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What do people mean when they say: “I love you for YOU. For who you ARE, not what you DO”? I have never understood it. People fall in love because they share interests, like each other’s faces, do thoughtful things, defend and support each other, and give them those tingly tummy feelings. You probably think that I wasn’t loved as a kid or something for asking this, but I was very loved. Still, I remember even as a very small person contemplating on this and being able to list the reasons WHY they loved me; I was smart, independent, creative…and I can hear my parent’s voices telling me when I asked this question, “I do just love you because of WHO you ARE.” And, yes, we do love babies just “cause” despite their naturally poor hygiene and lack of emotional control, but can we really say that we love them for WHO they are yet? We don’t know yet who they are, but we do JUST love them. Here I am getting married in a few months and this question is coming back to me again. WHY does Kevin love me? WHY do I love him? WHY the heck does anyone look at another person and say “Yep! I’m in forever!” Is it actually something anyone can explain in words? Kevin has taught me so much about what real, healthy, and TRUE LOVE is. And I know I love him and I am so totally all in. But I, myself, will list first all the things that Kevin does and general characteristics about him like how caring, nice, gentle, understanding, patient, and generous he is…but what does it mean to love him stripped of all of those things, plainly, for who he IS? Is there even an essence of a person if you do strip them of all of those things? What is that “essence” that we call “who someone IS”? “We love because God first loved us”. (1 John 4v19) OK, cool. Got it. Another “just BECAUSE” answer, haha. Is this really one of those things in life that I just have to accept or is there a way to understand it better? How do you explain this? How do you love people for this magical “something” that makes up just WHO they are? What IS that magical something? . . 📸 @robdight . . . . . #authenticlovemag #radlovestories #radcouples #cliffsofmoher #cliffsofmoherproposal #cliffsofmoherengagement #cliffsofmohere (at Cliffs of Moher) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7t8voZh_vG/?igshid=1q4o2v57jdx2o
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So effing grateful that I never have to go on a first date ever again. Can you think of anything worse than dating? I sure can’t. . 📸 @robdight . . . . . #authenticlovemag #radlovestories #radcouples #cliffsofmoher #cliffsofmoherproposal #cliffsofmoherengagement #cliffsofmoherelopement #cliffsofmoherwedding #weddingdayready #dirtybootsandmessyhair @dirtybootsandmessyhair @radlovestories @rad_couples @elopementlove #photobugcommunity @photobugcommunity #junebugweddings @junebugweddings #elopementlove #elopementwedding #elopementcollective #wanderingweddings #irelandweddingphotographer #irelandelopement #irishelopement #northernirelandweddings #northernirelandelopement #smalpresets (at Cliffs of Moher) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4lDOx0hvRZ/?igshid=1n630nmc65fef
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This time of year I am so invested in the stories of all my awesome clients that I forget sometimes that I have my OWN love story going on. Guys, ME. I found someone who has witnessed even more of my naturally awkward state of being than any of you and somehow he still loves who I am. Do you all know really how huge that is? That humans are capable of doing that in general? Over the past 10 years I have enjoyed seeing so many couples commit their lives to one another and I no joke forget sometimes that it is actually, finally, in-this-plane-of-existence happening to ME. Weird. So weird, and so so good. Thank you for loving me Kevin, you sexy beast. . . And Rob @robdight , there aren’t enough words to thank you for documenting these moments in Ireland so beautifully. Thank you.
. . . #authenticlovemag #radlovestories #radcouples #cliffsofmoher #cliffsofmoherproposal #cliffsofmoherengagement #cliffsofmoherelopement #cliffsofmoherwedding #weddingdayready #dirtybootsandmessyhair @dirtybootsandmessyhair @radlovestories @rad_couples @elopementlove #photobugcommunity @photobugcommunity #junebugweddings @junebugweddings #elopementlove #elopementwedding #elopementcollective #wanderingweddings #irelandweddingphotographer #irelandelopement #irishelopement #northernirelandweddings #northernirelandelopement #smalpresets (at Cliffs of Moher, Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2OHFa7hI0o/?igshid=1vuvrwoukeoxd
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