#clizzy day!!1!1!
camusclizzard · 2 months
Friends, enjoy a clizzy Image this Fine evening❤️
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I Hope Tour dat is clizzy as ever
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elum4x · 2 years
Hi @doctordixon @willgraham-clizzy ty for tagging me in the 15 questions - 15 people post !! I'm making a new one cause I'm too tired to actually tag ppl but I wanted to answer these for y'all !
1. are you named after anyone?
yes, I adopted the name Nea after an ancestor
2. when was the last time you cried?
watching a video of someone else watching the hunger games at the part where prim died :( like 5 days ago
3. do you have kids?
I'm a "my cat is my baby" person and too young for human kids yet imo
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
depends on who I'm talking to, but yes. the most around my family and old friends
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
IRL: what they're wearing. online: whether or not they capitalize things
6. what’s your eye colour?
dark brown... practically pupil-less
7. scary movies or happy ending?
I like both, it depends on the mood I'm in! more often happy
8. any special talents?
I'm can recite the English alphabet backwards really fast … I'm also really good at carrying a lot of separate items at once without dropping anything
9. where were you born?
in the midwestern US
10. what are your hobbies?
making playlists/discovering music, writing (fanfic, regular fiction, dnd lore), drawing/painting/coloring, fiber arts, playing D&D and board games, going to museums
11. do you have any pets?
yes I have a cat and there's also a crab that lives in my house but I rarely see him
12. what sports do you play/have you played?
I used to play soccer (9 yrs) and basketball and volleyball briefly. I also got a varsity letter for marching band in HS
13. how tall are you?
5'5" ish. very average
14. favourite subject at school?
in HS it was AP Bio, now it's History !
15. dream job?
if I'm REALLY dreaming, caretaker of a food forest, with healthcare benefits and PTO somehow and a very short commute aka I live there. would also love to be paid to do archival research
I have around 15 followers on this blog lol so if you see this I'm tagging you <3 feel free to reblog or tag me so I can see ur answers!
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static-abyss · 6 years
a collection of shadowhunters fic
Potential; malec, jimon, clizzy; pg-13
"Nephilim are the children of angels," Maryse says. "That's why all Nephilim have soul marks."
Detective; luke garroway, past luke/jocelyn/valentine; pg
Luke is a detective and both of his marks have faded to a gray so light they're barely visible.
Beaches; maia roberts, past canon relationships; pg
Maia Roberts doesn't have a soulmate.
This has set her free.
A Shadowhunters Guide to Mundane Monsters; jimon; pg-13
Here's the thing: Jace has wanted to find anything to distract him from Valentine, the cup, the angel, and Clary. He just wants to stop going over the things in his head, how the only father he ever had was a monster, how Clary finally came to her senses and decided to break things off with Jace, how there was a wish for an angel to bring him back. His brain is so loud sometimes, it feels like one, long, drawn out scream.
Except then, Simon catches him at Hunter's Moon, takes one look at him, and says, "I have a book for you."
Magnus Bane, Inc.; malec, clizzy, implied jimon; pg-13
Magnus Bane is most definitely a ghost hunter and he has an ad to prove it. His number is listed under medium in the phone books, but it says very clearly that he is a ghost hunter right there, underneath his name. Magnus Bane Inc., cleansing your home, one pesky ghost at a time, his ad reads.
Which is why, after a long week of pretending to read people's fortunes, he gets a call for a ghost hunter job, and he is zero percent surprised.
Magnus Bane really is a ghost hunter.
He is.
Appendix A: Simon Lewis; jimon, implied malec, implied clizzy; pg-13
There is no ghost. Isabelle just caught Simon by surprise.
Maybe; jimon; pg
Jace looks like he can use the drinks, which is why Simon knows he should stop him. His mother had looked that way too, right after Simon's dad died.
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mirrorofliterature · 3 years
twenty first lines: a roll call
Stealing this from @lostmykeysie (hope you don’t mind; wonderful story openers on your end). It’s been almost three years since I last did this (earlyish 2019), so I don’t think I’m going to get through everything, but still, let’s go! It’s going to be a mix-mash of fandoms. Going chronologically from most recent to least.
Essentially, the rules are to gather together the first lines of your 20 most recent works and to comment on them, if any pattern emerges, etc.
1. When Victoria peers through Ceci’s door, she does not expect to see a scraggly skeleton standing there. | the song of a snuffed out spark | coco canon divergence, 7.3k
2. it takes her a while to figure it all out. | dancing to a different beat | izzy figures out she’s aro: shadowhunters, 757 words
3. Sirius Black was never meant to die old. | dreaming of a happy ending | sirius black, an inevitable tragedy: hp, 1.1k
4. 1928 is like every other year since Thomas became Downton Abbey’s butler. | and all i’m thinking about is tomorrow | thomas barrow gets the happiness he deserves: downton abbey, 3.1k
5. Ginny Weasley stands amongst the smoking wreckage of her school, a place she has lived in for the better part of six years. | a study of cracked gold | ginny and percy, rebuilding after tragedy: hp, 18.1k
6. Edward thought - Well, he doesn’t know what he thought. | i’ll tell you a story before it tells itself | edward courtaney x thomas barrow canon divergence: downton abbey, 10.9k (and desperately neglected)
7. Clary’s wearing a cotton-candied striped scarf when they break up. | cherry blossoms in the spring | modern clizzy exes to lovers: shadowhunters, 3.9k
8. Magnus Bane is Great. | falling | magnus bane has an identity crisis despite being a badass: shadowhunters, 442 words
9. Jason is jogging at the base of Mount Othrys. | falling like lightning | jason and thalia reunite early: pjo, 4.4k (also dying for attention)
10. The wind howls. | everything not black and blue | oliver wood joins the order and defends boyfriend percy weasley: hp, 4.1k
11. When Magnus walks through the hallowed halls of the Institute, hours after his trust in the Clave is further shattered, there are still faint hints of sunlight streaming through the stained-glass windows, almost ethereal. | catch me when i fall | magnus bane gets the story arc he deserved in season 2b: canon divergence, shadowhunters, 7.3k 12. On a perfectly ordinary night, they’re sneaking around on top of frozen ground, walking slowly as to not skid on the icy grass. | fight on, ‘til the night is won | maiabelle murder mystery with a side of brotherly alec: shadowhunters, 1.9k  13. Another world is crueler. | almost found heaven but i missed a step | magnus bane dies too early, a tragedy: shadowhunters, 571 words 14. alec throws away his bundle of yellowing papers. | yet we must go on | alec gets overwhelmed by the impending end of the world, 3x20 coda: shadowhunters, ficlet 15. He wants to say that it was destiny, fate, that they met. | and i do not know who writes the stars | barris introspection fluff: downton abbey, 610 words 16. The infirmary is still as the clock ticks to the hour, shifting the world deeper into the day: night must have fallen by now, but inside the Institute, it is impossible to tell. | god save the king | outsider pov on malec when magnus collapses from magic strain: shadowhunters, 1.4k 17. Alec and Magnus are sitting on freshly painted stools in a quaint cafe off 5th Avenue, perched above bumpy grey and blue cobblestones. | as the storm passes, can you hold this fragile heart of mine? | mundane alec geting caught up in the shadow world: shadowhunters, 7.1k 18. They say drunken words are sober thoughts. | we dreamed, you and i, until you ran away | magnus is angsty over alec, post-break up: shadowhunters, 443 words
19. As Alexander Lightwood places his heart, his hopes, his dreams and desires out for anyone to see onto the thick mahogany table, Asmodeus smiles. | but oh my darling, don’t you trust me? | asmodeus is evil and a very terrible father: shadowhunters, 355 words
20. Alec stands in front of C-12 with a curse on the tip of his tongue: this is decisively not a science room. | off into the abyss (if only i was so brave) | rival science teachers malec: shadowhunters, 468 words
A pattern I was already noticing emerging after the first four fics: the first sentence immediately sets the tone of the fic and introduces the most important thing of the fic: the mystery, the thing the character has to figure out (my writing tends to be heavily character driven, what is plot?). It tends to be less laser focused the longer the fic, particularly if it is multi-chaptered, less signal posting. Sometimes I like to be dramatic and simply and creatively describe the scenery. I also got to skip one because I put it in my prior 20 lines fic in 2019 as a wip and felt very smug. Maybe too smug, but finishing things is a wonderful feeling. Irrelevant to the sentences, but my titles do tend to be literary-esque and dramatic. And lowercase. That is essential to my aesthetic.
This took me... a decent amount of time. I’m tagging: @infinitelycynical, @sugarandspace, @lightwormsiblings, @faejilly and whoever else wants to participate!
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poemsfromthealley · 4 years
first lines meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
I was tagged by @lynne-monstr. and @ladymatt, so here goes! I'm just gonna pick the last 20 fics I posted to ao3, regardless of completion status.
1. Talking With Strangers (Shadowhunters, malec, university AU w/ marriage of convenience and an approximate fuckton of pining)
On the day that is going to define the rest of his life, Alec jerks awake to the gentle chiming of his phone and proceeds to fall off the couch.
2. The Stair Into the Sea (SH, malec, The Lighthouse Fic, i.e. the magnum opus, a magical realism au with a haunted seaside village and a fraught summer romance) [NSFW in chapter 10]
Magnus stepped off the coach onto the grizzled asphalt of the tiny bus station and thought, not for the first time, You're out of your head, Bane. And the next bus service out of this place is the day after tomorrow.
3. The Underwater Heart (SH, malec, fairytale AU w/ a soulbond twist)
Far across the ocean, in a kingdom whose name is lost to time, there lived a young prince.
4. Bramble (SH, clizzy, canon-divergence getting-together fic, on semi-hiatus until I figure out a kink in the plot)
Isabelle has a problem. Like a not insignificant number of her problems, it starts with a kiss.
5. From the Green Shadows (SH, malec, The Witcher fusion, Alec & Magnus as fellow monster hunters — this is the PWP coda to the main fic) [NSFW link]
Magnus weaves through the crowd, a tin mug held high in each hand. Alec watches his progress as he ducks around a server with a flourish of apology, a quick, glittering smile.
6. is it bright where you are (SH, malec, post-canon, fluff w/ (im)mortality talk)
Magnus collapses into the pillows with sticky, boneless satisfaction, limbs going every which way. Alec presses a damp kiss on his brow. "Be right back."
7. The Birthday of the Sea (SH, Alec & Maia, lighthouse fic prequel about their friendship)
On his thirtieth day as a lightkeeper, Alec woke to find a girl in the parking lot.
8. Walkers of the Winding Path (SH, malec, The Witcher fusion, the main fic in the verse, a fantasy road trip romance w/ a helping of family feelings) [last two chapters are NSFW]
The first frost of autumn surprises Alec on the road. The forest pond near which he camped is covered in glittering rime so fine that it melts at a brush of his fingers. Horse stamps and snorts on her tether, her breath forming clouds in the dagger-sharp dawn air.
9. ring the bells that still can ring (Star Wars sequel trilogy, jedistormpilot, The Return of Skywalker coda)
The night after they win the war, only the wounded sleep.
10. you who have come from my old country (SH, malec, Magnus after Alec, post-canon, a take on the future of the New York Institute)
On a crisp, cloud-strewn day in September, Magnus goes up the steps of the New York Institute for the first time.
11. the wine of your dreams (SH, malec, canon-verse PWP w/ friendly tentacles) [NSFW link]
Here's a thing about dating Magnus Bane: just when Alec thinks he has the hang of it, something new comes up.
12. to make the saints attend them long (SH, malec, canon-verse future fic, implied main character death)
When Alec falls, Magnus doesn't sense it.
13. as if I have eaten fire (SH, malec, canon-verse PWP w/ light D/s) [NSFW link]
Fingers dip into the hollow of Alec's spine with idle curiosity, followed by the mark of a kiss between his shoulder blades. He gasps through the last of his dream. His back curves into the touch before his waking mind catches up.
14. Will They Sing of Us (SH, malec, canon-divergence from 3.10, mid-danger wedding fic during a hypothetical siege of Alicante)
The streets of Alicante burn.
15. an act of faith against the night (SH, malec, canon-divergent 3.18 coda where Alec can’t go through with the breakup)
Alec turns away, and all Magnus knows is the white flare of panic eating up the air in his lungs.
16. a hazy shade of winter (SH, malec, another canon divergence from 3.18 w/ Magnus dealing with his magic loss)
First of all, Alec comes to Magnus and says, What if we contact your father.
17. Rosemary For the Soul (SH, malec, 3.12 coda, a domestic evening w/ stories from Magnus’s past and emotionally fraught sex) [NSFW link]
The front door sounds just as Alec is staring, with semi-religious fervor, at the final stages of his baking experiment in the oven.
18. Book of Days (SH, malec, 3.11 coda feat. Magnus carrying the memory of everyone he’s loved)
Magnus breaks gently from Alec's grip, muttering about the time and feeling drowsy.
19. love has drawn red from my hands (SH, malec, 3.10 coda feat. bad coping via sex and eventual emotional catharsis) [NSFW link]
There is a sense of wrongness in Magnus's mind like a splinter dug into flesh.
20. bodies full of untold stories (SH, malec, canon-verse case fic w/ accidental soul bond set in early season 3, Magnus & Alec (& Izzy) solve the mystery of a potion gone wrong) [last chapter is NSFW]
It happened on an ordinary Thursday.
So. I cheated slightly by quoting the whole opening paragraph for each story. In most cases, that is a single sentence. This tells me I like to find a short and distinctive opening line (and sometimes I can spend days looking for the right one; the rest of the fic is basically there but if I don’t know where to start I cannot get to it).
I like to start with an emotion or a specific image. Usually I’ll use the opening line to showcase that emotion/image and then start on the wider context in the next paragraph. #20 is a good example of that: the “ordinary Thursday” stands lonesome as its own paragraph, and the next sentence expands on Magnus at his potion experiment. #12 and #14 also fall into this category.
Also, I should never again start a fic with Alec waking up. That is clearly a thing I do too much. xD
I can’t pick one favourite, but right now I really like opening lines #1, #4 and #11. They’re snappy and evocative and also set the tone of the fic nicely.
Here are no-pressure tags for @lightwormsiblings, @faejilly, @electricshoebox, @firstaudrina, @ohfreckle, @la-muerta, @bytheangell — and whoever else wants this. Feel free to blame me, as usual!
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intangibel · 4 years
First Lines Of Your Last 20 Fics!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
Tagged by the incredible @ladymatt ❤️ my personal hero and one of my parabatri.
Most of mine are *old* but I just finished the WIP i had been hanging over my head for 6 years so I am determined I can get back to all of these.
1) Eyes of the Beholder (E, Malec: All Human AU/Nude Model AU)
Magnus spots the sketchbook as he ducks out from behind the decorative screen that doubles as a change room.
2). Someone to Believe In (T, Nell Jones/Eric Beale NCISLA: Undercover Mission, Kid fic)
"Didn't you ever wish that there'd been an error? That someone would walk into your classroom and say ‘Sorry, there'd been a mistake! Nell’s not meant to be in this grade but the one down the hall, with the kids two or three grades up’ that you belonged, not with the people who were technically your own age but with all the other kids who were doing the same work as you…”
3). Yours, Mine (M, Alternate Malec: This World Is Inverted AU)
”Kidnapping someone is a lot of effort, a lot of planning and resources,” Alec said almost lazily as he propped himself up against the cold wall.
4). My Last and Only Hope (T Malec: The Martian AU)
Alec knew he was taking a risk just turning up at Bane Industries and demanding an interview with Magnus Bane himself.
5). You Want Me To Teach What?! (T, Malec: Teachers AU)
Alec was sitting in his office eating lunch and chatting to Izzy about what they had planned for the Christmas break when they were interrupted by a timid knock at the door.
6) This Christmas (T, Malec: Human AU, Christmas Fic)
“Are you sure Alec won’t mind?” Magnus asked for what had to be the fourth time that morning as he followed Izzy inside the apartment she and Alec shared.
7). With The World Watching (G, Malec: Human AU, Wedding Dances)
Alec isn’t really paying attention when Lydia throws the bouquet.
8). Dutch Courage (T, Jimon: Human AU, Mutual Pining)
When Simon gets back to his apartment after what is possibly the longest day of his entire life, he’s focused on just one thing.
9). Hold and Release (T, Malec: Human AU, Yoga AU)
Maybe his mother was right, Alec mused as he matched his breath to his movements, maybe this is exactly what he needs to get his priorities sorted.
10). Stand By You (G, Malec: Missing Scene, Parabatai feels)
When Alec walked into the living room he was surprised to see Magnus standing at the drink cart tossing back a glass of whisky.
11), I found God but it wasn't supposed to be (T, Malec: Soulmate AU, Winged!Alec)
“It remains our primary mission, above all else, to locate God. Remember, this incarnation may take any human form - irrespective of race, age, and gender.”
12). Melt My Heart with Snow (T, Malec: Canon Compliant, Snow Play)
“Really?! Already?! Surely it’s too early,” Alec groaned.
13). I want to show you the world (T, Clizzy: snow joy/Christmas)
Clary had gotten up early so that she was already in the training room when Alec walked in.
14). Play Me Like a Choir (M, Malec: Magnus & Simon Friendship, Learning a musical instrument)
Sleeping during the day was still a work in progress.
15). Orphans & Bassinets (G, Malec: Kid fic)
It’d been a really long day, so when Magnus’ phone rang he really wanted to banish it to some alternate universe where no clingy and obsessive clients would ever be able to find it.
16). I’ll Wear My Heart On my Sleeve Tonight (T, Malec: Pride, Spirit Day)
[from: Alexander 3:04PM] I have something I really want to do tonight and I’m really hoping you’re free because I want to do it with you.
17). Malphabet (G-M, Malec: A-Z ficlets)
That was all it took. A single arrow fired by an incredibly hot archer and Magnus was hooked.
18). My Precious Cinnamon Roll (T, Malec: Alec Bakes)
Trudging up the stairs to his loft at 3am was definitely not part of his plan for a relaxing night curled up on the couch with Alec after his late patrol ended at midnight.
19). Heirlooms & Rattles (G, Malec: Magnus babysat Alec as a Child)
“Magnus are you sure the amethyst scarab of that Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh -” Alec began.
20). The Tie that Binds and Breaks Us (G, Alec Introspection, Clizzy, one-sided Jace/Alec, future potential Malec)
“Jace, listen to me!”
Clary. Why was it always Clary who was one step ahead of him?
I start stories in the middle of conversations about 40% of the time.
I have a *thing* for improving the outcome of characters who’ve had long days.
Tagging (should you want to) @magnusbae, @aceon-ice , @apathyinreverie , @arialerendeair , @to-the-stars-writing
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thebisexualdogdad · 4 years
Malec, Clizzy and Jimon as parents AU
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Co written with @inhumanshadows
· So Alec and Magnus have 2 boys (Rafael and Max), Simon and Jace only have 1 child (Stephen) And Clary and Izzy have 3 kids (twins Cora and Iris, Liam)
· Magnus and Alec are the first to start their family so their son's are the oldest, then Clary and Izzy's twin girls and their son is a year younger than Jace and Simon's son
· Malec's sons are personality wise just like their dads
· Very smart, very stubborn and very sassy
· Clary and Izzy's daughters are a force to be reckon with and they can kick the boy's asses any day of the week
· And they protect their little brother.
· Jace and Simon's son is just a little shit who's always playing pranks on people
· He loves pulling pranks. 
· All the clizzy kids can cook. (Isabelle finally admitting she’s not best around a kitchen)
· And the Lightwood-Bane boys are so freaking smart, Rafael is already on track to taking over as the head of the Institute from Alec when he's old enough
· Maryse has her hands full with all these grandkids and she spoils all of them
· Oh the sheer amount of spoiling from her alone
· Malec have the strictest household, Clizzy are in the healthy balance and Jimon have literally no rules
· Jimon has rules put in place by Clizzy and Malec
· Stephen is not afraid of Alec at all and Jace is all proud like that's my boy
· Alec has a realization of terror that Stephen is very much like Jace
· And Izzy thinks it's hilarious
· She has a framed picture of Alec’s face
· All the couples switch off taking care of the kids for date night once a week
· Jimon babysitting means sugar crashes. 
· Clizzy babysitting ends up with simple cooking lessons or art projects or more likely both.
· Malec babysitting means awesome bedtime stories with added magic cause of Uncle Magnus
· One time Stephen got into a little trouble with some graffiti he did on the subway walls so Clary called in retired cop Grandpa Luke to set him straight
· Clary is stern and responsible on the outside but after she pulls her nephew aside and gushes over the art
· And both Simon and Jace are like oh thank god we don't have to discipline him ourselves
· Clary: “bitch you thought....” and hands them parenting books
· Cora and Iris are fascinated by the mundane world and have snuck out a few times to go dance at clubs
· They end up at pandemonium a lot. And Uncle Magnus has the place spelled to let him know.
· Magnus may be the cool uncle but he does give them the ultimatum to tell their moms themselves before he does 
· Liam is 100% like Clary. Covered in paint or chalk pastels.
· The boy is a total artist prodigy
· Izzy is a bit worried when she thinks he hasn’t inherited much from her. But Liam is killer at darts and takes up archery. Uncle Alec sheds a tear
· Cora and Iris also take after Izzy in been highly knowledgeable with weapons which the boys are all terrified of
· They pray for whomever messes with them
· Rafael and Max are more inherently book smart than physically inept but Alec trains with them everyday
· Clizzy’s children all argue over possession of Izzy’s electrum whip.
· The amount of times any of the kids have broken into Magnus' apothecary supplies and accidently blew stuff up or drugged themselves
· He has to put non lethal magic to keep them out of it. Stephen isn’t the bravest but does his best. And Jace is so the overprotective parent
· Everyone is shocked at how protective Jace ended up being, even Simon is more relaxed than he is 
· "They're so fragile! Do you know how easy it is to break a kid?"
· Simon tells Stephen to keep an eye on Jace when he babysits and Simon has to work.
· Simon "babe please don't feed them pizza and ice cream again Alec's gonna be so mad"
· Birthday parties are always awesome.
· Even Alec enjoys them as well as family barbecues
· The kids get really spoiled by Grandma Jocelyn and Grandpa luke.
· Luke is the grill master at barbecues and Jocelyn slips every kid some money for candy and junk food
· Jocelyn teaches the kids about the old days of the shadowhunters.
· Rafael and Max speak multiple languages and will speak in another language around Stephens to make him mad
· He gets back at them by making references they don’t get
· Rafael and Max are just as clueless about pop culture as their dad's meanwhile Stephen lives off it
· When the kids are old enough to start dating Clizzy are excited, Malec are worried and Jimon are 50/50 
· The twins have a very open relationship with their moms so they can talk about the people they have crushes on
· Alec on the other hand is like oh no i didn't sign up for this
· Alec: “I didn’t sign up for emotions and relationship talk.”
· Magnus: “just wait till the sex talk
· "nope, Jace can handle that" 
· "you really want Jace to give our kids the sex talk?" 
· "well he gave me the talk when we were they're age"
· Magnus is like 😑 Or *looks into camera* “this boi...”
· there’s conflicts about the kids going to school in the mundane vs the shadow world
· Clary and Simon obviously want them to experience the mundane world like they did, Alec, Izzy and Jace want homeschool like they did and Magnus is like why do they need school again?
· This leads to immense arguing. Until Jocelyn to the rescue: “they go to mundane school and learn about the shadow world at night like Clary”
· You can’t tell me that Clizzy didn’t start their own inclusive fashion label
· The kids of course designed some of the fashion labels clothing and happily promote the label.
· Cora and Iris are some of the most popular kids at school so everyone wants to wear Clizzy's stuff because they are
· Liam is popular in his own circles. He’s one of the top artists at the school.
· Stephen is the “bad influence”
· Rafael and Max get straight A's and are at the top of their classes
· The others have subjects they excel in and ones they help each other in. Although Stephen while a smart kid has some focusing problems
· All the pta mom's have a crush on Jace
· They all end up going to colleges in New York to stay close to the Institute
· They all live in a shared loft which, thanks to magic fits them all. And they have to periodically make sure the other eats
· Of course Rafael make a chore chart which Stephen doesn't follow at all
· Rafael's like: “guys chore wheel!!”
·Stephen: “fuck ya chore wheel!”
· One night the twins come home from class and the boys had stolen their face masks and were having a spa night
· They’re like: “we should be mad... but they’re taking care of themselves...” 
· They then take the boys shopping for spa day supplies tailored to each of them. They all get together and relax after stressful weeks
· And all the couples gush about how cute their kids are
· So many baby pictures
· And they all embarrass the kids on social medias
· Sole reason any of the parents have social media
· Clary, Izzy and Simon all leave supportive and loving comments on the kids posts, Magnus leaves historical facts retaining to whatever they posted about, Alec leaves the randomest comments that no one understands and Jace just leave troll comments
· And clary’s Insta is full of candids of the kids and the fam
· Alec posts once every 6 months and it's usually of the kids training
· Magnus has a lot of photos with the kids and the chairman. As well as local visits to cat shelters
· Izzy's Insta has a theme and is organized and model style photos
· Simon posts very artsy hipster pictures of New York and inspirational quotes
· He also has pics of his boys at amusement parks. And the first big family trip to Disney was a sight
· Meanwhile Jace's insta is an actual disaster and doesn't even put captions on most his posts
· Simon and Stephen give Jace a crash course on insta
· One time Alec saw a beer bottle in a story and freaked out, Magnus had to stop him from going to the loft to scold them
· “Alec... they’re grown ups... as much as you don’t want to admit it.”
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antisocial-af · 4 years
Day 1: Clizzy
Title: Lightwood Gifts
25 Days of Pairings: Day 1 Clizzy 
Rating: G
Wordcount: 1076
No Major Archive Warnings
SFW, Holiday Fluff.
Isabelle gives Clary a gift.
Read on Ao3
“Yes, trust me,” Isabelle sighed again as she kept speaking into the phone. “Hermano, just give him the damn thing. We spent all of last week looking for a perfect gift. Don’t chicken out now.”
She kept walking down the New York Institute hallway, sometimes stopping to admire the snow falling outside the windows.
“Alec, he will love it,” she kept assuring. “You could give him one of the standard Shadowhunter uniforms, and he would treat it like you had it specifically tailored just for him and one of a kind.”
She listened as her brother kept on explaining his worries. She had been trying to talk Alec down for almost twenty minutes now.
She kept allowing the Inquisitor to ramble on till she reached her bedroom door.
“I have to go, hermano,” Isabelle cut him off after the latest reason why the bracelet wasn’t enough. Isabelle didn’t know how a charmed bracelet that had runes carved in for protection wasn’t enough, but apparently, his brother had higher standards on gifts for his loved ones.
“No, I’m okay,” she assured him when he jumped to conclusions. Always the big brother, she thought. “Just got to my room, and I have my own holiday plans.”
Isabelle listened to his warm wishes of luck and happiness before they both finally said bye.
As she entered the shared bedroom, Isabelle heard the soft hums coming from the bathroom. Clary must’ve just finished painting and was cleaning up.  
Isabelle entered the art covered room to where Clary’s paints and brushes still laid scattered.
Izzy would often come back from a long day at the Institute to her girlfriend doodling, sketching, or painting something.
“You’re back early.”
Clary entered the room from the attached bathroom and smiled as she adjusted her towel, looking at Isabelle.
“I couldn’t wait till I got back to you.”
“Mhm,” Clary accepted and made her way to Isabelle. “Welcome back, Izzy.”
Izzy pulled the redhead closer and smiled as she stared down into those stunning green eyes.
“You’re staring again,” Clary teased and leaned up to kiss Izzy’s cheek.
“Can you blame me?” Isabelle smiled. “Out of all the art in here, those two orbs hold my attention every time you enter the room.”
“Oh my god,” Clary broke out in a laugh. “Have you been listening to Magnus and Alec flirt again?”
“That bad?”
“No,” Clary tried to keep her laughter contained and leaned up for another kiss, this time claiming Izzy’s lips.
“I wasn’t lying. I did miss you,” Isabelle defended herself as she continued the kiss. She moved her hand up to tuck damp red locks behind freckled ears.
“How was your day, baby?”
“Long, but I finished up a few paintings,” Clary answered, leaning into her girlfriend’s hand. “What about you?”
“All good, just a few hives here and there,” Izzy explained as she moved to pull Clary on the bed with her. “Are you done for the night?”
“I still have to put everything away, but yeah.” Clary allowed Izzy to pull her down and smiled, sitting somewhat on her girlfriend in bed. When she snuggled closer to Izzy because of the winter cold, Clary felt an uncomfortable rectangle in Izzy’s leather jacket.
“You’re not comfy,” she complained with a pout.
“Excuse me?” Izzy blinked down and remembered what she was hiding. “Oh, your gift!”
Izzy pulled away a bit before she reached into her front pocket and pulled out a neatly wrapped package.
“Simon said you both would always open one on Christmas Eve.”  
Clary’s face broke out into a wide smile as she kept looking between Isabelle and the gift.
“Izzy, you didn’t have to,” she started before Isabelle’s finger was on her lips.
“I love you, and I wanted to do this,” Izzy explained and kissed the top of Clary’s head. “Plus, have you met Alec? Us Lightwoods love showering our partners in gifts.”
Clary smiled as she took in Izzy’s words, knowing them to be true. She would often have to watch what she said around the New York Institute Head, or else Izzy would go off and get it for her. Clary had once seen an ad while patrolling for an expensive art set and commented on how it would be nice to own it. Two days later, Isabelle had shown up in their room with it.
“So I can open it now?” Clary asked, making grabby hands at the gift. If she couldn’t talk her girlfriend out of spoiling her, then she might as well enjoy it.
“Hmm, it depends. Do I get a gift back?” Izzy teased. She knew she would be giving Clary her present no matter what, but she could at least have some fun first.
“I thought you said last night I was the best gift ever?” Clary smirked and leaned over to claim Isabelle’s lips. “You said my tongue was a gift from the Angels, remember?”
Izzy groaned into the kiss pulling Clary closer by the loose towel she was wearing still.
“That’s not playing fair.”
“I learned from the best.” Clary nipped Isabelle’s bottom lip before pulling back and once again making grabby hands. “I win, right?”
Isabelle handed her the rectangular package with a mock glare.
Clary carefully started to tear the tape, holding the brown package together. As she began to peel away brown strips, she saw black, red, and gold. She didn’t know what exactly it could be, but the feel and shape said it was some sort of book.
When Clary finally pulled off the last part of the wrapping, she gasped. It was a black leather-bound book with three different colored cloth bookmarks sewn in. There were golden runes carved into the cover, and the pages were dyed a washed-out red but not quite pink yet.
“Don’t worry, it’s just the edges,” Izzy explained, snapping her out of her exploration. “The pages are white, so you can still sketch it in with color pencils just fine. It’s just the edges that are dyed that color.”
Clary digested the words, opening the book to confirm Izzy’s statement. The page’s felt soft and bumpy under her hands.
“I asked Simon what types of paper you used. I didn’t know there were so many diffe-,”
“Thank you,” Clary cut her off as she lunged herself at Izzy and hugged her tightly. “Thank you for this.”
Isabelle smiled and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend.
“Merry Christmas, Clary.”
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camusclizzard · 2 months
clizzy fireds! a new utapri game has been released!
i ahvent playe dit i dont fuckin play utapri idk how utapri works is it like on phone or something
we can now see clizzard in his full 3 clizz D glory!
I forgot to Upload this th is is old news RHIS is like 3 months ago probably I forget
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anyways behold his clizziness, and as always… have a clizzy day!
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la-muerta · 4 years
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I know I’m not going to be able to fill anymore squares by the deadline so this is my masterpost for Shadowhunter Bingo!
1. we’ll be dancing all night (Clizzy | T | 1,552 words | Dance AU) Clary, a small-town girl with big dreams, moves to L.A. and ends up working as a waitress at a neo-burlesque club called the Pandemonium.
2. A Midwinter Night’s Dream (Malec | E | 4,063 words | Mistletoe) While chasing a white hind through Blackthorn Woods, Prince Alec, soon to be king of the realm, meets a sorcerer named Magnus under a bough of mistletoe growing on an oak tree.
3. Facilis Descensus Averno (Malec | E | 2,706 words | Wing Fic) The descent into Hell is easy. Father Alec Lightwood has never truly understood just how easy, until Magnus finds him.
4. Chain Reaction (World Inverted Malec | E | 4,562 words | Fuck or Die) When shadowhunter Clary from the other dimension comes crashing into Magnus' simple, boring, magicless existence and awakens Magnus' dormant magic, she awakens a lot more than that.
5. Mr December (Malec | T | 1,408 words | Firefighter AU) Alec is a famous architectural photographer who has agreed to help do a photoshoot for the Brooklyn Fire Department for a charity calendar. One of the firefighters should really have come with a goddamned warning.
6. I have the ocean's soul (Maiabelle | T | 2,318 words | Long Distance) While out "fishing" (avoiding her brother) on a warm summer's day, Maia accidentally catches a very odd fish.
7. a girl in a garden  (Clizzy | T | 1,135 words | Marriage) King Robert Lightwood has decreed that it is time for his eldest son to take a wife. Heart-weary on her brother’s behalf, Isabelle escapes into the palace gardens for a breath of fresh air, only to lose her own heart.
8. Thunderstruck (Malec | E | 18,152+ words | Sports AU)* Jace and Alec were once world champion motorcycle racers, but an accident forces both of them into retirement. Alec swore he would never get on a bike again - until their chief engineer Izzy gets wind of a talented illegal street racer who could put them back in the competition. *I haven’t managed to complete the fic, so I made art for the square instead
9. One Year Later (Malec, Clace, Sizzy | T | 3,367 words | Immortality) The morning after Clary chases Jace down a dark alley and remembers his name, everything changes.
Didn’t manage to complete as many squares as I planned to but the rest of my ideas ended up really long D: At least I managed one bingo? LOL
Much thanks to @shadowhunterbingo​ for organising!
Here’s my card!
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izzymalec · 4 years
fellow Clizzy co-captain....sharer of our (1) brain cell...
happy Valentine’s Day saskia! wishing you all the love and happiness 💖💖💖💖💖
happy valentine’s day to you holly!!! thank u so much u deserve the best!! ily and i’m so so happy to know u and share a braincell with u 🥺💓
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dailyclizzysource · 5 years
Twelve Days of Clizzy
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Happy Holiday’s Clizzy Stans!
For dailyclizzysource’s first winter season, we are holding a new event: The Twelve Days of Clizzy! Every day is a new winter or holiday themed prompt where we encourage all Clizzy stans to create an art piece, fanfic, mood board, playlist, etc. centered around said prompt! Here is our schedule:
Day 1: (December 21st) Solstice / Yule or a celebration of lights
Day 2: (December 22) Hanukkah
Day 3: (December 23) Fake Dating/Fake Relationship
Day 4: (December 24) Christmas Eve
Day 5: (December 25) Family
Day 6: (December 26) Ugly Sweaters
Day 7: (December 27) Snow —including snowball fights, snowed in, first snow, snowmen, etc.
Day 8: (December 28) Hot Chocolate or Coffee Shop AU
Day 9: (December 29) Iceskating
Day 10: (December 30) Mistletoe Kiss and Hijinks
Day 11: (December 31) New Year’s Eve
Day 12: (January 1st) New Year’s Resolution / Future Clizzy AU
Tag your posts as #twelvedaysofclizzy or @dailyclizzysource and we’ll make sure it ends up on our dash! Happy holiday season Clizzy stans!
(Photo credit @fangirl-activist)
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intezaarlily · 5 years
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Clary and Izzy spend a lazy morning in bed, and Clary decides to paint Isabelle and paint on Isabelle. For day 1 of Clizzy week.
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enkelimagnus · 5 years
2019 Fic Round-Up
All posted fics written by yours truly in 2019!
I’m going by ship type!
F/F Fics:
(Fandom: The Magicians (TV)) 5 AM Comics, Janet x Sam, rated T, 663 words, domestic bliss as Sam discovers something is wrong with their identities
I Love You, Clizzy, Claia, Clace (background), rated G, 312 words, Canon divergence, Clary’s experiences with “I Love You”s.
Camp Dating, Claiabelle, rated T, 1281 words, Human AU, Summer Camp, “And they were roommates”. Stories of girls falling in bed while being counsellors
The Flower’s Queen Daughter, Heline, rated G, 1349 words, Fairytale AU, Princess Aline gets sent on a quest to save and marry Helen, the Flower Queen’s Daughter.
Snowed In, Claia, rated G, 1611 words, Cowboy AU, Clary and Maia end up being snowed in in a remote cabin. Maia confronts her feelings of inadequacy.
Chilling Adventures of Clarissa, Clebecca (Clary x Rebecca), rated G, 1103 words, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina AU, Clarissa Morgenstern wakes up on the morning of her 18th birthday, with her girlfriend Rebecca by her side, and takes breakfast with her aunt Cleophas and uncle Lucian
Little Spoon, Maryse x Cleophas, rated G, 1105 words, Human AU, there was only one bed.
Rest, Dear Heart, Frayhallow (Clary x Aline), rated T, 1046 words, Pride & Prejudice AU, Clary is Caroline Bingley and Aline is Jane Bennett.
Without the Titles and the Jewels, Maiabelle, rated T, 1720 words, Pirates AU, Princess Izzy meets Pirate King Maia. Sparks Fly.
Crown of Metal & Crown of Flowers, Claia, rated T, 500 words, Underworld Queen Clary & Flower Goddess Maia
Thriving, Clizzy, rated T, 782 words, Canon divergence, domestic Clizzy
Witch Fire, Clizzy, rated M, 1967 words, witch Clary, vampire Izzy, somewhat A Discovery of Witches inspired. Clary’s magic gets uncontrollable and Isabelle saves her life. Secrets are revealed. Feelings blossom.
Maple Red, Isabelle x Seelie Queen, rated M, 2506 words, Canon Universe, Isabelle is asked to attend the Seelie Queen during her bathing ceremony.
Bewitched, Isabelle x Lilith, rated E, 2767 words, Fantasy AU, Hellbent on revenge after the death of her best friend, Isabelle settles at an inn not far from the Witch’s lair. She doesn’t need a spell to fall into bed with the Witch, however.
The Third Sunrise, Clary x Lilith, rated M, 1010 words, Canon Divergence, Clary’s in Edom with Lilith, and starts really missing Earth and its sunlight.
The Fire’s Ransom, Clizzy, rated M, 3575 words, Witch AU, Non-Linear Storytelling, Clary's on the run from the Circle and her family. She's lived by a set of rules ever since escaping Alicante, and they have kept her alive. Her fleeing comes to a halt when she stops in Clerbois and meets Isabelle.
F/M Fics:
Blankets, Jonabelle, rated M, 789 words, Canon divergence, Sebastian waits for Izzy to come home from work.
Only Semi-Comfortable, Melizzy, rated E, 827 words, Canon-ish, Izzy uses sex with anyone, especially Meliorn, as self-harm
Lecture Hall, Valentine x Izzy, rated M, 478 words, Human AU, both are university lecturers, Thoughts of a man who has the woman everyone wants.
Bare Feet, Jace x Lydia, rated M, 1036 words, Canon Universe, Jace and Lydia are caught by the rain while in Milan.
An Angel and a Demon, Jonabelle, rated T, 1296 words, Canon divergence, Izzy takes Sebastian to a Halloween party and he feels comfortable enough to slightly let on his glamour.
Not Intentionally, Jonabelle, rated M, 1900 words, Spy AU, Isabelle meets a tall British man on a mission.
Gen Fics:
A New Circle, rated T, 801 words, Canon, Hodge Starkweather Character Exploration
Life Goes On, rated T, 1210 words, Canon, Clary living without her memories
Pack - Maia Appreciaton Week Ficlets, rated T, 505 words, Canon, Maia’s experiences with home.
Ten Days of Atonement, rated G, 2476 words, Canon, Simon’s penance from the High olidays turns into a Shadow World-wide movement.
(Fandom: The Magicians (TV)) Unauthorized Magic, rated M, 2056 words, A couple of scenes from the first episode, but this time, Eliot is the one getting into Brakebills.
Bread from the Earth, rated G, 1670 words, Human AU, Jewish Maryse teaches Alec how to bake challah, to show her acceptance of his’ and Magnus’ relationship.
First Night, rated G, 655 words, Canon Universe, Simon stares at the candles on his menorah, and remembers another first night of Hanukkah, a long time ago.
M/M Fics:
Long Day, Malec, rated G, 1080 words, Human AU, Jewish Alec’s thoughts at Shabbat
I Need You To Take Over Tonight, Malec, rated E, 4981 words, Canon, Malec BDSM fic: Magnus has had a bad day and needs some control… or lack thereof
Morning Kisses, Malec, rated G, 495 words, Cowboy AU, Magnus waits for his boyfriend for a morning kiss
Pinning the Artwork to the Wall, Malec, rated M, 500 words, Human AU, Alec Lightwoods buys paintings and stays after the exhibit.
Dog Show Romance, Malec, rated T, 2148 words, Human AU, Magnus is as a dog show with his dog and re-meets the judge from the year before. With whom he slept.
Underwater God, Malec, rated G, 500 words, Human AU, Magnus and Alec meet… under the surface.
Bone-crushing lack of him, Malec, rated M, 499 words, Human AU, Magnus gets drunk and texts his ex. When he wakes up, hangover, everything comes back to the surface. Maybe everything is not as doomed as he thinks he is.
Manuscript, Malec, rated T, 500 words, Human AU, Author Magnus and Agent Alec have an unconventional, if perfect, relationship.
Angel Blood, Malec, rated T, 500 words, Canon, Magnus proves Alec wrong when Alec says Downworlders can’t use seraph blades
Arabica Beans, Malec, rated T, 1177 words, Human AU, Barista Magnus & College Student Alec.
Multi Fics:
Two Sarcastic People Walk Into A Bar, Malec, Saia, rated G, 1043 words, Canon, Maia and Alec Friendship over their relationships and their leader roles
Shadowhunters 2.0. - Discovery, Malec, Clizzy, Melizzy, others, rated M, 126,935 words, Canon Rewrite, Rewrite of season 1 of the show with Lesbian Clary, Clizzy and Alec & Izzy parabatai bond.
Status: Illegal, Malec, Clizzy, Saia, rated M, 16,173 words, Sci-Fi AU, Izzy is a Bounty Hunter owned by the Clave, and Clary is a fugitive finding herself harbored by Magnus.
The Last Fairy on Earth, Clizzy, Malec, Heline, Jace x Lydia, Saia, rated M, 18,380 words, Winx AU, Clary thinks she’s a normal girl. Princess Isabelle of Solaria arrives and changes her perception.
Selfish, Jace x Lydia, Clace, Sizzy, Claia, Malec, rated M, 21,075 words, Canon Divergence, Jace meets Lydia a couple months before the end of the “one year later” hiatus of 3x22. A story about mourning and moving on.
One For Each Night, Dotarina, Malec, Clizzy, Saia, Jace x Lydia, Maryse x Luke, rated G, 1145 words, Everyone is Jewish AU, The family meets up at a coffee shop to discuss something very important: Madzie’s First Hanukkah with the Lightwood-Loss-Lewis tribe.
Prosperity, Malec, Clizzy, Melizzy, rated M, 11,000 words, Film Noir AU, Magnus Bane is a tired man, a Private Eye in downtown, rainy New York streets. One day, a gentleman walks into his office.
(also @fictionalrambles)
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deamaia · 5 years
you know what’s absurd? the 3x15 breakfast (presumably they have it everyday so clace knew alec & izzy are going to be there) yet the “love so powerful it defeats the queen of edom” couple- clace- don’t sit next to each other? i mean the writers really work OVERTIME to constantly give clalec moments (big & small) instead of the would-be parabatai clizzy. it would’ve been made SO much more sense to let clizzy be together on 1 side and alec between his 2 guys on the other. more natural!!!
i don’t think it matters that much they were at the end of the day sitting in front of each other but i wanna talk about the “his 2 guys” comment because... what.........
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lightwormsiblings · 5 years
First Twenty Lines
I was tagged by @facialteeth these are the last 20 fics I’ve posted so most of them are 3b codas
I tag: @bytheangell @laughingmagnus @lynne-monstr @magnusbicon @komhmagnus @kindaresilient @junemermaid @mirrorofliterature
1. Jace doesn’t know exactly how it happens - A Place Where I Can Go : Jace and Alec bonding when Jace first comes to live with them
2. “You came in with the pretty girl right?” - Lose Myself In A Day Dream : A Clizzy and Malec matchmaker au
3. Magnus smiles to himself as he runs his fingers down the steering wheel of his car - A Spark : a high school au ft Malec as best friends pining after each other and Saia being adorable
4. Maia notices Alec Lightwood as soon as he walks into the Hunters Moon and makes himself comfortable at the end of the bar. - We Start To Smile : a proposal fic ft a Maia and Alec friendship
5. Magnus leans against the balcony and idly taps his fingers against his martini glass. - Someone Warm Like You : A Valentine’s Day fic and a first date
6. Magnus hadn’t set foot in his apothecary since he’d lost his magic. - It’s Hard To Breathe Sometimes : a 3x11 coda in which Magnus tries to remake his wards
7. Izzy turns the sword over in her hand once, running a finger over the hilt and watching the silver glint in the dim light of the weapon’s room. - Adamas : missing scene from 3x11 in which Izzy finds Magnus a sword
8. Simon’s hand had been on the doorknob for 10 minutes. - Since You Left : Another 3x11 missing scene in which Simon tries to deal with losing Clary
9. Magnus stood in the training room for a brief second, heart beating fast in his chest, the feel of Alec’s kiss still tingling hot against his lips, before he broke into a run after his boyfriend. - Keep On Kissing My Mouth : a 3x12 missing scene of just how Magnus and Alec got to Alec’s bedroom after the training scene
10. Izzy sat at the vanity and stared at her reflection. - I’m Sorry To Myself : a 3x12 coda in which Izzy tells Alec about her relapse
11. Alec was passing the weapon’s room on his way out of the Institute when he stopped in his tracks. - Here’s To The Lives That You’re Gonna Change : a 3x13 coda of Alec and Izzy saying fuck the Clave and being immeasurably proud of each other
12. “Alec!” - Rule The World For A Day : a royalty au where Magnus and Alec are the crown princes of two kingdoms that are about to go to war
13. Izzy slid her lab coat onto her shoulders and instantly felt at ease. - One Life To Love What You Do : a 3x14 kissing scene of Izzy being her badass forensic pathologist self
14. Alec doesn’t hear Catarina calling after him as he storms out of the infirmary and straight out the doors of the Institute. - Playing Nice : A 3x15 coda of Alec storming to Lorenzo in a rage
15. The silence was thick. - Nobody Said It Was Easy : A 3x15 coda of everyone waiting outside the infirmary
16. “Izzy I need your help.” - Dancing Like It Was The First Time : Izzy teaches Alec to dance with the help of a special guest
17. The metal was cold against Alec’s fingers. - I’m A Loaded Gun Ready To Break Us : A 3x18 speculation fic about Alec contemplating the deal
18. Magnus slammed the door open. - I’ll Hold On Until You’re Home - A 3x18 coda in which Magnus finds out about the deal
19. Magnus lay back in the chaise on the balcony, shirt unbuttoned to the navel by Alexander’s fingers, and sighed into the summer air. - This City Is My City : Magnus and Alec talk about their pasts and their relationship with New York
20. Magnus stares at his hands with held breath. - I’m My Veins : a 3x19 coda of Magnus being happy for 2 seconds upon getting his magic back
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