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In Residence' brings together a group of artists who have all undertaken a residency at Griffin Gallery in the past two years. Although they each have distinct practices and varying styles and concerns, they are unified in their quest for further exploration and questions into the nature of paint as a material, and through these enquiries have found themselves at Griffin Gallery working with Laboratory technicians to get closer to the answers they seek. ARTISTS: Ayelet Amrani Navon, Corrie Baldauf, Mike Ballard, Jean Charles Bureau, Mark Connolly, Adam Dix, Louise Giovanelli, Beatrice Haines, Sam Hodge, Yva Jung, Antoine Langenieux-Villard, Joanne Newman, Claire Nicolet, Jack Otway, Thomas Platt, Piers Secunda, Odilia Suanzes, José Luis Valverde ___________________ #london #unitedkingdom #artistresidency #painting #sculpture #intallationart #inprogress #openstudio #griffingallery #contemporaryart #thegarden #ayeletamraninavon #CorrieBaldauf #MikeBallard #JeanCharlesBureau #MarkConnolly #AdamDix #LouiseGiovanelli #BeatriceHaines #SamHodge #YvaJung #AntoineLangenieuxVillard #JoanneNewman #ClaireNicolet #JackOtway #ThomasPlatt #PiersSecunda #OdiliaSuanzes #JoseLuisValverde (en Griffin Gallery)
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