#clara x val au
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aggravateddurian · 1 year ago
> Valerie Ocampo-Gonzalez
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> Clara Gonzalez (nee Martinez)
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Using @cybervesna's template for Val and Clara's 2079 backstories. It's not perfect, but I thought it was cool. I am not a photo editor, so there's some green where I tried to chroma-key it out. If anyone has ideas on how to minimise that, I would be grateful.
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dolce-tenebra-toscana · 7 months ago
Vento Infernale au
La Squadra and their favourite member of the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss cast ( considering is a crossover, they interacted at least once or they regularly see each other for plot reasons )
Risotto: Carmilla and Zestial
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He may not be an overlord but Risotto is a heavily respected hitman and his services ( along with his team ) are often requested by Carmilla and Zestial themselves.
They usually talk about work but all 3 of them bond over the connection they have with their " family " and that they would do anything to protect them.
Carmilla's daughters are especially fond of him since he teached them the basics of self defense in Carmilla's absence, the overlord deeply appreciated that he took time to listen and find suitable weapons/combat style for her Clara and Odette.
Wine time between the 3 became a regular thing after some time~
Prosciutto: Stolas and Asmodeus
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Prosciutto met the big guy Ozzie through his partner Fizzarolli ( Fizz had a show in Pride and was being followed by a bunch of creeps, so Prosci decided to help the imp hoping to get at least some type of reward....he did but definetly not the one he was hoping 🤣) and after being granted special VIP membership to Ozzie's second location in Pentagram city ( bear with me again, it's for plot reasons ) he was introduced by the Sin to Stoals as well.
The 3 of them bond over the fact that they always want to appear to their best and the high expectations people puts on them, their love for expensive stuff and the fact that all 3 are k*nky af.
So they meet in Ozzie's penthouse to chat and enjoy a good show (Asmodeus and Stolas also gave him a " i simp for imp " t shirt when they found out he was into imps as well lol)
Illuso: the Vees
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Ok we talking about Heathers here....BUT WAY WORSE!!
If Illuso wasn't already part of the hitman team Vox, Val and Vel would have definetly asked him to join the V club but they all soon learned about his loyalty to the Squadra ( they lowkey respect that )
Vox asks the onryo sinner opinions about what trashy tv entartainment the mass needs cause Illuso is really quick on catching gossip; Val likes to party with him and they like to be the talk of the s*x clubs of the turf ( Valentino asked him to perform in some of his movies as well and illuso may have accepted...but no one knows in which one ) Velvette considers him a fashion icon, not as much as herself but definetly a close one! They love to make Voxtagram lives where they lay down the laws of what's " in " or not and loves to bully people online/on the runway durin vel's shows....so yeah these 3 together vibe but it's a nightmare for whoever is in their proximity
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skipperlaurens · 7 years ago
RP Muse Masterlist
I had no idea what a multi-muse account was until after I had made all these blogs...
All of them are OC/AU friendly. This post will change depending on if muses get added or deleted.
Christine Daae: @lottte-daae
Belle: @em-belle-french
Jasmine: @princess-desert-flowr
Aurora: @briar-aurora
Elsa: @snow-qween
Cinderella: @glasss-slipper
Snow White: @sneewittchen
Mulan: @warrior-ballad
Rapunzel: @lost-princesss-punzie
Mal: @pixie-mal
Evie: @evie-qween
Sansa Stark: @stone-dove
Daenerys Targaryen: @mother-of-dargons
Margaery Tyrell: @clever-rose
Myrcella Baratheon: @myrcella-barathister
Arya Stark: @no-one-girl
Doreah: @lys-woman
Ygritte: @wildling-woman
Lyanna Stark: @blu-winter-rose
Nymeria Sand: @nym-sand
Cersei Lannister: @lioness-qween
Hermione Granger: @bright-hermione
Ginny Weasley: @littlest-weasley
Amy Pond: @amelia-waited
Clara Oswin Oswald: @impxssible-clara-oswin
Rose Tyler: @rose-wollf
Rey: @rey-jakku
Leia Organa: @rebellion-leia
Padme Amidala: @political-padme
Jyn Erso: @rxgue-jyn
Diana Prince: @wonder-amazon
Harley Quinn: @harley-quinnnzel
Kara Danvers: @steel-gurl
Dolores Abernathy: @dolores-wyattt
Veronica Lodge: @ronnie-lxdge
Betty Cooper: @betty-next-door
Cheryl Blossom: @river-vixen-hbic
Valerie Brown: @val-sings
Jessica Jones: @defender-jessica
Gwen Stacy: @gwendolyne-maxine
Wanda Maximoff: @scarlet-spellz
Jean Grey: @phoenixx-grey
Mystique: @x-raven-mystique
Natasha Romanoff: @avenger-nat
Buffy Summers: @summer-of-buffy
Inara Serra: @ray-of-lite
Veronica Sawyer: @dead-girl-sawyer
Feel free to follow/message any of them! Let me know if there are any other characters or fandoms you'd like to see me RP. Thanks!
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aggravateddurian · 1 year ago
WIP Whenever
@theviridianbunny already tagged me for WIP Wednesday, then I got another from @wanderingaldecaldo and I said... wtf not? I can do it again.
As always, this entire AU is a huge Phantom Liberty spoiler, so be warned.
Anyone who's seen my stuff recently would know I've gone all in on The Tower, my Brother's Shadow AU. I've been hard at work updating all our characters (except for Trey 😢) with their 2079 appearances.
The Tower AU: 2079 Clara outfits
Since I started doing my 2079 outfits for Dorian and Kaylee, I've also been working on Clara's outfits. Here's her first new 2079 outfit:
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Clara is definitely thinking about business. What makes you think she isn't?
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I'm also continuing that small story for Val and Clara I started yesterday. Not much to show for that yet, except this 👉👈:
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Not sure about the blue, it matches the bedroom lights in the Japantown apartment and I wanted the lighting to look diegetic.
Doing anything cool? Tag me, I want to see everyone's stuff!
Gonna tag: @genocidalfetus @valrez @t0tentanz @medtech-mara (no pressure, though).
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aggravateddurian · 1 year ago
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Val and Clara having a moment of quiet in their chaotic lives. Unlike other times, fate has decreed that they get their moment of peace.
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aggravateddurian · 1 year ago
Behind every solo, there's a fixer who calls the shots
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Almost every fixer has a trusted crew they can rely on to pull them from the abyss if they stumble. Clara has Val.
Movies have taught us that retired mercs are scary as hell. No exception here.
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aggravateddurian · 1 year ago
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Clara: Chara's at Zanjoe's place tonight. We could go out, grab a bite to eat?
Val: Could be a plan...
Clara: Or... we could stay in tonight and have some... alone time?
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Val: Isn't this already alone time?
Clara: How do I convey this in language a retired merc would understand...?
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Clara: I need a Solo to run a very personal gig for me. I'm gonna need you to tactically infiltrate the bedroom of this apartment in Japantown and klep the prize. Reward will be very generous. Any further questions? Scan the attachment.
Clara Gonzalez has sent you a message:
I'm the prize 😉
Val: I think I get the gig...
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aggravateddurian · 1 year ago
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Humans of Brother's Shadow: 2079 Edition 1/6 - Valerie Ocampo-Gonzalez
Wife, mother, survivor - Val is all of these. The last two years have not been kind to her.
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The Blackwall is dangerous! If you want to avoid PL Spoilers, turn away!
The Tower is an omen of radical change, chaos and destruction. The lightning striking The Tower signifies a return to the old order that lies buried under the ruins, and a new order that will rise from it. It is a symbol of tragedy, apocalypse, and self-destruction.
In late May 2077, Val learned that she was pregnant. Trey had proposed to her a week earlier, and they were also due to marry. It seemed that everything was going well. She had made up (to an extent) with her brother, she had a stable income in NC doing low to mid-level merc work, and had a strong, new, network of friends supporting her.
Then Vincent hopped in an FIA AV and vanished, and everything went to the dogs. Trey was horrifically killed by his old Atlanta nemesis, Mr Mace. Learning this, Clara Martinez defied her orders from Langley and opted to zero Mace rather than bring him in alive. Though pregnant, Val insisted on being the one to pull the trigger.
Val mourned, but found comfort in Clara. Eventually, and somewhat ironically, to Clara's benefit, Val fell back into her arms - partly out of renewed love, and partly because Val needed more than ever to have someone to lean on.
Val's father Zanjoe joked that he finally could wear the suit he picked out for their wedding years ago. While Clara and Val have tried their hardest, it hasn't been easy. Val's feelings easily convert to anger, which fuels instability in her military-grade, Militech-enhanced cyberware. To protect her family and others, but also herself, she has opted to disable all but the most essential systems.
She has no real interest in merc work anymore, nor the capability (looking after a 2-year-old is serious work), and Clara, since leaving the FIA (mostly due to her actions with Mace), has been working as a fixer under Nightowl, an arrangement that has been fairly lucrative, enough to allow the family to afford a modest apartment in Japantown.
Val is happy... for the most part, but nobody ever gets all they dreamed of, because there are no truly happy endings in Night City.
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aggravateddurian · 1 year ago
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
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The Tyger Claw cowered before the two mercs.
Okura Masaki: Holy shit! Clara!
Clara: Masaki... what're you doin' here? More importantly, why'd you kill Sakura Kishimoto? Dad's furious, he wants Val over here to blow your head off, cut your balls off and preserve them in a jar for him. You must've really screwed up.
Val: I'm runnin' low on sleep, choom - that 'mom' sleep schedule. That could convince a normally well-adjusted chica to stoop to such low levels of inhumanity.
Masaki: I didn't kill nobody! Sumiko got too bloodthirsty! Girl died by her hand, not mine! We had my orders! Can't just say no! Fuck!
Clara: Always got a choice, choom. You made yours.
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Clara: Listen, Masaki. I like you, so I won't be honoring all of Mr Kishimoto's request today. I will merely leave your unconscious, piss-stained ass in the alley for your chooms to find... but only if you tell me who ordered the hit.
Masaki: Think you're scary? I won't be able to show my face anywhere in Night City if I tell you who ordered it!
Clara: I could... theoretically... organise you a free, one way trip over the border, if you're good for me.
Masaki: R-really?
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Clara: 'Course! When have I ever lied to you, Masaki?
Masaki: Fine! Fine! It was Atsushi Fuji!
Clara: Atsushi? Ironic, given the meaning of his name... wait one...
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Val: We gonna let him go, or you want me to put a slug in his head? Was the job Kishimoto hired me to do.
Clara: He hired me to hire you, 'member? Mr Kishimoto wants the killer flatlined. Masaki couldn't hurt a fly, he's a pussy.
Masaki: HEY!
Clara: You're cowering while two women who just about equal your weight combined discuss your impending fate. Shut up and sit in the corner like a good gonk?
Clara: Knock him out. We'll pay Mr Fuji a visit.
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Clara (on Holo): Howse? It's Clara Gonzalez. Got a live one for your pack to pass over the border. Marking the location now. You'll find him in a back alley... don't mind the piss. Logan Howse (on Holo): 10000 eds. Clara (on Holo): Done. Lemme know if he's trouble, and I'll come back and rip his balls off. Logan (on Holo): I have the distinct feelin' you'd actually do that.
Turns out that the Howse nomad pack (as in, V's nomad pack from Chorus) from the Bakkers is in NC. Just another way all the universes are connected. Not sure if Vega cameo. I like the idea that there's all these 'V-adjacent' people, and my Vincent has never actually appeared in a picture, like he's a cryptid.
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aggravateddurian · 1 year ago
Brother's Shadow: The Tower AU
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July 10, 2077.
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It had been a little under two months since Trey... passed. Dorian had thrown a small party of the old crew at the Afterlife, a final assembly of the old crew. Dorian was on his way out of NC. Since Militech forced Kaylee to disappear, there was little keeping the former Militech exec in the City of Dreams.
Pleasantries were exchanged, and offers of 'best of luck' as well. The table was covered with discarded bottles and glasses, though Val chose to refrain. By this point, Val was four months pregnant with Trey's child, though it wasn't very apparent under the baggy shirts and pants that Val now favoured, a child who would grow up not knowing their father... but at least there was someone to help share the burden. No matter what, Clara was always there.
She had always been there for her, regardless of the gonk decisions she had made, and again she was there for her - the only person who had always had her back... well, except for Trey... and very much unlike her deadbeat brother, the corpo turned merc, turned NUSA super-spy, turned ghost. One day, he hopped on an AV and disappeared into the eastern sky.
He should've been there. If he was, Trey mightn't be dead. Her child would grow up knowing their father.
"Something wrong, querida?" asked Clara as they backed out of the parking lot.
"We shouldn't have come. I couldn't take it anymore... 'specially after Dorian toasted Trey... know he was showing his respects... I'm just... fuck..."
"You're tired, probably just need a good night's rest."
Val bowed her head, "Yeah, I'm beat."
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Clara turned the Quadra Avenger onto the Watson Bridge, turning towards home. After Trey's death, Val and Dorian agreed to sell their Heywood home to raise some extra eddies, and Clara welcomed Val into her home, a modest apartment in the shadow of the megabuilding. Wasn't long before they were sleeping in the same bed again.
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aggravateddurian · 1 year ago
I need to commission a piece of Val with her daughter and Clara. Need something wholesome to wash away the bitterness around Trey's death and V dipping from NC.
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aggravateddurian · 1 year ago
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Valerie Ocampo-Gonzalez 2079
"A lot can change in a person's life in two years." - Samurai Jack to Vincent 'V' Gonzalez, 2079
A slightly older, more mature Val, now responsible for a family, hardened by loss. A retired Solo who keeps finding herself putting on her old edgerunner clothes far too often. Would much rather read bedtime stories and to her daughter and change nappies than take lives.
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Bonus Clara x Val pic, because I thought it was cute.
I also absolutely love her new look, with the sleeve tat and the new hair. Super happy how this au turned out.
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aggravateddurian · 1 year ago
Durian Brainrot Update
I really need to write down this stuff since it's starting to get fuckin' complex out here.
I have two main storylines:
Brother's Shadow
Brother's Shadow Main Storyline
The main Brother's Shadow timeline has Vince save Songbird in Phantom Liberty so she can go to the Moon, instead pursuing an option given to him by Kaylee Andersen to save his (and Johnny's) life. Val and Trey get married, Val retires from merc work and basically turns into a happier version of her appearance from The Tower AU.
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Brother's Shadow: The Tower
Brother's Shadow has an AU: The Tower, where Trey dies and Val eventually gets back together with Clara, and the pair raise Val and Trey's daughter. Everything goes to shit because Vince left the city and everything goes the way of that ending (you know the one).
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Chorus Main Timeline
In the main Chorus timeline, Vega and Judy go through the process of falling in love with each other again. Judy has to overcome two years of mourning, and Vega has to accept that V's feeling-laden memories of Judy are also hers.
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Chorus Songbird x V AU (no ship name yet)
Chorus has an AU where V and Songbird... um... nest together? (I will not apologize for any bird puns made about So Mi). This entire AU has Johnny acting like a dad finding out that his daughter's dating the netrunner he warned her about, which is a vibe tbh.
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