#clan tol angata
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lotleth-centenarian-2 · 5 hours ago
That'a perfect. Gives me some time to finish up things here. See you in about a week.
Plxtwt walks on screen once more, behind them the gates of Valor's Reach. They wave at the camera before beggining to sign in kylem sign language, a button appears at the bottom of the screen reading "translations", upon clicking it there are four options, "Kamigawan" "Capennan" "Audio" and "Subtitles".
Clicking on Capennan or Kamigawan pops up a small display of Plxtwt in a dressing room signing "Thank you to Vasro for teaching me this language", before signing whatever the big screen Plxtwt signs in the respective sign language.
Pressing Audio results in a voice over, pressing Subtitles results in subtitles.
"Hello Multiverse, I am your host, Plxtwt, happy to announce that signups for the very first edition of "Kylem presents:Multiversal Deathgames" are now open. I will walk you trough the signup process! There are two ways to go about it, one in person and one digitally, trough your Izzet transmitter, or whichever other device you are accessing the network with. I shall begin with in person sign ups!"
They walk trough the gates of Valor's Reach, the camera following it closely. It turns left almost immediately after entering and approaches an information booth, a nervous looking human sitting behind it.
"Good afternoon! I would like to sign up for the death games! ^" Plxtwt chirps at the human.
"Y-yes, just fill in this form" The human sputters before shoving a piece of paper into the homunculus' hands.
"Thank you Kyle!" Plxtwt holds the paper up to the camera "These questions are the same as the ones you find in the digital form, the link to which can be found after this broadcast!" It turns back to the human, "Say, Kyle, this form asks for two to three members of a team, but I'm here by myself, whatever must I do? Will I be unable to participate?"
"No, you can fillinthisotherform to help us machtmake." Kyle mutters before handing Plxtwt another piece of paper, which it also holds up to the camera after briefly cringing. "Great job Kyle, indeed, if you are alone without a teammate or you're a group of two looking for a third there is a different form for you to fill in. After submitting it we will assign you a new partner or two to fight alongside with!"
The camera begins moving backwards until it leaves Valor's Reach once more, flying upwards so you get a clear view of the whole stadium, inside there are a bunch of people setting up what seems to be a small town, except all the houses are empty and have no windows or doors in the respective frames. The words "See you soon!" appear on screen before the footage cuts out.
Signup as a team (only needs to be filled in once per team)
Looking for member(s)
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warrior-of-tol-angata · 8 days ago
It has recently come to my attention that I should make a more formal introduction! This is that!
Name: Shregresha Species: Human Gender and Pronouns: Cis woman, she/her/hers Color Identity: R/G Height: 6'9" Weight: approx 330 lbs Age: 41
Plane(s) of Residence: Alara (Jund), Ixalan Plane of Origin: Jund Affiliations: Clan-member of Tol Angata Titles/Ranks/Positions: The Scalebreaker, warband leader, senior warrior Allied Organizations: The Legion of Dusk?, The Doukuchi Reckoners Companions/Associates: Turrak (my warband's shaman), Bromley (a friend), Koda Hayashi (head of the Doukuchi and an incredible warrior), Arturo Vazante (a paladin I respect), and Freddie (a young squire in training who shows great potential)
Likes: Fighting, hunting, the outdoors, exploration, partying, smashing, and a hearty meal. Dislikes: Overly complicated systems, when people don't say what they mean, mind control, possession, necromancy, dragons (some of them), and demons
Bio: Born on Jund before the Conflux, I spent the first thirty or so years of my life living fairly typically for a warrior on Jund. I completed the rite to become a warrior, retrieving a volcanic crystal at age 10 as is standard for my people. By year 20 of my life, I was a somewhat accomplished warrior, a second in a warband, and by 25, I gave birth to my son and only child. He may be a warrior by the clan's standard, but I respect his privacy and autonomy enough to let him make his own way in the multiverse, without his mother telling the planes about him while she's not able to ask for his permission. I am very proud of him though. Incredibly proud. One day his deeds will be known across the planes! I earned my title of Scalebreaker at 26, for holding the jaws of a dragon shut, but as I've learned about the rest of the multiverse, I've come to find that many humans don't really make a name for themselves until later than that, so he's got plenty of time. When the Conflux happened, I fought alongside Kresh the Bloodbraided against the traitor-dragon Nicol Bolas and his army of Grixian horrors. Again we fought in the Invasion, and I have recently departed to Ixalan alongside my warband, originally to help fight some vampires called the Stormkirks on Innistrad, but since then, we have fought against the forces of Aclazotz. We will see him dead. On Jund, we know that so-called 'gods' can be slain.
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jundian-survivalist · 20 days ago
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Name: Bromley (aka Bromley Von Helsicke)
Species: Human
Gender and Pronouns: Masculine, He/they
Color Identity: Core Green, secondary Black and Red
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Age: 36
Plane(s) of Residence: Alara (Bant & Jund), Innistrad
Plane of Origin: Alara/Bant
Affiliations: None at present
Titles/Ranks/Positions: Former Squire of the Knights of the Reliquary, Honorary Hunter of Clan Tol Angata
Allied Organizations: Clan Tol Angata, Order of St. Traft, possibly the Legion of Dusk
Companions/Associates: Greywind (his falcon animal companion), Shregresha (warrior of Clan Tol Angata)
Likes: Solitude, quiet, hunting, camaraderie around the campfire, seafood, exploring new places
Dislikes: Fungi, dragons, oppressive orders, angels, the Knights of Bant, zombies, the sound that fingernails make on slate, tyrants
Bio: Was born within the Mortar caste on Bant, and was fortunate enough to become a squire to one of the knightly orders. However, on one of his missions to explore the recently reformed Alara, his party was attack by a dragon in Jund, and everyone other than him and the fledgling falcon he'd been training were killed. He struggled to survive in the harsh environs of Jund, but when he climbed a mountain to try to look for water, he discovered that he could tap into more than just the green mana of Jund. Armed with just his crossbows and the ability to channel some of the shard's mana, he eked out an existence as a solitary hunter, trading with the local clans for food and information when he needed too. Recently, he came to Innistrad, and is looking to hone his hunting skills against vampires
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warrior-of-tol-angata · 19 days ago
After the cardinal left the inn, Shregresha turned to Turrak. "Next time, stay here! We'll just message people over the communicator."
"Also, Lazaro, thank you for sticking your neck out for me. I want to stay with you and stop Aclazotz however I can, but if it would be easier for you, the warband can find our way elsewhere. Either way, you don't have to worry about Aclazotz reasserting his hold on me. He used my fears as a parent for the safety of my child, and hid his true nature when he did it. He wouldn't have disguised himself if he knew I would've accepted him plainly. He took what matters most to me in the world and used it against me. I would die before I bent the knee to him."
Dark New World
After several hours of being viced between mountainous foothills, the pass began to open up. The larger and higher mountains of the Deoro climbed into the sky, their peaks snow-capped, trailing further than the horizon. The procession stretched across the pass with the bishop and his honor guard taking up the lead, beginning to descend into the valley where Alta Torrezon lay.
The great city had large stone walls that bristled with weaponry set into its towers. Even from a distance, the golden armor of the many paladins manning the walls glinted off the midday sun. Outside of the walls were crowds of hundreds gathered as close to them as they could get. Humans, all of them. Refugees fleeing less secure areas in wake of the First Night.
The city itself had large cathedrals within, their large towers and steeples marking them against the clustered buildings in the northern side of the city. One great cathedral dominated the heart of Alta Torrezon, a massive emblem of the Dusk Rose marking its highest pinnacle. The southern portion of Alta Torrezon was less built, with more open roads and pavilions visible. All around the walls of the city, at each of the three main highways that led in and out, there were gathered throngs of refugees. Paladins were seen among them as well as priests, and once the procession neared closer, it became evident that they were doing their best to hand out supplies and benedictions.
"Reminds me of the invasion," Arturo muttered to himself. Here he had come, hoping to return in triumph, but this homecoming felt... bitter.
He tried to shake the feelings off, looking back to his companions in the cart and sweeping out an arm.
"Alta Torrezon. She's seen better days, as has her people, but we are finally here," he said. The procession was halted before they could get to the gates. Arturo watched as the bishop dismounted in order to speak with the guards at the gates. Lazaro sighed softly.
"It's worse than I thought," he muttered. "All of our progress..."
"We'll get it back again." Arturo gripped the reigns of the horses a bit tighter. "We just need to get this bastard dealt with. We'll find a way."
@azzie-beastbinder | @obscura-omenseeker | @warrior-of-tol-angata | @normal-innistradi | @shouldbeamarshalvazante
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warrior-of-tol-angata · 2 days ago
Jund has sangrite! It is tied to our dragons, although they cannot produce it like angels can produce Halo. It arises in spots where dragons die, and warriors like myself use it to enhance our strength, speed, and ferocity in battle! We don't usually consume it, just crushing a cyrstal in your hand provides enough power! Turrak can probably tell you more about how it works magically. -Shregresha
It's aligned mostly with red mana, and can also be harnessed to fuel demanding spell craft. The Esperites call it "caramot" and use it to forge etherium, but that is a waste of its potential. Properly used, it can grant someone the strength to wrestle beasts twice their size or allow a mage to conjure enough fire to incinerate a mycoloth 25 feet in height. In addition to occurring near the death sites of some dragons, it also has been found in the ground like an ore. However, the current theory is that those deposits are just the death sites of ancient dragons. I do not recommend hunting dragons to farm sangrite. That is a quick way to die. -Turrak
I am interested in learning about the...let us say "performance enhancers" of other planes, such as Halo (New Capenna), cosmium (Ixalan), and tyrite (Kaldheim). If your plane has something akin to that, I would love to hear about it or find places where research on them have been published.
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warrior-of-tol-angata · 16 days ago
"If you are the half-dragon Freddie, then I am! And considering your appearance, I assume you are!"
"We haven't yet been properly introduced! My name is Shregresha, my title is Scalebreaker." Shregresha's smile collapsed, realizing too late that her title might be offensive to a half-dragon.
"I'm from a place called Jund on a plane called Alara. Enough about me though! Who are you, and is there anything I can have one of my warriors get for us while we talk?"
Freddie popped into existence, a flash of blue light surrounding them. They had a few milliseconds to witness the streets of Alta Torrezon, glittering and beautiful, when a horse and carriage rode down upon them, knocking them over and while the horse stepped delicately over their body, the wheels were not so kind and rolled over their leg with a sickening crunch.
"By the Saint!" One of the paladins in the carriage said stepping down onto the ground.
Freddie popped up, "Don't worry dear citizens, I am perfectly okay!"
They then proceeded to pass out from pain, collapsing onto the cobblestones.
The paladin held his hand to his nose, breathing heavily. "Get this person to a glorifier immediately!"
As Freddie was loaded into the back of the carriage, the paladin noticed that Freddie had a tail and draconic horns, alongside patches of scales on their face and a patchy, immature beard.
"I certainly hope this isn't going to be a common occurrence," he sighed.
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warrior-of-tol-angata · 18 days ago
What is a pdf?
how to open pdf
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jundian-survivalist · 28 days ago
How necessary are the repairs? On Innistrad, we might be sailing into a battle, but if we can shore up the ship in Bant, they have shipyards and will accept gold, that could also work. @dusk-legion-diplomacy does need a way off Innistrad, and getting to them sooner is better so that we can help with the assault planning. If the warriors of Clan Tol Angata get a vote, all of them vote for going to the fight sooner.
Well, it seems that you are the only person who will respond to the call of the Legion @jundian-survivalist
We could immediately go inmediately for Innistrad, but two of us need to arrive at Aviskar. Me, who need reparations to my ships and @gruulanarch who need to meet with @bravest-mechanic.
Giving the gravity of the problem, I propose an votation about where to sail.
To Aviskar or Innistrad.
I vote for Aviskar, and my crew..... For Aviskar?....I see 9 hands. Hey Flinck!! Is one vote for person, your tail doesn`t count.
For Innistrad?........21. 10 for Aviskar and 21 for Innistrad.
Do the rest say?
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warrior-of-tol-angata · 7 days ago
"You are the one who dueled young Koda, aren't you! A splendid match! I am Shregresha the Scalebreaker! You must be a very skilled warrior to have lived as long as it looks like you have, especially as a vampire! Tell me of your feats, elder one!" Shregresha said, opting to give Guitirre a hearty slap on the back instead of grasping forearms as she typically would.
A Night to Remember
The Thorn of Torrezon was one of the more expensive and exclusive eateries within Alta Torrezon. It was a wonderfully decorated restaurant, and by the time everyone had arrived, tables were set and drinks were waiting. Menus had been set out as well as elegantly crafted silverware at each spot. The newlyweds took their seats at the head of the table set at the center of the room alongside their few family members.
Guitirre was about to take his seat before he said, "Ah! I have nearly forgotten something! Calisto, help me if you would?" The tired Legionnaire nodded and joined Guitirre as he quickly rushed outside. There was a moment's confusion as the others took their seats. Guitirre and Calisto returned, a large object obscured by a piece of thin black cloth held across his arms.
The High Marshal marched up to Arturo, grinned, and removed the cloth, revealing a shield decorated with his new rose. It gleamed from the interior light, its finish unblemished and looking as though it were fresh from the forge. Arturo's eyes widened when he saw it.
"A gift, since you seemed so fond of the other," he said, clapping Arturo's shoulder. Arturo took the shield from Calisto, whistling.
"It's gorgeous," he said quietly. "Thank you."
"I should also mention that I gave you an additional week of leave for when you return," Guitirre said, going to take his seat. "That way you can enjoy some quality time with your new husband."
"So long as we aren't being eaten alive," Calisto said with a very dry laugh. "We'll do the best we can to make sure that doesn't happen, uncle."
"Have some faith, Calisto. You're plenty competent," Arturo said with a smile. He admired the shield for a few moments more before one of the waitstaff offered to take it and place it -- carefully -- on an empty table. Calisto then took his own seat at the table, doing his best to look happy.
"Do not worry about price point," Colmenares said as everyone settled in. "Order whatever you please. Enjoy yourselves." The bishop looked to the waitstaff. "That goes for you too. I will be covering it, and I would rather you not go hungry." They blinked, a bit stunned, but many murmured various thank-yous.
@obscura-omenseeker | @azzie-beastbinder | @warrior-of-tol-angata | @normal-innistradi
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warrior-of-tol-angata · 6 days ago
"Currently dormant. I think that if Aclazotz's influence keeps spreading, it may disrupt the balance of mana in the land, and awaken the elementals. I'm not trying to change any of the Church's existing practices, just make you more open towards respecting the manifestations of your land," Turrak said, his tone unusually firm. "I know this is a lot, Lazaro, and I'm not expecting to get it done any time soon. But, it's something that your people will have to handle eventually, and I'd rather they do it from a place of understanding and respect rather than how the Legion and Church have treated outsiders in the past."
The Great Outdoors
Arturo made sure that he had everything he would need for the journey. Maps, clothes, various knives, an axe for woodcutting, something to help start fires, bedroll and hammock to sleep in. Cosmium and his moonsilver pendant. Everything was ready. Lazaro was taking care of grabbing various bits and bobs from the apothecary for first aid. Things for burns, scratches, bites, and potentially poisons.
Arturo had received a generous stipend and had put a chunk of it towards ensuring the horses they were going to use were sturdy and well-worked. They would be given to the bastion closer to the omenpath in time, but for now, they were his.
He also made sure to swing by the blacksmith, bringing with him a small leather sac which he stuffed into his saddlebags.
"If all goes well, we'll be taking a beautiful scenic detour," Arturo announced as everyone else was packing their things away. "We should get to the omenpath within a week."
@obscura-omenseeker | @azzie-beastbinder | @normal-innistradi | @revelrysnameisrevel | @warrior-of-tol-angata
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squire-of-eldraine · 14 days ago
The paladin looked confused but nodded. "The Marshal should be involved in this investigation."
@dusk-legion-diplomacy @obscura-omenseeker @warrior-of-tol-angata
Freddie was exceedingly bored. The ceiling of the inn room was wooden, and occasionally the sounds of steps came from the floor above. They had traced out the patterns so many times over the last few hours.
Quiet as death, someone had scaled the outer wall, currently hanging below the fourth story window. The moon was, luckily for them, new and on the other side of the building.
They pulled themself up further and ever so carefully opened the window from the outside, inch by inch. Freddie heard nothing.
A quick spell, muttered by the assassin, should have kept the rooms occupants in place. They carefully climbed in the now open window, and drew a knife from within their clothes.
He approached the bed, whispering, "Auerlio sends his regards. Say goodbye Menacari," raising the blade to stab at the occupant of the bed.
Freddie sat bolt upright at the noise. A hand shot out and deflected the knife.
"Intruder!" They yelled, rolling out of bed and crashing to the floor. The assassin attempted to flee towards the window, but Freddie leaped forward and tackled them to the ground, the knife flying out of their hand.
The assassin rolled themself and Freddie over and pulled out another knife, now on top. The squire bit on the arm holding them down, hard enough to draw blood.
This drew the first sound from them. A yelp. They let go of Freddie and scrambled away both of them trying to get onto their feet. Footsteps were now pounding outside the room, getting closer to the door.
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warrior-of-tol-angata · 9 days ago
"It is not a trouble! We will bring you back whatever you want to eat! We can even try hunting a roc! Large birds are a lot easier to bring down than dragons, they do not breathe fire!" Shregresha bellowed. "To let someone in your company go hungry when you could get them food is wrong!
"We usually have more people when we hunt dragons, let's stick to goats for today, especially as I'm still a bit exhausted from last night at the omenpath," Turrak said.
"Fine. You are right, as usual," Shregresha said. "Anyways, would anyone like to go goat-hunting with us?"
( @obscura-omenseeker @squire-of-eldraine @dusk-legion-diplomacy @revelrysnameisrevel )
Welcome to the Family
Arturo walked with his mother back to the courtyard where Florence was explaining to everyone where they could stay. Hugo was weaving himself between everyone, greeting them in the way only a floppy, slobbery dog could.
"Everyone," Arturo said as he approached, "this is Lady Caterina Vazante, my mother."
"Oh, well you have certainly gathered the unique little entourage," Caterina said with a smile. "Hello, there."
@obscura-omenseeker | @warrior-of-tol-angata | @squire-of-eldraine
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warrior-of-tol-angata · 6 hours ago
Turrak snorted when Arturo said that the Legion and Church were masters of the continent, but didn't say anything otherwise.
Shregresha asked, "What cemented your rule other than crossing the river?"
Home of the Twilight
The path into the mountains grew steeper and started to incorporate switchback pathways alongside nearly sheer drop-offs. Never did the group rise above the treeline of the Deoro, though they did get within a thousand feet of it.
The air was crisp and clear, as was the weather. The sun shown brilliantly, bringing a bit of warmth to what was a crisp start to the day. Various creatures called and moved throughout the alpine forests; vultures and hawks circling overhead, small mammals scurrying about, the occasional spotting of goats or deer, even a large cat that had been curled upon a rockface, sleeping.
Along the way, Arturo was occasionally pointing to a few sparse settlements nestled against the mountains below; his home of Cantaso, the vineyards surrounding it, the remnants of a church that had been destroyed centuries ago, a few abandoned mines and mining operations. He identified the various species of birds that flew above them, calling back to Satoru as he pointed them out personally. He explained a bit of their morphology and how good they were at being flown for the purposes of falconry.
By mid-afternoon, the road had mostly become level. Through the trees and through a few scenic clearings, they could see the other side of the mountains and see the mighty and rapid Deoro river across the range.
"Once we crossed that," Arturo said, pointing it out when they briefly stopped, "that was when the Legion and Church truly became the masters of the continent."
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jundian-survivalist · 28 days ago
Hey, uh, wasn't the plan to pick me up in Jund? If you're going to Ikoria, I won't be able to get to Innistrad easily. Unless there's another omenpath you're taking to the one in the Kaldheim sea that leads to Jund.
Also, if you have room, I have some friends who would like to get in on the action. They're a squad of 10 warriors from Clan Tol Angata and have served with distinction under Kresh the Bloodbraided in many conflicts. I also think they'll get along well with pirates, both of you are the boisterous and violent type.
Actualization: Karfell
Alright, I took the gate of King Narfi.
We are know in the region of Karfell, home of ice, snow and draugr.
For now we avoided the draugr raiders of the king, for now.
The worst obstacle of Karfell is the ice. There are vast expansion of ice in the ocean, with slow my ship. My solution to this problem for now is that my pyromancer melt the ice that are in front of the ship.
The next Omepath to take would be the Gate`s of Laviathans, wich lead to Jund. Or it was to Ikoria.
Skit!! Where are with my map!!
It lead to Ikoria. Well, at least it will be temperate.
@gruulanarch How are you handling the cold? Are you alright?!
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jundian-survivalist · 28 days ago
Boarding now, you're lucky we travel light. And that we didn't bring a large enough band to go dragon hunting or my friends from Clan Tol Angata might've wanted too.
Ready to depart towards Bant. Your crew can show the Angata warriors to their sleeping arrangements, I'll keep help watch on the shore as we head into Grixis.
Arriving to Jund!!
Damn! The shock of the heat is unbearable. I thought that it would be comfortable after the frost of Kaldheim.
We recieved an druagr attack. An raid of ten. We decimated them. The goblin now have a new skull. We call his frostbite. She say funnt things.
Ahhh. Jund. Still the hellish version of Ixalan as I remember. Dragon flying over the skies. Tribes of naked goblines at the prowl.
And the rain of fire, an the air full of sulfur. Yep, the ixalanian hell.
@jundian-survivalist!! Our ship carry an red flag and red boat sails. We are arriving at your ubication.
Sir, I think that old Spitmagma is near.
Any dragon but Spitmagma. Come on, quick!! Jump at the ship!!
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jundian-survivalist · 27 days ago
Unaware of the telepathic argument occurring, Bromley and the warriors from Clan Tol Angata burst into the deck.
"Captain Pelt, why didn't you tell me when we arrived on Innistrad? What's going on? Why aren't we helping @gruulanarch fighting the Stormkirks?"
Blood for Blood
The manor house was hidden in the slow-fading shadows of the evening, getting burned away with the slowly growing light of the morning sun. Arturo adjusted his grip on his shield, then planted his spear in the ground next to him. His gaze was trained on the manor. The paladins of the Legion stood in neat ranks behind him, all at attention with weapons readied. Familial roses formed of moonsilver were emblazoned upon pauldrons and breastplates. Behind them was the human soldiers who worked with and as part of the Legion auxiliary. Lazaro finished blessing each of them, his fingers stained in blood. Each of the paladins would drink of a chalice once his benediction was done, and Lazaro came to Arturo, handing one to him.
"May your aim be true and your faith be pure, o warrior of the blessed," he said as he handed it to him. "Drink of the life of our people and let their strength empower you. Let it be the reminder for whom we fight, and for whom we owe our life."
Arturo bowed his head, resting the spear on his shoulder as he took the chalice. He took a long drink of it, feeling the ache of his scars fade. A bit of that primal and darker hunger leapt up within him, but he forced it back with a growl. It would not be winning this day.
When everything was said and done, all of the religious ritual paraphernalia taken by the non-combatant humans accompanying the Legion, Arturo looked back to the rest of the assembled forces. The coming light of day illuminated their faces. He saw fear in some. Resignation in others. Determination in most. He took up his spear.
"Legion of Dusk!" he called. "Cathars of Innistrad! Valiant warriors of the planes! The time has come at last to make Braras Stromkirk pay for his many sins. He will face ruination this day. He will face death this day. He will face us and he will see no mercy, no hesitation, no fear!"
Arturo's face was a cruel snarl. "We will ensure that his precious manor is nothing but dust. Be swift, be decisive, and strong! Get that roof down and leave him nowhere to run!"
Arturo pointed to the manor with the end of the spear.
"Leave nothing left! For the Saint and Legion! Forward!"
The battle for Stromkirk's manor had begun.
@stromkirkkrothus | @obscura-omenseeker | @azzie-beastbinder | @relentless-gruul-siegeseer | @normal-innistradi | @jundian-survivalist | @roxie-proxy
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