she was younger. If you need help Imani is there for you. She’s everyone’s friend and she’ll always be there for you. If you think you’re alone Imani is always there. She’s probably the sweetest person you’ll ever know.
Encounters:  Bestfriend - Taylor, Boyfriend - Joshua, Friend - Ashley, Friend- Jason.
Secrets: " Sometimes I get depressed and I hate feeling like that so I might cut myself or take a few pills so  I can be happy again."
Why were you on the cruise ship? I was on vacation with some friends. We never thought we would be stuck on an Island.
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the-islands-rpg · 12 years ago
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Cameron Low - 18 - ’ 'Careless’' - FC : India Westbrooks
Camoeron is the type not to care about thing or anyone's feelings, she says whatever she needs to say and always do what she wants, if she wanted something she would take it without even asking, she is blunt but can be nice.
Encounters: Malik & Jason - Crushes , Taylor & Jayla - Hates them.
Secrets: ” I really like Malik and Jason alot, so...I lowkey want to take them both.”
Why were you on the cruise ship? Have fun, do whatever I want. be myself.
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the-islands-rpg · 12 years ago
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Jayla Wright - 17 - ' Blunt/Funny/Sweet/Tough' - FC: Here
Jayla is blunt. She's tells it how it is but she's also funny and sweet. She loves to crack jokes every once and a while just so everyone can get a laugh. But she's tough. She's violent sometimes because she grew up around boys and won't put up with anyone's shit, she will say what she has to in your face and hates fake people, she is very strong for someone who looks so sweet,it may not seem like it but she is very insecure at times, but all together she is a chill person
Encounters: Malik- Boyfriend, Joseph - Cousin, Alexis- Best Friend. Cat - Super close friends
Secrets: " I'd rather not say."
Why were you on the cruise ship? Me and my boyfriend were on vacation.
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the-islands-rpg · 12 years ago
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Taylor Cummings - 18 - ' Blunt/ Rude' - FC: Here
Taylor straight out tells it how it is and she doesnt care if she hurts your feelings.She has a smartass mouth and a comeback for everything. Shes nice to her bestfriends and some people but most likely you and her wont get along.
Encounters: Imani- Bestfriend, Ashley - Bestfriend , Jason- Friend/has crush on him, Friend- Joshua
Secrets: " I used to be bullied and ever isnce then I never give  a fuck about anyones feelings except the ones I love."
Why were you on the cruise ship? Just here to relax and hang out with friends
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the-islands-rpg · 12 years ago
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Imani Jones - 16 - ' Sweet '- FC: Zendaya Coleman
Imani has had a rough past with her father abusing and raping her but she's a survivor. Imani tries her best to make everyone happy so they can never feel sad like how she felt when she was younger. If you need help Imani is there for you. She's everyone's friend and she'll always be there for you. If you think you're alone Imani is always there. She's probably the sweetest person you'll ever know.
Encounters:  Bestfriend - Taylor, Boyfriend - Joshua, Friend - Ashley, Friend- Jason.
Secrets: " Sometimes I get depressed and I hate feeling like that so I might cut myself or take a few pills so  I can be happy again."
Why were you on the cruise ship? I was on vacation with some friends. We never thought we would be stuck on an Island.
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the-islands-rpg · 12 years ago
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Ashley Williams - 17 - ' Fun/ Joker/ Real' - FC: Jasmine Villegas
Ashley may be shy when you first meet her but that girl is all kinds of crazy. Ashley loves joking around and having fun. She's nice and chill but  you don't want to see her mean side. It's not the prettiest, she will always keep it real with everyone and isn't scared of anything or one.
Encounters: Bestfriend- Taylor, Friend- Jason,  Friend- Imani, Friend- Joshua
Secrets: " I'm an open book. What is there to tell?
Why were you on the cruise ship? Me and my friends were on vacation.
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the-islands-rpg · 12 years ago
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Alexis Howard - 17 - Blunt/Tough - FC: Annabelle Carassco
Alexis grew up with a drug addicted mom & 5 brothers. They’ve taughten her that not everybody’s your friend & how tough she should be. They’ve roughed her up abit but she’d finally kicked they ass one day. Alexis was always real with her friends and if she didn’t like you she’d confront you face to face having no problem slamming her fist into your face. 
Encounters: Jayla - Bestfriend, Ashley - Close Friend, Ciara - Bestfriend
Secrets: None
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the-islands-rpg · 12 years ago
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Ciara Wilson- 17 - ' Rebel ' - FC: Johnna Paige
 Ciara used to be a good girl.She did everything she was told,got good grades,followed by all the rules and never got into any type of trouble. But then her father got remarried and she got a stepbrother who was a total rebel and he introduce her to his ways. Ever since then Ciara has been smoking, drinking, sneaking out, being in gangs, having boyfriend when she wasn't suppose to and getting arrested.
Encounters: Stepbrother- Nick
Secrets: " Me and my stepbrother are fuck buddies"
Why you were on the cruise ship? Me and my stepbother wanted to have more fun ;) 
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the-islands-rpg · 12 years ago
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Erica Simmons- 18 -  ’selfish’ FC: Laced Laya
Erica acts very selfish. She wants the attention to be on her at all times. She acts like she only cares about herself and no one else. If you’re helping someone and ask for her help she’ll straight up ignore you. She’s nice but if you get on her bad side she’ll crack. 
Encounters: Jacob- Brother, Ethan- Boyfriend
Secrets: ” I’m actually very insecure. I act selfish just to make myself feel better.”
Why you were on the cruise ship? ” My parents wanted us too have a “Family Vacation” and look where that went.”
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