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classpectchronicler 5 months ago
Here's the second part to that ask, where we now do a Knight of Space!
Knight: Exploits aspect, or exploits through aspect.
Space: Space is my third favorite aspect (Void is first, blood is second,) yet I just realized I don't know much about it. So, after some research: Space relates to Mass, Size, Velocity, Creation, and the position of objects. Space also has a connection to life, as opposed to Time, which has a connection to death. Things need space to live. Also green.
Knight of Space: Exploits Space, or exploits through Space. This one really got my wheels turning, let me tell you. Knights, as a class, also protect their aspect and their fellow players, while Space players tend to be more concerned with the bigger picture, choosing their battles wisely. I think this would parse to someone who steers their comrades away from fights they can't win- Even if they need to use force. I think, metaphorically, they would try to control how the session progresses- They do exploit velocity, after all. This may come as delaying/rushing the frog breeding, or maybe even doing something they weren't supposed to do- Only if they know it's for the greater good. They'd feel like they were better than a seer or witch, opting for their own solution to be the best one.
Ability Ideas:
Teleportation: Exploiting their own space in relation to something else's, to go quickly. Or, maybe they increase their own velocity, so they only seem like they're teleporting.
Controlling objects: Pretty simple: The ability to control an object's density, mass, weight, size... Anything, really.
Character traits:
Gardener: They like gardening! They like bringing things to life!
Messy/Disorganized, at first: Maybe they're not great at making use of space- They never know where they put anything, or maybe can't keep anything in one place for long.
Strife Specibus: Knights have used blades (Karkat, Dave), while Space players have used a variety of weapons (Chainsaw (Kanaya), Rifle (Jade).) Anything works, but consider a ranged weapon- You shoot it, then speed up and size up the ammo.
Land: Land of Chaos and Pumpkins
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classpectchronicler 4 months ago
May I have a Maid of Void if it's okay 馃槉
Aright, Maid of Void, got it! Let me just check the HS wiki for maid and...
Oh. Not as bad as Mage, at least.
Maid: Hooooooooh boy, there are speculations for this one. The one that makes the most sense to me though is: Protects/Tidies aspect, or Protects/Tidies through aspect. Jane protected life. Aradia tidied up the timelines, and protected the trolls through time.
Void: My aspect! Void represents nothing- Or, the lack of something. It's irrelevance made concept, secrets kept hidden. Darkness, obfuscation, and hiding are all concepts Void represents.
Maid of Void: Protects/Tidies Void, or protects/tidies through Void. A Seers worst nightmare, a Maid of Void is a master of keeping secrets. However, they know what secrets to keep, and what secrets need to be told for the betterment of everyone. At least, when fully realized. Early on, they'd be terrible at this, i.e., tidying nothing. But, when they learn more about themselves, they'd realize tidying nothing and tidying the lack of something are not the same thing. In any case, they're either the go-to secret keeper, or the person you tell to leave the room before you say literally anything. That's not to say they won't figure the secret out anyway, of course- It's their job to know these things, so they can fix them. They may accidentally take this to an extreme, though.
Superhuman Insight (Secrets): They'd be almost a living lie detector when it comes to secrets. Did you tell them something untrue that pertains to a lie? They know. They'd also know when to keep a secret, or when to share one.
Personality: I covered most of it in the Classpect section on accident. Whoops!
Strife Specibus: Void players have used blades (Roxy), while maids have used a variety of weapons (Whip (Aradia), Fork/Spoon (Jade)), so maybe something along the lines of like. One of those segmented swords that turns into a whip?
Land: Land of Smoke and Shields
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classpectchronicler 4 months ago
Knight of Life? Maybe with a land recommendation?
Alright! This is a cool one, thanks for the ask!
Knight: Exploits Aspect, or exploits through Aspect.
Life: Life represents literal life, as well as the concept of life. It's also been shown to maybe relate to the concept of "power", as well as the ability to exert their will over reality, similar to hope in a way.
Knight of Life: Exploits Life, or exploits through Life. Knights are shown to protect their aspect, whilst holding a bit of disdain for it- Dave swore off time shenanigans, but used them to protect his friends by becoming more powerful beforehand. A Knight of Life would probably be a force to be reckoned with- Exploiting life is no small feat. They could exploit powers (life), to kill people with their own abilities. Hope they don't go evil, because they'd be able to use their fellow players powers against them. They'd probably be someone who'd preserve life over all things- or, someone who holds disdain for life.
Redirecting life: They'd be able to sap life from things, transferring it to someone/something else or themself. For example, they could take the life from a living plant, and give it to a dead one to revive it. Or, sap the life from all surrounding plants, and use it to revive someone who's died.
Boosting power: They'd be able to, as previously mentioned, sap the life from something and give it to someone else. This could be literal life, or the other definition: Power. Sapping the life from something and giving it to someone else to boost their powers.
One-Track Mind: Once they've set their eyes on something, or had an opinion, that's their truth now. If they wish to not harm anything living, they'll make sure it happens. If they want a plan to happen, they will MAKE SURE they get their way.
Strife Specibus: Knights have used blades (Karkat, Dave), while life players have used a variety of weapons (Spoons (Jane), Forks (Jane), Worse forks (Tridents(The condensce)). Maybe some sort of polearm?
Land: Land of Flora and Amber
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classpectchronicler 4 months ago
how about an heir of blood :0?
Finally, a blood ask!!! Oh I've been waiting, hehehe... I have many thoughts on blood >:3 I considered making the text red anytime I said Blood, but in the spirit of Karkat, you get white. Or black, I guess, depending on your browser.
But also, Heir, thinking about it, was never defined, so! Research time!
Heir: There were a lot of ideas, but I settled on: One who inherits/(protects using) aspect, or is inherited/protected by aspect. John is protected by the windy thing, even when he didn't mean to. He inherits freedom (Breath) by gaining the ability to defy the narrative. Equius inherits irrelevance after he's killed. So, as a passive class, it makes sense.
Blood: Blood, as far as I'm aware, does not have a physical manifestation. It does not relate to literal blood, I think. It's more akin to the term "blood brothers"- The interpersonal bonds between a blood player empower them. Unity, attachment, friendship, and potentially love are all cornerstones of Blood players. Blood also, I think, is related to stability, as it opposes Breath's philosophy of freedom and change. I also personally associate blood with memory, but ignore me :3
Heir of Blood: One who inherits/(protects using) Blood, or is inherited/protected by Blood. I could not think of a better combo, personally. If you have a large session, I pray you have an Heir of Blood to keep people from killing each other. An Heir of Blood is the heart of the group- They're who everyone confides in, and they take this job VERY seriously. They find friendships/trust forming in the blink of an eye, and people seem to be drawn to them. They have a knack for calming people down, and getting people to talk things out. In short, they're the ultimate mediator/therapist. They will not hesitate to protect their friends, and in turn, their friends protect them with their life. They're never seen alone, always talking to someone or another- Or, they're always seen alone, but are always there when you need them.
Charisma: Genuinely? They're just wonderful to be around. No matter their personality, they get along with almost everyone, and people would die for them. And they would do the same.
Personality traits:
Impostor syndrome: And here's the idea I've had since the start: They might feel like their connections stem entirely from their classpect. If they weren't an Heir of Blood, would people still be their friend? Would they still be liked? A few ways this could end would be with them realizing that there's no use worrying about it: They are who they are. Or, that they were destined to be an Heir of Blood, and thus it doesn't really matter.
And really, you can do anything with their personality. They can be terrible and mean (See: Karkat), and people will still like them.
Strife Specibus: Heirs have used Hammers (John), Bows/half bows (Equius), and Blood players have used Sickles (Karkat). So, use a hammer and sickl- I mean. Maybe use like. A melee weapon of some sort.
Land: Land of Marionettes and Fields
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classpectchronicler 4 months ago
Mage of Hope? I'm curious.
Mage of Hope! I did a ton of research on Mages for this one, since I didn't know much! Good lord. Mages are very complicated, since we don't have many examples, but unlike what I did for muse, I'll only describe one since there are just... So many speculations.
Mage: One who receives knowledge from aspect, or receives knowledge through aspect. There are a lot of different speculations, but this is the one that made the most sense to me. Sollux could hear the dead, receiving knowledge from the dead.
Hope: Hope, first and foremost, relates to the literal concept of hope. Eridan, a Prince of Hope, destroyed hope in destroying the matriorb. Hope also refers to belief, however, seen in Jake's brain Dirk. Hope additionally relates to positive emotions in general, as well as a belief in many possibilities.
Mage of Hope: One who receives knowledge from Hope, or receives knowledge through Hope. This. Is very cryptid. But, I'll do my best to try and explain my thoughts on the matter! Receiving knowledge from/through hope is a broad concept, but my brain parses it as follows: They hope for knowledge, and thus bring it into being, most likely through "coincidence". Or, people trust them, and thus confide in them, giving them knowledge and information. If they're confident something will work out, it's safe to say it'll work out- if not due to their Hope powers, then you can trust their knowledge of the situation.
Master of Coincidence: Things always seem to fall into place for a Mage of Hope- Slips of the tongue leading them to discover lies, and such similar "coincidences".
Visions: A Mage of Hope might get visions of the future/past/a different place, giving them insight on what to do or what's going on.
Character traits:
Knowledge seeking: A Mage of Hope would actively seek knowledge out, wanting to know as much as they could. If someone asks a question, either they know the answer, or will find out shortly.
Strife specibus: I'll be honest, I don't know what mages use. Sollux didn't have a strife specibus, so... However, Hope players have exclusively used guns, so.
Land: Land of Books and Briar (LoBaB)
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classpectchronicler 5 months ago
If you're taking suggestions, i've got two in a (rather large) session... Knight of Space and Seer of Time?
I'm gonna do this ask in two parts: One for Seer of Time, another for Knight of Space. I'll start with Seer of Time, because. Seer. Knight's given me more ideas, but I might as well start with Seer.
Seer: One who sees/knows aspect, or sees/knows through aspect.
Time: Hate to say it, but this one's pretty straightforward. Just time. And since there's nothing else, I'll give a Scratch construct idea: Based on a Seer of Time, maybe some sort of clock- Something you use to see the time. Though, it does depend on the player, so do with this what you will. Time players are also associated with death, since with time, death is an inevitability.
Seer of Time: One who sees/knows Time, or sees/knows through Time. Unfortunately for the Seer, they get no cool time controlling powers like Dave or Aradia- They only see time, not use it (Sans one exception, described in Abilites- Or, just however you want to do it.). However, this is useful in it's own way! They could use an ability to see the future to see- Well, the future, to help guide their fellow players during the session. They could also see the past, though how useful that is depends on the ingenuity of the player. Though, a fun idea: They could be able to see the past of an object- What it's done, what's been done to it, or maybe what will happen with the object- What will happen with it, what will happen to it. Another fun idea is the ability to see how time travel would effect a session- Maybe another time player is in the group, and they want to use their power to go back in time- The seer could divine if that's the best course of action, and from there, what the best course of action is. They also might be able to know when people die- That's when their time stops, after all.
See the past/future: Need I explain anymore? It's pretty straightforward: The ability to see into the past or future. Whether it be in their immediate location or anywhere I think is up to how well the player is in tune with their aspect.
See past/future trails: Yup, bringing this gag joke back. Remember in HS proper- Two of the felt had abilities to see where people had been, or were going to be, and mess with them. This would be similar. Or, maybe exactly like that, up to you.
Time divination: They'd be able to tell what the effects of time travel would have on a session- Would they be better off scratching, or staying as-is? Should they mess with a trail, or leave it be for less consequences down the road?
Personality Ideas:
Impulsive at first: At first, they don't understand the importance of time, of waiting, of holding back. They charge headfirst, consequences coming later. But, as they grow, they learn- Time is important. It dictates all things, what lives and dies, and when.
Collect broken clocks: Just a fun little idea I had. Since Time players are associated with death, and clocks allow you to see time: Broken clocks are dead clocks, or the loss of the ability to tell time.
Strife Specibus: Time players have used blades (Dave), while seers have used blades (Terezi) or magic (Rose). We return to the lightsaber.
Land: Land of Clocks and Fossils
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classpectchronicler 5 months ago
Can i get some Seer of Heart?
Sure! No problem! Especially because Seer is one of the classes I know the most about, being a Seer of Void and all.
Seer: To know/see aspect, or to know/see through aspect.
Heart: Heart is closely intwined with emotions, so it's meaning are mostly metaphorical- Love, Emotions, Intuition, Motivation- However, it also can mean the soul itself- Like when Jake's fake Dirk tried to take Aranea's soul.
Seer of Heart: I had a lot of fun coming up with ideas for this one, to be honest with you. A seer of Heart is someone who "Sees/Knows Heart, or Sees/Knows through Heart." Someone who could see what people are feeling, and how it could affect their session- Thus, allowing them to guide the session in the right direction by manipulating (Not in an entirely negative way, mind you,) player's feelings. They'd also probably be able to do some special things in the dream bubbles, such as go there while awake, or summon people who are dreaming, due to their manipulation of the soul. Maybe they could even see through other dream ghosts? While awake, I think they might be able to talk to the dead, which could be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it.
Ability Ideas:
Dream bubble manipulation: In the dream bubbles, the realm of the soul, they'd probably have more power than usual, such as moving the bubbles around so they collide when the Seer wants, to even summoning specific souls or using them as spy-glasses to see what the Seer deems useful.
Great intuition: A Seer of Heart would have great intuition- They'd know just what to do to get people feeling a specific way, or if someone feeling a specific way would harm the team, thus putting the first part to use.
Speaking with the dead: A Seer of Heart would be able to "See Heart", A.K.A., souls. So, theoretically, they could speak with the dead!
Character Traits:
Occultist: A Seer of Heart might be interested in the occult- Maybe less so the horrorterrors, but more modern day occultism, such as summoning spirits or casting hexes.
Self-Centered: A Seer of Heart could be self-centered, either before or after GodTiering. Before, they could see themselves as the heart of the team, asking for help more often than they give it, or going against what other people say because they think they know what's right. After, however, they could see themselves being the force holding everyone together, using emotions to keep people from doing stupid things, or things they think are wrong.
Strife-Specibus: Seers have used a variety of things, such as blades (Terezi) or magic(Rose), while heart players have generally used blades of some kind (Dirk, Nepeta). So, really, you could do anything. Keep in mind though, lightsabers are basically magic swords. Just saying.
Land: Land of Illusions and Smoke (LoLaS)
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classpectchronicler 5 months ago
Muse of Void
Muse: Personally, I go by "Inspires through aspect, or Inspires with aspect", but I also like "Becomes aspect, or helps others become aspect", so I'll go over both.
Void: Void is the aspect of nothingness, physically and metaphorically. Void players use nothing, as well as secrets, invisibility, and can use the lack of importance.
Muse of Void - Inspires: A Muse of Void, in the context of inspiring, would be very, very interesting. Inspiring through nothing- Maybe their lack of action would inspire something. Or, inspiring through secrets- Telling, or not telling secrets as a way to move things along. If you're a villain, inspiring through lack of importance. I'm sure you can guess where I'm going with this, but manipulating his/her fellow players through manipulating their own sense of self worth seems like. A power.
Muse of Void - Becomes: A Muse of Void, in the context of becoming the aspect is more interesting in a personal context- Becoming nothing. Or, becoming a lack of importance. Of course, those are only the literal interpretations, but there's a lot you can do with that alone. Maybe you're more forgettable, for better or worse. Another interpretation is becoming invisible or helping others become invisible, so that's pretty straightforward. But. Become secrets. It could mean becoming more secretive, or becoming a secret yourself? Who knows?
God-Tier Ability Ideas:
Invisibility: Makes sense, right? Either inspiring or becoming, being invisible or allowing others to become invisible makes perfect sense.
Easily forgettable: Maybe toggleable, but the ability to be easily forgotten. Maybe you need to stealth, but the person looking is a blueblood, who knows. They saw you, but. What did you look like again? Maybe they're imagining things..?
Memory manipulation: A bit controversial, but the ability to mess with memories. I know that seems more like a lord thing, but memories are more of a psyche thing in my opinion.
Character traits:
Narcissistic, at first: They start off a bit narcissistic- Oh, I have one of the ~special classes~! That means I'm better! It might be a bit more subtle, but you get the point. However, as a Muse of Void, they realize that they're not the star of the show. They help other people. They keep secrets for them, keep them safe. They know they're not the main character- They all are.
Self-Deprecating: Or, we can go the other way around! It makes just as much sense. As a Muse of Void, they become less important. So, they shut themselves down, so no one else can do it first. Maybe they learn to open up more, share their own secrets and insecurities.
Strife Specibus: We don't know what Muse's use, but Void players have used Swords, and they have a close relationship to the horrorterrors due to the nature of their aspect, so magic isn't out of the question.
Lands: Land of Silhouette's and Mannequins (LoSaM)
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classpectchronicler 5 months ago
hello cc! could you please analyze thief of heart?
Another interesting one! Don't worry, I got you- This ask sparked a few ideas for me, so!
Thief: Someone who steals/takes aspect, or steals/takes through aspect.
Heart: Associated with emotions, Heart is a class that's mostly metaphorical- However, it has been shown (ie. Fake Dirk) that Heart also means the soul itself.
Thief of Heart: Someone who steals/takes Heart, or steals/takes through Heart. Someone who takes emotions/souls, or takes through emotions/souls. Let's start with that first part. Stealing emotions. Sounds an awful lot like manipulation, doesn't it? And, as we've seen in Homestuck proper, thieves do manipulate. (Vriska. Need I say anymore?) However, in a more literal sense, they could take someone's emotions, and give it to themself. This might not sound useful, but if the thief was playing a more supportive role, it could be useful, such as taking your teammates fear, pain... However, it also makes them powerful in another way: Couldn't they steal their opponent's emotions? Like their will to fight, their bravery, their passion? The latter seems most likely, as thieves are an active class, but take this as you will. Also they could probably steal souls, and I shudder to imagine their power within the dream bubbles. In a dream bubble, maybe they could temporarily steal someone's aspect for themself- Stealing the metaphorical (not literal) soul of that person. Just a thought. Now, onto stealing through emotions. Again, manipulating comes to mind, but I don't really have a more literal interpretation of this, this time.
Ability Ideas:
Stealing emotions: Pretty straight-forward- The ability to steal emotions for themselves. Note that as a Thief and not a Rogue, they could only keep these emotions for themselves, and not disperse it to others.
Aspect stealing: A bit more far-fetched, but is the aspect not a representation of one's soul made manifest? So, the ability to temporarily take one's aspect for themself. Could be the ability to steal breath from a breath player (literally, making them unable to breath,) or the ability to literally steal someone's aspect, making the Thief temporarily a Thief of [Stolen Aspect].
Soul stealing: Need I say anymore? Though, a small caveat to this is that they need to keep it for themself.
Personality ideas:
Manipulative: A Thief of Heart would be manipulative. They manipulate emotions to get what they want, whether that be power, fame, or attention.
Self-Reflective: They know who they are- Whether this is a bad thing or a good thing. In a bad sense, they think they can't change- They stick to who they think they are, because they think they can't be anyone else. In a good way, however, it's the opposite- They know they can change. Who they are isn't permanent.
Strife Specibus: Thieves have used unconventional objects (Vriska,) while Heart players have used blades (Nepeta, Dirk). Maybe some sort of chakram?
Land: Land of Passion and Mirrors (LoPaM)
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classpectchronicler 5 months ago
My name is classpectChronicler, or CC for short. As you can probably assume, this is my PINNED POST, so you can get to know what happens on this BLOG. I have a variety of INTERESTS, one of which happens to be HOMESTUCK. Another happens to be ANALYZING INTRICATE AND COMPLICATED SYSTEMS, but that's a trait I share with every other classpect blog out there. I'm an ASPIRING WRITER, and deeply enjoy coming up with NEW CHARACTER IDEAS.
Enough about me, however, and on to the meat of this. This is a blog where I will describe my personal take on class/aspect combos. I'm aware there are many other blogs like this, however I've decided that nothing's stopping me, and thus, here we are. If you would like me to break down my thoughts on a specific combo, send me an ask! It's never a bother!
Each combo will come with:
What the Class is, and what they do.
What the Aspect is, and it's physical and symbolic purpose.
What the Classpect is, and how the two interact.
Some god-tier ability ideas, because. Why not.
Some character traits that a character with this classpect might have.
Some strife-specibus reccomendations.
And, unreliably, maybe a Land recommendation or two, if I'm feeling particularly creative.
In any case, take care, and I hope my analysis's help you!
-- classpectChronicler [CC] has stopper pestering obamasShoelaces [OS] --
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classpectchronicler 5 months ago
I will be out over the weekend! I would set up a QUEUE, however I do not have nearly enough asks saved up to warrant that, so. I will be back Monday. Then I'll set up a daily queue, if I have enough asks- So ask away! Even ask about multiple, if you'd like!
-CC (classpectChronicler)
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