#clearks reference!!!!
bjnurse · 5 years
I'm in need of some bruabba in this trying times. Or maybe Bucciarati and Abbacchio separately? You get to choose
Here ya go! I hope you like it! 💕
Having the Capo as your boyfriend has its advantages. This is something Abbacchio thinks often, even if he doesn’t outright show it when the rest of the team is around. He tries to steal away little moments of tenderness when available- a brush of a hand, a hidden kiss, or a playful pat on the ass. This is all the affection that Abbacchio is usually able to afford with his lover.
One morning Abbacchio wakes up and realizes he overslept. He swears under his breath, dresses as quickly as he can, pockets his lipstick and runs a brush through his hair a couple times.
He storms out of his room to find the base empty? Without the normal commotion that Narancia, Mista and Fugo make, the silence is a deafening reward. Abbacchio does hear something though, following the sounds of Miles Davis, he finds Bruno in the kitchen making lunch. He wears an apron. He’s not wearing anything else. This is normal for Bruno when the “children” away.
Bruno turns in Abbacchio’d direction and jumps. “You startled me! I didn’t see you there.” A hand clutches at the tattoo on his chest as he catches his breath.
“Where is everyone?” Abbacchio asks, still groggy from waking up.
“They’re on a mission. Should take all day.” Bruno replies as he returns to the food he’s preparing.
“You can’t just let them go alone!”
“The big one’s watching the little one. They’ll be fine. It’s an easy one today. Busy work really.” Abbacchio grumples a reply.
Bruno struts over to Abbacchio, putting his hands at the ex cop’s chest, and glides them up and around his neck saying, “Why? Don’t you want to have me to yourself all day?”
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