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bulbagarden · 10 months ago
happy pride month, trainers!!
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lightningjacket · 7 years ago
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NEW KID THEORY BELOW. for those wanting to know my take on the new kid’s story, go right ahead and click. i promise you, i’m leaving no stone unturned with this cracker.
immediately at the start of the game, while the parents are clearly happy to have moved to south park but when mentioning their child, the mother hesitated with their gender. ‘do you really think it will be better for… him?’ hell, even the dad hesitates at one point when calling her ‘son’! ( as shown below ) of course, this can just be simple dialogue and emphasis for dramatic effect but do you think maybe they decided they would give her the persona of a boy to make them harder to track? because they’re looking for a couple with a little girl. a change in identity when hiding is not out of the question and her being so young, it’ll be easy to quickly disguise her as a boy and make her believe so, and her hair to be cut like a boy by them but very messily done, as if in a haste? another point in the game that really struck a cord in me to boost evidence is after you come downstairs and loot, if you open the drawer next to the father. you find pigtails in there, her cut hair?
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another addition to this is a little tease that pops up in dialogue throughout the game repeatedly with NPCs as a gag and that’s the new kid’s hair. very often they would ask about it, and why they ‘wear it like that’. butters being the first person to ask when you meet him, hell-- even your FATHER comments which i think is highly suspicious, especially since kelly doesn’t make a single comment on it. feeling guilty maybe? while chris is very open with his criticism.
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of course, why would the new kid not argue against all this? refuse to be forced into another identity as a whole all the while not being allowed to not know why? well, the answer is simple; she can’t remember.
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i have a strong belief that before the events of Fractured But Whole, the new kid was on another form of medication to try and curve their powers and make them forget something, and that medication was BETABLOCKERS. betablockers is a medicine usually aimed at chest/heart problems and known to slow the heart down and blocks hormones that can cause the heart rate to pick up such as adrenaline, but you don’t need to have a heart problem for betablockers, it can be prescribed to people with anxiety too because betablockers are legit made to stop you from feeling emotions that can excite the heart, so it dulls emotions in a way. and what’s one of the major side effects to enhanced betablockers? MEMORY LOSS. i think it’s quite possible that the parents used betablockers on their child to not only try and reduce their child’s powers by blocking certain hormones in the brain but also to suppress memories that could threaten her finding out anything, another side effect that i noted while playing the first game is how pale the new kid’s eyes was, they were grey compared to the rest of the other kids and another side effect to betablockers is dryness in eyes and the tear ducts failing to produce tears. as well as making them forget a traumatic event that may of occurred before their move to south park because memory loss can cause confusion in a child but what usually turns a child mute? trauma. not to mention the constant command to ‘keep her mouth shut’.
( an image with the new kid’s pale eyes compared to other kids. )
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( close up of new kid’s pale eyes ) i believe something had happened before their move to south park that caused them to give their child betablockers to help them forget as well as cover up whatever secret may of been picked up and they can start back at square one. but even with the memories blocked out, that doesn’t stop the child suffering from under the drug as well as aftermath.
( this was originally a separate post but i added it onto here since it links with the oriiginal theory above! )  – onto another piece of evidence i’ve gathered and i’ve linked my betablockers theory to is the supposed ‘hero’s backstory’ cartman gives the new kid when they join coon and friends, because all hero’s have a backstory that makes them into the hero they are or in cartman’s words ‘give their powers meaning.’
this might just be a small, even silly bit of observation ( and most likely makes no sense ) but from what i picked up from the ending of the game when you go back in time with mitch connor, aka cartman to the night ‘the hero was born’. the new kid seemed to have believed what cartman told her, due to the enhanced betablockers she had been put on before their hasty move to south park, her memories have been severely suppressed and no doubt struggles to really even remember much about herself before south park and even before that, memories are extremely fickle especially with kids. if an adult were to be suddenly dosed up to forget certain things, due to the maturity and growth of the brain, it would be harder to forget meanwhile with children, they’re still developing and their brain is constantly growing and it’s much more… manipulative. a child’s brain is like putty almost, it can easily be molded to how people may wish it to be, and in the new kid’s case – they wanted her to forget her traumatic incident as well as any inkling of her learning of the truth.
MY POINT IS – the new kid generally believed what cartman said to have happened to her in her backstory due to the fact she can’t remember it. and why that night is so important? because i think it’s possibly the same night or a night that is a short time after the traumatic event happened hence why that night is so important to the new kid, not that she’d know that because of the memories being suppressed and all but it evidently holds a lot of importance to her ( for it to shape her and cartman fuelling it ) and for it to be elaborated as it was and when you go back in time, the scene plays out as cartman says but of course, it’s not the real memory. instead of a hero being born, you find the truth or some ‘fans’ who broke in just to be close to her, and she was even surprised by it ( and we learn it too ) which to me says that she did believe cartman when he shaped her backstory.
and i believe that may of been the night or been a night during the aftermath of the incident because her parents are drinking and smoking pot by then, so maybe PRE-BETABLOCKERS? or maybe it was the night of her ‘incident’ since the new kid does seem much more expressive and concerned compared to her present day self.
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gamerszone2019-blog · 6 years ago
10 Things to Do to Prepare for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
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10 Things to Do to Prepare for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
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Monster Hunter: World alone has hundreds of hours of content (yes, really!) but don’t worry, you don’t have to put that much time into it to be prepared for the massive expansion, Iceborne, even though its Master Rank will be a good difficulty jump from High Rank.Now is a better time than ever to prepare since all of the Event Quests are back, too! This video is a quick look at what you should do, whether you’re new, Hunter Rank 50, or beyond. There’s a lot to cover, so if you need more details about any of it, make sure to check our comprehensive IGN Monster Hunter: World Wiki! Nearly every link in this article is to a guide, so click on anything you want more explanation for. Let’s begin!
1. Beat the Game!
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Technically, rolling credits is the only thing you need to do in Monster Hunter: World to be able to access Iceborne’s storyline. If you rush, you can probably get through Monster Hunter: World’s story quests in about 40 hours, give or take. If you need help getting started, check out our Monster Hunter: World Beginner’s Guide!
But, Iceborne’s Master Rank—like previous Monster Hunter’s G-rank—s no joke. You’ll probably want to prepare more not only to shake off the cobwebs, but so the difficulty spike doesn’t feel like a brick wall. Expect the jump into Master Rank to feel similar to how it felt transitioning into High Rank from Low Rank. If you had the best Low Rank armor, you probably felt fine going into High Rank, while you likely had a tougher time if you started High Rank with early-game gear.
Make sure stock up on items so you’re prepared for quests. Here’s a list of recommended items to bring on quests in Monster Hunter: World
2. Master at Least One Weapon
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Practice really does make perfect in a game like Monster Hunter: World, where skill is just about as important, if not more, as equipment. Completely master at least one weapon, two if you want to be prepared for anything! I switch based on the challenge at hand. For example, I learned the Bow because Bazelgeuse originally gave me a tough time when using my go-to, the Sword and Shield.
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3. Become a True Armorsmith
Not every weapon and every playstyle goes well with just one armor set—and a set of pieces all from the same monster is rarely the best way to go. Choose Armor Skills that complement your playstyle and weapon and upgrade that armor set, and you’ll probably have a much easier time.
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Personally, my favorite go-to set for Sword and Shield is built with a mix of defensive and offensive skills, like Health Boost, Evade Window, Weakness Exploit, Crit Boost, and a few more! For a support set, I run Wide-Range. You’ll want to collect Armor Decorations to help round out sets!
Try making a set to counter a specific monster if you’re having a tough time! Or, if you generally feel like you’re not doing enough damage, build for Affinity.
4. Collect Every Palico Gadget
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You’ll earn Palico Gadgets by befriending the Grimalkynes in each Locale—or Gajalaka in Elder’s Recess. These are incredibly useful and can be leveled up, so get to finding Grimalkyne doodle’s to collect them all. The Palico Gadget Guide explains how to get them all.
5. Learn How Food Works
Yeah, getting the Chef’s Choice is tempting, but it’s not the best way to go. Collecting Canteen ingredients will open up a plethora of new food skills you can access for the Custom Platter. Find some skills you especially like, and save meal sets based off them. Or, at minimum, eat for the stat you need—like Elemental Resistance against Kirin. Make up for the lack of health with items like Max Potions!
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If you’ve done all of your optional and delivery quests, but are still missing ingredients, that means you haven’t collected them all out in the wild. Try going on Investigations with an Upsurge on gathering spots, and gather at spots that sparkle. For example, when there’s an Upsurge: Conch Shells in the Coral Highlands, head through the small cave in the southeastern part of Sector 9 to find a spot to gather Violent Abalone, which will unlock a fish ingredient in the Resilience category. Perfect for getting a large Defense Boost and Felyne Moxie, which prevents fainting one time!
To be honest, I’ve only collected the Canteen ingredients for the skills I use a lot. I am a slacker.
6. Do Your Optional Quests!
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Now we’re into the sort of, should do, but don’t really need to do category on the path to Iceborne. Every so often, an NPC will have an exclamation mark above their head, which probably means they have a quest to give out! Make sure to complete these Optional Quests (marked by a speech bubble in the quest list) to gain Canteen ingredients, hunter tools, access to new monsters, and more. And don’t forget to turn in Deliveries at the Resource Center for more important rewards as well – like the Iceproof mantle, which will obviously come in handy for Iceborne!
7. Collect Every Mantle and Booster
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Note: This video is missing mantles that released after the game launched! See How to Unlock Every Mantle and Booster in Monster Hunter: World for guides for each.
Speaking of mantles, try to collect all hunter tools available which are useful for myriad reasons. One of the most useful ones—he Rocksteady Mantle—can’t be earned until you reach HR50! But, at the very least, unlock the Temporal Mantle, which grants near invulnerability for 90 seconds and only requires HR16.
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First, complete the Special Assignment The Food Chain Dominator—which will unlock the Dragonproof Mantle—and then more on to the line of Special Assignments that begins with The Blazing Sun. This will also unlock the Lunastra, an Elder Dragon whose weapons are the bomb. They have Blast element (hah), skills baked into them, and decoration slots! They’re some of my very favorite weapons.
Our Deputy Reviews Editor, Tom Marks, reached this point at HR38 in 56 hours over the course of two and a half weeks—minus the tools locked behind a higher HR. You can do it too, especially if you have some help!
8. Unlock Augmentation
We’re not sure how exactly this will work in Iceborne, but Augmentation is a huge part of World’s current endgame. It involves reaching HR29 and then earning a rare Warrior’s Streamstone by completing Threat Level 2 Tempered Monster investigations. This will allow you to finally use the more common Streamstones you’ve probably collected along the way, giving you the ability to upgrade your armor’s defense even more. The Warrior’s and Hero’s Streamstones are strictly for adding special skills to your weapons, and are rare and weapon-specific.
9. Challenge Yourself
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Are you still with me? Good! There are plenty of other challenges to conquer too, like the Final Fantasy XIV and Witcher 3 collaborations, which both, although greatly challenging, grant amazing rewards. Defeating Final Fantasy XIV’s Behemoth (which is no small feat (see the Behemoth Strategy Guide) will give you access to the amazing Drachen Armor. Want to cheese it? Head into the battle with just one friend and Palico equipped with the Plunderblade. Cut off the tail and break the horns (run Partbreaker), then return from the quest, and repeat.
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The Witcher’s Special Assignment is solo-only, and has special side-quests that reward an Attack Jewel and more help from Gajalaka! You can also craft Witcher’s Silver Sword, an amazing SnS. You’ll have to take on the Ancient Leshen to upgrade it, which requires HR50, and is one of the most difficult fights in the game along with Extreme Behemoth. Ancient Leshen materials are also used for Zirael Dual Blades (Ciri’s weapons!).
Once you’re beyond Hunter Rank 50, you’ll then have access to the extremely challenging Event Quest-only Arch Tempered Elder Dragons and the new armor sets that come with them. If you’re going to defeat one of them, though—hunt the massive Kulve Taroth, which only requires HR16. Defeating her rewards incredible new Gold and White Gold weapons.
10. Do Event Quests
Best of all, all of these Arch Tempered Elder Dragons are around as Event Quests in Monster Hunter: World until August 29, 2019—along with most previous Event Quests. Here are the ones we recommend, listed under required Hunter Rank.
HR15 and Below:
Greeting the Gluttons
Vouchers that guarantee food skill activation
Every Hunter’s Dream
Wyvern Ignition Greatsword (it’s really good)
Triple Threat Throwdown
Armor Decorations. Wear Bandit Mantles in a full party for extra cash. Skip this if you can do HR50 quest The Greatest Jagras instead.
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Wiggle Me This
The hilarious Wiggler Head
Mosswinin’ and Dinin (8/07 – 8/09 only)
For Golden Eggs, Armor Spheres, Faux Tickets for layered armor sets, and more. Note: Giant Mosswine will one-shot you, but are very weak to status effects, like stun. I had success using the Bow’s Arc Shot.
Rollin’ with the Uragaan
Armor Sphere+ and Advanced Armor Spheres
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The Fury of El Dorado
Accept in the Gathering Hub for Kulve Taroth armor, tons of extra loot to sell for cash, and some of the best weapons in the game. See the Kulve Taroth Siege Guide for tips!
HR30 A Nose for an Eye / Snow and Cherry Blossoms / No Tomorrow for Usurpers
Large boost to Hunter Rank. Mainly just to get to HR50 so you can take advantage of The Greatest Jagras and The Name’s Lavasioth quests,
A Simple Task
Collect Tempered Monster tracks to unlock Tempered investigations
The Thronetaker and Relish the Moment
Sullied and Shining Streamstones
Tracking the Delivery
Collect Tempered Elder Dragon tracks to unlock Tempered Elder Dragon Investigations
The Greatest Jagras – (7/25 to 8/08) Best to farm BOXES of Armor Decorations – look at this image! This is normal!
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The Name’s Lavasioth – ( 8/08 to 8/29) Also to farm boxes of Armor Decorations! Not quite as good as the Greatest Jagras though, so get to it.
Really, that’s it /s! Remember, for complete guides to everything mentioned, click on the links for helpful pages from our Monster Hunter: World: Wiki Guide! For even more game help, here are video playlists of every Monster Hunter: World Game Help stream (aka Monster Hunter Bootcamp) and Monster Hunter: World monster strategy guide videos (aka Monster of the Week) the writer of this article has done.
New Monsters in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
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For more on Monster Hunter: World, check out these 9 Quality of Life Improvements in Iceborne, Gameplay and Impressions of Three New Iceborne Subspecies, and 34 New Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Impressions.
Casey DeFreitas is an Editor on the wikis team at IGN who loves monster hunting, slaying, and catching. Catch her on Twitter @ShinyCaseyD.
Source : IGN
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