#clone pilot axe x reader
majorshiraharu · 4 years
Axe x Jedi Reader Fluff
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Clone-Tober Day 21
Prompts: Character - Axe |  Word - Orders Link to OP Post HERE | OP Blog Link HERE @/threetinyshinies
——————– Clone Pilot Axe x Gender Neutral Jedi Reader ——————–
"Good job out there," Axe said placing a hand on your shoulder. You were sitting on the edge of your Jedi starfighter, you just got do with a difficult space assault. It had been a while since you had fought in a starfighter and were relieved to be alive and that most of your men returned safely.
Letting out a small exhausted laugh you turn to look at him, "Thanks..."  "Is everything alright?" He asked moving around the front of the ship to sit next to you, removing his helmet and setting it on his lap. He noticed your hands shaking some, reaching over he placed his hand over yours, curling his fingers around your hand, gently rubbing his thumb over your skin. You look at his eyes for a few moments before remembering that he had asked you a question, looking over at him you finally answered, "Honestly...not really, just got overwhelmed with all the orders and stress." "But you followed them well and made the right calls even if it went against some orders, you did the best you could in the moment.”  “I don’t know...”
Studying your face he becomes concerned for you, trying to think of what to say or do to help you. - “I don't want to push you into a conversation, but if you want to talk I'm here," he said softly smiling at you. -- Some tears build in your eyes as you think over his words and your own feelings, reaching your other arm over you loop it around him, hugging him tightly. At first, he's shocked, but then he places his arm across you, pulling you closer, running his hand up and down your back to comfort you.
"I'm sorry," you mumble as a tear rolls down your face dripping down onto his armor. - "Don't be," he whispered. - Taking in a deep breath you try to gain back some of your composure, pulling away from him. He places his hand on your face, wiping away the tears that had escaped your eyes. "I'm a Jedi I shouldn't be feeling like this or showing these emotions." "Y/N you might be a Jedi, but just like me, you're a soldier in this war. And as soldiers, we have these emotions and it's normal. - We trained our whole life to be numb to these feelings, to handle them better, and yet I and so many of my brothers still struggle with them. I don't much about the Jedi, but I'm sure you weren't conditioned for war like we were." "We learned about war, but it wasn't our life, peace and compassion were what we always learned. Those things clearly don't work well in war..." you say after taking a moment to think about his thoughtful reply. "That's not true, without people like you who strive for peace or compassion wars would never end."  "Thank you, Axe...” you said trying to hold back more tears, he moves his hand to your shoulder softly running his hand up and down, just to remind you you weren’t alone.
"You know...Axe....you're the first person who actually listened to my feelings and were open about how you perceive them."  "Well, probably hearing from people who grew up just like you wasn't the thing you needed, -- but I'm glad I could help some." Leaning over you kiss his cheek, feeling his skin heat up before you pulled away, "You helped more than just some," you said with a bright smile on your face, leaning your head against his shoulder as you looked out into the now mostly empty hanger.
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