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All children are beautiful. Look at this very handsome boy here, don't you think he's adorable and cute? Unfortunately, he was born with a cleft lip (a birth defect) and you can only imagine how these deformities can destroy not just their childhood but the whole life as these unlucky souls are subjected to teasing, isolation, humiliation that cause (terribly) broken confidence, low self-esteem, and don’t forget the amount of mental trauma due to always being looked at- like they are not normal! But thanks to today's advanced Plastic surgery methods, such defects can be repaired with minimal scarring. Dr. R. K. Mishra performed his Free surgery and his team took a few pictures just before this cutie angel was about to get the surgery done. A total 7 such children got their cleft lip and/or cleft palate repaired that day, and we cannot tell you how happy and content their parents were thst day. This was yet another day when we could not only make the families happy but also contribute to the lives of children. "As a partner, I am indebted to Smile Train for empowering me to be able to impact lives in such a deep manner" -Dr. R. K. Mishra, (Plastic, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgeon), who is a member of ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgeons) and Secretary of SRRE Welfare Society. He is the Managing Director at Smile Train partner Sushrut Institute of Plastic Surgery (SIPS) in Lucknow and has been associated with the program since 2007. #cleftrepair #cleftlip #cleftpalate #unilateralcleft #bilateralcleft #ulcl #blcl #cleftlippalate #cleftlipandpalate #Cleftsurgeon #cleftpalate #cleftcutie #smiletrain #freecleftlipsurgery #sipshospital #mycosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgery #drrkmishra #cosmeticsurgery #3keysutures #cleftpalaterepair https://www.instagram.com/p/CFHR1l3nHf2/?igshid=g70pzsyyr8z
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Thank you Mr. Junior you've been very strong through over your makeover journey with Dr. Woo Shik Choi😘 MVP stands with you to build up more confidence and love in your life❤ bless you���� #cleftlipcorrection Please send us your story at [email protected] @mvp_korea #Cleftlip #cleftliprevision #cleftstrong #cleftnose #cleftrevision #cleftchild #cleftadult #lipnose #cleftteen #cleftlipandpalate #lipscars #cleftcutie #cleftawareness #clapa #cleftproud #cleftsmile #cleftsurgeon #mvpplasticsurgery #mvpplasticsurgerykorea #freesurgeries(MVP Plastic Surgery Korea에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2osWM0gaGW/?igshid=4f9saecaglnl
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Dr SM Balaji honoured with the highest scientific Dr David Precious Award Dr SM Balaji was honoured at the 12th World Cleft and Craniofacial Congress held in Leipzig, Germany with the most prestigious Dr David Precious Award. The Dr David Precious Award is the highest scientific award of the International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation (ICPF). This award had been instituted in honour of Late Dr David Precious of Canada who was the first Chairman of the ICPF. Dr SM Balaji was bestowed this honour for his best presentation of original scientific research at the congress. In a solemn ceremony attended by preeminent craniofacial and cleft lip and palate surgeons from around the world, Prof Kenneth E Salyer, President, ICPF presented this award to Dr SM Balaji. This award comes with a plaque, a citation and a cash prize of USD 1000. Also present were Dr Alexander Hemprich, Congress President and Dr Marie Tolarova, Member of the Board of Trustees, ICPF. Dr SM Balaji is Director and Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital, Chennai. He has over 30 years of surgical experience dealing with complicated cranio-maxillofacial deformities. Our hospital has been recognized as a center of excellence for cleft lip and palate surgery by the ICPF. We are also the tertiary affiliate for craniofacial surgery in the Southeast Asian region for the US-based World Craniofacial Foundation (WCF), which was founded by Dr Kenneth Salyer. #drsmbalaji #cleftsurgeon #maxillofacialsurgeon #award #scientificaward https://www.instagram.com/p/B_H3YD1B1ba/?igshid=141zfges3cktq
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This was when I visited New York University (NYU) in 2009 for my International fellowship.
Time flies! 👨🎓
More than a decade old picture with Giants of Plastic Surgery World. Particularly I can be spotted at the extreme right (yes, that’s me 😀), Dr. McCarthy (Eminent Plastic Surgeon 🎖 and the Head of NYU Medical Langone Center- and also a great Author of Plastic Surgery books that all Plastic Surgeons read worldwide) 3rd from left and Dr. Court Cutting (A very famous Cleft Surgeon🏅) 3rd from right, and an international fellow (extreme left), and three other great plastic surgeons & alumni of the New York University.
Long time but seems like yesterday.
#throwbackpicture #tbtd #tbt #thtowback #majorthrowback #plasticsurgeon #giantsofplasticsurgery #drmccarthy #drcourtcutting #aestheticsurgery #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #timeflies #rulesofplasticsurgery #sushrutsamhita #Cleftsurgeon #cleftrepair #mycosmeticsurgery #drrkmishra https://www.instagram.com/p/CDTOB9qjQP7/?igshid=t6hl6403xlbg
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2nd Cleft Rhinoplasty, Lip Scar Revision, Philtrum Scar Revision + Scar Laser(pod 1m) #mvpplasticsurgery #drwooshikchoi #cleft #cleftlip #nasalcorrection #adultcleft #cleftsurgery #cleftsurgeon #cleftsupport #scarrevision #mvpps.com #cleftrevision #cleftrhinoplasty #cleftlip #cleftscar #cleftscarcorrection #nasalcorrection #traumaticrhinoplasty #secondarycleftcorrection #asymetricalnosetril #cleftgroup #cleftcommunity #cleft #opertionsmile #ศัลยกรรมสร้างจมูกใหม่ในโรคปากแหว่งเพดานโหว่ #ศัลยกรรมรอยแผลเป็นร่องเหนือริมฝีปาก #ศัลยกรรมรอยแผลเป็นริมฝีปาก #Phẫuthuậttáitạonhântrung #mũi #môidotậtsứtmôihởhàmếch(MVP Plastic Surgery Korea에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz2N8IygD0N/?igshid=8x0i2697mq1b
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I was born with cleft lip and palate and was wanting to get corrective plastic surgery for a while. I did some research online and MVP Plastic Surgery Korea seemed to have good reviews and plenty of experience, with Doctor Woo Shik Choi specializing in areas that I required. Initially I was in contact with Ellen a coordinator/representative for foreign patients, MVP medical team were lovely and very efficient in their roles of coordination between myself and the clinic/doctors. After sending photo’s, discussing treatment and paying a deposit, the surgery date was secured. I met with Doctor Choi before the surgery to iron out procedure details and discuss any questions/concerns I had. He was extremely thorough in his explanations and I was happy to proceed with the recommended procedures. Everything went smoothly in terms of surgery/recovery and I was most impressed with the post-operative care provided by MVP Plastic Surgery. There were daily (sometimes multiple) checkups, wound-cleaning/re-dressing etc, and Ellen was always available to talk if I needed it. All the nurses were very friendly, gentle and efficient in their roles. It has been approximately one week since my surgery and I have noticed big improvements in both appearance and function. I am glad I went through with this and I can confidently recommend MVP Plastic Surgery, at least for rhinoplasty/scar/cleft revision treatment. Big thanks to the MVP team! ♡What are you waiting for? MVP will make you amazingly dramatic smile♡ Please send us your story at [email protected] @mvp_korea #Cleftlip #cleftliprevision #cleftstrong #cleftnose #cleftrevision #cleftchild #cleftadult #lipnose #cleftteen #cleftlipandpalate #lipscars #cleftcutie #cleftawareness #clapa #cleftproud #cleftsmile #cleftsurgeon #mvpplasticsurgery #mvpplasticsurgerykorea #freesurgeries(MVP Plastic Surgery Korea에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/BY_DSWqFwS-/?igshid=6lkc1pn5ji7e
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Cleft Lip Scar Revision at MVP Plastic Surgery in Korea. (6months post op) What are you waiting for? MVP will make you amazingly dramatic smile♡ Please send us your story at [email protected] #Cleftlip #cleftliprevision #cleftstrong #cleftnose #cleftrevision #cleftchild #cleftadult #cleftlipandpalate #lipscars #cleftcutie #cleftawareness #clapa #cleftproud #cleftsmile #cleftsurgeon #mvpplasticsurgery #mvpplasticsurgerykorea(MVP Plastic Surgery Korea에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Vu3ZynLOg/?igshid=7718q7kjmlsx
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Cleft Lip Scar Revision at MVP Plastic Surgery in Korea. (6months post op) What are you waiting for? MVP will make you amazingly dramatic smile♡ Please send us your story at [email protected] #Cleftlip #cleftliprevision #cleftstrong #cleftnose #cleftrevision #cleftchild #cleftadult #cleftlipandpalate #lipscars #cleftcutie #cleftawareness #clapa #cleftproud #cleftsmile #cleftsurgeon #mvpplasticsurgery #mvpplasticsurgerykorea(MVP Plastic Surgery Korea에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0VuTU2gS81/?igshid=rki1a0ctvcsa
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More informations: [email protected] MVP 'Better Smile' Ambassadors Is your cleft scar getting in the way of your smile? Let us take away the insecurities locked within your residual scars so you can Smile Bigger, Smile Better! 😄 Anyone looking to improve your smile by revision cleft surgeries, we want you. We need your help. Join us as a 'Better Smile' Ambassador and bring better smiles to all still living under the weight of their scars. Shortlisted candidates shall have their revision cleft surgeries wholly sponsored by MVP and their surgeries performed by our renowned cleft specialist, Director Choi Woo-Shik. Help us bring better smiles to those who need them most. Be our 'Better Smile' Ambassador today! @cleft_surgery #mvpplasticsurgery #drwooshikchoi #cleft #cleftlip #nasalcorrection #adultcleft #cleftsurgery #cleftsurgeon #cleftsupport #scarrevision #mvpps.com #cleftrevision #cleftrhinoplasty #cleftlip #cleftscar #cleftscarcorrection #nasalcorrection #traumaticrhinoplasty #secondarycleftcorrection #asymetricalnosetril #cleftgroup #cleftcommunity #cleft #opertionsmile #smiletrain #cleftnose #birthdefect #ศัลยกรรมสร้างจมูกใหม่ในโรคปากแหว่งเพดานโหว่ #ศัลยกรรมรอยแผลเป็นร่องเหนือริมฝีปาก #ศัลยกรรมรอยแผลเป็นริมฝีปาก #Phẫuthuậttáitạonhântrung #mũi #môidotậtsứtmôihởhàmếch(MVP Plastic Surgery Korea에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsdPHSvALhd/?igshid=qi0f3iyzrlxl
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Cleft Rhinoplasty with Lip Scar Revision
Cleft Rhinoplasty with Lip Scar Revision
MVP Plastic Surgery knows all the hardships our patients have to go through and all the difficulties they face in everyday life. Our goal is to help our patients forget about all the discomfort they have to endure and to help them have a life full of happiness, smiles and new goals! We perform cleft rhinoplasty with lip scar revision and all difficulty levels and provide the best after care, because YOU are precious to us!
Make MVP Plastic Surgery your No. 1choice♥
▪ WhatsApp: +821099383773
▪ Kakao: ellena0424
▪ WeChat: mvp_ellen
▪ E-mail: [email protected]
▪ Web: www.mvpps.com
MVP PS take pride in giving accurate reliable diagnosis, safe effective results and great aftercare service.
#mvpplasticsurgery #drwooshikchoi #cleft #cleftlip #nasalcorrection #adultcleft #cleftsurgery #cleftsurgeon #cleftsupport #scarrevision #mvpps.com #cleftrevision #cleftrhinoplasty #cleftlip #cleftscar #cleftscarcorrection #nasalcorrection #traumaticrhinoplasty #secondarycleftcorrection #asymetricalnosetril #cleftgroup #cleftcommunity #cleft #opertionsmile #smiletrain #cleftnose #birthdefect #ศัลยกรรมสร้างจมูกใหม่ในโรคปากแหว่งเพดานโหว่ #ศัลยกรรมรอยแผลเป็นร่องเหนือริมฝีปาก #ศัลยกรรมรอยแผลเป็นริมฝีปาก #Phẫuthuậttáitạonhântrung #mũi #môidotậtsứtmôihởhàmếch
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Life After Cleft Rhinoplasty with Lip Revision
Cleft Rhinoplasty with Lip Scar Revision
MVP Plastic Surgery knows all the hardships our patients have to go through and all the difficulties they face in everyday life. Our goal is to help our patients forget about all the discomfort they have to endure and to help them have a life full of happiness, smiles and new goals! We perform cleft rhinoplasty with lip scar revision and all difficulty levels and provide the best after care, because YOU are precious to us!
Make MVP Plastic Surgery your No. 1choice♥
▪ WhatsApp: +821099383773
▪ Kakao: ellena0424
▪ WeChat: mvp_ellen
▪ E-mail: [email protected]
▪ Web: www.mvpps.com
MVP PS take pride in giving accurate reliable diagnosis, safe effective results and great aftercare service.
#mvpplasticsurgery #drwooshikchoi #cleft #cleftlip #nasalcorrection #adultcleft #cleftsurgery #cleftsurgeon #cleftsupport #scarrevision #mvpps.com #cleftrevision #cleftrhinoplasty #cleftlip #cleftscar #cleftscarcorrection #nasalcorrection #traumaticrhinoplasty #secondarycleftcorrection #asymetricalnosetril #cleftgroup #cleftcommunity #cleft #opertionsmile #smiletrain #cleftnose #birthdefect #ศัลยกรรมสร้างจมูกใหม่ในโรคปากแหว่งเพดานโหว่ #ศัลยกรรมรอยแผลเป็นร่องเหนือริมฝีปาก #ศัลยกรรมรอยแผลเป็นริมฝีปาก #Phẫuthuậttáitạonhântrung #mũi #môidotậtsứtmôihởhàmếch
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Cleft Rhinoplasty with Lip Revision part#03
Cleft Rhinoplasty with Lip Revision
MVP Plastic Surgery knows all the hardships our patients have to go through and all the difficulties they face in everyday life. Our goal is to help our patients forget about all the discomfort they have to endure and to help them have a life full of happiness, smiles and new goals! We perform cleft rhinoplasty with lip revision and all difficulty levels and provide the best after care, because YOU are precious to us!
Make MVP Plastic Surgery your No. 1choice♥
▪ WhatsApp: +821099383773
▪ Kakao: ellena0424
▪ WeChat: mvp_ellen
▪ E-mail: [email protected]
▪ Web: www.mvpps.com
MVP PS take pride in giving accurate reliable diagnosis, safe effective results and great aftercare service.
#mvpplasticsurgery #drwooshikchoi #cleft #cleftlip #nasalcorrection #adultcleft #cleftsurgery #cleftsurgeon #cleftsupport #scarrevision #mvpps.com #cleftrevision #cleftrhinoplasty #cleftlip #cleftscar #cleftscarcorrection #nasalcorrection #traumaticrhinoplasty #secondarycleftcorrection #asymetricalnosetril #cleftgroup #cleftcommunity #cleft #opertionsmile #smiletrain #cleftnose #birthdefect #ศัลยกรรมสร้างจมูกใหม่ในโรคปากแหว่งเพดานโหว่ #ศัลยกรรมรอยแผลเป็นร่องเหนือริมฝีปาก #ศัลยกรรมรอยแผลเป็นริมฝีปาก #Phẫuthuậttáitạonhântrung #mũi #môidotậtsứtmôihởhàmếch
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Cleft Rhinoplasty with Lip Revision Part#02
Cleft Rhinoplasty with Lip Revision
MVP Plastic Surgery knows all the hardships our patients have to go through and all the difficulties they face in everyday life. Our goal is to help our patients forget about all the discomfort they have to endure and to help them have a life full of happiness, smiles and new goals! We perform cleft rhinoplasty with lip revision and all difficulty levels and provide the best after care, because YOU are precious to us!
Make MVP Plastic Surgery your No. 1choice♥
▪ WhatsApp: +821099383773
▪ Kakao: ellena0424
▪ WeChat: mvp_ellen
▪ E-mail: [email protected]
▪ Web: www.mvpps.com
MVP PS take pride in giving accurate reliable diagnosis, safe effective results and great aftercare service.
#mvpplasticsurgery #drwooshikchoi #cleft #cleftlip #nasalcorrection #adultcleft #cleftsurgery #cleftsurgeon #cleftsupport #scarrevision #mvpps.com #cleftrevision #cleftrhinoplasty #cleftlip #cleftscar #cleftscarcorrection #nasalcorrection #traumaticrhinoplasty #secondarycleftcorrection #asymetricalnosetril #cleftgroup #cleftcommunity #cleft #opertionsmile #smiletrain #cleftnose #birthdefect #ศัลยกรรมสร้างจมูกใหม่ในโรคปากแหว่งเพดานโหว่ #ศัลยกรรมรอยแผลเป็นร่องเหนือริมฝีปาก #ศัลยกรรมรอยแผลเป็นริมฝีปาก #Phẫuthuậttáitạonhântrung #mũi #môidotậtsứtmôihởhàmếch
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Cleft Rhinoplasty with Lip RevisionMVP Plastic Surgery knows all the hardships our patients have to go through and all the difficulties they face in everyday life. Our goal is to help our patients forget about all the discomfort they have to endure and to help them have a life full of happiness, smiles and new goals! We perform cleft rhinoplasty with lip revision and all difficulty levels and provide the best after care, because YOU are precious to us!Make MVP Plastic Surgery your No. 1choice♥ ▪ WhatsApp: 821099383773▪ Kakao: ellena0424▪ WeChat: mvp_ellen▪ E-mail: [email protected]▪ Web: www.mvpps.comMVP PS take pride in giving accurate reliable diagnosis, safe effective results and great aftercare service.
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