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gregoryburrusproductions · 3 years ago
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repost viia @jerseyindie Jazz973 Swinging Hard with @norman.mann and Rafiki at Clements Place Jazz for Rutgers Institute of Jazz Studies "One of the many tasks I perform every year is producing and promoting live music events. Curating the right band relies a lot on the bandleader bringing out all the right musicians and getting them to perform in a synchronous manner. This season, Gregory Burrus Productions had a number of 'Norman Mann and Rafiki' live music performances that stood out as outstanding. This was evidenced by sold-out, very happy audiences enjoying themselves to the maximum. Let's listen to a few performances and then meet the band..." READ MORE: https://www.jerseyindie.com/blog/jazz973-swinging-hard-with-norman-mann-and-rafiki-at-clements-place-jazz-for-rutgers-institute-of-jazz-studies By @GregoryBurrus #Jazz #NormanMannAndRafiki #SouthOrange #NormanMann #GeneGhee #PeterLin @the_lintet #JoyToppingMann #IfeBasim @ifebasim #ChristopherDeanSullivan #AlvesterCGarnett @alvestergarnett #JamesAustinJr @jamesaustinjr #Jazz973 @jazz973clementsplacejazz #RutgersIJS #ClementsPlaceJazzEvents #Newark #GEarlGrice #TomokoOhno @tomokoohnofarnham #Rafiki #Irvington #CricketClub #GregoryBurrus #GregoryBurrusProductions #SouthOrangeNJ #NewarkNJ #IrvingtonNJ #EssexCounty #NewJersey #JazzMusic #NJJazzScene (at Clements Place Jazz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CX2l1w9AMo8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gregoryburrus · 6 years ago
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repost via @nadinelafond Honored to stand with these gentlemen who made it happen at Clement's Place in Newark, NJ March 6th. Will never forget this night ❤️ .* * * (from left) Gregory Burrus (keeper of the music #jazz973) T.W. Sample (piano) Mike Tichy (guitar) Nadïne LaFond (vocals) Mike Noordzy (bass) Wahkiba Julion (drums) Anthony Ware (tenor sax) * * * Day after this concert, I gushed like a super fan to all of you. Still don't think you fully grasp the gratitude I feel. To experience these tunes in this way, the freedom to blast off, those rich moments of connection with the whole room, the absolutely beautiful vibes ... So you know for sure, I appreciate you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart. * * * Just HAD to share the family shot and so glad we got it ! * * * Photo props: Thanks to fellow artist Eli Costello @pathofeli for this shot and the kind vibes. * * * @gregoryburrus @mosesoguia @twsample @tichymike @mikenoordzy @9ether * * * #clementsplacejazzevents #rutgersjazz #instituteofjazz #newarkjazz #rutgersnewark #jazz973 #rutgersjazz #jazz973atClements #jazzbluesrnbfunk #newarknj #concertseries #gregoryburrus #ijs #anthonyware #twsample #miketichy #mikenoordzy #wahkibajulion #nadinelafond #gregoryburrusaroundtown https://www.instagram.com/gregoryburrus/p/Bu3irXTDiQu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jn8qzmghhhku
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enews4 · 5 years ago
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Very happy and excited to meet up again with the awesome Vocalist, Singer, Songwriter, Mixed Media Painter Nadine Lafond at Clements Place jazz Events who produces some nice events of her own.. it was an awesome night of jazz when Jazz973 presented Future Rising topped off by seeing Nadine. We have to get her into some shows soon, in the coming year because she's just Awesome!!!! Thanks for coming out Nadine. . . #jazz973 #nadinelafond #clementsplacejazzevents #rutgersjazz #instituteofjazz #new https://ift.tt/2VeiUpA
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gregoryburrus · 6 years ago
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Akiko Tsuruga QuRyet - Jazz973 Live Music Concert Performance @ Rutgers IJS Clements Place as lq5x Continuing to Celebralate Women's History Month . Akiko Tsuruga at Clement’s Place 3/13/2019 . Anthony Ware – tenor sax Charlie Sigler – guitar Jerry Weldon - sax Akiko Tsuruga– keys Jason Tiemann – drums . . we are llll b #awesomemusicians #jazz973  #akikotsuruga #clementsplacejazzevents #rutgersjazz #instituteofjazz #newarkjazz #gregoryburrus #clementsplace #jazz #hotband #gregoryburrusaroundtown  #IJS #jazz973atClements #jazzblues #organist #charliesiglerguitar #jasontiemanndrums #drummers #swingingjazz #hregoryburrusproductions #womenshistorymonth (at Clements Place Jazz) https://www.instagram.com/gregoryburrus/p/BuupSyVjp7a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gf0xbsyea7ir
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gregoryburrus · 6 years ago
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Nadine LaFond & her Quintet in the Jazz973 Live Music Concert Performance @ Rutgers IJS Clements Place - We celebralated Women's History month it was a fantastic swinging, energetic, feel the energy event. Just fabulous and touching all night long . Nadïne LaFond's Quintet at Clement’s Place 3/6/2019 Anthony Ware – tenor sax Mike Tichy – guitar Mike Noordzy - bass T.W. Sample – keys Wahkiba Julion – drums . . . #awesomemusician #awesome #jazz973  #nadinelafond #clementsplacejazzevents #rutgersjazz #instituteofjazz #newarkjazz #gregoryburrus #vocalists #clementsplace #jazz #smokinghotband #gregoryburrusaroundtown  #IJS #jazz973atClements #jazzbluesrnbfunk #pianist #twsample #wahkibajulion #drummers #femalevocalists #miketichy #guitar #mikenoordzy #bass #anthonyware #saxophone #womenshistorymonth (at Clements Place Jazz) https://www.instagram.com/gregoryburrus/p/BuujELRDVKh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ge59rv6rc1ek
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gregoryburrus · 6 years ago
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Nadine LaFond & her Quintet - Wed 7-10pm a special performance when Jazz973 @ Rutgers IJS Clements Place presents vocalist, songwriter and bandleader Nadine LaFond. Bringing an all star band, this promises to be a very special event. Click my Bio link to get tickets. . . Joining Nadïne for this special concert at Clement’s Place are: Anthony Ware – tenor sax Mike Tichy – guitar Mike Noordzy - bass T.W. Sample – keys Wahkiba Julion  – drums . . . #jazz973  #nadinelafond #clementsplacejazzevents #rutgersjazz #instituteofjazz #newarkjazz #gregoryburrus #vocalists #clementsplace #jazz #smokinghotband #gregoryburrusaroundtown  #IJS #jazz973atClements #jazzbluesrnbfunk #pianist #twsample #wahkibajulion kiba #drummers #femalevocalists #miketichy #guitar #mikenoordzy #bass #anthonyware #saxophone (at Clements Place Jazz) https://www.instagram.com/gregoryburrus/p/Bui1VGSji2c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wp2a8llzr2jw
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gregoryburrus · 6 years ago
It's been a fantastic 2018.. Thank you all for performing, listening and supporting live music events. Here's to making 2019 even better. . See you around town. . .#marcusmilleronsax .#livemusicambassador #supportlivemusic #livemusic #gregoryburrusproductions #gregoryburrusaroundtown #gregoryburrus #Jazz973 #clementsplacejazzevents #maplewoodcommunitymusic #ifebasimmasterpieces #soundsinspiottadas #JazzOnSloan #southorangejazz #southorangegazebo #24hoursoflivemusic (at Jazz On Sloan at the South Orange Gazebo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsFrKkdjam3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1khx8smdhgqpu
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gregoryburrus · 6 years ago
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Wed 7PM Clements Place Come on out and enjoy what Jazz973 is all about. . In Future Rising Band We have not one but four rising stars being led by one serious professional and it definitely shows Jazz973 is curated to showcase those musicians working amongst their peers and the professionals. FUTURE RISING is producing some serious beautiful music each and every time they hit the stage. LAUREN SCALES, VOCALS GIL SCOTT CHAPMAN, PIANO CAYLEN BRYANT, BASS JARRETT WALSER, DRUMS LANCE BRYANT, MUSICAL DIRECTOR, SAXOPHONE Clements Place is the perfect place for you to come on out and experience the magic. It's free, it's local so come join us. RSVP a must due to limited seating. . #jazz973 #gregoryburrus #jazzynight #caylembryant #gregoryburrusaroundtown #jazz973 #laurenscales #clementsplace #hotband #jazzy #smokingjazz #pianoplayer #jazzconcert #jarettwalser #drums #gilscottchapman #keys #clementsplacejazzevents #rutgersinstituteofjazz #gregoryburrusproductions #futurerisingband #ijs #jazzynight #lancebryant #sax #futurerising #newarkjazz (at Clements Place Jazz Events) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqFUdV7jihN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wn7nr5jtdxxf
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gregoryburrus · 6 years ago
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OK IT'S HAPPENING JAZZ973 @Clements Place PRESENTS Kelly Green Trio on 20181017. Very few 2nd showtime RSVP seats left as we close off access at 5 PM today. Visit Eventbrite search out KellybGreen Trio and get your free access reservation. . . Hope to see you Wednesday 7 PM start time andwe absolutely will be rocking the place with some really awesome jazz oh yeah!!! Kelly Green Vocals and Piano Alex Tremblay Bass Evan Hyde Drums #kellygreentrio #jazz973 #gregoryburrus #jazzynight #gregoryburrusaroundtown #jazz973@clements #hotband #smokingjazz #jazzconcert #clementsplacejazzevents #rutgersinstituteofjazz #gregoryburrusproductions #kellygreenpiano #alextremblaybass #evenhydedrums (at Clements Place Jazz Events) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo9cR4VAmcz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1av5gk6dv9s8c
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gregoryburrus · 6 years ago
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Very happy and excited to meet up again with the awesome Vocalist, Singer, Songwriter, Mixed Media Painter Nadine Lafond at Clements Place jazz Events who produces some nice events of her own.. it was an awesome night of jazz when Jazz973 presented Future Rising topped off by seeing Nadine. We have to get her into some shows soon, in the coming year because she's just Awesome!!!! Thanks for coming out Nadine. . . #jazz973 #nadinelafond #clementsplacejazzevents #rutgersjazz #instituteofjazz #newarkjazz #gregoryburrus #gregoryburrusaroundtown #IJS #jazz973atClements (at Clements Place Jazz Events) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqTEBIejz7j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h26yjqg3eyh5
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