buckeverlasting · 6 years
180 and 187 with Bucky if you allow smut?
180. “You have no idea what you do to me.” | 187. “Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you?”
Bucky pins you between himself and the kitchen island. You can feel the granite countertop digging into your back.
“Ouch,” you say, breaking your kiss.
He responds by grabbing you by the waist and hoisting you onto the counter, one of your knees on either side of him. He unfastens the buttons of your jeans and manages to slide his hand down the front of your pants. Deftly, his pushes aside your panties and brushes at your folds with one finger.
“You’re so wet,” he says. “Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you?”
“Oh, just shut up,” you say. “Quit bragging.” You reach between his legs and trace the outline of his erection with one finger.
Bucky stutters something barely audible.
“What was that?” You stroke your hand along his length. “God, you’re so hard.”
He closes his eyes. “Say that again.”
“The word, ‘hard’?” you said, still stroking him.
Bucky leans into you and lowers his forehead onto your right shoulder. “You have no idea what you do to me.”
You rake your fingers through his long hair and laugh. “I’m just saying words, like ‘Fuck,’ ‘me,’ ‘Bucky,’ ‘Barnes.’”
Bucky growls and nips your collarbone. “Say it again.”
“Fuck me, Bucky Barnes,” you say.
He sucks lightly on your neck and releases your tender skin with a soft ‘pop.’ “Okay, it’s time to put a little something more than words in your mouth.”
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buckeverlasting · 6 years
Hiiii CJ, congrats on the milestone!!! Figured I’d hop on the shipping train. So I’d like to describe myself as humorous, outgoing and lazy too. I love writing and reading, going to bookstores and taking 3 hour long naps. I’m 5’5” which isn’t too short or too tall either, and I wear glasses too. What i look for in a partner is that they don’t take life too seriously, has a fun side to them, loyal and honest, and an animal lover like me! Thank you in advance for seeing this 💕
Sam, my friend, I ship you with SCOTT LANG. Who has more of a connection to the animal kingdom than Scottie? Who is super fun but also very serious about taking care of the people he loves? He’s ride or die, basically. He’d love to curl up with you for those 3 hour long naps and spend afternoons reading. You could totally handle a man this in touch with his feelings.
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buckeverlasting · 6 years
Hi, my darling! Congratulations on your achievements! You deserve it all. Could I have a [ship] please? In addition to what you already know about me, I want someone who is protective, loving, and whom I can have deep conversation with.
If those unfathomably blue eyes of Bucky’s don’t say, “I’m down for a deep conversation,” then I don’t know what they say! I ship you with Bucky Barnes. He’s got the spirit of a guard dog but would be very loving!!
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buckeverlasting · 6 years
[ship me pls] I think you know a bit about me, like 90% sure considering all the stuff we talk about lol.
Fuck I forgot to say what I want in a partner. I’m having multiple brain farts tonight. I’m looking for someone who’s tentative and who will respect my boundaries and be patient with me
I’m going to go out on a limb and say Bucky Barnes BECAUSE I do believe that patience and respecting boundaries are important to him. They’re character traits he has grown into, though. If he is willing to put his entire life on hold to protect the world from the dangers that lie within him due to Hydra, he can totally be patient for you.
follower appreciation ships
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buckeverlasting · 6 years
Dang. Where did the day go? I thought I was going to have more time to get to these ships and blurbs and whatnot this weekend, but it’s looking surprisingly busy! I’ll do my best to knock out a lot tomorrow and then finish throughout the week. THANKS FOR PARTICIPATING AND FOR BEING PATIENT WITH ME. So much love for you all 💕
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buckeverlasting · 6 years
[ship] hey this is such a lovely idea!! and you deserve all the followers you have (& more!) :') okay so i feel like you might be biased because you know more about me than i can put in this ask lmao but let's do this: hi, my name is meike, i'm 22, i study linguistics and maths. i'm organised and love to plan things. i love learning foreign languages and i'm a ravenclaw. idk what i look for but probably someone humorous, honest, and smart? all the best xx - sapphirestark
Hello, Meike!! I ship you with Bruce because he’s the smartest, most honest dude I can think of. If you two went to Hogwarts, you’d definitely be in Ravenclaw studying arithmancy together. In a couple/few years, you can collectively have 8 PhD’s!
follower appreciation ships
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buckeverlasting · 6 years
If you're still doing ships, can I get one? I'm pretty quiet, and I'm fairly optimistic and happy most of the time. I love reading/listening to books, particularly romance and fantasy. I also love to dance, mostly country, ballroom, and Latin dancing. As for what I'm looking for in a partner, I'd like be held, and kissed, and romanced. I'd like to have someone who could help me out of my comfort zone, but wouldn't mind staying home either
I ship you with T’Challa! He’s usually smiling but definitely has a contemplative side. I think you’ll have no problem convincing him to dance with you. He’d also be romantic as hell, lavishing you with little caresses all the time! He’s an empathetic dude, who’d help you out of your comfort zone when you need but also recognize when it’s a good night to stay in and watch a movie.
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buckeverlasting · 6 years
Hi i saw that you were doing ships and i was wondering if you'd do a ship for me? I'm 5'2, kinda plus size. I like gummy candy, movies and cuddling a lot. Thank you in advance if you do, if you don't thats ok. Either way i hope you have a lovely day. You're amazing.
Thank you!! My headcanon is that Steve Rogers is a big cuddler, so I ship you with him. What’s the point of having a body like that if you’re not going to cuddle the shit out of someone with it?
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buckeverlasting · 6 years
Hi, I'd like to request a ship. I'm bisexual, love to read, write, and travel, and am very chatty and energetic. I'd love a partner that'll let me talk their ear off, want to go on adventures or just chill out with me, and spoils me.
I ship you with Brunnhilde/Valkyrie! She’s not incredibly talkative, and I think she’d let her partner chat her ear off. She’d be so much fun to go on adventures with, as she is a serious badass. On the other hand, she’s also down just to hang out. 
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buckeverlasting · 6 years
CJ!! congrats on the milestone!! may i have a ship please? I'm 5'8", Indian, on the chubbier side, and have hazel eyes. I enjoy cooking, sleeping, reading, writing, dancing, and music. I'm a classical dancer and play piano, guitar, and french horn. I also sing (poorly). Personality wise I'm typically very bubbly although I've been told I have a temper. My friends tell me I have major BDE+I like the sound of rain and I have a record player. I'm a mix of the mom friend and the guard dog friend.
Hey, Daisy!! Thank you! Your BDE made me think instantly that you might be a good match for Tony Stark. No one’s personality would be drowned out by the other’s. You have many accomplishments, so it makes sense that your partner is accomplished, too. I think you guys could make each other laugh!
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buckeverlasting · 6 years
congrats CJ~! i was wondering if i could ask for a [ship]. i like going to museums and cafes. three good traits: kind, helpful, good source of humor. flaws: stubborn, temper, might bottle things up inside. a good sense of humor would be nice, but also sensibility and a romantic would be nice. thank you so much and congrats! -@the-canary
Thanks, Fabiola! Of course you can get a ship. Anything for you! I ship you with Thor. Imagine that big sweetheart making you breakfast? Super romantic. He’s also funny dude and just endlessly kind. I feel like he deals well with stubborn people and is good at talking about his feelings, so he may be able to keep you from bottling things up.
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buckeverlasting · 6 years
hi lovelyyyy I want a ship and the 3 things are that I am an extrovert, I can't stand slow people and I love my partner to take care of me and that stuff but never babying me or in a posesive way, thank you babeeee!!!
I ship you with Sam Wilson! He’s an extrovert among extroverts and has no patience for people who want to chit chat during fights. I think he takes really good care of the people that matter to him without being overbearing.
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buckeverlasting · 6 years
Hello my dear, I would love for you to ship me with someone please. I am a very emotional person,I’m also a very kind hearted person, I go out of my way to make people happy and to make sure they’re okay. I love journaling, and drawing. What I look for in a person is someone who is kind, and supportive 💖
Hello, m’dear! I ship you with Bucky because I think he’s emotionally intelligent enough for you. He knows what it’s like to go through shit, so he knows what being supportive means. You guys would be a super kind power couple. I can also see him willing to pose for drawings. Adorable.
follower appreciation ships
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buckeverlasting · 6 years
Hey, lovely! I think it's so sweet you're doing a little follower appreciation! 💕 I'd love to be shipped with someone! My favourite city is Paris; I'm never without a cup of coffee or red lipstick; on weekends I go to my local team's football (soccer) games. I love a sense of humour and a little kindness. 💕 (PS. If people aren't following you, I don't know what they're doing with their life.)
Awww, thanks!!
I ship you with Loki (from end of Ragnarok/beginning of Infinity War) because I think he’s the only one who could appreciate your level of sophistication. He’s kind when it counts to the people who are important to him.
follower appreciation ships
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buckeverlasting · 6 years
Hello! Congratulations! I was hoping to get a ship if you are still doing them :) I'm an extrovert and very optimistic, love bright and happy things, travelling and food are my passions and I love cats. I'm a chef, so my life revolves around food and never sleeping. In a partner I look for someone down to earth but adventurous and will always be down to go out or do something crazy although I do tend to be attracted to those opposite to me. Thanks a bunch you wonderful soul!!! ❤️
I ship you with Peter Quill! Like you, he’s fairly optimistic, extroverted, and loves (intergalactic) travel. He’s not quite so down to earth, but he would definitely be down for any adventure that you could think of. He’d probably come up with a lot for you to do on his own. I think you’d never have a dull moment with Quill.
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buckeverlasting · 6 years
Hi CJ!!! For your follower appreciation weekend could I please get a ship? I love to read and i am a sucker for historical fiction lol. I also love to visit museums and one of my favorite places is the natural history museum.. i have so many good memories of that place from my childhood. I also really enjoy writing :D. I think in a partner i love someone who is sweet and a great listener. Someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously and has a great sense of humor :D THANK YOU!!!!
Hey, Em!! Of course you can get a ship. I ship you with the sweet and hilarious Scott Lang. His relationship with his daughter shows that that man is just full of love. He absolutely does not take himself too seriously. The Fault in Our Stars made him cry, so he definitely has a soft side. Obviously, he’s a reader too. I don’t know where he stands on museums, but I think overall, you guys would really get along and have fun together.
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