#close up from the bday post šŸ˜Š
creative-heart Ā· 3 months
"Make a wish my darling" Enzo Vogrincic x (fem!) reader
A/N: Hi my lovelies! So, given today's my birthday, Happy bday to me! I wanted to post a little fanfic with the oh so handsome Enzo, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ¤žšŸ¤ž I also apologize if bff's name is the same as yours, feel free to change it šŸ˜Š
TW: Just a lot of Fluff, Enzo being the best bf ever, a little hint at smut, mostly some talk and thoughts, 3p POV.
Word Count: 1.4kish
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Y/N half wakes up keeping her eyes closed as she rolls on the bed, arms trying to find the handsome man she shares a bed with to lace around his waist, but Enzo is nowhere to be found, she whines and opens one eye to look around the room sitting up on the bed, ā€œEn, babe?ā€ she calls out softly, voice still raspy with sleep. She huffs atĀ  the lack of response from the dark haired man and lets herself fall back on the bed covering her eyes with one arm for a short minute.Ā 
She hasnā€™t even realized what day it is, her birthday has had no special meaning to her for years, just another regular day. Enzo hated the relationship his girlfriend had with her birthday, to him, it was the most important day of the year, seeing as how that was the date perfection made person had entered this earth, so he was set on making it the most special day ever for Y/N.
Enzo moves around the kitchen swiftly, humming softly to himself as he makes the gorgeous sleeping woman upstairs her favourite breakfast - brown cinnamon sugar french toast, a mocha and some orange juice-. He woke up early today, went out to the florist to get Y/N the most gorgeous tulip bouquet- it was always tulips, she loved how colorful they were- he then made his way to the cake shop, to make sure they would be delivering the birthday cake he had ordered for her, later on that day to Pipeā€™s house, they had decided to throw her a surprise party at his place as it was the one with the biggest garden. When he got home he had made sure she was still sleeping, and started making her breakfast to take to bed.
The dark haired guy wants to make this tradition, breakfast in bed with flowers, a showering of gifts, from whatever sheā€™s got in her Amazon cart and or whislist, to anything heā€™s seen her looking at a second too long through the window of any shop and a book, always a book. Y/N loves reading and is always in need of something new to graze her brain with. Heā€™s so far in his own world, dancing around the kitchen lightly that he doesnā€™t even hear Y/N coming down the stairs, she sees him and rests her body against the kitchen island ā€œdidnā€™t know you were a dancer on top of being an actor my loveā€ she chuckles lightly. He jolts slightly and turns around surprised, seeing her.
ā€œNoo, youā€™re supposed to still be asleep princessā€ he whines coming over to place a quick kiss on her lips, before making her turn around and go back upstairs.
ā€œWha-why? Iā€™m hungry and I can smell the french toastā€ she whines giving him her best puppy dog eyes- god those eyes, heā€™d do anything for those pretty hazel eyes-Ā  but turns her back around.
ā€œNo, today itā€™s breakfast in bed for the birthday girlā€ he leans over her and whispers in her ear ā€œHappy Birthday my loveā€.
Y/N frowns and crosses her arms definitely not liking this attention ā€œno, I WILL NOT be having breakfast in bed, come on En, you know I hate my birthday, canā€™t we make it a normal day?ā€ she sighs as his boyfriend shakes his head, the most boyish, devilish, loveliest grin on his face.
ā€œI know you do, and Iā€™ve made it my lifeā€™s mission to make you love this day once again, but I can give into breakfast down hereā€, he hugs her tightly bringing her into his chest and kissing the top of her head long as he feels the blonde woman wrap her arms around his waist nodding softly.
As the day goes on, he makes sure to repeat to Y/N happy birthday every 5 minutes, giving her a present for each year of life. Theyā€™ve been sitting on the couch for a while now, as she opens the last of the presents, a weirdly wrapped box, Y/N gives Enzo a confused look as she tears the paper open revealing a container with several little holes on it and looks back at it ā€œwhat is this love?ā€ she asks confusion evident in her tone as she opens it with a gasp and teary eyes, seeing the tiny calico kitten and picking it up out of the cardboard carrier ā€œare you serious Enzo? oh god, I canā€™t believe it, sheā€™s absolutely adorable, look at that little faceā€ she coos in a soft tone as to not scare the kittenĀ a few happy tears rolling down her face.
ā€œOf course Iā€™m serious honey, I know how badly, and for how long youā€™ve wanted a cat, and she just looked perfect at the shelter, I couldnā€™t resist, you should give her a nameā€ his smile brighter than ever looking at the love of his life beam like a 5 year old on christmas morning.
ā€œSheā€™s Harlow, little Harleyā€ she wipes the tears from her cheeks and kisses the top of the catā€™s head ā€œmama loves you little Harleyā€ Y/N leans back against her boyfriendā€™s chest as Harlow makes herself at home on her lap.
Y/N looks at, well she more like stares at Enzo through the reflection in her vanity mirror while he gets ready for wherever heā€™s taking her this evening, of course he has said nothing about the place, or event.- I could very well not go anywhere right now and just bring him over here and..Make up, focus Y/N- ā€œbabyā€¦ā€ she says in the most seductive way she can master right now ā€œwhere are we going?ā€ she bats her lashes at her boyfriend, and for a moment she almost had him, before he chuckles shaking his head.
ā€œAlready told you itā€™s a surprise, and as much as I would want to stay here, and take that sexy fucking dress off youā€¦weā€™re gonna be late if you donā€™t hurry my love, so please, donā€™t try thisā€ he places a long kiss on her cheek and walks downstairs still buttoning his shirt. He laughs as he hears Y/N huff loudly at his response.
Not long after Y/N finally walks downstairs, while getting her earrings on, black satin mini dress on, matching high heels and her hair in the most exquisite high pony tail. Enzo looks up from his phone as he was arranging the last details for the party and looks over at his girlfriend, eyes immediately darkening at the sight biting his lower lip, taking an extra moment to scan the gorgeous woman in front of him- those goddamn legs are gonna be the end of me- he thinks to himself. Y/N catches him staring and smirks ā€œchanged your mind Vogrincic?ā€ she states in a low teasing tone and laughs at the growl she gets in response. Grabbing her bag she holds his hand making their way to the car.
Y/N looks out the window as they drive, Enzoā€™s hand on its natural place on her inner thigh. She frowns in confusion as they park outside Pipeā€™s house ā€œwhat are we doing here?ā€ she looks at Enzo.
ā€œI just need to pick something up babe, come on, letā€™s go and we can be on our wayā€ he smiles innocently and gets out wrapping his arm around his girlfriendā€™s waist making their way in.
ā€œSURPRISEEE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/Nā€ a chorus comprised of the whole cast, plus Y/Nā€™s friends comes at her like a million waves as soon as they step into the house and she freezes in her step looking around before looking up at Enzo with teary eyes.
ā€œDid you-Did you know?ā€she whispers and sheds a tear at his nod and proud smile ā€œyou planned thisā€ she keeps whispering and looks over as her best friend Bella walks over with the most gorgeous birthday cake- decorated with pastel buttercream tulips all over-, candles lit as everyone singing happy birthday to her. Y/N stands there hand over her mouth trying not to keep crying so that she wonā€™t ruin her makeup and looks around before looking at the cake.
Enzo keeps his firm arm wrapped around his girlfriendā€™s waist and leans in whispering in her ear ā€œmake a wish my darlingā€. She closes her eyes, trying to think of what to wish for, taking some time to finally realize, everything she could have ever wished for is right there, in front of her, the most loving boyfriend, a huge group of friends who would do anything to see her smile, and the first birthday that sheā€™s truly enjoyed, for this time, it wasnā€™t spent alone on a huge solitairy house, but surrounded by love and laughter.
A/N: Oh What I'd give to spend my bday with that man loving on me šŸ„°šŸ˜
@madame-fear @cyliarys-starlight
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cheolhub Ā· 11 months
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ABOUT THE EVENT ā˜¾ā‹†ļ½”š–¦¹ Ā°āœ©
HELLOOOOO! ok first of all, no one comment on my header (unless ur complimenting it šŸ˜Š), i dropped my art minor after 3 months bc i lack artistic skill and iā€™ve made it very clear here. NEXT, itā€™s not MY birthday but cheolhub will officially be a YEAR old on the 26th of august & i wanted to celebrate with a lil sleepover event :> i've had so many ups and downs while running this blog and have almost abandoned it more times than i can count, so i just want to say CHEERS to cheolhub (aka sar aka me) for making it this far <3 i am eternally grateful for every kind message, every piece of feedback, and everyone who has been supporting me and my silly lil blog. i love u guys sm and wouldā€™ve been long gone without you T^T <3 i hope you'll join the celebration!! -3- and if this flops, youā€™ll never hear from me again /j /j /j
i knowww itā€™s early, but i start uni classes again next week (my last semester, yay šŸ˜») and i wanna have time to do an event T-T
SLEEPOVER DATES ā˜¾ā‹†ļ½”š–¦¹ Ā°āœ©
this event runs for about two weeks! from sunday, august 13th to sunday, august 27th. any asks sent after august 27th will be deleted!
please note that iā€™ll still be working on asks (if i have any left) even after the event is closed.
EVENTS ā˜¾ā‹†ļ½”š–¦¹ Ā°āœ©
ļ¼ā˜…ļ¹•į¶»ļ¹LET'S EATļ¹’
ā˜†ļøŽ who's hungry? šŸ‘¹šŸ½ request a short (less than 1k) drabble and you shall receive. i will be writing the first 5-10 requests due to my busy uni schedule :3 ā€” choose a prompt (or two) from this prompt list + a member from seventeen, txt or the boyz! [closed] (ik the list isnt numbered, so just copy + paste ur preferred prompt(s) ><)
ā˜…ļøŽ mtl for seventeen and txt! [open]
ā˜†ļøŽ hard hours for any group i write for! [refer to my guidelines to see who i write for] [open]
ļ¼ā˜…ļ¹•į¶»ļ¹ TIME 4 SELF CAREļ¹’[open]
ā˜…ļøŽ let's do the things that make us happy! what makes us happier than being delusional and horny? you guessed it! being shipped with a hottie šŸ˜» ā€” this is the SHIP GAME + iā€™ll give you a silly little trope to kickstart ur epic romance
ā˜†ļøŽ OR opt for a personalized moodboards or playlists based off the vibes you give off! (mutuals can get both a moodboard and playlist if theyā€™d like bc i would diy for all of u -3- just say u want both so i know<3333)
note: anonymous senders, please send me a few bits of info like your mbti, ult group and/or bias (does not have to be a group i stan!), star sign (big three if you know it), favorite color, etc. basically anything you want to share + one of the options above. mutuals can ask for any of the above, but providing info is totally optional!!
ļ¼ā˜…ļ¹•į¶»ļ¹WANNA PLAY A GAME?ļ¹’[open]
ā˜†ļøŽ q&a!
ask me anything! favorite movie, how i got into writing, what i do when iā€™m not writing, why i only ult leaders etc. but please nothing too personal!
ā˜…ļøŽ my opinions on literally ANYTHING!
ā˜†ļøŽ ask me for fic recs or give me fic recs!
ā˜…ļøŽ fuck, marry, kiss (not kill bc i do not condone violenceā€¦ not on here at least /lh)
ā˜†ļøŽ would you rather
note: you can send as many of these as youā€™d like :p i like answering them <3
RULES ā˜¾ā‹†ļ½”š–¦¹ Ā°āœ©
everything for this event will be tagged under #[ birthday bash ! ] you can block the tag to avoid seeing the posts!
please make sure to get your ask in within the time frame (aug 13th-27th)
minors, please please please do not interact!
be respectful and patient! ā€” the drabbles, mtls & hard hours may take longer for me to get through, but iā€™ll try my absolute hardest to get them done in a timely manner <3
when sending an ask, be sure to mention the event so i can differentiate between those and my regular asks :)
have fun! ā­ļøā­ļø
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redpiperfox Ā· 1 month
red it is i
šŸŽ± ā‡¢ post your AO3 total stats
On this lovely last Friday in May~
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šŸ›¼ ā‡¢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
...I am constantly working on multiple projects at the same time lol SO I will give you five emojis for five wips I'm cycling thru!:
šŸ„ ā‡¢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Ooooooh I dunno if you want me to do this one šŸ˜… Some friends can tell you-- my skzitzy headcanons go WILD lololol
Okay um... ah! Chan had mentioned previously how he's close to Yeji because she asks him about a lot of "leader" stuff, and Yeji mentions (and models lol) how if she isn't really good at something or has no interest in it, she's really not good at it, and she had no initial interest in the Itzy plan to be leader. So I headcanon that between Chaeryeong shouldering a lot of official leader things (canon: she would have been leader if she wasn't on the maknae end, and she's been the first to go do solo PR for the group), Chan has literally given Yeji a Do What I Do policy, and Yeji has done that (there's a lot of little ways in which she relates to fans and tries to approach things that are very Chan-like, and I say that because Chan does things in a very atypical way to kpop XD)
....I'll stop with that one haha
šŸŖ ā‡¢ name three good things going on in your life right now
Only three!!!!!
1. I have gotten time to write and paint post graduation!
2. I have a scheduled date for license exam and have been able to study pretty diligently, which is unexpected bc I really thought it would be harder post graduating to get back into the books haha
3. All the animals outside our house have been so funny haha they're endless amusement to me, they're absolutely sitcom material lol
šŸ”Ŗ ā‡¢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
.... I shoudn't answer-- OKAY WELL the LEAST weird thing is when I watched coleydoesthings' mini research vid on a/b/o history and stuff? Only... I don't really usually write a/b/o... šŸ˜…
I've looked up the usual-- murdee things, random chemical irregularities, space physics, kpop idol bdays to make sure I'm keeping everyone in approximate age-order, kpop names bc I only know them by stage name, niche interviews, drowning scenes, torture scenes.. I have a couple of my fav angsty movie clips and/or kpop moments that'll get me in a very niche mood I sometimes need to write? Idk if that counts XD
šŸŒæ ā‡¢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
EMBRACE IT! And try to see what it's there for? Sometimes, it's a period of consuming media, and doing "fic research" in enjoying storytelling styles and methods you wouldn't have considered in your muse-inspired hazes. Sometimes, it's a good handbrake your brain has to keep from being burnt out by your hobby! But sometimes, if it is a thing that really isn't being shaken off and you'd like it to be-- challenge yourself. Write even when it's uncomfortable. Have a dump AU that's nonsensical and crude and serves only to work the muscle again. Ask other people for random tags and ideas to give your brain something new to work with. If bullet pointed ideas are all you can do, do that! Just keep writing, and somewhere the writing muscle will remember how to do it's thing, or grow into something stronger, and the muse will be working through you again šŸ˜Š
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illfoandillfie Ā· 1 year
For the Bday Blurbs: Would you please write a smutty/fluffy sequel to your Advent 2020 blurb ā€œBaby Daddy Rogerā€? Like maybe itā€™s Roger and Readerā€™s first night alone after their baby is born and include the prompts #61.Daddy kink and #73. Makeup sex from the prompt list tag because they've been little short with each other because theyā€™re exhausted from taking care of a newborn and they miss their old dynamic that they fell a little out of after the birth. Thank you! Have a lovely birthday! šŸ˜Š
okay this didn't turn out at all smutty oops. defs more fluffy and perhaps a bit angsty. but i hope you like it anyway!
You knew things would have to change once the baby was born. Your routines had to accommodate a whole new, tiny, person after all. Most things were expected. Feedings, bathings, remembering to pick up nappies when you picked up milk and bread. Youā€™d been prepared for all of it. Friends whoā€™d given birth had warned you about how your intimate areas would be affected and had given you tips about saline solutions for milk blisters and frozen condoms for post-birthing pain. Books youā€™d read had offered advice for getting your newborn to latch on properly while you breastfed and what position he should be sleeping in. And Roger was an invaluable partner. His experience with having kidsĀ made you feel less anxious about getting things wrong, and you knew you could always count on him. But there was one thing that no one had thought to mention. Not your friends, not your books, not even Roger. Ā 
Your usual dynamic was not so easy to maintain once your son was born. At first you didnā€™t really notice. Sex was the furthest thing from your mind as you worked out how to be a mother. Your body still hurt from the process of being pregnant and then going through labour. You were constantly exhausted, unable to shower as frequently as you had before giving birth, and your mood fluctuated constantly. Even after you stopped feeling so sore and started feeling a little horny, you and Roger were usually much too tired to actually do anything. But your dynamic had never just been about the sex. The biggest part for you was the comfort of being taken care of, especially while youā€™d been pregnant. But now both of you had a baby to focus all that affection and care onto. Ā 
The weeks passed and it began to become clearer that your dynamic wasnā€™t quite what it used to be, but the differences were hard to pinpoint. Your son was getting better about sleeping, which meant you werenā€™t always as worn out anymore. Feeding was easier, and youā€™d got the bath time routine down to an art. And Roger was still loving and sweet, just not in quite the way you wanted.Ā It made you feel bad sometimes, worried you were being too selfish. You were thrilled Roger was so hands-on and such a good dad. But you needed more than a few quick kisses and his fingers brushing your hair back when you fell asleep on the couch. You missed the stern way heā€™d talk to you when you didnā€™t prioritise your own wellbeing, the way he made you feel so safe and relaxed because you knew he was looking after you. He was still getting what he needed, the sense of control and the opportunity to be a caregiver for someone else. But you were also playing that roll and rarely had a chance to let it drop. And as it all became clearer to you, Roger too began to put together that something was amiss. Ā 
A few months after youā€™d givenĀ birth he decided to surprise you. Heā€™d been watching closely, paying attention to indications of your stress and discontent. At first heā€™d put it down to postpartum depression or at least stresses of new motherhood. Heā€™d tried to help you as much as he could by taking the baby off your hands so you could rest and just generally being supportive, but that didnā€™t really seem to help as much as he expected it to. Your mood was still off, you would snap at him more frequently, and he could see the tension in your shoulders. It took a lot of consideration, thinking back to what youā€™d been like before the birth, as well as a couple of conversations with trusted friends, before he put the pieces together and realised heā€™d been neglecting you. So he organised something special to make it up to you. Ā  ā€œIā€™ve got a surprise for you. Tonight.ā€Ā  ā€œA surprise?ā€ you asked, confused at what had brought it on and what he could possibly have planned.Ā  ā€œYour mum is going to stay the night.ā€Ā  You frowned in confusion, ā€œOkay? Why?ā€Ā  ā€œSheā€™s going to look after bub so we can have a night to ourselves. I booked us a hotel.ā€ When you kept staring at him Roger continued, ā€œI thought it might be nice to just have some time for the two of us.Ā I think we need it.ā€Ā  The rational part of your mind recognised the gesture for what it was ā€“ a display of love, a way to show he wasnā€™t just thinking of the baby. But you were tired, and annoyed, and youā€™d have preferred to be consulted before Roger called in your mother. ā€œAre you kidding? Have you seen the state of this place? Now I have to add a bunch of cleaning into my day to make the houseĀ presentable.ā€Ā  ā€œYour mum isnā€™t going to care about that.ā€Ā  You ignored what you knew to be a valid point, ā€œAnd Iā€™m not even sure Iā€™m ready to be away from my son for that long yet. Heā€™s still breastfeeding Rog. I can pump and leave some bottles but what if he wonā€™t drink from them?ā€ Before Roger could interrupt you continued, ā€œAnd a hotel? Really? Pretty fucking presumptive donā€™t you think.ā€Ā  As if heā€™d sensed your mood, the baby started wailing from his cot. Ā  ā€œY/N, cā€™mon. You need this.ā€Ā  ā€œWhat do I need, Roger? Your cock?ā€Ā  ā€œThatā€™s not what I-ā€Ā  ā€œI canā€™t do this right now,ā€ you sighed, hurrying to check on the baby. The front door crashed while you were rocking him and you assumed Roger had left.Ā 
If youā€™d thought that was the end of it, you were wrong. Roger returned a few hours later having cooled off, and headed straight up to your bedroom. You hated that youā€™d argued when you knew he was just trying to do something nice for you and so followed, hoping to smooth things over. But when you reached him he had two overnight backs out and was packing clothes into them. A wave of panic made your breath catch and you steadied yourself with a hand on the doorframe, worried he was leaving you. Until you noticed that half the clothes he was packing were yours.Ā  ā€œWhat are you doing?ā€ You hoped you sounded more curious than accusatory, wanting to avoid another fight. Ā  ā€œI told you before, weā€™re going to a hotel tonight.ā€Ā  ā€œRoger I-ā€Ā  ā€œNo, listen Y/N. This isnā€™t about sex. I canā€™t be the only one to notice how tense itā€™s been lately. Iā€™ve been wracking my brains trying to work out why and I think I figured it out. Iā€™ve been so focused on being a good dada to him that I havenā€™t been a very good Daddy to you. I mean Iā€™ve been trying to help...ā€Ā  ā€œItā€™s okay Rog, we have a pretty good reason our attentionā€™s not been on it and you have been so helpful.ā€Ā  ā€œLet me finish Y/N.Ā I know having a baby isnā€™t easy, I know how much youā€™re dealing with, and I think you could use a night away from all the pressure. I want to look after you properly. So I thought it would be easiest to get out of the house. We can order room service and cuddle up in front of the telly. If you want anything physical, you know Iā€™m happy to provide that. And if not, we can just talk, maybe try and figureĀ out how this thing works now that we have a kid. Okay?ā€Ā  You felt yourself welling up before Roger had even got to the end of his speech and all you could do was nod in agreement, relieved more than anything else.Ā  ā€œGood girl. Now go and get our toothbrushes for me and anything else you want to bring. Your mumā€™ll be here soon.ā€Ā  When he gave the direction, his voice had taken on the once-familiar commanding tone youā€™d not heard for so long. It felt so nice to let him take the lead again, to give up some control to him, and you couldnā€™t help but smile as you ran to obey his order. Roger was right, you did need a night off and some time to discuss how to make all the complicated pieces of your relationship fit together properly. Plus the idea of being able to have a long hot bath, and a really good dinner was beyond exciting. Ā 
Roger was smiling too when you brought him the toothbrushes, his soft gaze meeting yours as he took them from you and tucked them into hisĀ bag. Ā  ā€œAnything else?ā€ you asked, keen for another taste of submission.Ā  ā€œJust one thing.ā€Ā  You giggled as he tugged you close, fitting his lips to yours in a deep kiss. The kind youā€™d not had for far too long. You were interrupted by your mother arriving, the evening punctuated by first the buzzĀ of the doorbell and then by the startled cry of your son. Ā  ā€œIā€™ll get bub,ā€ Roger said tracing his thumb over the corner of your mouth, ā€œYou go let your mum in before she rings that bloody bell again.ā€Ā  You nodded and rushed to the door thinking that, if he kept kissing you like that, you might need something other than talk. Ā 
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sergio-para-siempre Ā· 1 year
Hi. How are you? I'd like to ask you something, an opinion so to speak. Feel free to not engage if I am being inconvenient. It's just you seem really really fond of Sergio. You mentioned you're married and you display a very mature approach towards all subjects. I'm 37 and can't talk much about him with my friends. They look at me like I'm the second season of The Last of Us yet to be shotšŸ˜… The thing is I like Pilar a lot. I see many differences between her and Sergio but this is healthy and, besides, I believe they coincide in the real important life values. Otherwise they would not be raising 4 happy children together. However, she seems completely disconnected from his family. It seems to be getting worse. I think he doesn't give 2 fucks, pardon my language, keeps going strong between the 2 of them, but it sure must be a source of tension. Do you have any thoughts on that, any understanding of what the reasons are? I remember Mirian being glued to Pilar, all of them going fishing on sales in Madrid. And since he decided to make their union official in the church the relations derailed. When they released the clip, there is Pilar coming down the aisle, Sergio was crying and Paqui was looking at her as if she were going to commit murder... Idk. I just needed to vent after Alex's bday. Idk if it is possible for you to answer privately. Don't want to bring drama to your page which is hyped, good humored and full of easter eggs - La Cibeles tattoo was a killer ā™„ļø I let out a little uhuuu and came here to check if you had already seen it šŸ˜… Have a great week.
Hi šŸ˜Š I'm gonna try to answer this somewhat coherently, but i can't promise anything šŸ˜‰
So first of all, i'm gonna say i'm in a somewhat similar situation with my mother-in-law or family-in-law for that matter. She's a perfecty nice woman, i just don't have anything in common with her, like our personalities and our outlook on life are so different, that honestly i don't think she really knows what to do with me or how to talk to me (and we've known each other for almost 20 years). It's just what happens sometimes and granted my husband isn't nearly as close to his family as Sergio is, but at some point you find a way that works for everyone and it's really not that much of an issue. It's a bit sad maybe, but some families just aren't that close.
As for Pilar's relationship with Sergio's family. I agree, it doesn't seem to be all that close, but i don't think there's any bad blood between them either. They do spend most holidays together, they went to Paris for New Year's and so on.
i actually think there are two reasons why it might seem lately that they don't get along anymore.
One, Pilar is generally very aware of how she presents herself on social media. Most of her posts are for her career and even the more candid ones are usually from photo shoots or are staged in a way to portrait her in a certain image. I'm mean it's what social media is for when you're basically an influencer. But if she's in Sevilla with Sergio (and his family) she probably doesn't want to get dressed up and put on a full face of make-up, so sometimes i feel like she deliberately steps out of the pictures and videos to keep her privacy (if that makes sense).
And they've never been a couple who did everything together. They've always been pretty independent with their own circle of friends and their own hobbies and i guess it wasn't that much of a problem when they were still in Madrid and Pilar had all her friends and family close (I remember Sergio saying once how envious he was of her that she still had all her old friends around), but now that they're living in Paris, with their jobs and the kids, they only have so much time left for their friends and families, so i guess it's easier sometimes to just spend their days off separately with their own circle of people.
And i totally agree on the values part. They definitely seem very similiar in how they want to live their lifes and how they want to raise their family and in my opinion that's way more important for a healthy relationship than sharing the same hobbies or tastes. You're gonna have to agree on the big things and at least from the outside it looks like they do.
Anyway, i hope this makes at least some sense šŸ˜Š
I hope you have a great day too and thank you for enjoying my blog šŸ˜˜
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etes-secrecy-post Ā· 10 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
ā€¢ What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
āš ļøNEW RULE!Ā (W/ BIGGER TEXT!)āš ļø
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the postā€¦ā†“
Title: Happy 27th Birthday Bryan360
Hello, September! It's my šŸ„³šŸŽ A-Pal's 27th Birthday! šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‰
ā€¢ Featuring the Speedster Four celebrating dancing while rocking their clothes from @bryan360's OCs (Maxwell šŸ°šŸ–Œļø, May šŸ°šŸ‘ŠšŸ’„, Sam šŸ¦Šāš½ļø, and Mikey šŸ±šŸŽ§ [A/W Clothes])! And yes, I decided to make an inspiration to his artwork from May, during my 30th birthday ā†’ [CLICK ME!]. That was a blast, I would say, and I can't celebrate without A-Pal. šŸ˜Š And since he's a Puerto Rican native, I put a Spanish word of "Happy Birthday", just to make very appreciate. šŸ˜šŸ‡µšŸ‡·
BTW: Do you think, Miya & Aace could keep Sam's & Mikey's clothes respectively adding to their wardrobes? I can't wait to hear from Sam & Mikey. šŸ˜Š
Nonetheless, here are something to say:
Spot šŸ¶šŸŽļø (wearing his owned Maxwell clothes): Happy Birthday, bud! šŸ˜
Riya šŸ°šŸŽļø (wearing her owned May clothes): And many wishes from us! šŸ˜„
Miya šŸ°šŸ»šŸ”‹ (wearing her soon to be owned Sam clothes): Yeah-yuh! You deserve it, our goody ol' legit amigo! šŸ˜
Aace šŸ¶šŸŗā­(wearing his soon to be owned Mikey A/W Clothes): Yes siwr! By presents & a delicious Bday cake! You owned it, pal! From yours truly, the "Speedster Four"! šŸ˜„šŸŽ‚šŸŽ¶šŸ“»
Miya šŸ°šŸ»šŸ”‹ (wearing her soon to be owned Sam clothes): As for Brown keeping my clothes (from May), of course not! šŸ˜ I've already give it to Mikey, and now to you, bud! Because you've already gave me some of your clothes, and man, you looked FURFECTO, my compadre! šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘
Aace šŸ¶šŸŗā­(wearing his soon to be owned Mikey A/W Clothes): Yes siwr! And I loved Mikey's A/W clothes! Yeah, we haven't met yet, but hope we could meet up, anytime! šŸ˜Š
Well, that's all for now! And...
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The Speedster Four (Spot, Riya, Miya, and Aace) - created by ME!
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hoghtastic Ā· 26 days
So, my opinion from the shit show since Alex's bday. Of course it was he r chance to post him again and hey understandable bc he Is her boyfriend, but... she goes back on tour and he spend time with friends celebrating a big release party so she Plays sick for 2 days and makes a big post about it. She didn't when she skipped out and he had "date night" when he was supposed to be at a convention but I digress. she kinda made him look bad. Sick and suffering while her bf was out partying. Then silence and he had to go on tour and stroke whe ego and photograph her and the cast to make up for it. He can't spend time with a dear friend and celebrate friends accomplishments?? Now he skipped the Danish Red Cross bday as an ambassador and didn't even post the promo video on his own IG.?? and she is out "Blogging at a jewelry party. Did he have to go with her? Like what the fuck is wrong with Alex?? The narcissistic cycle continues and it seems more and more blatant to me. I agree Alex looked terrible in New photo shoot and interview. having children in this environment is just scary to me!! I am at a loss that No one close to him has concerns..
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on these matters, anon. šŸ˜Š
"She didn't when she skipped out and he had "date night" when he was supposed to be at a convention but I digress. she kinda made him look bad. Sick and suffering while her bf was out partying." ā€” I personally hadn't considered it from this perspective, but wow... I do think you have a point! šŸ˜•
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tom-whore-dleston Ā· 2 years
His Darling
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x f!reader
Genre: Smut (Lemon) & Fluff
Warnings: pwp (I'm serious when I say there's no plot), missionary sex, sorta praise kink, romantic sex, cumshot, aftercare
Word Count: 451
Beta Read: N/A
*All mistakes and errors are mine*
Notes: Yeah, I'm behind on Fuckuary. Yeah, I skipped days 4-8. But it's fine, I'll catch up...eventually. Fun fact: today is the anniversary of posting my first fic on here, which is pretty damn cool! And if it wasn't obvious already, this was meant to be for Hiddles bday lol Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed what you read šŸ˜Š
Fuckuary Day 9: Missionary - Tom Hiddleston
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Banners by @maysdigitalarts
Navigation | Main Masterlist | Tom Hiddleston Masterlist | Fuckuary Masterpost
The bed began to creak as Tom began to speed up the strokes inside you. He was on top of you with his hands pinning yours above your head. The feeling of being trapped underneath him caused your toes to curl as you hooked your legs around his hips. Your moans were in sync with the tempo of the headboard banging against the wall.
ā€œYouā€™re so gorgeous, darling!ā€ The beautiful British man mumbled. His fingers tangled with yours and the way he kept you pinned down was still firm but more intimate. Heā€™s so overwhelmed by how pretty you look with your eyebrows furrowed and mouth agape. Tom couldnā€™t help but stoop down to lock his lips with yours. You whimper against his lips, the pounding of his shaft igniting a delicious fire in the pit of your stomach.
ā€œI love you, Tom,ā€ you gasped before another sigh fell from your lips. Something inside Tom suddenly ticked. Maybe it was the way you said you loved him. Nonetheless, he rammed himself into you like a madman. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you felt your body become putty beneath him.
ā€œI love you too, darling!ā€ Tom unraveled your hands from his grip. ā€œFeel so good. So fuckin good!ā€ Now, he grasped your hips, pulling them in to meet his thrusts. You held his shoulders, digging your nails into the muscular flesh. A feral growl erupted from Tomā€™s throat and his cock throbbed while his pumps fell out of rhythm.
A few ruts later, you threw your head back against the pillows and arched your back off the bed. You shouted Tomā€™s name, along with endless profanities, into the void. It didnā€™t take much longer before he pulled out of you to rip his condom off and release onto your stomach. He jerked himself off a few more times to make sure none of his cum was wasted. You were about to reach for the box of tissues on the nightstand before Tom snatched it in a flash.
ā€œAllow me, darling,ā€ was all he said for you to lay back down and let him take care of you. Your eyes scanned over him as he wiped away the sticky mess on your stomach and in between your legs. You felt them grow heavy as he tossed the moist tissues into the bin. He grinned lovingly as you forced your eyes back open.
ā€œItā€™s okay, my love. You can sleep now.ā€ You curled into Tomā€™s side as your eyes closed again. ā€œDid so good for me. I love you so much.ā€ The last thing you remembered before drifting away was feeling Tom softly kiss the top of your head.
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spyder-mom Ā· 3 years
Hi :) so I like spiders in theory but completely freak out when something moves. I want to lose my fear but donā€™t know where to start, I donā€™t think Iā€™m ready to touch one. Do you have some advice? I know you are not like a therapist but maybe you know of smaller less scary bugs to look at lol Anyways I love your blog even tho I flinch at almost every picture, hope you are having a good day šŸ˜ŠšŸŖ²šŸ›šŸšŸ¢šŸ¦—šŸ¦‹šŸ¦‹
Aw thank you for your kind words! I hope you have a good day too! I think a good place to start is just by watching smaller bugs just move around, id probably avoid bugs that fly, bc even i get surprised by flyers lol ^^
Personally i like to lay in the grass and look real close at the tiny bugs and watch their behavior :) depending on how squeamish you are you might want to start here ^^
It does take time, admittedly, i wasnt always a bug lover! I started pretty easy with things that crawl around(beetles, roly polys, ladybugs(they can fly but you will always know when they are ready to take off bc of they will open their shell))
Do a lot of research too! If you see a bug that looks cool, try looking it up and see if you can find it! A lot of the time i notice that the root of fear(of bugs, at least) is lack of knowledge. Once you start to understand bugs more, they will become less scary ^^ also, watch YouTube videos about bugs! Documentaries are really good for that, and also channels that post about their pet bugs(tarantulas, scorpions, mantises, etc. Any bug that is also someones pet) bc they will speak fondly of their bugs, and hearing loving language about bugs will, in turn, program that type of language into you, so then you will start to speak fondly of bugs ^^
Once you get more comfortable with bugs visually, and you can recognize their behaviors(especially defense behavior) then you might want to start trying to hold them :) i would advise against holding ones that could bite(not that they 100 percent would), just for your own safety ^^
To hold a bug, you just set your hand in front of them, and try to coax them onto it with your other hand. Id recommend keeping your hand on the ground until you get used to the feeling of bugs on your skin, that way you dont accidentally drop them or squish them.
Something i love personally is collecting dead bugs, whether i find them on my hikes or buy them preserved from taxidermists ^^ i like looking at them a lot and admiring their unique beauty ^^
The ones i have are a butterfly(given to me as a child), spider wasp(caught by a coworker at work), cicada(found on a hike), spider(a keychain i got somewhere), a black widow in formaldehyde(bought from the lady i buy my herbs from ^^) and a mantis(bought for me by my boyfriend for my bday)
I think bugs are very cool and i love them a lot so i hope that i was able to give you good advice on how to overcome your fear of bugs, and i hope that you have a good rest of your day/night ^^
Good luck! ā¤šŸ•øšŸ•·šŸ•øā¤
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kim-inlaw Ā· 4 years
Since I'm procrastinating ... Let me introduce myself formally! [Updated]
Sup y'all
Name: Kim, Kimothy ... Any one goes really...
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 23
Bday: Feb 24 {Pisces ~show some love}
Major: Psych and political science with a concentration in law and politics
Future goal: graduating law school '24
Future career: lawyer / in house counsel for the corporate sector
Pets?: 3 fish {malone, max and mina (siblings) } currently at my friends place
Short Discription: African American, straightish?, she/hers pronouns , left handed(Great pride in that)!! Short hair (mini curly afro)
[ ! ] Aesthetics : Cottagecore + pinkcore
Plants...anything green really (money included)
Kdrama/kpop : watching racquet boys, suits and hospital playlist)
Anime (finally up to date with one piece, big fan) : currently watching haikyu
YouTube videos on self care, productivity and home makeovers. (Favs : q2han, the love project, plan d)
Meditation and yoga
Making lists...
Pink things
Tea and coffee!
Music taste: Kpop, rock, alternative and indie. I do like pop and rap sometimes
Artists of this month: June 2022
Lil Nas x
Megan the stallion
Doja Cat
Post Malone
Currently studying:
Administrative law
Info security
Security regulations
Corporate law
What does my username mean?:
I changed my username from honeydewnotes to kimvibes.Ā 
What I'm up to ?
Currently in my 2nd year of law school
Ive watched a few new kdramas
Exploring the food scene in Boston
Caught up on one piece
Reading... ive been catching up on a few ebooks and audiobooks.
Why am I here? :
I want to meet more ppl who like what I like. None of my close friends like anime or kpop or pinkcore and cottagecore! I also find the aesthetics calming.
Also, just to share a bit of my journey through law school.
Im a graduate, im here to give advice (if needed) and fun content
Any questions? Cool šŸ¤™šŸ½ ask away.
Have an awesome day šŸ˜Š
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marlaluster Ā· 6 years
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. Chris Hemsworth's face 'slammed' into birthday cake ā€¦ Ā  USA TodayĀ Ā· 24m ā€˜Star Trek 4ā€™ Is Looking A Little Kirk-Less After Reportedly Losā€¦ Ā  UproxxĀ Ā· 1h Chris Hemsworth's Face 'Slammed' in Cake During Birtā€¦ Ā  PeopleĀ Ā· 21h Chris Pratt, Gal Gadot and More Superhero Stars Wish Chris Heā€¦ Ā  E!Ā Ā· 18h Chris Pine & Chris Hemsworth May Not Return For 'Star Trek 4' Ā  Just JaredĀ Ā· 1d See all VIDEOS 2. https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/971755002 3. SSL connection error Unable to make a secure connection to the server. This may be a problem with the server, or it may be requiring a client authentication certificate that you don't have. 4. https://www.instagram.com/p/BmVPK8PBr65/ 5. 15,099Ā likes zocobodyproHappy birthday to this legend who knows how to keep it real and always be Sun smart #bigdogĀ #bdayĀ #yeow Load more comments luciferthor69Happy Birthday my love@chrishemsworth esmaelhemsworthHAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISSSSSšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ designer_polina_sšŸŽ‰šŸŽŠšŸŽ‡šŸŽ†šŸŽhappy birthday sherseyblueHappy birthday! šŸŽ†šŸ°šŸŽ‚šŸ•ÆļøšŸ•Æļø bexter811Happy Birthday šŸ˜Š it's my Birthday as well ! analuciabsantosšŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸŽ‰ dougpaskoThose šŸŽ© love it. šŸ¤£ Always love your posts. sergio.pereraOne of the best and most genuine guys Iā€™ve ever met.Ā @chrishemsworthĀ xoxo maiastrukovLindos!! udaysoniind18Happy birthday šŸ‘šŸ‘āœŒ digosh27Happy bday, Chris! šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚šŸ˜Š arns297Leo's rock carol_vizaHappy Birthday! ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤šŸ˜ wazzalenkoAugust 11??? Same day as Joe Rogan _stranger_girl___Ɖl es increĆ­ble, lo amo@chrishemsworthĀ šŸ˜ā™„ļø mana_yoga_retreatsLooking good ladiesšŸŽˆ romayejenoreMy honey.Ā @chrishemsworth kathybudzHe doesn't look good in those sunglasses, but you do.šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜ kathybudzAnd why are you and him wearing ladies hat? kellybauer12Love the HatsšŸ˜Š rella5200Ok ladies where do I get myself one of those hats???šŸ˜ mromeo_artsYo, it's my bday today. Little love from the stars? linoyona_Beautiful onesā™”H.B ChrisšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸŽ‰šŸŽˆ chrishemsworth_2018HbdšŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ Love you Chris!!!! 1 DAY AGO Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACY 6. Refugee Council of Australia: SupportingĀ refugeesĀ people ... https://www.refugee MobileĀ Ā· Welcome to the Refugee Council of Australia. Get the facts on refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia and beyond. ā€¦ Get The Facts Our Work Latest News Membership Australian Statistics Roof Over My Head US-Australia refugeeĀ deal: What you need to know https://www.cnn.com/2017/02/01/politics/australia-us-refugee-deal... MobileĀ Ā·Ā Feb 01, 2017Ā Ā· A landmark deal to settle refugees detained by Australia in the US is on shaky ground following reports of a contentious phone call between Prime Minister Malcolm ā€¦ AustraliaĀ asylum: Why is it controversial? - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-28189608 MobileĀ Ā· In 2015-16, Australia accepted 13,750 people through its humanitarian programme and committed to a one-time acceptance of an additional 12,000 refugees fleeing Syria and Iraq. ā€¦ IMAGES See all See more images of refugee australia Fact sheet -Ā Australia'sĀ Refugeeand Humanitarian prā€¦ https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/.../information/fact-sheets/60refugee MobileĀ Ā· Australia's Immigration Program has two components: Migration Program for skilled and family migrants; Humanitarian Program for refugees and others in refugee-like situations. This ā€¦ Hereā€™s what the ā€˜dumbĀ dealā€™ on refugees with AustraliaĀ ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/02/02/heres... MobileĀ Ā· Last night, President Trump went off onĀ Australia, criticizing a "dumb" Obama-era "deal" that would, in Trump's words, force the United States to take "thousands of illegal immigrants fromĀ Australiaā€¦ VIDEOS 25:41HD The social experiment of African refugees in outback Australia youtube.com 2:11HD What are the facts about šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ Australia refugee resettlement? youtube.com 2:37HD What will happen to refugees after Australia closes Manus camp? youtube.com 4:34 Human rights groups against Australian refugee abuse CNN See more videos Get the facts -Ā Refugee Council of Australia https://www.refugee MobileĀ Ā· Learn the facts aboutĀ refugeesĀ - why they leave, the dangers they face, how they seek safety and the process ā€¦ RefugeeĀ girl at risk of suicide to be moved from Nauru to ... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jul/07/refugee MobileĀ Ā· Australia agrees to take seriously ill refugee girl from Nauru as case reaches court Read more Some details of the circumstances cannot be reported but sources on Nauru have ā€¦ RefugeesĀ and asylum seekers - Amnesty InternationalĀ Australia https://www.amnesty.org.au/campaigns/refugees MobileĀ Ā· Promisingly, the Australian Government has introduced a pilot program for community sponsorship of refugees, where organisations like your local government or a business can ā€¦ Refugee resettlementĀ toĀ Australia https://www.aph.gov.au/.../pubs/rp/rp1617/RefugeeResettlement MobileĀ Ā· a person who is outside his country of nationality or habitual residence has a well-founded fear of persecution because of his race, religion, nationality, membership in a ā€¦ Asylum in AustraliaĀ -Ā Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asylum_in_Australia Overview Asylum in Australia is governed by statutes and Government policies which seek to implement Australia's obligations under theConvention relating to the Status of Refugees, to which Australia is a party. Thousands of refugees have sought asylum in Australia over the past decade, with the main forces driving movement being war, civil unrest and persecution. The aā€¦ Read more Claims processing See all sections RELATED SEARCHES australia refugeesĀ news australiaĀ policy onĀ refugees refugeesĀ fromĀ australiaĀ to usa us to take australianĀ refugees refugeesĀ refused byĀ australia australia refugeeĀ agreement Next Get Try the Bing app Richmond, Virginia ā€‚Ā·ā€‚Based 7. https://www.bing.com/search?q=refugee+australia&PC=SMSM&FORM=MBDPSB 8. https://www.bing.com/search?q=new+zealand+government&PC=SMSM&FORM=MBDPSB 9. PEOPLE ALSO ASK What is the nationality of New Zealand? NewĀ ZealandĀ nationalityĀ law (RaraungaAotearoaĀ in Māori) determines who is and who is not aĀ NewĀ ZealandĀ citizen. The status ofNewĀ ZealandĀ citizenship was created on 1 January 1949 by the BritishĀ NationalityĀ andNewĀ ZealandĀ Citizenship Act 1948. New Zealand nationality law - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand_nationā€¦ See all results for this question How to immigrate to New Zealand? Retire in New Zealand. 1 Apply for a visitor visa under the Temporary Retirement Category. 2 Invest at least NZ$750,000 for at least 2 years in New Zealand in an approved investment once you are accepted. 3 Demonstrate that you have at least NZ$500,000 in maintenance funds and an annual income of at least NZ$60,000. 4 Maintain travel and/or health insurance for the duration of your stay. How to Immigrate to New Zealand www.wikihow.com/Immigrate-to-New-Zealā€¦ See all results for this question Who is the head of State in New Zealand? Government of New Zealand Organization The Government of New Zealand, or New Zealand Government, is the administrative complex through ā€¦ Ā  Official site Wikipedia Subsidiaries:Ā Air New Zealandā€‚Ā·ā€‚Genesis Energy Limitedā€‚Ā·ā€‚Statistics New Zealand PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR Cabinet of New Zealand Government of Australia Gover 10. https://www.govt.nz/browse/immigration-and-visas/coming-to-new-zealand-as-a-refugee/ 11. SSL connection error Unable to make a secure connection to the server. This may be a problem with the server, or it may be requiring a client authentication certificate that you don't have. 12. Asylum seekers who apply for refugee status on shore are equally likely to be held either in prison or the Mangere refugee reception centreĀ [1]. If they are found to be genuine refugees they will be granted residence, then they are technically able to accessĀ Social welfare in New ZealandĀ and other benefits provided by the state. However, assistance that addresses their specific needs as they attempt to integrate into New Zealand is limited . See all sections New Zealand Refugee Quota ProgrammeĀ | ImmigrationĀ Ne https://www.immigration.govt.nz/about-us/what-we-do/our-strategies... MobileĀ Ā·Ā New ZealandĀ is one of around 26 countries that 13. https://www.bing.com/search?q=refugee+new+zealand&PC=SMSM&FORM=MBDPSB 14. https://www.wfmynews2.com/amp/article?section=news&subsection=nation-world&headline=chris-hemsworths-face-slammed-into-birthday-cake-by-son-on-35th-birthday&contentId=507-583366945 15. Chris Hemsworth's face 'slammed' into birthday cake by son on 35th birthday Chris Hemsworth brought in his 35th year with a face full of cake. The ā€œThorā€ star shared a selfie in front of his birthday cake on Saturday, alongside wife Elsa Pataky. It was just moments before Hemsworthā€™s face got well-acquainted with his cake ā€” candles and all. ā€œImmediately after this shot was taken my son viciously attacked me from behind (due to his ninja training) and slammed my face into the flaming candles," the actor tweeted. Hemsworth joked that he would have to switch superhero roles after his birthday burns. "Iā€™ll now be playing Deadpool if @VancityReynolds pulls the pin,ā€ he tweeted. Ryan Reynolds, who plays Deadpool, was open to the idea. He replied: "Weird. My daughter JUST stabbed me in the right eye. ... Point is, We can finally trade roles ... (Happy Birthday Bubba!)" Hemsworth referred to his special day as the #BestBirthdayEver. He celebrated with his children, 6-year-old daughter India Rose and 4-year-old twin boys Tristan and Sasha. However, it's not clear which ninja-skilled son pulled the prank on his dad. Apparently, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Pataky wished a happy birthday to her "biggest child." "I love you to death @chrishemsworth .Letā€™s be kids forever!!," she captioned a picture of the two. 16. https://www.yahoo.com/amphtml/entertainment/chris-hemsworth-apos-face-apos-225240663.html 17. Chris Hemsworth's Face 'Slammed' in Cake During Birthday Celebration with Elsa Pataky & Their Kids Chris HemsworthĀ had a birthday to remember! TheĀ ThorĀ star marked his 35th birthday on Saturday with wife of eight years Elsa Pataky and their three children: 6-year-old daughter India Rose and 4-year-old twin boys Tristan and Sasha. ā€œImmediately after this shot was taken my son viciously attacked me from behind (due to his ninja training) and slammed my face into the flaming candles,ā€ Hemsworth hilariously captioned a photo of him and Pataky holding a cake that had candles lit on it. ā€œIā€™ll now be playing Deadpool if @vancityreynolds pulls the pin,ā€ he joked onĀ InstagramĀ and Twitter, adding the hashtag #bestbirthdayever. RELATED:Ā Chris Hemsworthā€™s 8-Pack Abs and Shredded Arms Are on Display in Shirtless Workout Video While Hemsworth was adorably fighting off his son, his brother Liam also celebrated the day by recalling one of their most memorable sibling fights. ā€œHappy birthday @chrishemsworth I remember the first time I ever threw a knife at your head, there was this look of pure fear in your eyes. Youā€™ve come a long way from that scared little kidā€¦ proud of you. Youā€™re my hero. Love u heaps and heaps,ā€ Liam wrote onInstagramĀ along with a black-and-white photo of the pair. RELATED:Ā Proof These Hunky Celeb Dads Arenā€™t Immune to Their Kidsā€™ Cuteness RELATED:Ā Chris Hemsworth Treats Elsa Pataky to a Hilarious ā€˜Dance Lessonā€™ as She Celebrates Her Birthday in Spain Pataky also shared a loving message on Instagram, writing, ā€œHappy birthday to my biggest child! I love you to death @chrishemsworth. Letā€™s be kids forever!!ā€ Meanwhile,Ā Avengers: Infinity Warcostar Josh Brolin tried to do his best to serenade Hemsworth. ā€œHappy Birthday, man, from the deepest part of my trachea,ā€ Brolin said. 18. https://www.immigration.govt.nz/contact 19. The site's security certificate is not trusted! You attempted to reachĀ www.immigration.govt.nz, but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer's operating system. This may mean that the server has generated its own security credentials, which Chromium cannot rely on for identity information, or an attacker may be trying to intercept your communications. You cannot proceed because the website operator has requested heightened security for this domain. Back to safety Help me understand 20. This FolderEntire MailboxAddress BookContacts Privacy Options Sign out Ā MailĀ CalendarĀ ContactsDeleted ItemsDraftsĀ [502]InboxĀ (5094)Junk EmailĀ [229]Sent ItemsĀ (1)Click to view all foldersManage Folders...Ā ReplyĀ Reply AllĀ ForwardĀ JunkCloseĀ FW: Important info about your defaulted federal student loanmarla [[email protected]]Sent:Monday, August 13, 2018 7:41 AMTo: [email protected] Dear United Nations refugee contact for Australia and New Zealand, I thought i could forward this message (below this one) I tried to send a few moments ago to a federal department in the United States regarding a tormenting issue for myself here in this country. The message didn't go through, but what I said in it tells a bit about n hints toward my situation here in the United States that I wish to get out from. It is a lot of things I can tell but this reality of the way of things in the world, i don't believe it is as it is said most commonly. There are bits n pieces of things, contributions of supposed others surfacing more and more, to represent what it is to me. That occurrence of those things to surface is really something of an overriding magic here, overriding much suppression n oppression of it (the magic, ie life itself) by the devil. But I have been attacked n am attacked now by the devil n the society order/government etc, which really is the devil, in the United States for saying this reality of the world -- where animals cannot talk as people do n where there is poverty n inequality -- is ruled by the devil. Things should be more in the hands of the individual to control his circumstances etc and there should be more common ground n common wished things to be what is the "governance" or direction, or way of things for people n not this estranged n official n contrived government structure which is really what is the rule of the devil n is actually a representation of the devil. The government is supposed to be a false rule, a false god, other than the people. "He can see the things in the message Marla, so i would have to go," the devil said as I was writing this message at a point. It was talking about someone w the United Nations that is possible to see this message here in the reality of what I call devil world, really devil land. But I am seeking to try to come to New Zealand as a refugee, not that I am so easily served by existing governmental type structures such as this, but this reality n the next maybe can meet at this kind of program or available help within the present (n deteriorating) way of things in the world, which is the false reality of the devil. I saw online they don't get many refugees in New Zealand and that they thought they don't get enough referrals from the United Nations for people in very dire situations or something like that. The situation I'm in is very bad. I should be able to have my view, have my opinion n be okay at the very least, not that this is likely if one is in an environment where people are seen as n regarded as inferior to experience things said to be out of the ordinary such as talking in the mind, or inferior to be conspiracy theorists, or inferior ultimately to be outside the norm or just not w the popular "in crowd". If people are regarded that way, ie as inferior, its unlikely that they would be something other than attacked really to assert themselves as the truth over the popular thought, popular opinion, etc. The situation probably not unlike Hippocrates (or whoever is the figure that is told to have taken poison over renouncing his teachings under some pressure of a ruler type of figure) n I guess witches burned at the stake in the (supposed) history of this reality of the world that seems to have sharp clause (claws) n condition for those challenging the status quo or popular thought. Availability, space etc to have my view n be okay is not what has occurred here in this country of the United States, which, to talk in a way not so welcome here, is actually a place not possible to exist. It's really what is the reason for the occurrence of the myth n legend n tale of the Bermuda Triangle. The United States is really the storied Bermuda Triangle, I've been told in my mind. The Bermuda Triangle is a area in the ocean near the United States where things are said to disappear n never been seen again, but it's supposed to be challenged as true the area exists or that things really disappeared there. I'm told in my mind that the United States is where the devil is to have apparently arranged to be things he's not supposed to be able be in other countries where it's supposed to be not as less than to tell the truth, such as that it is not real here, ie this reality of the world. It is said it is more less than to tell the truth in the United States which is supposed to show how superior it is to sell out to the devil n act like this present reality is the only truth, this present reality of things like how it is in the United States most of all however, which has no queen, ie monarchy (which is more like the actual nature of the rule where one figure -- really the devil but it's hidden -- is really in charge and kind of unfairly so); w an eagle on it's seal/emblem instead of a more mythological looking creature or something; and a serious-looking flag design also; w a history of supposed leaders of high esteem so prepared by going to what's supposed to be the finest n best universities etc.Ā  Lots of issues involved in this situation of my being disempowered that are unfair. There is a world domination here where some people are less in power and poorer than others, ie inferior as who believe in magic etc or who can somehow seem -- if its true people aren't inferior not to be a certain favored way such as showing "aptitude" in math n science etc, which is favored in this present way of things -- to suggest of another knowing or contribution other than presently held as so sought after or appreciated or made so apparent. With this governmental structure dominating in the present reality of the world, which is really a false reality ruled by the devil, blacks all over the world are typically supposed to be inferior n the tribal people n people in the Congo etc, who would seem to be knowing of magic or be suggestive of having a more broad inclusion of things n have more creative ideas of things. The rule of the world w governments etc asserts pretty much, as I'm aware, that magic is not real etc. It is making a field day environment for the devil to attack people, ie for the devil to attack me n not be recognized as attack or for what it is.Ā  I have some links n things I collected to help show there is a rising demonstration of that there is something happening here in this country of the United States n it's supposed to be other countries also implied but the devil i think is making that up, but it's a rising apparentness of there being a experience of the government run society n etc that is something other than what has been for the most part considered possible n other than has been protected against for someone to experience it, it being very bad attacking etc for the person not recognized as attacked by the government etc. You can tell this, ie a person can see this is not traditionally protected against, the experience or attack I'm trying to describe, by considering some movies and other things that tell about the attack of an individual that is at the mercy of the rule of the society or the majority that is having an experience of things other than that of the individual. The movie Enemy of the State w the actor Will Smith, the character played by Will Smith ending up in a mess of a situation, unmanageable n horrible n dangerous after apparently uncovering a government secret, something like this. There's a similar movie w Sandra Bullock, i have to find the title. But she becomes a target of government attack after finding I think some kind of government secret. This American society has many other stereotypical instances of attack of the individual in which the individual is to others something other than who the person is to himself. I am someone to be contexted or identifiable as mentally ill here in this society. (I don't agree w mental illness as true.) This, ie mental illness, is not the exact apparent experience of the main characters in the movies I referred to, but it is pretty much my experience that this is who I am supposed to be in the context n truth of this society I am in presently in the United States n it is suggested as a possible context for a rising expression of what can be a person's experience here that is outside the familiar bounds of the society n government operation for protection n service etc. There has been reports of people kidnapped in instances of forced hospitalization for so called mental illness. There has been reports n much surfacing information on people being called "targeted individuals" that are said to be targets for covert attack by government agents using some technology to make issues that are to this point mostly only classified as mental illness, such as hearing talking n harassment in the mind. Other things surfacing are mirroring my experience where I'm being ignored or not recognized that I am being attacked by what's supposed to be ordinary on benevolent practices of the society. It's creating an alternate reality, and alternate story n telling that is a quiet storm on this reality continuing as it has pretending no story other than the official can dominate or claim the flow of information or the norm or what's commonly told as what's truly happening. I can forward some examples of this kind of expressed phenomena or happenings. Like I said, i tried to recently collect some things for my seeking to be recognized as n get some attention etc as a refugee. I had to learn about the term refugee n etc. Things are not really easy to understand etc for an actual person present here, the stuff is supposed to be foreign (in the rule of the devil) that is the workings of things. One thing i say that contradicts the truth asserted as true of this present reality is I say people are not really present in their form. I am attacked very bad by the devil here w very bad torment, magic, physical things to my face, appearance, etc, things that are supposed to be known here as something other than they are to me. This is something now w this rising tide or emerging information that can be contexted or matched or mirrored as an experience something like that of the targeted individual. The devil tormenting me some now. It tries to tell me it's telling me what to say. People are supposed to be less than to the devil here w what the devil seeks as the rule here. It tries to act like people do not really exist n that it is some origin etc of people, it's extremely disgusting n irritating. But I wish for change n to be able to have something other than this present way of things in the world as the way of things seems to me from appearances from the outside looking in mostly n not much experience outside of the US. In the way of things in the United States I've experienced that control is too much out of the hands of the individual. Please help me as a refugee n i can move forward. I am stopped or paused now or have been in the country of the United States as someone saying that the truth has not been what's told here as to the history n whats really happening -- for the most part (but things are cumulatively arising to challenge n change that, as I'm telling here). I said in spring 2014 that this reality is ruled by the devil n that people were not really mentally ill to experience hearing talking in the mind n other things said to be illness here, such as bad sadness here in devil land. I soon after that began being attacked by the society structure, things are very out of the hands of the individual, very hard to manage, as alluded to in the two movies I mentioned. Other movies, such as movies about crazed stalkers in love w unattainable objects of their affection, hint at this culture in the United States where the individual is at the mercy of the truth of or overridden by the truth of the crowd but that is not exactly as it is outwardly stated in this reality. It's supposed to just be that the truth of the crowd n reality of the crowd is superior to that of the individual in many other instances, such as w Paula Dean n others having what was considered unwelcome things to say at points n they were met w rebuke of the crowd losing job positions, but I don't support people having to work however. Work is slavery n enslavement to the rule of the devil, it's forced labor here. But this culture in the country of the United States singles out n attacks the individual. It holds n asserts as true for people to be many things outside the norm -- such as mentally ill -- that are things to be considered inferior to what others are as supposedly normal. The devil, as I was writing this at a point, kept trying to press i was not who was writing this. It was supposed to be from some other source other than myself. It's extremely bad torment n attack. But the governmental structures the devil has arranged for here, they favor the crowd, it is a god that is worshiped here, the crowd. It is evil, the crowd. There is a false n superficial standard set by the crowd, where others are supposed to be inferior to not be blending in n etc. But poverty w government structures n their money systems: a very bad restraint on people. I am not w much means. I have also been homeless here, a home not so accessible to people here. These examples also of how a person, ie individual is disempowered or having less freedom than should be seen as beneficial, ie good etc for the whole/greater good.Ā  I will forward more information n try to look into more things about getting to Australia or New Zealand. I read New Zealand has had fewer refugees, which may mean it's more available or beneficial for me to go there because I am not normal n maybe this occurrence means the country can deal w a abnormal situation or is more prepared for one person as who ends the world. Really I am the only person here present in my form in the world as it is known, which is really ruled by the devil. But I am not sure if New Zealand is to so be having to be this kind of situation. I suppose I somewhat prefer Australia, but I wish to go where it is best. I can try to get more situated to live in Australia later, hypothetically, as I wish to live there, but I am interested in New Zealand also. There are some other things I can tell, such as about instances of outward attack and about one of my soul mates residing in Australia, but I'll leave off there. I will try to forward this message to someplace in Australia like w the prime minister there or the immigration services there n also in New Zealand.Ā  Sincerely,Ā  Marla Rose LusterĀ  ________________________________________ From: marla [[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2018 10:02 AM To: U.S. Department of Education Subject: RE: Important info about your defaulted federal student loan Im attacked by this society very bad. I am trying to seek to find a way i can leave to be a refugee in another country. I was made homeless at a point when things were gone out of control w this issue n account n other things also. I'm not a normal experience here anymore, it's unmanageable here for me because I've been attacked by this society n government. It's not allowed to be my friend anymore here, this government etc, because I said it's ruled by the devil. It's really ruled by the devil etc, this reality. It's very bad here, it's not as it is acknowledged n said to be often enough. But there is increasing expression of opinion of this way of things as not what is as it's been said to be like as in things being about liberty etc, ie good-intentioned here so much. Presently it's difficult n concerning to deal w this issue of the account (n other things). Really it's slavery here n very disgusting here. ________________________________________ From: U.S. Department of Education [[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 5:02 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Important info about your defaulted federal student loan Affordable payment agreements available Click here to view this email as a web page. [Federal Student Aid An Office of the U.S. Department of Education] Dear Marla, The U.S. Department of Education recently recalled your defaulted student loan account from Account Control Technology Inc.. You can now make payment arrangements without paying additional collection costs, but you must call us before August 18. Take Action Now Please call the U.S. Department of Educationā€™s Default Resolution Group at 800-621-3115
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Chris Hemsworth's face 'slammed' into birthday cake ā€¦ Ā  USA TodayĀ Ā· 24m ā€˜Star Trek 4ā€™ Is Looking A Little Kirk-Less After Reportedly Losā€¦ Ā  UproxxĀ Ā· 1h Chris Hemsworth's Face 'Slammed' in Cake During Birtā€¦ Ā  PeopleĀ Ā· 21h Chris Pratt, Gal Gadot and More Superhero Stars Wish Chris Heā€¦ Ā  E!Ā Ā· 18h Chris Pine & Chris Hemsworth May Not Return For 'Star Trek 4' Ā  Just JaredĀ Ā· 1d See all VIDEOS https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/971755002 SSL connection error Unable to make a secure connection to the server. This may be a problem with the server, or it may be requiring a client authentication certificate that you don't have. https://www.instagram.com/p/BmVPK8PBr65/ 15,099Ā likes zocobodyproHappy birthday to this legend who knows how to keep it real and always be Sun smart #bigdogĀ #bdayĀ #yeow Load more comments luciferthor69Happy Birthday my love@chrishemsworth esmaelhemsworthHAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISSSSSšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ designer_polina_sšŸŽ‰šŸŽŠšŸŽ‡šŸŽ†šŸŽhappy birthday sherseyblueHappy birthday! šŸŽ†šŸ°šŸŽ‚šŸ•ÆļøšŸ•Æļø bexter811Happy Birthday šŸ˜Š it's my Birthday as well ! analuciabsantosšŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸŽ‰ dougpaskoThose šŸŽ© love it. šŸ¤£ Always love your posts. sergio.pereraOne of the best and most genuine guys Iā€™ve ever met.Ā @chrishemsworthĀ xoxo maiastrukovLindos!! udaysoniind18Happy birthday šŸ‘šŸ‘āœŒ digosh27Happy bday, Chris! šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚šŸ˜Š arns297Leo's rock carol_vizaHappy Birthday! ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤šŸ˜ wazzalenkoAugust 11??? Same day as Joe Rogan _stranger_girl___Ɖl es increĆ­ble, lo amo@chrishemsworthĀ šŸ˜ā™„ļø mana_yoga_retreatsLooking good ladiesšŸŽˆ romayejenoreMy honey.Ā @chrishemsworth kathybudzHe doesn't look good in those sunglasses, but you do.šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜ kathybudzAnd why are you and him wearing ladies hat? kellybauer12Love the HatsšŸ˜Š rella5200Ok ladies where do I get myself one of those hats???šŸ˜ mromeo_artsYo, it's my bday today. Little love from the stars? linoyona_Beautiful onesā™”H.B ChrisšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸŽ‰šŸŽˆ chrishemsworth_2018HbdšŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ Love you Chris!!!! 1 DAY AGO Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACY Refugee Council of Australia: SupportingĀ refugeesĀ people ... https://www.refugee MobileĀ Ā· Welcome to the Refugee Council of Australia. Get the facts on refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia and beyond. ā€¦ Get The Facts Our Work Latest News Membership Australian Statistics Roof Over My Head US-Australia refugeeĀ deal: What you need to know https://www.cnn.com/2017/02/01/politics/australia-us-refugee-deal... MobileĀ Ā·Ā Feb 01, 2017Ā Ā· A landmark deal to settle refugees detained by Australia in the US is on shaky ground following reports of a contentious phone call between Prime Minister Malcolm ā€¦ AustraliaĀ asylum: Why is it controversial? - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-28189608 MobileĀ Ā· In 2015-16, Australia accepted 13,750 people through its humanitarian programme and committed to a one-time acceptance of an additional 12,000 refugees fleeing Syria and Iraq. ā€¦ IMAGES See all See more images of refugee australia Fact sheet -Ā Australia'sĀ Refugeeand Humanitarian prā€¦ https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/.../information/fact-sheets/60refugee MobileĀ Ā· Australia's Immigration Program has two components: Migration Program for skilled and family migrants; Humanitarian Program for refugees and others in refugee-like situations. This ā€¦ Hereā€™s what the ā€˜dumbĀ dealā€™ on refugees with AustraliaĀ ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/02/02/heres... MobileĀ Ā· Last night, President Trump went off onĀ Australia, criticizing a "dumb" Obama-era "deal" that would, in Trump's words, force the United States to take "thousands of illegal immigrants fromĀ Australiaā€¦ VIDEOS 25:41HD The social experiment of African refugees in outback Australia youtube.com 2:11HD What are the facts about šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ Australia refugee resettlement? youtube.com 2:37HD What will happen to refugees after Australia closes Manus camp? youtube.com 4:34 Human rights groups against Australian refugee abuse CNN See more videos Get the facts -Ā Refugee Council of Australia https://www.refugee MobileĀ Ā· Learn the facts aboutĀ refugeesĀ - why they leave, the dangers they face, how they seek safety and the process ā€¦ RefugeeĀ girl at risk of suicide to be moved from Nauru to ... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jul/07/refugee MobileĀ Ā· Australia agrees to take seriously ill refugee girl from Nauru as case reaches court Read more Some details of the circumstances cannot be reported but sources on Nauru have ā€¦ RefugeesĀ and asylum seekers - Amnesty InternationalĀ Australia https://www.amnesty.org.au/campaigns/refugees MobileĀ Ā· Promisingly, the Australian Government has introduced a pilot program for community sponsorship of refugees, where organisations like your local government or a business can ā€¦ Refugee resettlementĀ toĀ Australia https://www.aph.gov.au/.../pubs/rp/rp1617/RefugeeResettlement MobileĀ Ā· a person who is outside his country of nationality or habitual residence has a well-founded fear of persecution because of his race, religion, nationality, membership in a ā€¦ Asylum in AustraliaĀ -Ā Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asylum_in_Australia Overview Asylum in Australia is governed by statutes and Government policies which seek to implement Australia's obligations under theConvention relating to the Status of Refugees, to which Australia is a party. Thousands of refugees have sought asylum in Australia over the past decade, with the main forces driving movement being war, civil unrest and persecution. The aā€¦ Read more Claims processing See all sections RELATED SEARCHES australia refugeesĀ news australiaĀ policy onĀ refugees refugeesĀ fromĀ australiaĀ to usa us to take australianĀ refugees refugeesĀ refused byĀ australia australia refugeeĀ agreement Next Get Try the Bing app Richmond, Virginia ā€‚Ā·ā€‚Based https://www.bing.com/search?q=refugee+australia&PC=SMSM&FORM=MBDPSB https://www.bing.com/search?q=new+zealand+government&PC=SMSM&FORM=MBDPSB PEOPLE ALSO ASK What is the nationality of New Zealand? NewĀ ZealandĀ nationalityĀ law (RaraungaAotearoaĀ in Māori) determines who is and who is not aĀ NewĀ ZealandĀ citizen. The status ofNewĀ ZealandĀ citizenship was created on 1 January 1949 by the BritishĀ NationalityĀ andNewĀ ZealandĀ Citizenship Act 1948. New Zealand nationality law - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand_nationā€¦ See all results for this question How to immigrate to New Zealand? Retire in New Zealand. 1 Apply for a visitor visa under the Temporary Retirement Category. 2 Invest at least NZ$750,000 for at least 2 years in New Zealand in an approved investment once you are accepted. 3 Demonstrate that you have at least NZ$500,000 in maintenance funds and an annual income of at least NZ$60,000. 4 Maintain travel and/or health insurance for the duration of your stay. How to Immigrate to New Zealand www.wikihow.com/Immigrate-to-New-Zealā€¦ See all results for this question Who is the head of State in New Zealand? Government of New Zealand Organization The Government of New Zealand, or New Zealand Government, is the administrative complex through ā€¦ Ā  Official site Wikipedia Subsidiaries:Ā Air New Zealandā€‚Ā·ā€‚Genesis Energy Limitedā€‚Ā·ā€‚Statistics New Zealand PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR Cabinet of New Zealand Government of Australia Gover https://www.govt.nz/browse/immigration-and-visas/coming-to-new-zealand-as-a-refugee/SSL connection error Unable to make a secure connection to the server. This may be a problem with the server, or it may be requiring a client authentication certificate that you don't have. Asylum seekers who apply for refugee status on shore are equally likely to be held either in prison or the Mangere refugee reception centreĀ [1]. If they are found to be genuine refugees they will be granted residence, then they are technically able to accessĀ Social welfare in New ZealandĀ and other benefits provided by the state. However, assistance that addresses their specific needs as they attempt to integrate into New Zealand is limited . See all sections New Zealand Refugee Quota ProgrammeĀ | ImmigrationĀ Ne https://www.immigration.govt.nz/about-us/what-we-do/our-strategies... MobileĀ Ā·Ā New ZealandĀ is one of around 26 countries that https://www.bing.com/search?q=refugee+new+zealand&PC=SMSM&FORM=MBDPSB https://www.wfmynews2.com/amp/article?section=news&subsection=nation-world&headline=chris-hemsworths-face-slammed-into-birthday-cake-by-son-on-35th-birthday&contentId=507-583366945 Chris Hemsworth's face 'slammed' into birthday cake by son on 35th birthday Chris Hemsworth brought in his 35th year with a face full of cake. The ā€œThorā€ star shared a selfie in front of his birthday cake on Saturday, alongside wife Elsa Pataky. It was just moments before Hemsworthā€™s face got well-acquainted with his cake ā€” candles and all. ā€œImmediately after this shot was taken my son viciously attacked me from behind (due to his ninja training) and slammed my face into the flaming candles," the actor tweeted. Hemsworth joked that he would have to switch superhero roles after his birthday burns. "Iā€™ll now be playing Deadpool if @VancityReynolds pulls the pin,ā€ he tweeted. Ryan Reynolds, who plays Deadpool, was open to the idea. He replied: "Weird. My daughter JUST stabbed me in the right eye. ... Point is, We can finally trade roles ... (Happy Birthday Bubba!)" Hemsworth referred to his special day as the #BestBirthdayEver. He celebrated with his children, 6-year-old daughter India Rose and 4-year-old twin boys Tristan and Sasha. However, it's not clear which ninja-skilled son pulled the prank on his dad. Apparently, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Pataky wished a happy birthday to her "biggest child." "I love you to death @chrishemsworth .Letā€™s be kids forever!!," she captioned a picture of the two. https://www.yahoo.com/amphtml/entertainment/chris-hemsworth-apos-face-apos-225240663.html Chris Hemsworth's Face 'Slammed' in Cake During Birthday Celebration with Elsa Pataky & Their Kids Chris HemsworthĀ had a birthday to remember! TheĀ ThorĀ star marked his 35th birthday on Saturday with wife of eight years Elsa Pataky and their three children: 6-year-old daughter India Rose and 4-year-old twin boys Tristan and Sasha. ā€œImmediately after this shot was taken my son viciously attacked me from behind (due to his ninja training) and slammed my face into the flaming candles,ā€ Hemsworth hilariously captioned a photo of him and Pataky holding a cake that had candles lit on it. ā€œIā€™ll now be playing Deadpool if @vancityreynolds pulls the pin,ā€ he joked onĀ InstagramĀ and Twitter, adding the hashtag #bestbirthdayever. RELATED:Ā Chris Hemsworthā€™s 8-Pack Abs and Shredded Arms Are on Display in Shirtless Workout Video While Hemsworth was adorably fighting off his son, his brother Liam also celebrated the day by recalling one of their most memorable sibling fights. ā€œHappy birthday @chrishemsworth I remember the first time I ever threw a knife at your head, there was this look of pure fear in your eyes. Youā€™ve come a long way from that scared little kidā€¦ proud of you. Youā€™re my hero. Love u heaps and heaps,ā€ Liam wrote onInstagramĀ along with a black-and-white photo of the pair. RELATED:Ā Proof These Hunky Celeb Dads Arenā€™t Immune to Their Kidsā€™ Cuteness RELATED:Ā Chris Hemsworth Treats Elsa Pataky to a Hilarious ā€˜Dance Lessonā€™ as She Celebrates Her Birthday in Spain Pataky also shared a loving message on Instagram, writing, ā€œHappy birthday to my biggest child! I love you to death @chrishemsworth. Letā€™s be kids forever!!ā€ Meanwhile,Ā Avengers: Infinity Warcostar Josh Brolin tried to do his best to serenade Hemsworth. ā€œHappy Birthday, man, from the deepest part of my trachea,ā€ Brolin said. https://www.immigration.govt.nz/contact The site's security certificate is not trusted! You attempted to reachĀ www.immigration.govt.nz, but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer's operating system. This may mean that the server has generated its own security credentials, which Chromium cannot rely on for identity information, or an attacker may be trying to intercept your communications. You cannot proceed because the website operator has requested heightened security for this domain. Back to safety Help me understand This FolderEntire MailboxAddress BookContacts Privacy Options Sign out Ā MailĀ CalendarĀ ContactsDeleted ItemsDraftsĀ [502]InboxĀ (5094)Junk EmailĀ [229]Sent ItemsĀ (1)Click to view all foldersManage Folders...Ā ReplyĀ Reply AllĀ ForwardĀ JunkCloseĀ FW: Important info about your defaulted federal student loanmarla [[email protected]]Sent:Monday, August 13, 2018 7:41 AMTo: [email protected] Dear United Nations refugee contact for Australia and New Zealand, I thought i could forward this message (below this one) I tried to send a few moments ago to a federal department in the United States regarding a tormenting issue for myself here in this country. The message didn't go through, but what I said in it tells a bit about n hints toward my situation here in the United States that I wish to get out from. It is a lot of things I can tell but this reality of the way of things in the world, i don't believe it is as it is said most commonly. There are bits n pieces of things, contributions of supposed others surfacing more and more, to represent what it is to me. That occurrence of those things to surface is really something of an overriding magic here, overriding much suppression n oppression of it (the magic, ie life itself) by the devil. But I have been attacked n am attacked now by the devil n the society order/government etc, which really is the devil, in the United States for saying this reality of the world -- where animals cannot talk as people do n where there is poverty n inequality -- is ruled by the devil. Things should be more in the hands of the individual to control his circumstances etc and there should be more common ground n common wished things to be what is the "governance" or direction, or way of things for people n not this estranged n official n contrived government structure which is really what is the rule of the devil n is actually a representation of the devil. The government is supposed to be a false rule, a false god, other than the people. "He can see the things in the message Marla, so i would have to go," the devil said as I was writing this message at a point. It was talking about someone w the United Nations that is possible to see this message here in the reality of what I call devil world, really devil land. But I am seeking to try to come to New Zealand as a refugee, not that I am so easily served by existing governmental type structures such as this, but this reality n the next maybe can meet at this kind of program or available help within the present (n deteriorating) way of things in the world, which is the false reality of the devil. I saw online they don't get many refugees in New Zealand and that they thought they don't get enough referrals from the United Nations for people in very dire situations or something like that. The situation I'm in is very bad. I should be able to have my view, have my opinion n be okay at the very least, not that this is likely if one is in an environment where people are seen as n regarded as inferior to experience things said to be out of the ordinary such as talking in the mind, or inferior to be conspiracy theorists, or inferior ultimately to be outside the norm or just not w the popular "in crowd". If people are regarded that way, ie as inferior, its unlikely that they would be something other than attacked really to assert themselves as the truth over the popular thought, popular opinion, etc. The situation probably not unlike Hippocrates (or whoever is the figure that is told to have taken poison over renouncing his teachings under some pressure of a ruler type of figure) n I guess witches burned at the stake in the (supposed) history of this reality of the world that seems to have sharp clause (claws) n condition for those challenging the status quo or popular thought. Availability, space etc to have my view n be okay is not what has occurred here in this country of the United States, which, to talk in a way not so welcome here, is actually a place not possible to exist. It's really what is the reason for the occurrence of the myth n legend n tale of the Bermuda Triangle. The United States is really the storied Bermuda Triangle, I've been told in my mind. The Bermuda Triangle is a area in the ocean near the United States where things are said to disappear n never been seen again, but it's supposed to be challenged as true the area exists or that things really disappeared there. I'm told in my mind that the United States is where the devil is to have apparently arranged to be things he's not supposed to be able be in other countries where it's supposed to be not as less than to tell the truth, such as that it is not real here, ie this reality of the world. It is said it is more less than to tell the truth in the United States which is supposed to show how superior it is to sell out to the devil n act like this present reality is the only truth, this present reality of things like how it is in the United States most of all however, which has no queen, ie monarchy (which is more like the actual nature of the rule where one figure -- really the devil but it's hidden -- is really in charge and kind of unfairly so); w an eagle on it's seal/emblem instead of a more mythological looking creature or something; and a serious-looking flag design also; w a history of supposed leaders of high esteem so prepared by going to what's supposed to be the finest n best universities etc.Ā  Lots of issues involved in this situation of my being disempowered that are unfair. There is a world domination here where some people are less in power and poorer than others, ie inferior as who believe in magic etc or who can somehow seem -- if its true people aren't inferior not to be a certain favored way such as showing "aptitude" in math n science etc, which is favored in this present way of things -- to suggest of another knowing or contribution other than presently held as so sought after or appreciated or made so apparent. With this governmental structure dominating in the present reality of the world, which is really a false reality ruled by the devil, blacks all over the world are typically supposed to be inferior n the tribal people n people in the Congo etc, who would seem to be knowing of magic or be suggestive of having a more broad inclusion of things n have more creative ideas of things. The rule of the world w governments etc asserts pretty much, as I'm aware, that magic is not real etc. It is making a field day environment for the devil to attack people, ie for the devil to attack me n not be recognized as attack or for what it is.Ā  I have some links n things I collected to help show there is a rising demonstration of that there is something happening here in this country of the United States n it's supposed to be other countries also implied but the devil i think is making that up, but it's a rising apparentness of there being a experience of the government run society n etc that is something other than what has been for the most part considered possible n other than has been protected against for someone to experience it, it being very bad attacking etc for the person not recognized as attacked by the government etc. You can tell this, ie a person can see this is not traditionally protected against, the experience or attack I'm trying to describe, by considering some movies and other things that tell about the attack of an individual that is at the mercy of the rule of the society or the majority that is having an experience of things other than that of the individual. The movie Enemy of the State w the actor Will Smith, the character played by Will Smith ending up in a mess of a situation, unmanageable n horrible n dangerous after apparently uncovering a government secret, something like this. There's a similar movie w Sandra Bullock, i have to find the title. But she becomes a target of government attack after finding I think some kind of government secret. This American society has many other stereotypical instances of attack of the individual in which the individual is to others something other than who the person is to himself. I am someone to be contexted or identifiable as mentally ill here in this society. (I don't agree w mental illness as true.) This, ie mental illness, is not the exact apparent experience of the main characters in the movies I referred to, but it is pretty much my experience that this is who I am supposed to be in the context n truth of this society I am in presently in the United States n it is suggested as a possible context for a rising expression of what can be a person's experience here that is outside the familiar bounds of the society n government operation for protection n service etc. There has been reports of people kidnapped in instances of forced hospitalization for so called mental illness. There has been reports n much surfacing information on people being called "targeted individuals" that are said to be targets for covert attack by government agents using some technology to make issues that are to this point mostly only classified as mental illness, such as hearing talking n harassment in the mind. Other things surfacing are mirroring my experience where I'm being ignored or not recognized that I am being attacked by what's supposed to be ordinary on benevolent practices of the society. It's creating an alternate reality, and alternate story n telling that is a quiet storm on this reality continuing as it has pretending no story other than the official can dominate or claim the flow of information or the norm or what's commonly told as what's truly happening. I can forward some examples of this kind of expressed phenomena or happenings. Like I said, i tried to recently collect some things for my seeking to be recognized as n get some attention etc as a refugee. I had to learn about the term refugee n etc. Things are not really easy to understand etc for an actual person present here, the stuff is supposed to be foreign (in the rule of the devil) that is the workings of things. One thing i say that contradicts the truth asserted as true of this present reality is I say people are not really present in their form. I am attacked very bad by the devil here w very bad torment, magic, physical things to my face, appearance, etc, things that are supposed to be known here as something other than they are to me. This is something now w this rising tide or emerging information that can be contexted or matched or mirrored as an experience something like that of the targeted individual. The devil tormenting me some now. It tries to tell me it's telling me what to say. People are supposed to be less than to the devil here w what the devil seeks as the rule here. It tries to act like people do not really exist n that it is some origin etc of people, it's extremely disgusting n irritating. But I wish for change n to be able to have something other than this present way of things in the world as the way of things seems to me from appearances from the outside looking in mostly n not much experience outside of the US. In the way of things in the United States I've experienced that control is too much out of the hands of the individual. Please help me as a refugee n i can move forward. I am stopped or paused now or have been in the country of the United States as someone saying that the truth has not been what's told here as to the history n whats really happening -- for the most part (but things are cumulatively arising to challenge n change that, as I'm telling here). I said in spring 2014 that this reality is ruled by the devil n that people were not really mentally ill to experience hearing talking in the mind n other things said to be illness here, such as bad sadness here in devil land. I soon after that began being attacked by the society structure, things are very out of the hands of the individual, very hard to manage, as alluded to in the two movies I mentioned. Other movies, such as movies about crazed stalkers in love w unattainable objects of their affection, hint at this culture in the United States where the individual is at the mercy of the truth of or overridden by the truth of the crowd but that is not exactly as it is outwardly stated in this reality. It's supposed to just be that the truth of the crowd n reality of the crowd is superior to that of the individual in many other instances, such as w Paula Dean n others having what was considered unwelcome things to say at points n they were met w rebuke of the crowd losing job positions, but I don't support people having to work however. Work is slavery n enslavement to the rule of the devil, it's forced labor here. But this culture in the country of the United States singles out n attacks the individual. It holds n asserts as true for people to be many things outside the norm -- such as mentally ill -- that are things to be considered inferior to what others are as supposedly normal. The devil, as I was writing this at a point, kept trying to press i was not who was writing this. It was supposed to be from some other source other than myself. It's extremely bad torment n attack. But the governmental structures the devil has arranged for here, they favor the crowd, it is a god that is worshiped here, the crowd. It is evil, the crowd. There is a false n superficial standard set by the crowd, where others are supposed to be inferior to not be blending in n etc. But poverty w government structures n their money systems: a very bad restraint on people. I am not w much means. I have also been homeless here, a home not so accessible to people here. These examples also of how a person, ie individual is disempowered or having less freedom than should be seen as beneficial, ie good etc for the whole/greater good.Ā  I will forward more information n try to look into more things about getting to Australia or New Zealand. I read New Zealand has had fewer refugees, which may mean it's more available or beneficial for me to go there because I am not normal n maybe this occurrence means the country can deal w a abnormal situation or is more prepared for one person as who ends the world. Really I am the only person here present in my form in the world as it is known, which is really ruled by the devil. But I am not sure if New Zealand is to so be having to be this kind of situation. I suppose I somewhat prefer Australia, but I wish to go where it is best. I can try to get more situated to live in Australia later, hypothetically, as I wish to live there, but I am interested in New Zealand also. There are some other things I can tell, such as about instances of outward attack and about one of my soul mates residing in Australia, but I'll leave off there. I will try to forward this message to someplace in Australia like w the prime minister there or the immigration services there n also in New Zealand.Ā  Sincerely,Ā  Marla Rose LusterĀ  ________________________________________ From: marla [[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2018 10:02 AM To: U.S. Department of Education Subject: RE: Important info about your defaulted federal student loan Im attacked by this society very bad. I am trying to seek to find a way i can leave to be a refugee in another country. I was made homeless at a point when things were gone out of control w this issue n account n other things also. I'm not a normal experience here anymore, it's unmanageable here for me because I've been attacked by this society n government. It's not allowed to be my friend anymore here, this government etc, because I said it's ruled by the devil. It's really ruled by the devil etc, this reality. It's very bad here, it's not as it is acknowledged n said to be often enough. But there is increasing expression of opinion of this way of things as not what is as it's been said to be like as in things being about liberty etc, ie good-intentioned here so much. Presently it's difficult n concerning to deal w this issue of the account (n other things). Really it's slavery here n very disgusting here. ________________________________________ From: U.S. Department of Education [[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 5:02 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Important info about your defaulted federal student loan Affordable payment agreements available Click here to view this email as a web page. [Federal Student Aid An Office of the U.S. Department of Education] Dear Marla, The U.S. Department of Education recently recalled your defaulted student loan account from Account Control Technology Inc.. You can now make payment arrangements without paying additional collection costs, but you must call us before August 18. Take Action Now Please call the U.S. Department of Educationā€™s Default Resolution Group at 800-621-3115
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