#cleverly {allana}
ereneda · 5 months
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The Djo Dynasty // Teneniel ➺ Tenel Ka ➺ Allana
𝑺𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒅𝒏'𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒂 𝒅𝒚𝒏𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒚, 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒂 𝒇𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚.
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ereneda-a · 4 years
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“Alive? Oh yes, no thanks to any of you.”  Allana shot back, anger roiling around her in the Force strongly enough to almost be a physical barrier between them.  Her smile widened, cruel and sharp.
“If you’d all wanted to be rid of me so badly there was no need for the charade.  Abandoning me to those pirates, to escape on my own and wait fruitlessly for a rescue that would never come?  That was just cruel.”  She snarled, starting as a taunt but devolving into a rant as she continued.  Her eyes were sharp and angry, the darkness she’d fueled herself with for so long showing in the hazel that was so similar to her father’s.  But not the way they’d once been.  Not the soft brown faintly tinged with green that had looked at the world with wonder.  No, they more closely resembled those of the man he’d become.  Before he’d stopped pretending and let them turn orange.  Hard, but not cold in any way.  In fact her glare looked much like her aunt’s, when she’d used Hapes as a base to strike back at the Yuuzhan Vong.  All the darker aspects of her bloodline, bubbling up inside her and ready to burst into the most dangerous being in the cluster.
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  The emotion she felt rolling off of her daughter was almost terrifying -- the first thing it reminded her of was Caedus. The anger was raw and it stung, just like it had so many years ago with the monster Jacen Solo had become.
  “Abandoned...?“ Tenel Ka felt herself exhale. “I left you with your grandparents for safety. We thought...” The following inhale was shaky and her eyes pressed shut. “We thought you died.”
  The Queen Mother wanted to to move, wanted to approach the younger woman, but was afraid. Tenel Ka was rarely afraid of anything and the fact that she currently felt afraid of her own daughter was painful.
  “What... what happened?” She wanted to know everything, but she didn’t know if Allana would want to talk. Allana didn’t seem to want to do anything but get back at her now.
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ereneda · 1 year
{ @smallestsolo ➳ Allana }
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   The Queen Mother was focused on her daughter, who had joined her in the gardens that early afternoon. That didn't mean she wasn't keeping a sharp eye on the suitors who hovered near the entrance of the grove in which they were currently seated, though—there was always a part of her preoccupied with them, unfortunately.
   Her stormy eyes were narrowed on them, a pang of frustration shifting through her system at the way they attempted to look nonchalant, the way they pretended they weren't there to try to get her attention—every single one of them deluding themselves into thinking they were some sort of gods to her—for her.
   Ensuring her voice was lowered, she let her stormy gaze drift to Allana and her tension vanished once her daughter's face came into view. The only other person that could manage that was the girl's father.
   "How is training going?"
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