#clemen novalak imagine
the-offside-rule · 1 year
Clement Novalak (Trident) - Goodnight Darling
Requested: by my bestieeee
Prompt: angsty confrontation cause he parties too much and neglects his girly who's studying at Uni so she wants to talk about it but he makes it a fight so she leaves for the weekend or smthng and then like someone talks sense into him and he comes back and apologizes and loads of fluff, she's not really into partying but Clem loves her for that or smthng
Warnings: angst
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Another night, another call from one of Clement's friends. That's how her night's were taken up over the past few months. Y/n would be studying and not even 30 minutes into it, she would have to pick her boyfriend up because he drank too much. Well, she had a plan to stop it, once and for all...or at least limit it. On this particular night, Y/n pushed open the door to her boyfriends apartment and let him in, ushering him towards the living room. "Yeah, be careful of the-" clash. "Coffee table." Y/n sighed as the magazines and coasters cascaded to the floor. "Babe?" Y/n said, as Clem plopped onto the couch and lazily kicked off his shoes. "Clem, cam we talk?" She asked. "We are talking, darling. Don't be stupid." He laughed. Y/n gave a lighthearted laugh in return, not entirely enjoying how he was talking to her. "Clem, we need to talk about something." He looked up at her, his eyes barely even open. "You look serious." He joked yet again. "Clement, it's about going out." She said, folding her arms. "It's great, isn't it?" She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Actually, not really." She mumbled back. "Well not when you don't go out. You need to go out to enjoy it." He lay back in the couch and looked as though he was ready to sleep. "Clem, please don't go out as often. I can't take care of you and study for my exams." She said. "Oh so you're saying I need to be babysat?" His eyes were open, he was serious now. "No, Clem, you just need to not go out as often. That's all. I can't come to pick you up when I have both work and college to keep up with."
"Oh sorry for being the bane of your existence. A burden even." He replied in a snarky tone. "Excuse me?" Her eyebrows furrowed as a sense of fury washed over her. "You heard. I'm not a parrot, I won't repeat it." He said, grabbing his phone and beginning to type away on it. "Clem, are you not listening to me?" He shook his head. "Why are you making it so difficult to talk to you? I just asked if you could not go out so often."
"Why are you being difficult? I am young, Im not tied down by college stuff so I'm indulging. You should try it. Maybe then you wouldn't be such a crazy, self obsessed cow." Y/n's jaw dropped. "Oh, I'm self obsessed? How about you? A podcast, where you are the most interesting person after the microphone and where your two friends could do it better without you there? Or maybe just this whole conversation. 'I want to go out' and 'I don't care'. Have you even thought about what I want, Clem? Even once the past month even?" He stood up and walked to her, standing looking down ever so slightly. "What I do with my life and what you do with yours, do not coincide. We leave it." He said. "But we're together. We're meant to have our lives coincide." She whispered. "I'm going to bed." Y/n let out a shakey breath and wiped her eyes. "Fine. Just fuck off to bed then."
"If I walk out this door, I'm gone for good." Y/n stood at the door and listened, begging for a sound that even sounded like 'stay', yet nothing. "Fine!" She shouted and slammed the door, leaving his apartment and walking back to her car. Fuck...him.
A week later, nothing had changed. Clem went to the bar as usual and Yn stayed at her apartment studying. Clem sat at the bar doing shots with Marcus by his side, impressed but also concerned at the amount of alcohol his friend was consuming. "Mate, slow down. I'm not calling Y/n in an hour to explain why she needs to pick you up." Marcus chuckled as Clem sat downing his drinks one after the other. "You won't have to. I'm a single man now." He grinned and drank another drink quickly. "You what?" Marcus was in disbelief. "Yeah. She left me and I didn't stop her. It's her life, you know?" Marcus shook his head. "Clem, do you realize how stupid you are?" Clem looked to his friend confused. "She was there when you had nothing and now you just let her go?" Clem leaned on the bar and turned to Marcus. "She wanted to leave, so I let her leave. If I didn't, I'd look bad."
"Did you at least fight for her?" He asked. "She said to say something or she'd leave so I went to bed." Marcus slapped the back of his head. "What was that for?!"
"Get a taxi and go apologise! Jesus. The only nice girl you ever had and you treat her like that." Marcus drank his own drink and left his side. Clem sighed and looked at the bar with a sense of emptiness inside him. He wiped his mouth and walked out to the street to hail a cab. The ride to her apartment was a blur, eith slurred conversation with the taxi driver. He didn't didn't know what he was going to say, only that he was going to say sorry.
"What are you doing here?" Y/n asked as she opened the door. Clem snapped back to reality and there he stood just staring at her through the doorway. "It's nearly two o clock in the morning, say something." Clem leaned against the door frame and took in her features that he hadn't seen in what felt like years. "I just needed to see you." He replied. "Well you've seen me. Go away now." Y/n said shutting the door, only for him to stop it with his foot. "I want to apologise." He said quietly. "So?" She said. "So I very sorry. This won't happen again. Me coming home drunk and you having to pick me up won't happen again. I promise." He said, liquor and whiskey trailing off his words. She rolled her eyes, but appreciated his attempt at an apology at least. "I need you. You don't like going out and I need that. I like that you don't like to go out. It means I always have a safe place to go to."
"Look, if you come back tomorrow morning we can go get breakfast and you can't continue your apology then." She smiled. "When you've sobered up." Clem nodded and swallowed the lump in his throat. "Definitely. I'll come by tomorrow and pick you up." He said joyfully. "Clem, you're going to wake my neighbours. You need to be a bit quieter." She whispered. "I- okay. I'll go get a good night sleep, I'll have a shower, I'll even shave-"
"No, I like the beard." She chuckled. "I'll keep the beard then, darling." He said. "I love you." He whispered. Y/n took a breath in and smiled softly. "I love you too." She replied. He hesitantly reached for the side of her cheek and pulled her in. "I- should we- its up to you." He stuttered. Y/n closed the gap between them, their tongues mixing alcohol and caffeine. They broke their kiss, their foreheads leaning against one another and staring into eachothers eyes. "Tomorrow. 10 am." She said. "I'll be outside waiting for you." Neither of them wanted him to leave. She wanted him to come inside with her and sleep in eachothers arms, but that couldn't happen, just like how it couldn't happen when they first met. "Goodnight, Clem." She said, embracing him tightly.
"Goodnight, darling."
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