#clf wild
idreamofneonsheep · 11 months
Chain Link Fence art I forgot I did lol
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I did them a while ago so it's kinda neat to look back at them and see that I've improved since then
At least *I* think I got better fjsjbdvfjdnd
Oh u do have to click on the second one to see the whole thing đź‘Ť
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the-hacker-news · 2 years
Researchers Reveal Detail for Windows Zero-Day Vulnerability Patched Last Month
The Hacker News : Details have emerged about a now-patched security flaw in Windows Common Log File System (CLFS) that could be exploited by an attacker to gain elevated permissions on compromised machines. Tracked as CVE-2022-37969 (CVSS score: 7.8), the issue was addressed by Microsoft as part of its Patch Tuesday updates for September 2022, while also noting that it was being actively exploited in the wild. " http://dlvr.it/Sb5X0f Posted by : Mohit Kumar ( Hacker )
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mi6-rogue · 2 years
Researchers Reveal Detail for Windows Zero-Day Vulnerability Patched Last Month
Details have emerged about a now-patched security flaw in Windows Common Log File System (CLFS) that could be exploited by an attacker to gain elevated permissions on compromised machines. Tracked as CVE-2022-37969 (CVSS score: 7.8), the issue was addressed by Microsoft as part of its Patch Tuesday updates for September 2022, while also noting that it was being actively exploited in the wild. " https://thehackernews.com/2022/10/researchers-reveal-detail-for-windows.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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tiredrobin · 3 years
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I.D: a messy colored sketch of link from skyward sword and link from breath of the wild sitting side-by-side in some grass, with S.S link hunched curiously over the shiekah slate whilst B.O.T.W link is leaning back, one hand lifted over his head, to admire the flying beetle from skyward sword attached to his wrist. end I.D
madas (skyward sword) and honey (botw) r bffsies in my au and they r sharing xoxo. i keep wanting to share things for my au of all the links and then not sharing anything and its like who cares tbh i should literally just do it!! whatever!!! and these two r homies
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doux-amer · 6 years
It is bewildering to me when I see a mutual reblog something from another mutual from a completely different fandom with no shared friends and few shared interests to none. You guys don’t know even know the other person exists and there are millions of people on Tumblr and somehow...you sort of find each other (and not through me)!
This is also how I feel when I’m on Twitter, which I use for fandom purposes, and I see an online friend RT irl people I know whom they don’t know at all and don’t share any mutuals with because this has happened many times before and EVERY TIME, IT IS EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE.
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theolivechickken · 6 years
Spring Break pt. 1
March 8
Bussed to Salzburg airport, snatched the window seat even though my assigned one was an aisle, and flew EasyJet Airlines out to London Gatwick Airport! When we arrived, we spent a lot of time trying to contact Michaela to see if she wanted to ride the train with us into town. While we were waiting, we stopped inside the convenience store at the airport and picked up some salt and vinegar chips (crisps?) to snack on. She made it to the airport not long after we did, but got caught up in customs and passport check so we wished her luck and hopped on the train to head into the city. Helloooo expensive transportation (and everything else in general). We checked into Safestay at Elephant and Castle and unpacked our bags in our purple room.
Afterwards, we had a late lunch/ early dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant next door. We all ordered chicken pho and drank mango black tea with passionfruit boba. Super cozy for this rainy day. We explored the Asian market connected to the restaurant and I fangirled at any food that I recognized. There was still some light out, so we walked down the street of our hostel to see what was nearby. We ended up turning down East Street Market which was nestled in a black community. Several individuals were closing up their street shops, but a few were still opened for business. Aubree went in to see if she could find some natural hair products for her curly hair. Patrick and I continued down the street and eventually made our way back to the crew. He went on to visit Sharon across the river, so Raine and I stayed with Aubree as she excitedly went in to get her eyebrows threaded for a cheap price. Turns out the lady nearly ripped a chunk of her eyebrow hair out but hopefully it grows back quickly.
It was lightly drizzling outside, but the wind really made the rain fly at all directions. We went back to the hostel to rest and try to decide what we wanted to do for the rest of the night. It was a hoot and a half to find a place that sold oyster cards for public transportation. Finally, we hopped on a double-decker bus and rode it to the CLF Art Cafe. Raine discovered the place via google and was expecting live music/ a DJ with some good night life. But it was pretty dead in the area and the art club was located in a multiple story building tucked in an alley behind scaffolding. I guess we showed up too early but got free admission (??) to the art club lounge/bar area downstairs. We told Patrick to come through and waited around for him to show up. It was cool and lively in the room, and then people started moving furniture around to create a dance floor.
Definitely an interesting scene. I kinda liked that everyone was being weird and dancing to some off-brand 80s inspired synth music, but it wasn’t really the scene we were looking for tonight. Patrick eventually made it, but he couldn’t find the entrance to the place. Aubree went out to look for him and they both got stuck outdoors since you needed a wristband at this point for entry. Raine and I went upstairs to try and hear the kind of music the DJ would be playing, and we ran into two girls coming down the stairs telling us “IT’S SO DEAD DON’T GO but you should totally go in with us.” We had a quick conversation with these fellow Americans and then dipped to find our friends.
Chicken Soup McDonald's for the starving soul. We were on another level of being starving, delusional, and overall confused from the whole night, which lead to us dying of laughter in the McDonald’s and back out on the streets to the bus station. Don’t know why everything was especially funny, but I swear I nearly peed my pants from laughing so hard.
March 9
Why do our roommates hate us? They’re so loud in the morning :(( One guy was trying to pack his bag, and the other was blowdrying his hair IN THE ROOM while we were still trying to sleep. Oh well, I guess it got us to wake up and start our day. Hopped on the tube from Elephant and Castle and took it to Borough. Super excited to stroll through Borough Market for some free samples and street food! I love the hustle and bustle of this big city, and I absolutely love markets. Patrick and I got some hot tea with ginger, and Raine and I got prawn wraps. They did not hold back on the shrimp either. It wasn’t one of those sad seafood wraps where they throw in two pieces of shrimp and call it seafood. NAH. Oodles and oodles of shrimp (with lettuce and sweet-spicy Thai sauce) piled into this warm tortilla heaven. Also got some fresh cherries to share (which reminded me of home and the cherries that my Lola always puts out on the table).
Next, we rode the tube to Buckingham Palace. Our stop was right at Green Park, so we made ourselves comfy on the muddy grass (rip my jeans but I managed to save them by rubbing out the mud with saliva) before walking to the Palace to meet up with Amy and her roommate Victoria. We shared the cherries and sat in the company of some good ol’ Beatles tunes.
AMYYYY wow I missed you. We had fun walking around with our new additions to the squad. At the park, we squared up with a GIANT goose and also saw a majestic swan in the river. We made our way over to Westminster Abbey and Big Ben (but rip Ben since he's under construction till 2021). Aubree and Raine went back towards the hostel to meet up with Ollie and Tom (the Londoners we met in Prague). Meanwhile, Patrick, Amy, Victoria, and I spotted a telephone booth, a guard on horseback, and a police squad investigating a suspicious car. We paused by the London Eye and ventured out to the London Tower and London Bridge. The bridge was really neat! The floor had a section made out of glass, so you could see the traffic driving through underneath. Trippy.
We made our way back to Borough and had dinner at Honest Burger - honestly one of the best burgers and rosemary fries I've ever eaten. We all went back to our own hostels to rest for a bit before going back out to meet Aubree, Raine, Tom, and Ollie at Spoons. Later, Pat and I walked through Chinatown and joined Sharon, birthday girl Madison, and Michaela and her Redlands volleyball friends at O’Neills. Perks of being small at the club: no perks. Just elbows to your face or drinks nearly spilled on you, and you're too short to see anything half the time. All in all though it was a fun night, and then Sharon lost her phone so the mood turned sour. BUT then the girls found her phone since someone turned it in! It was a wild rollercoaster ride. We all walked to the tube and went our separate ways. Our connecting metro was closed, so Pat and I ended up walking the rest of the way to our hostel through the light rain and a quiet neighborhood.
March 10
Aubree and Raine came back to the room at 4am to discover Christmas music being blasted on Pat's phone and me drowning out the sound with my snore. Morning came with a hot mess and a crime scene: we think Pat's phone was stolen by the girl who slept in the bunk above Aubree and checked out early that morning. She also managed to leave her red panties in place of Pat’s phone. Weird flex, but okay. Pat was bummed, but he also handled the situation really well. We still went out to brunch at Spoons with Sharon and tried an English Breakfast. Unpopular opinion but it was kinda bland and sad.
Holy wind batman. Almost Vienna status but not as cold. Pat and I went to the British Museum and literally traveled through time and history. People are amazing and crazy and how did we manage to come so far in such a quick span of time? We viewed so many arts and artifacts in the 3 hours that we were stuck in a time machine. My feet are feeling it man but I'm still out here having a good time.
Took the Tube to Camden Market to meet Aubree, Raine, Matt, Cousin Sam, Jack, Will, and Milky. We went to a bar that had a DOG! And tried the somewhat citrusy Punk IPA. We also went to the Blues Bar for burgers and live music. Had a great time hanging out with this jolly group of guys. At one point, Milky was telling us the story of how he saved his fish that was swimming upside-down. The trick? "I feed my fish peas. But not a whole pea cause that’s too much.” Someone please test this out and let me know if this is true.
March 11
Checked out of Safestay Elephant and Castle and went down the street to Bagel King for breakfast. It’s definitely not not what we thought it would be. The bagels were weirdly fluffy and the cream cheese just didn’t seem right.. But the mango-guava juice was pretty tasty. Patrick and I said our goodbyes to Aubree and Raine, and headed to to the train station. We managed to pool our our coins together for one ticket (how was it exact??? AMAZING luck) and then paid for another with a card. Yay for getting rid of the pounds in my pocket.
Things seemed to be working out, but the train we needed to be on was delayed. Actually, all the trains are delayed??? We rushed to find a platform with a train that would take us towards Gatwick. Hopped on one train which detoured to East Croydon and hoped for the best. The cards were in our favor and the time was too since we had plenty to check in, get through security, and even eat lunch at Nando’s.
Barcelona we're coming for you :)))
So we arrived in the evening and waited around for Pat's bag to finally roll out to baggage claim. Managed to catch the sun setting as we rode the bus into the city. Barcelona makes me feel like I'm back home in LA. Maybe because of the smog, traffic, and large open freeways, or the desert scenery, trees, and beach?
Walked from La Plaza de Catalunya to HelloBCN Hostel. Hello major tourist street with people trying to sell you random souvenirs. Poor Pat has reached his limit. Apparently our hostel reservation never went through. Luckily the reception guy was really cool and they still had two beds open for us to stay for our planned days.
Stressed, but he still had the spirit to go out into the city for some food. We found a casual restaurant nearby that had tapas. Not the dinner I was really expecting, but it was still fun to try some tapas. We had Patatas Bravas (basically french fries with a creamy spicy dipping sauce), chips and guacamole, and Moroccan chicken skewers to share.
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elizabethchapmanlove · 4 years
Dumpspass4sure.com Services planning and confirmation will help develop the capacities you need to setup, pass on, and work establishment and uses of this stage. This expedient, negligible exertion accreditation test grants you to easily reach through the headway in the action. In this fought industry CLF-C01 dumps PDF are notable among its understudies test, data on the calendar focuses are the recommended techniques. Attestations from the IT affirmations show that you have the capacity and mechanical experience to make, pass on, and work programming on the IT stage; Its accreditation invigorates the legitimacy of the specialists. For master achievement in the trial of your essential confirmation CLF-C01 Study Material is the most recommended one. The PDF report of the test can be downloaded for a progressively conservative study. It makes you prepare yourself while your wild lifestyle.  AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam the exam has validated the self as the best material by showing extraordinary results of understudies in the concerned test.
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from Talos Security Author:
By Jon Munshaw.
Microsoft released its monthly security update today, disclosing a variety of vulnerabilities in several of its products. The latest Patch Tuesday covers 85 vulnerabilities, 19 of which are rated “critical,” 65 that are considered “important” and one “moderate.” There is also a critical advisory relating to the latest update to Adobe Flash Player.
This month’s security update covers security issues in a variety of Microsoft services and software, including the Jet Database Engine and the Hyper-V hypervisor. Most notably, this release contains another round of vulnerabilities in remote desktop services, the latest in a line of RDP bugs that are considered “wormable.” Talos has already outlined how Cisco Firepower users can stay protected from other series of RDP vulnerabilities known as “BlueKeep” and “DejaBlue.”
Talos also released a new set of SNORTⓇ rules that provide coverage for some of these vulnerabilities. For more, check out the Snort blog post here.
Critical vulnerabilities
Microsoft disclosed 19 critical vulnerabilities this month, all of which we will highlight below.
CVE-2019-1296, CVE-2019-1291, CVE-2019-1290, CVE-2019-0788 and CVE-2019-0787 are all remote code execution vulnerabilities in Windows Remote Desktop Protocol. An attacker can exploit these bugs by sending a specially crafted request to the target system’s RDP. If successful, the attacker could then gain the ability to execute arbitrary code. These vulnerabilities are pre-authentication and require no user interaction. These are the latest in a line of RDP vulnerabilities that have garnered attention for being “wormable,” meaning an attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities and then spread malware from machine to another easily.
CVE-2019-1257 and CVE-2019-1295 are remote code execution vulnerabilities in Microsoft SharePoint, a document manager and storage system. Some APIs in the software are exposed in unsafe ways, opening them up to exploitation if the user opens a specially crafted file. An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities to gain the ability to execute code in the context of the SharePoint application pool and SharePoint server farm account.
CVE-2019-0719 and CVE-2019-0721 are remote code execution vulnerabilities in the Windows Hyper-V hypervisor. These bugs arise when the Hyper-V Network Switch on a host server improperly validates input from an authenticated user on a guest operating system. An attacker could exploit these by running a specially crafted application on a guest OS, potentially causing the Hyper-V host OS to execute arbitrary code.
CVE-2019-1138, CVE-2019-1217, CVE-2019-1237, CVE-2019-1298 and CVE-2019-1300 are remote code execution vulnerabilities in Chakra Scripting Engine when the engine attempts to handle objects in memory in the Microsoft Edge web browser. An attacker could exploit these bugs to corrupt memory on the target system, and then gain the ability to execute arbitrary code on the victim machine. A user can only trigger these vulnerabilities by clicking on an attacker-created web site in Microsoft Edge or a malicious ad on another site. CVE-2019-1221 is similar to these vulnerabilities, only it exists in Internet Explorer’s scripting engine.
CVE-2019-1208 and CVE-2019-1236 are remote code executions in the VBScript engine that exist in the way the engine handles objects in memory. An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities by tricking the user into visiting a specially crafted website on Internet Explorer. Additionally, they could embed an ActiveX control marked “safe for initialization” in an application or Microsoft Office document that utilizes the Internet Explorer rendering engine.
CVE-2019-1280 is a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows that could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code if they trick a user into opening a specially crafted .LNK file. If successful, the attacker could gain the same user rights as the local user.
CVE-2019-1306 is a remote code execution vulnerability that exists in Azure DevOps Server and Team Foundation Server when the software improperly validates certain inputs. An attacker could exploit this bug by tricking the user into opening a specailly crafted file with a vulnerable version of the .NET Framework or Visual Studio. Additionally, the user could open a malicious attachment in an email. If successful, the attacker could execute code with the same rights as the current user.
Important vulnerabilities
This release also contains 65 important vulnerabilities, five of which we will highlight below.
CVE-2019-1214, CVE-2019-1215 and CVE-2019-1279 are elevation of privilege vulnerabilities in the Windows Common Log File System (CLFS) driver. An attacker could exploit these bugs to run certain processes with elevated rights. An attacker would need to log onto the target system first, and then run a specially crafted application. Information from Microsofts states that malicious users have already exploited these vulnerabilities in the wild.
CVE-2019-1216 and CVE-2019-1219 are vulnerabilities in DirectX that an attacker could exploit to see the contents of Kernel memory on the victim machine, which could allow them to execute additional attacks. These bugs exist in the way DirectX improperly handle objects in memory.
The other important vulnerabilities are:
Moderate vulnerability
There is one moderate vulnerability, CVE-2019-1259, a spoofing vulnerability in Microsoft SharePoint.
In response to these vulnerability disclosures, Talos is releasing a new SNORTⓇ rule set that detects attempts to exploit some of them. Please note that additional rules may be released at a future date and current rules are subject to change pending additional information. Firepower customers should use the latest update to their ruleset by updating their SRU. Open Source Snort Subscriber Rule Set customers can stay up-to-date by downloading the latest rule pack available for purchase on Snort.org.
These rules are: 51436 – 51438, 51445, 51446, 51449 – 51452, 51454 – 51457, 51463 – 51465, 51479 – 51483
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Go to Source Author: Microsoft Patch Tuesday — Sept. 2019: Vulnerability disclosures and Snort coverage Original Post from Talos Security Author: By Jon Munshaw. Microsoft released its monthly security update today, disclosing a variety of vulnerabilities in several of its products.
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kartiavelino · 6 years
Rihanna Shares 3 Game-Changing Makeup Tips in Her “Gothic Chic” Tutorial
FENTY BEAUTY Black lipstick simply stands out as the subsequent large factor, due to fashion and make-up icon, Rihanna. The Fenty Magnificence proprietor channeled her inside magnificence blogger in a YouTube video, “Tutorial Tuesday With Rihanna,” in which she created a glance she calls “gothic stylish.” “Immediately is all about this lip and this flyliner,” she stated kissing into the digicam with Fenty Magnificence’s Stunna Lip Paint in Uninvited, a black hue. Whereas black is taken into account a daring alternative for the lips, the “Wild Ideas” singer argues that it may be an off-the-cuff look. Nonetheless, if it is too edgy in your on a regular basis, the tutorial comes simply in time for Halloween. Whether or not your plans embody going full out with a dressing up or slapping on a pair of ears and calling it a day, Rihanna’s make-up is a transparent go-to, contemplating how simple it’s to recreate. Due to the star, all you want are a couple of merchandise and her game-changing ideas beneath! Layer on Darkish Lipstick The impression of your lipstick depends on the looks of the pigment, thus you need to keep away from any sheer layers.  “I am actually excited to indicate you guys how black this black is,” she stated whereas making use of the matte lipstick with the accompanying precision wand. “You understand I really like black lips, nevertheless it solely works if it is not sheer.” Management the Width of Your Eyeliner by Urgent More durable or Lighter on the Liner To create a “gentle, flirty” eye look with Fenty Magnificence Flyliner, “I am simply going to do a slight, little cat-eye, beginning actually, actually, actually skinny in the inside nook and steadily getting barely barely wider,” she informed YouTube viewers. “The tip of this brush controls all the pieces, [if] you need to go skinny you simply create like actually gentle rigidity on the comb. If you wish to go thicker, simply press into the comb barely. If you wish to go even thicker, you press extra, you then let it go.” Create the Good Eye Shadow With a Nude Hue and Highlighter After making use of a hue that a few shades darker than her pores and skin, the Fenty designer utilized a silver-toned highlighter to the inside corners of her eyes.  “That is the CLF Kilowatt,” she stated holding the product in the digicam.”We will simply apply a bit of bit in the nook. Now, this provides a little bit of drama, with out doing essentially the most.” Halloween make-up has by no means been really easy! https://www.eonline.com/news/979872/rihanna-shares-3-game-changing-makeup-tips-in-her-gothic-chic-tutorial?cmpid=rss-000000-rssfeed-365-lifestyle&utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=rss_lifestyle The post Rihanna Shares 3 Game-Changing Makeup Tips in Her “Gothic Chic” Tutorial appeared first on My style by Kartia. https://www.kartiavelino.com/2018/10/rihanna-shares-3-game-changing-makeup-tips-in-her-gothic-chic-tutorial.html
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bayjelly23-blog · 6 years
Phi Phi island day tour is a haven
Are you about break or perhaps leave from all of the busy problems of life? Do you have the yearning to take a trip someplace where you can unwind and wind away all the stress and also pressures piled-up? Well, a person so easily can have the opportunity to experience such great thrive on with phi phi island tours. Yes, this island has amassed plenty of popularity by itself. From soft sand gold beaches to natural coral reefs, you can get in touch with character at entirely unique and different new degree. At night about the Phi Phi island is one of the best of night displays one could at any time witness on the planet.
Why go through the stress associated with booking tours together with scam visiting companies or end up on the tour that does not leave up to your desires? Whenever you so simply can you so simply might book the phi phi island day tour with its agents or from the site online for just an ideal get away. If you're wild at heart, you will find the right activities to keep you heading; from canoeing, to snorkeling and climbing. If you prefer the particular less rigorous adventures, you might with assists go about observing the beauties of the Phi Phi Island. You might observe the limestone clfs, crystal clear blue beaches along with other superb findings. The facilities in use about the island have been designed to suit just about all classes of men and women. They minimize across just about all backgrounds to provide the finest associated with experiences to any or all. From spectacular resorts to good traditional and local Thai special treats; you with a phi phi island tour package get to gain access to all these plus more. Why go squander your efforts upon other tours that won't offer you true satisfaction and delightful thrill! If you've got the value of your cash and your fascination with mind, you will always look away for Phi Phi Island to your safe acquire always. For more details please visit phi phi island tour package.
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cushydiet-blog · 7 years
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Wild boar meat 'may have poisoned' New Zealand family - https://wp.me/p8IYwe-clf - #Boar, #Family, #Meat, #Poisoned, #Wild, #World_News, #Zealand
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250 years ago, trendy aristocrats commissioned adventurer-scientists to fill their menageries with rare and exotic animals. Less scrupulous individuals simply created these creatures themselves. Many of these hybrids died out, and many more were merely creations of the rumor mill, but some live on in the wild. Vespers, as they came to be known, are 3 to 4 feet long bat-mosquito-stoat hybrids who hunt in packs.
HP: 41 PP: 25 Alignment: CLF Type: Animal A: -1 B: 1 C: 1 D:-1 E: 1 F: 2 Phys. Def: 7 Ment. Def: 7 Move: 5, flies
Defenses: Advantage on physical defense rolls if the attacker is not within 1 yd.
Attack: Unshielded Proboscis, 1d12+5 pierce, Physical attack: B vs D, accuracy: 10, range 1 yd, critical threshold: 10, critical hit effect: an additional 10 pierce damage
Special: Begins combat with 4d10 fullness. Before they attack with their unshielded proboscis attack, they may spend 1 PP. If they do, the attack heals them for an amount of HP equal to the damage, and extra healing goes to their fullness. When their fullness reaches 41, they usually try to escape combat, only attacking in self defense or to heal itself.
Encounter Level: 9 Combat Level: 10
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elizabethchapmanlove · 4 years
Dumpspass4sure.com Services planning and confirmation will help develop the capacities you need to setup, pass on, and work establishment and uses of this stage. This expedient, negligible exertion accreditation test grants you to easily reach through the headway in the action. In this fought industry CLF-C01 dumps PDF are notable among its understudies test, data on the calendar focuses are the recommended techniques. Attestations from the IT affirmations show that you have the capacity and mechanical experience to make, pass on, and work programming on the IT stage; Its accreditation invigorates the legitimacy of the specialists. For master achievement in the trial of your essential confirmation CLF-C01 study material is the most recommended one. The PDF report of the test can be downloaded for a progressively conservative study. It makes you prepare yourself while your wild lifestyle.  AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam the exam has validated the self as the best material by showing extraordinary results of understudies in the concerned test.
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from Trend Micro Author: Trend Micro
Microsoft’s June Patch Tuesday announced the release of 88 vulnerability patches in this month’s security bulletin, as well as four advisories and one servicing stack update. Of the total number of updates, 21 patches were rated critical, 66 as important, and one as moderate. Four of the critical patches included in this release are fixes for the zero-days that SandboxEscaper previously disclosed, namely CVE-2019-1069, CVE-2019-1053, CVE-2019-1064, and CVE-2019-0973. The advisories include driver and software fixes for third party hardware and software flaws, including Adobe Flash Player, Azure, ChakraCore, Edge, Exchange Server, HoloLens’ Broadcomm wireless chipset, Internet Explorer, Skype for Business, Lync, Office, Office Services and Web Apps. None of the vulnerabilities have been seen exploited in the wild.
CVE-2019-1069 is a security flaw involving Windows Task Scheduler in Windows 10 and Server 2016 and above. Successfully exploiting this vulnerability provides an attacker with escalated privileges in the victim’s machine via local privilege escalation (LPE).
CVE-2019-2053 refers to a Windows Shell vulnerability that, when exploited, causes it to fail when validating folder shortcuts, enabling an attacker to elevate privileges and escape sandbox detection.
CVE-2019-1064 involves a flaw in the way Windows AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC) handles hard links. An attacker running a customized application could exploit it to install, view, delete, or change programs and data.
CVE-2019-0973 is a security concern in Windows Installer that fails to sanitize input when exploited. An attacker can use it to elevate system privileges via the library in order to install programs; create a new account with full user rights; or view, change, or delete data in the victim’s machine.
The security advisories include firmware updates for remote code execution (RCE) flaws in Microsoft’s HoloLens device, specifically security flaws in the Broadcomm wireless chipset. Abusing CVE-2019-9500, CVE-2019-9501, CVE-2019-9502, and CVE-2019-9503 could allow an attacker to execute commands in the system such as a denial of service (DoS) attack.
Another advisory also announced that applying this month’s patches for Feitian and Google Titan Bluetooth-based security keys causes the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) version of FIDO Security Keys to stop working due to a misconfiguration in pairing protocols. Abusing the bug can allow an attacker to interact with the key, enabling communication with the security key or the device where the key is paired. Users of the affected devices are advised to request for a free replacement.
The Trend Micro Deep Security and Vulnerability Protection solutions protect systems and users from threats targeting the vulnerabilities included in this month’s Patch Tuesday release via the following Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) rules:
Rule Description Vulnerability 1009764 Microsoft Office Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability CVE-2019-0540 1009769 Microsoft Windows Codecs Library Information Disclosure Vulnerability CVE-2018-8506 1009778 Microsoft Windows Speech API Remote Code Execution Vulnerability CVE-2019-0985 1009779 Microsoft Windows Multiple Security Vulnerabilities (June-2019) CVE-2019-0943, CVE-2019-0984, CVE-2019-0986, CVE-2019-1017, CVE-2019-1041, CVE-2019-1053, CVE-2019-1064, CVE-2019-1069 1009780 Microsoft Internet Explorer Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability CVE-2019-0988 1009781 Microsoft Internet Explorer Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability CVE-2019-0920 1009782 Microsoft Edge Scripting Engine Information Disclosure Vulnerability CVE-2019-0990 1009783 Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability CVE-2019-0992 1009784 Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability CVE-2019-0993 1009785 Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability CVE-2019-0989 1009786 Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability CVE-2019-0991 1009787 Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability CVE-2019-1024 1009788 Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability CVE-2019-1051 1009789 Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability CVE-2019-1002 1009790 Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability CVE-2019-1003 1009791 Microsoft Internet Explorer Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability CVE-2019-1005 1009792 Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability CVE-2019-1052 1009793 Microsoft Internet Explorer Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability CVE-2019-1055 1009794 Microsoft Edge Scripting Engine Information Disclosure Vulnerability CVE-2019-1023 1009796 Adobe Flash Player Out-Of-Bounds Read Vulnerability CVE-2019-7845
  Trend Micro TippingPoint® customers are protected from threats and attacks that may exploit this month’s list of vulnerabilities via these MainlineDV filters:
34748: HTTP: Microsoft Windows gdiplus Font Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Read Vulnerability
34763: HTTP: Microsoft Windows gdiplus Font Parsing Information Disclosure Vulnerability
34764: HTTP: Microsoft Windows gdiplus Font Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Read Vulnerability
34766: HTTP: Microsoft Windows gdiplus Font Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Read Vulnerability
34792: HTTP: Microsoft Windows DirectWrite Information Disclosure Vulnerability
34795: HTTP: Microsoft Windows gdiplus Font Parsing Information Disclosure Vulnerability
34956: HTTP: Microsoft Windows gdiplus Font Parsing Information Disclosure Vulnerability
34981: HTTP: Microsoft Windows gdiplus Font Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Read Vulnerability
35439: HTTP: Microsoft Internet Explorer VBScript Engine Type Confusion Vulnerability
35441: HTTP: Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
35443: HTTP: Microsoft Internet Explorer RegExp Use-After-Free Vulnerability
35444: HTTP: Microsoft Edge Type Confusion Vulnerability
35445: HTTP: Microsoft Edge Out-of-Bounds Write Vulnerability
35446: HTTP: Microsoft Edge Type Confusion Vulnerability
35447: HTTP: Microsoft Edge Type Confusion Vulnerability
35448: HTTP: Microsoft Edge Chakra Out-of-Bounds Write Vulnerability
35449: HTTP: Microsoft Edge Proxy Type Confusion Vulnerability
35450: HTTP: Microsoft Internet Explorer CreateObject Use-After-Free Vulnerability
35452: HTTP: Microsoft Edge Out-Of-Bound Write Vulnerability
35453: HTTP: Microsoft Edge Type Confusion Vulnerability
35454: HTTP: Microsoft Windows Win32k Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
35456: HTTP: Microsoft Edge Type Confusion Vulnerability
35457: HTTP: Microsoft Edge Use-After-Free Vulnerability
35478: HTTP: Microsoft Windows Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
35479: HTTP: Microsoft Windows ALPC Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
35480: HTTP: Microsoft Internet Explorer Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
35481: HTTP: Microsoft Windows User Profile Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
35487: HTTP: Microsoft Edge VBScript Engine Use-After-Free Vulnerability
35488: HTTP: Microsoft CLFS Use-After-Free Vulnerability
35491: HTTP: Microsoft Windows CLFS Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
35493: HTTP: Microsoft Windows DACL Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
35495: HTTP: Microsoft Windows Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
35518: HTTP: Microsoft Edge JIT Type Confusion Vulnerability
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Go to Source Author: Trend Micro June’s Patch Tuesday Fixes 88 Security Flaws, Including SandboxEscaper’s Zero Days, HoloLens Original Post from Trend Micro Author: Trend Micro Microsoft’s June Patch Tuesday announced the release of 88 vulnerability patches in this month’s…
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