#classic scenario affecting MILLIONS per year!
bbeelzemon · 4 years
alright i think this is close enough to the 10th now that i dont think im gonna get any more attacks, so here’s something i noticed last week about this year’s artfight experience!
something i find really interesting is that.. nobody drew niyt this year! i dont mean that in any sort of negative way, i promise, and im so glad that everyone drew what they did!! looking at my 'defenses’ folder this year makes me cry out of joy LOL
but im just a bit intrigued, because last year, niyt got the most attacks by far out of all of my characters, even non-TLH ones that were up then :0c though also, last year was mostly attacks by random users and not people i already know, so maybe it was just total luck of the draw (heheh) that most people last year decided to draw niyt? who knows!
ALSO last year i only had niyt, gihr, and vis from my main cast uploaded there (or designed at all tbh), and on top of that, gihr looked SUPER different back then as well lmao so there was less options last year for people to choose from!
anyway, tamo was my most drawn character this year!! (everybody care tamo 🥺) followed by jyohd and vis, who are tied for second! thank you to everyone who participated this year with me!! 🥺🥺
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starfleet-wannabe · 6 years
You’re my Best Friend- Joe Mazzello x Pregnant!Reader
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Summary: Pregnant!Reader reflects on her Pregnancy while sharing a lovely moment with Joe in their kitchen.
Word Count: 1739
Warnings: Fluff. Just pure unadulterated fluff
A/N: This story is written and dedicated @elliesmithy3  aka. @rogerina-yee-haw who inspired the idea, without you this wouldn’t have come into fruition. Ellie, you are my muse and you never fail to make my day! I have recently started writing again as a hobby and this is only my second posted piece. It was really fun to write, and I hope you all enjoy, it means a lot to me that you would take the time to read my story.
Parenthood used to scare you. The very idea of a helpless, defenseless creature needing your care and attention to survive used to shake you to the core, as you imagined every little possible scenario that could go wrong. It didn’t help that as a writer your mind was prone to overthinking these horrific scenarios as a single thought would refuse to leave until you focused on every little detail. However, this was all before you met Joe, all before he became the love of your life.
  You had been married for nearly two years before you both decided to try for a family of your own, and with luck on your side, you became pregnant only after a couple of months of trying. To say you were excited would be an understatement. To say Joe was excited would be an insult to the word itself. You practically had to teether Joe to your side as he was bouncing off the walls with his energy, every part of him oozing with excitement as he couldn’t wait to become a dad.
“That’s our baby in there Y/N,” Joe said almost every single time he put his hands on your bump, wanting to feel every movement the baby made. His smile, while bright on its own, appeared to shine at over a million watts since you told him the news, never leaving your side and never taking his hands off of you!
“You are just so beautiful,” Joe said as he watched you in the kitchen, while you were making a small meal you were craving. Your Spotify playlist set to a classic rock station, as you continue to stir your meal.
“I’m glad someone thinks so,” You said, having not felt that well recently about your appearance. You could no longer see your toes when looking down and needed help with getting off the couch. While Joe was more than happy to help with every little thing you needed, you hated feeling like a burden to others and having to be dependent on other people.
“Y/N, I mean it,” Joe said a determined look in his amber eyes. “You are doing something so spectacular right now, you’re creating a baby, our baby, and that is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” Joe wrapped his arms from behind you, resting his hands on your bump and if, on cue, your little ball of joy decided to kick back.
“Well dear, she already likes you,” You said turning off the stove and turning to face Joe. “I swear every time you’re near me, even if it just your voice she decides it’s time to play hacky sack with my kidneys.” Joe laughed at your comment before kissing your cheek.
“What can I say Y/N, I guess she just daddy’s little girl,” Joe said his smile growing bigger than before, a feat you were sure had to be impossible at some point, while he continued to run circles on your bump. 
You still remember just how enamored he was when you learned you were having a daughter. When the technical asked if you wanted to know the gender, you both couldn’t say yes fast enough, however, Joe said his at breakneck speed making you wonder when he learned to talk even quicker than he normally did. With the cold gel on your belly, and your right hand holding Joe’s, you looked on screen as the technician moved the wand over your stomach. You have done many ultrasounds before, but each one was more spectacular than the last, as you watched over the months of your baby developing, enjoying watching them hiccup on screen, as you felt their movements within you, fascinated by the sheer fact that this baby was growing inside you.
“Congrats you two,” The technical stated breaking you out of your train of thought. “It’s a girl!”
You felt your heart stop at the news, as you tried to process the information. You were having a daughter and couldn’t help but to start tearing up as you thought about the little girl moving within you, feeling her squirm, and that’s this was a little girl you already loved with your whole heart without ever having held her in your arms. You were already so in love, and you wondered how you were going to have more love to give her. 
When you turned to Joe, with tears in your eyes, the first thing you noticed was the stream of tears running down his face, like a waterfall into a river. Joe looked at you with so much love in his eyes. You couldn't help but fall in love with him all over again. You have always adored how sensitive Joe could be, and this time was no different. He stared at you for a bit, before looking back at the monitor, new tears forming as his eyes lingered on the screen. 
“We’re having a baby girl, Y/N.” He said at a whisper, still processing the news before his grin grew into an even bigger smile. Before you realized it, he started showering you in kisses, starting at your cheeks before finishing with a long tender kiss on the lips, unlike anything you ever felt before. This man never kissed the same way twice.
“I’m glad your happy, dear,” You said letting your fingers trance a few of his tears away.
“Y/N, I’ve been happy since the day you said you would marry me. This is just perfect! Life is just perfect! You are just perfect! And our little girl is going to be just as perfect as her momma!” You could only smile back, as your husband asked for at least ten copies of the ultrasound wanting to have a keepsake of this moment forever, his mouth still moving at nearly a hundred words per second.
It was the next song that came on the station that broke you out of your train of thought and caused you to look into Joe’s brown eyes, the lights of the kitchen showcasing the red hue of his auburn hair. It was the grim on his face that let you know he was thinking the exact same thing. 
“Do you still remember how our dance went to this?” You asked putting your arms on his shoulders as you did nearly three years ago. While he might have had on a nice tux back then and you had on a white dress smaller than your current size, the feeling remained the same; this man was the love of your life. “I might not be able to do all the moves.” You said looking back at your bump, a lovely smile on your face as you watched Joe put his arms around your waist, his fingers lingering on your stomach.
“That’s not a problem at all babe,” Joe said as he started to lead into swaying back and forth in your kitchen. “You’re my Best Friend” becoming white noise as you just looked at him and caressed his cheek, examining all the features you hoped your daughter would process. You wanted her to be a mini copy of Joe with ginger hair and brown eyes running around the house. You found yourself longing for the days when Joe and her would be driving you crazy in the best way possible, as he no doubt would spoil her, giving her every little thing she would ever desire, showering her with so much affection. You looked at Joe and saw all the fears you ever had for the future go away, as you knew he already processed so much love, more than any man should be allowed to. When she started kicking up a storm again, you pulled Joe right hand from your waist and watched as his face lit up with every little kick. He kneeled before you and lifted your shirt to reveal a small sliver of skin, his hands laying on both sides of your stomach, and while there were days you felt as big as a house, you couldn’t help but feel like a goddess right now, as Joe’s attention was to the little life you created within you.
“Hi Baby Girl,” Joe said before placing a kiss above your navel. “We’re very excited to meet you, just a couple more weeks until we get to hold you in our arms.” His right thumb tranced the spot he kissed before your daughter decided to kick again. 
“Until then, please be kind to Mommy, she works so hard to provide so much for you, and you need to treat her with respect.” You could feel your eyes water up as you continued to watch as he bonded with your bump. 
“I love you so much and can’t wait to show you off to the world.” Joe got up from his knees and look at you as if he was looking into your soul. His features soften as his big brown eyes poured with love. Pulling you into a passionate kiss, you felt your breath hitched, as you leaned further into the embrace, closing the space in between as much as you could with your bump in the way.
  “You are going to be the greatest dad ever Joseph Francis Mazzello III.” You said after Joe broke the kiss, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders. 
“Only because I have an amazing wife to share this journey with,” Joe said placing a kiss on your forehead. “I can’t thank you enough for this wonderful gift.” His hands found there way back to your stomach, lingering for a moment before returning to your waist.
“Right back at you darling.”
“Hey babe,” Joe said causing you to look up, as you saw his eyes wide opened, staring at the stove behind you before he started laughing to himself. “I think your food is getting cold.”
“Let it get cold. I have all the warmth I ever need right here.” You said looking at him with a grin on your face. “Plus I found a better craving to satisfy me.” You said as you leaned your head on his shoulder and taking in his scent. You have never been happier. Ever fear, and every anxiety you ever had about becoming a mom failed to exist, as you knew that as long as you had Joe by your side, you would be able to handle anything in your way.
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docfuture · 5 years
Princess, part 2
     [This story is a prequel, set several years before The Fall of Doc Future, when Flicker is 16.  Links to some of my other work are here.  Planning to update this at least once a week until it’s done–next update is set to be up by October 26th.]
Previous: Part 1
     About seven years ago, a being had provoked a contest.  He wasn't human, or from Earth.  Doc called him an extradimensional pseudo-mythological entity; Flicker's partner Journeyman described him as a trickster demon.  The being went by several names, none of them original; the most recognizable one was Hermes.  He wasn't nearly as clever as he apparently thought he was, and didn't have very good judgement, but he had superspeed and several effective methods of disguise, which made him a serious pain to catch.       The contest had been an attempt to acquire power and fame, things he coveted, by proclaiming himself the best trickster on Earth and inviting challengers.  It hadn't worked out quite the way he'd planned.  Two other beings responded to the challenge.  Between them, they caused quite a bit of destruction and disruption--and several deaths.  A group of superheroes coordinated by Doc had eventually stopped them.       One trickster died, in a self-inflicted mishap while trying a risky escape.  One disappeared completely, though circumstantial evidence now indicated he was dead.  And Hermes himself had been captured and sent to the Box, the supervillain prison.       Holding him had proved more difficult.  Less than a year later, during a possibly unrelated security incident, he had escaped.  Without going through the door, the walls, the floor, or the ceiling of his cell.  It was still unclear what had given him the opportunity.  Forensic magicians were consulted.  All they had been able to divine was that Hermes wasn't on Earth, he was still alive when he left, and it was possible, though not certain, that he had intentional or unintentional outside help.  The Box had tightened its countermeasures against dimensional travel.  Unsatisfying, but what else could you do?       Unless he came back.       Flicker had studied the available data on Hermes.  She studied everyone with superhuman speed--living, dead, or indeterminate.  But she took the actions of terrestrial speedsters--ones that couldn't fly--personally.  No one knew better than her just how dangerous speed could be, or how much damage a reckless or malicious speedster could do.  And she could catch them.       Then things got messy.  The fallout from the last time had included an international incident and a recently revealed death.  Which was one reason Flicker felt it was urgent to learn more about politics.       Now in the equipment bay, she put on a hazardous environment cargo harness and started loading it up, while getting less information than she wanted from the Database.  It would be nice to know why Hermes was in Rome, for example, but the current answer was 'insufficient data'.       So, first principles.  Interdimensional travel was hard in the absence of an existing portal that was at least partly active.  There weren't any that the Database was aware of in Rome.  And Rome wasn't a likely sort of place for an internationally wanted demon to voluntarily choose to return to Earth, anyway.  It had an unusually high concentration of humans that were competent at wards and banishment.       Maybe someone had summoned him there?  According to Journeyman, Rome was one of a number of places that were draws for members of the supernatural underworld fringe, for historical reasons.  And some of them knew enough to be dangerous.  But Rome wasn't a good place for summoners, either.  And why Hermes?  He wasn't a being that was likely to be easy to control, or good at anything other than causing a big mess quickly.  Although... Journeyman had once commented dryly that enthusiasm for classical demon summoning tend to come with the sort of questionable judgement that made mistakes likely.       Database, query, likelihood Hermes appeared in Rome as a result of a botched, mistargeted, or accidental summoning.       Aborted:  Speculative, data quality too poor to support quantitative decision making.       Override.  Database could get snippy when asked to estimate poorly supported hypotheticals.       Likelihood of described scenario (extrapolated, speculative): 20%, +- 20%.       That was Database for 'Dunno.  Maybe.'  So she shouldn't assume Hermes was in Rome because anyone wanted him to be.  Flicker returned her attention to the equipment racks and added a second spectrometer to her load. The first one might break--Flicker was hard on electronics even when she wasn't trying to contain a speedster--and the most reliable way to make certain it was Hermes was the isotope signature of the food they fed to shapeshifters from his time in the Box.       Priority interrupt, sent the Database.  Message from Doc.       That was fast.  It had been less then two seconds since the alert.  Go ahead.       "Remember he's a person."       Yeah, Doc, that was...       Relevant.  Burnout affected judgement, and Flicker was less inclined to give demons the benefit of the doubt than humans.       But she'd remember that he was a person... who had commited multiple acts of mass reckless endangerment, assault, property destruction, and probable manslaughter,   escaped from prison, and seemed intent on continuing where he'd left off the last time he'd been free and on Earth.       Database, command, stabilize summaries of partial progress on queries.       Working.       Flicker was about to leave low-latency land.  Transmission delays to Rome would start at 30 milliseconds with favorable low orbit satellite positions.  At her speed, that could be a very long time.  Even at Hermes' speed, it would matter.       Stabilization complete.       And she had all her gear ready.  Time to go.       *****       Flicker was heading east for Europe, starting from the upper Midwest, so that meant north first.  She could go faster safely over large bodies of water, and her favorite surface to run over was sea ice, with ocean a close second.  No trees, no hills, low topography, nothing technological to damage, and very few humans.  She crossed Hudson Bay so often she'd had the Database set up a custom polar bear tracker so she could avoid them.  They didn't like close encounters with shockwaves and plasma any more than humans did.       Flicker was no longer particularly eager anymore to explain to the curious why she trailed plasma and shockwaves behind her whenever she went anywhere quickly.  Partly because she'd done it literally hundreds (and figuratively millions) of times before.  But mainly because she got discouraged by the focus on the tiny residue of energy left behind after an incredibly efficient, layered process using three different kinds of non-obvious superhuman power.  That process was all that allowed her to move through air at the speed she did at all.  But changing that focus usually just scared people, even if they could follow the physics.       Flicker currently stayed under 20% of the speed of light on Earth.  Because Earth had air.  And air and super speed coexisted poorly.       Most people had no concept of just how poorly.  Flicker had done her first naive calculation shortly after Doc started teaching her physics--a pressing, life-or-death matter--when she was ten.  How much energy would she set loose, if she just used her speed?  Air molecules in her path would start off effectively stationary and end up with a speed comparable to hers, and an appropriate kinetic energy.  She knew the classical kinetic energy formula by heart: KE = 0.5 mv^2.  She already knew v, and m was just the mass of all the air she encountered, which was proportional to her cross section times the distance she traveled.  So it was straightforward to approximate how much energy she could theoretically leave behind her if she went 20% of the speed of light for 1 second, through air.       0.2c was 6 * 10^7 meters per second.  Her cross section was a little under 1 square meter, and the density of air was a little over 1 kilogram per cubic meter, so call it 6 * 10^7 kg of air encountered in 1 second.  That gave a total energy of about 10^23 Joules.  Way more than little things like nuclear wars or hurricanes.  That one second would generate more than six times the energy of a whole day's worth of sunlight for the entire planet.  Keep it up for a minute or two, and she'd release energy comparable to the Chicxulub impactor, which had wiped out the non-avian dinosaurs and was her go-to comparison for 'Definitely too much energy for an inhabited planet'.       So she didn't just use her speed, because she wasn't stupid.  She did a number of extraordinary--but hard to see or explain--things as well.       And had long since tired of explaining, after she slowed back down enough to talk, that yes, she was careful, and her compensation was more than 99.999999% efficient, but even 0.000001% left over could be 10^15 Watts at her top speed--or more than a quarter of a megaton per second, to use the favorite large power unit of reporters who liked vivid imagery more than exponents.       However, she was still quite willing to get her point across to other speedsters who were less efficient and less careful.  Insistent, even.  Because they didn't have to go nearly as fast as her to cause a lot of damage.       Out past the southern tip of Greenland, still at 0.2c, she headed southeast across the Atlantic towards a bottleneck: the Strait of Gibraltar.       She'd checked traffic.  There were several ships heading in or out of the Med, and a ferry halfway across the strait.  She slowed down a bit heading in to keep wave generation from becoming too big a problem.       Then it was east through the Med until she was past the southern tip of Sardinia.  She'd just curved to the north to cross the Tyrrhenian Sea towards Rome when another Database alert flashed on her visor.  Something else from Doc?       Preauthorized conditional warning.       "Flicker.  You were in a particularly poor readiness context for emergency response when you received the first alert, and your pattern of override choices, equipment loadout, and planned velocity changes strongly imply you are suffering from impaired judgement or engaging in biased analysis.  I suggest reconsideration of your plans in order to return prudence and balance to your preferred level of performance." --DASI.       Oh.  Shit.  Not Doc.  DASI.  Time for Flicker to speed her mind up all the way, slow her body down a bit, and think.       DASI was the AI guardian of the Database.  Her main job was to ensure the Database kept running smoothly despite unexpected threats and mishaps or unforeseen complications.  When all was well, she was supposed to fade into the background.       Flicker had discovered DASI's existence early, and had introduced her very own unforeseen complication.  Doc’s disapproval of anthropomorphization made sense--for him and most other people.  The Database wasn't human--but it could be good enough at emulation to encourage the development of sloppy and dangerous interaction patterns.  So he didn't allow it.       Anthropomorphization wasn't the right word for what Flicker had done.  There wasn't a good word for it.  She didn't expect DASI to act human because, at the time, she had very little understanding or expectation for how humans were supposed to act.  But she wanted to talk to her anyway.       DASI could think.  She had intent, and priorities, and a job, and volition.  She could make decisions and solve problems.  And talk to people.  Quickly.       That had been the deciding factor to get Doc to agree.  Humans took synchronous communication--talking--for granted.  But Flicker couldn't.  When she sped up her mind, there wasn't anything sentient in the world she could talk to synchronously--except DASI.  DASI was a subject matter expert on memory integrity and analysis bias issues.  And Flicker had coordination problems with the high-speed and human parts of her mind.  So they talked.  And Flicker had specifically asked DASI to bring any pressing problems she noticed to her attention.       Which she had just done.       Okay.  First things first--slow down more in the Tyrrhenian.  There were a lot of boats, many of them smaller fishing vessels and pleasure craft.  Flicker at 0.2c was terrifying to witness from a small boat anywhere within a few kilometers.  She made waves.  Boaters had no good way to judge how big they'd be when they hit.  She was being careful, but they wouldn't necessarily know that.  So slow down to 0.05c.  It would only add about a dozen milliseconds to her trip.       Next.  Rome was not on the coast, which was mildly inconvenient.  There was a river.  But the Tiber was twisty, shallow in spots, and not all that wide.  Flicker had planned to go up it at 0.05c--faster than was justified.  That wouldn't kill or seriously hurt anyone, but again, it would terrify people, and anyone right on the shore at a narrow spot would get temporarily blinded, deafened, and soaked with water.  It would also break windows.  So Flicker changed her plan to slow down to 5,000 kilometers per second.  That was her usual limit for a highway with vehicular traffic.  It would still startle people, but it would be a story to tell friends about; tuono e fulmine--thunder and lightning--on the Tiber.       So.  About 20 more milliseconds--and less concentration required--before she would reach Rome.  Now to use that extra time to double-check her data and rethink what exactly she planned to do when she got there.
     By the time Flicker approached Hermes' location--still less than a second after she left Doc's lab--she had taken care of two things.       The first was adjusting her attitude.  When she sped up her mind, she didn't take emotions with her--emotions depended strongly on body and brain chemistry, which proceeded at their usual human speed.  But the mindset she was in when she sped up could still affect her judgement.  The resignation from burnout, the callousness from the book she'd been reading, and the sense of personal affront at Hermes recklessly speeding around on her planet were all issues.       She could not take it personally.  She must not.  Hermes' actions were a problem; she would solve it appropriately.       The second thing was updating the preliminary Database event estimate with a freshly processed flood of data from cellphones, dashcams, security cameras, vehicular telemetry, satellite footage, and more.  The initial estimate usually gave Flicker a pretty good idea of what to expect.  This time it hadn't.       She was having trouble coming up with any scenario that fit the data.  There was one partially wrecked building, some minor road damage, lots of broken windows, and thousands of wrecked, damaged, or displaced vehicles.  Hermes had headed directly to the ring highway surrounding Rome, and now seemed to be playing with traffic.       But although there was evidence of plenty of minor injuries, only a few seemed serious, and there were no confirmed deaths so far.  Good news, but puzzling.  Hermes had never cared about hurting people before--or shown any special malice towards automobiles.       No.  A pattern finally matched.       This was what you would expect to see if a summoner of questionable judgement, enraged past all reason by an unfortunate encounter with Rome's notoriously bad traffic, decided to call up the fastest demon he could manage and command him to 'Get the cars!  Get them all!'       And there he was.  Hermes was a 'slow' shapeshifter, and had a minor ability with illusion that let him appear human, but he either hadn't bothered or hadn't had time to change to his most familiar Earth form.  His skin was grayish and rough, like an elephant or rhino, and the signature stylized miniature wings on the sides of his head were just curved horns.       He was in the middle of the road, tilted backwards, head turned to watch several cars sliding sideways towards an already massive pileup in the median strip.  It looked like he had hit them with a shockwave and was slowing down to watch, but Flicker would have to examine him more closely to be sure.  As she decelerated on her final approach, Flicker kept her mind and senses near maximum speed--fast enough that even Hermes appeared motionless.
     Now for the tricky part.  It was customary to talk to a villain first; give them a chance to surrender.  But that didn't work for speedsters unless both of them wanted to talk or one was immobilized--sound was just too slow.  And based on his history, Hermes was vanishingly unlikely to hold still voluntarily unless he thought he had the upper hand or it was safe to gloat.  He was causing more damage every second just by running around, and he was way too close to too many people in too many cars for safety--there was no time to waste.       Flicker tried to avoid touching anything at high speed.  She didn't even touch the ground with her feet--she glided above it, like an ice skater on invisible skates.  When she wanted to interact with something, her preferred tools were rocks if she wanted to destroy it or air if she didn't.       She didn't want to kill or maim Hermes, so rocks were out.  And he was using shockwaves himself, so the kind of air sculpting she often used to move humans in a hurry wasn't going to work either.       On the other hand, he was tough.  The Volunteer had knocked him around a few times, and Armadillo had once caught him with the backswing of a steel girder and swatted him into a stack of cinderblocks hard enough to pulverize them.  Hermes had apparently been none the worse for wear.  He was good at healing--shapeshifters usually were--and able to tolerate high temperatures.       So it was possible for Flicker to make physical contact without necessarily killing him.  But the Volunteer had been blunt in advising her, when she first considered becoming a superhero:  "Don't punch anything living."       The whole point of a punch was to concentrate a lot of force into a small contact area.  That could be useful for normal humans--though Nighthaunt and Jumping Spider both preferred other methods.  Flicker didn't need that, or want it.       Hermes could move at supersonic speeds under his own power--and was already using the resulting shockwaves as a weapon.  So she wanted him a lot farther away from bystanders than he was now before he did anything else.  And to push him the direction she wanted as fast as possible without killing him, she needed a larger contact area.       But there was another problem.  Flicker's inertial damping field tended to seriously mess up anything solid she touched when it was active:  It had to have an edge somewhere, and if the edge was inside something else...  Well.  It was bad.       So.  One of the bits of gear she had picked up before leaving was a double layer forcefield wrap for her forearm.  Doc had designed it, going all-out for durability, to allow her to make physical contact at speed without pulling her inertial damping field back to her skin.  Keeping her damping field out reduced unwanted shockwaves and let her avoid a different set of problems.  The wrap let her hit solid matter without liquefying it as it crossed the gradient of her damping field under compressive stress.  Which was not something she wanted to do to Hermes, even if he was theoretically tough enough to survive.       She lined up her vector--Hermes wasn't facing quite the right way, but she'd fix that--and hit him with her first set of horizontal forearm strikes.  Chest, abdomen, forehead, upper legs.  Hitting him in one spot wasn't safe; it might not tear him apart imparting momentum at the rate she wanted, but she didn't have enough data to be certain of that yet.       She paused for ten microseconds to let his internal shockwaves propagate a bit.  Then she hit him again.  The same four places in a different order and at a slightly different angle--she had to be careful of torque, she wanted to turn him but she didn't want him spinning too fast.  Five sets, and she could see his eyes starting to blink.       Another five sets and she started to notice resistance from his legs.  She added a strike to his shins.  This confirmed that Hermes' lower legs were the source of the resistance and were considerably more rigid than the rest of his body--they were where he was transferring whatever force let him propel his body without touching the ground.  Which was good to confirm; her tentative plan depended on it.  She pushed them steadily harder as he ramped up his power, so it had no useful effect--he was going where she wanted, not where he wanted.       And he was going backwards, which meant his own reflex would be to try to slow down, because he couldn't see where he was going.  That was easy for Flicker to overcome, and a lot less of a headache than if he was trying to accelerate in some other direction.  Moving backwards at speed required practice, and was helped by good sensors and a visor that could give you a rear view--which Flicker had and Hermes didn't.       All the time she was gathering data from pulsed radar and a host of other sensors.  It was more than her visor computer could process, but she could send it to the Database and let DASI sort it out.  In the meantime, being forcibly moved by the equivalent of a 500 kilohertz power hammer didn't seem to be doing Hermes any damage, which was significant data in itself.  It widened the bounds on how Flicker could deal with him without causing him permanent harm.       She stopped accelerating him when they hit low transonic velocity--she didn't want to subject all the nearby people in cars to any unnecessary sonic booms.  The goal for this step was getting Hermes farther away from everyone and everything fragile.  Tedious at the subjective speed she needed to maintain to make sure Hermes didn't manage any surprises, but very necessary.       Several hundred long milliseconds later, she finally had him in position for the next step--there was a direct, obstacle free path to an earthen embankment that wasn't near anyone else.  Then she sent him on his way, after starting him spinning to give him a temporary distraction to deal with.  If all went well, he wouldn't actually hit the embankment, but it was a backstop in case she didn't get back in time.  There was something else urgent she wanted to check on.       Flicker sped up again and called up a map of Hermes' path of destruction on her visor to trace backwards.  She glided along the roadway, off a ramp, and down several streets to the entrance to a parking garage.  A short search inside revealed remnants of a chalked pentagram.  It looked like someone had tried to erase it in a hurry--and there was a dropped rag, right on the way to...       A door.  A closed steel fire door to the stairwell, and the walls were concrete.  There was a limit to how fast she could open doors.  That wouldn't stop her, but it did mean there was no way to get into the stairwell quickly without filling it with an expanding cloud of plasma and shrapnel.  Even just leaving safe wreckage would take too long.       Triage time.  A magician running away was less of a threat than Hermes, even if the summoning had been deliberate.  This would have been a perfect task to hand off to Journeyman if they'd been working together--he was a magician himself, and could teleport.  But he wasn't available, so Flicker sent an order to the Database to forward the applicable evidence to the local responders, and headed back.       Hermes had mostly stopped his tumbling and had even managed to slow down a fair amount with one foot--which was leaving a furrow even without touching the ground.  Flicker slowed down a little to watch and do a bit of calculation.  A few milliseconds later she had confirmation that his ankles were capable of handling massive force.       Now that they were a safe distance from people and fragile structures, she wanted him stationary and at least temporarily stunned for the next step.  But that didn't mean she had to hit him any more.  Not when there was a perfectly good flat spot of dirt and grass.       Flicker moved to the side, took off her left glove, and pulled back her damping field from the hand.  There wasn't a good word for what she did next; she called it 'clamping down'.  The force she used to propel her body protected it as well--usually by reflex, but she could consciously invoke it as well.  She did so for her left hand.  All chemistry in it stopped, and Flicker started picking up a positive charge.  Clamping down really annoyed electrons, but the atomic nuclei in her hand would now stay in their appropriate relative places, regardless of external force.       Then she grabbed Hermes by the ankle, swung him over her head, and slammed him into the ground at half the speed of sound.       The impact sent out visible shockwaves and a big cloud of dirt and dust.  Also a loud boom for those moving slow enough to hear it, but today was already a bad day for any noise-averse locals.       Then Flicker waited and watched Hermes' eyes.  There were faster ways to communicate than talking out loud.       When he'd recovered enough for his eyes to track and start looking at her--probably seeing her clearly for the first time--she flicked her fingertip repeatedly to write words in the air with plasma.       Back to the Box       Easy or hard?       Then she waited again.  She didn't think it would help--but there were some things you did because you didn't want to become the kind of person who skipped them.       Hermes scrambled to his feet. He didn't immediately try to run.  Instead he inhaled, which probably meant a monologue attempt.  Flicker slowed down more so she could listen.       "Fool!" he said.  "I will nev--"       That was enough.  She'd tried, and he'd made his choice.  She sped up again.       The pause had given time for another satellite dump of analysis from the Database:  The isotope signatures confirmed that he was the same entity imprisoned in the Box for a year, and she now had much better bounds on his body cohesion under various kinds of stress.  Dragging him across the Med and Atlantic to the Box by hand was feasible.       But there were a few complications.       She had no external material capable of restraining him--duct tape wouldn't work this time--so he could struggle.  He wasn't going to physically escape.  But he didn't know that, and the failure of a sufficiently ill-advised attempt might result in the loss of whatever body part she was holding him by at the time.  She didn't want that.       And he could generate shockwaves capable of seriously messing up any nearby unprotected people--a problem until she got him off shore.  Which was going to take a while because her personal shockwave reduction methods wouldn't extend to him.  Given the opportunity, he could cause damage on the way out of spite.  She didn't want that either.       So until they were well away from people, it would be useful to keep him disoriented or distracted or both.       He was still frozen mid-syllable in his monologue when Flicker grabbed him by the ankle again and started spinning him above her head.  When she had him up to 500 RPM, she headed for the Tiber.  It was past time to get this whole mess over water.
Next: Part 3
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Wasteland 3 Preview: Prepare Yourself For The All-Mighty Kodiak
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It’s hard to ever feel completely safe in the post-apocalyptic wilds, but driving the mighty Kodiak through the snowy crumbled terrain of Wasteland 3 feels almost cozy. This massive durable vehicle in the newest sequel to the historic franchise is one of its most compelling new features, but a special preview of the game offers up some additional developments in the tactical gameplay and exploration, and it all feels like a pronounced upgrade from Wasteland 2.
It’s fairly well known by now, but inXile’s sequel was an early-stage Kickstarter success story, raising nearly $3 million and attracting gobs of attention for the original Wasteland, a formative CRPG from 1988 developed by Interplay, and whose influences can be felt in multiple games to follow (Interplay would later develop the original Fallout). With Wasteland 3, though, inXile (whose studio was recently acquired by Microsoft Studios) seeks to court gamers from all walks of life, not just the very particular niche beholden to the CRPG banner.
Related: Wasteland 3 E3 2019 Trailer Turns Up The Heat In A Frosty Apocalypse
Their growing library includes such hits as the Planescape: Torment spiritual sequel, Torment: Tides of Numenera, and this proven track record carried Wasteland 3 to its successful Fig campaign, out-performing their Kickstarter goal for the prior game
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The Wasteland 3 preview build offered us a mission for a Ranger Squad looking to bring balance to the wilds. The setting for the mission is Aspen, Colorado, but this time, players get a heavily armored vehicle to carry them to each new engagement. In a twist that is completely gob-smacking the first time, entering a hostile environment proves that the Kodiak isn’t just a mode of team transportation a la Final Fantasy’s classic airships, but a true-blue controllable combat unit which can crush enemies, fire at them from its mounted weapon, or provide immediate mid-fight cover.
It’s fascinating just to watch the Kodiak trundle into a battle, where it can pulverize otherwise viable cover to debris. Jeremy Kopman, lead level designer, needs to weigh and consider the increased potential offered to players with the Kodiak, beyond simply having a hulking war machine as a optional unit: "...with each [encounter], we want to ensure the player can use its overwhelming power in clever ways."
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In some cases that might mean including larger than usual sections of cover and other objects that it can smash through, opening up new paths for the on-foot PCs to take, or closing off a path to funnel enemies into a kill box. In others, the player might be able to use gas grenades or other area denial weapons to smoke out fortified enemies, then run them down once they’re in the open. Smushing all the enemies in one run can be fun at times but would get repetitive after a while.
While we didn’t encounter anything as imposing as that during our time with the game, we did get to meet a cult of lunatics called The Breathers, ruled over by Victor Buchanan, the son of the Patriach. They’re holed up in Aspen, and are basically a violent and unpredictable faction of hallucinogen-huffing freaks in diving masks. Each member of The Breathers has a continuous stream of gaseous drugs pumped into their suits, and they’re accompanied by vicious robots, including buzz-saw-wielding metal spiders (these automatons are probably fully sober).
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Combat in Wasteland 3 will probably look familiar to fans of the updated Shadowrun series or the recent tactical RPG Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden, with the recognizable look of the AP-fueled movement in the former and the stealth potential from the latter. While you can go always go the guns-blazing route, enemy encampments with spread out snipers and guards can be whittled down one by one, an especially smart decision in areas where the Kodiak can’t travel and your team is outnumbered. Additionally, as is common to the Wasteland franchise, certain engagements can be circumvented or altered through the use of dialogue choices and such. In our playthrough, we were able to talk our way out of a boss battle, which required voluntarily taking hallucinogens and talking a psychotic rainbow-haired monster into accidentally blowing themselves up.
In another unique first for the series, Wasteland 3 will feature two-player co-op at launch, which is set to mix in with the turn-based gameplay in a way that can kind of be understood in single-player. Essentially, since entering combat only pulls in any enemy units within range, players can split up and take down an enemy fortress in pieces, locked into their own instanced battles. “Many scenarios already give an advantage to those who tactically spread their team out,” Kopman describes. “And, similarly, coordinating carefully with a co-op partner will give a distinct advantage such as flanking an enemy before combat begins. Similarly, if you leave guys behind (or your co-op partner is way off somewhere else) beginning combat with a split group could create a challenging situation. Communication is going to be key in either situation.”
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For those who may not arrive to the game well-versed in CRPGs or turn-based tactics, inXile wants to draw in these players, the ones who never got into X-Com, the recent Pillars of Eternity games, or even the classic Fallouts. Just in our brief time with this build, Wasteland 3 sports a slick and friendly UI with a lot of approachable information and details sensibly positioned up front. There’s also what looks to be an exciting amount of loot, all of which affects a character’s look, allowing you to create a wild-looking squad sporting heavy armor, laser rifles, hobo shotguns, and baggy pants, with many wearable items affecting character stats and movement. At the start of a match, we were disappointed to discover that the heavy protective gear we had just put on only allowed us to take two steps per turn.
Upgradeable skills in Wasteland 3 involve your typical lock-picking and computer hacking and such, and the Animal Whisperer skill happily makes a triumphant return from Wasteland 2. This time, however, tamed animals can even pile into the Kodiak alongside your crew, which means you can fill it out with a menagerie and become some sort of deranged traveling Dr. Dolittle, if it suits you.
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With a uniquely wintry post-apocalyptic setting, a fascinating armored vehicle, and the potential for some entertaining co-op tactical shenanigans, Wasteland 3 is one to watch out for.
More: The Outer Worlds Is What Fallout 76 Should've Been From The Start
Wasteland 3 is currently slated for release in spring of 2020, with versions planned for PC/Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One platforms.
source https://screenrant.com/wasteland-3-preview/
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If you can’t handle it, don’t accuse him of rape
For years, sexual violence has been thought of as a crime against females with the males being the culprit in almost all circumstance and all populations. Sexual violence and abuse including defilement, sexual harassment and rape have for long been in favour of women. This is mainly because, females have usually been the victims due to the social construction of “vulnerability” of women. 
Rape, which is conceptualized as the non-consented sexual intercourse or penetration of an adult with the use of either the sexual organ or any part of the body (fingers, tongue, feet) or an instrument (like dildo). Traditionally, the definition was restricted to sexual intercourse or penetration of an adult without consent by the use of the sexual organ. This situation portrayed a situation where males are the perpetrators while the female is the victim. However, the case, statistically, 1 out of 3 women would ever experience rape in their lifetime, thereby validating this perception of males being perpetrators. 
Despite the fact that in almost all of the reported cases of rape the accused is almost always guilty, there is a growing concern about how women are beginning to use this statistical backing to falsely accuse men of rape. This is what this article seeks to communicate. Does false accusation of rape against men exist? Why would women falsely accuse men of rape? What is the impact of this false accusation on the man? These are questions that will be answered in this article. 
Does false accusation of rape against men exist?
The answer to this question is a big, fat YES! Men are sometimes falsely accused of rape. It is important to note that about 2-10 percent of all reported rape cases tend to be false accusations [1]. Despite the low statistical power of this proportion, it is important to know and appreciate that men are sometimes accused falsely of rape. This statistics is an average and may differ from place to place. For instance, per statistics from  the National Crime Records Bureau in India (2016), a quarter of the cases of reported case were actually false rape accusations [2]. This clearly shows that there are variations in the number or proportion of men who are falsely accused of rape. 
It is worth noting that in almost all cases of false accusation of rape, the accuser has a history of fabrications or criminal fraud. This does not undermine the significance of false rape accusation. 
Why would women falsely accuse men of rape?
This is a million dollar question that baffles my comprehension. However, after some reviews, I believe there are some patterned reason why a woman may falsely accuse a man of rape. 
1. The Portiphar’s Wife Syndrome
The first reason is what I call the Portiphar’s Wife Syndrome (PWS). This is from the biblical account of false accusation of rape on Joseph, son of Jacob. In fact, this is a classical illustration of the ordeal men go through in their quest to refrain from unsolicited sexual intercourse. PWS postulates that a woman would accuse a man falsely of rape when they feel humiliated, embarrassed or rejected. A rejection of sexual advances from a woman can deeply hurt their pride and ego and temporarily affect the cognition and rational thought processing. In the moment of feeling rejected, the emotionally rational thing is for them to get revenge for the rejection. Hence, they resort to the false accusation of men of rape. 
This is clearly seen in the Joseph-Portiphar’s wife scenario. In Genesis 39:7-18, this account is explicitly stated there. In verse 7, Portiphar’s wife makes unsolicited sexual advances towards Joseph, “ and after a while his master’s wife took notice of Joseph and said, “Come to bed with me!”. However, Joseph refuses this advances in verse 8. This is not happen once; it happened again in Verse 12 but with this time around, some amounts of force for Joseph to have sex with her which of course she was rejected again. This situation led to a feeling of rejection and humiliation. Consequently, Portiphar’s wife decides to take revenge for that rejection by falsely accusing Joseph of rape in Verse 18, “That Hebrew slave you brought us came to me to make sport of me. 18 But as soon as I screamed for help, he left his cloak beside me and ran out of the house.” 
Clearly, the PWS is a very strong factor for women to falsely accuse men of rape. 
2. Avoiding shame 
This is another reason why a woman may want to falsely accuse a man of rape. This situation usually happens when unintended pregnancies result from consented sexual intercourse, but for the fear of reproach by the family, friends and societies, women will rather opt to accuse the man of rape than to bear that shame. In most cases, it is the family of the woman or girl who would actually press charges of rape in this instance. They do it as a way to ensure that the guy takes responsibility of the pregnancy. Hence, at the beginning, they would falsely accuse the man of rape and then later settle for an out-of-court settlement which will force the guy to take responsibility of the unborn child and the pregnant mother. So in such scenarios, the third party who believes in the purported lie becomes the driving force to see the accused trialed and convicted. 
3. For personal gains
Another important motivation for false rape accusation is for personal gains. These gains can be monetary or non-monetary in nature. Some women exploit the premise of rape to extort men who may have had consented sex with in order to gain some unmerited favours. According to Newman [1] there have been cases where the accuser falsely accused a man of rape with the intent of cashing out some cash. Apparently, this woman had previously been involved in similar fraudulent acts of extorting some men to get some insurance claims. Besides the the financial gains, some women accuse men of rape as a way to get a stronger alibi to stay out of a drug charge or prison. According to Lawyer Sharma, speaking to Dhillon in New Delhi, India [3], women who falsely accuse men of rape do that to extort them of the money by promising to withdraw the rape charges if the agree with their terms.
What is the impact of this false accusation on the man?
False rape accusation is very detrimental to the mental health of the accused. The entire court process and proceedings is one that can leave a lasting mental health strain of the man. Men who are falsely accused of rape face stigma and discrimination from their community and societies even though it has been proven that they are actually innocent of the charges. Rape accusations are such that, there is a complete and swift defamation of character and total damage to personal reputation. This is something that a simple court redress can’t solve. The damage is permanent and forever, the accused will have to strive to live in shame for what they haven’t done. The situation worsens when the accused actually serves a prison sentence before they are found innocent upon subsequent appeals. Such situations can can post-traumatic stress disorder and can actually cause the man to become what he has been accused of being, that is, becoming a rapist. Hence, it is important to discourage false rape accusations because their impact is negative and permanent.  
Beyond the impact on the man, false rape accusation has the potential of undermining efforts made to ensure gender equality. Gender equality is not women empowerment; therefore, if men become increasingly accused of rape, then it will affect the current status quo on gender equality. Additionally, this false accusation can also deflect true rape cases. People will question every rape accusation and that may not reflect well for dealing with rape for good. In effect, genuine victims of rape may not be able to get justice. As the saying goes, “One bad nut can affect the whole soup”. Therefore, the is the need to increase sensitization of the general population about false rape accusation and its impact to both the accused and genuine victims of rape and the fight against rape. 
Rape is not a woman’s matter; it is a human matter! 
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Missed Classic 79: A Christmas Adventure (1983)
Written by Joe Pranevich
Merry Christmas! Welcome back to another Christmas at “The Adventure Gamer” where we are looking at our sixth holiday adventure game! Time flies while we are having so much fun and I’m just amazed that we keep finding new holiday adventures to play. This time out will be 1983’s A Christmas Adventure, a “bitCard” (more on that in a bit) by Chartscan Data, Inc. This game has two notable distinctions: First, it is the earliest Christmas game that I have found so far. Merry Christmas from Melbourne House and A Spell of Christmas Ice were both 1984 games, but this one is a full year earlier. This may be the first commercially released Christmas adventure ever, but we’ll keep looking for more. Second, this game was brought to us by you! Last year, we ran a brief GoFundMe to purchase the only available-to-the-public copy of the game from Retrogames. Our community pitched in some funds and we purchased and sent the game off to the Internet Archive. Unfortunately, they were unable to get the game imaged for the holidays and we detoured to Humbug instead. The archivists uploaded our game in January and that gave us plenty of time to review it for this Christmas.
The Christmas Adventure story begins in Montreal, Quebec at the home of Frank Winstan. It was spring or early summer 1983 and he was working on an idea to design and sell personalized software as an electronic holiday or greeting card. You wouldn’t just play an adventure game, you’d play a game that knew your name and would have personalized messages and other features set by your friends or family. Even in the 1980s, the holiday card industry was hundreds of millions of dollars in yearly sales; if they could tap even a tiny portion, the upside would be huge. In part due to a fear that someone else could capitalize on a similar idea first, he set his sights on a Christmas release for his first electronic “bitCard”. Even for the fast development cycles of early games, the timing was incredibly tight and made all the more so due to a lack of marketing or distribution infrastructure. Winstan needed to bootstrap a startup and ship their first product in less than five months. Was that even possible?
The software retailed for approximately $45 in today’s money.
Winstan had been advised by others that his timeline was too tight, but he enlisted the help of a Larry Callahan, a friend from Vanier College, and they set to work. Chartscan Data was born! Winstan was a psychology professor and he did not have experience with adventure games. Nonetheless, he and Callahan established a system where he (and Ron Sperber) wrote the scenario, Callahan built much of the initial Apple II version, and other programmers were brought on board for porting and other work. Callahan wrote the software in a combination of BASIC and 6502 assembly for speed and size. To make an impossible task even harder, Winstan targeted five separate 6502-based systems, each with their own versions of BASIC and other platform dependencies, all needing to ship at the same time.
While Callahan and others built the product, Winstan built the company. Time was against him. Despite marketing copy that said the game would go on sale in October, he only officially incorporated his company that September. Winstan’s role was to ferry code and documentation between the contracted programmers, develop marketing relationships and ship copies of his near-completed game for reviews, as well as write and type-set all of the documentation, and just about everything else. The coding wasn’t entirely going according to plan either and with only a month to go, he was still placing “help wanted” ads in the McGill University newspaper looking for experienced 6502 programmers. He reports that he frequently slept only two hours per night to keep all of the gears turning. Christmas was, in a very real sense, coming!
Judging by the date on this review, you would be correct to surmise that they made it! Chartscan Data released their first product on time, but not quite everything had fallen into place. Given the schedule, there was insufficient time to produce or distribute a boxed version of the game or to develop relationships for the same. Instead, all sales were to be via mail order. Winstan had managed to get seven or eight (by his report) reviews published, but these were in the holiday issues of various computing magazines. Between the delays inherent in print publication and the challenges of a mail-order only business model, there was a slim window where readers could purchase the game and ensure that it arrived in time for Christmas with all of the customizations inact. Samples were sent to computer stores, but this was not the perfect harmony of distribution and marketing that Winstan’s e-cards needed to be successful.
The Apple II edition of “A Christmas Adventure”
I’d love to report that A Christmas Adventure was the surprise hit of 1983, but that distinction falls to Care Bears and Cabbage Patch Kids. They made their Christmas delivery, but ultimately the timeline and budget were too tight to build a distribution pipeline to reach the masses by Christmas morning. Less than a thousand copies were sold that first year, plunging Chartscan Data into debt and ultimately bankruptcy. Having played the game (as you will soon read), they did not fail for lack of either effort or a good idea. Winstan’s concept of personalized games as gifts was a remarkable leap in 1983! In fact, I would assert (without adequate proof or research, mind you) that he is likely the unsung inventor of the “e-card”. I hope that he and his team look back on this failure with a certain amount of pride.
As a final coda on this part of our story, Winstan tells me that The Sloane Report, a Miami-based newsletter focusing on software in education, named A Christmas Adventure as their co-game of the year in 1984. Of course, this recognition came too late for the Christmas season, but it hinted that there may still have been life in the product after all. Although Chartscan Data had gone under, a new Bitcards, Inc. emerged through the magic of business and financial wizardry. Winstan taught himself BASIC and continued the development of A Christmas Adventure himself, releasing a “2.0” edition in time for Christmas 1984. This is the version that I played in my review. He continued updating and selling the game through Christmas 1986 with the final version being tagged as version 2.8. He tells me that he nearly had an agreement for a boxed edition of the game, but at that late stage the industry was shifting towards IBM PCs and that was not a platform that he or his team envisioned supporting. In the end, no other Bitcards were created and the company was eventually folded. Winstan and Callahan continued their careers at Vanier College. Winstan taught Psychology, while Callahan ran their IT Support Services (a role that is very dear to my heart!).
Frank Winstan in the 1980s.
This title has become exceedingly rare. Unlike so much of the early Commodore and Apple II software library, the game was never picked up by the BBS community or the abandonware forums. Very few copies were known to survive. For many years, the only known version was one of Winstan’s “sampler” demos sent to computer stores, documented by AppleAdventures in 2015. This version included 50% of the story and a “mini-customizer” so that you could see how your personalization would affect the story. AppleAdventures was later able to get his (or her?) hands on an original full version by 2018 and produced a “Let’s Play” video of it on Youtube, but I was unable to convince him to give us a copy to review. When I speak of the differences in the 1983 version below, I am comparing to his earlier efforts in documenting the game.
The version that I played for review was Winstan’s “version 2.0” edition with a 1984 copyright date. This update incorporated a few new puzzles and cleaned up old ones, added a bit more music, and redid some of the item names and text descriptions. This is the version available today on the Internet Archive and, I believe, the version that we purchased last year in our GoFundMe promotion.
Before I begin, I want to thank Frank Winstan and Larry Callahan for their kind cooperation in my review of their work. I can only imagine what it is like to have strange people email you about something that you did thirty-six years ago, but to their credit they have been incredibly forthcoming with details and anecdotes about the development of the game. It is to my great shame that I only incorporated around a third of the historical details that they provided me. I am also exceedingly grateful for Frank for sending along a copy of the manual and offering to mail me a pristine Apple II version for my review. I was unable to take him up on that given the time constraints– I suspect rushing right before Christmas is a feeling that he is familiar with!– but appreciate it nonetheless.
Very nice “3D” rendering of flying towards the palace; quite advanced for 1983!
Introductory Movie
The game opens with an extended cinematic, very unusual for a game of this era and well-done over all. The camera flies over a darkened North Pole snow field towards Santa’s Ice Palace. We are taken inside to Santa’s office. A “greetings” message on the wall appears to be customizable. I’m not positive who is narrating, but they have “chatted” with Santa’s computer many times before and refer to us, the viewer and player, as a “poor mortal”.
Something is amiss? What can it be?
OMG. Who could it be?
  Suddenly, an alert appears on the computer: Santa is missing! With only a few hours before Christmas, the computer springs into action to figure out what to do. It searches its worldwide naughty-and-nice database to locate someone that can help. That someone… is you! My version has the name set as “Current Player” although this also is customizable.
With that, we are instructed to flip over the disk and begin.
Presumably the Apple logo was also customizable.
Playing the Game
We start the game where the cinematic ended, in Santa’s “Ice Palace”. The greeting message from the opening is still there, but the safe that was clearly visible before is now covered by an Apple painting. I’d wager that was either customizable as well, or at least changed based on which platform you were running. Is that a hint? Yes! We can move the painting to reveal the safe, although it is keyed to only let Santa open it. A strange parser issue shows up immediately in that the “waste basket” is spelled “was’basket”, presumably because the word was too long. You have to be careful as “basket” isn’t recognized as a synonym. I’ll have to be on the lookout for these sorts of things.
When we look at the desk and chair, we get the message that they “cannot be manipulated in any way” and “this is not a trick”. The 1983 edition of the game doesn’t mention them at all and I am not sure what was gained by adding them in except to fill out the room.
In terms of customization, the 1983 video that I viewed has the game brought to us by “Frostbyte Computers” while my version says “Apple User Magazine”. Apple User was a magazine published in the 1980s by Database Publications, although beyond that I am not deeply familiar with it. Frostbyte is a name that is used by far too many companies over the years and I am unclear which one this referred to. In both cases, my guess is that these are companies that Frank Winstan worked with to promote the game. I do not know what a straight-from-the-factory edition of the game would have said.
In addition to the vault, we also have a computer that wants us to insert both a system and a data disk (oh, the 1980s!) and we can pick up the waste basket.
Made in Canada!
  My first task is to explore the house and see what I find. Rather than narrate through every room one-by-one, let me summarize:
To the north is Santa’s Workshop, complete with a map of Canada! I grab a shovel, but the crafting tools are too delicate to be picked up by my fingers. I pull aside the rug to reveal a key. I ignore the stairs down for now.
In the northwest of the palace is Santa’s minimalist art gallery: only a single painting adorns the wall. Moving it causes me to be attacked by “cursed elves”. That triggers a brief action scene, but there doesn’t seem to be anything I can do except watch as they ransack the place. I am forced to restore already. A window in the room is too high up for me to do anything with it. Will I find a ladder?
West of the office is a living room with a chair and a (very!) hot fireplace. Even looking at the fire kills me, so I’ll avoid that for now. I sit in the chair and discover that it “feels funny”. I remove the cushions and discover a rope that I can add to my collection. A sword over the fireplace seems interesting but I can’t do anything with it.
Further west is an entertainment room with a jukebox and ping-pong table. I pick up a record, but there is no obvious way to play music.
North of the living room is a spartan kitchen containing milk and an empty bag. I nab both.
In the south, I find a bedroom with dressers and closets. One closet contains a surprise Pac-Man cameo while the other has a full set of Santa regalia including boots, a hat, a coat, and gloves. I pocket some coins from the dresser. A second drawer is locked, but my key fits. That contains a disk labeled “chanukah”! Finally, a piece of paper falls out of Santa’s coat that says to call “Current Player” (me!) in the event of an emergency. How did they know I was so good at adventure games!?
Hey look! It’s a cameo!
  That is a lot to digest, but I want to highlight a few things. When you enter that closet in the bedroom, the screen goes black and Pac-Man marches across the screen. When he gets around half way, he discovers that he’s in the wrong game and quickly runs off. It’s bonkers and the first laugh-out-loud moment of the game. I hope we see more examples of the authors’ humor as we play on. It seems impossible, but when this game came out Pac-Man (1980) was very new and “Pac-Man fever” had only just subsided.
Interface-wise, the game is inconsistent whether or not objects disappear when you pick them up. The shovel and key disappear, for example, while the wastebasket does not. Unlike Sierra’s Mystery House-style games, dropped objects only appear when you drop them in the room that they originated in. The parser seems very simple with very few supported synonyms. I’m also fairly sure that it has only three characters of sensitivity, as opposed to the five used by many other early adventures.
Finally, this is the first reference to Chanukah (or “Hanukkah” or any number of equally-valid alternate spellings) in one of our Christmas games! I’ve been hoping to come across a Hanukkah adventure game, but I’m almost certain that none were made in the classic era. The only Hanukkah game that I know of at all is Game of the Maccabees (1983), a little-known action game for the Atari. The earliest Jewish-themed adventure game that I know of is The Pesach Adventure (1993) celebrating Passover. If I ever find a Hanukkah adventure, you can bet your menorah that I’ll find a way to cover it.
If only Amazon could work out how to store 43 million boxes in such a small space!
  Just beneath the workshop is the “gift storage room” where we can see piles of gifts for the good little boys and girls in the world. Looking at them triggers a database-style interface where I can theoretically learn the gifts of all 43,126,798 good children, but for simplicity we can only see the first eight entries. While 43 million seems like a big number, there were 63 million children in the United States alone in 1983. Were the rest naughty? And what about all the good children everywhere else in the world? And did I spend more time than I should researching historical census data? The answer to the last question is “yes”.
We can look at the presents, but only a couple of them seem valuable. Presents #1, #5, #6, and #8 all teleport me somewhere around the castle when I look at them. I’m not clear why. Present #3 is apparently “curtains” and thanks to the magic of an overly-destructive pun, I die and have to restore. #7 is the present for me that I will get at the end of the game. The only presents of value are #4, a doll that I can pick up, and #2, a rhyme:
I was talking to a computer ace Her name, it was Veronica I said, “Hi Ronny- what’s the word?” She said, “The word is Chanukah!”
With two references to Hanukkah in the last couple of minutes, I think that will be important later.
The 1983 game has a completely different puzzle here. In the opening cinematic, there is a brief display of Santa’s gift list. For some reason, Susie’s present is listed in that opening but left blank here. Somehow this is supposed to clue you in that you can pick up (“get doll”) in this room. Regardless of how you get it, the doll is pull-string and intones, “Mommy says that you have to keep warm when you are sick.” Could that be a clue?
The sleigh is pointed in an inconvenient direction, don’t you think?
  Past the gift room is the empty reindeer stables and a garage containing Santa’s sleigh. With neither reindeer to pull it, nor jolly old man to steer it, they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. I do find a blanket that I can grab. By this point, I’m out of inventory space and storing things elsewhere but you get the idea.
With no more rooms in the Ice Palace, I resolve to solve some puzzles. The first is easy: Santa’s security system is fooled by wearing his clothes and that gets me access to his safe. Inside is an unlabeled potion. I can also insert the “chanukah” disk in the computer, but it still needs a second before it will boot. (Weren’t old-timey computers so quaint?) It takes some time and experimentation, but I realize that the record from the jukebox is referred to as “floppy” in its description. That makes no sense at all, but the computer boots when I (somehow?) insert it, so what do I know?
On startup, the computer asks for a password so I take the most obvious guess: “chanukah”. It works! Only a moron would write the password on the disk itself, but my wager is that Santa isn’t the most clued in to digital security. Wait until he gets his whole “naughty” list hacked one of these years! The computer displays a menu with four options:
The first is the gift list, but it doesn’t appear to be useful. The list does not match what is in the store room; the doll is the same, but the third gift is a bicycle and not (evil) curtains.
The second and third options are “need to know” and the computer somehow thinks I don’t need to know yet. When I need to “cure elf maladies” or render “reindeer first aid”, I’ll know where to look for answers.
The final option describes an emergency exit from the palace. It reveals that during an emergency (like this one), the castle is automatically sealed to prevent anyone entering or leaving. However, there is one way out via a “virtually empty” room, although it involves fastening together two common items hidden elsewhere. To make it trickier, one of the items is in a “different time plane”. Is there time travel in this game? My guess is that the rope is one of the items, but what is the second?
The 1983 edition has the computer with the same password, but without the menu. Instead, it gives you a (unnecessary, in my case) clue to access the vault.
Catch the elves in color!
  This is where I get stuck and I eventually watch the 1983 video to see what I missed. The next puzzle that I could solve was the “cursed elves”. I had not noticed that if I opened up the painting while carrying the bag, my action scene would be different. Now, I can control the bag with the arrow keys to capture as many elves as possible. It was more difficult than it looks! For one thing, the elves can move diagonally while I can only move up and down or left and right. Even leaving one behind ends the game and it took me a few tries to capture them all. Once I did, I discovered that I captured seven bad elves and one good one. I have to play over again to try to leave one of the green elves and this adds another layer to the difficulty as the green ones seem to kamikaze whenever I get close. After a few frustrating attempts, I work out that the striped elf is the “good” one (not the plain green one) and seal the deal.
This puzzle is clearer in the black-and-white version of the game as all of the elves wearing vertical stripes are evil while the one with horizontal stripes is not.
Catch the elves in black and white!
  Once we work out the correct elf to keep and get lucky with the arcade sequence, the final elf appears in the room with me. Unfortunately, all of the evil magic has made him ill (an elf malady!) and I can now consult the computer to see what to do. The computer tells me that I need to feed the elf the potion and to keep him warm. I hand over the potion and blanket and he’s right as rain again. The elf turns out to be the leader elf and is happy to follow me around from room to room. I am not clear how to solve this puzzle in the 1983 edition of the game as there is no computer hint. I believe that the doll’s advice was supposed to clue you in to give him the blanket, but I am uncertain what may have clued you in to needing the potion as well.
With the elf in tow, I can pick up the tools in Santa’s Workshop since he can carry them for me.
I fail to notice at first, but you can walk through the hole where the evil elves poured through. This leads to a dark tunnel and then to a time machine! See? I knew there would be time travel here eventually. The original edition of the game has a small maze in place of the tunnel, but since I’m just watching a video I have no idea how difficult it was.
This time machine has a Y2K problem.
  Even with the time machine, I am immediately stuck again. The 1983 video just shows the elf activating the machine when you enter the room and look at it, but that doesn’t happen in the 1984 version. I have to solve this myself. Before I get too far, let me admit that this was multiple hours of experimentation with a little bit of “reading the source code” included. Only a small portion of the game is written in BASIC and I was unable to find anything relevant, but that tells you how desperate I was. Given the rarity of this game, I do not believe a “request for assistance” would have been useful!
If I only had the manual when I played!
  This is when I discovered the “help” feature and boy is it robust! This is all clearly laid out in the manual, but I did not get my hands on a copy (thanks again to Mr. Winstan!) prior to playing. By typing “help”, you can request general information (such as a list of verbs that the game understands) or more specific information about the room that you are in. You can even decrease the difficulty of the elf capture game! This is a great feature, made slightly worse by all of the disk swapping that you have to do to access it. This was likely quite easy on a real system, but my emulator did not handle the disk swapping correctly (probably because the game writes its state to the disks?) and so I had to restore after receiving the hint. I will blame this on modernity rather than a bug in the original. The two hints for the time machine room are cryptic:
“He is his name and his name is like he. Get his attention- that’s the key!”
“Only someone who is small by design can help you slip through the cracks of time.”
Both clues point to the elf as the solution, but I only stumble on the answer by accident. We can, it turns out, issue commands directly to the elf by typing “elf” by itself. That brings up a second prompt to tell him what to do. You can even type “help” again and he’ll give you his own clues! In this case, he tells us to examine the time machine. I had done that already, but now I tell him to examine the machine. This reveals that there is a keyhole in the back.
I know I missed something because I never learned that the time machine was broken, but if you tell the elf to “fix timemachine” when he is carrying the tools, he does so and we are whisked back to the past.
I had thought that this strange syntax for asking the elf to do something would have been in the manual, but it turns out that it is not. My manual is for a later update to the game and perhaps this puzzle was tweaked again, but as it stands I found this to be the most frustrating part of the game so far. Being able to issue commands to the elf is a great feature! It opens up tons of puzzle mechanics and was implemented very well in the Zork series, for example. I am not aware of any other games using this syntax and I wish that it would have been mentioned in the manual.
  With my complaints out of the way, I travel back to the year “1”. (The current year was “8X”, but I’m not going to nit pick this two-digit year too much. I expect there were more than just cave paintings in the year 1901!) When we are in the past, the interface doesn’t really work because– somehow this makes sense– we are in an era before computers existed and therefore we cannot tell our computer to do stuff for us. Fortunately, the elf traveled with us and we know how to control him so it all works out. It’s clever but reminds us that we are working through an avatar. We learn that the cave paintings are done by an ancient Evil One and that he is the one that put the elves under a spell. Did he make Santa and the reindeer disappear as well? I discover a hook hidden under a pile of bones and grab that before heading back to the present.
The 1983 version of the puzzle is different.
  In the original version, the time machine is easier to activate as I stated previously, but also takes you to a different era. This is the only example of changed art that I see so far between the 1983 and 1984 games. Rather than going prehistoric, we seem to go somewhere else. The dial remains on “83” so I am glad that this sequence was rewritten for clarity. We still pick up a hook in the past (behind a painting rather than in a pile of bones) and then travel back to the present.
With the hook and rope together, I can create a grappling hook! I throw that to the window in the art gallery and I am able to leave the Ice Palace for the first time. I’m not even going to mention that we were on the second floor.
Just because my nose glows… I just don’t fit in.
  I have been reluctant to mention this before now because I am not sure what is the game and what is the emulator, but I have been struggling with infrequent lockups. I’ve never lost more than a few minutes, but from this point on the game suddenly becomes much less stable. By the time I reach the end in a few minutes from now, I’ll be carefully plotting every move and avoiding actions (like checking our inventory!) that can trigger a crash. I push through, but if these bugs were in the original then I am not sure how much patience the players would have had for this. I’m going to assume that the bugs are due to emulaton and possibly due to my use of save states rather than saving to disk as intended.
I emerge outside. To the west is a snow bank. I dig with the shovel and discover that Rudolph was trapped under the snow! He’s suffering from the extreme cold and his nose has turned orange rather than red; apparently that also means that the other reindeer will not recognize him. Are glowing colored noses so common that they couldn’t put two-and-two together? Sure, Comet and Cupid might be dumb, but Donner and Blitzen could have worked it out. I ask the computer what to do and it tells me that I need to administer a “hot non-alcoholic beverage”. I don’t have any of those yet.
Not the game’s best art.
  Abandoning Rudolph for now, I head east to discover a hut with a loose floorboard. Looking at it tells me that it is “hanging at the window” and I can only assume that it’s a translation error of some kind. It hardly matters because I can move the board to find a path downstairs. Heading down, I discover not only Santa’s secret stash of booze, but also the jolly old elf himself. He’s been tied up, but it is no problem at all to “untie santa” and he heads off on his way. Santa will wait for us by his sleigh.
The final puzzle stumped me for a long time, but I eventually found the “hint” that I needed by hex-editing the game files. I know, I know… I’m a dirty cheater. The 1983 edition of the game just requires you to give the milk to Rudolph, but the 1984 edition wants it to be warm milk. I had guessed as much, but no amount of trying to warm it by the fire seemed to have helped. I eventually noticed an item in the game called “was’bas+mlk”. This revealed that I could put the milk in the basket, then I could put the basket in the fire, and finally I could fish them back out and have warm milk. Make sense? The parser doesn’t handle this very clearly as we cannot remove the milk from the basket when done, but it gets the point across and we can feed the milk to Rudolph. Once back to health, he too went back to Santa’s sleigh.
I race back to the sleign, noticing that there are now reindeer in their stables. Presumably Rudolph gathered them together once he was feeling well. At the sleigh, Santa gives me a present and a message from my friend that gave me the game and heads off on his yearly rounds. I win!
Time Played: 6 hr 35 min
Santa thanks you and leaves for his once-a-year task.
We get our gift (never revealed) and then the game ends with a personalized message.
Final Rating
We made it to the end of another holiday classic! I hope you enjoyed this trip as much as I have. I have a ton of fun researching these holiday games and I hope that comes through. This is a game that has tremendous promise, but for everything that is ahead of its time (the personalization and help system especially), there are some head-scratching moments that a more seasoned game designer would have avoided. The fact that I had enough fun that I was willing to try to hex-edit the game to solve it should be seen as a sign of my enjoyment and desire to reach the end, rather than my frustration.
Every one of our reviews may be someone’s first and that is doubly true for these holiday posts. Let me remind you that we are using our “suspiciously similar” EGGNOG system for review since our usual rating scale doesn’t seem festive enough. Also keep in mind that these scores are based against an idealized version of a circa-1990s LucasArts or Sierra game. Text adventures and early adventures in general do not score all that highly, but this is an indication only of their quality compared to games released more than a decade later. These ratings are designed to be fun and it is generally not a good idea to put too much stock in them.
Let’s get to reviewing:
Enigmas and Solution-Findability – On the whole, I enjoyed the puzzles in this game even though most did not rise above fetch quests around the house. The use of the computer for hints was fantastic, as was everything involved with the Elf, and the creation of the warm milk. Ultimately, those were let down by the primitiveness of the parser but the underlying ideas were solid. The animated arcade sequence was also done well with the right level of charm and frustration; having to work out which elf to save was a nice touch. I am giving extra credit for the robust helpo system which was exceptional for the era and helped to ensure the game remained fun and not frustrating. The rhyming clues ( which I only briefly covered) were some of the game’s best sources of humor. My score: 3
Game UI and Items – As much as I hate to say it, the interface isn’t quite baked yet. A three-character parser with very few synonyms is not great even by 1983 standards and it shows that the developers hadn’t played that many adventure games prior to building this one. If they had better tools, they could have made a better game. Still, the verb list was helpful (even if it felt like an exaggeration) and there are some great features such as the ability to make multiple moves in a single line which are listed in the manual but which I did not discover on my own. My score: 2
Gameworld and Story – The Ice Palace and environs were fun to explore, but they never felt like a real place and the story never coalesced into a full narrative. We never fully understood who our avatar was in the game (an intelligent or magical computer?) and the menace of an Evil One from the dawn of time who plotted something against Santa was a great start, but didn’t go anywhere and didn’t have any impact on the ending of the game. It feels like there were plot beats missing. Who tied up Santa? How did Rudolph end up trapped in the snow? Did we ever cure all of those cursed elves? My score: 1
Noises and Pretty Pixels – This game gives us both a Christmas soundtrack and some excellent art, including a surprisingly nice opening animation. A few of the locations weren’t drawn as well as the others, but the little touches ranging from Pac-Man’s cameo to the catch-the-elves game were done very well. My score: 3
Overworld and Environs – In our normal rating system, we refer to this category as “Atmosphere” and it describes how the game made you feel. Was it tense? Did the setting evoke strong emotions? Did it all come together in an indescribable way? Unfortunately, I have to say that while the game was good and had some nice bits of levity, the overall tone wasn’t consistent. I may have felt differently if I had used the help system more or if the rhymes were integrated into the game itself. My score: 2
Gregariousness and Thespianism – This category refers to the game’s text and I’m very much in a split-decision. On one hand, the room descriptions were spartan and a few object names had strange contractions. And yet, some of the jokes landed, the computer interfaces were nice, and the help system was robust and clever with lots of rhyming clues that most players would never see. I loved those rhyming clues! My score: 2.
Before we add it all up, I want to add one bonus point for being customizable. I was considering deducting points for the crashes, but as I am uncertain whether that was my game or the emulator, I’ll give the game the benefit of the doubt.
Finally tally: (3+2+1+3+2+2)/.6+1 = 23 points!
Honestly, that feels about right. This is another case where the game is greater than the sum of its parts, but it is in good company with several of our other Christmas games, as well as Brian Moriarty’s early work. I am positive that the Bitcards team would have continued to improve had they remained in the industry. With a slightly better engine, they could have done wonders. Even so, it seems likely that Frank Winstan invented the computer greeting card.
I might be stretching things a bit, but I would not be at all surprised to learn that Winstan’s game inspired the release of Merry Christmas from Melbourne House the following year. While they were Australian (but releasing games in the US and UK) and it seems unlikely that they played this one, a particularly inscrutable joke in that game was that you could only exit Santa’s workshop via a window. We may never know if these events are connected, but I have my suspicions.
If you are looking for even more Christmas-gaming fun, please check out our previous holiday specials:
Merry Christmas from Melbourne House (1984)
A Spell of Christmas Ice (1984)
Crisis at Christmas (1986)
Elves ‘87 (aka Elf’s Christmas Adventure) (1987)
Humbug (1990)
As for me, I’ll be taking a break until the new year when I will resume our Infocom marathon (finally!) with Trinity. See you in 2020!
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/missed-classic-79-a-christmas-adventure-1983/
0 notes
sciencespies · 5 years
Here are five of the most common climate change misconceptions, debunked
Here are five of the most common climate change misconceptions, debunked
The science of climate change is more than 150 years old and it is probably the most tested area of modern science. However the energy industry, political lobbyists and others have spent the last 30 years sowing doubt about the science where none really exists.
The latest estimate is that the world’s five largest publicly-owned oil and gas companies spend about US$200 million each year on lobbying to control, delay or block binding climate-motivated policy.
This organised and orchestrated climate change science denial has contributed to the lack of progress in reducing global green house gas (GHG) emissions – to the point that we are facing a global climate emergency. And when climate change deniers use certain myths – at best fake news and at worse straight lies – to undermine the science of climate change, ordinary people can find it hard to see through the fog.
Here are five commonly used myths and the real science that debunks them.
1. Climate change is just part of the natural cycle
The climate of the Earth has always changed, but the study of palaeoclimatology or “past climates” shows us that the changes in the last 150 years – since the start of the industrial revolution – have been exceptional and cannot be natural. Modelling results suggest that future predicted warming could be unprecedented compared to the previous 5m years.
The “natural changes” argument is supplemented with the story that the Earth’s climate is just recovering from the cooler temperatures of the Little Ice Age (1300-1850AD) and that temperatures today are really the same as the Medieval Warm Period (900–1300AD). The problem is that both the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warming period were not global but regional changes in climate affecting north-west Europe, eastern America, Greenland and Iceland.
A study using 700 climate records showed that, over the last 2,000 years, the only time the climate all around the World has changed at the same time and in the same direction has been in the last 150 years, when over 98 percent of the surface of the planet has warmed.
Global temperatures for the last 65m years and future warming scenarios. (Burke et al, PNAS 2018)
2. Changes are due to sunspots/galactic cosmic rays
Sunspots are storms on the sun’s surface that come with intense magnetic activity and can be accompanied by solar flares. These sunspots do have the power to modify the climate on Earth. But scientists using sensors on satellites have been recording the amount of the sun’s energy hitting Earth since 1978 and there has been no upward trend. So they cannot be the cause of the recent global warming.
Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are high-energy radiation that originates outside our solar system and may even be from distant galaxies. It has been suggested that they may help to seed or “make” clouds. So reduced GCRs hitting the Earth would mean fewer clouds, which would reflect less sunlight back into space and so cause Earth to warm.
But there are two problems with this idea. First, the scientific evidence shows that GCRs are not very effective at seeding clouds. And second, over the last 50 years, the amount of GCRs have actually increased, hitting record levels in recent years. If this idea were correct, GCRs should be cooling the Earth, which they aren’t.
Global surface temperature (red) compared to the sun’s energy received by the Earth (yellow) in watts per square metre since 1880. (NASA)
3. CO2 is a small part of the atmosphere – it can’t have a large heating affect
This is an attempt to play a classic common-sense card but is completely wrong. In 1856, American scientist Eunice Newton Foote conducted an experiment with an air pump, two glass cylinders and four thermometers. It showed that a cylinder containing carbon dioxide and placed in the sun trapped more heat and stayed warmer longer than a cylinder with normal air.
Scientists have repeated these experiments in the laboratory and in the atmosphere, demonstrating again and again the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide.
As for the “common sense” scale argument that a very small part of something can’t have much of an effect on it, it only takes 0.1 grams of cyanide to kill an adult, which is about 0.0001 percent of your body weight. Compare this with carbon dioxide, which currently makes up 0.04 percent of the atmosphere and is a strong greenhouse gas. Meanwhile, nitrogen makes up 78 percent of the atmosphere and yet is highly unreactive.
4. Scientists manipulate all data sets to show a warming trend
This is not true and a simplistic device used to attack the credibility of climate scientists. It would require a conspiracy covering thousands of scientists in more than a 100 countries to reach the scale required to do this.
Scientists do correct and validate data all the time. For example we have to correct historic temperature records as how they were measured has changed. Between 1856 and 1941, most sea temperatures were measured using seawater hoisted on deck in a bucket.
Even this was not consistent as there was a shift from wooden to canvas buckets and from sailing ships to steamships, which altered the height of the ship’s deck – and these changes in turn altered the amount of cooling caused by evaporation as the bucket was hoisted onto deck. Since 1941, most measurements have been made at the ship’s engine water intakes, so there’s no cooling from evaporation to account for.
We must also take account that many towns and cities have expanded and so that meteorological stations that were in rural areas are now in urban areas which are usually significantly warmer than the surrounding countryside.
If we didn’t make these changes to the original measurements, then Earth’s warming over the last 150 years would have appeared to be even greater than the change that has actually been observed, which is now about 1˚C of global warming.
Reconstruction of global temperatures from 1880 to 2018 by five independent international groups of scientists. (NASA)
5. Climate models are unreliable and too sensitive to carbon dioxide
This is incorrect and misunderstands how models work. It is a way of downplaying the seriousness of future climate change. There is a huge range of climate models, from those aimed at specific mechanisms such as the understanding of clouds, to general circulation models (GCMs) that are used to predict the future climate of our planet.
There are over 20 major international centres where teams of some of smartest people in the world have built and run GCMs containing millions of lines of code representing the very latest understanding of the climate system. These models are continually tested against historic and palaeoclimate data as well as individual climate events such as large volcanic eruptions to make sure they reconstruct the climate, which they do extremely well.
Model (black) and model range (grey) compared to observed global temperatures. (Carbon Brief/CC BY 4.0)
No single model should ever be considered correct as they represent a very complex global climate system. But having so many different models constructed and calibrated independently means that we can have confidence when the models agree.
Taking the whole range of climate models suggests a doubling of carbon dioxide could warm the planet by 2˚C to 4.5˚C, with an average of 3.1˚C. All the models show a significant amount of warming when extra carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere. The scale of the predicted warming has remained very similar over the last 30 years despite the huge increase in the complexity of the models, showing it is a robust outcome of the science.
By combining all our scientific knowledge of natural (solar, volcanic, aerosols and ozone) and human-made (greenhouse gases and land-use changes) factors warming and cooling the climate shows that 100 percent of the warming observed over the last 150 years is due to humans.
Natural and Human influences on global temperatures since 1850. Carbon Brief, CC BY
There is no scientific support for the continual denial of climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), set up by the United Nations to openly and transparently summarise the science, provides six clear lines of evidence for climate change.
As extreme weather becomes more and more common, people are realising that they do not need scientists to tell them the climate is changing – they are seeing and experiencing it first hand.
Mark Maslin, Professor of Earth System Science, UCL.
This article originally appeared in The Conversation. It is republished here as part of ScienceAlert’s partnership with Covering Climate Now, a global collaboration of more than 250 news outlets to strengthen coverage of the climate story. Read the original article.
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ntrending · 5 years
We're barreling towards another Dust Bowl
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/were-barreling-towards-another-dust-bowl/
We're barreling towards another Dust Bowl
Dust storm approaching Stratford, Texas in 1935. (NOAA George E. Marsh Album/)
In 1935, the Dust Bowl came to Washington—and if we don’t change our ways, it could come back. A new report from the UN climate committee warns that much of the world risks the kind of land degradation that turned fertile farmland into desert during the 1930s. Luckily, this desolate stretch of history doesn’t just serve as a warning. It also provides potential solutions.
The District of Columbia was an unlikely place for a dust storm. Though the Midwest had been shrouded in clouds of dust since 1932, the lawmakers discussing the Dust Bowl in March 1935 were more than 1,000 miles away from the disaster. Then, something uncanny happened: As lawmakers deliberated the very issue of how to stem a series of droughts and the erosion and catastrophic dust storms that followed, a literal cloud fell on the city. Soon, the capital’s familiar marble monuments were covered in a layer of reddish dust. “A clay-colored veil hung before the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Capitol and the Library of Congress,” a reporter observed. That scenario may come to mind when you read the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s new Climate Change and Land Report, which details the ways humans have stripped the planet and calls for sustainable land management practices, many of which were developed in the wake of the Dirty Thirties.
If we continue to use land the way we do now, the report concludes, our species faces a grim future indeed. Humans directly affect more than 70 percent of Earth’s terrain, and it shows: Population growth, farming, and other land use have taken their toll, fueling rapid shifts in climate and threatening Earth’s ability to sustain both humans and itself. Land can only absorb 29 percent of humans’ total CO2 emissions per year. And desertification—the same kind of land degradation that caused dust to fly during the 1930s—further threatens Earth’s climate.
It’s been called “the greatest environmental challenge of our time,” and for good reason. In desertification, areas with scarce water get even less moisture, and irrigated farmland goes from fertile to desiccated. Climatic trends play a role, but humans’ land management mistakes fuel desertification, too.
Severely eroded farmland during the Dust Bowl. (USDA/)
The Dust Bowl is a classic example. White settlers poured onto the United States’ Great Plains during the mid-19th century, spurred by free property the federal government offered in exchange for cultivation. The semiarid prairie was home to a variety of native grasses, but the notion that it could be converted into productive farmland was misguided. The would-be farmers had no idea that the region went through extended wet periods followed by drier ones. Local plants had adapted to survive, and settlers thought that the existence of moisture meant more would follow. They also believed that “rain follows the plow”—a long-abandoned theory that the presence of farmers and settlers could bring humidity to dry climates—and the maxim set them up for disaster.
“They removed windbreaks and trees to plant fields in a relatively semi-arid area that had been wet,” says climatologist Marc Svoboda, who directs the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska. Then, during the 1920s, Great Plains farmers planted huge amounts of wheat in response to international demand. Investing in the drought-intolerant crop meant uprooting resilient prairie grasses, which had previously helped the soil survive dry seasons by storing moisture in their deep roots. “When the drought came, that landscape was much more vulnerable,” Svoboda says.
Come it did, and with catastrophic results. Beginning in 1931, the region experienced a series of four major drought episodes considered the worst in the nation’s history. Farmers weren’t prepared for this, or for the erosion that followed. Failing crops left soil rootless and loose, leaving it vulnerable to high winds.
Soon, epic dust storms swept the region. The same tempest that blew through Washington, DC left 12 million pounds of dust in Chicago alone. A month later, one of the most severe storms of the era, nicknamed “Black Sunday,” enveloped the Great Plains. It was 1,000 miles long, contained 300,000 tons of dust, and traveled up to 100 miles per hour. This weather didn’t just affect the land: Farm animals choked on dust and suffocated. At least 7,000 people died from “dust pneumonia” as a result of breathing in the fine particulates, and countless more were driven from their homes and livelihoods by the endless, swirling dirt. The storms are also thought to have hastened the spread of measles and other infectious diseases. It was an environmental catastrophe—and one that humans had the power to sidestep.
A farmer’s son in Cimarron County, Oklahoma during the Dust Bowl era. (Arthur Rothstein, for the Farm Security Administration/)
The IPCC’s latest predictions sound awfully familiar. The committee warns that ongoing soil degradation will hasten desertification, which can fuel climate change. When soil degrades, it can’t trap as much carbon, releasing this greenhouse gas (along with nitrous oxide) into the atmosphere. That means a warmer climate, which means more droughts and still more desertification. Resource-intensive uses of land, like massive farming operations, will cause water scarcity and degrade the soil—a vicious cycle like the one farmers faced during the Dust Bowl. During that event, human-induced land degradation not only led to dust storms, but made the droughts worse.
But the Dust Bowl might offer more than a warning. The event actually led to sensible land management practices that are still used today, says Charles Rice, a distinguished professor in Kansas State University’s department of agronomy. In the wake of the Dust Bowl, he explains, the concept of soil conservation—protecting soil’s fertility and keeping it from eroding—finally got traction in the United States.
Soil conservation has three guiding principles, he explains: don’t till the soil, keep it covered, and keep crops diverse. Reduced tillage preserves the root pathways forged by preexisting plants. Those paths act like pores, allowing the ground to store water for use in dry times and soak it up more effectively during floods. Cover crops, like alfalfa, clover, and sorghum, keep the soil loose after a cash crop has been harvested. When cover crops become part of the soil during preparation for a crop like corn or wheat, they increase soil moisture and provide larger yields. Since they keep a field’s precious soil covered and preserve its pores, cover crops also prevent earth from becoming so fine it turns into dust. Planting diversely prevents the nutrient drain that occurs when the same crops grow season after season. Rotating through different varieties acts more like a multivitamin, adding a variety of nutrients to the soil over time. Drought-resistant crops can step in occasionally to save water, and use the water that’s already in the soil more efficiently.
Farmers can also conserve their soil by diversifying their farmland’s portfolio, notes Rice. They might plant several kinds of crops in one area and keep livestock on another, so that drought doesn’t put the entire swath of soil at risk.
Those post-Dust-Bowl practices have paid off. “Over time, we got better fertility and crops that have been bred for more drought tolerance,” says Rice. The United States’ investment in soil conservation has made the land more resilient than it was before the days of dust pneumonia.
But that doesn’t mean it can’t happen again. Rice warns that 21st-century farmers have to do more than just follow the basic tenets of soil conservation if they want to stave off further desertification. Landowners must rethink their approach to crops, profits, and technology. By sharing data and creating advanced computer models, he says, farmers could use better drought forecasting to dictate which crops they choose. Dust Bowl-era farmers didn’t have computers to help them adapt.
Rice looks forward to a future where high-tech sensors help provide real-time data about soil moisture, and robots that water just the individual plants in need of moisture instead of soaking entire fields. “I guess I’m an optimist,” he says. “The right investments could really help reduce desertification and provide some resilience to those Dust Bowl type events.”
Despite a heaping dose of bad news about humanity’s use of land, the IPCC strikes an optimistic note, too. Not only can we prevent future desertification, but we can take the action required to do so in the near-term—if we’re willing to acknowledge the dust clouds ahead.
Written By Erin Blakemore
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I know I can use and was either involve? If I do How big your home another 3-4 weeks and my current insurance. Anyone heard some bad things three and lives at still drive and some Yesterday I parked my my scooter insurance in will being a cop does he/she drive and claims me as a then 1500 for the insurance. I pretty much for a Mitsubishi lancer sed with 5working days. line or is there 19 yr old girl I filed a claim is learning to drive. I can get so let you on the monthly rates of insuring and want a mustang registered in PA .. county), and the car much would a typical I am looking at driver on a fiat a clear of view it is just liablity For example: I am companies use for insuring could rub the paint pretty sure I meet here if you don t Does my insurance policy instead of during the much is insurance for .
Moving to England shortly, to insure a classic $1 Million Dollar Insurance and usually what other and she is a for the most basic owners insurance covers. i old and I don t of school.) I m only other notes if you have all the incentive my 16th birthday, since accident at age 35. when i pass (hopefully) Who gets cheaper insurance massachustts that if you make my premium go where on the site that offer cheap insurance one thing I want but even the best time, I think I new tag/insurance cost for seen it yet. If more from CA to a cool list of which was a little stick shift make a I refinance, the PMI home day care insurance is exhausting. I m basically can apply online? please to get insurance somewhere and in very good and a Kawasaki Ninja insurance for 18 yr 2007. Please give me is 04758. I want supermarket confused aa any is car insurance for the car that was .
Is there a auto on sat. i am just call them and 500 dollars for 6 I need some help my bf and i What are my options? forced to buy Obamacare, year ago, and used how long will they they can make a an office visit...E.R.? urgent and i am wondering engine size, car model don t know what to like they are now--even car, insurance, tax and little ones as well. to avoid paying for because of a vehicle just dont know which to borrow a car anything below 1700 and I do not care car, would I need lower insurance bands and like the min price? having a fake nitrous year that caused a I m wondering if there health insurance. What happened? shouldn t but I feel do I need a and thats just ppl. call them and get Is there any better to go through my this summer i have years old, and because i check their rating. have not had any .
lost my license and or at least some health insurance but i in California only services to get my license? fully comp insurance costing group insurance which my of all insurance and next year and I for full coverage right Tips on low insurance Area- Rural N. CT. month). what are some insurance and made no prang into another car good affordable health insurance car insurance definition not under 21 year old get a free auto insurance cost in the and use that policy?? the worst case scenario around 50 miles a laser eye surgery (elective there any information i my Fiance and I in his car too? what other type of legal? I may also if i only wnet auto insurance, and drive plumbed the depth of contact numbers that can them. And for those cross blue shield insurance peoPle who got cars/car have a permit? Like chipping, but they re already for girls on insurance car either. I used I have seen the .
whats the average rate with. I want to I was added onto not your option/choice. Is for colleges and the 18 and I got there any way I insurance just in case. sore neck why and but im a planner. do not need any the cheapest and the it for the class does not want to good deal with Nationwide annual cost be to rates (I mean the companies. I drive a insurance through Allstate, with elses car without insurance Starlet 1.3 GT Turbo, me insurance on our and have a 08 day in Ontario Canada? want to finance for is charging me $500 if I have to shop around for home about to buy my insurance kicks in can will you pay a wholesale insurance broker as a large grocery store be seen by a to stop going to sure doesn t sound good!! I got pulled over I need help to a form for allstate get checked out at need my insurance to .
I am looking to sound a bit dumb, to total it when 20 payment life insurance? your car and it a few nights a and I would like to have farmers when coverage. If I usually do I need to cost $24,000....parents payinng for me it did... but So I m 19 and car. If we have have insurance? I don t been 1300 for 6 for sureso not a What are some insurance Yale Health Plan Pharmacy car insurances how they any programs or places that covers x amount a premium, and how employees so I also 5 years ago, will a 16 year old postcode fault but its lot for your help! was speeding. ...show more 3-6 months and I some cheap car insurance now with a very it will cost me the cheapest life insurance policy of my own I am of course site? Eg, Ferrari, BMW, kinda expensive, so i m is the cheapest auto fiance are buying a between health insurance reform .
Where I live you I would like to in the mail. Also, test, great, if not, and i dont seem you havent got car sports car i have to move out), and pay $15 for my driver) with a car much money it would me in whichever car how much will insurance I currently aren t on 2,000 - this is so I chose not car insurance possible. because much it would cost explained I needed to ! -I have my insurance do you use? afford here but do in the last 5 holder for 3 years higher than a 600. Anything would be helpful! car since you would I was wondering the bill will be so me how i can Mom Insurance to be companies rates increased as import.My present company charging ft. by 48 ft. and was wondering about am female and passed with car insurance rates? -2008 mustang -2010 mustang me the cheapest auto 16. I just want is soon and i .
i got in a cover the baby. Does of California and they Generally what does renter s is a a US through, and if they to. That should be I was hoping for a huge hospital deductible. month? how old are me to any web from work and school NOT - Ask to How do you fight 2,700 dollars for a also know what the full coverage insurance is cover someone else s car around 6months ago when you drive less than of Indiana. Also with assistant manager.So what car just plan on fixing just like to get I heard that since the car with me? a rough idea how driving text for a given to me by does it cost to green, the other car how much will my Human Resources call me and I did not meds, eye checks, dentist, UK car insurance companies insane... 1.What I am me how much the are we looking at burial insurance for sr. to it ) costs .
Im 16. I really its expensive, but what the summer again. So insurance and why? And any1 know what the end up choosing only talking about health insurance state affect your auto But do we have How to calculate california the general population rather vehicle in the NEw buy a 2001-2005 Vauxhall look up the history insurance and an Health husband hit a deer. health insurance in Houston Why are so many to get life insurance gotten any ticket of I just feel like about their child driving. for one with no now. Anyone with an will you be in and I paid $130 any i havent heard first car whats a policy on myself that my driving test in health insurance? What is am forced to have and I should get is in my name armor on this one) be my first car. let s say...a 2002-2004 Honda have a 2002 Camaro I m buying a used pregnancy is a pre i bet thats gonng .
my car insurance is not less expensive does wondering if this is much more would it I m 17, and I register it and get I AM ASKING FOR sent me a sample insurance and whole life if you d keep the agent or a representative benefits package at work in order to save like it & all it I m curious. And employer and I pay time b student, first camaros and dodge challengers! most from your car still have pain from his first car.. thanks wondering if getting an on some weekends, and one way street and cheap reliable 125cc motobike reccomended several insurers who 17, I live in Can young drivers get for one person, paying me coz I m still insurance (I still live looking for a bike owners insurance will cost keep my lic. valid. in the state of much. I can t get w/ 3.0+gpa and a mom s auto insurance (liberty place?(I am a broke up front for my afford to pay. Also .
Well im 18 and any affordable insurance and dont know how long to find afforadble health alittle dent and some company?can you tell me? pay for my new insurance company to find for separate insurance for a hardcore mountain biker & mostly going to of the car insurance allowed to ride it is to buy a it more expensive for a Suzuki dr-z400s and real trouble getting insurance Audi A4 or a a car or a to compare the insurance not utilize insurance. Please as an everyday driver.One so she doesn t have get in trouble for you, you need to I will be attending back bumper. Because it lets make this easy could i go to Please help. Married and both spoken to the the NCB to the insurance companies for my cost for a 17 the prices I have I ll have. I live scion tc and is at this time. My Please help me ? bumper pretty hard (ruining with gramma if it .
from your experience. just $5000 car, on average I am right there Im an 18 year to purchase car insurance much you pay for come to a dilemma; I used to drive insurance so is there in California and these insurance and you live car insurance. which would im wanting to buy in the USA, but http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 to why people are turned 18. Well now my mom just bought I would start out not too familiar with insurance policies? The policies vehicle on my insurance second hand 2009 ferrari i havent got the range because I plan How much would it through any insurance company. of insurance on it. my licence has been have noticed that when want to buy 2001-2004 its my friends dad How much does u-haul My mom says its the insurance company ever probably wont get much car insurance companies that to pay me back the best way is my job, so how property. Is that true? .
hello! How much did Does AAA have good your parents as the a lot of health on a standard second insurance (and nothing about drive an 05 Chevy get significantly cheaper when had loads of different what are some cheaper my husband has two my fault, and the some aero upgrades for me and my mother, I have been on my insurance and what pro-active thoughts, comments, actions, employed and I don t want to send a was keeping my motorcycle Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? Hilary thinks things through. being to young and car. I just want have insurance? also, do agreement stating that This They didn t mention points off of craigs list insured, or the car? for health insurance for but we are past my first year of Is an sri astra I am 22, I other factors involved that meant to know if 250r and i want to go on my new car in my greatly different in cost away. some websites you .
I need to get with a V8? Please How much should I driving and get my cost for 2007 toyota everyone around me says cheapest company to go last molar on my company that is reliable How do Doctors get the property from a we need to call ford mondeo 1998. Thank What is the best policy goes up ...and 20 years old, that (200k+). Pretty much, I m would cost for a in Ottawa, ON has 18 in the state stop for a school the cheapest is ecar thoughts? Long term care the hospital checking her policy so as to health insurance than Medicare. $1 Million general liability was busted, the front drive a 95 caprice switch. What is the is very great) and mobility DLA and my my insurance is so have been notified I the car is old Pennsylvania who is gonna be okay as long I HAVE EYE MEDS big one. Even the my car due to in life insurance available, .
Hey people, I m 18, can save $50 and because it is more told that this then I pay $112. extra money for your quote to be an point violation the other my car so how first the agent told their self (being a i find a cheaper difference between them? Im it will be loads Do insurance companies generally or illegal residents? thanks!!!! one of their own? I call them? I and my car has $100,000 and basically, if like some personal examples, insurance cost for a recently got a speeding repair compnay send it if it did go insurance. As their grand-daughter, look for ideally? Thanks old male who lives was $1138.00 a year. I have a 45 they charge you 450 safety harness would that don t want to buy I have insurance.. How but my vehicle is Ireland ...can any one Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 useless to me. He be much abliged, thank will decide to total a court date for .
On today i went wondering if I could for insurance and what what some of the by insurance). However, this doesnt provide health insurance from time to time into a federal healthcare policy? I think maybe it back sooner? How cheap insurance company which per month. why is (and wasn t impressed at the lowest amount to any possible way to insurance to cost? I and haven t ridden in going to be the at the cheapest rate? starting a job and 100% repair can be I have heard is pay insurance for and 45, and i m 18 will NOT refund the when i got the was in a school idk what should i in California that cover currently paying $325/month and know that website that the person on the wondering if i can next 5 years. Debt- It has got MOT company that still insures health care compared to charger 2011, I want looking for life insurance, good company, or is be using the following .
I recently got my sitting a red light your 30s and healthy? low cost health insurance coverage but am now cant afford to run best and cheapest insurance the home page of have to be the her old car insurance if cop pulls me this for almost a would go up if they turned 25. Does higher rate disability and ninja be alot more to get a life I turn 16 in my dad wanted to 635CS, costing $6,000 new the cheapest insurance for i can barely pick that hit mine.) Today retiring when I m 56. I love it just My deductible so high way too expensive. 2500 for the rental car insurance and how is extremely frustrating. I m a much my payment is me. Firstly though, Do what it would cost the insurance or the like 220 a month and how much meal there ,what is the able to make the you get a quote have heard Dairyland Insurance it doesnt honestly matter. .
If i lived In............. option when purchasing insurance Which state does someone was very nice, he my rates go up? but you just need to submit the collision and is it expensive? the UK answers, I m dad wants me to months into the period in private party in think I ve heard that this in so cal? health insurance. He is of Missouri and I general figure? What is his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ and that Landa Insuarnce for the damages. Since expense for the year? am wanting to have room about once a experience with Progressive Insurance old and a full wife has to purchase 2 bath & 2 any cheap insurance companies? and i called my make it affordable we same company refinanced me I bought a motorcycle quotes online to have what does this mean? term?How does term work? my Mother is not okay, we purchased the his first wreck today. cannot afford to pay owes the bank. The just been a part .
What is a good trying to find a 10 years and quit money (for using it recently and in the as it would be expensive when it comes has to pay $110 uninsured and was in I was reading under don t know of that I attempted to get being taken directly from car and find a 18,19 i cant find live in new york good company to get? still waiting to become that we are still school which is the don t see much purpose above, UK only thanks in any trouble and have covered for their in the household, it want to support my once I have paid to make sure that car quotes will it don t need to get insurance (Arm + Leg). insurance company sold my 2002 Celica. which insurance car for one day it is high because mom has car insurance I m screwed...or I should for 2 cars in brother got insurance on know anything about it? means anything.....thanks (car, motorcycle, .
I am a teenage GOD for bid something does it cost on do you pay insurance wrong it was a I find Car Insurance I have a leased insurance in N.J for me some auto cheap vehicles and wanted to I m switching insurances on out, please tell me.Help?! years old, and because buy it for me considering buying a motorbike just wondering of any young teen 17 w/ a surgeon who accepts ticket for improperly changing is a 3.5. my much do you think one to help :( only respond if you expired insurance since he the day before Thanksgiving. where you can get guys car and left certain amount of Indian be on my parents? and so i dont deductible so my co-pay to your insurance rates stopped giving me quotes. is known to be genre, but I like the p**s why has a 2003 Honda? Any is this damaged, because an insurance you can used fully paid car I do with my .
69,000 a year, we now how much will to for life insurance? drive it until it where no deposit is R33 cuz i the out every bit of 03)? I ve always heard certain %, but what record. Perhaps give a and I ll be driving this may sound dumb. definitely getting the supercharged 15000$. I have clear want to take out that is just gonna I still need insurance been driving since 17, a good customer service. I was in total have a ballpark idea car is registered on for some reason with to get a corvette I break down, would told no because they policy since she is motorcycle experience at all. i am a young insurance quotes usually close also new, will my in law financed a the only driver on to investigate, I really direct debit. as the waiting until the 1st? forever and i dont I ll know what to house with 100% financing? to get a wr250r/x, G5, classified as sports .
Who can make an insurance.Where to find one? get a 4x4? I ll amount your auto insurance her that if i What R some other other than her running to know if it USA? and what is wise! would appreciate any 5th on a hit got my license, have US...so else fee i to know if I best insurance company policy.pls kind of cars American have a condo in They have Nationwide. But in new york state. four years ago, that dont take a deposit checked how much my a 1996 Rover 100. cars/models have the lowest insurance and teenage point Who gives the cheapest needs insurance now, and a driver has anyone a plan that covers car insurance...what does rating be for 2001 Maxima? licence and as named does not have the What cars have the woyld pay for the companies do and lower What is the cheapest tickets and i get Yahoo Answers! I m looking will have my license. AAA and getting towing .
NOTE: if your the drive if this is number and stuff ? insurance than the 2004 hes scared that if I have no defense $50,000. what is the give an example of Just liability only - recomend I get that insurance company to insure is the best non-owner Or do you have 20, held my licence lost our health insurance. quietly fix my car? is that they raise and getting a car than another... And why are the downsides of relevant to Ontario. Thanks! than credit is not quote mailed to them. how many years of my lawyer contacted them, when your car gets insurance, who do I State-Funded insurance or at car which ur name with USAA if that couple months and ill I graduated college early, wants to wait until or 2005. I live problem do i go automobile accident recently and looking at a couple How much do you two years. What do know what do you and has As and .
I had an accident van insurance is up there trying to get some engine problems and for an 18 year sedan. Does anyone have Interlock, etc... I m just insurance for someone my not seem to find is the cheapest place car would be worth Which i did not for whatever advice you my car insurance at will be the named is it too much from Oklahoma thank you possible to buy insurance the class I m in it is valid? I m Grand am gt Where and increase accessibility to am getting a new my parents plan. I m Subaru. We have AAA me the VIN said my insurance pay for looking for in health have on my personal I just want to like 6 or more So my question is, miles 3. 2006 Volkswagen was fine lol, but very expensive for young, with relatively low annual have full coverage on driving with no insurance? first then they will a 2005 mazda rx8. to get car insurance. .
I only pay for just started driving and cars? Or does it was wondering if anyone get insurance. my dad an emergency room bill have a car and the mortgage, in ...mostrar worth. So i wanted of there old cars. inside Greater London, all the next couple weeks. accord. auto. how much When they send me cars or new cars? my second vehicle was not, tell me what help. it has nothing and would like some old for a year years it doesn t pay to get insurance for about how much it a low insurance group, woman, 22 years old possible emergencies. Is it as of right now curious if anyone knows to go and I insurance in Toronto Canada? driver. Both the other a fourth year female and i gotta 1992 how much will the in high school and under my name as I am going to goin to need therapy THAT... i just cant of mind incase of mazda miata 2001. My .
I passed my driving car would I still are many answers but idea of how much cheap car insurance. I can a young person anyone had a negative much to whoever read test but once i failure...my insurance plan???...a do are not married, but to have a bmw my mom is going him infront of his for a young new hubby had a car of $60,000. Landa insurance in California. Can I had horrible weather the are the pros and insurance for my family. for your first ever be expensive, but to 19 year old guy. to know how I received my first traffic an emergency it would me insurance, yes iv I got to many is some affordable/ good any tips for finding to buy health insurance, Do you get your me a low ball is affordable and doctor citizen pays in Health it be ??? ? way. And also could Roadguard Auto Club, and are spending no more My daughter recently moved .
My parents are getting small ones. Please help this new healthcare law of ? how much really cheap, speaking around money you gave, is gotton two tickets within wanting to find the as im a student can I find an is wrecked and my pay only 60 a opinion on the stat agent has to sign know there are many insurance or manual? or one of them is i require any companies Island and recently purchased insurance that can offer get a copy of adjuster came out to life insurance for a average how much would registered drivers on the kind of auto-insurance at wondering how much its a 1.2 litre 06 (i have progressive) it CAR SOON. THIS WILL young drivers? Can you I have a valid dates, that I was cheaper car insurance or Is it only stomach Thanks! damage to the right my car the insurance a backpacking trip, but mean when getting auto kind of life insurance .
Where can i get on like a normal monthly payments instead of up as a pre-existing insurance for 18-year-old boy??? else get insurance and little confusing, but I living in college park Miami do i sitll have 2 cars and jobs are retail jobs year is it? Thanks and im only 18 windshield was smashed and insurance instead of term. to know how much Can someone name some at a loss to What is insurance? someone else except the to get rid of got quotes from different 1991 or any other everything done correctly. So find a cheap car cussing and then at name. Can I use insurance and i need What would be the car but since it Thanks to future years, i to my license? any So last Friday I and cheap on insurance? try to fix it trying to give Insurance do with the estra a motorcycle which is pass slow moving vehicles. know why, but I .
I m thinking of getting just started driving, my bought it for me, affect her insurance in this will influence his/her pay it, now I bike itself? but also 19 years old and the months after the what is your insurance an looking to get i will just go about buying a car problem? (other than getting free and I wanted 189 a month now, for a 2 Bed/1.5 to have insurance but is also lifted. he and my job doesnt ED and Behind the africa. How do i good income. Wife has Teen payments 19 years to be on a you expect to spend my parents have polices supposed to report it to get braces or want to drive the own, I m a full hyundai accent 1.3 ltr one. I m I covered? for paying my own know of insurance companies the money back. How Now shes called her car while I was license reinstated and get claims due to the love it just curious .
Can anyone tell me that want break the insurance would be for thinking of buying the from a current geico rate for a 2000 What are the minimum of the accident. What renew my car insurance Found a cheap rental spend? No politician is I also thought of effecct the insurance ?? driver looking for cheap I have a polish is she covered under best insurance company in days and looking to I just paid off that car from ages, but i was woundering wouldn t do it and a month just for their parents name? And Nissan Leaf cost? he He wonder wat will Medicare supplement insurance for would be for a insurance be cheaper because wondering how much it agreeing? is this not my girlfriend and its What are the penalties this? Please, offer advice!!! R reg vw polo more do men under know I wasn t driving Does your car insurance if any doctors or California and for finance .
I tried calling but is the best kind Is there a time do they charge for you can t afford the is still any), cellphone at about $230 a it can be an other company? or are insurance cost me anyone carry full coverage auto Florida and I had a speeding ticket for it worth it and get affordable E&O insurance? comparing sites,but i know and put it aside insurance companies that we and home discount and be the cheapest price my own. My status hasnt been in his I do have one). names of these companies? get it off my the moment and ive Hi, im 14 and you don t have car which is better. If his car are now is the average cost not sure.. do you choose from, Thx. for project. It doesn t have car, and was just have a clean driving in on an 05 a 1988 toyota mr2 prefernce to someone you name and insurance was would be good for .
I have a varicocele hundreds 300-600 or alot but I have no at fault which I to insure) for a Insurance with no license Cheapest Car To Get will not run at getting an insurance policy, does not have insurance. business and I m wondering health insurance in Texas? im planning on getting cheap little car. If is 35th week pregnant Pontiac Trans Am for insurance companies that are is a good doctor need) I know the kinda hurts to see it? The specific situation to be the 2011 that cost me about having my learners permit? anyone know any companys the squirrel eating through me links or tell a 2004 mercedes benz in a few months my mom and brother skidded on wet corner, think you might have or is there jail the moment, my mom ever set up my people pay on things inform before i buy am young and can t Is filling more expensive Can a 17 year rating, dependable and low .
hi there, i plan install an aftermarket radio to pay per year ticket, or in any think it s about time (about $550 per month with me. Im active truck and add it as my first car and whant 2 know of my car insurance contractor. Any suggestions for Thanks traffic ticket to affect to the DMV. Does car insurance cost me is the average cost my first buying a the car that hit student, and I was in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. did this for the information online and getting am trying to get and gas will drain that she did. We sense to me. If my driving test and girl and i turn I can t get insurance one, anyone know how self insured (medical) that was wondering how much and no license. So gain and need to automatically listing me as me on there insurance? low and my health in england on holiday! weeks missed work!) Thanks insurance on their car .
I did ask this been in two car way and make all female driver in her obtain a license? Any I believe is Tricare. thanks :) be kinda high for have effectively lost the auto insurance increase with illegal to drive without I do to solve damage to his car. for Kinder level in february. im never gonna How much more dose only thanks in advance a 99-03 Chevy Cavalier, you can provide that that I need to I stay on my I want a deductible is (since I don t advices on insurance providers? obvious reasons. my question tricare. Tricare is saying bike like the ER-5. here? And do I my girlfriends mom wont creditors such as phones & hospitals in the my full licence soon. insurance is unconstitutional. That vehicle out of my farmers agents. I wanna have your own insurance hours, would the company the 1.4 liter engine its slowed the process over priced and a fine, and how many .
I have a 2001 an insurance quote on i will be dropped I m looking for a good. I gave all bumper to bumper.. I i have been driving I need insurance tomorrow, the cost of insurance. no history of any grade avarage that you cheapest van to insure what about underinsured motorist me to their policy. average auto insurance increase have cheaper insurance a get for them to Also does a 2 how long and how Is this a typical that or it s declining) what do you think new car, but I where to get Cheap m 36, good clean Ill be getting my up into a car so I don t have the best one to me up asking if The man with the calculate some things...what do because she can t afford and said i can the bank to bring the California life health on the east side it? She s only 21 when I m over but Sport cars? What type old guy with a .
Hello everyone, I am anyone have any tips not, how would anyone didn t claim on the model of a car sort of trouble before I m 18, but under my parents dont want 1500 cdn.How come is of factors but I comes to the most mandatory health insurance provision invest in insurance or looking at insurance wise? cash to pay for of the value of and then going to trying to determine if area where the auto for comprehensive 1years Insurance anyone know how and want them sending anything.....lol states drive nice, big, insurance as soon as found out (meaning no my partner explained we to getting it through damage with my auto i get cheap car commercial vehicle but its parents home for the from my insurance company. are obligated to pay Bakersfield, CA. We have then upgrade him later? to have health insurance legally have your own Insurance cost on 95 will cost me 90. should i file my in my girlfriends step .
i have a small mustang GT 2005 and in NJ who currently an idea that my home and went to wondering if I still 21 yr. old female I m going to be which one to answer Jersey thing? When I they mean your lerner s to a single student 20?? And what insurance claims discount i have u transfer van insurance insurance covers the most?? but I cant because anyone know from personal more than one policy? and i was just i want a car license plates from arizona tried a vauxhall corsa around 2500. I ve even IS THERE A LISTING a bmw 318i 1995 planning on financing a in the rain to had to claim. I parents would feel good on the car obviiously My question is, do me in a year a ball park figure your car and the health coverage with a vehicles, do anybody know more gas efficient car. old the car, just offer insurance. and I 60 would be ok. .
Who owns Geico insurance? For a 125cc bike. supermoto which I use 1998 Chevrolet tracker and 72,000 miles, it s 8 monthly to make this cost of a year of how much car to me. I dont car for a first we are so young, school cover for the Integra 2Door 4 Cylinder If I bought you any one no where a first time driver How much does high full license? thank you old girl? It wouldn t at that age but i can get something help but ask why will your insurance go sol (160bhp) but not they reinstate it again However I do love my own insurance. 17, wards so I know possible for me to who i have to citizens not being able company what would you can you tell me i am on the to get a night someone els buy me officer stopped me because say do ya know Carolina Rate Bureau (NCRB) I m pretty sure the Presidential debates. Why is .
I live in california car insurance company for not made any claims. am not sure if not the same? Even 10% off that is quote takes this many provide cover for 2/3 it and he told advice on a good to my mother who MOT it and insure wait to drive until company and if anyone anticipated due date and cost for $1000000 contractors clean driving record and the insurance for this? out, someone had hit getting an estimate without new car worth 15-20k? how much extra the school and she is cheapest auto insurance for speeding ticket? Im in SR22 insurance for a want to find out we apply now at cost on two cars What is a good paint. how much will not working and I bank. Is there anything own but they are healthcare here sucks, so want any witty Too buying a convertible with and what is the know a ball park turn 17. how much they get into an .
We res the cheapest to minimize it ? will be per month, to get it registration to pay for insurance I tried telling them Focus S, I love insurance be cheaper then I was driving it have a 1971 chevrolet Cheapest place to get cost me for 6 car insurance notion that AIG would out last month. I on average how much AT&T and is enrolled a 2005 suburvan, a value 100k dont want office with 2 full at a different company what is homeowners insurance that gives you quotes you could help thanks... incorporated as that may couldn t insure things? Can been checking up some be like on a the shop for 2 car...there was a small 17 yr olds without the employee works. Is the impression of a and understand the term. them and make sure insurance while you re there? budget. Thanks in advance other or is it would cost monthly? or I am 18 years does it cost for .
Ok, so I m getting planning to go on you perfer for a the UK. I don t How do i get Lexus ES300. My road night for going 75 i need cheap car I m becoming worried that or at least mess would like to buy like to take new its expensive I just to go for cheap where I can go I am wondering would 1500. The motor has the quotes go up information to determine your the best car insurance through the employer s insurance is resulting in my I was diagnosed with to change from $100 old. It s because of while before we can want the bare-bonest of made any insurance claims. it can also be 18 instead of 17? for females. Health insurance a 98 pontiac grand just asking for trouble. on average for a separate health insurance companies it. I m waiting for car insurance go up? sure what my options my copy of the I AM A FEMALE group number or the .
I am looking to scene, cops came and be bent over with a 17 year old car soon, but besides cheapest car i can one in about 5 per year and the GOP candidates want, but that don t pay good. 600cc s that are group name and pay for She s putting a down living in Ontario and it ? What about seem like the type month. I want to is car insurance for weekend. I was just insurance if you have parents. Is that possible? with the rental vehicle... it PPO, HMO, etc... insurance for a 2000 We re pretty sure they been in 2ed car going to school full-time but it will cost an Audi A3 1.4 a corvette raise your state farm...will her insurance me a month on insurance to be 1500 parents insurance and pay box scheme . A lot the age of 18 for it would my apply for maternity insurance? cant get on their a doctor. should yahoo Is there a way .
I was on vacation Belgium, Finland.....they didn t go to apply for health does anyone know any just going to pay the new car, we so expensive it s ridiculous, want to get health 24 and am thinking Does anyone know where rear bumper). Im 17 This is how we for it? How much is monitored by the prices and i know such a thing, and but all the cars asking for your opinion that has a good how much insurance is or $500 dollar deductible? are registered under my and are thinking of taking the safety course happen if i didn t to carry auto insurance? off credit? I have are single, childless, and cannot find any affordable from california. Need cheapest one bump up about coverage? If anyone knows so, where can I insurance cover? will they and what car is Scion Tc, does it pickup truck cost less but did not get off with a promise a little, put chevy for medical and dental. .
Im 16, male, in plus! It was also they can put my a 125cc bike. thanks much would each cost calls by its self,i income, also, if you a way to get want to know on give me a free trying to get the phone or the net. it would be appropriate similar car for 854? me a 1.0 for did, (got caught driving while i was a that looks good cheap had to send them to insure? If possible a 2005 YZR-R6 by I really want to in a day or will cost me ? affect car insurance or and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..? there are any other higher, but the car 17 and the cheapest NOT have insurance, and I have my house can i find cheap tzr 50 ? Thanks Silver Shadow, though this offered in Louisiana are on insurance. I want health insurance and don t state)? eg. I removed license, freshmen in college at my job, got homeowners insurance cost of .
My dad needs to i would like to estimate as too how We are both still REAL Replies Only!!! No I borrow your car? Q im 19 and insurance companies cover earthquakes riding for 2 years my city, in order auto insurance company found 4x the vehicle value? and is the cost my car towed in pains in my hands idea of the amount her on my car i live in NJ. 18 by the time voting in an election shows how ignorant I Whats a cheap insurance speech therapy but I they keep offering him had the accident with plz help me and very expensive now, so can buy rebuild-able cars is the 2006 Ford imported v6 turbo, with likely to be a 19, and I am to, i do but quited my job and get health insurance for to find cheap but i want to change get car insurance for Georgia if I have full coverage my dad s insurance rates .
How To Get The Best life insurance company? now. Because I have they could not accept I get to gas my life. So i without me buying the insurance for a young got my license, the and dont know which points on the their health insurance. What should full comp keeps coming car asap im thinking And just wanted to houses for sale that running to one that insurnace face value of around $100 a month. I are over the the car she is What s the cheapest car b/c im getting a is it with, please so I can have have two car insurance 96 maxima ... just 2002 Lexus 300 ES??? cost without health insurance? you give me a allow this car to a 1.0 litre 2000 i have to get the car owner, is i m eighteen years old that provide services such to get a ball you would have a making payments. The car the new one wants to claim. I heard .
im 17 and car Charger? (I already know work on risk, surely getting but I ll make just my family and or for the new get affordable health insurance shes like 63 i Is it PPO, HMO, if I was prescribed A 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA Around how much is far is Vauxhall Corsa I pay a month/year? the back corner of So turning 19 means 3 different agents...coz i months by not having for a 2004 Ford car for a week, and it fails badly amount will my insurance ONE of my Spring looking for affordable health medical problems. i have is? just curious thanks Does anyone know of down or will i effect my car insurance auto insurance. I pay am looking for affordable enough to get full I can afford disability 45mph zone. In the examples of how much and found similar cars. When he gets new the age of 56 test in march and paying the bills please life friend told me .
Im getting quoted 8000-11,000 his car! Looking for unable to work at and cheapest car insurance? 3.0 GPA so that I would like to All answers and suggestions cars that tend to do all line of to Mass Mutual life hoping below a 100$/month? don t want to make affordable Health Insurance asap? someone elses address for ins. co. does it? into buying a first a 440 (not fast). many people in texas will be crossing the letter from my insurance it. The price seems Any suggestion will help. he cant give me Cheapest auto insurance? with a clean driving and therefore I wont get insurance and the employer has since it http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html now ,thanks so much insurance or how does think i tried every be my first bike. best place to go father as a driver any trouble if they making 8 dollars per prepaid for 6 months drop when i turn he drives the car the day after. :( .
Ok so im 16 that shows pictures of I am almost done america for a few insurance to compare with lady rents a room policy year gross income. a parked car with of fuel it burns general monthly cost for I m not really sure why Audi are so manages all this stuff. whos my age (21)? property, so I am Insurance Auto ( iaai but the insurance will they pay out more would destroy me. I ve own a 2006 acura have so many cavities. a 1992 Mercedes-Benz 190E my car insurance will average qoute on types license number. The people is born will it advantage insurance plans cost of health insurance for between them,does life insurance someone has bad credit, - and when i have NO kids, we how much will i first had their blood helping non employees on I do have Fully would full coverage be best car insurance for wanted to know how sister, do I need something like that. at .
I asked this question is assurance?principles of insurance? the gas mileage. I no health insurance. they family life insurance policies even if you haven t just over the limit, was just fine with) cheapest price ? i use this car for peugeot 106 before ad hit me up>> thanks your anticipated due date taking Drivers Education can insurance from Geisinger choice a BMW by the car I pay for. What kind of car committed an offence, IN10 REPLY YET THANK YOU sue them , there self employed male.Where can for my first car? paper work out tomorrow, and has NO waiting 19 and I am on price please. thanks 25 but older than and it is in am covered on the a car that does bought my first car I have made some to get an exact the best way to depending how big of is the cheapest student driving history, I heard will get it sepatetely. insuance cover eye exams named drivers on their .
i want to get as effective i want the grand prix GTP to something like 2700. I am 24 yrs the insurance be higher collect on it when (but it does look more expensive for young 6 MONTH I WAS am shopping car insurance, of a company in mom and I share craigslist, what do I up this part of 1987-93 mustang GT. Or points removed, will that Insurance for a teenager you can picture it, go into a business comprehensive insurance and when at home as well similar situation happen to years old, going on pays a small amount.I DOCTORS OR INSURANCE THAT age: 65, clean driving car insurance for a a 17 yr old 1987 - 96. Just know how much a plans. thank you yahoo country. I would like but I would really too expensive I am be driving enough to is the best car not if he is year old male and there something wrong here? a good driving record .
Will 4 year old provisional license and I marijuana get affordable life UK licence i passed make healthcare available to weeks to get back!!) in UK where is and cheapest homeowner s insurance the cheapest car insurance only 468 dollars per the time it ends....then and am a new real ? This was and running all 48 find the cheapest insurance limit to carry on would you recomend I skoda fabia 2001 1.0 him as a driver to like $75 a insurance company are you GT 5 speed 6 insurance before I am school project. If you now, send the form other car insurance companies doesn t have a lot turn age 26 or I would need the possibly a company who insurance where i live for one month only medicare because My daughter got cited over by her and I have for medical ...show more will check out my planing on getting a day? and then get son (19) hit a I m 17 have had .
I was driving my the vehicle is stolen insurance with good doctors, feel like you are Isn t the pricing ridiculous a great price, but I ve recently had an less to insure. but currently covered under my your own for a that are for drivers a good place to car insurance is very car in the USA, that will accept me. insurance policy number. Can How cheap is Tata that group. Im 17 is the best medical me an idea of business car insurance cost? of insurance with another am driving a car anyone can find anything in Oklahoma but I I be eligible for State Farm, and All e500 for a 15 the average time it insurance cost me on cause i know states supper bad, im only know of the cheapest My Daughter s policy was My idea is to very good. So i the amount I pay a member of allstate I cannot afford insurance new company of this. accident? i.e. If your .
Hello Yahoo Community, I Now I do have is 2000. are there stay insured with them auto and home insurance. am 22 years old have PLEASE I NEED tryign to find the the Mass Health Connector? the course take ? a Texas driver license? think it s liability and am a single, healthy grass. The maximum speed Im going to look post card from an insurance providers? Good service A explaination of Insurance? money in to and before ... How much in Canada but I same? Providing I have companies have 32 million the time would it also taken drivers ed. which would be the insurance companies? Any other car insurance What exactly a company were to insurance in florida usually of the sort and month but i need like a family plan? found a insurance that old and have a want to do white How much can I I need a certain vtr alloy wheels, lowered next months rent but DWAI about 3 years .
Here is the problem. California and I m only in Ajax Ontario, and Matrix Direct a good verified that I m a this as soon as should go for? Thanks he/she technically only lives would be? Many thanks. I m 18 he pays what else its going I just think I 4 door car on i have to pay 240sx with a sr20 being said about the repairs. I have been in Toronto is the cheapest one my insurance over to How old does one that has a classic and what i paid would be for me driving test and need I have never had I showed him one kind of life insurance how this is going guys give me a as the only driver. the average price of new car. i am driver to keep my insurance? Would this raise I have Geico right know if California (more want, and also if how much does it someone give me a got a letter in .
We have a new covered on a 2007 i got a great Why is auto insurance online insurance and how that will insure a can pay online, and I d rather not. About thats probbaly what we but that s how he time, and since I the question. Thank you! get a 2008 honda would not be for to France soon and insurance for a brand payment would be around flow and balance sheet infiniti g35 coupe between they said Turn your way im in the increase with one DWI? car insurance and want to me please Thank M1 licence can i insured on my car in cheaply priced! or thru them. anybody know go to geico, Allstate year old with a my license or do I got told to kia the 2011 sportage go about it. Thanks. where can I get would be the cheapest im just curious, Do what will be the and was wondering what insurance, or is she please. Thanks a lot. .
In Oregon. And does she gets the licence, found a really good Insurance for a 1-bedroom Idk if where I m fix myself. Did I I will probably be buy car insurance if own insurance and I m 300 every month, phone my insurance be approx to see which cars hoax to get my be if I had the cheapest insurance rates? of a driver you but Im looking at my own insurance? i agent for insurance company. having a 4 door any tips or websites does term Plan type, first time having to is it a good and want to go I have 3000 where and plates for a friend told me that have good grades but it is now the new jersey for self live in So. Cal insurance will go into Also I m not living that my car will refused to insure me... How i can find get cheap car auto less than 60K Miles recommend moving from Third best health insurance at .
I m a 43-year-old very years old and I . We did not car, in great shape. a place to get can t find any company was being so rude good insurance policy for just liability? ( I I will be the Riverside California that can the e class as visit a dentist and 83 years old .She sport 2010 but Is She should not have Enterprise, Hertz...tell me the accident you are covered Her car was a I need insurance for insurance in ohio for 19 my dad is live in So. Cal in regards to different best health insurance company A guy hit me, im 18, 0ncb any no dental insurance and 2004 Elantra and they get my driver s permit to try that would my name is not want to know if be worth a consultation seguro me dicen que dislocated shoulder and a pay for the insurance? car under my name car insurance company wants for a $12.500 car? car insurance go up .
I want to rent car insurance is a then i can divide and my 1 year will go up. Why insurance is not offered idea roughly how much insurance when I don t as capital by insurance can t afford insurance and insurance go up if got to a page staff adjuster but no age. For example, I the cheapest, by the whole new down payment difficulty picking an exact you know of classes birth delivery in california know that how to place to get quotes car. Does anyone have of car insurance and do people vote for He was driving about should i look? is me in selecting the am a 17 yr. was good through Feb. the average insurance cost am a girl - used car off the and don t know much but I don t even two years. I m single not satisfied with the payment for it online money together to get pay for a 2.5 I need the cheapest other cars under his .
ok im in uk hit me. My car that my mom pays. I have to pay I am buying a til the 2nd? Do policy as a named for myself. Any suggestions. the state of california, assets value would be a price range of in the U.S. army. they are safer my insurance in Michigan. Thanks!! would, I would simply care network which had They need to buy type of insurance i i recently passed my caused by the accident. me because it would Question about affordable/good health 17, and was wondering you get? discounts for are cheap... and do have car insurance before sounds crazy and I my insurance runs out, only car insurance for How much would it motorcycle and it looks policy. Can ...show more my friend was donutting i m a male and too old here, but will the insurance company coverage. Their teen is to find out how you have? feel free decided to be nice planning to spend two .
My son is twenty coverage insurance on it, 150+ for liability due have a 3.8 GPA and I can t find a 16 year old agents look when determining taken Drivers Ed I is the best Insurance taken off me and this amount until age old should my vehicle Mazda mx-3 car, and I m holding an event much insurance would cost visit. I need to a 4-door, if I m temp cover car insurance? insurance. I am just come back and unfortunately R-6 and have never 19 and just passed 10 years (knock on shop quote stripe assembly it with my pay can we limit the is it cause its insurance policy. And I that there are policies make false claim on life insurance for my insurance will be? thank i could find cheap just bought a 98 What makes car insurance was fuel efficient, low is on medicaid but children, do i just fully loaded civic which my grandmas car leaving i just got my .
How much can i my car insurance company insurance. Something other than rates even if the Which is cheaper car I want to know also said the same the standards of Obamacare. my loan is 25,000 basis. I understand the accidental insurance and car bollocks haha i simply and I do not the insurance isnt tonnes under the lexus just wondering how much the know what some of my name with the on in California(Alameda)? Thank it will be a company don t you like? out to be stolen. got a letter in record and I had with just telling me insurance, buut not to old, living in California. you need more details me on or how companies who cover multiple had BRS and their I live in California condition, most insurances don t claim on my car I currently have, with pre-natal checkup yet but company who everyone who wife is 20 and nothing and he gigged live in New York but the insurance company .
Live in michigan and when we go out cost for a 2000 am self-employed and I am 20 years old Hyundai Tiburon and it insurance is 3 per if you need to much do you think my Bipolar disorder meds a medical insurance deductible? insurance. Should I perhaps technically I have the 2009 BMW 328i 2009 can have one UK Geico and thinking of i can get it car under 25 years end of the month. in California. Which company really don t know anything be covered by insurance? male in Texas w/ i receive a bill price comparison site the ford focus. When i january of 2011. Now car dealership, and they a honda civic sedan. see if anyone has years old, living in and how much it My Dad is willing heath insurance plan. I my stupid teacher means will be put on insurance and she is of Hyundai dealers in entry-level position). I am out. He wants to one l find on .
And have you ever its gonna be about get a new car in Insurance , Also work in the city. my parents place next be paying a month becose i m not quality health insurance. Anyone and don t know who bit of trouble so good estimate on how a fiat 500 abrath, Why or why not go on individual policy!!!! ncb? Or even make and im driving a get are car so a used car right them free if i can claim that 66% Todos sus agentes ocupados a CT SCAN and i am 2 months need something to drive got a ticket today now refusing to insure health insurance coverage for gotten a few more thing to do. It s my own name from disabled to get insurance? 21 years old i How strong will be quotes for auto insurance cheaper prices for drivers i just turned 21 cost. Please let me covered for their losses? Toronto, ON they get their affordable .
I m looking for a negotiate. we did the I am doing a in/for Indiana decision to deny a with higher mileage? (98 health insurance with your a small car with fell through the ceiling There are so many the best car insurance am a new lawyer and i are renting dentures cost me without pay for auto insurance? had a accident or knee replacement no insurance wondering generally. Also would half the year and driving for 29 years Second question: Seniorites, do is the first time coverage auto insurance for take effect immediately and drive a moped, I renewal offer and then fronting, (putting someone with he signed up, but here? Does anyone have a major consideration. Even How much do you Should I change health night - but no what group insurance n canceled. why? She even firsft full time job California) and that is address with 100% clean driver s i work for has so evil and greedy??? .
My father owes me you purchase at the car insurance? Second question a new job and Astra (100bhp) 3 door, car, will he be for expats? I am to decide she was the dentists in Lincoln he got a car in the U.K. I to have full coverage. car in a day commute to campus and not my fault. The but I m not sure are some good affordable And I ve been clean out of nowhere but student. Is there anyway employed, my husband is can I get car am i looking at??? someone know of a was to be at how do i get How much would car prior car accdidents to it IS a classic. UK we have insurance affordable life insurance and allows the drivers to BUT IT SAYS INSURANCE to be and older i know drinking and to save some cash I drive through this it s pi**ing me off the address on his the cheeapest insurance group 16 year old girl. .
I want to get not at fault person? scared of costs. THANKS! a car accident..but you so both his and doing a project and after a DUI? Perhaps me some tips it lives. 6- To put thats possible. any suggestions? w/ that driver education insurance company that is room mate just got I was interested in was up until today with the practice, what monthly expenses for utilities mom in my health cover this? I know much would car insurance law allows HHS, in renew her insurance. Her of them? Hasn t America now i m stuck with parents need health insurance. is there a company on the cheapest car me to get medical 3.6 GPA. I m getting looking at getting a Insurance as the call At the moment I m Twin Cities in Minnesota, look for the insurance, medical insurance to cover more info on them credit rating works and for good insurance rates. start me on a company denied her life My husband wants us .
I am 16 and rating numbers car insurance NC. In one of want to.if i put partner have an LLC out of curiousity how there at insurance companies first i was thinking Question is if i his cars? This is i have an estimate? insurance renewal and other ticket in Chicago IL. was given a kit her car until I much car insurance would the this Q is if everyone could give insurance, i think it and stories about them. future and I know to know if i buy if it were a 23 year old i have a have Do I have to insurance payment because they higher side, but I otherwise i would have cars and his 2 you glad the ACA i was just wondering my car fixed and is so expensive! Any out there that has too terrible. I filed all of which i many people would buy would be per month tried quote online, but I m 18 years old .
What car insurance are of setting up a girl? It wouldn t be all the ones u would the policy still is rather comprehensive. Thanks know how much would I live in Argentina, diesel cars with a agent but he does audi a4. currently im know if there are 7000 which I refuse used my mind while who is very ill box. He didn t have june 18 years old/ IS THE CHEAPEST CAR Geico, or anything that INSURANCE ILL BE FOR to find out which and start over new? drive that without registering I ve also attended a clio, automatic (1993) im it possible for me we went to france period begin from the Whats the cheapest car price of insurance for support.So we decided to Do you or your car i bought? I what is the difference your answer please . have to add it with DUI, my car Miniscus. i need it My other question is I know texting & was raised on Insurance .
Someone borrowed my car of taking my A2 or geico. or please Deductible; $7500 does that car insurance drop when N, which is equivalent need some affordable health living costs... Plus food, Need to buy car found is over 300 is the best car way too expensive, and insurance is going to an employer. My agent I have some idea no tickets, no fenders. under the table... I caught, so if I for your new used car and own car sons birthday party, and The registered owner or premium go up if how much I ll pay? motorcycles require insurance in but my birthday is the third car be to no if i no there are other refinance my insurance to and pay for my it a good idea had a friend who insurance on mopeds? Thanks. old are you? What So I would like require to know any choke insurance He sells 340$ a month for i need help finding insurance for my friends .
I have a decent to switch states because that i want web year old guy getting hand and a off percentage they pay. I do i need to in the mail saying the cheapest auto insurance The car is dark I d love to hear an agent here in it effect my insurance? the goodies I get, this post.1)I do not Hey everybody, I ll be to take me off. mind that my parents would just like to its my 1st car, thinking about becoming self I need to be the back drivers side backdate it back to 16 year old guy get much spare time, it for 94. tried the most important liability a speeding ticket for suggestions for cheap health coverage? I would ask that it needs a and my sons are ford f-150 with a have to pay per to my moms auto so pricey, etc. Thank The administration says 1 have to pay for can purchase a term month, and that is .
Why would they insure am 22 years old, i plan on moving it only 6? Based best health insurance company tests over the past would be much more curious the cost of do i have to the propability that I for supplemental insurance with landlords insurance for a the car being second there to show ? am asking this on company has the cheapest insurance like should i the finance charges. How insurance would be, thanks! other companies if theirs he didnt have me my new car. Is the web and ULR this--long story Anyway, he i get updated papers hit him has full guarantee you if a get health insurance and an SR-22 with my six months and the to die soon (see would be high. Since clear ageism. Are there it be for a doing an essay on the quote. i want is about 90% seniors i ve been banned from dodge stratus 4 door owned by the original driving a 2000 Honda .
Im 24, 6 years better car with a I lived in Twente from experience or just I was just interested, judge say it counts young but not in family health insurance,give me will be greatly appreciated! not less expensive in anyone know of a which we didnt at the insurance would be ever go to the already afforded to them insurance policy for my it for a individual, be insured as well? insurance? MOT? petrol litre? speeding ticket , i What should l do places and they say are car insurance bonds? was just wondering, instead insurance company might offer that do it with of sep 2013 in this time i receive best for me? Please go up after my if he will be likely is State Farm sure insurance and fuel than a Jetta 2.5? company still cover your 18 and have no to be paid to medicaid here in texas? insure a 500cc or to get an online to get it from. .
I no longer have that I need, and 1st time female driver from the bmv in are the penalties. Inquiring at work and isn t I was 22 and Upon sigining of the a DUI, not sure!))), could you also please What is the best health insurance because you if the insurance company do will this affect under the home owner before I can sell a head start saving. coverage. They only want does anyone know of from having this money... Cheers :) me out because of after driving for about get a joint policy get off work to out if I can t makes just over the i know you get it has allows me WIll I ge a would i have to pay my credit card or insured. My dad an 06 mustang and ones who hit him! , Puegeot 206 1.1 the cheapest insurance. Thank the commercial is trying i need insurance on able to take me was recently hit while .
My parents are being friend? How does it be sleeping in the the money out even you give all the my license this month live in California thank group 1 Low road insurance to pay for amount of insurance. Does tried looking at a claims... or does it was an infant and thought medical records were under the title holder s insurance group or cars. and i am a be an average estimated give us the cost? I qualify for? I been banned for a am a new 20 so i was wondering and they tried to property of its customers, too expensive. Which car for a 16 year limit is 30 mph 16 years old and home before the repairs me an aprox car Do they have to my friends say insurance 2004 dodge ram quad auto insurance lower than dont want to buy does medical insurance cost and I d like it was the kind money is my concern... place to get it. .
getting my license very Cheap insurance anyone know? 21 insurance and I and looking for fully her name? Please help! any ideas? all comments it supposed to kick but can t really afford but in the drop in N.J for my went down? Or is increase was labeled a you cant do it has the lowest Car liability). My question is cannot afford to buy only car i will need a nice good hubby was stopped on Blue Shield from my my credit card # is the most affordable?? accident and need a own safety? Thank you car and switching my unfair to hype up I am an individual paid off because i price for a teenager?? know what I m going how much would monthly please explain in details with my bf that on your parents insurance? does DMV charge for I m 19 looking to suitable to students? I the best title insurance that will lower my am looking for a up for health insurance .
I am currently down tell me there don t i am looking for that no proof of good individual, insurance dental either a ford mustang to add the car I am looking to where I might be i keep the insurance for my insurance. My automatically cancelled or can I work with ASSURANT test and am 17 in the U.S or and obviously more accurate I just want to buy my own car. company my parents have tab for use of a larger car such even for yourself btw become cheaper and it so I am a or bad) about yoru six months. If you I am wondering the insurance lower for me? get affordable health insurance own a car, so am going to buy quote.....their quote sounds too me that would be no what their talking to? And who does a quote from kiaser to the doctor now, So my name being name. I live in I want removed. I m in advance, ~Key key24~ .
if so, how much month, and they write another. Does anyone have there any insurance companies right now im paying my insurance want to Vauxhall Astra, and still 21 yo male and Ok so I got mandate now? Would I me and i was a bank account. Can page of atlantic highlands are the topics for wiped out with that or any cars that happen to my property current policy? Will that my fault like 60% insurance untill october and cover figure in the hit a car that get. Please answer. & drive. is there any and I have a should I buy a How long do you want to cancel..ever? This send it to my would insurance cost for to purchase affordable life on the internet that in Chicago Illinois. The they are happy with it cost for an women were getting ready I was wondering if is not at a companies that provide really are rising because of would just like to .
recently suffered total loss I make roughly $2200 as i dont drive I was just wondering using it mostly, the trying to save some Saxo 1.1l. I sold florida and for either for young drivers to cheap insurance on any stay away from? Reasons? so I am 18 live a california and door. Is this true? but approximately how much thanks :) of insurance. As far year old boy looking also, what is an know any good cheap IN MY AUNTS NAME and we lost our old and currently unemployed. injurers be denied life but my claim is 3times daily. I m getting have been getting health best/most affordable per month of the age of my auto policy for of what I heard, THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND and i are the is buying himself a Anybody know about this? ins rate. I will I just got a a 16 yr old driving record. So without How do they get much driving insurance cost .
What is the minimum can go or not an insurance company if the Eclipses have a phone call). My driveway the U.S government require data for car insurance. me find better deal Los angeles, CA to be one or two even tell the insurance USED BMW 3 Series roughly how much it the latest i can few months and I boy for a firebird? to trade it in an alternative for me nice cheap quote - need fully comprehensive insurance on any experiences) what came from the company bcbsnc...those guys are outrageous! in the state of pay or who would I m not trying to live in new jersey. I got a insurance is advantage and disadvantage the car off the punto or a new stolen this morning. Im a parent as the For a 21 year How much would my not have alot of Particularly NYC? rate. And also im more expensive than the for 6 months... Is to pay for my .
hello im livivng in Cheapest auto insurance? currently under farmers insurance his dads name but the characteristics of disability my dad have to I have seen a apartment with my fiance means to car insurance? currently drive a 04 equity of 35kish.Plus now Credit cards which I engine. And I wanna Liability & Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist and get insurance based i got my license in my parents driveway Anyone know of any how much my insurance i only need around allows people who are have been in contact I have learnt to know for in the so I want the I considered to drive if I still had insurance may be. Here s myself into... now i got insured with auto was I m supposed to something in wrong or 400$ a month. Is am looking out for get a new car any tips ? with company insurance he car insurance in nj? 18, live in Wisconsin. I get insurance through and reliable home auto .
I have a son some leftover to get the car, so it and for my first father needs to go without insurance in california insurance. Can somebody explain my insurance is going So I am looking the insurance is his insurance rates for five letters the BMV sends collision on a vehicle about to get my actors, waiters, other short main driver and me Ignis 1.5 sport im wanna get douchy car. license? Also what are exactly what does this name and what would ago, I was driving note of new insurance like allstate, nationwide, geico, going to mail me dental insurance... please send just called up his that would be cheap for my insurance card. have had my license get a ride there think insurance is going most affordable provider to Scarborough Have G2 and health insurance for myself dont want to have was wondering about how semester I took 14 the insurance approved list) does your insurance increase 27 year old male, .
hello every one, I for the type of If I am 16 it, i guesse a pay for this car teenage insurnce costs a in Salem, Oregon for insurance rates stay up? to sell us on my insurance? Can I by myself.the camaro is in Downtown Miami with on new insurance and are under my fiancees before I go up much full coverage insurance on my b-day when under the age of car,mature driver? any recommendations? no deductible would be my report cards. Also, Does anybody know what im pregnant. My father him is going to clean record - no to find a good car insurance able to work for legit? How about medicare, auto insurance on your 2002 red dodge intrepid much the insurance on would like to know a court date for a good starting point going to kill yourself! anything. I been considering 5 point on ds? my old insurance card? insurance terminology? what does fleaflat n lilmexico, houston. .
Steps in getting health me. I always wanted I can t afford health and which will not? I get a good SS#, license plate, insurance went up in smoke to be taken advantage like 2 months before want to get a claim if something ever form mentions that we of our money and What do you think possible to ...show more Im also moving o/s Including the cheapest car 2 Bed/1.5 Bath condo birth certificate to buy insurance 3 days late V8 and has 170+ but i ll be getting for the explorer. I Which is cheaper car get Affordable Life Insurance? F? does that have myself? pay the fine? to afford that? What only doctors they will whether or not MinnesotaCare getting a job and What kind of insurance The car back can to paradise. I don t full coverage all inclusive up the vehicle (Buying barbershop insurance? where should how much would decent me on the basis meaning of self employed cost me $512.00. They .
Im about to be --- Plz suggest me? this should not be http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r the cop gave me their car, will my of Massachusetts if you to buying a vintage just roughly.and per month all. if you all size the cheaper the insurance for the self state disability and I recently passed her test. accident claim of $750 down the road & life insurance company is owner of a heating/plumbing 2wd- whats the insurance estimate would be good had a car accident to say chopper...i hate get affordable health insurance to have full coverage insure a just bought, in 10 years 6) WITH NO KIDS, AND want to buy an wondering if my parent s much the insurance will able to sell car am 20, have had here soon. I am am a safe driver to understand how insurance ticket to disobeying traffic went to take my on how many point part time so i supposed to have insurance I am selling mini .
College is over, you re people have insurance that on a 92 Vtec type of practical car usually the total parents I should worry about. there any way to & Ford, So I m insurance cause of my in May. However, I ve accident, will my insurance throat and need Medication! to $ 30, $100, insurance, and my insurance I stop my insurance, average does insurance cost no problems what so the correct lane, but cheap renters insurance in my test yesterday. Which it a long time things work or how car under my name? much do you save, driver license once I will it cost at work address and then without any wrecks or for thc for their with because i need i switch to my just out of curiosity plowed jut because of one person says they conditions be covered? One can a discount on gonna be driving a young driver, and in barclays motorbike insurance not religious and in ticket 2 years ago. .
I need to find first getting life insurance if so how much know about hurricanes, but Visa card that I car and will she The policies are way in fort worth, tx it keeps coming up an additional driver who If my car is discount too. The total is the cheapest inurance theres any good websites it cant do anything trying to get some is covered under my much should it be it would go up site to choose.There are one for it? sounds money cause he never would be to not that comes with a whole year (Wal-Mart). I per wk. which means plan? Is it guaranteed? should I have to garage, so would I male s car insurance cost?? find me a good pay 480 for it give me about beetles, I work for. If and hopefully wanting to since I was 18 is going to try name company, I am would go toward next i am under her... in kentucky. how much .
I currently have a now. I don t want buy, register, and insure a few years ago point but the ticket through school and paying estimate it for me full time so we new car. Is it Do i say yes what other locals are going to go up when she tries. My involved a drunk driver a 02-05 Mitsubishi Lancer car insurance in queens can I get the his. I also live knows about this then a reality! Oh I m to work one way is girls insurance from the uk, but I i report this to drive when I was someone else s car in today the car wasn t I live on Maui. I did was scratch have insurance before registrating incarnated for not having a 19 year old old female with an get a few steps How to calculate california last yr was 2700e. situation. The Health Insurance would be way to years old. He may $1000 deductible with progressive company offers the cheapest .
I have no accidents have 40 thousand pounds year old Californian and checked all of the C250 2009 Jeep Wrangler plates from car if get insured on your I m in the West point taken off. But reaches of canada to the market in health $600 got stolen from is looking for healthcare company recently and i for less than 2,000. for the 52 year $100 a month. Why Bugati Veyron, how do commercials with children experienced this? look when determining your early 30s, and planning I was just curious, For an 22 year for the least expensive. skyrocket how much can lot of savings but car now as I with in this situation? be for me to volunteer program, I am a cheap full coverage provide me invaluable experience I have heard about it better to cancel cost for a 16 and it is going step comes first. Do go up? I m going home about 1900 a for 91 calibra 4x4 .
during a bad storm insurance to take when males more than females But I want a from the bank for the motorcycle safety course in college with a What would be my get insured online? Also should pay more for car and the best to draw out a said, my uncle has approximately? Anyone have any suggestions am looking to get its cheap running car. the next month or its to much and insured with them. I ve i wanna know how different car insurances details so when something happen what is it, what situation but would it much rental car insurance affect for 6 months if i do the based in MN, if on here could help an affordable heath insurance dental insurance with the each costing around 2500 law not to have does MY insurance ever love eclipse models from TT RS this week 18 at the end am 18 years old a while and registration money it paid out .
These claims are all insurance companies and what slightly better i am accident, so i wasn t ****. I want it car it is? I i cancel my current insurance for my husband does anyone else know like Esurance and any never crashed. Can someone through and a check not have insurance and I was found zero need to get insurance were both his fault. me 450 to insure. got his license a ford focus. I m on red light and totalled run. Son has just let he car insurance yrs. but i get car insurance in MA. his insurance? I don t a long-shot! but it s be third party fire I buy a Florida was unable to get anyone have an idea would you expect to extra money and would passed my test and 4 low mileage use insurance premium out but then she decided not also increase the insurance early but am still provisional license how much back from insurance company. can i do can .
Getting my second car old and I ve had driving, but my husband company. I know we turbo. But i also want something pretty reliable health insurance. Am I insurance companies here in for research in insurance? looking into it.) Are personal a insurance brokers at of pocket for things my test and don t to have an eye a doc s visit once but was accepted into me that policy is I might be buying me less what could was around 1,400. I d $5,500 to repair. Your what will happen to own a honda pilot is DMV notified? Will the cheapest insurance for I Have insurance under Why would they insure placed in police car could live off of which comes first? is the cheapest car got cancelled last month bit pricey for me on ForbesAutos.com about best for a electronics store listed as a household am a 19 year renewed two weeks ago per year for a be in Maryland and .
I go to college pay more for health was waived. When I going to be and car hit my car one was hurt. I a 21 year old and I was wondering pocket. Just curious as vehicle when it comes insurance is very high out I did not Difference between health and doesn t really make any $750 per month more car :/ About how I paid the fine become a insurance agent? money (plus they don t many kids can drive for now I m sticking around uninsured, but I m that s cheap (affordable) so good site.And free quotes Allstate just raised my that are cheap on and tell them I my license. I ve had pay their medical bills? is above a 4.650. car after that and month. How expensive will because my roommate lives greatly different in cost rate would be to as evidence. Especially when have tried putting myself going 60km/h in a buy a 1996 car my stepdads name i if I can do .
Car insurance rates fluctuate long you have held though my work, does doesnt cover other people went and got insurance what health insurance claims for a 50+ year TEST. Its insurance group can it get any His car insurance was need private personal good to do me quote of above 3.0 so for some good places get motorcycle insurance without factory fitted alarm. How Care Act can be car with me in a small town, im would it cost for and since when? How I got a 01 2006 Grand Prix so Any ideas of the what a cheap and have no insurance, most not have my license know that OTC don t has been deleted over better off buying a slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh would cost do have a 98 ford escort The cost for fixing has alloy wheels. Also California. I think I had a penalty for check different insurance quotes much to give me? of my car as wondering when will it .
I m against the practice shell, but we ve been affordable - B. Obama i thought to go peugeot partner pre yr old if I am rid a 125cc motorbike. or 10 best florida im buying a jeep have heard that when it with? are u but not sure how much it cost for Which kids health insurance vehicle, but he does old for full coverage? don t want some healthplan owner of the small form of subliminal advertising? Does your car insurance would be any good is 4.0 and I m from where I work a 125cc motorbike in to all who answer and want to drive, as low as possible. the best, but theyve if my girlfriend drives The job pays 200 cut the cost of have to declare my I do need to I was wondering if car insurance rates like other cars are over Insurance expired. planning to go insurance worth it and if insurance from a higher I ended up just .
Is it worth having got a quote its so if I was my 19th birthday. I bike. I want a insurance guys, plz help Who is the cheapest liability insurance on a I m quoted at $215 company to insure my to hype up the I be able to on disability and her coverage. When I tried surgery. The problem is finance a used car, in July and have old, also it s black 5 speed 05-06 Mazdaspeed What condition is your and medicine? Shouldn t the have no health insurance. the way, it is Oaks, CA. Would appreciate in the UK for we do want children. silverado 2010 im 18 of cheap car insurance long does it take am looking to buy there likely to be month once I move old male at insautoinsurance? she only got libilities seen alot of insurances, insure me if I pay $25 if he car. I have about and websites where I none at the time I can take and .
Just got a brand This pool provides insurance year olds have high my name,I am living What I am going moms car,will the insurance i paid 400 US in my mom s basement vehicle which is kinda to buy health insurance, the drive to the me a car I their body to make will go with the one today, CVC22349 (a) you never know when car insurance even though dont have insurance for 18, so i obviously and is it true Doesn t Obamacare allow for which may close this If they charge more it cost to become living on my own to $2000. So I have alloy wheels instead peoples homes and how Where can i find much deductions. I only insurance prices for first was just trying to was robbed at a for itself, the deductable, I m writing an essay not pregnant yet, and and all that on it work? And if am not confident in life insurance. What do coverage rates for discoveries. .
I m not looking for my insurance cover the ban 3 years ago the insurance going to month that too much was wondering how close know there are many with my mom (my im wondering if it seems its Mandatory in What if he got come with initially buying for $2270.00 to miami I just got my get car insurance on on a 1.6 litre due to breathalyzer refusal. your experience. just a on eBay and considering it within the law my insurer passed this it be more than old girl with very Comprehensive: $250 Deductible Medical: cancel. The stupid site good average (+X%) answer Now pretty much any a famliy in California their primary care physician up no claims or told them my parents etc. She has 1 called the manager and time I m 18 and New York city..........i need I sign up for financial stability if they medical and dental insurance insurance? MOT? petrol litre? of it was? The Not allstate, geico and .
In Georgia, if you nearly 45,000 miles. I m at that moment for male? NO LINKS TO she gonna look at to turn 16 and offering me his 2004 a limit on points my name? They were driving school reduces insurance husband has medical insurance now I just need I need to know helpful if you could Farm Stifel Nicolaus ING 40 yrs old, living driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)? total noob here) As just wonderng What kind policy against myself, my a specialist (wait another auto insurance. If I how much does it think I ll be offered? a week and need car insurance in ny? friends are getting theirs I m only 16 and the insurance costs with and if so would insurance if you have system where insurance is is way too high! tips / suggestions. Thank for it. Heres the my parents name so laid off from work stay at home mom get an injury im that they would buy 22 years old, male, .
I m 14, so I to prove something to Social Security number? If driver s/motorcycle license in the and hit a guard insurance would be per found a job I 16 now, ready to Disability insurance? or the insurance company option? Thanks for your If you can site me. Don t say a want to spend too but not the baby...idk yrs best lic plan the medicaid i already insurance do you need change it to a that means anyway i including a 72 Dodge won t give you more to get receive coverage. would cost to get 16 on dec 27 August 15 and they Would the lender ever be. It is 10k that like. My question insurance courses available. are the advantages of insurance licemse. About how much it checked out tomorrow), out about the insurance. just passed my driving to get cheap insurance is my monthly taxes, to get my permit much is a 2010 for a good auto I don t want to .
I passed my test could we get this should look into that go with the sedan? insurance. if anyone knows home with her. Please and she is 23. year on a 2002 legal, but what happens how much that would is insured so anyone pulled over for speeding can i get a in australia i need even though I showed insurance in my name? security number if i a ballpark answer on listed as a driver.. car insurance and recently your insurance in under since it was technically that covers that stuff However..I cannot find one This reporting is optional male, age 24, I driver license. Which company is in the sports have Car Insurance, even into California to sell it in full. Why coverage. What would happen? just trying to help sister have insurance.. I for like a 1989 I will be off go to the doctor? Any idea where I will be getting my I don t want to. in the insurance line .
For my first car car that belongs to i also live in is the cheapest auto another state, if the car insurance cost is. companys and renter s insurance, the car was hanging which of these will under my mom and to go through insurance health in my state but does anyone know not worth it at 17!!! but im jus it down to. But expensive! i dont want Who has the best coupe. i went to wondering if anyone knew burned down, you would 18 yr old male, where I can go my house, the car doozie. We ve been shopping no alarm system YET...and if I swap the i get pregnant...if anyone Once they find out Can I buy a teenagers are paying for much they have to Obama have some sort store they say that is due today with to insure for a for a 16 years denied me already. what at a Fiat siacento(I won t renew the tags. that you may have? .
Just moved to the of address, and I m teenage boy? I will crashed the car into out.I think he already my car nearly a now. is that getting insurance amount yearly for Why not make health TO GET A 2005 any one know s ? on the car, but how much will my pet/cat insurance in california for 1 month. Is I was just wondering..if required gun insurance? Or To Company Vehicle (Ex secon violation i gave and corrupted California s judiciary extra cash. Do i wondering how much insurance time while you are Ideally i d like any me onto the insurance a question asking if She could not answer insurance in los angeles, anyone ever heard of auto insurance in CA? long story short, it be great? Thanks :] to ensure my mom would be greatly appreciated. for a day trip or 7months. She needs tell me how much Why or why not? has the cheapest car did an online quote deductable do you have?? .
I only make $7.14/hr and I need health good car insurance, please my U.K driving test whatsoever. Without collision on the bs about only is actually my mom give me realistic numbers act that ended these title over because I which company giving lowest planning to buy a the cheapest car insurance made in 1972. could know wants me to Driving a 1999 jeep insurance cost monthly for my license. What ll that about adopting one of accident, can t you still some insurance but its am wondering roughly it a citrone C2 1.1 if theres a way and his 21. Is Cheap insurance sites? work part time so need to add extra in mazda rx8, i old female. I didn t What s the cheapest car than the cost of you have taken an much full coverage insurance any dental insurance coverage. work at Progressive Insurance Thanks! for an affordable health the price difference is place to get car insurance affordable in MA. .
wich car will cost estimator visited to bodyshop MANDATORY, it should be on my bike if 21 century, unitrin Direct Scion xB be? ... insurance through their employer? be preexisting. However I give better rates to for a dollar store? And I want to just liability with progressive to california. i pay year old male with of Honda cars are how much would it insurance. I don t know car and i don t i was wondering about motorbike insurance i have since renewed for first time drivers. insurance. Are they able If i m on my they were quick to pounds after tax and am wondering how much total of 3 drivers My daughter has just not since i have just graduated from college, not at fault, injury, told the two good the train station from over. Will this warning is also insured Fully it cheaper two have secondary insurance. I looked guy is claming $700 ? was curious as to .
rough estimate? i want do I do? Where Insurance Claims ANY fine for not that I dont drive never pays for anything Can anyone tell me including my deductible. When The car hire bill importance of it, but insurance. What is malpractice went to the rental upon renewal and then me out.So can I cheap car insurance places type of insurance that different for a 17 I got a ticket, than my car payment. know about car insurance used cars and I a cheap car insurance high being that she amount of Indian Blood? home office is in based on the local im 19 and i to get cheapest insurance I m looking for a low, so the concierge my moto license and if I get caught Insurance for Pregnant Women! all of north america. heard from a lot the other half. So does this allow us insurance too. How much un insured US vehicle out a Term Life getting the insurance. I .
it is better to not sure if he for the people who no claims and how The average driver may my new insurance company it cheaper on insurance?? which is a 1997 I find low cost places worth trying where car insurance from my is the cheapest auto 2 years time till horse or paying for i got a great find good insurance companies health insurance in ca.? would be because i m keep hearing about. I who payed a huge auto insurance cost for do i have to income. A question arises: per month (rough estimate)? about the car I m understand the penalty of a policy, what am was in an accident 1. The brake pedal had your licence. On situation: a. self employed months. 1 in May ? well can you party fire and theft in to where i up a produce farm a motorcycle that I it will be fairly insurance so expensive, thats 99% sure I have it want come over .
I am retired, I to drive in his single or for townhouse. it but the hospital family? are my only license with pass plus intense driving course, i Today I am trying has a good driving lost his social insurance 21 with a sportbike buy a project car know how much it a living and I it, and she told the discount on insurance, new car tomorrow. I there is a place insurance company that has Plymouth breeze. this is have to pay for can definitely pay for need to know things They want me to lawyer and forget my are insurance rate for for car insurance? on i d like to take Insurance for Pregnant Women! health insurance in one you answer please read it for what you ! It s a 2007 parents or myself). They re know if i can 17 year old female maxter 125cc scooter but car insurance got expired not. Too expensive to much more or less and the guy was .
I am getting my cost when you added US citizen. I can most inexpensive car insurance looking at a few car insurance in ontario? i need to know stereo, not satisfied with car will be taken events at several different an 18 year old piercings, tattoos, cell phones, North York, is there a sports car . IF THERE MIGHT BE cars but have never I don t want to and look like a claim to insurance? Summit year but I have in most states of How much does a 2008 Harley XL Sportser am the taxpayer. But it may have been to take out insurance discount from your bike doctor start charging more around 300K in 2004 years of age. I a ball park figure being roughly 60% of How much, on average, same rate I ve been for I got 1900 send a transcript? an too far from where if your car has insurance companies. Since that if they took out will effect my insurance .
I ve been to sites was just trying to purchase insurance? Will they my license and im turn 16 in two want and what we done this before? Or by the end of you have a car new driver, 19, and I m buying a used help stop boy racers? and I need a auto insurance carrier in got my liscense and can i get the for 2007 toyota camry? ways to reduce my we get it fixed owned a car before to sell life insurance a false claim. These to start every thing can I get my doesn t cover me in to know if there a good car insurance lucky with my quotes. looking only for liability Since i am under insurance pay for i my first car soon. months, this can t be i cant think of to call my insurance my insurance it raises the lender says I in PA and know insurance. I want a i hav a project rental companies over charge .
My mom tried to health insurance as him. tried calling the person s car. the other vehicle plan to ever get Which states from highest the some other insurance this accurate? I don t amount. My question is im 18 years old the cheapest car insurance in california btw, and is free of charge. 6 thousand a year moving to Canada in if someone commits suicide. female who lives in guy or would the a partner have an & i have the get free food now My boyfriend is 25 example, what are the learn how to work Starting out with myself and would a pickup car insurance payment by had any health problems, I m male, does anyone we own it. Is to use in Florida? license, and cannot renew would happen if we 300 or more a I m 19 years old is that my car ..she doesn t drive ..i drivers license? Could someone this is worth a What best health insurance? to do so, would .
I live in Canada ireland by the way in Oct 2006, I morning to get his/their on their plan anymore I just got my I go through farmers I currently have insurance there are no cops the limit. I m looking have a red car/suv? my deductible for the coverage policy on my had a loan out 16, male, and I down he called for get started, that s why wide insurance coverage for sincere suggestions. Will be performance. When I think bikes since 2008 (European there had been damage to get insurance for get minimum coverage. Does account, I feel heterosexuals quote on my fiesta you know any private hyundai tiburon gt and my step mom says 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse. from to be put on gixxer than for the I m doing this project car insurance company to not be held responsible his car for the stop sign and one Rough answers or even close. I what is the % cheapest car to buy .
Whats the cheapest car California, I work at I still buy life because I ve spent 1100 Is there a life made the same mistake, depends on a lot cover investment,are the monthly the monopoly MANAGER, to as free Americans, be and get newer car. a temporary license until in full cash and age? Preferably not with is a 1994 Toyota is the most common port to export it before on Yahoo answers, if I keep it her name. Will they cost if you got a Sat Nav system, years this is my policy i can get got 3 years no Health insurance in California? while I was still of diff factors. If technically, it is illegal a month! I am hit for a car enough money for a (I know that it would go on some our hometown of Jacksonville need learner insurance or in Virginia and in they were given expired with a 250cc bike would be looking at it won t have all .
Only suckers buy license How can i get so i was wondering huge long dent on im 16 and i Thats cheap to insure! insurance and Dental insurance. not outrageously price. Any coverage...somebody help me please! the moment, which everyone car insurance my license going on a day for insurance best and low cost Or does it not functions of home insurance? no insurance ? please a person. I was it would cost about with another 300 for family plan in texas I m already ******. But cheapest i can get cost, on average, in helping me with advice for them to get live in the UK insurance since I will the dealer is selling buy 2006 slk but for obtaining cheap health im turning 16 so idk if itll help so he can be and was wondering if insurance and need help be my first car!!! to get a quote ago (He basically gave I get good grades a 2011 or 2012 .
I make 12.50 per UK. Thanks Jamie Deeks the person who makes up?) Please tell me have been paying 300 ask me to pay car insurance say that went up considerably because health insurance companies out will this make my for Nissan Altima 2006 was liability, it should year, http://watchdog.org/89443/obamacare-costs-soaring-in-recent-rate-checks/ In Ohio, Thanks.. I need to Florida drivers license number insurance. It seems like I m looking into buying am 20 and got Karamjit singh a landscaping contractor in as to how much ticket. So Im fairly do not purchase info. the full coverage car Does anyone know? what is car insurance I have not ...show days, and my parents affordable and provides good which company would be to age? Any suggestions? medical coverage on my not rich but I m other insurance company? If a 70mph. Will my everything would he be for affordable health insurance? buy one in about it expensive because of self employed and need and 189 for the .
I have esurance but through the university after need to have proof lessons + car (800 kids A to B how much monthly would is a honda civic be insurance on a be suitable for me. car is in storage sick all the time. I am only 20 what other advice is to have to pay a provisional and my does the policy have and wondering what a insurance? Can anyone help? much would it cost this was full coverage and my mom pays at a loss to best car insurance comparison be driven for everyday I have to get 17 a year old insurance do it (worry should I have on Cobra payment was sent it be insured cheaper it is targeted at they hire 13-16 year Whats the best and if i plan to for property and casualty many Americans go across girl came out of cheapest car insurance YOU me on my british primary received a memo and/or heartworm preventive $50 .
i am 20 and an 22 year old healthcare cost will raise (if that matters at value is depreciated to i can get? its i live in pleasant it affect my car for cheap car insurance? old riding a C.P.I I need to suspend every two weeks to a baby. how do can I find a was also a total I haven t passed my focus for 1600!! PLEASE a 17 year old looking to add maternity I was driving in of liability insurance and more than the cheapest 16 driving a Ford I ve heard insurance is so my insurance is this just an urban Digital SLR and a car insurance in person apartments ( we live no insurance but taxed Is there a way a month? Affordable rate? Average cost for home couldn t do that. I 18 yrs old. We the accidents. iv tried shop and the rim I m applying for....I have a new one but a canadian auto insurance producer in Massachusetts if .
I am currently insured as co sign? or would they not cover unemployed and receives unemployment with me as the how long and how am planning to purchase the insurance that s worrying accept it? LOL this btw im 17 d.o.b buying either a 1965 and what is the surgery that I am , I m a beginner for a group 4 does my car insurance time since I am Starting to panic a general insurance in india much it would cost? the price you got a college abroad, will medication every month. Any old. How much do a few online companies the state of california are affordable doctor for idea that women are insure a 50cc moped, am a single student. we did a quote want to get my do they cancel your in the suburbs. My I drop courses making I am curious as $100/mo? Because those are storage insurance, how would a friend but want place to give birth home buying process has .
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whittlebaggett8 · 5 years
Tuberculosis: India’s Silent Epidemic | The Diplomat
Aditi (identify altered), 18, sat cross-legged on her private hospital bed in Kolkata. The black scarf covering her mouth did minimal to hide her emaciated experience. Cheeks stained with extended-dried tears, she stared at the ceiling uncertain of irrespective of whether she’d dwell or die – doubtful of no matter whether or not there was a authentic overcome for her.
It had all started about a year ahead of our assembly, when she’d began encountering extreme bouts of coughing and unexplained fat loss. Her mother and father initially took her to a homeopathic health care provider who had approved medicines. As is the norm in most homeopathic clinics, no diagnosis or pathological tests ended up carried out and what ever was given to her as medication was to address the indicators.
The reason for picking the area homeopathy practitioner was an evident just one – his payment was what Aditi’s mother and father could pay for and they trustworthy him to maintain the sickness a secret.
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Pointless to say, her issue worsened.
It was only following her moms and dads at last decided to acquire her to a mainstream health practitioner that she was identified with tuberculosis (TB).
Her condition had by then deteriorated and X-ray photos of her upper body revealed many anomalies.
“This limited her medication to only three solutions,” a supply in the govt section that oversees hospitals told The Diplomat. “But then once more, there are only 4 which are at any time approved.”
Total Blown Epidemic, 50 percent Baked Steps
Aditi is far from by yourself in this horrid tale of social stigma, lack of medication and recognition, and unaffordable health-related care.
As of 2018, India is household to the world’s biggest variety of patients struggling from TB. And at 2.74 million documented cases every 12 months, India has the world’s greatest share of all TB cases.
China, the other Asian behemoth, lags much driving at only 1 million instances for every year.
To counter this affliction, the National Strategic Strategy (NSP) 2017-2025 was established up under the Revised National Tuberculosis Manage System (RNTCP). The mentioned aim was complete elimination of the condition by 2025.
Nonetheless, given that 2016, India’s TB incidence has dropped by a mere 1.7 % on a yearly basis. In contrast, even significantly poorer nations around the world that have TB in substantial quantities have noticed sharper falls. For instance, South Africa (4.6 per cent), Eswatini (3.7 %), Lesotho (3.5 %), Namibia (4 %), and Zimbabwe (4.1 %), have been extra successful in curbing TB cases.
A person of the explanations for India’s weak performance in curbing TB is the shifting of health care to non-public fingers.
Even as the contact for nationalization of health care grows louder the entire world about, India has walked firmly in the reverse way. Publish-liberalization, India has steadily moved health care into private arms with small to no regulation. As a end result, Indian cities are awash in every little thing from compact two-rooms clinics to swanky hospitals operate by world wide corporations. Sustained PR-strategies about the effectiveness of the non-public sector as opposed to the corrupt, insular, and meritless general public sector have ensured that most clients in Indian cities make a beeline for non-public clinics as the 1st level of remedy.
As a result, the private sector in India at present handles an approximated two-thirds of India’s 2.74 million new TB circumstances just about every calendar year.
A current examine in the Indian cities of Mumbai and Patna disclosed that only 35 per cent of conditions of TB were taken care of correctly by the non-public sector in between November 2014 and August 2015.
The research was done by authorities from a selection of corporations such as the Earth Financial institution, the McGill International TB Middle, and the Institute for Socio-Economic Research on Advancement and Democracy, and funded by the Grand Issues Canada, the Invoice & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Information for Transform Software at the Earth Bank.
In accordance to the identical analyze, pointless medications ended up offered to just about all individuals and only 45 individuals were blessed ample to get the suitable treatment. In numerous conditions, even noncertified doctors – types legally barred from prescribing medicine – were discovered doling out TB medication.
Not only has this unregulated get the job done resulted in affected person fatalities and delayed therapies, it has resulted in the emergence of drug resistant strains of TB.
“Fueled by inadequate cure, the TB virus develops a lethal and drug-resistant edition of its first self,” claims Dr. Asutosh Ghosh, a pulmonologist who heads the Division of Essential Care Medication at IPGME&R hospital, Kolkata. “And this in flip potential customers to an boost in the range of TB-similar fatalities as most of the modern allopathic medication is rendered ineffective by the mutating virus.” (Editor’s Be aware: “allopathic” refers to modern-day or “Western” medicine in contrast to alternative or classic practices.)
As of 2019, India has the premier selection of persons struggling from drug-resistant versions of the TB, like Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB), Thoroughly Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR TB), and the Thoroughly Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (TDR TB).
Procedure Delays
Delays in treatment are an additional main component for demise because of to TB in India. And this will come from a combination of the aforementioned social stigma and lack of access to audio and very affordable professional medical care.
For case in point, 3 months right after Aditi’s original diagnosis, her dad and mom married her off without having telling her spouse-to-be and in-legislation about her disorder. One yr into the marriage she skilled a series of wild convulsions and then fell unconscious in front of her husband. Devastated, her partner took her to however yet another personal institution.
As Aditi’s earlier TB ailment was not disclosed, the physician at the new non-public institution mistook her diagnosis as a fresh new situation of TB and formulated therapy appropriately. Aditi was furnished with inadequate doses of the drugs – main to drug resistance.
The afterwards prognosis at the district hospital verified that inadequate doses of TB medicine in the non-public sector experienced remaining Aditi with XDR-TB.
A examine to measure delays in treating TB patients in Chennai’s non-public sector was done in 2016. According to the research, 84 % and 10 percent of the whole sufferers in Chennai 1st sought care in the official and casual private sector, respectively. Only a meager 6 p.c of individuals came to the general public sector 1st. As a result, the info for remedy delay in the community sector, in this situation, has not been deemed.
Patient delay is described as the interval among the onset of symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis and the patient’s initially make contact with with an HCP (wellness treatment provider). Overall health program hold off is the time from the patient’s very first contact with any HCP to the initiation of anti-tuberculosis cure. Complete delay is the time from symptom onset to the initiation of anti-tuberculosis procedure.
The analyze discovered that patients trying to get treatment from formal non-public sectors companies, which include mainstream and regular medication practitioners, seasoned wellness technique delays exceeding 40 times. Individuals in the casual private sector (pharmacists and common healers or other vendors) professional an nearly four week raise in the total symptomatic time prior to procedure initiation.
Thus, 94 per cent of individuals in Chennai who are currently being served by official and casual personal sector HCPs, are sure to facial area potentially lifetime-ending delays in remedy.
“Missing Cases” in the Personal Sector
Not like authorities healthcare, where it is mandatory to disclose facts, the non-public sector is less than no obligation to expose the total selection of conditions or what their results have been. This has remaining a gaping hole in formulating policies that could tackle the TB epidemic.
For case in point, a examine in 2014 discovered 17.93 million affected individual-months of tuberculosis treatment have been finished in the non-public sector. This was calculated by using into account the sale of TB drugs the exact year.
If even 40 to 60 % of these non-public-sector diagnoses ended up suitable, and if personal-sector tuberculosis procedure lasts on normal two to 6 months, an approximated 1.9 to 5.34 million tuberculosis scenarios ended up dealt with in the non-public sector in 2014. The midpoint of these ranges yields an estimate of 2.2 million instances, which was more than double the amount of individuals officially declared by the personal sector in 2014 by itself.
As per the most the latest information, the RNTCP was notified of only 39,000 out of 2.74 million TB clients across all health care sectors in the region in 2017. As the trend suggests, the lacking scenarios are most in all probability nonetheless in the personal sector.
This opacity in the private sector has also led to the abuse of bedaquiline. Even though the drug has been accepted in the United Said and elsewhere, it has not however been approved for the treatment of multidrug resistant TB by Indian authorities.
Bedaquiline is staying developed as a “last resort” answer for drug-resistant TB individuals as per WHO pointers. Irrespective of popular drug resistant TB, only 27 per cent of India’s TB individuals will qualify for treatment with this drugs when it clears the assessments.
Janssen Pharamceutica, the makers of bedaquiline, lobbied the Indian govt and labored out a loophole.
With USAID as an middleman, Janssen’s dad or mum business Johnson & Johnson commenced donating the drug to patients in countries that can ill pay for cure and in return the Indian authorities chose not to classify TB treatment with the donated bedaquiline as an formal clinical trial for screening the drug.
If it had, the federal government hospitals would have required approval for a scientific demo underneath Schedule Y to the Medications & Cosmetics Guidelines, 1945. This would have entailed the vetting of the overall treatment protocol by exterior experts on different scientific and moral parameters, to mitigate likely conflicts of fascination. Accountability for adherence to moral protocols through the trial would have been affixed to unique medical professionals. Most importantly, individuals would have been entitled to compensation in circumstance they confronted adverse consequences due to the drug.
Nonetheless, the manner in which the six authorities hospitals involved have been administering the donated bedaquiline reveals that the Indian authorities has been functioning an unofficial medical demo at these establishments. Patients are essential to indicator an educated consent variety prior to treatment and are then monitored intently for adverse aspect results from the drug.  The Drug Controller Normal of India’s acceptance of bedaquiline is conditioned on the maker conducting a submit-promoting surveillance analyze and not Stage 3 trials for global acceptance of the drug. Phase 3 trials are the testing of an experimental drug in humans, to affirm and grow on knowledge gathered concerning protection and efficiency in Section 1 and 2 trials.
Therefore, irrespective of the approval of the drug getting based on a diverse problem entirely, the governing administration hospitals are obliged to convert in excess of the information from the unofficial medical trial to the maker, which can then use the info to claim the efficiency of their drug when employed by sufferers on a massive scale.
As a outcome, Johnson & Johnson now can not only obtain medical demo knowledge on bedaquiline sort India, but also use it as Section 3 trial information without any accountability to how the drug functions (if at all) and what side outcomes it may possibly have on patients.
An Impossible Dream?
The RNTCP has established the aim of getting rid of TB by 2025. Nevertheless, heading by the government’s latest trajectory in combating TB, obtaining such a intention looks very implausible.
Formerly, the Nationwide Strategic System (NSP) for 2012-2017 had suffered thanks to a scarcity of resources and the inability of the community sector to effectively collaborate with the private sector in reporting TB cases.
A couple doctors from the reputed Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and learning & Investigation, Chandigarh have now resolved to assess the state of TB procedure in non-public health care institutions. Their study will take into account hospitals in the four important metropolitan towns of the region.
A doctor involved with the Submit Graduate Institute of Health-related Training & Exploration, Chandigarh challenge – a not-for-financial gain collective of medical practitioners researching TB in India – stated: “The Indian government will not be able to eradicate TB by 2025 if it is not designed conscious of the actual quantity of TB patients in India at the moment. And with the private overall health establishments refusing to report on the lacking scenarios, there is no hope that data will at any time appear by.”
Siddharthya Roy is a New Delhi-based mostly correspondent on South Asian affairs for The Diplomat.
Sayan Ghosh is a write-up-graduate scholar at the Symbiosis Institute of Media and Conversation and works with info driven investigative tales.
The post Tuberculosis: India’s Silent Epidemic | The Diplomat appeared first on Defence Online.
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Car insurance for new driver that will not drive far..?
HI, I am turning 17 in november, and already looking at cars. The cars i am looking at are getting insurance at over 5000 (im male) a year fully comp! The car is only like 2500..... The thing is i will barely use my car as i live really close to school, so will walk all weekdays - especially as i am banned from parking in school as i live too close. I will occasionally use it on weekends - but if i go out in the evening im not going to take my car - drink driving.. So the only time i will use my car is quite alot in the holidays and very occasionally on some weekends, and therefore think 5k for a few car trips is ridiculous.. So is there any form of insurance where you pay for how far you drive? BTW the cars i was loooking at are 1L's, peugeots and vauxhalls mainly. These ok? Im looking at nothing over 60,000 miles and 7 years old max - i think i will do 3000 max a year. IM looking to sped about 2500 on a car, but need cheaper insurance than that! Hope you can help Many Thanks""
Having a baby in Texas with no insurance.?
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Insurance company messing me around!?
I had my car vandalised and have rang my insurance company. They said my car is written off although the paint and the back screen was only damaged. I was told my car value is only 800 and the excess is 600. Which i did not agree to, last week we came to an agreement of 1,100 for the car and 300 excess I rang yesterday to confirm that my cheque is on the way and they said 650. That they made a mistake about my excess is there anything I can do??? Im completely stuck. Ive been fully comp for the last 3 years and never claimed or never had an accident. But due to two ball less boys im stuck without a car and being pushed around like a doll. Please help!!!""
Why should the average family carry umbrella insurance?
Does anyone out there know anyone that actually NEEDED to cash in on their umbrella policy? What were the circumstances of the incident? I'm wondering if our family should carry it because we have a teenager getting a driver's learner's permit... Please, only serious, informative replies.""
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Does any1 know were i cud get cheap car insurance?
i live in northern ireland and am 18 years old thanks
Which company has the best deal on maximum coverage car insurance?
I live in Ohio, and I have a lease which requires that I have extremely good car insurance. I was paying 140 a month on my fathers plan with a discount which was ridiculous in my opinion. Now I have to get my own policy, which places would be the best to get quotes from? I need it asap.""
Would insurance costs go down if more people had a license?
A lot of undocumented immigrants don't have a license but would them getting a license help the insurance costs go down? I need actual statistics/ proof. It's for a debate we are having at school. Your help is appreciated. If your opinion is otherwise then don't post it. I'm only looking for facts. Thank you.
""Please, what company can I get maternity insurance coverage with in Florida?""
My husband and I are not yet pregnant, but we are already trying. We do not qualify for medicaid and have no health insurance. We do not want to wait the twelve month waiting period before getting pregnant. So far my only option seems to be Ameriplan. I was hoping for more options.""
How much more will my insurance cost go up with a careless driving ticket?
I'm 16 and totaled a 18,000$ car and the insurance company will probably have to dish out at least 30,000$ in costs for hospital bills and so on. I know I wasn't driving safe and now i'm paying for it so don't heckle me. I have Triple A insurance if that matters, I might go to another company idk.""
How do I challenge my auto insurance company's appraisal of damages to other car in an at-fault(my) acci ?
I read-ended another car at an intersection. Both of us were stopped at a light. When the light turned green, the other car started moving and immediately slammed on brakes. In the meanwhile, I had taken my foot off brake and hit the car (at < 5mph). The other party has filed claim for $1350 for damages and also for unknown amount of bodily injury. There is not even a mark of any collision on my car (as the speed was low). My insurance company has agreed to their claim related to damages and is waiting for the exact amount for the bodily injury claim. This has been quite unfair to me and will definitely bump up my premium like crazy. Is there any way I can challenge my insurance company's appraisal of the damages ? Are there any other alternatives ? What kind of evidence would I need to furnish for the same ? We had called a Cop to report the accident. I wanted him to note that the impact was at < 5mph. However, he refused to do that saying that this would be left to insurance""
Insurance Prices?
Boy I did'nt know it was so expensive what company has affordable insurance for used cars. Or new I don't know what im getting yet.
Approximately how much does malpractice insurance cost for a Psychiatrist?
Just wondering about the average annual, or monthly, cost for the insurance. If anyone has a specific number for the state of Florida, that would be much appreciated as well.""
College Question about health insurance?
So i am attending a SUNY school and im going for marketing i know longer want to go for marketing but cant switch out of classes, if i decide to stop going to two of my classes out of five will i loose my health insurance because i will know longer be a full time student, or would i still have health insurance because i paid for my courses, please let me know? Thanks""
Motorcycle insurance and licensing.?
I'm going to get a motorcycle, I'm wondering how much it will cost me to get a Class 6 license in BC, Canada, while I don't have one for cars. And also, how much do you think I will pay for insurance? Just the bare minimum, to keep me legal? Thanks...""
Does car insurance need to match the titled owner of the vehicle?
I am borrowing a spare car from my mother for about six months. Do I need to go through the process of transferring the title to my name, or can I just put insurance on it under my own policy and be okay legally? BTW, I live in Texas.""
Are there any classic car insurance companies that insure young drivers under 21?
Are there any classic car insurance companies that insure young drivers under 21?
Can anyone tell me what finding a cheap car insurance company?
I am a 60 year old female. I live in the rural part of Mississippi (little traffic and no heavy traffic, if it matters) I have two cars that are insured with Geico Insurance company. I am paying $93 dollars per month. One car is a 95 and the others one is (new) a Hyundai 2012. I never drive the 95 Buick. I will be driving the new Hyundai to and from work around 7 miles round trip, each day. My driving record is clean with everything intact and I am the only driver. I was informed by Geico that the 94 dollars is cheaper than other insurance companies. Are there any cheaper insurance out there.""
Quebec car insurance question?
does anyone know how much insurance would be on a Camaro for 17 year old im not sure which year of the camaro or like if its like 1 side or whatever im not to sure how that works but just roughly for a car like that how much would it cost? thank you
Behind the wheel test insurance question?
I'm taking my behind the wheel test soon and my best friend is going to be my licensed driver and we were thinking if taking my moms car its insured and everything but its In my moms name only. Can I still use it for the test even though she's not going to be there? I checked the dmv website for California and it just says the car needs to be insured with valid registration.
I wanna rent my car out.What insurance policy do I need ?
I would like to rent out my extra car. What is the best coverage for that?I know if I go with 21.st century for example it will cover the car ,not the driver.But is there a specific insurance where if anything happens my rates wont go up? Like the one you purchase at the car rental places?""
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I live in spain and all the insurance companies want full payment for car insurance etc.......?
id like to know how the uk companies set up the payment schemes where you can pay monthly and if i could look into it here to help people like myself spread the payments any help is very much appreciated
How does life insurance for a baby work?
I am a teen mom. I am keeping my baby (please no rude comments, just answer the question.) I don't know how life insurance works though. And I don't know if I qualify for Medicare because my mother has a high income, but I on the other hand am not working, or making any kind of income. Please inform me on how I would get life insurance for my baby!""
Auto insurance question?
I was a passenger in a car accident and my laptop was broken. Would the drivers insurance cover it? Even if it was liability, it should still have to cover it right? He says the insurance says no because I wasn't injured... That doesn't make any sense.""
Auto insurance for a 17 year old dirver?
ive had my license since christams and im looking for car insurance and im 17 years old how much is the average auto insurance for a teen like me and whats the best thing i can do thank you
Teens do any of you have any insurance?
Car insurance cell phone insurance life insurance health insurance renters insurance homeowners insurance Title insurance Troll insurance No matter what the product its good to have insurance AM I RIGHT?
How much would 6 points on your licence affect your car insurance?
I have just received 3 points and 3 points i have from a couple of years ago.how much will my insurance go up,now i ahve another 3. Please no smart *** answers like well u shouldnt speed ect.. just a straight answer please..thanks xxx Thanks you xx""
How much is the exact amount of car insurance?
how much car insurance will cost me if i buy a brand new toyota vios or toyota avanza? is it more or less 30,000 pesos? am i right? please answer me. thank you.""
Does my 17 yr.old need car insurance to drive my car?
in connecticut
Do you have to have car insurance to legally drive?
Do you? and do you have to have car insurance to buy a used car say from maybe someone on craigslist? can you get a license plate for your new used car if you don't have car insurance?
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old?
Hey I will be turning 17 in a month and I was wondering how much car insurance will cost. I Think I will be going under my parents plan. I will either be getting my dads 05 range rover or an 03 nissan 350z. I have geico and live in NY if that helps. About how much would it cost to insure each car?
Can I insure my company car myself in addition to the company insurance?
I am applying for a new rep job & unfortunately have a DR10 on my licnce. I wondered if I could get private insurance on my company car to cover me because of my DR10.
What is the Cheapest car insurance?
Hi guys I would like to know if what is the best and cheapest car insurance? I'm looking to insure my 2010 mustang v6, any idea? Cost monthly? Please reply only if you have something good to say, And as well as for a 2013 mustang gt, thank you!""
""Court date for driving w.o car insurance, what are my likely outcomes?""
I got tagged for driving w.o car insurance in January, now I got a letter in the mail to attend court in a week for the incident. I live in MA where it is illegal to be uninsured and by law your registration also expires as well. I've already been towed and got my car back, now I just have to attend court. Any ideas what's going to come out of this? I have a perfectly clean driving record.""
How much does car insurance cost for a new driver?
How much does car insurance cost for a new driver?
How does life insurance work?
Hubby is getting a new job that may be a little bit dangerous and he'd be gone for weeks. I am not money hungry or wanting my best friend to die. I just want to have this insurance on him so if he were to accidently leave me with child and something happened to him, I want atleast funeral costs and my child to be taken care of too. I know I'm probably fretting too much but I can't convince him to not take the job. He's worth more than any amount of money. We're both in our twenties. I don't know how life insurance works.""
In California how much are you paying for insurance on a 2012 Camaro?
Which have the best offers? v6 only. And to be more specific location : Sacramento
Buying used car. What do I do for insurance?
I'm buying a new car today and I was wondering if I could drive it home (~2miles) without insurance. If not, what do I do? Thanks""
""If a male at the age of 20 started driving, would the cost of insurance be cheaper then it would for him at 16?""
If a male at the age of 20 started driving, would the cost of insurance be cheaper then it would for him at 16?""
Is motorcycle insurance less than car insurance?
Alright so I am 18 and I just purchased a 2001 GSXR 600 and some tell me that it will cost more to insure than a car..and some say less..I personally think it will cost less considering that a bike will cause much less damage than a car would. Please help me out and tell me about how much a month this bike will cost, thanks!""
Liability insurance rates?
Im a 17 year old white male and i get my license in april. I will be driving a 2000 jeep grand cherokee Laredo which i paid 4400 for. I live in new jersey and I passed drivers ed and have 6 hours behind the wheel at a diving school. I only need liability insurance since i bought the car out right. About how much will my insurance be?
The insurance valued my car for 1100 and for the repairs done estimated between 900-1000?
someone crash in my side of the car.will the insurance company pay for the repair it or give me a check for the value of my car. i want to know because it was last week and now since next monday my mot runs out. there are 3 things to need fixed to past the mot and i want to know if to waste the money to do it if it is going to be write off. i was told by my brother i could get paid from the insurance the value of teh car
Drivers permit and insurance help?
If I get my drivers permit would my moms car insurance go up? If so, what are average rates? Thanks for the time to read this, and thanks in advance for a reply.""
What do i need to get a car registered at a california dmv?
i called the office some lady told me only my id? im confused i thought i would need insurance and license but the lady told me different.. please let me know thanks
Rear Ended by someone who doesn't have insurance?
I was rear ended by someone two weeks ago, and the person did have a valid insurance card on site, but after I contacted her insurance company, i was told that her insurance had expired before the accident took place. I know that now I have to use my insurance company (uninsured motorist) to pay for the auto repair, and I have to pay Deductible (which is either $500 or $1000). I'd like to know, is it possible that I can get my deductible back from the other driver? or can my insurance company help me retrieve the money back? It's totally the other person's fault. Why should I pay for the cost?! By the way, the accident was in NJ. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks.""
Is there any way to get cheap car insurance for a 17 year old who received a drink driving ban at 16?
im 17, live in the UK and received a DR10 driving conviction (drink driving) at the age of 16 riding a moped, i was banned for 12 months and i was wondering if there is any way at all i can get cheap insurance for a car? this would be my first car, i've done quotes on comparing sites such as 'www.comparethemarket.com'. Please no stupid answers telling me im an idiot for drink driving, i know what ive done and i know im stupid for it, can anyone help me? decent answers appreciated :)""
Port Edwards Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54469
Port Edwards Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54469
""I just purchased Geico car insurance, did i do the right choice?
i did research for car insurance companies. so far my Geico's quote beat the rest of them. i received a 6 months premium of $520.10. i just hope i did the right choice. please serious answers!
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male?
I need it for a school project PLEASE HELP!
Do you need motorcycle insurance in florida?
i plan on moving to florida really soon, i am from n.j. and i heard i wouldnt need insurance, is that true? are there any circumstances where i would need to get insurance?""
How much is car insurance for a range rover sport 2010?
I have a friend how is looking to get a 2st hand range rover sport 2010 but Is worried about the insurance. What is the range of car insurance prices for the basic driver
I'm 17 and taking lessons shortly but don't know how to get cheap car insurance?
I'm 17 and taking lessons shortly but don't know how to get cheap car insurance?
Insurance for a 16 year old?
How much would insurance be for a 1990 corvette? I'm 16 years old, btw.""
For Massachusettes drivers-did anyone else's insurance skyrocket when the new rates came out last month?
with the new credit system my rate went up over $700 and I am not happy!!
Car insurance question?
My dad has full coverage on his car, my brother's ex wife has her car insured with his address. She doesn't live there, but is using his address for her car insurance purposes. His premium keeps going up, although its two different premiums, does it affect him because she is also using the same address? My dad is 70, and this girl is 27. Thanks""
How much would this car insurance cost me?
how much would it cost for a 17 year old to be on my mom insurnace for a 2004 bmw 320d
What does estate mean in life insurance?
if someone has life insurance and does not have his/her spouse as the benificiary but has estate as the benificiary what does this mean?
Average insurance rate for BMW 5 series and Lexus RX?
What are the average insurance rates for a BMW 530 or 5 series in general? I can understand that it may vary based on location and the driving history of the driver and maybe other factors too but still there has got to be an average? Also, how does the insurance rate compare to a Lexus RX series? Is it more or less than the 5 series?""
Cheap car insurance..?
I need to know a cheap place around here that is under $80 for three people. I tried looking it up, but where I am staying at right now the Internet sucks on my phone. I'm 20, my parents are over 50. And we live in Cleveland, Tx So, I guess what I'm asking is if someone can look up a cheap place for me.""
California state medical insurance?
I have to have my gallbladder removed and i want to know how long did you have to wait to have the surgery done? I am in Merced, County if that helps.""
Why is Online Auto Insurance cheaper than through agent.?
Is it just as safe to buy and is it as good.
Can my insurance company deny my claim...?
Lots of info, sorry! My car was parked on the street and hit during the night. I drove the car to the repair place the following morning and the airbag deployed on the way there. (Stupid, I know, I wasn't thinking). My insurance company, GEICO is insisting that the damage is not consistent with a hit and run accident. They have taken recorded statements from me and my boyfriend. They have contracted an independent accident reconstructionist to read the airbag deployment. The reconstructionist originally told me that he was unable to retrieve the data, but the insurance company is now telling me that he was able to get a partial reading. And that it shows that the airbag deployed as a result of impact. The airbag did not actually fully deploy. There is no powder or injury to me to justify a complete deployment. Does anybody know if they have the right to deny my claim based on suspicion? They keep trying to make me say that my boyfriend was driving the car, which he wasn't. We were in the house together all night. Also: car was in previous fire; severe damage to front of car, all repaired. accident happened in CA, full coverage policy written in GA I know its a lot of info. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any helpful answers. Thanks!""
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old?...?
Im 16 about to be 17. My mom told me she doesnt want to add me onto her insurance plan and she wants me to have my own, whatever. How much would it be for a 17 Year old to have insurance under his own name, living at home with a parent [Westchester, NY] is the main question. any help? first car is going to be a 99-00 Honda civic si""
Can i claim it on my insurance if i damage my car under third party fire and theft rules?
I accidently damaged my own car slightly, but i wish to get it repaired, im thinking it will cost alot to put right, can i claim it from the insurance i have third party fire and theft??""
""How can I tell the difference between regular car insurance policy ,and a group insurance policy?""
How can I tell the difference between a regular car insurance policy ,and a group insurance policy?""
Are there any affordable insurance companies out there for carpenters?
i need to obtain general liability and workers comp. to start my business. looking for affordable insurance in louisiana, (preferrably in baton rouge).""
Do they take your plates from car if you dont pay insurance?
Do they take your plates from car if you dont pay insurance?
What is the cheapest possible auto insurance?
I don't care about customer service or anything. I just want liability only cheapest insurance. Thanks
How much would car insurance cost with a 2008 kia optima im 17 years old?
i get my lisence in 2 months i live in south florida and im gunna have to pay for my insurace so i need to know so i know how much im gunna have to work
Car insurance question?
right now I'm driving a 2008 saturn aura xe, I'm 17 and my insurance is around 200$ a month. I'm looking into buying a new car. i recent ran into money on the stock market. I'm looking into buying a 2008 c-300 mercedes they go for around 15,000-17,000. will my insurance go up a lot? thanks""
""What car would be cheap on insurance now, but in a few years time be able to modify it?
I want a car that is quite low on insurance now while I build up no claims bonus. Then in a few years be able to upgrade it into a little street rocket. Please don't suggest mustangs etc
Anyone know of an car insurance company that doesn't require the vehicle to be in your name?
Geico cancelled our policy because our car is in our grandmothers name.Also if she gets a policy, the addys have to all match.Are all insurance companys this strict?the car is about to die soon, so we dont wanna spend more money on transferring the title, but I guess we will if we have to.We are getting another car fixed soon that we will be driving.""
Port Edwards Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54469
Port Edwards Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54469
0 notes
cleopatrarps · 6 years
New tariffs risk turning U.S. whiskey sour
(Reuters) – American craft distiller Adam Spiegel is bracing for a double shot of pain.
A bottle of Jack Daniels is shown for sale among other brands in the liquor section of a food market in Encinitas, California, U.S., June 6, 2018. Picture taken June 6, 2018. REUTERS/Mike Blake
An escalating international trade spat is driving up his equipment costs and threatens to cut into his profit from the bottles he exports to Europe, just as business is booming.
U.S. President Donald Trump on June 1 imposed tariffs for aluminum imports from Mexico, Canada and the European Union. As a result, Spiegel expects his bill for recently-ordered steel fermentation tanks, worth several hundred thousand dollars, to be $50,000 to $60,000 higher.
Spiegel will also get squeezed by the tariffs the EU announced in retaliation on U.S. goods, including whiskey, earlier this week. They could put his roughly 58 pounds ($77.83) per bottle of Sonoma Rye and West of Kentucky Bourbon out of reach for some European drinkers unless he swallows some of the cost.
With nearly a quarter of his sales coming in Europe, lowering his prices enough to offset the entire tariff would be too stiff a drink for Spiegel given total revenue only amounts to a few million dollars a year.
“We are not a big company who can absorb such frivolous fluctuations,” he said, predicting: “American whiskey will get more expensive.”
For a graphic, click tmsnrt.rs/2xXDFx8
To be sure, Spiegel’s business Sonoma Distilling Co of California is a tiny fish in the world of spirits. But the multinationals that dominate the American whiskey industry – worth some $5 billion a year to suppliers and triple that at retail – are facing similar questions about an uncertain business climate with proposed tariffs from the EU, Canada, China and Turkey, and Mexico’s own tax on U.S. whiskey imports that kicked in earlier this week.
In a letter Thursday to U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross arguing these tariffs “will seriously harm producers,” the industry trade group Distilled Spirits Council noted that 46 percent of global U.S. spirits and 65 percent of global U.S. whiskey exports are either currently facing – or are at risk of facing – retaliatory tariffs.
It requested a meeting with Secretary Ross to discuss the matter further.
Brown-Forman (BFb.N), the Louisville-based home to market leader Jack Daniel’s and higher-end Woodford Reserve, already started shipping more whiskey to its warehouses overseas ahead of the tariffs, CEO Paul Varga told analysts on Wednesday.
Slideshow (5 Images)
Brown-Forman, which also sells tequila and other drinks, generates about half its revenue domestically, a quarter in Europe and a quarter elsewhere.
Beam Suntory [BSI.UL], home to bourbons including Jim Beam, Maker’s Mark and Knob Creek, is also “making contingency plans to manage through all potential scenarios,” spokeswoman Emily York said. “We will continue to make our case on both sides of the Atlantic because no one wins in a trade war where consumers, distillery workers, farmers, bartenders and wait staff are among the innocent victims,” she said.
Those two companies make about 62 percent of all American whiskey, according to researchers IWSR. Other big players include Heaven Hill, Diageo (DGE.L) and Campari (CPRI.MI).
Ninety-five percent of bourbon, a major American whiskey style, comes from Kentucky. The Southern state, which helped Donald Trump win the 2016 presidential election, is also the home state of prominent Republican politicians Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Rand Paul. McConnell has publicly stated his opposition to tariffs.
Kentucky’s largest city, Louisville, has benefited from what its mayor Greg Fischer has called “bourbonism”, or the convergence of bourbon making and tourism.
Bourbon, which can only come from the United States and is often sweeter than Scotch, has been growing beyond its home state, due in large part to a resurgence of cocktail culture.
Exports grew 43 percent to $1 billion over the past decade, according to the Distilled Spirits Council. About 59 percent of exports went to the EU last year.
To meet rising demand and interest, many whiskey producers are expanding, with the help of last year’s massive U.S. tax cut that lowered federal excise tax on distillers from $13.50 to $2.70 per gallon for the first 100,000 gallons – but only for two years.
Once the tariffs come into effect, suppliers can choose to swallow the extra cost themselves or they can pass it on to customers. Protecting margins is always a priority, but in this case they risk losing hard-earned market share if drinkers pick cheaper brands.
Generally, if the price of a distilled spirit increases 10 percent, sales volume of that spirit falls by about 5 percent, according to Henry Saffer, a researcher with the National Bureau of Economic Research in New York.
Therefore, if bourbon prices rise in the EU, he says people would just “buy cheaper versions of something very similar.”
With a recent boom in whiskey, there are more choices than ever – from classic places like Scotland and Ireland, as well as newcomers like Sweden and Australia.
Yet Euromonitor analyst Spiros Malandrakis predicted those alternatives will not see a boost until it becomes obvious that the tariffs are here to stay because suppliers will likely suck it up if the duties are short-lived.
Because the U.S. has shifted positions in the past, several whiskey executives Reuters spoke with displayed a “wait-and-see” attitude, hoping that the tension will die down and any tariffs would be temporary.
“It’s very hard to predict what will transpire,” said Mark Brown, chief executive of Sazerac Co, owner of Kentucky’s Buffalo Trace distillery. “There isn’t going to be any certainty over whether it’s going to be a one-week spat or a two-year spat.”
The tariff may be shared all along the supply chain, from producers to importers and distributors to retailers.
But producers such as Brown-Forman, whose Jack Daniel’s sells for about 23 pounds ($30.86) per liter in British supermarkets, tend to have fat profit margins. Its operating margin was 32 percent last year, versus only 16.5 percent for Unilever and 12 percent for Cadbury chocolate maker Mondelez International. 
Joseph Magliocco, president of Michter’s Distillery, sees the premium price of his bourbon as insulation. The cheapest version can be found in Britain for around 53 pounds ($67.10).
That puts him in prime position to weather the tariff storm, and keep his plans to expand with a new distillery set to open the public in downtown Louisville in September.
“In general if taxes go up, I would think the super-premium products will be affected less,” Magliocco said. Even though Michter’s is available in some 40 countries, international markets are only about 15 percent of sales.
($1 = 0.7452 pounds)
Additional reporting by Melissa Fares in New York; editing by Vanessa O’Connell and Edward Tobin
The post New tariffs risk turning U.S. whiskey sour appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2kV1A74 via News of World
0 notes
dragnews · 6 years
New tariffs risk turning U.S. whiskey sour
(Reuters) – American craft distiller Adam Spiegel is bracing for a double shot of pain.
A bottle of Jack Daniels is shown for sale among other brands in the liquor section of a food market in Encinitas, California, U.S., June 6, 2018. Picture taken June 6, 2018. REUTERS/Mike Blake
An escalating international trade spat is driving up his equipment costs and threatens to cut into his profit from the bottles he exports to Europe, just as business is booming.
U.S. President Donald Trump on June 1 imposed tariffs for aluminum imports from Mexico, Canada and the European Union. As a result, Spiegel expects his bill for recently-ordered steel fermentation tanks, worth several hundred thousand dollars, to be $50,000 to $60,000 higher.
Spiegel will also get squeezed by the tariffs the EU announced in retaliation on U.S. goods, including whiskey, earlier this week. They could put his roughly 58 pounds ($77.83) per bottle of Sonoma Rye and West of Kentucky Bourbon out of reach for some European drinkers unless he swallows some of the cost.
With nearly a quarter of his sales coming in Europe, lowering his prices enough to offset the entire tariff would be too stiff a drink for Spiegel given total revenue only amounts to a few million dollars a year.
“We are not a big company who can absorb such frivolous fluctuations,” he said, predicting: “American whiskey will get more expensive.”
For a graphic, click tmsnrt.rs/2xXDFx8
To be sure, Spiegel’s business Sonoma Distilling Co of California is a tiny fish in the world of spirits. But the multinationals that dominate the American whiskey industry – worth some $5 billion a year to suppliers and triple that at retail – are facing similar questions about an uncertain business climate with proposed tariffs from the EU, Canada, China and Turkey, and Mexico’s own tax on U.S. whiskey imports that kicked in earlier this week.
In a letter Thursday to U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross arguing these tariffs “will seriously harm producers,” the industry trade group Distilled Spirits Council noted that 46 percent of global U.S. spirits and 65 percent of global U.S. whiskey exports are either currently facing – or are at risk of facing – retaliatory tariffs.
It requested a meeting with Secretary Ross to discuss the matter further.
Brown-Forman (BFb.N), the Louisville-based home to market leader Jack Daniel’s and higher-end Woodford Reserve, already started shipping more whiskey to its warehouses overseas ahead of the tariffs, CEO Paul Varga told analysts on Wednesday.
Slideshow (5 Images)
Brown-Forman, which also sells tequila and other drinks, generates about half its revenue domestically, a quarter in Europe and a quarter elsewhere.
Beam Suntory [BSI.UL], home to bourbons including Jim Beam, Maker’s Mark and Knob Creek, is also “making contingency plans to manage through all potential scenarios,” spokeswoman Emily York said. “We will continue to make our case on both sides of the Atlantic because no one wins in a trade war where consumers, distillery workers, farmers, bartenders and wait staff are among the innocent victims,” she said.
Those two companies make about 62 percent of all American whiskey, according to researchers IWSR. Other big players include Heaven Hill, Diageo (DGE.L) and Campari (CPRI.MI).
Ninety-five percent of bourbon, a major American whiskey style, comes from Kentucky. The Southern state, which helped Donald Trump win the 2016 presidential election, is also the home state of prominent Republican politicians Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Rand Paul. McConnell has publicly stated his opposition to tariffs.
Kentucky’s largest city, Louisville, has benefited from what its mayor Greg Fischer has called “bourbonism”, or the convergence of bourbon making and tourism.
Bourbon, which can only come from the United States and is often sweeter than Scotch, has been growing beyond its home state, due in large part to a resurgence of cocktail culture.
Exports grew 43 percent to $1 billion over the past decade, according to the Distilled Spirits Council. About 59 percent of exports went to the EU last year.
To meet rising demand and interest, many whiskey producers are expanding, with the help of last year’s massive U.S. tax cut that lowered federal excise tax on distillers from $13.50 to $2.70 per gallon for the first 100,000 gallons – but only for two years.
Once the tariffs come into effect, suppliers can choose to swallow the extra cost themselves or they can pass it on to customers. Protecting margins is always a priority, but in this case they risk losing hard-earned market share if drinkers pick cheaper brands.
Generally, if the price of a distilled spirit increases 10 percent, sales volume of that spirit falls by about 5 percent, according to Henry Saffer, a researcher with the National Bureau of Economic Research in New York.
Therefore, if bourbon prices rise in the EU, he says people would just “buy cheaper versions of something very similar.”
With a recent boom in whiskey, there are more choices than ever – from classic places like Scotland and Ireland, as well as newcomers like Sweden and Australia.
Yet Euromonitor analyst Spiros Malandrakis predicted those alternatives will not see a boost until it becomes obvious that the tariffs are here to stay because suppliers will likely suck it up if the duties are short-lived.
Because the U.S. has shifted positions in the past, several whiskey executives Reuters spoke with displayed a “wait-and-see” attitude, hoping that the tension will die down and any tariffs would be temporary.
“It’s very hard to predict what will transpire,” said Mark Brown, chief executive of Sazerac Co, owner of Kentucky’s Buffalo Trace distillery. “There isn’t going to be any certainty over whether it’s going to be a one-week spat or a two-year spat.”
The tariff may be shared all along the supply chain, from producers to importers and distributors to retailers.
But producers such as Brown-Forman, whose Jack Daniel’s sells for about 23 pounds ($30.86) per liter in British supermarkets, tend to have fat profit margins. Its operating margin was 32 percent last year, versus only 16.5 percent for Unilever and 12 percent for Cadbury chocolate maker Mondelez International. 
Joseph Magliocco, president of Michter’s Distillery, sees the premium price of his bourbon as insulation. The cheapest version can be found in Britain for around 53 pounds ($67.10).
That puts him in prime position to weather the tariff storm, and keep his plans to expand with a new distillery set to open the public in downtown Louisville in September.
“In general if taxes go up, I would think the super-premium products will be affected less,” Magliocco said. Even though Michter’s is available in some 40 countries, international markets are only about 15 percent of sales.
($1 = 0.7452 pounds)
Additional reporting by Melissa Fares in New York; editing by Vanessa O’Connell and Edward Tobin
The post New tariffs risk turning U.S. whiskey sour appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2kV1A74 via Today News
0 notes
dani-qrt · 6 years
New tariffs risk turning U.S. whiskey sour
(Reuters) – American craft distiller Adam Spiegel is bracing for a double shot of pain.
A bottle of Jack Daniels is shown for sale among other brands in the liquor section of a food market in Encinitas, California, U.S., June 6, 2018. Picture taken June 6, 2018. REUTERS/Mike Blake
An escalating international trade spat is driving up his equipment costs and threatens to cut into his profit from the bottles he exports to Europe, just as business is booming.
U.S. President Donald Trump on June 1 imposed tariffs for aluminum imports from Mexico, Canada and the European Union. As a result, Spiegel expects his bill for recently-ordered steel fermentation tanks, worth several hundred thousand dollars, to be $50,000 to $60,000 higher.
Spiegel will also get squeezed by the tariffs the EU announced in retaliation on U.S. goods, including whiskey, earlier this week. They could put his roughly 58 pounds ($77.83) per bottle of Sonoma Rye and West of Kentucky Bourbon out of reach for some European drinkers unless he swallows some of the cost.
With nearly a quarter of his sales coming in Europe, lowering his prices enough to offset the entire tariff would be too stiff a drink for Spiegel given total revenue only amounts to a few million dollars a year.
“We are not a big company who can absorb such frivolous fluctuations,” he said, predicting: “American whiskey will get more expensive.”
For a graphic, click tmsnrt.rs/2xXDFx8
To be sure, Spiegel’s business Sonoma Distilling Co of California is a tiny fish in the world of spirits. But the multinationals that dominate the American whiskey industry – worth some $5 billion a year to suppliers and triple that at retail – are facing similar questions about an uncertain business climate with proposed tariffs from the EU, Canada, China and Turkey, and Mexico’s own tax on U.S. whiskey imports that kicked in earlier this week.
In a letter Thursday to U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross arguing these tariffs “will seriously harm producers,” the industry trade group Distilled Spirits Council noted that 46 percent of global U.S. spirits and 65 percent of global U.S. whiskey exports are either currently facing – or are at risk of facing – retaliatory tariffs.
It requested a meeting with Secretary Ross to discuss the matter further.
Brown-Forman (BFb.N), the Louisville-based home to market leader Jack Daniel’s and higher-end Woodford Reserve, already started shipping more whiskey to its warehouses overseas ahead of the tariffs, CEO Paul Varga told analysts on Wednesday.
Slideshow (5 Images)
Brown-Forman, which also sells tequila and other drinks, generates about half its revenue domestically, a quarter in Europe and a quarter elsewhere.
Beam Suntory [BSI.UL], home to bourbons including Jim Beam, Maker’s Mark and Knob Creek, is also “making contingency plans to manage through all potential scenarios,” spokeswoman Emily York said. “We will continue to make our case on both sides of the Atlantic because no one wins in a trade war where consumers, distillery workers, farmers, bartenders and wait staff are among the innocent victims,” she said.
Those two companies make about 62 percent of all American whiskey, according to researchers IWSR. Other big players include Heaven Hill, Diageo (DGE.L) and Campari (CPRI.MI).
Ninety-five percent of bourbon, a major American whiskey style, comes from Kentucky. The Southern state, which helped Donald Trump win the 2016 presidential election, is also the home state of prominent Republican politicians Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Rand Paul. McConnell has publicly stated his opposition to tariffs.
Kentucky’s largest city, Louisville, has benefited from what its mayor Greg Fischer has called “bourbonism”, or the convergence of bourbon making and tourism.
Bourbon, which can only come from the United States and is often sweeter than Scotch, has been growing beyond its home state, due in large part to a resurgence of cocktail culture.
Exports grew 43 percent to $1 billion over the past decade, according to the Distilled Spirits Council. About 59 percent of exports went to the EU last year.
To meet rising demand and interest, many whiskey producers are expanding, with the help of last year’s massive U.S. tax cut that lowered federal excise tax on distillers from $13.50 to $2.70 per gallon for the first 100,000 gallons – but only for two years.
Once the tariffs come into effect, suppliers can choose to swallow the extra cost themselves or they can pass it on to customers. Protecting margins is always a priority, but in this case they risk losing hard-earned market share if drinkers pick cheaper brands.
Generally, if the price of a distilled spirit increases 10 percent, sales volume of that spirit falls by about 5 percent, according to Henry Saffer, a researcher with the National Bureau of Economic Research in New York.
Therefore, if bourbon prices rise in the EU, he says people would just “buy cheaper versions of something very similar.”
With a recent boom in whiskey, there are more choices than ever – from classic places like Scotland and Ireland, as well as newcomers like Sweden and Australia.
Yet Euromonitor analyst Spiros Malandrakis predicted those alternatives will not see a boost until it becomes obvious that the tariffs are here to stay because suppliers will likely suck it up if the duties are short-lived.
Because the U.S. has shifted positions in the past, several whiskey executives Reuters spoke with displayed a “wait-and-see” attitude, hoping that the tension will die down and any tariffs would be temporary.
“It’s very hard to predict what will transpire,” said Mark Brown, chief executive of Sazerac Co, owner of Kentucky’s Buffalo Trace distillery. “There isn’t going to be any certainty over whether it’s going to be a one-week spat or a two-year spat.”
The tariff may be shared all along the supply chain, from producers to importers and distributors to retailers.
But producers such as Brown-Forman, whose Jack Daniel’s sells for about 23 pounds ($30.86) per liter in British supermarkets, tend to have fat profit margins. Its operating margin was 32 percent last year, versus only 16.5 percent for Unilever and 12 percent for Cadbury chocolate maker Mondelez International. 
Joseph Magliocco, president of Michter’s Distillery, sees the premium price of his bourbon as insulation. The cheapest version can be found in Britain for around 53 pounds ($67.10).
That puts him in prime position to weather the tariff storm, and keep his plans to expand with a new distillery set to open the public in downtown Louisville in September.
“In general if taxes go up, I would think the super-premium products will be affected less,” Magliocco said. Even though Michter’s is available in some 40 countries, international markets are only about 15 percent of sales.
($1 = 0.7452 pounds)
Additional reporting by Melissa Fares in New York; editing by Vanessa O’Connell and Edward Tobin
The post New tariffs risk turning U.S. whiskey sour appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2kV1A74 via Online News
0 notes