ghostjunksickness · 4 months
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We gave a call for art and have gathered pieces over the months to help us celebrate a decade of Ghost Junk Sickness, here are the features for the day!
⭐️Claines⭐️ and ⭐️Jacki!⭐️
Please check out their pieces and enjoy! ✨
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shanicetjn · 1 year
OC Meme:
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Your question is SO perfectly timed...!! My writer friend and I released a horror Visual Novel game just 4 days ago. 👀✨
And we picked Luke and Belvan as protagonists for the game!
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The reason to them being chosen is that one's the Brain and the other's the Brawn. Gotta play the game to find out which is which! >:3c
(Also, there is absolutely 0 pressure. I would be very honoured if you do decide to give the game a whirl!)
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mitaukano · 1 year
OK you want asks about your OCs? Tell me about the two that are being introed so far this chapter, I'm especially 👀 the eyepatch one
Haha I had a feeling you might be interested in her!
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Joan Brown - Age 40, occupation around humans, cleaning lady for the local police. It's a good job that gets her excellent intel, especially if she is asked to help clean up old crime scenes. Locally renowned in the area by the night time denizens for the last twenty five years, she's known for being quite fair in her dealings with non-garou. Speaking of garou, she's a Fianna, the Irish clan of werewolves and one of the more respected members of the local werewolf hub, which is called a Caern. Her Garou name is "Bright Eye". Under that eye patch is a bit of silver from Nuada infused with spiritual energy. She keeps it covered with that eyepatch as extended use of the eye drains her and tires her out. Very few know exactly what the eye does, but the stories of how she acquired it say that when she first changed into a werewolf a powerful dark spirit ripped out her eye as it had heard that the newest clan Fianna member would help to drive out the dark with just her eyes. This happened in 1974, and in 1976 she returned to the Dublin Caern with the new silver eye, her then pack backed up the story and from there she just grew into a bit of a local legend. She's very keen on keeping Werewolf/Changeling relations good in the area so she's almost always asked to look into disputes and issues that involve them. Rumors persist that she has fae ancestors, but that isn't too uncommon with the Fianna. She's had her eye on Joan since she joined the caern, and when she was approached by a priestess of the caern about the strange occurrences with the changeling court she picked her personally to be her assistant, a hunch or more accurately something that involves her arcane eye told her that Ilsa would be the only person in the caern able to help her with this investigation.
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Ilsa Bierhals - Age 32, occupation around humans, bartender. She hears a lot of good gossip, and also learns a lot of the troubles of the local people this way. She's been at the Caern for three years after leaving the Central Park Caern, in New York. There was a rumor that four of her friends had made their way to Ireland and she desperately wanted to reconnect with them, especially one. Ilsa keeps to herself at the Caern, to the point most don't even know who she is or what her garou name is. That garou name happens to be "Silver-tongue", and her clan is Shadowlord, a group known for political machinations. This part of the story highlights the first time she has gone on a mission with another Garou since joining the Caern. There is a good reason as to why she keeps to herself, one that most garou know by looking at her. She's what they call a Crinos-born, a werewolf born of the forbidden relationship between two werewolves. Crinos-born are highly discriminated against in Garou society as it is considered an incestuous relationship. They sometimes have a host of physical, and neurological issues. Ilsa's issue is pretty straightforward, she has a third eye, which she conceals under her bandana. Strangely the eye is not a burden to her as it can pierce the veil between worlds and show her shadows of what the spirits and energies of the area are doing when she opens it. Her other issue is that friend I mentioned, in 1992 Ilsa was part of a pack where three of the eight members died destroying a wyrm hive. The other four were so grievously injured their tribes (Black Furies, and Bonegnawers) took them to a place of healing in Canada the only one left conscious at the time was Ilsa, causing rumors about what must have really happened. Ilsa was also injured during this mission, but people tend to gloss over that fact as she did not die from her injuries or require extreme care. She doesn't really talk about her missing friends, because she was in a relationship with one of them and as a Crinos-born, it would be something other garou would kill her for. A week previous to this story, she and her former lover finally reconnected but something felt off to Ilsa about the whole meeting. There were apologies, and um...more than apologies, and a lot of making up but the whole situation is bothering her for some reason. Can't quite put her finger on the reason though. Other Stuff - Fun fact I don't often talk about, these are all characters I used to play with my friends in Werewolf the Apocalypse, there are of course new characters and stuff I made up for the comics but a majority of the cast are people I played in games back in the 1990s, which is one of the reasons the setting and year is near Samhain 1999. And just for funsies, here is some EXTREMLY old artwork (2006) for the three werewolves in this story when they were much younger, and happier (except Aleksandra, she's always been the soft goth/punk sadgirl)
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feathernotes · 1 year
Character ask meme - 7 for Vahn!
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Vahn tries their best but gets pretty overzealous or stressed. I think they'd be able to take care of several things once it becomes the Norm, but a week of something new can certainly catch them off guard Erichs plants, however, are never safe XD
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amalasdraws · 1 year
21 and 25 in the art meme :>
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways Oh many! I have a huge appreciation and love for many styles! I do love messy scribbles with stylized anatomy and I wish I could be more free. Messy free sketchbook sketches, and cartoony styles with bold colors. Abstract art also can be so cool. Ahh there are so many great ones!
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by A lot of things :D O often hear my art gives lo-fi vibes and as much as I get it I also hate it and lo-fi has never inspired me. I also hear often that my art and characters remind people of other series, and non of them have been an inspiration. I heard it gives "they both die at the end" vibes, but I only just recently read the book after I heard it so often. Or people say Tao looks like Asahi. And as much as Haikyuu def has been an inspo the last years, and my fanart in this fandom has helped me a lot, Asahi was never an inspo! He is my least favorite Haikyuu character. And so many more I can't even count. I'm glad when people can relate to my art and see and feel themselves in my pieces, but when people just compare it to other franchises it just feels lazy and biased. You see what you want to see and project it. I get it, but it can be annoying :D
Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game
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washoepine · 1 year
Gimme 10 facts on Anja!
She’s the certified Best Girl™ of the story. Not exactly a fact, but the agreed upon opinion.
Story Facts
-Her immediate family consists of her dad, two older brothers, and a pet dog named Bailey.
-She primarily wears athletic clothes for functionality over aesthetics
-Her hair isn’t bleached/dyed, but her natural hair color is not white.
-You know that person who finds trouble but never gets into any legal trouble? Yeah, that’s Anja.
-She dropped out of college within her first year due to plot related anxiety.
-Marigold is both her favorite color and favorite flower.
-Sometimes, when she’s either very excited and/or embarrassed about something, the wolf ears and tail will pop out.
-She’s originally from Seattle, WA. Her family moved across state to Lodgepole when her mom wanted to be closer to her family after becoming I’ll.
Random Facts
-The most that has changed for her design from way back is her outfit, body type, and the fact she pulls her hair into a ponytail than leaving it loose.
-Anja is my go-to character when I’m experimenting with something art-wise or doing drawing warmups. She’s a fun character to draw.
-This is a general werewolf fact, but she’s not actually bound by moon cycles for transformations. Full moons do make is easier/faster, but it’s not necessarily a requirement. (Unless you view your lycanthropy as a curse. Then the moon is a little bit required, but Anja’s not that person haha)
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nofatclips · 20 days
Jaojoby by Labelle (featuring Vola) from the Post-maloya EP (Free download/Name Your Price on BandCamp)
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fuj0wuj0 · 4 months
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Cinematic Parallels
Sobbiiing,, Sam went through such a long journey as both as an oc and a character 🥹 From a silly slime warrior guy from ~2017(?) to a cool father of two in 2024...I also love how you can see my progress in this lmao 😭 What over 7 years of drawing does to a mf
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tuningknight · 7 months
i thoroughly believe kafu (+ VIP in general) represents the heart and soul of vocalsynth's current day; the underground creators and those truly passionate about vocaloid, whereas miku represents the surface & is an emblem of the popular, corporate, "official" side of vocaloid
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lesbian-ashe · 7 months
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it's still comin!!! femslash february 15-21 Ze'mer/The Traitor's Child, Delhi/Gillian from Windrose Everlasting (MY GIRLS I MISS YOU SO MUCH), my ocs Claine and Rodenjo!!! Ashien, Illudora, alphafemaleshipping, and Dont/Batty!
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@tylercanoe told you i would
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mitaukano · 1 year
Character Ask Meme - How about 6 for Aleksandra??
Me seeing a 1 notification in my inbox.
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Now onto the question: 
“What would STOP your OC from Doing The Right Thing in a tense situation?”
Fear. One hundred percent it is fear of rejection, fear of loneliness. She will not do what’s right in that situation because she doesn’t want to be rejected by those around her especially those who she cares about. If someone was looking for a particular answer from her, and she was torn with the decision she would try to answer in a way that pleases the person she cares about. It was implied in the comic she wanted to hide she was a werewolf from the group because she knew it would frighten them. That is not something I pulled off very well but it is there. When it comes to action though, she rarely thinks through her approach. Which is bad considering she’s a seer who is supposed to think out a lot of things before rushing into danger. As we saw in the comic as soon as she was able to, she pulled herself together and took on three (at the time) opponents at once. Only winning for a time because she got the drop on them, and her hammer is hella magical. When the fourth much stronger member of their party showed up she was thoroughly screwed. https://eternitydreamscomic.tumblr.com/post/63433504804
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So the short answer is, if she has to think about it and it might hurt how others perceive her she'll probably bow out if she can, or do something she'll regret later if she can't! If she doesn't have to think about it, she'll do the right thing and die doing it. Neither of these are great responses.
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invui · 2 years
sad love (berrien cliane)
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—synopsis: berrien catches feelings for you while you comfort him during his moment of sadness
—pairing: berrien cliane x gender neutral reader
—genre: angst and a little bit of fluff
—warning/s: a bit rushed, not proofread/possible grammatical mistakes
a/n: i actually wrote this sometime in december last year and it was supposed to be part of a imagine post wherein each butler realizes that they fell for you but my motivation went downhill so here we are 0(-(
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there were too many emotions berrien could process but he was stuck between two distinct feelings, sorrow and embarrassment. he felt sorrow due to how he couldn’t handle it anymore. even if he stalled for more time, it wouldn’t change the fact that his loneliness wouldn’t disappear forever. despite being surrounded by his butler companions, he still felt a sense of abandonment. what if they would leave him someday? what would happen if he himself had to deal with the darkness that was swallowing him whole as each minute passes by throughout the entire day? too many questions he couldn’t bear to answer lingered inside of his head. he was too scared to find out if they were true or not.
he felt a lot worse than he was before because you managed to walk into his room while he was having a mental break down. haha, how funny. was god punishing him for thinking such things? hell, someone as high as god probably wouldn’t even care for a peasant such as berrien to begin with.
the moment you had entered his bedroom asking if he knew where muu was everything immediately shut down. you stood at the entrance with your hand still holding unto the door knob as you looked at berrien’s current state. he stared at you with an expression that told you that you weren’t supposed to be here. he sat on the ground with his knees beneath his chin. berrien’s eyes were red from the continuous crying which made you question how long he was weeping, his hair was disheveled and his clothes were completely untidy.
you quickly ran to where berrien sat and kneeled down to look at him face to face. without any second thoughts your fingers tousled berrien’s white hair behind his ears and because of that, it didn’t take long for a light shade of pink to lay across berrien’s face. you cupped his face between your hands and scanned his facial expression. he still looked shocked with how his eyes stared right into yours with such sadness. you could see the streams of tears he had been crying and wiped them away with your thumb.
a few minutes had passed by and now you were hugging him tightly while stroking his hair. berrien still hasn’t moved an inch ever since you had knelt down and started comforting him. tears started to well up into berrien’s eyes the more you kept him company. why did it feel so good? the warmth of your arms that gently embraced him made him feel like he was safe especially when you held his face up with such tender care as if he was a fragile crystal ball.
as more thoughts about you piled up inside of his mind, he could suddenly hear a loud thumping noise that reverberated inside of his ears. alarms blared as he widened his eyes in realization. it couldn’t be that he fell in love with you, right? he breathed in heavily while closing his eyes which caused you to stop hugging him and look at him directly once more. “are you alright?” you asked berrien with worry evident on your face. he opened his eyes slowly and stared at you through his blurry vision due to his tears falling again making you wiping his tears while telling him that you would always be with him in every step of the way.
“it’s alright, i’m here with you.…” you jumped slightly from berrien unexpectedly hugging you tightly with a soft smile despite crying again after all of the comfort he was given from your benign care. his smile grew bigger as he nuzzled his face further into the crook of your neck.
if he was going to fall in love for you, he might as well cherish you with all of his heart just like what you did with him. all he wants right now was to stay by your side even if you didn’t share the same feelings as him. he will love you no matter the costs.
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atypicalsouda · 2 months
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So since I just found a great voice claim for him, I thought I'd do a formal introduction to my S/I that I ship with Aki from Blush Blush.
So this is Claine, he's a scottish (I have both Irish and scottish ancestry) kelpie. He's playful and bubbly and silly, sharing a love of pranks and games with Aki. Doesn't mean he can't be serious though, and he may be the one to tell Aki when it's time to stop playing around. Their dynamic is kinda like partners in playful, innocent crime. :3 He doesn't wear too many clothes, especially in his time before Aki. Nothing save for the silver necklace that kelpies are supposed to have, and a few drapes to use when out among humans. Kelpies are said to keep their hooves in their human form, which he does, but I haven't found anything to use for that yet. Claine doesn't have a more aquatic form as he just kinda becomes the water when in a more spirit-like form. Yet, his horse form can breathe both air and water, as it has both lungs and gills. He also does live in the water.
as for lore- Kelpies are usually seen as evil spirits that can turn into beautiful humans and lure people into the water to drown them. This is untrue for Claine, as he's never killed anyone and he's also never met any other kelpies, much less ones that are evil. But because of the way he's seen, he's kept a low profile and isolated himself as much as possible out of fear.
One day, Aki, in his kitsune form, finds Claine's body of water and takes a drink from it. Claine is too curious about what he knows is another spirit, and makes himself known by splashing him. They befriend each other and eventually Aki takes him to his home where the other kitsunes are. Claine is totally awed by the other spirits. From then on they play together in both worlds, in human or animal form, and fall in love while doing so.
Here's that voice claim and lovely song for my ship:
yes, I am aware that this man is Irish. If I find a speaking voice for Claine, it'll be a scottish man rest assured. Anyway thanks for reading this long post and I hope you like my s/i.
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washoepine · 1 year
Gimme 2, 11 and 19 for the artist ask meme :3c
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)?
It.... depends on the character and what's going on with their hair. So for example: Shay is really easy for me to draw facing right, forward, and, very specifically, left in profile view. Anja is easy to draw facing left. Everyone else, I don't have anywhere near as much issue because there's a lot more symmetry going on.
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what?
I usually listen to music when I draw. Unfortunately for me, if there are lyrics, I tend to get distracted and do everything but work on what I'm supposed to be working on. (Lots of animatic ideas that I will never do lol) So if I really need to focus, I'll switch to a lo-fi station since it helps with my focus.
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)?
I like drawing trees and forests! I tend to draw branch/root like structures when I do warm up drawings. It was actually the visual aesthetic for my thesis work for my BFA!
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nofatclips · 3 months
Muqata'a remix of Souviens-toi by Labelle featuring Hasawa
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