#clint having a lot of emotions in those 5 minutes he doesn't text peter cause OH WOW
izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
If Clint were to happen to look in his fridge he would find a LARGE glass jug of chocolate milk (We are talking fresh from the farmers market expensive organic stuff) as well as a wrapped up pastrami sandwich fresh from the BEST jewish deli in all of new york (At least in peter's opinion). This sandwich was absolutely GIGANTIC and quite possibly bigger than Clint's WHOLE HEAD.
If all of that wasn't enough? There was even a handful of fresh bakery made chocolate chip cookies to go with it all. On the jug of milk was a little light blue post-it note.
' Hawkebae <3 Was thinking about you today Saw you earlier in the Hudson, you looked cute ; D Mayday and I should be home for dinnnner, text me if you want me to pick something up. <3 <3
Love, Pete <3 P.S. I put some towels in the dryer so they would be warm for you when you got home.
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How many times can he take a dunk into the Hudson in one week?
Clint thinks he should get a reward for that, an honorary prize and dinner, picture put up in the Avengers Hall of Fame just to make him feel like even more of a dunce for how many times he went for swim this week alone. Beat out all the other notable Hudson swimmers, earn a big prize for looking like the biggest wet fool around. LIKE BUCKY, he was joining the club of looking like a wet cat against his will.
He's actually considering telling Helen, with all her smarts (he may hate a lot of this thunderbolt gig besides the part where he puts on a suit and shoots with his bow but he can at least give Helen credit that she is very good at her job) to do some kind of analysis as to why every supervillain and his grandmother was obsessed with committing crime next to a body of water. He would really like to know, so he could avoid joining Bucky's Look Like A Wet Cat club.
Nothing against cats, he actually like the creatures, he just did not want to join Bucky's exclusive club. So he was going to need to figure out how to prevent this next bath (why would there be a NEXT) and how to get crime to move mor inland, if only so he could not be the first to join Bucky's Wet Cat club.
THIS YEAR ⸺⸻ God, it has been a whole year and than some extra months, of being a Thunderbolt with New York's still fucked superhero laws (seriously wilson fisk was a dead man if Clint ever met him again) with still several months left in his contract to complete out the two year contract they locked him in for (wait, what do you mean, your contracts were only six months) ⸺⸻ THIS YEAR HAS BEEN SOMETHING.
Exhausting, and this week he is wondering if he should take up swimming as a sport and go for the Olympics because he's getting surprisingly better at swimming quicker to the shore or climbing onto a boat (commandeering for official tbolts business, don't worry the mayor's office will cover this).
He's still wet, much to his annoyance, but he gets to get home for that very reason instead of simply changing at the headquarters (office ⸺ he hates calling it an office). SOMETHING OF WHICH HE WILL BE GLAD FOR ⸻ AS DAMP SUIT HITS THE FLOOR AND HE'S ALMOST NUDE GOES TO THE FRIDGE.
There's already a smell to his apartment, different from what he remembers when he woke up this morning. IT SMELLS GOOD. So that's nothing to be concerned about. There's a glass jug of mug, of which he knows he did not own this morning, and there's wrapped sandwich as well with the sticker from Peter's favorite deli which he knows was not in Brooklyn.
AND THERE'S COOKIES, which Clint does not recall baking because he was not a baker. Asking him to make a salmon, you'll be wondering if he didn't secretly go through culinary school (exaggeration), ask him to bake cookies and get goo (and him being unenthused about being covered in flour ⸺ he'd take glitter over flour).
Clint's pulling out the the sandwich, because swimming against the current takes a lot of stamina and energy out of him, so FOOD was like the first thought on his mind. Note is taken off the milk jug, and there's a lot about the note to process.
FIRST ⸺⸻ Hawkbae with the the heart; hawkbae may be the only mispronunciation of Hawkeye he will ever tolerate SECOND ⸺⸻ He's teasing him about the dive he took THIRD ⸺⸻ He gets to see Mayday tonight, BUG, she's become his best little buddy FOURTH ⸺⸻ he absolutely does not deserve the love that Pete gives him, but Johanna would remind him he can't make that judgement for other people. Still doesn't quite know what he does to receive any of this (actually he does put a lot of effort into not screwing this relationship like he did all the rest; sorry ex-girlfriends and ex-wife).
The sandwich, unwrapped, is left bare on the counter (no plate) as he finishes going completely nude to grab the towels from his little laundry unit he has installed outside his bathroom up on the loft bedroom of his apartment. They were still warm towels, which means that Peter either put the dryer time on very long, or he hadn't left his place that long ago.
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SPEAKING OF TEXTING PETER ⸺⸻ He peels himself from the couch, to fish out his phone, and hope that the water didn't kill it. IT DIDN'T. He's got about thirty percent battery, the touch screen is screwed up and Clint really should take up Tony's offer on a more indestructible phone made special for him because (he really can't keep wrecking the cheapest phone he picks up at the stark store or the apple store much to tony's offense).
✉ [ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] -> PHO? ✉ [ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] -> for dinner ✉ [ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] sent 5 minutes later -> i love you ✉ [ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] -> a lot ✉ [ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] -> thx 4 everything
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