#claire browne icons
leite-s · 5 months
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iconsrequestsworld · 4 months
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angeldoll04 · 1 year
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Alva Claire for Mulberry
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darkartistyt · 1 year
I would read that Layton colour essay if you were to write it :)
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Hello, hello! Aspiring graphic designer Atticus here to infodump about my semi-basic understanding of color theory in my current favorite video game series
I could probably talk one’s ear off about the symbolism of the colors themselves, but I will instead try to focus on what they mean in regards to the plot and the characters as a whole
Let us begin with our titular protagonist, Hershel Layton
Our favorite lego man has gone through a handful of design changes throughout his life
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His palette in this image is pretty simple (I mean, no shit, Sherlock, he’s 5, but still…) A cute little sulfur and white shirt and light blue pants make up his outfit here. Yellow is a color often associated with happiness and, at times, innocence, and that coupled with the brightness of said yellow and the white accent conveys that well, in my opinion. He’s a young child, living a happy life with his family, but after Targent takes them away, we see a drastic shift in colors
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This is the outfit he wears when first meeting the Laytons, who will soon become his new family and identity. Notice how dull the colors are, especially compared to Desmond, who is still wearing that same red-orange vest (or at least a very similar one) and a bright red tie. Another thing to point out is the composition of the colors themselves. Here we have an orange button-down shirt underneath a dark colored coat (grey in this case)... now where have we seen that before?
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This iconic composition is tied directly with the name Hershel Layton. And Desmond’s palette remains because they have yet to receive their new identity; they are not yet Desmond Sycamore.
Moving ahead through the timeline, Hershel’s colors become a lot brighter, the white returns, and now he has a bright red vest
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Sure, it’s not exactly the same, but all (and I mean all) the colors are incredibly similar to Desmond’s and identical in composition. I’m sure it has been stated time and time again how this palette and composition was given to him along with the name Hershel, but it is interesting to note that it doesn’t stop at just the red vest
Red becomes a very prominent color later on, too
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His outfit is almost entirely red as a university student
You get it by now; I really don’t want to overstate this point…
Post Claire getting yeeted through time and space, he starts wearing his coat more frequently as well as an orange shirt. I cannot remember where I saw this but someone made a post saying how that palette was symbolic of how he was at the time; the darkness of the coat, pants, and hat representing his grief and the seemingly oversaturated orange representing his remaining hope, I believe was what they said
And this brings us back to Desmond. Both of them underwent a drastic change in coloration after losing those they loved. Both of them now sport an identical dark brown, which is the same EVEN WITH DESCOLE
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Were it not for the lining and shading, the area around Des’s legs would have blended perfectly
The only difference is Hershel has a very bright accent, one that is more than just a dash of red or purple (the boa and mask don't count mostly bc that’s exclusively a Descole thing and not shared with Desmond); it’s his second most used color. He hasn’t fallen as far into darkness as Des; he still has some light in him keeping him from traveling down the same path as his sibling
After that point, though, both of their designs remain consistent, so there’s not much more I can say about them…
Ok Luke time
I think my favorite thing about Luke’s palette is how much it complements Hershel’s
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Blue is the opposite of orange, and Luke’s secondary color has always been a pale peach off-white that looks almost grey against the blue, which works with Hershel’s off-black dark brown
For funsies, I put the above image through a reverse gradient filter and snagged some colors to compare
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While not identical in hue or anything, the inversions are still pretty close
And Luke has gone through a lot of design changes too
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That Luke Blue™ becomes more prominent the older he gets, changing into a much more saturated blue when he’s 14 before his composition pulls a complete 180
Because his color palette stays pretty much the same, there’s not much to say yet on the symbolism of the changes and whatnot. We’ll have to wait until NWoS’s release to see if there is something or if I’m pulling a High School English Teacher
But yeah, Luke is quite opposite to Hershel in many ways, yet they go together extremely well. Luke is energetic, spunky, a bit sassy at times, and is far more outspoken 24/7. Herschel is calm, quiet, almost overly polite, and pretty reserved, always waiting until he has all the pieces in place before revealing his findings and generally not letting many people know about his personal life. They are complete opposites, yet they complement each perfectly, and their color schemes reflect this
And now we get to the fun part… ✨The Villains✨ Specifically Dimitri Allen and The Masked Gentleman
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The Future Layton disguise is pretty much just a desaturated Hershel Layton and is way more representative of Dimitri himself than Hershel. It utilizes colors that, while not directly opposite to Dimitri’s design, complement his
Note the blue and red scarves, shift from off-black to off-white and vice versa,  and the red and white roses
Dimitri is our first example of a villain just being a light theme Hershel Layton. He’s reserved, intelligent, forward thinking, creative, and harbors a strong love for Claire. The difference is Dimitri’s “the ends justify the means” mentality. Were Hershel to have that kind of a mindset, I would not be shocked if the story of Future London ends up a reality
And then we have The Masked Gentleman…
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Where he lacks similarities in character, Randall’s villainsona makes up for in its coloration. Turning Randall’s prominent purple into an accent separates him from the man behind the mask while the outfit in general is eerily similar to Hershel’s, just with its own Descole-esque spin on it. The hues of their major colors are nearly exact (32 and 31 respectively), blonde hair is pretty much opposite of brunette, and, most obviously, the red and green bands on their hats are compliments of each other. Not only that, but certain parts of Randall’s outfit are tilted down where Hershel’s are tilted up and vice versa, and rounded corners become sharper and vice versa
Putting our boy through a reverse gradient demonstrates this well I think
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Could I go more in depth and drag this out even more unnecessarily long than it needs to be? Maybe. Am I going to? No.
Pretty much everything else I could say has to do with little things that don’t matter at all plot wise (aside from maybe kat and flora having warm colors too and alfie being the outlier and blah blah blah) but this is already over 1000 words long and holy shit i rambled so much my goodness
Anyway, excited to pick apart NWoS once that comes out. Just from the trailer alone I can already tell I’m gonna have fun with this one >:]
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stormbreaker101 · 2 months
@valerian-thundercloud i am straight up jumping for joy this sunday morning seeing ur tags
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because that means talking about Sky City, which I had SO MUCH FUN trying to pad out and make more robust than canon gives us.
So, some lore. it got long so it's under the cut lol.
Lemuria was made roughly 1500-1600 years ago, some 50 generations. 25 generations ago, the Old One was able to return to it shortly to check on it. This led to the revolt of Mandoria, and the creation of both Heap and Sky City.
Specifically, the Old One helped the people of what would become Sky City find the Monitoring Station. They were able to study his magic and tech, and learn his ultimate telos: creating a Scion. Thus, after creating the Ascension Beam and lifting their section of Lemuria to the sky, the people of this newly dubbed Sky City formed the Scion Genesis Society: a dedicated sect of people who were to keep studying the Old One's works to formulate the perfect Scion for him.
It's a slow going process to make a Scion. The SGS only bothers with making one Scion at a time because you just can't have multiple Scions running around! The Old One is only interested in honing the best of the best, not wasting time and resources on multiple simultaneous candidates! Once a Scion Candidate is of age (32), they're allowed to synthesize the Attunement Stone of Sky City and attempt their Scionic Quest.
Most die trying. Some abandon the quest and take on a new life among "lowland" Lemuria. A few have recognized that they were going to fail, returned to Sky City in order to reorganize themself, and were decommissioned.
As hyper-intelligent and enlightened and elevated and impartial as Sky City believes itself to be, it (including the SGS) is INCREDIBLY wasteful. Sky City has a culture of "tomorrow at the expense of the past." Old, defunct things are not worth maintaining. There's nothing to be learnt from failure besides how to avoid it. It's a very wasteful, unpreserving culture, which they have the privilege to uphold because they essentially have infinite resources via miniature Synthesizers they've invented (think the Replicators in Star Trek, or that one food-making machine from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs).
Clark is a cog within this unfeeling machine, a pawn and victim and perpetrator. He is the SGS's 29th attempt at making a Scion. When he attempted the Scionic Quest, he attempted the same "what if I explode a holy temple" bullshit that Duck wanted to do in canon and CS, and naturally the Mandorians were pissed, including one relatively young (and i mean like 30) Mandar "the Boarbarian" ben'Krull. Mandar cut Clark's right arm off, knowing that such a wound is both agonizing and deadly (unless given immediate care that nobody in Mandoria would ever offer to him), a deserved fate for someone who'd dare profane a temple of protection.
Except Sky City has far more resources than Mandoria, and could heal the wound even if it's been multiple days. Clark was able to flee and fly back home to heal. He knew that Scion attempts that had tried to return home after the Quest would be disposed of, but by appealing to the SGS's ego and convincing them that he truly was the best of their works, he was simply unlucky, he asked them to let him try again. Time can't be rewound, his arm can't be regrown, and prosthetics would be a hassle to maintain while out in the "savage wilds below that don't have our resources", so the best the SGS could do to run a re-do is to make a perfect clone of their now-retired Scion Attempt: Clark Savage, Jr.
Clark Jr later became Claire, the Duck of Bronze, because we love transgenderism and transfemininity in this house. 👍
Both Clark and Claire are mallard ducks because they're the most iconic kind of duck, and I decided to change how Duck became literal bronze (to better fit my AU), so her nickname first came from HRT changing her feathers to be bronzy-brown instead of the stark greens and browns and whites her father had.
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laytonnpcbracket · 1 year
Welcome to the Layton NPC Showdown!
This is a bracket to determine which of the many memorable NPCs from across the Professor Layton games are the greatest.
GAMES INCLUDED: Every game except LBMR. Eternal Diva characters are also not included here.
WHAT COUNTS AS AN NPC?: Anyone who doesn't have a puzzle animation. Characters excluded are Layton, Luke, Flora, Clive, Emmy, Randall, Aurora, Des, Espella, Phoenix, Maya, Katrielle, Ernest, Sherl, Hastings, and Emiliana.
WILL THERE BE NOMINATIONS?: Nope! Every NPC will be included.
WHAT ABOUT THE PUZZLE LADS/LASSES?: I only plan on including characters that we can speak to in-game, so no Puzzle Lads or Lasses. Sorry to the people who like them 😔
WHICH CHARACTERS ARE INCLUDED, THEN?: Anyone who isn't an exception listed above that is in the profiles of the game! A full list is enclosed below.
WHEN WILL THE TOURNAMENT START?: More information forthcoming on that! I have to seed the bracket first :)
WHY IS NAIYA YOUR ICON?: In my opinion, she's one of the more underrated NPCs of the series. I'll probably cycle through some of the ones I have available to me right now.
WHAT CRITERIA SHOULD I VOTE ON?: Whatever makes you happy :)
ARE ALTER EGOS SEPERATE CHARACTERS?: No. For instance, Ratman is not included because his secret identity is in the tournament.
US OR UK NAMES?: I will try to make available as many names for the NPCs as possible! Which includes their Japanese names and as many names in the localizations as I am able to obtain from the wiki and my own sources. I'll probably reliably have the English (both versions where applicable), Japanese, and French names for every character when I do the bracket rounds. The list below however is entirely in English.
And now for a list of the entries! I didn't check all of these for inconsistencies, but I attempted to ascertain that I used the US versions. Some of them might be UK versions though because that's the version of the game I have (specifically Diabolical Box NPCs and Last Specter NPCs -- I know some of their US names but not all).
Lady Dahlia Reinhold
Gordon Reinhold
Simon Reinhold
Augustus Reinhold
Granny Riddleton
Don Paolo
Andrew Schrader
Anton Herzen
Katia Anderson
Mr. Anderson
Sammy Thunder
Dimitri Allen
Bill Hawks
Dean Delmona
Subject 3
Family Goon
Hazel (UF)
Maya (UF)
Ernest (UF)
Clark Triton
Brenda Triton
Arianna Barde
Tony Barde
Doland Noble
Levin Jakes
Aunt Taffy
Hans Jakes
Chief Engineer
Roland Layton
Lucille Layton
Henry Ledore
Angela Ledore
Alphonse Dalston
Leonard Bloom
Mrs Ascot
Policeman (MM)
Mr. Collins
Leon Bronev
Hazel (AL)
Amelie Chelmey
Policeman (AL)
Old Red
Carmine Accidenti
Olivia Aldente
Zacharias Barnham
Newton Belduke
Patty Eclaire
Eve (cat)
Jean Greyerl
Knight Captain
Lettie Mailer
Ridelle Mystere
Ms Primstone
Emeer Punchenbaug
Old Rootie
Johnny Smiles
Pipper Lowonida
Phineas Barnone
Madame Doublée
Liza Wight
Grant Sloans
Cesar Chance
Mustafa Fulhold
Hans Lipski
Aleks Lipski
Maverick D. Rector
Seymore Fraymes
The Major
Eddie Torre
Bianca Teller
Security Guard
Taboras Lloyd
Douglas Dert
Mo Heecan
Mrs Slow the Tailor
Midas Pullman
Declan Swabber
Abel Seamon
Felicity Hastings
Gene Ohm
Billy Kidd
Royall Britannias
Clover Pryce
PC Beate
DC Booker
Séan Butchin
Bo Bells
Hessie Tate
Keane Fisher
Bob Bracket
Gudrun Weldon
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I never liked Leon's face model in ID and DI, I wish they would use his face from Damnation. I don't understand why they changed
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capcom has never been consistent when it comes to their character designs. that's also why they don't stray too much from outfit choices/colours and hairstyles. otherwise a character can easily be misinterpreted as another imo. example, red is always ada or claire. blue is leon or jill. rebecca is green etc. orange is ashley.
leon has had red, blond, brown and black hair. blue eyes and i think brown??? green? eyes. ada has had brown, green, grey eyes? even now ashley had her iconic amber eyes be switched to a green :| (im not happy about it, i liked her og eye colour better as it was rarer and more unique looking. now ashley looks like any other blonde girl)
leon has kept his hair style and general colour palettes. the only one significantly different was re6 outfit with the red undershirt, as red is not a colour commonly associated with leon. (i like to this it's connected to ada heehee)
to be fair, i think the changes might actually be a good idea in terms of garnering a larger audience. hear me out here.
we have a general idea of what leon looks like. but let's switch the hair colours, okay. now some people love blond leon. and some love dark haired leon. okay now let's tweak some variations of his face. okay some LOVE infinite darkness leon (daddy) and some LOVE babyface re2r leon. and some LOVE damnation leon (daddy) and some LOVE vendetta leon (emo daddy) BUT i have also seen people disliking ALL of these variants of leon.
now the consistent things i've noticed about his face is that he always is depicted with the sharp brow, and he has a very pronounced nose bridge, and the butt chin has been on every modern interpretation of leon since after 2004 (re4) infinite darkness Leon is actually a decent interpretation of re6 leon and damnation leon
in the og timeline, with re4, leon's cheek is cut and has a scar even in re6. because of re4r no longer recreating this cut, we can assume that he will not have a scar in a potential re6r. the scar is also not in any cgi film.
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he and ada both share gsw scars in the opposite shoulders, but it's unlikely we will see these. (please let me see them in a movie or game, i am begging you. i want them to kiss each other scars)
i think with so many variations of leon in different companies mind you, since the cgi films are a different production team than the games. it makes sense on why they might have their own versions of leon. at least with the game remakes, we have a more consistent face model for leon. i'll be honest, i am not a fan of re4r leon's face. i like it, it's not my favourite. and that's okay! but here we go now, we've created fun discourse over it lol
my favourite has always been re6 leon. something about his voice (matt mercer) and his design just won me over so much.
also that being said with your original ask, damnation leon is actually one of the more different ones as well. he has a completely different eye colour, same with ada. and the darker hair colour.
and also (allegedly ada was modelled after their voice actors/mocap actors. (for re6) so i want to assume that they did the same for leon/matt mercer/his mocap actor), and i do wonder if they did this for damnation as well.
at least with the remakes it seems they want to be more consistent, which is good. but with capcom's track record, i wouldn't be too sure that they would continue with this route. we might even get a more infinite darkness style face in re6r. who knows. only time will tell lol
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ladywynneoutlander · 1 year
Thoughts on 701 - A Life Well Lost
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The title is perfection. *chef's kiss*
Congrats on executive producer to Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan.
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Skye Boat Song - This new version is going to take some getting used to. The artist has a unique style and I don't really understand the thinking. It doesn't seem relevant to the period or the story, but I'm probably missing something given Bear McCreary's general excellence and detail.
Wendigo Donner is interesting. He brings in the time travel drama. I'm glad they integrated his story with Bree and Roger in this episode. It gave them something to deal with besides the one guy calling Roger a coward and their relationship. I'm not putting down navigating marriage as viable plot. It can make for some of the best drama out there, but I'm glad Wendigo added another dimension and a vehicle for that here. Looking forward to his story line.
Roger and Bree's morality conversation was interesting on it's own merits, but it was also a neat way to reacquaint audiences with what happened in earlier seasons. Much more elegant than saying, "previously on Outlander ".
MacDonald you little shit. I wish Adso had used that coat for a litter box.
Tom's confession is an absolute highlight. Mark Lewis Jones' performance... I cannot say enough. It was subtle and genuine. It felt right for a man as proud and whose convictions run as deep as Tom Christie's.
Jamie and Ian finishing the Browns was a great surprise and a nice way to wrap up that plotline. Glad to see little changes that make sense like this. I also enjoyed Jamie this episode overall. His scenes seemed really true to character and highlighted Jamie and Claire's epic love. Their reunion aboard ship is one of those iconic book moments. I felt that in the show as well, and I think they did a great job.
All in all this episode was a really solid set up for the season that also had some memorable and gorgeous moments. I cannot wait for more. 🧡
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possessionisamyth · 1 year
Is it me or do some fans scapegoat Ada for Capcom not doing anything else with the RE female characters? Even though Ada isn't even allowed to appear in media without Leon (and even then, she doesn't always appear with him).
I wouldn't say it's just you, but I would say the latest Resident Evil content this year is stirring a pot much faster than when RE7 dropped when it comes to how they handle these characters and the franchise as a whole. They want to make everything more serious. They want to pander to certain groups of fans when it comes to character direction. They're trying to bring back the horror without understanding the spikes of comedy and cheesiness whether or not they were accidental is what makes the series so iconic, but that's a slightly different conversation. So, let's focus on Ada.
Listen. Ada has always been a character in a precarious situation when it comes to fandom. There's a lot of "interesting" qwhite people who love Leon so much they see her as a personal threat with their misogyny. She's a visible woman of color, which gets her hit with the racism. She's allegedly Chinese, as she could also be Taiwanese or Cantonese, or a different ethnicity since we don't even know her real name, so she gets hit with xenophobia overseas. She's also not a "nice" person who babies Leon, so she gets hit with the double misogyny from those same "interesting" qwhite people who never draw Leon with brown hair even though that's his canonical hair color. She's a woman so showing her as capable without the sexiness slapped onto her makes her "ugly" and makes the 3% of fans who yell about it the loudest cry and scream so much that Capcom will rope it back into her character however they can.
Then we have current fandom itself, and how it's changed, and how it's not changed at all. I saw a post I can't find at the moment stating the current waves of fandom have this new pattern with people who don't want to seem like they're misogynist or sexist, so they'll say the women characters are great and then do nothing for them. No rambling about them. Barely any fanart. Very little headcanons. The tiniest amount of fanfic, and if they get any of these things there has to be a male character the artist clearly favorites in the spotlight of the piece. The pieces of art that are women focused get half as much attention as the male focused pieces. Those same fandom pieces get 1/4 of that attention when the characters are visible women of color not at their sexiest, cutest, or palest form. The original poster I spoke of was obviously right. If you don't believe me, look at how many notes any "good" Leon post gets compared to the other women, and you'll start to see a pattern very quickly.
Ada is the easiest to vilify because fandom always hates "mean" women, women of color, and women point blank. Hell, the racist's vitriol was so bad they removed Sheva from various editions of the game cover of RE5 and left it as Chris or put Jill there when you can only play with her in the DLC. It doesn't help with how Ada's writing is handled over the years, that fandom loves to put her on a proverbial stake saying she took attention or a possible role from Claire, or Jill, or even Rebecca now that she's getting more attention. But they'll more loudly say how Ada is taking attention from Piers, or Luis, or even fucking Birkin. It's not entirely about how they diss and scapegoat Ada, it's the bullshit all around the diss they're making. It's about who they would personally slot in to replace her or any woman character, and why they would do that which speaks the loudest to me. If you pay attention, you'll see what wavelength their brains are running on when they drop that nonsense.
Now hear me out. I came into Resident Evil after watching all of Lupin III. Quick summary, it's an old manga that got an anime in the early 70s, and is still getting remade today about a group of thieves who steal expensive shit.
There's only 1 woman in the main recurring cast, Fujiko Mine, and since everyone has a gimmick, her's is sex appeal and that there's a 50/50 chance she'll steal the treasure from the group of men for herself at the end. No matter how many times she does this, Lupin III as a character loves her regardless. He knows that changing her means he'd have to change himself, neither of which would be a good thing, because change doesn't always mean improvement. She has been handled by so many men and a few women writers for the last 50 years I've seen all the possible ways a femme fatale can be written super well and super poorly. And even though she does all of the exact same shit as Lupin does, fans(new fans especially) will still call her a bitch. And I've had to call people out a million times with 1:1 canon comparisons to make them see it's the misogyny glasses they're looking through when they make this judgement about her.
This also means I came in looking at the Leon and Ada relationship from a completely different angle than probably 99% of the active members of the RE fandom on this site. I can see where she's written improperly for the chances she does get to appear, but I can see the potential in it, and I can see and understand how their relationship is structured the way it is. I do believe that Ada having time to herself without Leon in the game or Leon even being a priority is desperately needed for her character. I also think this narrative decision will scapegoat her further because fandom will say that attention should've gone to [Insert Male Character Here] that is an old character brought back or a completely new white guy in his 30s on the side of good who talks to another main dude for about 2 times if that much.
However, if anyone who read this far would like to see who's actually taking all the attention in an RE movie or RE game, feel free to do a tally for how many times each character gets to speak and compare the final numbers when you're done. For the games, repeated lines do not count to make it a little easier.
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alicetiermes · 2 years
27 September 2015. By ALICE PYLYPENKO. For The Genius Trash.
Falls, spikes, and scuffs. Not only descriptive of a good night outing in New York City, this is a rundown of what went down on the runways at New York fashion week.
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Backstage at Diane von Furstenberg SS16, NYC. Courtesy of Paolo Musa.
Unique ways to showcase clothes are taking over. Is it a revival of emotive, spectacle runways of the 80s? The business of fashion has been 'all work no play', it should come as no surprise that designers rebel against the tired linear runway.
Opening Ceremony
Opening Ceremony has been championing unconventional shows for years. This season, OC scared a few of its front-row guests when models began to fall.
A few kindly reached to help the fallen, but were surprised by even more graceful tumbles. What followed was a perfect collaboration of different arts mediums, dance and design, that is.
Models spiralled into dancing sequence down the catwalk, revealing that many amongst the walking were members of the New York City Ballet.
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Opening Ceremony SS16 runway. Courtesy of Getty Images.
The clothes were exquisitely business casual in a way only fashion-business can be. Fringed skirts, knee-grazing dresses and wide silk trousers are to arm for the humid and hectic city, coming spring and summer 2016.
Rag & Bone
Rag & Bone kept to its urban doctrine. Like Opening Ceremony, the brand caters to the girl that doesn't dress for the boys.
Slip dresses reaching past the knee were paired with sneakers and heavy jackets obscured any possible outline of the torso. There was a very fetching navy playsuit. In the white, black and navy blue palette, Rag & Bone is a reliable uniform for the cool, calm, and collected with an edge.
Rough textiles and wide silhouettes dominated the collection. Chunky knitwear was the stylish solution for early spring temperatures. And of course, Rag & Bone's signature bomber jackets made a comeback.
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Backstage Rag & Bone SS16. Photography by Paolo Musa.
There is a distinct sense that costume and personal aesthetic are being hungered for again. A costume as uniform unique to the individual, physically displaying their personality. At Rag & Bone, it is a palpable lean away from form-accentuating basics, bling and bedazzle which dominated the 2000's. Instead, the brand is giving a chic embrace to indie sleaze subculture.
Try pyjamas and lingerie as workwear. Don't be intimidated, Givenchy is making a case that sleepwear with a blazer on top is boss.
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Givenchy SS16 runway. Courtesy Vogue.com.
Although it was Ready-to-Wear, a lot of the looks at Givenchy featured Couture-worthy opulence and craftsmanship. Nightgowns and silk robes galore, designer Ricardo Tisci said he was aiming to marry the bridal gown and tuxedo.
I took a trip down the very beautiful Givenchy + Tisci memory lane. Textured gowns, fringed dressed (now brought back with actual hair), and gradient feathers were a staple of the designer's tenure since about 2013. I don't at all mind the reoccurring themes, especially worn by his muses, among who is actress Rooney Mara.
The pièce de résistance was certainly the bridal gown of the destination wedding to the swampy fields of Glastonbury music festival. Flowing from a see-through tank top, the sweeping white skirt was feather-garnished and muddied to a rich brown trim at the bottom.
Diane von Furstenberg
Diane von Furstenberg breaks the monochromic chain with pinks and patterns. And she'll do it again! There were silk playsuits, fifties silhouettes and high-waisted everything. The lightweight, printed fabric of dresses and signature cut is the DVF uniform.
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Diane von Furstenberg SS16 runway. Courtesy of Marie Claire.
This season, the iconic brand suggests their wearer take a vacation to warm destination of choice. The model lineup, consisting of Karlie Kloss and Kendal Jenner, showcased glowing tans, beachy blowouts with tropical flowers in the coiffure, and boho accessories.
Such colourfullness is lacking in my personal wardrobe, but there is something to be appreciated about the Studio 54 and Vogue offices-favoured dress making a juxtaposing appearance somewhere sunny for once.
Alexander Wang
Back to navy and khaki and lots of black. This is Alexander Wang. Here, the cut of cloth is purposeful and utilitarian, with party embellishments!
If the Alexander Wang runway was in fact a party, I would feel right at home. With a lack of clubbing-designated clothes, the brand's patron is one who came into a club wearing her regular clothes, plus incredible platforms.
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Alexander Wang SS16 runway. Courtesy of Isidore Montag.
Grungy plaid button-downs, printed, high-waisted pants, a wine-red jacket in patent leather, more pyjama tops posing for button-downs, leather pants, and a man in dungarees. What’s not to love?
And if you’re amongst the hoard purchasing a fashioned military jacket this season, consider the groovy khaki one with black leather fringe (fringe, fringe, fringe).
Beyond performance, designers dip into new silhouettes. Bold and structured garments outnumber the form-fitting across most collections. Personality saturates the racks in diverse cuts and colours. And it is incredibly refreshing to see. Telling stories through clothes is the reason designers craft and wearers acquire.
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kennedysharper · 2 years
I've seen people make fun of chris for having a different face in each RE installment he is and he is in almost all of them so that's a lot of faces but like let's be real here let's be honest with each other let's speak the harsh truth: so does leon! it's just that like leon's hairstyle is so iconic and so characteristically his that it draws less attention to his face but he also has a lot of faces!
for leon, I think with the exception of the remakes and now they apparently using the same face from infinite darkness in death island, he's had a lot of faces too! they all have tbh
and also tbh they did use the same face model for chris from re1 remake in many occasions but just obviously making him look older and now they're apparently using the same one from vendetta in DI so yeah
a shame chris didn't show up in RE7 so we don't know if he'd look like his RE8 model yeah haha such a shame no chris in RE7 whatsoever haha
but for me the most annoying thing is just how they can't decide his eye color if it's blue or brown just like they do with claire's hair color (brown or red) and it's honestly disappointing bc capcom is very color coordinated with the RE characters and details such as these couldn't be something they'd miss but anyways
can't wait for death island :)
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jayalexandria · 2 years
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People like Naomi Campbell, Iman, Queen Latifah, Jada Pinkett-Smith, and many other Black women and women of color, all have one thing in common.The man behind many iconic editorial makeup looks, Sam Fine.A celebrity makeup artist that focuses on the representation of beauty for Black and Brown Women.
I got the chance to meet him recently and to hear his inspiring journey and serendipitous triumphs of working hand and hand with the industries of fashion and makeup.
Fine started the conversation with his original interest in Fashion illustration after high school, as he always had an ability with drawing.He thought then he wanted to be a seamster and to pursue a career in fashion and garment making. He soonly realized that wasn't his passion.Moving to New York, he started making connections that started to fuel his makeup journey, starting with Naomi Sims Cosmetics. This company offered him a position at the cosmetics counter of their department store and he hasn't put the makeup brush down sense.
After establishing a portfolio for himself with photographers and up and coming models he got a bigger opportunity to working with Essence Magazine on a plethora of covers for them.He got acquainted with other magazines such a Vibe, Cosmopolitan, and Marie Claire to do makeup, which opened up many doors for his career as well.
Fine has traveled to many different countries in the world, it is particularly so motivating and encouraging to here his stories about celebrities that he started out with and now know as friends. To also refine his craft each time with the help of like minded people is also a gem of advice he touched on.To be willing to trust yourself and your skills and letting them take you where they may is very influential as well. I was very glad to be in the presence of someone so pivotal to black women and women of color in the makeup world.
Sam Fine is a wealth of information for not only makeup but also being a personal solace about life's journey and people that supported his passion along the way.
I hope in the near future we can meet again, his enthusiastic spirit is something that only can be met in person.
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Maybe he can do that again :)
Hmm Lim's having a lot of nostalgia feelings this episode
I hope she doesn't like quit or anything but I think she needs a change <3
Aww honeyy :'( <33
True let's not talk about it xD too many people know already
Thank you Jared
Hmm doesn't mean like. Leave Shaun xD
But okay bye bestie
Oof that thunder shook the house I think o.o
OOP bro didn't even turn to deny it o.o
Real though xd
OPE bro's onto him o.o
At least Glassman isn't admitting it xd
Well hey only possibly illegal?
Okay wasn't too tense yet 😭😬
Y'all I'm stressinggg xdd
Uh uh O.O
Oh no poor guy D:
O.O that's awful DD:
Ayy nice job man xd
Hmm and that would change his life I bet
Just guessing xd
LOL xD icon :))
Awww sorry Park :'((
Nahh you got this bro <33 I believe :')
That was a really sweet idea though :'D
I mean you're not also short on money like most people in this situation in shows lol
Oof okay
Ohh aww no :((( poor guy <3
Hey glad he feels like that <3
Yeahhh don't do that
Exactly O.O y'all I can't go through that again xd
Yeah Lea's got it :'(((
Yep but also-
Yeah that :(
Exactly honey :'((( ❤️
Okay maybe not enable it but xdd
Okay doesn't sound great xD but yeah don't tell her lol
You can figure it out besides that :)
Awww honeyy :'((( <3
Maybe buy the bike again lol?
Aww she's feeling it too :(((
Back to being an adrenaline junky xD :D?
Yeah it's okay :))
AWW yeah :'DD
Oohf gotta do one of those too o.o fancyyy
I didn't understand much of that lol but eh ay :D
Oh no D:
Why not just full mastectomy 😬 to be safe?
Honeyyyss :(( y'all got this
Gonna quick recap her xD
Idk about perfect there's certainly an accent- I'm kidding it was good xD
AWWW "you are an unstoppable force Claire Brown" AAAHHHH 🥺🥺🥺😭❤️🥰🥰
Oop o.o are they trying to make them an option for a thing?
Idk if it'll happen I think it might be a mislead xd
Would be a good way to get them both a partner (since they want that) 👀
Awww y'all :'))
Lol it's not xD
This poor man keeps having procedures done awake on him xD
Y'all can't talk about your drama in front of him though lol
Aww this guy's so ready despite being scared, for everything :')
Oop :'o
Her dad I assume?
But maybe y'all can do it this time :(( ❤️🥺!
Aww :'o D': they do care :'(( I was wondering if they do but just couldn't enable her any longer
But yeah the source of her addiction is treated so it might be a little easier :'D
Oop o.o
He's kinda right Glassman 😬😬
Honeyy :((
Although sir she's already hit rock bottom :(((
He's kinda right though Glassman :(((
OOP o.o bro wasn't expecting that D:
I think y'all can compromise
Don't enable her and also don't kick her out on the streets D:
Y'alllll 😭😭
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yestolerancepro · 5 months
50 best film scores of all time A Tolerance project blog
Hello there Ben Brown here and welcome to another mini blog again this one is based on an article by the Classic FM website this time looking at the 50 greatest film scores of all time we won’t be commenting on every score on the list just a select few that featured in our Soundtrack for the Tolerance film so if you want to read the full list click here The 50 best film scores of all time - Classic FM
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James Bond theme by Monty Norman
The earliest entry on the classic FM list at number 47 never-mind its still a cracking piece of music and it appears in the first 3 minutes of the Tolerance film. As Robert  played by David Smith speeds round the Kitchen to make his breakfast Finishing with a cup of tea to highlight his independence.
 He Lives in a house by himself where as Claire his girlfriend lives with her family where she feels somewhat over protected and longs to get away.
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Here is what classic FM had to say
The most famous guitar riff in cinema has featured in every official Bond film since Dr. No (1962), when it accompanied the opening title. It appeared again over the opening credits for From Russia with Love, and from then on became as integral to the James Bond universe as corny one-liners and gadgets. The guitar riff heard in the original recording of the theme was played by Vic Flick, who was paid a one-off fee of £6 for recording the tune.
Jaws Theme by John Williams
Next in the list is Jaws at number 38 so good we used it twice and to a good affect once to heighten the drama in the Tolerance story when our hero in the story nearly got run over and again when introduced the villain in our story Mr Grosenberg.
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Here is what classic FM had to say
One of the most iconic pieces of film music, the two-note shark motif that made going in the sea terrifying almost becomes a character in its own right. Rarely has a piece of film music so perfectly captured a film’s atmosphere. When Williams first played the two notes to Spielberg on a piano, the director initially laughed, thinking it was a joke. Williams described the theme, performed on the tuba, as “grinding away at you, just as a shark would do, instinctual, relentless, unstoppable”.
The Good the Bad and the ugly by Ennio Morriconne
We are entering the top 10 now so at number we have the theme from the Good the Bad and the ugly which was used to great effect in the Tolerance film to not only spoof a classic western but to also highligh the serious issue of disabled badge abuse at the same time
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Here is what classic FM had to say
Italian master, Morricone, certainly created one of the most iconic pieces of film music with his main theme, and the rest of the score to The Good, the Bad and the Ugly comes complete with all the classic Morricone traits – including whistling, yodelling and gunfire.
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Star Wars Theme by John Williams
And finally the last peice of film music to appear in the Classic FM list is the Star Wars theme by John Williams and the only composer to have two pieces of music in the Tolerance we used it to open the film up along with a classic Star Wars Dialoge crawl which told what the Tolerance film was all about we also used it to introduce the hero of our story Robert played by David Smith
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Here is what classic FM had to say
In 1977, Star Wars caused a revolution; Williams brought a new hope to movie soundtracks, reviving the golden age of grand symphonic scores. He’s since composed for most of the Star Wars movies and most recently worked on ‘Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker’. From the brass blasts of ‘Imperial March’ to Princess Leia’s theme, every one of Williams’s motifs is pure class.
Monty Norman
One of the many posters for Dr No
John Williams
Poster for Jaws
Ennio Morroconnie
Poster for The Good the Bad and the ugly
Star Wars soundtrack album cover
Thank you to Google images for the pictures
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denimbex1986 · 7 months
"...I do feel, though, that there’s a shortage of British female nominees on the list this year.
Claire Foy is more than deserving of her Supporting Actress nomination for All Of Us Strangers..."
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whollyjoly · 9 months
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hello there! my name is em, and i'd like to welcome you to my blog ✨ when im not staring respectfully at tommy kinard's nose scrunch, my hellblog will mostly be 9-1-1, band of brothers, star wars, and a dash of m*a*s*h! also: i've been getting into moodboards and icon making these days - if you have any requests, my dms are always open! things with im obsessed with: bucktommy and the parallels!!, my tall smirking husband (alton more), making moodboards, music, putting flower crowns on literally anything and anyone 🌼 ships: 9-1-1 - bucktommy, henren, madney, bathena band of brothers - winnix, baberoe, speirton, luztoye, webgott, skowers ❤️ star wars - codywan, kalluzeb, anidala, stormpilot, rebelcaptain, kanera, dincobb m*a*s*h - traphawk, hawkahy see you around, friends! 💫
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Masterlist ✨
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Evan Buckley - I'm Ready to Be Something (4x05||7x05)
BuckTommy - What If You Were Okay?
BuckTommy - The Cowboy AU Nobody Asked For BuckTommy - Cowboy AU pt 2 BuckTommy - Cowboy AU pt 3
Tommy Kinard - Flower Crowns Ravi Panikkar - Flower Crowns BuckTommy - Flower Crowns
And I'll Post It Again! - BuckTommy x B99 Pure of Heart / Dumb of Ass - Bi!Buck
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Band of Brothers
Immortal Soldier!Alton More AU - Snippets & Moodboard
Band of Brothers x The Killers
Easy Company - When You Were Young Dick Winters - Be Still Lewis Nixon - Uncle Jonny Ronald Speirs - Battle Born Eugene Roe - Wonderful Wonderful Renée Lemaire - Human Easy Ranch AU - The Cowboys' Christmas Ball
Easy Ranch
Alton More - baby, the sun is getting low James "Moe Alley - all this dirt, it's been dug before The Cowboys' Christmas Ball - Killers Crossover
Vani (sweetxvanixlla) - Midnight Blue Lou (luckynumber4) - Dusty Rose Claire (coco-bean-1218) - Chestnut Brown Mads (mads-weasley) - Orange Lenora (mutantmanifesto) - Moonlight Fru (onlyyouexisthere) - Pale Green Blu (xxluckystrike) - Golden
Winnix - In Those Heavy Days in June Luztoye - I'll Be Seeing You Spotify Lyric Edit Luztoye - Francis Forever Spotify Lyric Edit
The Cowboys' Christmas Ball - Ficlet + Poem
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My Aura Moodboard - Yellow
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you can find also find other stuff from me at #em speaks content from my amazing bob mutuals is tagged #me and the gang (bottom text) or #i live for the best something of hell. content from my amazing 9-1-1 mutuals is tagged #clown car support squad.
thank you for stopping by, and ZIM ZAM! 🔥
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