Dream Flashbacks
I slept quite deeply last night.  Went to bed reasonably early and the night was full of vivid, lengthy dreams.  While I can’t remember them in detail now, I keep having the oddest “flashbacks” today to those dreams.  The flashbacks are so vivid it takes me a few seconds to determine they were from a dream and not a real experience (unless you want to pursue the idea that dreams are an alternate universe and we do experience what happens in them).  I can honestly say I don’t think I have ever actually experienced a flashback but there really is no other word to describe it.  I get a weird recalling sensation and am image from the dream will flash in my mind.  I’ll be walking down the school hall or getting something out of my locker and it hits me so hard I actually stop what I’m doing and have to re-gather my thoughts.  I really wish I could remember what happened in those dreams, their need to push themselves so strongly into my day intrigues me.  
Otherwise I am just enjoying the last day of classes.  I will try to study for a bit, and I am looking forward to the Christmas break where I can do some writing for fun.  That has definitely taken a back seat in the second half of this semester and I am really hoping to have something prepared to submit for the anthology.  Even if it doesn’t get it, submitting something would be a big step for me.  
My English instructor brought in treats today (and I may have also made the class pumpkin chocolate chip cookies...)  Got feedback on my report about creating caring communities, which was really positive (I’ll refrain from posting a picture this time...).  
Now the real question is, is there anyone willing to go for drinks with me at 9:00 on Monday night (the 12th) to celebrate writing my last final???
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