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raccoon-beanieboi · 18 days ago
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Pairings: Ace (oc) x Wolffe
Entry to @clonexocweek 02.11.25: Quality Time |
Short summary: paperwork seemed to somewhat go by faster. Even if they could've spent their time together differently. but Ace was content with this.
Rating: G / SFW
Words: 1,753
Warnings: none, at most there might be cursing and mild flirting. Mention of other characters but they aren't part of the plot as much.
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The silence of the office seems to draw out despite it being remotely comfortable. The constant tapping or the occasional rustling of flimsi as Wolffe and Ace worked through the stack of paperwork and datawork Ace had. Wolffe was content with having Ace’s legs in his lap, their chairs pulled closed together. He idly would rub his thumb against Ace’s thigh every now and then. After a while, Ace rubbed his eyes. He was getting tired from looking at the datapad in his hands for the last couple of hours. Although the comforting presence of each other was making it hard to stay awake for a couple more hours to get at least a large chunk of the datawork and reports finished before too much later, even if the chrono read 1:05 AM.
After a while Ace set his datapad down, balancing it on his thigh as he stretched with a groan. He finished stretching, leaned forward to pick his mug and paused, the cup half raised to his lips. His brows furrowed as he started a little dumbfounded. “When did I get tea?” He didn’t think he had been so focused and doing this for so long that he forgot he had tea and not caf. Wolffe had to bite back the slight grin at Ace’s confusion over having tea instead of caf. It was hardly a surprise to him since Ace drank more caf than anything else, it was hard not to tease the other about it. “I got it for you,ten minutes ago” Wolffe mused,still staring at his own datapad working on reading through one of the many reports they had been working through. His free hand still rubbing up and down Ace’s thigh, now with a little more pressure.
Well… Ace mulled it over before he shrugged. He took a sip from his cup,gave it a look of consideration. Whatever it was, it was good tea and probably not caffeinated. “Thanks, made it with love I hope?” He teased, he pulled his left leg out of Wolffe’s lap. He gently tilted Wolffe’s face towards him, he leaned forward enough to peck him on the lips “and creamer.” He nipped Wolffe's lower lip, then he pulled away and put his left leg back into Wolffe’s lap, hooking his ankle with his right. Wolffe couldn’t stop the grin from forming on his face because of the teasing and the nip to his lower lip. He was tempted to pull Ace down and have the other sit in his lap. He almost did but caught himself, instead he gently flicked Ace’s knee, “Yes, made with copious amounts of love,” his words dripping with sarcasm. While the words seemed teasing, there was no doubt that his love was genuine. “Good cup then” Ace hummed out, he didn’t react to the flick on the back of his knee. “A little higher dear. You seemed to have forgotten that my prosthetics start from the knee down” He took another swig of his tea before he set his mug down on the desk.
“Didn’t really forget, just testing you.” Wolffe shifted his hand higher up Ace’s thigh. He lightly squeezed the upper part. “I could go even higher.” His pinky teasing the inside of Ace’s thigh. “Hey now, we’re on base and in my office. Let’s not get that frisky.” Ace laughed, his eyes glinting with fond amusement. “That’s never stopped us before” Wolffe quipped back, hand still squeezing the other’s thigh. “Remember that time that we-” He cut himself off when the door to the office slid open suddenly, Thorn in the doorway. “Hey Thorn” Ace shot Wolffe a brief “warned ya” look before he met thorn’s gaze. Wolffe rolled his eyes at Ace. He glanced at Thorn, “What do you need Thorn?” Wolffe groused as he slowly moved his hand away from Ace’s thigh when Thorn stepped further into the office. Ace sat up straighter. He gathered up a small stack of flimsi and two datapads “picking these up for Fox, I assume?” Thorn accepted the stack from Ace with a brief nod.
“Yeah, something like that” His helmet tilted down toward Wolffe and then towards Ace for a moment. He knew the two were in a relationship, all commanders and the other troopers in the Coruscant Guard knew. Just because Ace was one of them despite being anything but a clone, it didn’t mean teasing didn’t happen. It definitely didn’t stop Thorn from teasing a little. A smirk quirked at the corner of his mouth under his helmet. “Did I interrupt something?” Ace snorted softly “Yeah stopped Wolffe from being a dweeb.” He grinned playfully, as he handed the stack to Thorn. Wolffe rolled his eyes as he leaned back in his chair, arms crossing over his chest. “Am not a dweeb,” Wolffe grumbled, watching Ace and Thorn closely. Thorn let out a mock gasp. “I never thought I would ever hear Ace call you a dweeb, Commander Wolffe. The world must be coming to an end.” His voice had a teasing tilt to it.
“Alright a horn dog then” Wolffe had attempted to protest, he was caught off guard when Ace removed his legs from lap. Ace got up from his chair, having forgotten that he had a datapad balancing on his thigh. It fell onto his boots with a dull thud although he paid it no mind. “That’s unfortunately not all of that stack” he gestured to the stack in Thorn’s hands. Thorn let out a laugh at the banter he watched, his gaze flickering between the couple in front of him. Before it landed on another stack in Ace’s hands. “Oh, you’re not finished yet?” He smirked, raising an eyebrow at the sight of it. The poor commander was going to have fun.
“Oh no this is stuff I finished but Fox needs to go over” Ace set the stack on the desk before grabbing another stack off the floor. He added it to the stack on the desk and Thorn’s hands. “Send Fox my condolences for this horrible stack of misery.” Thorn’s eyebrows almost rose to his hairline, his stance faltering a little at the thickness of the stack that Ace added to the one in his hands. He sighed and gave a nod, as he gripped the stack, a little tighter. “He’s going to kill us both. You know that, right?” Ace laughed cheerfully “Oh he’ll kill you. I’m his favorite and like a son to him. At most I'll have my ass chewed or grounded.” He patted Thorn’s shoulder before he sat back down and placed his legs back in Wolffe’s lap. “Have fun.” He grinned.
Thorn rolled his eyes under his helmet, knowing that Ace was telling the truth about being Fox’s favorite and practically like a son to him. It was a known fact amongst the coruscant guard. Then he glanced towards Wolffe, at the sight of Ace’s legs being placed back into the Commander’s lap. Thorn was definitely going to tell Fox about that when he delivered the stack to him. “You two need a room,” Thorn commented before disappearing out of the office. “We have a room, dumbass!” Ace called out after Thorn. “Well technically a whole ass apartment because I can afford it.” He muttered as he picked up the datapad he accidentally knocked into the floor, at least it was still okay. He sighed as he picked up his pen up off the floor too and begrudgingly got back to work.
Wolffe chuckled at Ace's retort. He was well aware of the apartment, and it was very nice for a lower level apartment complex. He and Ace had spent many nights together there without anyone bothering them. He snapped out his thoughts at the other’s soft sigh. His eyes followed Ace’s movements. “Thorn can be a bit of an idiot,” Wolffe huffed, he leaned back in the chair. He went back to rubbing Ace’s thigh. “More like living up to his name.” Ace sounded a bit miffed with underlining amusement. Wolffe chuckled at that, Thorn could be a bit of pain, the name Thorn fit him well. Ace went back to idly reading through reports, writing or signing things before finishing up with it. But as another hour ticked by, words were definitely starting to blur into one mass. Wolffe had started where he left off with his own work. He started to notice that the other was having a harder time going through the work. “Getting a bit tired there?” Wolffe inquired, taking note how Ace was struggling with the words on the datapad.
Ace tossed his pen and the datapad onto the desk before rubbing his face. “Yes” He muttered from behind his hands. Wolffe smirked at that, knowing that they probably should have slowed down on the reports and datawork a while ago. He gently patted Ace’s thigh. “C’mon, get into my lap,” he hummed out, he sent his datapad on the desk. He patted Ace's hip, his voice quiet, yet a little commanding and surprisingly gentle. “No funny business?” Ace grumbled out. He pulled his legs from Wolffe’s lap before settling into the other’s lap tiredly. Their armor clanking against each other.
“No funny business, I promise,” Wolffe chuckled, he easily settled his hands on Ace’s hips as the other man settled in his lap. He let his hands rub circles against the red and white plastoid at Ace’s waist. He leaned further back into the chair to get more comfortable with the other tucked against him. “Just rest for a bit.” Ace grunted softly, as he rested his head onto Wolffe’s shoulder. His eyelids drooped closed. Wolffe smiled softly as he watched Ace settle down. He gently cupped the back of the other’s head, before lightly running his fingers through Ace’s curly auburn hair. “I got you meshurok, I’ll keep you safe.” Wolffe murmured quietly. He kept one hand resting on the back of Ace’s head and the other on his hip.
Wolffe smiled as Ace fell asleep. He shifted slightly holding the other as possibly closer as he rested. He let his own eyes shut, enjoying the quiet and feeling of the other in his lap. He wouldn’t mind if they stayed like this all night just to get all this work done, maybe regret it later but still. It wouldn’t be the first time Wolffe had fallen asleep in the office with Ace in his lap.
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