#ciri interactions
taleswrittena · 1 year
@bcrninghearts​ from here cause of editor issues
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She’s unsure of how she feels about him helping her on contracts when she usually goes on them alone. The only ones she’s really ever worked with is Geralt and Yennefer who might as well be her parents. It would take some getting used to, to work with someone else, but as long as he can handle himself - Ciri is not opposed to it.
“Alright but you need to follow my lead.” She knows far more about this world and the monsters that inhabit it than he does. She also knows that not all of the monsters truly mean harm, Geralt had taught her that, and she doesn’t want him trying to kill monsters without getting the full story.
“You’re not the only one who had to fight to survive. I went from being a Princess to a girl on the run who’s entire Kingdom had fallen.” No, they’re not really all that different after all.
“They’re specters in this world but they want me for my Elder Blood. My power. Their King wants....” God, it disgusts her to even say it. “To....well....have my children so that he has the power of the Elder Blood through them. It’ll allow him access to a gate that will allow them to travel across time and space.”
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taleswritten · 1 year
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@ruinedbycatastrophe sent ❝i think the world is shaping you into something important and i want to make sure that you get to wherever you need to be.❞ ( for ciri from geralt )
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She believes him. Of course she does. While she never asked for any of this, she's starting to understand. She has a power unlike any other and it is hard to tame.
Yennefer has been helpful and so has Geralt but it is still so frustrating.
She is not like the other mages. She cannot control her Chaos so easily. It is wild and unpredictable but it will help her in the long run, won't it? Destiny will ensure it.
Especially if she is as important as Geralt says she is.
"I know you will, Geralt." The thought of not having him in her life after she does get wherever she needs to be is painful. She hopes it does not come to that and the mere thought makes her expression falter into something of sadness. "Geralt...? Please don't ever leave me."
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rogue205 · 9 months
Way late to the party but I am still PISSED about how badly Eskel was both done dirty and absolutely wasted as a character in Netflix’s Witcher. They also seemed to realize that they forgot(for non-book readers) to show just HOW MUCH Eskel meant to Geralt so they also threw in that little “flashback” which also did nothing.
Will I ever stop being salty as fuck about that?
Nope. Not a chance.
That killed the show for me. That and how crappy Jaskier is also handled. I didn’t bother with season three.
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pixelephant · 1 month
i’ve been playing sooo much of the witcher 3 lately and it’s making me even more confused and annoyed about the people saying henry cavill was the perfect geralt lmao
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podcastenthusiast · 2 years
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I'm not usually one to be like "AWW cute kid!" but good lord Ciri is adorable! She's just a BABY who bites her kidnappers.
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withinthem · 6 months
∘⡊ ☾ ˚⊹ starter for: xiao chiye. (@mvsicinthedvrk)
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"I have been having these terribly weird dreams," Ciri looked over at Xiao Chiye with a sigh that followed and with the thoughts of how unsure they felt. She wasn't sure if the dreams meant anything important. They couldn't have, could they? Another huff of air exhaled. "I don't understand it and usually I would not care, but they keep recurring."
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year
10 words every girl wants to hear
"jared, you have been evicted from the big brother house."
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Don't listen to Roche/Ciri haters, please, for them even a post about this ship on my blog is spam and garbage. They believe that this ship has no right to exist because there are other more faithful ships, and Roche/Ciri is only for the incinerator because they have an unacceptable age difference.
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xradiant · 7 months
This wasn't where she had intended to go. Avalon had been what had been on her mind after she had left Geralt and Yennefer in their haven together. Yet this wasn't Avalon. This was somewhere unrecognizable. Everything around her was unfamiliar and she felt a little bit at a loss. She walked through the area, tall sheaves of grass blew in the warm wind and the sky was a pale expanse above them. No. She had never been here and this certainly wasn't the Continent either. She didn't like the feeling of not having control given how many times it had been ripped from her. She liked being in charge of herself, her surroundings, the powers that imbued her.
Instinctively her hand lowered to the sword at her hip, Swallow, as she walked. Her boots making a loud noise as they crushed grass underneath them. "Is someone out here?" She questioned, pulling the blade partially free but not drawing it entirely. She wanted to be on guard not in complete offensive posture. "I'd rather not attack anyone." She called it confidently, but hyperaware of her surroundings. She was fully prepared to draw her sword as she walked until she saw a figure ahead. All of her defensiveness and teachings of being on guard faded. Someone could be hurt! She couldn't allow and she supposed that she ought to blame Geralt, the spirit of her grandmother, even Yennefer for her sensitivity to those who might be in need. Always a wildcat unless someone needed her. "Hey! I see you! Do you know where we are?" She called as she broke into a run. "Do you need help?" - @inabcck
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anoddbunch · 2 months
@malumxsubest said: " oh? cannot sleep as well? it seems we share a common trait, i'd suppose. "
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"It's something shared only by the best." She said with amusement, a small smile on her lips as she looked at the other woman. It was cold, too cold, and she hadn't been able to sleep at all tonight. "Do you usually come out here in the dead of night when you can't sleep?"
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taleswrittena · 1 year
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@malumxsubest sent
❝ sadness is like an ocean. sometimes we drown in it, but other times, we're forced to swim in it. ❞ @ ciri ( tv verse if that's okay uwu )
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Emerald eyes fall from the woman's face down to the boots she wears. The wave of sadness that washes over her like a tidal wave is almost overwhelming. Feelings of guilt and grief nearly knocking the breath out of her.
Will there ever be a time where she gets over the loss of her Grandmother or her Kingdom? Will there ever be a time when she is less sad? Ciri's not so sure.
"Geralt says we can not afford to drown in it. We must hold our head up high and swim through it, just as you have said, but...." She pauses, a frown crossing her features. "But that's easier said than done."
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daydrcamings · 3 months
@springbandit - ‘ they say you can’t protect your loved ones forever. well, i say screw that. what else is family for? ’
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ciri offered the other a small smile. " i think it's nice to know that you always have your family to fall back on." she was grateful that she had her family here. her parents were a huge part of her life and she adored them deeply. "do you have children?" she asked, nodding her head. "it certainly sounds like you do, given how passionate you sounded then. most people who sound like that about family are usually parents but i could be wrong." ciri shrugged her shoulders.
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greenapplespider · 3 months
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Why did you threaten to doxx me over your favorite ship Marina? Explain to me how I’M the scum. Also, did you make these edits yourself or did you steal them?
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kuwdora · 1 year
season 3 of witcher netflix has me losing my mind like, I am still rolling around in my vilgefortz wankery. it's still 10k and messy and hilarious and sexy and so thinky. but oh my god i told @flootzavut about the post-3x06 yennskier idea that i didn't have the brain to write....and then i ended up starting to write it anyway. and now i need to be able to write two things at one time otherwise i might just disintegrate. could I be writing anything more different right now? lmao. Not sure how I'm gonna make it during August.
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Please like or reply if you are interested in interacting with Ciri from The Witcher series. She is a mixture of game, tv show, headcanon and book. This means I can spam you with memes and tag you in starters using her. Likewise, you are free to do the same.
note: on the subject of book canon, currently almost done with blood of eleves. will update this as i read.
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lavendaers · 1 year
@mischiefxmuses ciri for yennefer
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"hey!" ciri called out as she rushed after the other, holding out the money that had been dropped. "you dropped this."
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