#cinephile: a card game
cinephilegame · 2 years
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Cinephile Game Night: NYFF60 Edition | Celebrate 60 years of New York Film Festival with special editions of Cinephile Game Night during the festival at the EBM Amphitheater! Featuring Cinephile: A Card Game creator Cory Everett and Cinephile Game Night co-hosts Jordan Raup, Conor O’Donnell, and Dan Mecca, the events will feature multiple trivia rounds including NYFF history and beyond, with chances to win tickets to this year’s edition and more prizes. There’s no need to bring Cinephile to participate––only your movie-loving brain is required. [link]
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wewerebornsextuplets · 3 months
what are your ocs’ favorite activities :P
ohhh this is a good one!! once again because im very long winded this will be under the cut but i hope i explain myself well o7
starting with kiru, she honestly... she kind of has old man tastes when it comes to hobbies and the like HAHA. ive mentioned it briefly before, but shes very much a self described "bad cinephile" in that she loves to watch bad movies specifically to tear them apart and complain. of course if a movie genuinely interests her because it looks Good she will still see it, but if you gave her the choice she would choose the garbage every time.
aside from her moviegoing, though, she's really enjoyed card games + other tabletop games [i.e dominoes] since she was a kid, mostly owed to the fact that her paternal grandparents taught her how to play + that ended up being how she spent most of her time with her dad once he got too sick to keep up with the typical energy level that playtime entails for a 7 year old. while she does get laughed at for these seemingly dated tastes on occasion, its also kind of a win because old man activities are perfect if your best friend is coming straight from the showa era.
that said, fiber arts and sewing are examples of interests that Have stuck with her; her taste in clothing is a bit... eccentric outside of work, and she often cant find exactly what she's looking for in your average clothing store, but she's also not willing to spend $75 for a shirt that'll disintegrate after 3 washes. so, she likes to alter and sometimes even make her own clothes! she'll sometimes make clothes for kiru and ippei as well, but whether or not they actually Wear it is... a different story.
for the sake of the prompt, im not gonna include artwork/drawing in keiko's section since thats her side hustle/kind of a job
she's certainly less geriatric in her hobbies, but much more difficult to pin down; shes very fiercely motivated, but if she loses interest she loses interest QUICK. as such she goes through hobbies very fast, and leaves a trail of unfinished projects and studies behind her. polyglots shudder to think about the amount of languages she studied for three months and then gave up on.
and speaking of ippei! this was kind of answered in the previous question but hes very much a video game nerd, which is really his biggest interest and activity across the board. that said as part of the game dev hustle hes aspiring for, he also intends to produce his own music and is trying to teach himself music theory to... varying results. its an uphill battle but hes made some decent stuff. he spends more time dicking around and making silly songs for pre-made beats than anything else [kind of like the works of silly stu if youre familiar.]
and, of course, all three can take solace in one common activity: bothering kabosu.
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thekimspoblog · 3 months
It would take hours to actually articulate what happens in the penultimate chapter of my "Sheepdog" fanfic, but let me see if I can try.
A major thing Jimmy and Kim bond over is their shared interest as cinephiles. And I haven't seen many fans discuss this, but to me this suggests that both of them actually have a pretty terminal case of "main character" syndrome. They've both watched so many movies, that this is the only frame of reference for interpreting their reality, and this is the driving force behind why these two act like assholes. Jimmy is the more obvious example, given that so much of what he does during the various montages is needlessly convoluted in a way that only makes sense if you assume that amusing himself is his top priority. But I'd argue Kim does this too, just not with as much self-awareness.
Everyone within the narrative rightfully thinks this pair is unstable. But the delicious irony is that this insane view of the world is correct. And we know it's correct because we're watching these events unfold after all. And I just love the level of cosmic horror that this brings to the metanarrative: Wouldn't it be terrible if a narcissist's attitude that you were just a bit player in their story was justified? Wouldn't it be terrible if your free will was an illusion, because you were always created as a scapegoat to be sacrificed? Wouldn't it be horrifying if there was a God, but this god would be happy to reward terrible behavior as long as the violence was entertaining?
Now here's where this goes from regular headcanon to completely cracked:
In the final chapter of "Sheepdog", the fanbase of Breaking Bad is confirmed to be a malevolent supernatural force inflicting its collective will on the narrative. And specifically, Kim is confronted with the fact that she made a covenant with this entity at the end of Season 5 (securing her own longevity in the story by promising to harm others) and in Season 6 she tried to break this contract with the Devil. But it's too late to back out: Her destiny was to use the money she got from killing Howard to join the upper class, and hunt bigger, more dangerous game from there. We were promised a story of oligarchs meeting their demise. We were promised a story of a vengeful woman remaking the world in her own vision of perfect justice, and after having already taken two lives, she has no choice but complete the ritual by taking five more.
After mulling over her options, she accepts that the world as she knew it will come to an end unless she shoulders this burden of playing the villain. There are thousands of good, normal, people in the universe of Breaking Bad, people that she can't help but see as valuable human lives even after being told point-blank that these are just tertiary characters, but all those characters can only continue to exist so long as one person is fulfilling the titular goal of this franchise.
So when this character returns in "Slippin Kimmy" there is something decidedly OFF about her, even more than before, and the above is why. She doesn't remember the specifics of the lucid dream, but the intuition that she is a doll on a stage never leaves her. And even if Jimmy claims to understand, she knows he can't, not fully anyway. I remember once reading a think piece which described Anton Chigurh as "someone who doesn't even enjoy doing evil, but simply feels a grim obligation to serve as the hand of fate (. . .) the product of staring too long into the abyss of the modern age", and on some level I am going for a more toned-down version of that. Having seen the rest of her life laid out for her, Kim knows she has a lot left to look forward to which will make enduring all the horror worthwhile, but even if she's not happy in this role, it doesn't really matter. A humble existence just isn't in the cards for her.
This also would suggest that Iris is some sort of antichrist figure, but eh... it's even more complicated than that.
Also why yes, I am ripping off whole aspects of Dolores Abernathy's character arc! Thank you for noticing!
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
THIRD TIME’S THE CHARM- you already know who it is, it’s me. Ya boi. ANYWAY!
What sort of activities or hobbies do your TWST ocs like to do in their free time? Could be with friends included but I was thinking when they’re alone.
Billy enjoys cooking. He's actually a surprisingly good chef, and he legitimately likes making different things. He also likes to wrestle: I headcanon there's a wrestling club at NRC in the time my OCs arrive, and Billy joins it within its first semester. Obviously that's something he can't really do on his own though. I also think he occasionally likes playing video games, and - when he is with friends - probably enjoys playing board games. He also genuinely makes a hobby of counting the treasure he has at his house, whenever home; he's a little paranoid about thieves, and it gives him something to do that keeps his mind off other problems. Nakoda likes to read, although I'm not sure what specific mediums or genres. (On that note, I'm an avid reader myself, so that's a common pasttime for several of my OCs, largely as a result.) I used to say Nakoda was good at painting, but I kind of go back and forth on that one, simply because Maelstrom is also very into painted art. Presuming I keep that canon to his character, that's definitely another hobby of his. I also like to think that, while Nakoda really isn't into Video Games, he IS something of an Internet junkie. Not so much social media, but more video watching and browsing, idling the time away with that kind of stuff. Finally, he also enjoys dancing and singing, but typically that's something better done with a partner, or at least an audience. Of course, Nako's favorite "hobbies" are a bit too graphic to describe here...and typically take two to tango with. Ahem. >_> Elias, of course, loves the theatre and loves to sing. He's also an avid reader, like myself, and enjoys a lot of genres and styles. He also loves drawing; he carries a sketchpad with him frequently. He also enjoys board games, and video games, from time to time, but typically only plays those with other people. Finally, he's a bit of cinephile and enjoys watching all kinds of movies, as well as listening to old-time radio shows here and there.
Reno is all about games. Whether it's on his own or with other players, basically gaming is his biggest hobby, and he plays all kinds of games. Video games, dice games, board games, card games, slot machine games, pinball games, billiard games...you name it, he probably plays it, or knows somebody who plays it, or just generally knows a bit about it. Ironically, though, he's not SUPER into sports; he's not an athletic kind of guy. Those are the only games he's not really into. He also has an ant farm in his room, so I suppose that's another hobby of his, if it counts. James is yet another avid reader, and particularly enjoys what could be considered classic literature. (Much like myself.) He also likes fishing from time to time, as well as sailing in general. I headcanon he has a little sailboat he keeps somewhere (not sure exactly where), and - when he has time - he'll take the little craft out to the beach, go off onto the water, and start fishing or just...set a course and sail around the island. Just to relax, so to speak. I also think that, much like Azul, he's a coin collector: a hobby both share. Finally, James is a very skilled and practiced fencer, so he enjoys that, but it's another thing you can't really do alone too often, aside from just practicing the motions or against dummy targets and such. Smitty has a pet parakeet named Little Tom, and takes care of him; not sure if that counts as a "hobby," but it's certainly something. (I only just decided this right now, and it's a reference to pirates having pet parrots.) He is, surprisingly, a bit of a gamer, but he especially enjoys games he can play online or with friends. Like James, he enjoys fishing; in fact, his father is a fisherman. However, he doesn't have a boat of his own. So, sometimes he'll go sailing out with James, and sometimes he'll just sit on the shore or beside a river or lake and just kick back on his own to relax and catch something. Like Billy, he's also a very good cook, although I think Billy might have a bit more experience with a variety of dishes compared to Smitty, who specializes primarily in seafood, steak, and a few side dish staples. Maelstrom likes to paint, and likes to sing and even compose his own songs in privacy. He also just likes listening to music in general, and enjoys reading - particularly books about art and the ocean. Like Nakoda, I also think he has a thing for nature documentaries...especially ones about whales. ;) Being a mer-person, he enjoys swimming, either in his human form or in his true form...of course, in the latter case, he can only swim THAT way by going down to the ocean. Theodore is a flying ace. He loves flying on his broomstick, loves the experience of flying. He doesn't just fly to compete, he flies because he likes doing it. So sometimes, much in the way James will go sailing around the island, Theo will jump on his broom and fly to some quiet part of the island to reflect or just take a few laps around the campus, or whatever. Once again, he's an avid reader, but he specifically likes reading informative texts about magic and its history: he's genuinely interested in magic itself and learning new tricks and tools of the trade, partially because he figures the more he learns, the more powerful he will become. Grit is a gem collector. He likes going into the mountains, or into the mines, looking for gemstones for his collection. Indeed, Grim enjoys hiking and other such things; he's not so much a fan of nature as much as he is a fan of earth, if that makes any sense at all. He can't tell you a thing about trees or mushrooms, but - being part Nome, and living most of his life underground - he knows a LOT about rocks and minerals. (On a side note, I weirdly think he and Jade would get along pretty well: both love the mountains, but for somewhat different reasons, and both would probably relate to and teach other a lot.) He's also big on exercise; he likes working out by lifting weights and going for a jog now and then. He's by far the most physically fit and buffed-up of all my OCs.
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happy-life2 · 1 year
Unlock Limitless Entertainment with the Google Play Gift Card $100 Exclusive Offer for USA Residents
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Are you ready to elevate your digital experiences? Brace yourself, because Google Play is bringing you an irresistible offer that's bound to leave you in awe! Introducing the Google Play Gift Card $100 Exclusive Offer, tailor-made for residents of the USA. Get ready to dive into a world of premium apps, games, movies, music, books, and more, as we take your entertainment quotient to new heights.
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tempest-toss · 2 years
Tempest-Specific GOIs [Masterlist 2/2]
[A = Ally, P = Partner, N = Neutral, T=Threat; vignettes attached if applicable]
Shibuya Ghost Detectives (A) A group of young adults that work to put to rest the many ghosts and spirits of Japan, although they tend to handle cases in Shibuya. They have worked with the Foundation's Japan branch to help with any paranormal anomalies
Snapdragon Smugglers (N) [Cold, Auction, Report] One of the first Tempest-specific GOIs to be jotted down. The kings of the anomalous black market, they'll steal, sell, kidnap, destroy, and kill in order for them to make a profit. Oddly honest.
Talvania Author Society (P) A former secret society that is less cullt-like but still meets in secret to discuss how to preserve and enforce knowledge. A fierce rivalry with the Mystery Masqueraders. Currently on good terms with us since we helped save Lily Teca.
The Cinephile Club (N) A club dedicated to all things film, but they land on our list since not only are all the members anomalous, but the movies they make are to. We must be vigilant whenever movie theaters change out their movies, for they might try to sneak one of their own in.
The Curious Caravan (N) One of the few truly neutral GOIs, they only appear to those in dire need of assistance when traveling. They are well known for having the POI, The Lady with a Cart, who saved a few stranded personnel members.
The Expressionists (A/N) A group of anomalous artists consisting of punks, art students, AWCY? members and more, they tend to hang out around train depots and work. Have allied in the past, but have also clashed with events such as the Paris Paint Panic.
The Flora Fighters (T) [Misson, News, Report] A group of Eco-terrorists that seek to eliminate all human life and reset the world to a plant utopia. They are one of the few groups that almost shattered the veil when they used the Gaia Seed and grew a plant monster in the center of Prague.
The Golden Gambler Casino (N) Formed by Jack Royal, this anomalous casino is the definition of "The House Always has the Advantage". Infinite gambling, spontaneous anger, and rigged games fill this avarice den. While you have a chance at winning, it is best to avoid entering if you want your wallet and sanity.
The Horror Havocs (N) Formed by brothers Luke and Letif Rangel, these two seek to show the world that horror is still a good genre and that the world can and should be more spooky. Frequently teams up with The Cinephile Club; actively tries to help other students escape Brunshire Academy.
The Moonshine Makers (N) Moonshining is still a business and these illegal manufacturers are thriving from it. With their dangerously alcoholic and Veil-ruining moonshine, they could topple the world, but why bother when it can churn out such a profit?
The Neon Nightsticks (T) Dominating the world of cybercrime, these hackers do everything for their betterment, and have no care for whoever they are stalking, doxxing, and hacking. Your credit cards and passwords are forfeit and may have already been compromised.
The Plague (T) A group made up of "The Immune", who claim that they "Must plague the earth in pestilence so that it can be reborn". It is believed they created the different plagues and pandemics that have littered the world and killed many. Be cautious whenever approaching them.
The Popcorn Palace (N) Created out of anon magic, this group is one of anomalous humans made of differently flavored popcorn. Their status as a new GOI means we have little information on them as well as their end goals.
The Troupe of Shadows (T) [Thoughts, Mission, Report] Having existed since the feudal era, the Troupe of Shadows is a hard GOI to place. The ringleader determines their status as friend or foe, and unfortunately, the current ringleader is the evilest one yet and has even garnered enough hate that the Foundation created a task force specifically made to hunt her down.
West Virginia Bug Committee (T) Originally an entomology club, a zealous Mark Mosura took over and changed it into a group comprised of insectoid humans all of who wish to summon Mothman so that he can help them dominate the world.
Worldwide Photography Co. (P) Posing as a camera distributor, the Worldwide Photography Co. has been using their cameras and abilities to take stunning photographs, although these ones tend to move, attack, and much more! Currently has a prodigy known as Dimitri Polar.
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urbtnews · 10 days
Palettes and Prints Launches Top 50 Movies and Top 50 Horror Movies Scratch-Off Decks on Amazon
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Palettes and Prints Launches Top 50 Movies and Top 50 Horror Movies Scratch-Off Decks on Amazon Stay Trendy with URBTNews.com ( Subscribe Today Free!)  BLUFFTON, SC, UNITED STATES, September 9, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Palettes and Prints announced its latest product offerings: the Top 50 Movies Scratch-Off Deck and Top 50 Horror Movies Scratch-Off Deck now available on Amazon. Explore the Top 50 Movies The Top 50 Movies Scratch-Off Deck invites movie lovers to explore an exciting assortment of films from diverse genres. The deck presents a collection featuring hints about the movies, crafted to pique the curiosity of viewers. Curated by industry experts, each card offers a sneak peek into the film's iconic moments, spanning various genres that include action, drama, and adventure. Each card showcases a hand-drawn illustration of a memorable scene from the movie, created by a talented professional artist. This striking visual representation captures the essence of cinematic storytelling, enticing users to engage with the movie in a fun and interactive manner. “Our Top 50 Movies Scratch-Off Deck offers an engaging way for people to explore and enjoy the magic of cinema.” — Charles Owen Gift Ideas for Movie Lovers “The Top 50 Movies Scratch-Off Deck serves as a perfect gift for anyone who associates joy with film. Whether for casual viewers or dedicated cinephiles, this deck enhances the movie-watching experience,” said Charles Owen, the founder of Palettes and Prints. The engaging nature of this product promotes participation, ensuring memorable movie nights. Introducing the Top 50 Horror Movies In addition to the movie deck, Palettes and Prints unveiled the Top 50 Horror Movies Scratch-Off Deck. This particular deck features exhilarating horror films, expertly curated from various subgenres. Each card provides thrilling insights that excite horror enthusiasts, inviting them to explore iconic scares from the movie world. “The Top 50 Horror Movies Scratch-Off Deck offers a thrilling gift option for anyone who enjoys the thrill of fear. This interactive experience combines the intensity of horror with engaging game play. We believe this product will elevate horror movie nights and create lasting memories,” Charles Owen shared. Perfect for Any Occasion Both the Top 50 Movies and Top 50 Horror Movies Scratch-Off Decks arrive in beautifully designed gift boxes. These decks make perfect presents for a variety of occasions, including birthdays, anniversaries, or festive gatherings. They provide unique ways to experience films and celebrate the joy of cinema with loved ones. Palettes and Prints' Creative Vision Palettes and Prints aims to foster creativity, connection, and entertainment through its innovative products. With a mission to inspire shared experiences, the brand continues to develop offerings that bring people together, whether through family activities or interactive scratch-off decks. For more information about Palettes and Prints’ captivating scratch-off movie decks, visit their Amazon store. Charles Owen Palettes and Prints +1 781-367-1660 email us here Visit us on social media: LinkedIn, TikTok Legal Disclaimer: EIN Presswire provides this news content "as is" without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. For complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the author above. Read the full article
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ozmemorycards · 11 months
Unlocking Limitless Possibilities: The 128GB Micro SD Card
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The 128GB Micro SD card is a marvel of modern engineering. It is designed to be incredibly compact, fitting comfortably into the tiniest of devices, from smartphones and tablets to action cameras and drones. Its unassuming size belies the enormous storage potential it offers.
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isfeed · 2 years
Rotten Tomatoes gets its first card game to entertain film buffs
Rotten Tomatoes gets its first card game to entertain film buffs
Movie and TV reviews site Rotten Tomatoes is releasing a card game in early 2023 called “Rotten Tomatoes: The Card Game,” a fast-paced party game that challenges cinephiles by making them guess what rating a movie has—a.k.a the Tomatometer score, which reflects the percentage of positive professional critic reviews for a movie. This is the first-ever card game that Rotten Tomatoes has released…
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introvertguide · 4 years
Pulp Fiction (1994); AFI #94
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The most recent movie for review was the Quentin Tarantino crime thriller comedy (probably more things) Pulp Fiction (1994). It is a very complicated story that is told out of chronological order and focuses on scenes of meaningful character interaction. This confusion meant it lost out to movies with a more straight forward time line at the Oscars, since the move was nominated for seven awards but only took home one. The single win for best screenplay was well deserved and I still believe it is one of the most creatively written films of all time. I want to go over the plot to show what I mean, but let me do my standard due diligence:
The film begins with what is pretty much a prologue but what turns out to be about the middle of the film chronologically. A couple is at a diner and they are talking about robbing banks. They only refer to each other as Pumpkin (Tim Roth) and Honey Bunny (Amanda Plummer). They discuss the best kind of places to rob and they decide that a diner would be a good change of pace. Impulsively, they pull out guns and hold up the diner and...title card with awesome spaghetti western music!
Two hitmen are talking about Europe as they go to do a job. Vincent Vega (Jon Travolta) talks about his adventures with Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson) as they pull up at an Los Angeles apartment complex. The two discuss their boss Marsellus Wallace and how touchy he is about his wife. The boss has apparently sent them to get something from a bunch of guys. Jules and Vincent call on an apartment with 3 college age men and intimidate them into giving over a briefcase with something glowing inside. The case is what they came for, so the hitmen take it and kill two of the men at the apartment...
Flash to a new scene in which Vincent is going to get some drugs from his dealer (Eric Stoltz). Vincent is a heroine user despite cocaine being the popular drug. It turns out Vincent was asked by his boss to take out his wife...the one he is very protective of. He just needs to hang out with her so she is not bored and not get into trouble. To accomplish this, he shoots up some heroine and goes to meet the wife named Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman). They seem to get along and he drives her to a restaurant called Jack Rabbit Slims. The place is fantastic, all the waiters are dressed up like American movie icons and the booths are repurposed cars from the 50s (if this place actually existed, you can be sure I would search it out and go there at least once). The two bond over dinner and then volunteer for a twist dance contest.
Mia and Vincent go back to her house and Vincent goes to the restroom to talk himself out of trying to score with Mia. She is pretty cool, but not worth dying for. While he is away, Mia finds some heroine in the pocket of Vincent’s jacket and thinks it is cocaine. She snorts it and immediately starts to overdose. Vincent panics and decides to drive her to the dealer’s house. The dealer has a nurse kit that comes with a giant needle full of adrenaline which Vincent stabs her with. She wakes up and Vincent takes her back home and is glad that he will live another day...
We jump to a flashback of a young boy who is has lost his father in Vietnam. An officer is visiting that has a gift. Apparently, there is a family watch that belonged to the boys great grandfather and had been passed down through the generations. His father had it when he was captured and gave it to the officer before the father died in the POW camp. The officer escaped and found the boy to give him the watch...
A boxer named Butch (Bruce Willis) wakes up from a dream. He is the boy all grown up. He is about to throw a fight for Marsellus Wallace (Ving Rhames), the same boss that everyone is afraid of. Butch does not throw the fight and accidently kills the other boxer. It turns out that he bet on himself and now he needs to get out of town before Marsellus Wallace catches him. He goes to a hotel where his rather dumb girlfriend is waiting for him. They go to bed and then are about to leave the next morning when it turns out that she forgot his watch. Butch freaks out and goes back to their old apartment to get the watch (note the very long take following Bruce Willis as he takes a back way to get to the apartment). Vincent is there waiting for him, but Vincent is in the bathroom and Butch is able to get a gun and kill Vincent as he is coming out of the bathroom. Things seem good so Butch drives off...
As Butch drives home, he sees Marsellus crossing the street in front of him so Butch hits the gas and runs down the boss but also hits an oncoming car. Both men are injured but Marsellus gains his senses and chases Butch into a shop where both are captured by a weird redneck with a shotgun. Butch and Marsellus are tied up in the basement of the shop and a man named Zed shows up. The shop owner has a gimp in a box (all leathered up and everything) and other fetish things downstairs. After a quick game to pick who goes first, they take Marcellus into another room to rape him. Butch manages to escape and is running away...but he decides can’t leave somebody to be assaulted like that. He grabs a weapon from the shop and kills the shop owner and frees Marsellus from Zed. Marsellus is not happy and says he will go “medieval” on Zed and allows Butch to leave town. Butch collects his girlfriend and leaves immediately...
Flash back in time (we know this because Vincent is alive) to right after Vincent and Jules shoot the guys with the case. Another guy in the other room jumps out and unloads six rounds at the two and misses every shot. The hitman kill that man, but Jules is shaken and decides to give up the business. They take a fourth gut with them in the car to go back to see Marsellus. On the drive over, Vincent accidently shoots the passenger while going over a pothole. The inside of the car is absolutely covered in blood and brains, so the two have to find a safe house. They go to the home of Jimmie (Quentin Tarantino) who will help them but says they have to get out in a couple of hours before his wife gets home. They call Marsellus, who sends over a cleaner named Wolf (Harvey Keitel). They are able to get everything cleaned up in time and leave with the car and the body. Jules and Vincent have to change out of their bloody clothes and decide to take a cab out to a diner for some food before seeing Wallace.
The two are at a familiar looking diner discussing whether their survival was a miracle and whether Jules should quit. Vincent goes off to the bathroom and, while he is gone, Pumpkin and Honey Bunny from the beginning declare it a robbery and it is evident that we have circled in time back around to the beginning. The couple hold up the diner, but, when they get to Jules, he takes Pumpkin hostage and devises a plan for everybody to leave. Jules allows the couple to leave alive with all the wallets, then the two hitmen follow quickly behind them before any police can show up.
I put a spoiler warning at the top, but there is so much to this film that there is no way you could spoil everything. I find new things to enjoy about this movie each time that I watch it and the watch count has to be at least two dozen times at this point. This film is so rich with allusion and homage to movies of the past that you might never see everything. Tarantino is truly a lover of old films and he worked every reference he could into this film. This is truly like candy for a cinephile. 
I have, however, had a love hate relationship with this movie: I love this movie and I hate it when people tell me it is too violent. There was a lot of negative response to the films toxic masculinity, romancing crime culture, incredible amount of swearing, drug use, extreme gun violence, and very adult themes. There is a very famous interview between Quentin Tarantino and Jan Wahl in which she accuses him of using excessive violence and he tells her it is because it is a lot of fun to watch. His stylistically gory violence stems from exploitation films of the past and there is an established audience that enjoys it. He makes his movies for himself and this group of people.
Kind of like the comedy of Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, and George Carlin, you have to wade through a sea of swearing to find the comedic banter. The things that Jules and Vincent say to each other are some of the funniest stuff I have ever heard, but you really have to pay attention. Their attempts to express their feelings while maintaining their hard exterior persona is ridiculous. This is probably why many people enjoy the scenes with Vincent and Mia: there is a lot more courtesy which reduces the tirade of cursing.
The violence is very very over the top, but it is no where near the level of gore that Tarantino has become known for over the years. I must admit that he likes his torture scenes and this film is no exception. I would like to note how clever the torture scene with Butch and Marsellus is because they are both tied up and facing camera so only the audience can see the mischief that is being prepared behind them. 
The soundtrack for the film is well worth mentioning as it also pays homage to 50s, 60s, and 70s exploitations films. There is a lot of silence in the film with sudden bursts of fast paced music that help with transitions. Most famous is the intro music after diner prologue, a surf rock classic by Dick Dale and The Del Tones called Misirlou. It is pure speed guitar riff along the lines of Wipeout and transitions the scene perfectly. Take a listen for yourself:
Maybe the biggest thing about this film and Tarantino in general is the inspiration of the slick gangster dialogue. There had been a push for more melodramatic dialogue or the complete absence of much talking. Tarantino added in this slick, fast moving comedic dialogue that is said over extreme violence and adult situations. Marsellus Wallace talks about having some crack heads torture a man to death immediately after being raped in a basement. The hitmen talk about appropriate manners while cleaning out brains from the back of a car. Jules talks about the meaning of the bible during a robbery. Everything seems out of place in the real world but perfectly acceptable in Tarantino’s world. This is probably why I have no problem with the violence in the film.
So should this film be on the AFI top 100? Absolutely. It is an homage to film history while simultaneously introducing a sub genre that mixes current dialogue and exploitation touches to grindhouse action. It is fascinating and fun. Would I recommend this movie? If you are old enough. I can’t emphasize enough how fun I find this film, but I cannot deny that it is filled with adult situations like drug usage followed by driving, secret dungeon rape, and cold blooded murder with no consequences. If you can differentiate between Tarantino’s world and the real world, then this is great. If you can’t, then maybe try something else with slick dialogue like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
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cinephilegame · 2 years
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MoMI & FLC Present Cinephile Game Night: NYFF60 Edition | Featuring Cinephile Game Night co-hosts Jordan Raup and Conor O’Donnell, the game night will feature multiple trivia rounds including NYFF history and beyond, with chances to win tickets to this year’s edition and more prizes. There’s no need to bring Cinephile to participate––only your movie-loving brain is required. [link]
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notasdriedapricots · 3 years
Also, living room and attic for Liz x I’m really enjoying reading your answers.
Oh, thank you! I’m really enjoying thinking about these, there’re many I had never considered before!
Thank you, Iris! (Part 4 lol) 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 (Yes, I’m committing to this)
Living Room:
How does the character spend weekends?
Liz already spends a lot of time at home during the week practicing, so on weekends she likes to go around town. Usually with Simon (her best friend), and they pack as many things as they can in a single day, even if they’ve already done everything and been everywhere a thousand times before. 
What kind of movies does the character watch?
Liz is a cinephile, so she watches everything. She has her periods of watching a lot of the same movement or director before switching to a different one. Still, she always comes back to her favourites. She likes watching movies many times to find new things in them. So yeah pretty much, everything.
What do they do with friends?
Given that her BFF is also a musician, a lot of it is related to music. They play together, talk about it, go see live music, share new artists... They let each other know if they can’t make it, otherwise they just assume they have plans together, even if those plans are yet to be determined.
They get together every Friday night to drink wine and play cards or board games while they have deep chats because they’re cool like that. They die laughing every time.
With her other friends she goes out for coffee or pints. Sometimes she has picnics with some of her friends from the orchestra, if the stars align and they can all make it.
She likes cooking for her friends, even if it’s something very simple, the ritual of inviting them over and have them stay until late just chatting and having a laugh is the best time she can have.
What’s their favorite pastime?
Learning new pieces on the cello. And I mean new as in cutting-edge stuff. She’s in contact with several people that are modernizing the instrument and is always eager to do something new and experiment with it. She is technically very talented, but a great part of why she’s gotten so far so early is because she’s on top of her shit. And she loves it. She doesn’t consider it an extension of her job, though, at all.
What’s their favorite TV show/film?
TV would probably be something like Fargo. Funny, but also not funny.
Film, she would tell you she has two or three for every genre, but I’ll say three: 1. Singin’ in the Rain: I mean, she’s kinda the embodimen of that movie; sweet, and funny, but oh so sassy and self-aware; also music. 2. Memento: Innovative, rewatchable, unique, fast, complex. 3. Clue: Just brilliantly comical, meta, original, an absolute classic.
What is the character afraid of?
Mundane? Snakes. Deeper? Liz is terrified of losing the people closest to her, which is a big problem given her personality. Her nature is to let people get close, but she’s had to learn to put up a barrier just in case. The only people she lets get that close are those who have proven to her that they won’t hurt her, that they won’t decide to just one day walk away without explanation. This is why she usually seems like she cares way more than she actually does; she looks like she cares as much as she wants to let herself care, but she knows she shouldn’t so she rarely does (I hope that sentence made sense lol)
How do they deal with bad memories?
She tries to work through bad experiences so they don’t weigh on her. So unless something specific brings something to the surface, she usually doesn’t think about the bad parts of her past. She took them as a lesson, learnt what she deemed valuable, and let them go (as much as she could).
What is this character’s role in a horror movie?
She’s the final girl for sure. She’s resourceful, and even though she will be pretty sceptic at first, she will go “okay so this is happening” instead of fighting the evidence. She won’t chicken out, and won’t be the asshole that lets the others behind.
How do they hide their secrets?
She’s a bit like Lucas in the way that you probably won’t even know she’s keeping a secret in the first place because she’s usually very private regarding her personal life. So she won't show it, and if you say something she'll just deny she's hiding something. But she’s a great liar if she needs to be, and won’t hesitate to even gaslight you if you insist on snooping around. She’ll feel bad, though.
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins does the character relate to most?
This one was pretty hard but... surprisingly even for me, I’ll have to say wrath. She’s very, veeeeery hard to piss off, but when you do... it brings out the worst side of her. If you manage to get her actually mad, it’s gonna get ugly, because she will go right where it hurts the most. She’ll use everything she knows about you, and she’ll turn cruel. Luckly it hardly ever happens.
Send me a character and a room and I’ll tell you my HC for them!
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Holiday Gift Guide for the Movie Buff on Your List
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It's the same that time of year. Time to buy gifts for your friends and family yet again as the world all over celebrates this corporate, financial, money-hungry, festive and generosity-filled holiday. Some of you may already have it all taken care of by now. Others may be last-minute shoppers such as myself and think that even now is just the start of the shopping season. No matter which you fall under, there's bound to be at the least a couple more on your list to check off. In this article, we'll give you some ideas for gifts for those movie buffs it's possible you have on your list. 1 . Movies Of course a movie buff loves movies. However , this gift selection isn't since obvious as some of you may think. In fact , it could be one of the hardest choices for a movie fan there is. There are all types with problems that may arise here. You could pick the wrong format, the wrong medium, the wrong edition. Or you could plain and simple merely pick the wrong movie. Or even more possible, buy them a movie they already own (afterall, they are movie buffs, it’s likely they have TONS of movies already making it even more likely to buy something they already have). Thus, that's why I recommend avoiding this selection unless that movie fanatic in your life has actively been hinting at a certain movie lately. In that case, go for it. Movies are definitely good for us movie buffs. But again, be careful in what you buy. Or at least save you the receipt and don't be offended when that person needs to return your gift. 2 . Netflix Now for those of you hoping get your movie buff some movies, but don't want to go through the headache of making sure you don't get the wrong issue, Netflix is your answer. Netflix allows that cinephile on your list access to all kinds of movies from the old to innovative, domestic to foreign, indie to blockbuster and so on. The great thing about this too, they get to choose which movies may be watch, while you just pay for the subscription. Netflix Gifts come in a variety of plans and a variety of lengths. You can get ones movie lover just the streaming package or you can choose a package which allows streaming, plus up to 1, two, or 3 DVDs out at a time. These can all be bought in lengths from 1 month to 1 season. For instance, a streaming package for 6 months will run you about $48. Or you can go with 2 Dvd out at a time for 1 year for about $180. No matter what the choice, it's sure to be a hit with the movie buff for you. It doesn't matter if they already have a subscription either as a Netflix Gift can simply be added to their already existing reoccuring and they'll get free months of their service. 3. Fandango Card Of course every movie buff spends ample amounts of your energy at the theater. So , along the lines of the Netflix thing, another option is a Fandango gift card (or a gift card account from a local theater). This gives your movie buff a gift that will keep on giving over the year as they revisit this theater. Each time getting to enjoy the big screen magic on your dime. The movie buff on your list will surely love a variety of like this over the months as they get to catch all the latest releases. 4. Movie Memorabilia Your typical movie ripped is obsessed with movies in probably a way you will never fully understand. As such, this means everything about movies they enjoy. Consequently, another good gift for that movie lover on your list is movie memorabilia. This ranges from movie paper prints, to shirts, to collector's items, to autographed items, to boxed sets, to film cells and art work. You can even buy scripts/screenplays/props from their favorite movies online. With many online outlets that sell this type of stuff, techniques are endless once you know some of your movie buff's favorite movies or actors, etc . 5. Movie-Related Books along with Magazines As I stated before, chances are the movie buff in your life loves everything movie-related. This goes for books and even magazines as well. Biographies on their favorite actors or movie-related books are good unconventional ideas for the movie fan in your life. There are plenty books out there designed for these types of people. From 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die to 1000 Films to Change Your Life to The 100 Best Movies to Rent You've Never Heard Of to even more specific catalogs like 101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die. All would be a welcome treat for the movie buff inside your life. Likewise, the movie buff in your life most assuredly likes to keep up with all things movies and get insights into the industry people so love. As such, magazine subscriptions that cater to these types are also good choices. These include print and online designs. Though I will say you'll want to go beyond the more mainstream types of Entertainment Weekly, Rolling Stones, etc . Instead, look into offers like 'Boxoffice Magazine', 'Hollywood Reporter', 'Premiere', 'Empire' (UK), 'MovieMaker' or 'Filmmaker Magazine'. Likewise, you could also get them a ongoing to online industry rags like Variety. com or ProductionWeekly. com. 6. Universal Remote As you probably fully understand, the movie buff in your life definitely has a love for electronics. This is especially true when it comes to their home entertainment setup. All of that supplies can get out of hand though when remote controls begin piling up. Introduce the Logitech Harmony. The cream of the head when it comes to universal remotes. This line of remotes from Logitech range from about $100 to over $300. Any flick buff would be happy to get their hands on such a remote control to accent their setup. 7. Roku Box This is a terrific accompanying gift for a Netflix subscription. The streaming player allows the movie lover to use any of those buffering services to stream movies directly to their TV instead of having to watch on their computer or laptop. This is great for any video clip buff who would much rather watch on their big screen TV rather than their little computer monitor. The Roku container allows for Netflix instant streaming on your TV. It also allows access to such services as Hulu Plus, Amazon With Demand and more. 8. Blu-Ray Player Chances are your movie buff already has one of these in their collection. However , for any that don't a Blu-ray player is a great gift for the movie buff in your life. Providing for a high-definition movie experiencing experience, the movie buff in your life will love the immersion of watching their favorite movies in pristine hi-def. 9. Popcorn Maker Everybody knows: popcorn goes with movies like jelly goes with peanut butter. And for some reason, kettle popcorn basically tastes better. So why not bring that theater goodness into the home of your favorite movie buff giving them your gift of snacks anytime they sit down to watch a movie at home. You can find many kettle popcorn makers at under $100. Any movie buff would find it cool to have their very own popcorn maker sitting in the corner of their room in your home for access whenever they want to spend the evening watching movies (and trust me, they do this very often). 10. "Gaming" Chair These provide the ultimate comfort when sitting in front of the TV for a movie. With built-in speaker solutions and ultimate comfort, there are tons of stylish gaming chairs out there. Any movie buff would love one of these cool recliner/pedestal chairs to kick back and enjoy their movie-viewing experience. Not only does it just flat-out look cool and are they comfy, but they also provide more immersion with the speakers in the headrest and subwoofers built into the chair that make you rumble along with explosions on the screen. 11. Surround Sound System Speaking of sound, if your movie buff doesn't already have one, some sort of surround sound system is always a welcome addition to their home entertainment experience. Providing an immersion of sound to go with their viewing experience, a surround sound system is an absolute must for any movie buff that is looking to make the most of your home entertainment experience. Of course, this can be a costly gift, but the movie buff in your life will definitely be grateful. 12. HDTV Considering we're mentioning essential components, a TV definitely falls in that range. Obviously your movie buff already comes with one, but they're never opposed to a new TV (or even just a secondary TV). Whether it be a smaller LCD TV to do their room or an upgrade to a top-of-the-line brand new 3D TV, TVs are always welcome. Your film buff would definitely love you for this. With the pushing of 3D TVs, these are a definite hot item too which often most movie buffs in your life would more than happily take. Again though, this is one of the more costly gifts, so be ready to pay thousands for something like that. 13. Movie Storage You probably know this already, but the movie buff in your lifetime probably has a very extensive collection of movies. A collection they love to proudly show off as well. Of course such a collection may become something of a beast that needs taming. Enter the realm of media storage. This actually comes in a few forms as well: physical and digital. First we'll touch on the traditional physical form. This simply means shelves and shelves. If the movie buff in your life doesn't already have the shelving for their collection, or is simply running using shelf space, then a new shelf, rack or tower would be a practical and welcome gift for your movie aficionado in helping to tame that ever-growing collection and bring some order to it. Of course you have the digital entry as well. This is the same concept as storing all of your music on your computer. Many companies make devices specifically for media storage space like this. There are even companies like Kaleidoscope and PrimeArray which create systems that serve as storage not to mention servers. This means all movies are saved on a digital storage device. The cherry on top though is these devices then provide a means to share all that data across a network and have access to your entire movie collection using one click of a button on your remote. Having instant access to any movie in your collection without having to get up and also change out discs, etc . These however can get extremely expensive. Some even more costly than the TVs themselves. Nevertheless techphile/cinephile in your life would love it. 14. AFI Membership Every film buff is familiar with the prestigious American Film Company. What better way to reward their passion for films than allowing your movie buff to become part of that will institute by buying them a membership to the AFI. This can range from $60-2, 500. Offering cool perks just like movie tickets, exclusive release schedules and magazine subscriptions, an AFI membership also grants members admission to help AFI events. On top of that, your movie buff would even be able to vote alongside industry professionals for various show awards and accolades dealt out by AFI each year. To top it off, they would even get a great AFI membership card to proudly show off to friends as a sign to their dedication to films. 15. Dvd Festival Pass I'm sure you've heard of them. Sundance. Cannes. Attending these more prestigious film festivals are being a life-long dream for the movie buff in your life probably. They'd probably give an arm or a leg to get to encounter going to the prestigious Sundance festival or Cannes or the Venice Film Festival. However , these events booklet well in advance and can be costly. Thus, they don't make good last-minute gift ideas. Though, I'm sure your movie buff would probably happily take a "rain check" on a gift if it means the promise of getting a pass to one of these galas later on. Likewise, many bigger cities offer their own film festivals throughout the year. If you live near one of these, your picture buff would definitely love the chance to get to attend one of those as well.
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rosecorcoranwrites · 5 years
Reader Viewer Gamer Spy
Ok, maybe not that last one, but anyway...
If you've hung around this blog long enough, you've likely noticed that I tend to talk about "stories" more often than books, and that I use games, manga, and movies as well as written works to discuss writing concepts. This is because I think all those stories, in whatever medium, have something interesting to say, or something worth examining. Yet there exists no decent word for a person such as myself, a lover of stories, if you will.
Labels and Categories
I'm not one to say "I don't like labels", but I do find them lacking sometimes, usually because there aren't enough of them, or they're not broad enough
For example, I'm obviously a nerd and a geek, in that I like nerdy, geeky things. I enjoy learning and research and school, which I would put under the "nerd" category, and I like superheroes and fantasy/sci-fi and comics, which are decidedly "geek". But these don't include my love of books—not all nerds are bookworms—nor my obsessive devotion to anime and manga in particular. I guess “weeb” might be a subsection of geek? I don’t know. Whatever the case, neither nerd nor geek are satisfactory to my quest for the perfect word to describe myself.
And what would you call someone who loves movies as much as a bookworm loves books? A filmworm? (Can we please just make this a thing?). There are terms like “film enthusiast” and “cinephile”, but I think these imply a knowledge of movie-making or a love of niche and cult films that I don’t necessarily have. At the same time, though, I’m not just a casual movie-goer. I really like movies, and thinking about movies, and talking about movies. Why isn’t there a word for that?
Stereotypes from Without
Perhaps the reason there isn’t a word specifically for someone who’s into movies or comics the way there is for those who love books is due to stereotyping. There are people who look down on us movie-watching, game-playing plebeians, so people have been trained to think that liking comics is dorky, or that liking movies is for filthy casuals.
Geeks, I think, have been fighting against this, reclaiming the word for themselves, so to speak. They’ve done a fairly good job at making geekery mainstream, and yet large numbers of people still aren't onboard. For example, the writers of The Big Bang Theory have long labored under the impression that liking Star Wars is a geeky, niche interest. Star Wars! Was that ever niche, even when it came out in the 70s? Even if it was then, it certainly isn’t now. Yet this stupid idea that Star Wars was only for geeks, specifically geek men, is how we ended up with the debacle that is Disney’s new trilogy aimed at a “larger” audience—by which they meant all seven people in the world who didn’t already like Star Wars.
A subsection of geeks fighting the good fight for more recognition is the gamers, and yet this group is not without its stereotypes. Sometimes, this is through innocent ignorance: my sister and I were geeking out over the plot of Okami in the break room of a Catholic school were she worked and one of the nuns asked, tentatively, “Video games have stories?”. She seemed happy to learn that they do, but this illustrates the point that not every non-gamer knows what video games have to offer, so of course they might not consider games in the same category as books or films.
Then there are worse stereotypes. A coworker of mine pooh-poohed video games because, amongst other things, they “don’t promote social interaction”. My coworker, remember, is a librarian... in a library... full of books. When you read a book, that’s six or more hours of being by yourself, reading. You might choose to go to a bookclub or talk to a friend about it, but that is hardly part of the reading experience. Games, on the other hand, often have two-player or online mode. My younger brother is constantly playing games and constantly talking to his friends over Discord while doing so. One time, he was playing a single player game while his friend from out of state was playing the same single player game, and they were talking to each other about it over headphones. Obviously, this isn’t true for all games and gamers (I myself like single-player, offline games), but to act as if games are socially isolating in comparison to books is just inaccurate.
Stereotypes from Within
Speaking of books, the label with the most baggage, in my opinion, is bookworm. It’s not non-bookworms who are the ones responsible for this stereotyping, but the book lovers themselves.
What stereotypes am I talking about? For starters, the stereotype that in order to be a bookworm, you should sneer at other types of media. “The book was better” is something often lobbed at movies. I usually agree with that; the movies of Harry Potter, Something Wicked this Way Comes, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Phantom of the Opera, Public Enemies, and every iteration of Sherlock Holmes pale in comparison to their source material. But some movies are just as good as the book they are based on. This may be because the movie captures the essence of the book, like The Princess Bride, Anne of Green Gables,  or Disney’s Alice in Wonderland (the 1951 version), or it may be due to the movie deviating from the book but still being equally enjoyable, as is the case with The Secret of NIMH / Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH and most of Disney's fairytale adaptations. And some movies—and I know my bookworm card might get revoked for saying this—are better than the books, including The Great Mouse Detective, Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Last Unicorn, and And Then There Were None.
“Heresy!” cry the bookworms, but why? Aren’t people allowed to like and dislike whatever stories they want? And that’s stereotype number two, which is never encountering a book you don’t like. I usually find this with English majors, some librarians and library patrons, and bookstagramers who take pretty pictures of objectively bad books (I know I just said people can like what they want, but let’s be honest, nobody liked The Casual Vacancy, probably not even J.K. Rowling). It’s almost like, to be a bookworm, you can’t have a taste for certain books and not others. Or rather, you can’t act as if some books are just, you know, not good. Such bookworms fret about libraries weeding books from their collections, but as someone who used to do that as a volunteer, I can tell you, some books are bad. They might be badly written, or boring, or cringey, or whatever (and that’s why they don’t circulate for years on end, and that’s why they get weeded). The point is, it’s okay to not like certain books, and doing so should not make one any less of a bookworm.
The stereotypes go on and on, and I can’t relate to any of them. “Books are better than clothes”; but I really like fashion. “I can’t resist buying new books when I’m in a bookstore”; it’s nice that you have all that disposable income, but I’ll settle for borrowing books and scouring the free shelf. “I remember staying up late at night as a child with a flashlight under my covers”; I wasn’t a big reader as a kid, but that didn’t make me less into stories. And, of course, “I’d rather be reading,” not daydreaming, or watching movies, or getting lost in the world of a game, because you can apparently only get lost in a book.
I know I sound bitter, and that’s because I am. I love books, but books are not the height of human storytelling, nor its primordial form. Poems, songs, and plays all predated writing, and as for novels, those didn't come about until the 11th century in Asia and the 1400s in Europe. Sure, movies and video games are a lot younger, but that doesn't make them any less valuable, unless you believe that books are less valuable than plays and poems.
Let me say it again, in case my non-bookwormish statements have made any of you doubt: I love books. But I also love games. And movies. And comics. Basically, I love stories. I’m a story enthusiast. Why isn’t there a word for that? Daydreamer? Fantast? Storyworm?
I suppose the word isn’t as important as the concept I’m trying to explain. Books and movies and games and plays are all amazing, each in different ways. So why do we have to denigrate some forms of storytelling or act like some are better than others? I can see personally preferring one type of media to another, but if you totally eschew one of them because of some silly stereotype, I think you’ll miss out on a lot of amazing stories.
Thus, in the next few weeks, I’m going to try to convince you, dear reader, or viewer, or gamer, (or spy?) that each of the four main storytelling media—books, plays and television, comics, and video games—each have something unique to offer, and are worthy of a place in the hearts and minds of all story-loving people. Stay tuned!
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thefilmstage · 6 years
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Cinephile: A Card Game is a new beautifully-designed, essential game for film lovers.
See more details.
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hadarlaskey · 3 years
Christmas gift guide 2021 – Great ideas for film lovers
‘Tis the season for making merry and showing people you care – and whether you’re gifting a loved one or yourself after a tough year, we’ve got suggestions for the discerning film lover of any age.
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Books & Games
David Fincher: Mind Games
Our brand new film book is the definitive critical and visual survey of master filmmaker David Fincher. We’ve once again teamed up with Adam Nayman (Paul Thomas Anderson: Masterworks, The Coen Brothers: This Book Really Ties the Films Together) and Abrams Books to produce Mind Games, styled as an investigation into a filmmaker obsessed with investigation.
’Lil cinephile – A is for Auteur
The team behind Cinephile, the card game with endless playing possibilities, is back with a beautifully designed alphabet book. A for Auteur is perfect for movie buffs both big and ‘lil! Check out their fabulous bundles which include bespoke prints and apparel.
Green Knight: A Fantasy Roleplaying Game
A24 brings the Dev Patel-led Arthurian fantasy film to original tabletop RPG game format – join in on the adventure! A Dungeons and Dragons-type board game that comes with a Game Master’s guide, map of the realm, five character sheets and a 20-sided die.
The Curious Objects of Twin Peaks
If you’re a fan of cherry pie and damn fine coffee, then this charmingly illustrated deck of cards is well worth seeking out. This artful product in the style of the classic ’70s point battling card game will make for a super unique addition to your Twin Peaks collection. Let the battle commence!
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Girls On Tops
It’s no secret that we’re huge fans of a Girls on Tops tee’s chic simplicity. Champion your fave film industry woman from Claire Denis to Nia DaCosta, Céline Sciamma to Chloé Zhao, in 100 per cent organic cotton.
Badly Drawn Celebs
Fun unisex t-shirts and prints of your favourite celebs, directors, authors and musicians, but drawn super badly? This shop has got them all – Orson Welles, Agnès Varda, Jeff Goldblum, Adam Sandler, Meryl Streep, Poot Lovato and the list goes on…
Sliding Doors T-Shirt
This t-shirt collab between SSHH and ScreenSlate asks: ‘have you been looking for a t-shirt that expresses your Gemini duality and nostalgia for a time when ultra-rich narcissist film icons were adored unconditionally’? Then look no further. Short-haired Sliding Doors Gwyneth on the front, long-haired Sliding Doors Gwyneth on the back.
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Blu-ray box sets
Mae West in Hollywood
Indicator/Powerhouse Films celebrate the magnificent Mae West in a spanking new and limited edition six-disc, ten-film box set. Includes a vast array of bonus features, a limited edition book and a double-sided poster with original designs from She Done Him Wrong and I’m No Angel.
The Rainer Werner Fassbinder Collection Vol 2
A must-have limited edition box set on New German Cinema’s wunderkind-turned-enfant terrible, with special features on each of the four discs included. Be immersed in Fassbinder’s strange and vast cinematic world with high definition digital restorations that range from Ali: Fear Eats the Soul to The Marriage Of Maria Braun.
The Hungarian Masters Collection
Second Run breathes new life into a selection of renowned Hungarian films – the perfect opportunity to engage with the genius of classic Hungarian cinema. István Gaál’s Current, Zoltán Fábri’s Merry-Go-Round and Miklós Jancsó’s Agnus Dei are given a fresh 4K restoration, available in a limited edition three-disc box set.
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Support independent and cutting-edge film journalism by treating yourself or a loved one to a magazine subscription. It’s the gift that keeps on giving – £28 for five unique LWLies issues to make their way to your doorstep throughout 2022, available here. You can also become a member of LWLies for additional perks.
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Sight & Sound Empire Mubi Notebook
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Cinema Membership Schemes
What better gift than free cinema tickets? After such a difficult couple of years for independent cinemas, supporting our favourite venues is now more important than ever. Our local, the indie The Prince Charles, has a variety of schemes to suit every need. You can also find similar schemes for Curzon, HOME in Manchester, and Filmhouse in Edinburgh.
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Curios and Novelties
Looking for stocking stuffers or something to hang on the wall? Say no more – there’s plenty of great options out there to rep a film you love, whether it’s on your coat lapel above the mantelpiece.
Green Knight Tree Face Pin
Cinema ticket enamel pin by Betty Woodhouse
Moonrise Kingdom print from Spilt Milk Press
Virgin Suicides print from Tillie Rose Studio
The post Christmas gift guide 2021 – Great ideas for film lovers appeared first on Little White Lies.
source https://lwlies.com/articles/movie-christmas-gift-guide-2021/
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