Clair approaches Serenade tentatively. "Hello, sorry to intrude, but I heard you are a pacifist? I am one too, but I can't help but assume it's made a bit easier for me. See, the males of my species tend to be more passive by default, and though I'm not male I believe that nature is still within me. For you, well, how do I put this..." Félicité pops out from behind the skirt of her dress and inquires rudely, "You have BLADES on your ARMS! ARM BLADES! Why not use them?"
The Gallade jumped a bit at the Espurr’s appearance, but quickly composed himself, lightly clearing his throat. He looked up at the older Meowstic.
“Erm… well I didn’t want to be a Gallade originally. I wanted to evolve into a Gardevoir like my mother. But something came up and i felt like i wasn’t strong enough to do anything at the time. I do use these blades on occasion.”
He showed his elbow blades, showing that they were still there.
“And I can still fight, I just don’t use them often. Hurting other mon isn’t a good feeling for me… even when i have to, even if they’re the most despicable person on the planet, I still feel incredibly guilty afterwards.”
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