#clem only smiles smiles at the very end
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neonvioletlight · 1 year ago
violet, unlike louis, doesn’t EVER smile showing all her teeth !!! all half smiles !!! and clementine too !!!’ why and how do i cope
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hellishgayliath · 1 year ago
Clem’s Log
Hi big brother. Today’s March 10th I think? I’m not so great at remembering dates but Papa was dead set on it because that’s your birthday, it’s amazing how he’s able to remember stuff like that after all this time.
I know it’s been a while since we talked, ever since you left I had to take over bird scout duties and just never had the time to sit down and write. Everyone’s been on edge. Y’know I still hold onto that jar of cinnamon sticks you gave me. Started chewing on them out of habit whenever the anxiety and dread was getting to my head. They taste just like home..
Papa told me he saw you again.
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When he and a couple of the others were out on patrol with Mr. Leo and big sis Luci I mean COUSIN SERGEANT Luci haha, I think she’d resent me calling her that but I know she secretly adores me.
They said.. they said when they saw you you were.. already turned.
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You knucklehead I guess that’s why you left in the first place but to leave without saying anything to anybody?! You know Uncle Mikey would’ve helped you like he did with the others that were infected. Or did you already know that it would’ve been pointless? Don’t you at least owe your own little sister a goodbye?! Dummy dum dumdum..
Papa thought he could somehow magically get through to you, y’know make you remember who you were before life went crazy.
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I heard from Mr. Leo that Luci tried to stop Papa from acting like a idiot and getting himself killed. But she ended up getting hurt instead.
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Next thing Papa knew, you and Luci were on the ground, with only one of you moving. Judging by Mr. Leo’s face when I saw him come in, he looked very torn and distraught about a very tough call he had to make. I can already guess what it was he had to do. Cousin Luci is in rough shape but insists on rejecting any medical help saying it’d just be a waste of time and resources. Doesn’t she know we’re just trying to help her? The dumdum… Don’t tell her I called her that. I just don’t want to lose her too.
Papa said he could’ve sworn he saw a little smile on your face when he cradled you. Maybe that’s you finally realizing you’re not being controlled by those monsters anymore and can now be at peace knowing you can’t hurt anybody else. At least that’s how I see it. It must have been terrifying to go through that alone.
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It’s not fair it’s not fair it’s not FAIR IT’S NOT FAIR
They said they couldn’t even bring your body back because of safety reasons and that it would put the base at risk of being tracked so I couldn’t even get to see you one last time!
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I miss my big brother, I miss your dumb goofy smile, I miss us having bug eating competitions and laughing at you nearly choking on a beetle, I miss falling asleep on each other while watching tv, I miss seeing you chase after the raccoons with a broomstick whenever they raided our trash cans, I miss the dogs, I miss the taste of fresh fruit, I miss our HOME! I just want this nightmare to be done with. I’m just so.. tired..
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Papa told me they at least gave him the chance to make a grave for you and to say his goodbyes. I should’ve been there with him saying them together.
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He just looks so defeated and sad. I insisted to him that we at least put together a funeral service for you so the rest of us can say our peace.
It was nice.
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Uncle Mikey and Bao combined their powers to transform the room into a beautiful recreation of a lush meadow full of butterflies and yellow daffodils while Mr. Tello played some lovely music he still had saved recorded in his tech. It was so tranquil it almost makes you forget for a second you’re in an apocalyptic hell scape.
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I think you would've loved it.
Talk to you again soon and happy birthday you numbskull. I love you.
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I miss you..
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brrrritscoldinhere · 5 months ago
I have a headcanon where if Carver never happened and the season 2 group lived happily ever after, Luke revives Clementine's love for drawing!! He'd go out scouting for supplies and conveniently come back with colouring pencils and sketchbook from a home he searched through. At first Clem is hesitant because drawing and coloring is a thing she thinks is reserved with Lee, because she only did it when she was with him. She never touched another crayon and paper ever since he died, so she takes what Luke offers her with a lot of hesitation.
She, of course, still has her drawing of Lee in her bag. She's never let anyone else see or touch it, and she considers it a very special, very important part of her. It's the only physical thing left of her and Lee's time together. She doesn't ever want to draw after that, feeling like she's doing Lee's memory wrong by 'moving on' with drawing again. Of course that's just her guilt talking, though.
Luke, however, accidentally comes across it when Clementine leaves her bag (conveniently) open, and the drawing slips out. The illustration is obviously done by a child, and it's definitely made with a lot of love (Luke can see how it is, very determinedly, coloured within the lines) and he wonders if this is Lee who Clem told him about. He notices that the sketchbook he's given her is still empty, and while he can't say he understands (because he never will, he's accepted the fact that Clementine has her past and it's not his right to dig into it) he feels an urge to get her to start drawing again. She's eleven years old but at this point, she might as well be a seasoned veteran with how much she's gone through.
So one day, he gets her sketchbook, the colouring pencils and sits down in front of her.
"Hey Clem. I used to have this really neat horse, but I'm shi- uh, crap, at drawing. If I described it to you, do you think you could help me draw it? Have you ever seen a horse before?"
Clementine squints her eyes at him. "On TV, yeah. I used to watch My Little Pony."
Good enough.
So they spend the rest of the afternoon drawing horses, colouring them different shades of brown, black, white, grey - and he doesn't mind when she colours one in pink, because who is he to get in the way of artistic expression? - and by the end of it, she's on her stomach, feet swinging in the air and humming softly to herself.
He pretends not to notice when she starts to draw people instead of horses, when her illustrations start to look like a certain man he's seen in her bag. He pretends not to notice when she illustrates different scenes. They range from happy and sunny pictures to bloody and violent sketches. He can't help his smile though, when he spots a very familiar brown-haired man in a sitting position next to a little girl with curly hair, both of them drawing.
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lilac-hecox · 3 months ago
Hello! If you’re still accepting Ian’s Day prompts, i absolutely love ian’s adoration for animals. How he can’t help but pet and be openly affectionate to any animal near him so I was wondering if you could do an ianthony fic centered around them having a pet? It can be inspired by their previous pet or a new one entirely. Choice of pet is up to you! Also plus points if anthony spots similarities between ian and the pet and is completely fond of that (ex. Ian being orange cat coded and the pet being an orange cat)
Ian/Anthony - ianthony - Cat Dads
I wrote this based off this art done by @polterwasteist today for Ian's Day! It was too cute!
It was supposed to be one cat. Ian went to the rescue with every intention of adopting just one cat, maybe one that was a little bit fat, happy to crawl into his lap and watch a movie with him. He had been doing a lot of research and he had talked to Shayne and Courtney and both of them had insisted if Ian got a cat, he should adopt two, so that the one cat wouldn’t be lonely.
Ian had remained sold on the idea of one pet cat until he walked through the different rooms of the rescue. He stops and investigates a wide glass window, looking into one of the elaborate cat enrichment rooms. There are kittens playing with toys, cats sitting on high up cat trees and staring him down, some cats eating, some sleeping. Ian feels overwhelmed by the choices. He scans the room and then he sees on the cat tree nearest the window, there is a wide circular bowl, and inside that bowl are two cats curled up together, snoozing happily.
One cat is a stark deep black, the other a slightly fluffy orange cat. They sleep with their heads tilted together; arms stretched across the expanse of one another. The worker notices Ian stopping and looking into the window and she approaches him.
“Oh, did you find one you’re interested in?”
“Uh, well, these guys are really cute.”
The woman’s smile dims momentarily before she brightens again.
“They are. I do want to say, if you’re interested in either one of them…they’re a bonded pair. They’ll need to be adopted together.”
“Oh,” Ian says. “How did they become a bonded pair?”
“They were found together when they were just under a year old. They likely aren’t litter mates, but instead cats who bonded together as strays. They get very stressed out when separated. It’s caused them to stay with us a little longer than we expected, but they’re both very sweet. They love treats and affection.”
The woman says it hesitantly, like she expects Ian to get upset or lose interest in the pair of cats.
He turns back to the two cats snoozing together.
“A bonded pair, hm?” Ian says, humming softly.
Just a couple days later Ian, Anthony, Obsidian, and Clementine are all on Ian’s couch together. Obsidian, the black cat, is curled in Ian’s lap. Clementine is on Anthony’s lap, her one paw extended so she is touching Ian’s leg too.
Anthony laughs as he snaps a picture of Obsidian being extra cute. He turns it to show Ian.
“God, we’re the worst kind of cat parents, and it happened so fast,” Ian says with a sigh.
Anthony shrugs. “How can you not take pictures of Obsi and Clem?”
“How long till we open an Instagram for them?” Ian asks.
“Okay, let’s not go that far.”
The cats had not only warmed up immediately to Ian and his place, but Anthony as well. The four of them are often found happily curled in a cuddle pile on the couch or on Ian’s bed. Clementine favors Anthony, curling on his chest, nudging his face with her own.
Though on more than one occasion Ian has woken up with Clem curled on his back, a solid weight on him, while Obsidian is nestled between Anthony’s legs.
Obsidian bats at Anthony’s sweater sleeve and he rubs the black cat’s head. Obsidian can be a bit of a menace. He had clawed up the end of Anthony’s yoga cloth that he keeps at Ian’s place, using it as his own personal scratching post.
Meanwhile, Clementine likes to sit on the counter, likes to watch Ian cook. Anthony has scooped her up and moved her more times than he can count while she meows like he’s torturing her.
“She’s a baby, just like you,” Anthony teases, as he sets Clementine down and she trots back to Ian, slinking around his ankles.
“Well, he’s like you,” Ian says, pointing to Obsidian, whose looking out the window, watching the birds fly back and forth between the tree and the bird feeder set up in Ian’s backyard.
It’s a joke that’s gone around the office. That Ian basically adopted the cat versions of he and Anthony, a bonded pair, a set, not to be separated from one another. Ian doesn’t mind. It’s sweet. He never really saw himself as a cat person until now having Obsidian and Clementine, and it makes it all the sweeter to see Anthony love on them, to see him interact with them, spoil them with weird little treats and toys and take all kinds of videos of them.
He doesn’t mind being a weird cat dad if it means Anthony is one right alongside him.
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colleybri · 2 months ago
First Lines game
Rules: List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice youself and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends. 
Thanks for the tag @faceofpoe! And just like you, I definitely agonise more over ending lines than opening ones. Nonetheless...
(All fics are Andor and Rogue One. Shamelessly.)
Truths and Consequences Can we go to your place?” Cassian asked, flatly. 
He's asking Brasso. This is one of those ‘try for a wham line opening and return to it later’ type-things. I do love my time jumps. It’s a Brassian tale and a WIP. 
Warming Up “Well, fuck this,” Jyn exclaimed matter-of-factly as she swept in out of the blizzard into the warmth of the shelter. 
Relatively uncomplicated and fluffy Rebelcaptain. Jyn generally 'swears like a trooper' in my headcanon and I would love to see a Rogue One edit where she’s swearing at the Troopers as she’s thwacking them. (Probably a lot to do with wanting to hear Felicity Jones swear.) 
Marking Time “I couldn’t sleep. Can I get in the bed with you?”
I’m noticing I’m quite fond of opening with a line of dialogue. This one is little girl Bix with her parents. It comes full circle in this Tear-Jerker ™ gen fic about the grieving process.
The Only Connection that Matters “Clem”. The complete unknown. Not only had Luthen managed to humiliate Vel by making her take on this mercenary (how terrifying, really, that his only commitment was to the money…), but he had also turned out to be really dislikeable. 
I'm cheating here with this angsty Velcinta fic - really just to show that the opening ‘sentence’ was not, in fact, a line of dialogue this time. 
Together, On This Beach I would have loved to cook for you, on a beach like this.
A relatively rare excursion to first person narrative for this shamelessly sentimental slice of sad Rebelcaptain. 
Rix Road (Andor S1 in never more than 12 drabbles) You are watching me as I work. 
Having said that, here’s another one!… but this is the last in my series of ‘Andor retold in drabbles’ so they’re all first person. This is Wilmon Paak building his bomb in the finale. Forgive me, but as it’s a series I’m going cheat too and go to the next ‘proper’ fic (I’m also ignoring poems)...
Salvage Operation I will find you. 
This is my ‘what happens next to the Ferrix crew’ fic with a particular focus on Bix, trying to start to heal herself by attempting to repair B2EMO. Probably the most (deliberately) disjointed thing I've written. Opening is one of my ‘multiple meanings and references!’ lines. I'm apparently a sucker for those.
Slipping The hospice we use as a safe house is a grim place, many levels down, and Andor’s been there too long already. 
My Luthen/Cassian series is all first person Luthen (so far) so I’m already reconsidering my comment above about it being rare for me. What with this and the drabbles… ok, yeah. 
Vision Jyn reaches over to their little container of wild towberries, grunting a little with the effort for she is not as flexible as she used to be. 
Another gentle Rebelcaptain (it seems to be my go-to ship for Being Nice To Cassian - as well as for killing him, obvs!) and one of my favourites as it deals with ageing - one of my pet themes. I think one of the tags is 'older people like sex too'.
Warm and Wet His full, beautiful smile returns, finally, when she moans at his touch.
Quite astonished really that I have to go this far back to find a Bixcassian story as it’s probably my favourite ship (and canonical - wheee!). I guess I should get back to this ‘early years Cassian is so very fucked-up, really’ series which does actually include a fair bit of recreational-writing smut alongside the all the inevitable idiots-in-love angst. 
My main conclusion is that I really should try and write something totally linear for once. Must be my failing attention span.
No pressure tagging: @laneboyheathens @distressednoise @ and @notasapleasure and anyone who would like to play.
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connorswhisk · 8 months ago
Loose Leaf
fic fill for @thecrusadercomrade !! thanks so much for requesting and i'm sorry it took so long fdjl;sajkl; hope u enjoy <3
also on my ao3
She probably draws him about a million times, over and over again in her tiny sketchbook with the cheap colored pencils and the slowly dulling pocket sharpener. Fighting walkers, splattering scarlet blood all across the white page. Riding a horse, with Clem on the back of the saddle right behind him, arms circled about his waist. A lot of those pages end up stuffed between the cracks of the dumpster lid (Clem’s not tall or strong enough to lift it fully on her own) because in her opinion, they’re just not so good. She doesn’t like them, and so she figures neither would Lee.
She draws him a million times. Over and over again. But he isn’t the only one to make an appearance in her little book.
– – – 
The family is easy, probably the easiest thing there is to draw in the whole motor inn. Clementine’s had lots of practice drawing families, for school art projects and things like that, but it’s easier to draw people she knows are alive instead of the parents she doesn’t.
Kenny with his mustache and his hat, Katjaa with blonde hair that’s a little too bright because the only shade of yellow Clem has is lemon. And in between them, shorter than either but smiling bigger than both, is Duck. Clem has lots of fun dotting in the freckles all over his round, happy face; she thinks the stick-figure version of him looks very accurate.
(She considers adding a bunch of creepy-crawly spiders in the blank space beneath Duck’s feet, but ends up deciding that might be a little too mean.)
She gifts it to them, eager and proud at breakfast one morning. Kenny and Katjaa aren’t actually eating, Clem notices. Kenny eyes the granola bar his son is pigging out on with a pained expression on his face; Clementine quietly tucks her snack pack into her pocket, and though her stomach whimpers in protest, she resolves to eat it after. She can wait, just a little while longer.
Kenny looks at her like he has no idea what she’s talking about when she holds the page out in her tiny hand. “It’s like a family photo of you guys,” says Clem, slightly anxious. “Well, kind of…”
Kenny still says nothing. Clem tries not to take it personally - Lee doesn’t have to tell her so in hushed whispers just between the two of them, she knows Kenny’s been itching to leave the motel and the food situation definitely isn’t helping matters. Katjaa smiles, tired but kind, and carefully takes the drawing from her before the silence stretches out too long.
“Why, it’s lovely,” she says softly, angling it just so that Duck can see. “Look, Ducky, Clementine drew all three of us.”
Duck frowns. “Why did you make me have chicken pox? ”
“That’s not chicken pox,” Clem giggles. “Those are your freckles. ”
“Oh!” His teeth are crowded with leftover granola bits as he beams, big and wide and white. “Awesome!”
“Yes, it’s very nice.” Katjaa smiles again at her. “We’ll be sure to tack it up in the RV, right on the wall where everyone can see it. Right, Ken?”
Kenny sighs, distracted. “Yeah, yeah, that’s - that’s fine, honey.” He glances down at the paper for just a second, and his mouth twitches a little. “My mustache ain’t that big.”
“I wanna draw!” Duck exclaims, leaping to his feet. “Clem, can I borrow some paper and your pencils?”
“Ok,” Clem replies. “But you have to promise not to be too rough with them, or else they’ll break.”
“I promise!”
“You two stay in sight!” Katjaa calls after them as Duck dashes away, Clem fast in tow. It doesn’t look like it’ll rain, so maybe she’ll get out the chalk, too. Duck always likes playing with the chalk, or at least for as long as he likes playing with anything before he gets distracted again.
Once Kenny’s and Katjaa’s backs are turned once more, Clementine pulls the snack pack out of her pocket. She’s so hungry that the stale breadsticks and fake cheese are gone in mere seconds, and even then her tummy still growls, pathetic. Duck looks like he wants to ask her for a bite. She doesn’t offer any, and s he feels terrible about that but she’s pretty sure not eating would only make her feel worse.
(Years later and she still has it, even after all of them are gone.)
– – – 
Doug’s always been nice to Clementine, and she’s glad Lee saved him. Carley was kind too, and pretty, but…Lee made a choice, which is something you have to do sometimes, she knows that now. Even if the choice isn’t exactly a fair one.
(She wonders what she would have done in the same situation, forced to pick between two strangers. She never can seem to come to any sort of conclusion.)
But Doug doesn’t treat Clem like she’s a silly little girl, not in the way some of the others do. He talks to her like she’s just another adult, and Clem likes that because if she can pretend that she is just another adult, maybe things won’t seem as scary as they really are, not anymore. Doug shows Clementine how the bell system he rigged works to warn them of movement nearby, and the faded old Uno pack he sometimes breaks out has seen Clem her fair share of sneaky, smirking wins against a befuddled Lee and a frustrated Kenny.
So Doug is another person that is very easy for her to draw. That yellow shade is still a little too lemon-y, but Clem adds some brown, blends it in a bit against the page the best she can, and maybe this time it looks a little closer to his actual hair color. She makes the big green sweater extra fuzzy (fuzzier than it is in real life) and adds a teeny laser pointer in Doug’s hand, shining its red beam directly into the eyes of an oncoming walker and blinding it.
Doug smiles when she gives it to him. “Wow,” he says. “I look badass.”
“Swear,” admonishes Clem.
Doug raises his eyebrows. “Does ass really count as a curse word?” The grin doesn’t leave his face. “This is super awesome, Clementine. Thank you.”
She nods. “I just thought…I just thought you might wanna keep it.”
Carefully, Doug folds the drawing in half, then into quarters, and finally into neat, creased eighths. “Knew I still carried this around for a reason,” he says, drawing his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans and sliding the page inside it. “See, there you are. Now I’ll have it wherever I go.”
Clementine beams. “I like that,” she tells him, rocking back and forth happily on her heels.
(It’s still in his wallet, as far as she knows, the night that he dies. They leave his body on the side of the road, and they leave the drawing with him.)
– – – 
Larry doesn’t like Lee, and he doesn’t like Kenny, or Duck, or…much of anyone, really. But he usually isn’t as cranky to Clem as he is with the others, and though she doesn’t know why, it’s enough to inspire her to give him a drawing. 
He folds it, just like Doug did, tucking it into the breast pocket of his sweat-stained bowler shirt. “Reminds me of the ones my daughter used to make in school.” His voice isn’t hard, but it is still very gruff.
Above them, Lilly scoffs, adjusting her position on top of the camper van. “You never held on to those,” she accuses. “Why start now?”
“Times change,” says Larry offhandedly. “People change, ain’t you know that, girl?”
“Well,” Clem says, slow and unsure. “Well, I hope that you like it…”
“He loves it.” Lilly’s teeth are gritted hard enough to crack. “Don’t you worry about that, Clementine.”
Clem scurries away before their voices get too loud for her again. She doesn’t draw Larry anymore after that - it doesn’t feel right to.
(She sneaks it out of his pocket when Lee isn’t looking, after…after Kenny drops the salt lick. The paper is weathered and torn between her fingers and she pushes it to Lilly with shaking hands before she can think any more about it.
Lilly glares at her hard like she’s just sprouted some freakish second head, and Clementine lets go of the paper quick as a flash, sobs and runs back over to Lee.)
– – – 
It feels more than a little obvious to draw Ben. He’s all alone, and scared, and no one at the inn fully trusts him yet. Lee warns Clem to stay frosty around him, just in case. But all Clementine sees is a boy, and even though he’s a lot bigger than Duck or her, he’s still very, very afraid.
She doesn’t really know how she should do it. Drawing him with his friends who died seems cruel, and she doesn’t know enough about Ben to know what he likes to do, or what he used to like to do.
So she draws him in a big field, sitting under an apple tree, a shiny red delicious in his hand. Clem’s parents once would take her to a field just like that, on the way to Grandpa’s house through all the Georgia farmland. Everybody’s different, but she figures that Ben might find that sort of memory pretty and peaceful, too.
“You’re…Clementine, right?” he asks her unsurely as she approaches him at his spot up against the motel’s grubby brick walls. The grave Lee and Kenny dug for his coach is still fresh and loamy with loose, dark earth.
She nods. “I made this for you,” she says, thrusting the paper forward and into Ben’s hands. “It’s ok if you don’t like it, I won’t get mad.”
He sort of blinks at the drawing, like he isn’t super sure what it is he’s looking at. “Is this…me?”
Clem frowns. She thought that that was obvious. “Uh-huh.”
“Oh.” Ben looks up at her, then back down at the page, then at her again. “Um…thanks. It’s really - good. It’s really good.”
“I said I wouldn’t get mad.” She sticks her hand back out, expectantly. “Give it back if you don’t want it.”
“I - I want it!” Ben’s voice cracks. “I do want it, it’s really good. Thank you, Clementine.”
She nods again. “If you ever wanna draw with me and Duck, I still have a lot of paper left.”
“I don’t know…” Ben chews his lip, like he thinks he’d look stupid for hanging around the little kids. “I’ve never been that great at art.”
“Duck’s awful,” reports Clementine happily. “No one will care!”
Ben’s lips wiggle a little like he wants to smile. “Really?”
“Really,” she says.
And no one does.
(Clem doesn’t know what happened to Ben’s drawing in the end. Maybe she doesn’t want to.)
– – – 
“I like to draw everyone.” She adds a finishing touch to her figure’s glasses, before presenting the end product with a slight flourish. “See, that’s you!”
“Hey, it is.” Mark grins. He hasn’t been here long, but he’s funny, and any new face is an excuse to use something new to sketch. “Were you in art class at school or something?”
“Yeah,” Clem chirps, flipping to the next available page in her book for a blank slate. “It was a lot of fun. I liked to paint a lot, but I don’t have any paint right now. So I use my pencils and sometimes the sidewalk chalk.”
Mark’s dirty fingernails tap-tap-tap on top of the wooden picnic table. “I used to take art classes too,” he says, and his voice sounds kinda sad. “Before I joined the Air Force…”
“They didn’t let you draw in the planes?” asks Clem, choosing from her pencils a bright red, her most sickly green. “I rode a plane once. It was long. I drew everything I saw outside the window to pass the time.”
Mark shakes his head, laughing a little. “If I wasn’t flying the plane, I was busy doin’ somethin’ else with it. Didn’t really have a whole lotta time for hobbies.”
“That’s lame.” Clem looks up at him. “You should draw more now. Since you have the time.”
“I - I guess that’s true, isn’t it?” Mark shrugs, and glances back down at the tabletop. “Whoa. Whatcha makin’ now?”
Clementine doesn’t stop what she’s doing. She presses down harder with her muddy brown, dirt and death and decay.
“A walker,” she answers, and when she’s done with it Mark is gone and his picture is left behind, fluttering in the breeze.
Clem stuffs it back into the binding of her sketchbook. Even if he doesn’t want it, she’ll keep it around. She likes the way she shaded in the darkness of his leather jacket, the little shines on the lenses of his glasses.
(Mark pretty much avoids her completely after that. Clementine wonders if he’s drawing on his own, the things he always wanted to. She decides that maybe she doesn’t quite care, and she feels horrible after the farm.)
– – – 
Her mom and dad. Sandra. Carley, Glenn, Shawn and Hershel, her friends at school, her Grandpa, her little cousins, her teachers, Mrs. Earnshaw from across the road, Sailor Moon and She-Ra and Bugs Bunny and other cartoon heroes to help come and save the day.
These are the things she draws in between, and she has no one to share them with.
– – – 
She actually never gives Lilly one, though she draws her many, many times. She’s a little too scared, a little too chicken-shit (as Duck likes to say) to actually go through with it. Lilly hadn’t been happy when Clem had given a drawing to Larry and so it doesn’t seem likely she’d want one of her own. 
But she’s scary, and sharp, and Clementine draws her a lot. Filling in and out of the margins of her notebook, angry and shouting and mean. A few times, she leaves her book face-open on top of the picnic tables, in the hopes that Lilly might wander by, take a curious peek and see herself reflected back in all the pages.
She never does wander by, so eventually, Clem stops trying it, and that’s all there is to that.
(Years later, Clementine stares a woman she once thought she knew hard in the eyes and imagines taking a match to those drawings, each and every one at a slow and burning time.)
– – – 
He isn’t the only one to make an appearance in her little book. But in the end, the one she draws the most is still and always Lee.
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holly-mckenzie · 1 year ago
Hey! What were your thoughts on S3 of Starstruck? It went in a very different direction than I was expecting and as a viewer I feel conflicted - I think it’s brilliantly written and reflective of reality and there’s a lot of beauty in what’s been explored this season, but emotionally I also feel a bit thrown.
hi clara!
Okay. So I have spent the last week thinking about it (I even explained to my counselor how I was a child of divorce now 😂)…. But I still fully haven’t grasped all of my thoughts so this may all sound a bit rambling. Spoilers Ahead!
First and foremost, in my most recent re-watch of Starstruck I kept on thinking about how Jessie loves Kate but… kinda brushes Kate’s friendship as not as important as a romantic one (e.g. - the speech she gives to Joe in S1E5). With this in mind, I do really love that most of the relationship tension and the overall love story of S3 is between Kate and Jessie. Their friendship is so precious to me and I adore it so much. So I do love the way that’s explored in the new season. Kate and Jessie are the real love story of Starstruck.
Other things I LOVED is Sarah and Steve’s relationship. They are honestly so funny, and I adore them so much! I also did like the evolution of Joe's character. Minnie Driver is always amazing as Cath, Shivani is so funny, and I loved Alice Snidden as Amelia (more on that later).
Now unto the important things. I kinda knew that S3 would go this route bc I felt like if it had followed traditional romcom tropes the next step would be marriage. Which I really couldn’t imagine Rose doing.
So when S3 was renewed I had a feeling that it would either go the marriage route, the we are never ever ever getting back together route, or something else completely.
But realistically it would be the breakup. I was hoping that the ending would be kinda unresolved where there was a chance that Jessie and Tom could get back together in the future. But Alas. However, this did not mean I was not in a complete in a state of panic leading up to S3 (if you follow me on Twitter, you know).
Honestly, imo if S3 was doing the we have different partners I FIRMLY believe that Jessie should have been with a woman, and Tom should have been with a woman of colour.
Me at Clem:
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The new characters fell SO flat to me. Clem is nice enough and so agreeable, which I think is supposed to act as a foil to Jessie. This is obvs in the way that Clem wants marriage and kids. But I also feel like you see it in the way that Clem isn’t threatened by Jessie, which is a very stark contrast to the way Jessie reacts to Tom’s co-star in season 1, and the fight they have after.
And Liam is just there. No offense to Liam, but none of his scenes really felt like they could compare to the banter and chemistry between Jessie and Tom throughout the seasons. To quote the modern philosopher of our time:
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So it was really hard to care about him and the relationships. Also something about his very existence reminded me of this interview Rose did during S1. Though that could be a nothing.
Overall I really didn’t care about these new relationships, bc watching Jessie and Tom in S1-2 is just so electric. The banter, the back and forth. The way they smile at each other, and make each other laugh.
But maybe that’s the whole point, that you could have electric chemistry with someone. But it could also all be meaningless bc that person is not the person for you.
As for Tom, I recently got asked if he was written as an asshole. But I don’t know how to answer that. Was he shit for cheating on his fiancé? Yes. But did I care that he cheated on her with Jessie, no.
I do feel like I’m not a huge fan of the way that Tom was written in this season. Throughout the show he is only shown in relation to Jessie or his work, with the exception of the Christmas episode. But I bc in the new series he isn’t with Jessie we REALLY see how his character is flat.
Now I do realise that it’s bc the show is about Jessie, but it still felt lacking. The fact that Tom doesn’t seem to have friends outside of Jessie’s circle is wild. The fact that he is getting married, and we don’t see his parents or brother is so 💀
Especially since Tom is a full Brown man (that is apparently somewhat religious). And somehow his family isn’t part of any of the wedding prep? That’s so wild and unbelievable (for me as a brown woman). I do realise Vinay is an asshole but I genuinely wish he had made an appearance in S3. It could have been so funny and it would have added some nuance to Tom's character. (We see Dan again, but not Vinay or the rest of Tom's fam? Come on!) I would love to see Vinay’s opinion on Jessie changed and his feelings toward the wedding, kiss, stag, etc.
I do understand Rose and the writers wanted to explore these ideas. And this is something she has clearly been thinking about since Baby Done. I also do think that in the latest series, we explore the anxieties through a queer lens by way of Amelia's speech. It strikes me as fascinating that Alice Snidden is openly bi, and her character is one of the only ones single.
Merryanna Salem, one of the most prolific film critiques of our time, articulated an idea about the queerness of Starstruck, and Queer Relativity in such a nuanced way. I highly recommend you read it. With this in mind, Amelia's speech, and Rose's feelings towards babies, its really not that surprising it ended the way it did.
But at the same time, it really seems like such a shift from the first two series in a way I simply don’t like (or understand). As I previously established Jessie and Tom are SO good together. Their chemistry is unreal, the show is just so bloody cute.
The show sets out to be a romcom, and that is what it does brilliantly in the first two series. Yet in S3, we really see a departure from that genre. It feels more a romantic drama, with comedic elements and I think its REALLY discombobulating. Specifically bc in most romcoms the couple gets together, and in dramas there is more grey area. Because I didn't read S1-2 as anything but a romcom, I didn't even entertain the idea of a break up. So to have it thrown in, in S3 seems so forced somehow.
Especially bc we have seen Tom and Jessie conquer the odds again and again. So to have the writers articulate they just aren't a good fit, and Jessie to say we want different things is strange. Maybe, I was watching Starstruck with blinders on, but it seemed in the previous seasons they were somewhat on the same page. Like even with this idea of Queer Relativity, Tom seems to understand it. He seems content to NOT get married to Jessie in S2 ending and what have you. So to suddenly be presented with a Tom who needs marriage and babies is discombobulating. Again, maybe I watched the show with blinders, but I did not catch the seeds of Tom and Jessie not being compatible, so S3, as you said threw me off.
And on some level I do think it’s kinda a redundant deconstruction of the romcom.
Join me next time where I dissect Starstruck through the lens of Race and Politics (or the lack there of).
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ladyimaginarium · 2 years ago
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Clem sits on her knees, preparing the syringe filled with testosterone as golden eyes flicker up to look at the most loveliest pair of blue eyes as Marlon's fingers caress her cheek and she leans into his hand, thumb brushing against her lips, and he gives her a nod. Her fingers intertwine with his and she softly kisses his knuckles and the back of his hand, before injecting the syringe into his inner thigh, feeling him slightly wince underneath her fingers. Thank God for Diana's basic medical training. Ejecting once finished and wiping any possible chance of infection off with a wipe, she rises up and kisses him as his hands cup her cheeks. They didn't even need to say anything. He gently picks her up by her waist after she discards the supplies in the trash, and he gently twirls them both around as she wraps her legs around his waist while Radiohead's acoustic variant of High and Dry play in the background of her bedroom until he lets them fall back on her bed, a surprised squeal escaping her lips. "Marlon, don't play wi' me like that." she pouts afterward, eliciting a chuckle from the taller man. "I like it, though." A moment of silence, before he's reminded."Oh yeah. We gotta see David for another round of service dog training." he murmurs into her ear as he lights a cigarette for the morning, hand tracing down her back in gentle circles, exhaling the smoke away from her face. Clem's lips press at his pulse, box braids surrounding her like a halo, "Yeah, but we need to eat brunch first tho'." she whispers back. Marlon puts his cigarette in the ashtray before he looks up at her. "A BNE, huh. Bacon and eggs. Fuckin' delicious."
Clem chuckles in agreement, nodding, "Yeah, I know that's right."
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Erica's fingers slowly trace the back of Yang's hand as he rests in his hospital bed, barely awake. His skin is warm, she thinks, like the sun. One of his eyes wink open to look at her in the light of the winter dawn filtering through the window and illuminating her hair, her eyes. Yang cracks a soft smile, a breathy chuckle escaping him even despite the pain. "You look like shit... but hey, at least I'm holy... heh, get it..." he teases, his larger, warmer hand clasps around her own. Erica's breath hitches, lip trembling before her head dips, shaking her head, "You fool." He's always doing this, trying to make her laugh, even after all these years. Yang's been like this for as long as she can possibly remember, which was very little, but he never once hesitated to do so. His thumb rubs the back of her hand.
"I'm sorry." he murmurs, dropping the lighthearted act, both half lidded eyes looking up to meet her own as his gaze shifts all the way down her body. She always looked so beautiful, even now, all these years later, despite everything.
The albino woman slowly shook her head, "Stop..." she whispered, trailing off, her voice threatening to crack. None of this had ever been his fault. "If I had ever known or suspected..." Yang's tone is filled with the rage of a thousand suns, causing Erica's heart to skip a beat, "Delico and I would've fucking ended him."
The Twilight woman believed him with all her heart, but that didn't mean she wanted him to beat himself up over something he couldn't possibly control. "I'm alright," she lies through a blueberry lipstick smile in the hopes of comforting him, but that only makes him angrier. "Please don't do this shit to me, Erica." he's gentle, but firm, "no one in your position would ever be fucking fine."
"I just want you to be okay, please don't get angry." her voice is soft, hushed after a moment of silence as Yang complies squeezing her hand in support with a long sigh.
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sherwees · 11 months ago
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Clementine strangled out a gruff sound as Kunhang tugged on her arm and caused her gash to emit another steady trail of blood. “You cunt!” Clementine cried, looking up at the malignant male above her but he only gave her a wicked smile before tugging her to his side. “Don't be like that, darling.” Yangyang mused from beside her. Yizhuo's eyes were already bloodshot; her skin had gone pale, scarily pale, Wendy pale.
“Please, don't I'd do anything..” Huo pleaded before breaking down fully, Clementine sworn that she would've drowned in her own tears. Her hand reached out for Clem's but the sovereignty only pulled her closer to his side before walking off and Yangyang stayed; not for sympathy.
“Where are you–”
“You're not fit for my game.” The male looked down at the girl to his side, his usual doe eyes now carried some sort of.. evil sympathy for her; they narrowed like before. “You're different, I can't explain it..” Clementine could only look cluelessly into his eyes, she was flummoxed once again. “W-what about Yizhuo?” She questioned, her voice echoing through the vast halls; the palpable tension made the hairs on her neck stand but they fell once Hendery's demeanour changed.
“My dear, who's that?” Hendery's head tilted but Clementine only furrowed her brows in shock.
“My friend down over there?!” She winced as she turned and pointed from their starting point then Kunhang let out an innocent “oh” to his realization.
“She'll be fine.”
“She won't.”
“I believe she will, for now.”
“For now?!” She yanked her hand away from his with wide eyes but ends up stumbling back and falling onto an antique couch. Kunhang only bared his teeth at the heave Clementine made before clenching her side. “She's fine.” His tone was apathetic before he sighed and snapped his fingers for the stubby female servant you now noticed standing beside a small royal blue tapestry with a plain cursive “C” embroidered on it. “Clean up her wound and ensure that she'll be brought to my chamber.” The servant bows to his request the shuffled over to Clem's side to help her up, her eyes filled with fret. Kunhang only watched for a few seconds before turning away to head down the hallway further.
“Kunhang–” Clementine rasped, “Don't hurt her, I pray?” Clementine held back her loathe on the fact that she would have to ask that as a question more than a statement in this moment but here she is. The king pauses with his hand on the doorknob; even from the distance between them, Clementine noticed the clench of his jaw. He turned, his eyes held no sort of emotion, “We have no obligations to keep you two alive for long..” and even before Clementine could reject further, he headed out the door.
Clem could only sniffle and sob before the lady reassured her with a foreign prayer, the servant only kept an eye on her wound and never looked into her eyes as if to hide her shame. They both made it to the infirmary sector and she tended Clem's wound with some sort of strong smelling alcohol but it didn't burn, her heart burned though.. She wondered what happened to Yizhuo; was she sent home or was she even alive..
The gown Clementine wore was a pretty blue, not too dark or light but in the middle. The servant allowed Clem to walk to his room alone with very brief directions with a very thick accent but she only understood because of her dedication. Clementine thanked the old servant for not shoving a corset around her injured waist and left her with a comfortable layer of bandage that wrapped around it. On her way there, she stopped by a mirror. Her outfit wasn't as exaggerating which bummed her out a bit but the material was translucent satisfyingly soft, like dragline. It reminded her of the story of Archane, she remembered how her grandmother only told her about the tale to scare her into being nice to her elders, even if they're wrong. Clem's nails then trailed to her jacquard court collars and then eyed the hem of her dress at her ankles that also had the same sequence of weaving.
Clementine made it to his alcove, the vast, lavish room was primarily different shades of blue, it's more luxurious items had contained silver and some gold embroidered on it. “Hmmph– Humph!” What was that? “Hmmph! Hmph, Hmph!” the sound came more aggressive. Clementine looked all around her, “Hmmph! Humph!!” She turned and there was Yizhuo, bound with a handkerchief in her mouth. Her eye cosmetic was smudged around her eye like a jester's kohl around his eyes, her lashes were in clumps; coming closer, she noticed how the brown ropes that bounded her were starting to rash and irritate her skin.
The second that Clementine reached for her gag, the door opened. “You both found each other well..” Clementine rolled her eyes at his comment just imagining the wolfish grin to his face. “Wherfore don't we play a game to glad you two up?” based off the proximity of his voice, he was just behind her so she turned. “I don't think that's needful, your Majesty.” He raised a simple brow at your statement before sliding his hands in his navy blue trousers.
“Oh–” He chuckles, “I believe it is necessary..” Clem sighed before nodding. “Wafh's fhe game?” Yizhuo replied but it was muffled by the cloth in her mouth, narrowing her eyes at Kunhang before rocking herself in the chair again.
“Either join me or your friend. Practically, Team “Die Trying” or “Surviving”, you should know which is which.” He stared at Yizhuo, smiling cruelly at the girl. He gently pushed you aside before unwinding Huo's bindings, she only could whimper. The door opened and Kunhang motioned for Yangyang to join the three,
“Or perhaps maybe us both?”
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the-smallest-star · 2 years ago
Vox was more than ready when the elevator dinged open and the imp entered his office. A bodyguard stood off to the side, though Vox hardily needed him. She’d been searched.
“Miss Clementine.” Vox greeted from his desk, a smirk crossing his face as her scowl, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
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“You can cut the crap, I know you hate me as much as I hate you.” She snapped, tail swishing behind her in annoyance, “Whats the big idea? Planting these thoughts in Gritt’s head?” “Not sure what you mean.” Vox hummed as he tilted his head. “Oh you know exactly what I mean ‘I’d be nothing without Vox’s help’, that kind of bullshit.” “Touch a nerve did it?”
Clem twitched at the jab, and Vox’s smile grew.
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“I do my research Clementine. I know who Gritt hangs around. The former ‘Firecracker of Imp City’, you took down a formidable hellborn, changed your life around. Now I know why you wanted to come, you wanted to size me up. I know you took the redacted copy of Gritt’s contract from Sharp’s office, looking for a loophole.” He continued, “and I know you haven’t found one. You’re very efficient, if it was anyone else you stole from then they wouldn’t of had a clue.”
Getting up from his chair he stepped around his desk, now leaning his back against it with his palms on its surface. Clementine’s eyes narrowed at him, she had guts.
“Gritt signed that contact of his own free will. I’m not filling his head with lies, he WAS nothing before he came to me. No one bothered to know him before. They hated him. You hated him.” Tilting his head Vox offered a sympathetic look, “You know there are only two ways to get him out of that contract; get me to release it, or kill me. You can’t offer me anything better to release him, and... well... killing me? Lets think about that one shall we. I know you’re considering it.”
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The way her claws flexed confirmed it, his smile turning cruel, “Lets say somehow you manage it, I’m dead. Pride will fall into chaos as sinners scramble to get my terf, systems will shut down and people will die. You won’t be able to walk away either, Valentino, Velvette? They’d find you, find everyone you love, and burn it all. Gritt would be free from his contract for all but a few moments before he’s dead, Patch would be strung up, Vinn would be turned into roadkill. They’d save you for last.” His claws drummed on his desk, “And say you fail to kill me? I wouldn’t end you no... I’d erase the very memory of you from Gritt and his twin, wipe your brain clean and give you to my business partners as a present to play with.”
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His crimson gaze watched her hands ball into fists, his smirk never leaving his face, “He’s happy, he’s going to live a long and successful life. You should be pleased he’s become everything he wanted to be.” “He’s everything you want him to be.” Clem finally snapped, jabbing an accusatory finger at him, “he can’t even go to a store without you watching!” “For his own safety, maybe you should stop looking at him and look at your own life.” Vox shrugged before he returned to his chair, offering her a dismissive wave, “I think we’re done. Watch where you step Clementine. The only reason I haven’t killed you is because Gritt enjoys your company... but that could change.”
Fuming Clem glared at Vox a moment longer before going back to the elevator, slamming her fist against the lobby button. She got the answers she was looking for.
But what to do about it.
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lemonpastilles · 2 years ago
Fender Bender - 3
Clementine remembered that she had placed her phone at the windowsill, so she let out a small breath, smiled and hurried to the window. But to her surprise, it wasn't there either. Her palms were getting sweaty again, and she was considering running out of the window to get help. Sam had clearly taken her phone, so she couldn't contact anyone, she thought, while picking her scalp under her long brown hair. So, when she went to check, if the bedroom door was unlocked, her mind did not leave one possibility out, expecting the worst. And then she placed her hand on the doorknob, heart beating a million miles an hour. The door was unlocked. Her eyes widened in surprise. She opened the door ajar, so only her eyes could peak through. She couldn't see anyone. So, instead, she placed her ear through the opening, and tried her hardest to hear something. She furrowed her brows, and felt her lips drying up, as she tried to decipher, whether the noise she was hearing was a snore, or something else. If Sam had tried to hurt her, surely, he wouldn't be sleeping? The door creaked loudly as she opened it wider, which made her squint her entire face, scared of waking him up. She tip-toed out of the room, and shivered on the way out, still wearing the pants from yesterday, that, to Clementine's delight, were still a little wet. The floor was made of maple, yet it was very cold, as she continued to make her way down the hall. She wasn't sure, where she was going or what she was going to do. Or what had even happened. She just knew that she had to find her phone and leave. Or something. He did seem overly excited about meeting her yesterday, she thought. But then there was a creak coming from the end of the hallway, and then croaks of Sam stretching. Clementine stood as still as a statue with widened eyes, as she tried to come up with a way out of the situation.
After, what felt like minutes, Sam opened his bedroom door, and walked out, his right hand rubbing his right eye, mouth oval-shaped and open. "Howay!" Sam yelled and put his hand on his chest, just as he spotted Clementine, only a few steps from him. He then let out a chuckle under his breath, and put his hands on his knees, that he had bent like he had his back, as if he had just run a marathon, "I forgot you were here". Clementine was still standing still, but at that comment, she relaxed her eyes a bit, but not fast enough to avoid Sam's other comment, as he was standing straight again; "Do I look that bad? You look like you've seen a ghost". Clementine closed her eyes, trying to think, and then she shook her head. "No, no, of course not, I just-", she started, "have you seen my phone? I can't find it anywhere". Make him think you're giving him the benefit of the doubt, she thought. Sam smirked confusingly, showing a moment of wry amusement in Clementine's bad memory, and said: "Ya don't remember?". Clementine furrowed her brows. "What?", she asked. "You were mumbling loudly in the middle of the night," he stated, "so I went to your room, and you told me to grab your phone and charge it, so I did". "It's in the kitchen, like", Sam said grinning widely at Clementine's confused expression. "I did what?", she said, blinking thrice in an attempt to comprehend, "I must've been sleeping". Or he could be lying, another voice in her head said. "You had a whole conversation with us" Sam said with widened eyes. Clementine turned red immediately, and her light brown skin was now unrecognizable. She did talk in her sleep. She could have had a conversation with him. Instead of answering Sam, Clementine pointed at the way of the kitchen with questioning raised eyebrows, and Sam just nodded, confirming that she was walking the right way. And there it was, fully charge, on the gray kitchen counter. It hadn't even been turned on. He hadn't done anything, yet Clementine's heart still raced, when she heard his steps getting closer to her. He wanted to know, how she slept. "Well," she said, looking down on her phone, "thanks". Sam smiled and walked over to the kitchen cabinet and took out a pack of Weetabix. He then went to the fridge and picked out the milk. Multiple times, he had looked back at Clementine, and every time, she had just seemed preoccupied on her phone. In reality, she was looking at her notes app. She didn't want to be confronted with the weird interaction or even the whole situation of her staying at a stranger's home. It all felt very surreal. Very unlike Clementine. So, she did what she knew best, and hid from her problem, and tried waiting it out. Surely, Sam had to go to work at some point, and at that point she could research a place to stay in peace, and never see this stranger again.
"Want one?" Sam said with his mouth full, spilling milk from his mouth, which made him sniff out a laughter. "Nah, I'm good, thanks", Clementine replied, looking up from her phone for a second, for her then to look back down. But then, she looked up again. Sam had a way of always confusing her. "What is that?" she asked, and put her phone down, to hold the box, that she then scanned from front to back. "Wee'abix" he answered, yet again with his mouth full. "Weetabix?", she said, "I don't think we have these in Denmark". "That solves the mystery of your accent," Sam replied, "Denmark". "Yeah," Clementine answered in apathy, remembering the reality of her situation, leaving her home behind, "is my accent bad?". "Nah," he shook his head, hand on its way to grab his second Weetabix out from his bowl, "it's cute", he said focused on the dripping meal, and took a big bite. Clementine smiled to herself and looked the other way. She had never heard anything of her doing, being described as 'cute', like ever. In her twenty-two years of life, she had never had anyone show her any real interest, whether it was platonic or romantic. Her mom and sister constantly tried to make her see that there were plenty of people, but that she was pushing them away. Clementine knew that she pushed people away, but she had never believed, what her mom and sister tried to make her believe; people never cared that she pushed them away. They didn't bother to pull her back in. She had talked to her previous therapist about it, but he hadn't been any help either. He had suggested that she had to be more open. Clementine felt the unfairness of the statement, when she had spent several appointments with the therapist, talking about her issue of shaping herself to be what everyone else wanted her to be, just to be liked. Or to be tolerated. They talked about, how she always hated, how desperate and needy she felt during every encounter she ever had. Even the small ones, like with a cashier, felt like a longing for a friendship. But when this was never recognized, she decided to stop trying. Her therapist must've forgotten. So, when Sam had complemented her accent, she knew that it was just a nonchalant comment, that he'd forget about the second later, yet it had sparked the childish desire she still had the flame of. "Can I try one of those?" she heard herself say, as if another person was speaking. She was letting go of control, and she was going to punish herself for it. She was aware that her constant pushing and pulling, must've made her seem like a psychopath. Sam was going to get tired of her quick, she thought, so she might as well enjoy it for the time being.
"Here ya go," Sam said handing Clementine a green bowl with two Weetabix's in it, "I like it with milk, but there's a whole debate about it". Clementine smiled and thanked him, before pulling the bowl closer, and inspecting it closely. She had always been so afraid of trying new things. She then looked up, and asked if she could get a spoon, as she reached out for the milk. It really wasn't that big of a deal, but she felt excited. This was like her first step into the culture of her new home. Sam handed her the spoon and looked at her with a boyish grin that folded little lines around his almond-shaped eyes. His teeth were a little crooked, Clementine had noticed in that moment, but it kind of went well with his whole look. Clementine gave an exaggerated smile and raised her eyebrows, as she lifted the spoon and moved it towards Sam's way, as if she was raising a glass to toast. She put the spoon in her mouth, and Sam was still grinning, excited to hear her opinion. She smirked, while she was chewing. "Well then?" Sam asked in amusement. Clementine gestured a finger around her mouth, explaining that she couldn't speak with her mouth full. "C'mere, who cares" Sam responded, but she did. She cared. So, she chewed, and swallowed, which caused Sam to roll his eyes, and raising his hands in impatience. "It's good," Clementine said with a held back laughter, almost choking on the dryness, that was surprising, giving the amount of milk she had poured, "just a bit dry". "I don't accept that, like," Sam immediately crossed his arms, "Ya eating it wrong". "I literally ate it exactly like you!" she chuckled. "Nah" he stated, and closed his eyes, while turned his cheek to her, as if a little kid getting mad, but he was clearly hiding his boyish grin under there, and Clementine wanted to explode in laughter. Not because it was that funny, but because she had really longed this kind of interaction. She suddenly felt a comfort, she hadn't felt in years. "How did you eat it then, mister?" she said, crossing her arms too. Sam opened his eyes, and turned to her again, looked to the side, as if trying to capture a thought, before he compressed his lips together, trying to hide his smile, before saying: "I spoke with it in my mouth, it makes a heap of a difference". "You're ridiculous," Clementine answered, and took another bite of it. "Now talk," Sam said, raising his eyebrows, "I swear it works". Clementine started laughing and held her hand over her mouth trying not to spit out the milk. "Yes, g'aan Clementine, get it out of there!" he said in excitement and was bent over, so his forehead was almost touching her forehead, as if they were two players hyping each other up before a game. Clementine turned her back to him, and mentally flipped him off. Her eyes were tearing up of laughter. She was also starting to feel emotional too, not wanting this moment to ever end. Sam stepped closer to her, put his hand on her back, and bent his head over, to see her face that was curving downward to avoid spitting her food all over the place. "Shame," he then said, when he saw that she had swallowed it, "loosen up, or I'll make you, lass". And then he walked away. Clementine just stood still, and the corner of her right cheek turned red. The angles of her mouth dropped in surprise, but then she shook her head, and went to her room to grab her toothbrush and toothpaste. When she went to go to the bathroom, where Sam had just finished brushing his teeth, she heard the doorbell ring, and she heard a woman speaking. 
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virtuoshosh · 6 months ago
Shosh nodded quietly, accepting the sparse words that Cass offered her without probing him for more than he was willing to give, as she was so often tempted to do. Though the mention of Verlie so soon after their date had her wrinkling up her nose and squirming deeper into the cushions, lips quirked up into a coy smile and butterflies fluttering in her belly. A rosy hue crept over her cheeks as she admitted, “She…she hasn’t, yet, you know—fed from me, I mean…” Shosh rubbed her neck sheepishly, her fingers skimming absently over where her pulse point was warm and flushed beneath her touch. She laughed at how much she was behaving like a schoolgirl with a crush. “…I must be driving her mad, honestly, making her wait—which probably sounds totally crazy and pointless, to you, I just…I dunno, I—I don’t wanna rush into anything, get in over my head with all the blood lust stuff, again, before I’m ready…you know?”
But what Cass said about Verlie’s past as a donor struck through her gooey gushing, giving Shosh pause. A crease of sympathy formed between her brows. “No, she—she hasn’t, actually…she doesn’t really talk much, about her life before she was Turned…” And though Shoshana was dreadfully, painfully curious about all things when it came to Verlie Redlocke, she figured it wasn't something to pry about. “…though, she did tell me she saw me play a concert, once—when Herr Steiner had me touring Europe as a prodigy.”
And then came another question for which Shosh didn’t have a ready answer. She leaned back, tucking deeper into the blankets, tugging her fingers through the tangled waves at the ends of her long hair in thought. It was a few minutes before Shosh spoke again, and when she did, she kept her eyes trained on the curve of her knee poking up beneath the duvet, swallowing through the lump that had formed in her throat. “Something…happened, with Clem, a few weeks ago…in the Den of Magic…” Shosh was somewhat surprised, actually, that Dani hadn't mentioned the traumatic ordeal to anyone else in the band—though Shosh knew she hadn’t, or Cass would have asked her about it before now.
She took a breath, not knowing where to begin. And then, like a faucet that had sprung a leak, the whole story began pouring out of her in a frantic, rambling mess. “…I was at Plasma, right? And it was late, and I realized I’d left the keys to my flat at the studio, so I went back to get them, and Clem was just—there, all broody and her like, loitering near the studio, but then—then I realized she was covered in all these gashes and basically bleeding out and she said she’d been in Costa Rica, of all places, and she was mauled by a jungle cat, or something, and I—I was panicking, she was losing like, a lot of blood...and I called Dani to help me get her to that clinic in the Den and—and—” She didn’t realize she’d been on the verge of tears until the memory pulled a choking sort of cry from within her, and Shosh buried her face in her hands for a moment, allowing the emotions to leak out before wiping them away with her knuckles. She sniffled, at last looking up to meet Cass’ startled expression. “I’m sorry, I—I don't know why I brought any of that up, it’s just…she was really hurt, Cass, like—scary hurt, and…they made me leave her there, and I’ve been calling and asking after her, and they told me she’s—stable, but…she either hasn't woken up, or she has and she doesn’t have—the fucking balls to call me and tell me she’s like, alive after showing up like that and nearly fucking dying right in front of me—!” 
She made herself stop to take another deep breath, shaking her head at her own ridiculous anger. She flopped back and said dramatically, “God, I’m such a dick—imagine, being angry with someone in hospital, fighting for their life, for not, like—calling me back, ugh…” Shosh groaned, folding her arms over her forehead in a very pathetic and self-pitying way that she was pretty sure only Cass would understand or tolerate. “And it’s like—just when there was the slightest chance that I might be able to actually move on…?"
Cass tucked his head on Shosh’s shoulder, glad to have her close. He hummed, “We’re okay.” He replied breezily.
The other question took more to consider. Cass didn’t know if he would ever really, truly, be in a place where he’d consider himself ‘okay’. Not with everything that had happened, and not with the way his mind seemed to favour depression to the point where it seemed a comfort.
“And me… I’ve got a lot on my mind,” He admitted, shifting where he sat so that he was facing her. He pursed his lips, then lifted the edges, an 'it is what it is’ kind of smile. “But I see my therapist, like once a week, and I’ve got Derek, and the band’s back together. And as much as I wish it was literally anyone else- it’s good to see you with Verlie. Donating is kind of like… Your thing, you know. It’s weird picturing you not doing it.”
He cocked his head, “Verlie can probably relate, actually. She was a donor for ages before she was turned. Dad said her family nearly started an all-out war in the Council when it happened. I’m sure she’s told you all about it.” Cass waved his hand dismissively.
“But anyway. Are you okay?”
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the-dumpster-fire-of-life · 2 years ago
#73 for S4 TWDG characters please and can you make the reader the older kids lover please? Thank you and sorry if my english is bad. Im still learning😅
(Hey! #73 is only platonic writing for them. Thank you for requesting though and your English is good! Anyways, Enjoy!)
Protecting AJ, Tenn & Willy
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AJ always knew that if Clem didn’t let him do something, always ask you
You let him but Clem would always shake her head and scold you
Didn’t mean you stopped
You and AJ always got into trouble with the other
Both little partners in crime
AJ also when he was scared, not that he would admit it, would go to you
AJ felt safe with you and the addition of Clem
You had always been there with him and for him
He didn’t know what it would be like without either of you
And he never wanted to find out what it was like
You and Clem were the only people he would ever need, except for Tenn
Tenn was his other friend who he also was best friends with the best
AJ could do whatever the heck even if it was bad and hide behind you
You seemed sweet but were scary when someone messed with him
AJ would just hide behind you and let you work your magic
If anyone was ever mean to him, oh god
They just see you standing behind them with a glare
AJ is never messed with by them again
You were also very protective
You had seen AJ grow up and still thought of him as a little kid
Which he was
But AJ liked protecting you and Clem
He claimed you didn’t need to worry about him but how can you not?!
Anyways, AJ does appreciate you a lot though
He can always rely on you!
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With the addition of you, Minnie and Sophie
Tenn basically had an entire bodyguard team
But things did change after he was told Sophie and Minnie “Died”
He always stuck to you
Always by your side at dinner, doing chores and whatever else
He didn’t like being away from your side
Plus, he felt safer around you
Tenn was picked on when younger when the school was still a school
With teachers and the headmaster and even other kids
Before the others and him were left to rot
But when he was picked on you found out
And had a word with the kids
Tenn never found out exactly what you did but he saw the kids come into class scraped up
They then apologized to him, surprisingly
Tenn knew it was your work and thanked you
You were also Tenn’s favorite since you taught him a lot and gave him color pencils and crayons
Whenever Tenn was in trouble he went to you
Because you would always help him with whatever he needed and he relief on you
For as long as he knew, at the school you were always the protector
He was grateful for that since he was smaller, quiet and often afraid to speak to other kids before
He learned that all he needed was you, Minnie and Sophie
He was all set for whatever he needed
As long as you were there
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Willy’s a little weirdo we all know this
You didn’t think so and neither did Mitch
You both protected the boy since he was younger and sent there for…his reasons
He stuck to you both like glue because he had no one else
Like AJ, when he got in trouble or messed with other kids he ran to you and Mitch
He often hid behind you guys as you dealt with it and he would sometimes stick his tongue out at the others
(He always did)
He was always smug he had too older friends who would protect him
Whenever he had trouble with school or practically anything he ran to you
You helped him always and all was always well!
When someone had the audacity to yell at him he was always smiling
Wanna know why?
Because he always knew you were standing right behind him with a glare hard enough even the badder kids would freeze from
Willy was never messed with and held his head high when walking with you and Mitch
He was well protected and he knew, and took advantage of it
When the world ended he remembered just being with you and Mitch
A Walker got in and tried to get him
All he remembered was you pushed him behind you as Mitch grabbed him
He just knew that you were gonna take care of it
And you did
That's why he always stuck by you and Mitch
Because you both always would be there
And you only eventually, because Mitch sadly died 
Even then Willy ran too you
You were the only one he really had left
And Willy knew that you would always be there for him
Whenever and wherever he needed you
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years ago
so can i request 10 <pulling them closer by the waist in crowds> and 16 <letting them cry on ur shoulder> for ur love language prompt list w marcus 🥺
i was out the last night w some friends at a club idek why i went tbh i hate crowds i can’t dance and alcohol is legit my anxiety trigger point???
anyways so yesterday i had gone to the washroom n the booth we were at was at the other end of the room and i had to walk all the way there it was HORRIFIC
anyways so yah maybe like a club scene w bf!marcus where y’all r in the club and u get super overwhelmed n he just takes u home n u cry and it leads to some soft sex 🥺🥺
u don’t have to have the seggsy bit i kinda just wanna read him consoling y/n cozy mental health needs it negl 👉👈
anyhoo thx amorcita no se porque yo escribi esto en ingles yo se que eres española 😭😭😭
Love Language. As a really introverted person with some social anxiety too, I'm using my own knowledge to write this.
10. Pulling them closer by the waist in big crowds
16. Letting them cry on ur shoulder
"I will be fine" That's what you had told Marcus. He wanted go out with the guys and had told you that there was no problem if you wanted to stay at home. He was very comprehensive and he understood that partying wasn't your thing. But you wanted to go out with him for once. You wanted to spend some time doing things he enjoyed. Wrong idea.
The music was so loud. You couldn't even concentrate in the conversations around you. Clem was trying to tell you something, he was already a bit drunk and was tapping your arm with each word. Someone walked behind you and pushed you to make space. You whined. The lights were blinding you and so distracting. You could focus on anywhere. The sounds were amplified and your heart was beating so fast. You needed to get away from that.
"I'm going to the toilet" You told Clem so he could tell Marcus once he was back with the drink.
The way to the toilet was easy. You refreshed yourself and stayed for a bit in the cabin. The muffled sound of the music outside was kind of comforting, like a white sound to sleep. You needed some good time to recover from the crowd out. But when you thought you were ready to leave and opened the door, you found even more people dancing to some pop music. It was so hard to reach the table again. You were pushed and got stuck in the crowd a couple of times. Your breath was unsteady and tears clouded your eyes. And when you finally reached Marcus, he turned to you smiling and dancing a bit. But he stopped the moment he saw you.
You grabbed him because he was your safe place. And he hugged your shoulders because he knew it.
"Are you okay? Did someone do something to you?" He was really worried.
"I can't..." That was all you managed to say.
"Okay, okay. No problem. Let's go home"
You felt bad because he was leaving so soon because of you. But you couldn't stand the noise and lights anymore. Marcus wrapped his coat around you and then said goodbye to everyone. Knowing that probably the big crowd was triggering the attack, he made you walk with him, keeping his hand on your waist and pushing people if it was necessary.
Once in the uber, you cuddle on his side and leaned on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you.
"It's okay. You will be okay."
You cried in silence on the way back home, feeling too exhausted to even sob. He held you tight, kissing your forehead once in a while. He knew well how he had to treat you when you were like this.
Once the cab arrived to your flat and you were outside the building, he made you stop, he cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead so gentle. "Think about this... About what surrounds you"
You didn't move, you just obeyed adn waited there on his arms. Your thouhgt about the cold Novemeber air, the wind moving the threes, Marcus's warm hands on your cheeks... And slowly, you calmed down. You felt like you could breath again. You opened your eyes and found him looking at you.
Your only reaction was to stand on your tip toes and kiss him softly, which he gladly accepted.
"I love you" You whispered on his lips.
"I love you too"
"Thank you"
He kissed your forehead and guided you inside.
You slowly took your clothes off, they smelled weird from the club.
"What was the problem?" HE soflty asked when you sat on the bed with him wearing nothing more than your underwear. He ran the tip of his finger over your spine and you found it quite comforting.
"The noise... the lights... the people..." You started but couldn't finshish because the tears were back. He hugged you again and you his on his shoulder.
"It's fine." He whispered and caressed your hair. "I'm so glad you told me"
You nodded. At the beginning you wouldn't tell him so he wouldn't feel bad. You didn't want him to think you were weird. But now that you had been dating for long he couldn't read you perfectly, so it wasn't worth it hiding.
Marcus ran his finger on the side of your face and you looked up. He carefully dried your tears and pressed a kiss in your lips.
"Do you trust me?"
"Of course, Marcus" You whispered back.
"Can I distract you for a bit?"
You blushed deeply because by the grin on his lips you knew what he meant.
"I want you to take your mind away from all of that"
You nodded slowly and melted on his kiss. Marcus was so gentle when he laid you on the bed and climbed over your body His own felt warm on you and his hands were carefully tracing patterns on your sides.
Marcus left kisses everywhere he could, knowing how much you loved when he treated you like this. And then, he pulled your panties down your legs. With soft bites on your thighs and leaving a couple of marks that made you moan, he reached your centre.
"Oh fuck" You gasped when you felt the first touch of his tongue and pulled his hair. He groaned and dive deeper. Marcus loved this, he loved how quickly you got lost in the feeling and how your whole body and mind relaxed.
He made you come like that first, smiling when you, in the middle of an amazing high, pulled him for a kiss and devoured his mouth. He simply loved it.
Then, he put the condom on and slid in you. The slow movements and his intense graze on you made you shiver and whimper. You grabbed into him, wrapped your legs around his hips and pulled him close.
"I love you" He whispered on your lips before kissing you.
"I love you too" You cupped his cheeks and kissed him again.
Between kisses, Marcus moved slowly. Slow sex was something you were pretty used to, it kind of fit well for you two and you loved the intimacy and closeness you could feel.
At some point, desperate for more but not wanting to go faster, he lifted your legs higher and you moaned. It felt so good, you could only focus on him. And it was just what you needed. His hands on your hips and hair, his body on yours and him carefully showing you how much he loved you.
Once you finished, you grabbed into him and he rested his head on your chest. You needed a minute to recover before you could actually speak.
"Yes, baby?"
"Thank you"
"For this? It was a pleasure, baby" He said with a cheeky smile and dropped a kiss on your chest.
"No, idiot" You smiled and caressed his face. "For understanding me"
"That's also a pleasure, my love. I want you to be happy"
"You make me happy"
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grievedeeply · 3 years ago
number 20 for Clem, please?)
i was actually really hoping i'd get this prompt sent in so thank you!! reader was staying with clem when the apocalypse started, so they have similar stories and experienced some of the same things. i made this set after the end of season 4!
prompt: "well, since we were kids i planned to marry you someday." (i changed the wording to fit how i set this up better but it's still the same concept)
remember? — clementine
"you're staring."
the sound of clementine's voice brought you out of your thoughts, and your eyes met hers. you shrugged. "sorry. zoned out." you admitted, letting out a breath.
the two of you sat on the front steps of the admin building, clem's gaze shifting from you over to aj, who'd been talking eagerly to louis about something. you smiled as you looked at him. he was such a good kid. the world forced him to grow too fast, but you both knew he was safer here than he ever was out on the road. here, he had more than you and clem.
he had louis, who he really started looking up to after everything with the delta. he was funny, kind, and always willing to talk to him if either of you weren't around. he had violet, who taught him some other important lessons. he had aasim, who taught him how to hunt with his bow. everyone at ericson's had started to love aj, just as much as you and clem did.
"what are you thinking about?" clem said, her eyes returning to your form. you're sitting a few steps below her so you have to turn your head to look at her face. "aj." you nodded your head in his direction, a smile on your lips. louis' arm was wrapped around his shoulder and they were both laughing. your heart warmed up at the sight. he deserved this.
"he looks happy, doesn't he?" she looked between him and you, a grin on her face. "he does. guess all of our hard work paid off." you couldn't help but chuckle as you look back at her.
your gaze met hers, and your eyes soften. she'd been through so much. if only you were there. you look down at her leg— her stump— and frown. you could've saved it. you shake the thought out of your head. you couldn't. aasim ushered you into the cart and he talked you down from an anxiety attack on the way back to the school. he insisted he didn't want to lose anyone else.
while you were glad he was concerned about your safety, your thoughts were on clem that entire time. how much danger she, and aj were in. your heart only eased when you saw the two of them return, and a part of her leg amputated.
"it did." she rests her hand on your shoulder. "come here." she muttered, patting next to her. she moved her crutches to her other side so they're out of your way, and you just nod. you pulled yourself up those few stairs and sit next to her.
"remember when we were kids? how we'd.. play house together?" she said, looking out across the courtyard. her eyes, once again, fall on louis and aj. "how we would pretend we were parents raising a kid together?" she smiled at the thought, her eyes falling closed. "why are you bringing that up now?" you asked, an eyebrow raised.
"it all feels so real now. me and you, we raised aj. we turned him into a kind and loving boy, even in a world like this. we did it, y/n." she said, her arm wrapping around your shoulders in a side hug. you noticed the look of pain on her face as her leg moved but you decide against asking her about it.
"i guess it does."
the two of you fell silent for a moment. if you closed your eyes tight enough, it felt like you were back in clem's treehouse in georgia. the birds chirping, the cool breeze and the warm sun. her presence right next to you.
she was so beautiful.
she was the only person keeping you together for a long time. after kenny died, you were a wreck for a long time. you couldn't help but feel like you could've done more for him. at the very least, could've saved him from a lifetime as a walker. but that's what he was. without the use of his legs, you knew he wouldn't have lasted for long even if you'd managed to have gotten him out of that mess.
kenny and lee, they both sacrificed themselves for you and clem. and in a way, for aj. kenny loved aj with every bone in his body, his eyes filled with so much care whenever he looked at him. you knew he would've been so proud of him and where he was now.
and lee. lee would've loved aj. it pained you to think about what could've been. if he hadn't been bit.
"since we were kids, i planned on marrying you someday."
your eyes opened, and you looked right at clem. her face is flushed and her gaze was fixated on the main gate straight ahead. "what?" you asked after a moment, your expression showing your confusion as you bite at the inside of your lip.
"when we played those games together as kids, i wanted it to be real so badly. i wanted me and you to be together forever." she admitted, a sigh escaping from her lips. "and then this happened. i never forgot about it." she continued, her eyes finally meeting yours after her confession.
what did she even mean? did she have feelings for you? real, meaningful feelings, or was she just talking about how she felt as a kid? you searched her eyes for anything to give you an answer, and you just shook your head. "i don't get what you're saying." you told her, moving a few inches away so you could get a better look at her face.
"i like you. i have for a long time." she muttered, taking her bottom lip between her teeth. you hadn't ever seen her this nervous before. "and you're not.. you're not joking? you're not just telling me this for fun?" you asked, wanting her to go more in depth about whatever she meant.
even though you knew what she meant. she liked you, and you couldn't fathom it.
sure, you pictured the thought of you two as a couple a few times before. you imagined her hand in yours and her arms wrapped around you in a loving embrace. though you never considered her having feelings for you, too.
she shook her head.
"i like you too.. clem. really, i do." you told her, taking her hand in yours. it was clammy, but you didn't even focus on that. all you could think about was her. your future with her.
you nodded.
".. good."
she smiled, her hand squeezing yours.
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kybercvnt · 2 years ago
In The Woods of Aldhani
Pairing – Cassian Andor x Fem!Reader
Summary – Cassian Andor feels like an outcast in the group, so he finds your lack of hostility towards him comforting. He wants to know how far you’ll go to show kindness towards him by fucking you in the woods of Aldhani.
Word Count – 2451
Warnings – Smut, unprotected sex
A/N – Happy Andor day! Here's a sweet smut that I couldn't stop thinking about. There may be some inconsistency with how long everybody and how long Cassian has been there for, but I couldn't be fucked correcting myself. Also, even though everybody in the group knows him as Clem, the audience knows he is Cassian, so that's what he is referred to.
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Nobody was really happy when they saw Cassian join them. They had all spent so long planning and preparing for their heist mission, all within the safe space of each other. So when this “Clem” dude came crashing in on their party only mere days from when they were supposed to attack, nobody was truly thrilled by his addition.
Everyone approached him with uncertainty– whether it was paired with hostility or long speeches of self-importance. Everybody slept with one eye open after Cassian’s appearance; now worried about what imperial troops might lurk in the trees as well as one among them. He brought tension with him that only tightened the trust of everyone else with each other, excluding Cassian, of course.
You, however, showed him a kind of compassion he was missing. There were no smart remarks thrown his way or a rude bite if he got too close to what he didn’t own. You had offered him a safe space when he was around you, and he felt you were more trustworthy than anyone else. It had been a while since he had last seen the people he trusted, bouncing from new person to new person and expecting them to instantly trust him. Now he was here from doing all of that, but you reminded him of home.
Around the campfire, he would always steal quick glances your way while he was being scolded and given homework. Every time he looked at you–even when he wasn’t talking to you–it brought him a sense of safety which helped him go through with whatever the group was throwing at him.
His looks didn’t go unnoticed– he acted like he wanted you to notice. It was obvious since you hadn’t pitched in on the conversation yet, but he was making it seem like you were. Someone like Cassian, someone handsome , who had taken time out of learning about a very important mission just to look at you, throwing in a few smirks when you’d catch his gaze, made you flattered. He once even gave you a small wink hidden by a bite of his food and he’d smile at your flustered reaction.
Yes, Cassian Andor was hot . It was hard to admit that… Not really. The other men in your group were subpar; being around them for weeks on end, sharing chores and banter only make you consider them more like your brothers than potential lovers.
When you watched the embers of the campfire spark late in the night, you looked over to see the thin pile of sticks and twigs sitting nearby. The others were deep in another discussion about the plan of attack, while you and “Clem” were silently on the sidelines, actively listening to their rambling. Done with your food and bored of the entertainment, you used the lack of wood to excuse yourself to collect some more. Especially considering they didn’t seem like they would be stopping the conversation any time soon.
Straying further from the fire, the sound of their voices grew fainter as you entered deeper into the forest. It was replaced by the sound of the twigs and leaves crunching under your boots. The star-filled night sky silence of being in the woods all by yourself gave you that brief, but a very much-needed peaceful break from people. 
You felt your heart leap out of your chest when you heard the sound of a twig snapping behind you. The small bundle of your collected sticks fell to the earth’s floor when you lifted your fists and whipped around to greet the unwanted company. Clem had raised his hands in surrender at your reaction.
“Oh, sorry. I thought you were imperial or something.” You said, going to reach down for your dropped fuel.
“Here, let me.” He said in exchange, picking up the bundle and offering to carry it himself.
“Thanks.” You said. You continued searching the ground for large dry sticks that would do nicely on the fire.
“So, what’s everyone’s problem?” He asked you.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You let out a breathy laugh at the question.
“I mean, why are they so hostile?”
“You show up unannounced after we’ve spent ages planning for this. We can’t let our chance slip away.”
“So how come you're so nice?” You stopped foraging to look at him.
“I’m flattered that you think I’m nice, I’d like to think that if you trust me, I can trust you.”
“You trust me?”
“You haven’t given me a reason not to.” The silence hung low again. Cassian approved of how you felt about him– it enlarged his ego.
“Is Vel and Cinta…” After another long pause, he changed the subject.
“Yeah, they are.”
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Do you share a blanket with anyone?” You made a quiet scoff at the question.
“They’re nice but they’re my brothers. It’s been so long that I can’t see them as anything more… Why?” He gave you a smirk and tossed the bundle of wood to the ground. 
“It must get pretty lonely out here, for months without someone. It would be a shame to die without doing it one last time.” He started to slowly make his way towards you, while you attempted to keep the distance between your two bodies the same until he backed you into one of the many trees in the forest. As he closed in on the gap, you quickly took one last glance at the direction of the camp, reassuring yourself that you were definitely far away enough for them not to hear you. Their laughter still resonated faintly through the trees if all else was silent.
That’s when you felt his body press up against yours, placing a finger along your jaw and moving your head back towards him. The way he stared down at you in longing, and how he was towering over you was intimidating. Over countless times of catching glances at each other because the other was just too fine not to stand and gawk over had finally caught up.
“It would be a shame.” You whispered in return, then he quickly found your lips in a passionate kiss. It was arousing to have him pressing up against you and a tree while your lips moved in sync with one another, only a call away from alerting everybody else. Sharp breaths and gratuitous muffled moans turned into you both hastily tearing the warm clothes from yourselves and exposing your bodies to the crisp night air.
Cassian couldn’t keep his hands off of you. He wanted to feel up every edge of you, running his rough hands over every bit of your skin. Your hands found his head, where you ran your fingers through his thick head of hair. The bark of the tree was rough against the bare of your back, so Cassian decided it was time to get you off of it.
His hands moved their way to where the tree had so viciously violated your soft and supple skin to guide your body to the ground where he rested you on the pile of your discarded clothes. It offered as much protection from you and the dewy ground as it could, but it didn’t stop the feeling of wetness seeping into your hair at times. It wasn’t like you weren’t used to the bittersweet feeling of having the earth become stuck to you during the time you had been here.
His lips were still connected to yours, he couldn’t dare to break the connection. That was until his lips trailed from yours to your jaw, down your neck, and down the same body, he had caressed just before. He even stopped at your breasts partway down his trail of kisses to give your nipples some warm and wet attention. Across your beautiful stomach and down your navel where his lips met your glistening pussy, awaiting his next action.
His tongue latched onto your clit with an eagerness that stole a breath from your lungs. It had been so long since you last felt a tongue do the same thing that your fingers had to substitute for this whole time. Even when you got time to pleasure yourself, it was quick and away from everyone else. It was hard to find privacy at a time like this, so Cassian going down on you was pure bliss. You even let a short growl out at the unfamiliar feeling you dearly missed, until the tongue that was swivelling your clit detached itself and let the air attack you. You were miserable at the departure, but before you could look at him to see what was wrong, his warm body was already hovering over yours.
“Quiet, princess. We wouldn’t want your friends to come looking, would we?” He purred so sinfully. You let out a quiet whimper in agreement to hurry his mouth back to where it belonged, “good girl.” he added as he retracted himself back to stuff his face in your pussy. And when I say ‘stuff his face’ I mean he was gouging out your entire cunt like he was starving. You definitely tasted a hundred times better than that shitty milk he was drinking.
Other than his real name and his past, you didn’t know how much of a slut Cassian Andor really was. He was always such a lady's man back home, he never needed to worry about where to find his next meal because women would swamp him like flies. Unlike now, in times of war, a woman like you was a treat. His mouth moved so skillfully around your clit from years of experience while you were a squirming mess under him, biting back the urge to scream obscenities into the air. You wanted to look at the man at work but when you did, you saw his eyes beaming up at you while he was going apeshit at your cunt. That look sent you over the edge.
When he lapped up every drop of your juices until an orgasm rolled over you, he gave you a minute to collect yourself before he started to position himself at your entrance. He was a needy man, but he hadn’t been the one stuck on a remote planet for weeks with the fear of death looming over his shoulder every day. Even still, he wasted no time and plunged himself inside of you. The cold didn’t bother you anymore now that you had the strong Clem sheltering you while he rutted his hips against your pelvis. His face hovered over yours and you were both taking in each other’s features. Even in a moment of desperation and lust, he wanted to remind himself of such a stunning specimen that you were. You to him, the same. He couldn’t get enough in fact, that he had the urge to kiss your mouth as he did before.
His pounding was senseless, but amongst the sloppy mouth stuff and relentless quiet moaning, you weren’t sure how loud the slapping of skin was and how much of it would echo to the ears of your friends nearby. He filled every inch of your aching cunt that had gone so long without being filled that it hurt to have him stretch himself in every curvature of your insides.
He started to get antsy, swapping between different arm positions to keep himself hoisted above you while still keeping his lips on yours. The frustration got too much, so he decided to say fuck it and lifted himself up until he could rest easy on his knees. To make up for the cruel way he stole his warmth from your torso was by hoisting you up so that your ass rested on your knees (like the strong man he is) and pulling your legs over his shoulders. He loved the way you looked, and he certainly didn’t want to change the sight he saw in any way, but his tired arms had needs.
It proved to be a great change, as the new position allowed him to get deeper in you than ever before. He couldn’t choose between the firm grip on your love handles, grasping your legs like they were backpack straps, or fondling those delicious breasts that moved as a result of his harsh assault on your pussy. So, he did all three in rotation. When he would lean forward ever so slightly to grab your boobs, his dick reached even further into you, hitting places nobody had been able to reach for years. You just knew you would feel it in the morning.
Underneath him, it was a sight to behold. Your body graciously rocked and ricocheted while he slammed himself deeper into your cunt, and you were a whining mess. He loved that he was the one that could cause you to make so much noise when you were particularly quiet during meetings. You trusted him, too. The feeling filled him with so much pride to hear you say that you trusted him when nobody else did. You trusted him so much that you allowed him to ruthlessly fuck you.
His fingers found your clit and he worked his magic, bringing you to your everlasting climax that washed over you. You arched your back and your walls clenched on his dick while you rode out your orgasm. His thrusts turned sloppy and he followed soon after, pumping his load deep into your cervix. You both stayed there, heavy breathing with his dick still lodged inside of you. There was time for regret tomorrow, for now, you were in orgasmic bliss. He pulled himself out with his cum sliding out of you to bend down and give you a well-earned kiss. It was a sweet and loving peck after the lustful makeout he was having with you.
You both returned to your clothes and picked up whatever sticks you had collected before you got distracted. You started to make your way back to the group and you tried to act as if nothing happened, but once you both emerged from the woods, they all turned to look at you.
“Have fun out there, love birds?” One of them called out, everyone else broke out in laughter. Cassian returned a sarcastic remark while you stood dead in your tracks. They really had heard you, didn’t they? You added your sticks to the pile by the fire and returned to your seat, staring at the ground. You received a hard pat on the back as you lowered yourself. You picked your embarrassed gaze up off the floor and over to Cassian who sent a wink and a smirk your way, flustering you once more. 
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