#clive dove maybe tho?
oncie · 1 year
UMM— you still doing Vampire Clive btw?? 🥺👉👈
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oh you got it!! here's my beloved vampire clive AU, he's set in a crossover with the world of darkness (vampire: the masquerade) and he's clan lasombra !! he was embraced as a journalist by a vampire dimitri while investigating the mystery behind his parents' suspicious deaths and stumbling on a major government conspiracy (it involves vampires. it's unwound future but with vampires 🧛) anyway even though he's dead now he's even MORE pissed off and still plotting to destroy everything and everyone so watch out!!
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shittyclive · 1 year
imagine a world where, instead of becoming a governmental conspiracy theorist and blowing a crater in london, clive channels that energy into making hour long youtube videos recapping unhinged "cringe" tv, all the while keeping track of things using a cork board in the background. I think it'd be a fun time
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daily clive 12
i know you said TV, but this evoked the image of him as bdg. clian dovid gilbert if you will
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another-clive-blog · 11 months
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Busy today so you get an old fanart of mine in the meantime 👍
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neo-lemon · 7 years
@beatvenueyani Look i was tagggged here OwO
•Name: Inès or Neo (I’m called Neo so often it’s like my real name :’) )
•Nickname: Neo(-chan) / Nèness / Neko / Neko Citron / Inoui / Citron 
•Zodiac sign/Star Sign: Virgo!!!!
•Height: Idk I’m around 1m50 I guess???? I’m not tall, but I’m not that smol (BOI IF YOU SAW THE KIDS IN MY OLD COLLEGE THEY ARE SO FRIDGING SMOL HOW???? it’s funny)
•Orientation: North, with a lil bit of West IDK LOL
•Hogwarts house: Did a test, I’m in Gryffindor THE YELLOW MUTTERFRIDGERS OH YEE
•Ethnicity: ME IS FRENCH ZANSU (I’m keeping the Iyami outta my country WITH THE POWER OF MY FANTASTIC BUTT)
•Favourite fruit: Ummm I like cherries, strawberries, and raspberries!
•Favourite season: Winter. It’s colder than me. Makes me warm. JK I JUST HATE WHEN ITS HOT AND I LIKE WINTER FOOD??
•Favourite book series: I only read fanfiction. Sorry.
•Favourite flower: Idk roses? Or hydrangeas SO PRETTY IN BLUE OwO >w<  
•Favourite scent: SENPAI!!!! I LIKE HOW HE SMELL OMFG THAT’S A BIT CREEPY BUT IT TRUE BOIS AND GURLS: senpai smellz gut jajaja
•Favourite colour: Blue and yellow. No.
•Favourite singer/band: I LIKE VOCALOIDS YEEEE HAW
•Favourite animal: Uhhh- anything fluffy-SHEEPS!!!- like uh, Chinchillas!!! They are so cute! And bunnies! 
•Cat or Dog person: DOG! I HAS A SMOOL DOGGO!! BERY SMOOLZ!!! >w<
•Coffee, Tea or Cocoa: Uhhh WATER Cocoa but if you count infusions as tea??? IDK DO YOU COUNT INFUSIONS AS TEA??? I MEAN- then infusions would be numba twoooo maybe I HATE TEA AND COFFEE YUCK NOW YELL AT ME AHAHAHAHA
•Average sleep hours: Depends. 7-8 hours when I have school, 9-10 when FRIDGE SCHOOL
•Number of blankets you sleep with: 3... or 1. Depends what you call a blanket. Blanquette de veau miam.
•Favourite fictional characters: KARAMATSU <3 Rayman, Sonic and Tails, Luigi, and Hershel Layton. (and maybe ATTENTION SPOILER CHARACTER FOR A PROF LAYTON GAME (Unwound future BEST LAYTON GAME FITE ME) Clive Dove OwO such a beautiful sexy bad boi)
•Dream job: I’d like to work for maybe Nintendo, Sega or maybe Ubisoft? (i love Rayman) >w< that would require a lot of work to be employed by one of them tho
•Blog created: April 29th 2017 for my main / May 20th 2017 for this blog
•Number of followers: 9 on this blog, 334 on ask-karamemetsu-memetsuno, 204 on preschoolmatsus and 149 on ask-osomspaintsu-san
•What made you decide to make this blog: I was stalking some people on tumblr (some osmt-san askblogs mdr) and then I thought I could make my own and it would be funfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfun!!! Then I needed a personal blog to reblog anything and post my own art (it’s rare but yes I DRAW THINGS NOT RELATED TO MY ASK BLOG SOMETIMES LOL)
So yee this blog exist. Or not? *illuminati intensifies*
Idk who to tag let’s see...
@sollipolli @karanya NYANYANYA
@prettyleggedmonster and uh LEGSSSS DHDGVSFUTS im so sorry :’D
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another-clive-blog · 10 months
uhh okay I just have to get this out before i explode because it has been bouncing around my head so uh um what if Professor Layton was French and took place in France? Please please please dump everything on us I want to hear the lore and nuance of French Layton; whose names change, what are they like now, how does the story change because it’s Paris and not London (assuming because capital cities), that kind of stuff.
Maybe change Luke’s name to Luc or something. Not sure about Hershel Layton, though. Speaking of which I know Layton always says things remind him of a puzzle so I’d imagine he instead says ce me rappelle un puzzle and then when Luc solves a puzzle he says je l‘ai résolu, professeur!!!
Then there’s Clive “je préfère y penser comme la justice” Colombe (changed his surname there) because Guilluame Faucons blew up his parents or whatever
Rereading this I asked for the nuances of French Layton and then thought too much into it myself. whoops.
this started because i was thinking about slavic professor layton and somehow moved from prague to paris lol
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!!! Alright I'll try to calm it with the maj and the exclamation points lol, but I want you to know I am very very happy and excited about this !! Professeur Layton woohoo !! And I am repeating myself but your French is amazing, Luke DOES say that kfjbhefhkb (Also you found such great names so fast how did you do that ??) I am going to focus on the French Adaptation idea (hence the screenshot) ! =) I think I will talk about actual French Unwound Future eventually, but it'll be its own separate post. I simply MUST focus on this first, like the potential and sheer fun of it ? I have IDEAS.
Names and setting (Oh yes we are going there) under the cut !!
Starting with the names !!
Hershel Layton : Definitely changing Layton, I guess Léton could work ? (Little reference to French BD Les Légendaires lol) Landon is very cool tho, it reminds me of London too ! For the first name you and a friend of mine suggested Herbert, which is a great idea but I'm not too sure about losing the Yiddish etymology :( Hershel could stay I guess. I did play with Léon Léton for a moment (Léon is French equivalent for Yiddish name Lejb + we keep the animal etymology) but it sounds really terrible lol, so up to you !!
Luke Triton : You're absolutely right he would be Luc Triton !! Middle name is most definitely something like Richard lol
Flora Reinhold : Definitely agree with Flore ! Reinhold is hard because it's Renaud in French but like,,, Renaud has CONNOTATIONS. (There is a French singer called that way and people often make fun of him). Soooo same friend came up with Flore de Raynald. Looking back, I'm not sure about the "ay" ? Anyway, I added the "de" because French people used to have one in their names if they were rich/noble !!
Clive Dove : Okay. Bear with me. Bear with me please. But Nicolas Colombe. Like you said, Dove = Colombe. But Clive doesn't have any equivalent in French : you suggested Clovis and I think it really is the best, most logical option (it does make him look like a 5th century king but also Clive is like that lol) !! However I did remember that Clive's Japanese name is Klaus, and Klaus is strictly equal to Nicolas in French. So yeah idk, Nicolas Colombe sounds like a Miraculous Ladybug name lol
Bill Hawks : You're 100% right, this is our premier ministre Guillaume Faucon. =)
Dimitri Allen : We had also come up with Dimitri Alain (it's either that or pronouncing it Allant, which is just ugly lol) so perfect !!
Claire Foley : I'll be honest I don't even know how Foley is supposed to be pronounced…? But it has something to do with sound in filmmaking apparently, so you know. Claire Echo or something
That's it for the names !! Now I simply NEED to talk about something really really cool- the setting. Why that you may ask ? Because there actually are caves underneath Paris, and they're not just any caves. (They're magic caves- alright sorry ijfginknf)
So yeah the caves under Paris are not huge oval caves like the one in Unwound Future, it's more like a series of corridors that go deep under the whole city. Also it is HUGE, like only 0,5% is open to visitors and this is already 1,7km/1,1 mile !! The best part ?? This 0,5%. It's actually an ossuary (Known as Les Catacombes de Paris). This place is very popular, people love to go there, and it's already been the setting of many many books- so why not you know ? Even though I know you couldn't/shouldn't build a mecha there (no room for it and you'd be destroying a real 18th century monument) + this doesn't really look like the future lol
But you could TOTALLY adapt the story so that Layton and Luc have to go to the Catacombs and then you have a sick setting and you could have booby traps, a not-so-subtle-but-very-cool life or death mood, and above all. You can have Clive being a madman spending all of his time six feet under in the catacombs. Gloomy. Upsetting ? Fun !!
Also the mecha should totally be on that stupid island in the middle of Paris. That or you replace the lighthouse by the Eiffel Tower.
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