#cinderglass angst.....as a treat for me.....
Strike a Deal
cw: manipulation, implied torture, violence, heavily implied noncon, adult language
Wildefire Masterlist (note: this drabble is non-canon as of right now)
After all she'd done to avoid Corp, entering one of their shiniest buildings just felt wrong to Sarah. If she wasn't here to 'work out an agreement’—which she hoped was CEO-speak for ‘we surrender’—she'd sooner brick the windows than set one foot on the polished linoleum.
Annie Rivera, head of Good Knight, was waiting when she arrived on the hundredth floor.
“Spyglass.” She offered a smile warm enough to blow a grandma out of the water, and Sarah had to remind herself that however friendly she seemed, Annie committed all the same atrocities as Uriah. Maybe more. She'd certainly heard this lady was ambitious, and that was CEO-speak for ‘out for blood.’
“I wasn't sure you'd come.”
It had taken a lot of discussion with the others and a lot more internal debating before she'd even considered it. She'd sat on the invitation for days before agreeing to meet. Lately, every little decision set her nerves in a jumble, anxiety firing on full blast, insisting she'd certainly make the wrong choice. Her brain had been working against her for weeks, ever since Lex—
She had to keep from physically recoiling at the thought of him. She was sure he was still alive, everyone was, but no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find a trace.
Her fault. 
“Wouldn't miss it for the world,” she said.
“We've heard so much about you. Really making ripples out there, huh?” Annie strolled across the room, taking her place behind a huge wooden desk, and gestured to the leather seat across from her. Begrudgingly, Sarah took it.
“You care about people like you. You want to make things better. I think that's admirable.”
Sarah crossed her arms. “Sure. But I have a feeling you didn't call me here to join the cause.”
Annie gave a sympathetic smile, leaning forward on the desk. “Unfortunately, you are correct. I'm all for empowering the Empowered, of course, but you must understand the… safety issues such a movement poses.”
“So cut the niceties and tell me why I'm here.” She'd already known Annie wouldn't help them, but if she was pretending to be empathetic, that was a good sign, right? It meant she wanted Sarah's cooperation with something. 
“Ah. I've called you here to offer you a contract with Good Knight.”
Sarah frowned. “You gotta be shitting me.”
The easy, friendly smile didn't stray from Annie's face. “Not at all. I want you and your compatriots working for me. You'll be granted full protection and full immunity, and every one of you will have privileged positions within the company.”
“Really?” Sarah leaned forward. “And what's the catch?”
“There is no catch,” Annie said. “Of course, if you're Corp assets, continuing your investigation and public campaign would be a conflict of interest, but that's just common sense, isn't it?”
That was about what Sarah’d expected, and it made her feel strangely giddy. Maybe they couldn't stand against Corp directly, but whatever they'd been doing, it was working. Corp was scared enough to try and bribe them into silence. Even if it wasn't the surrender pipe dream she'd come in with, this new knowledge was enough to make the visit worth it.
She returned Annie's smile. “Well, thanks for having me. I had a great time. And I hope I never see you again.” She pushed away from the desk and stood. If there were any traps or underhand moves planned, now was certainly the time they'd be sprung, but she'd be ready. She turned up her hearing, listening for footsteps or motion in the walls. All she heard was the buzz of the lights and a slight rustling behind her.
“Maybe you'd like to hear the rest of my offer before you go.”
Sarah turned around, half expecting the woman to have a gun on her, but she hadn't heard anything. It had just been something light, like a sheet of cardstock or a…
A photograph. Annie had laid a photograph on the desk. It was dark, with a single figure in its center, staring at the camera with hollow eyes.
Her stomach dropped, and she stumbled forwards, catching herself on the desk, gripping its edge for support. He was alive, Lex was alive, but the joy she felt was undercut by how awful he looked.
Lex’s cybernetics were gone. His head has been shaved, and she could see dozens of injuries scattered across his bare torso. He looked drained; like whoever’d had him for these last weeks had siphoned away all his energy, all his… him. He'd lost so much weight she couldn't say if they'd fed him at all, and his complexion was ashen and lifeless.
But the worst part was his eyes. That empty, defeated look. The wildflower purple seemed to have been drained away with the rest of him, faded to a dull bruised color.
“I found him deep in the bowels of the Tower. Nasty place.”
The Tower. He'd already been through so much bullshit there and Corp had just thrown him back inside.
“I could show you worse if you're still not convinced,” Annie said, pulling another photo from a desk drawer.
“Don't—” Sarah started as she laid it down, but this one wasn't nearly as brutal. It was Lex, curled up on a bed in a sterile-looking cell. There was a blanket draped over him. He looked almost peaceful.
“What is..?”
“I fished him out of hell for you,” Annie said. “Whether his treatment gets better or worse from here is up to you.”
Sarah fell back into the chair, trying to get her thoughts to fall in line and shut up so she could act rationally. It was impossible. They wouldn't stop screaming his name.
“How…” She clasped her hands in her lap. “How do I know you actually have him? That… that this isn't some trick?”
“Thought you might say that.” Annie withdrew a tablet, hitting a button before sliding it over. As soon as Sarah's eyes landed on the screen, she froze, her hand flying to her mouth. It was… it was Lex. Lex with the shit beat out of him, held up only by a hand on his head, angling a bruised and swollen face towards the camera. His breathing was shallow and uneven, his eyes unfocused. The timestamp in the corner was for October 5th. Two days ago.
She'd sat on the invitation for days. If she hadn't been indecisive, if she'd acted sooner…
Onscreen, the guy holding Lex  gave him a shake.
“Hey. Camera's rolling. Talk to her.”
He blinked. “Sa…Spyglass.”
Ice seemed to encase her lungs.
“Don't listen to them. D-don’t do what they want.” He took a shaky breath, his throat bobbing as he swallowed. “I… keep fighting. You have to keep fighting. I…” He blinked furiously, sending a tear rolling down his bruised cheek. “I love you.”
“Okay, that's enough.”
Whoever was holding him shoved him away roughly, and Sarah's stomach twisted as he hit the ground. The camera followed him down, kept rolling as the other man stomped after him, cut to black just as he pulled back his foot for a kick.
“Fuck you,” she whispered as Annie pulled the tablet back across the table.
“Have I convinced you yet?” the other woman asked in a casual tone, not even meeting Sarah's eyes as she fiddled with the tablet.
“Fuck you!”
“You didn't answer my question.”
Sarah clenched her fists, pushing her knuckles into her thighs with enough force it would probably leave a bruise.
I love you.
Lex… She couldn't walk away from him, not now. She never should've left him. She should've told Akeela to run and stayed with him to fight, maybe then…
Maybe then you'd both be in there. Listening to each other scream.
“Let him go.”
“That's not the deal.”
Her nails dug into her palms. “And how do I know you're being honest? How do I know you haven't already killed him?”
Annie cracked a smile at that. “Guess you don't, do you? But do you really want to make that wager?”
“You said you fished him out of hell.”
“Never said I put him anywhere better.”
She pushed the tablet forwards once more. On the frozen screen, Lex was bent over the same sterile bed from the photograph, a person hunched over him, a few others flanking them. At first, it looked like he was just being pinned down. For a frisking or… or something. But then Annie hit play, and the figure above him began to move. 
It took all of a second for Sarah to snatch the tablet and hurl it at the wall. It bounced off, looking relatively unharmed as it hit the ground.
“That was uncalled for.”
“I'll kill you.”
Annie raised an eyebrow. “And what happens to poor Alexei if I'm not around to order them to stop?”
“Stop?” Her lungs were tight.
“That last one…” She extended a neatly trimmed fingernail towards the tablet. “It's a live feed.”
Fuck. Sarah was on her feet, made it halfway to the tablet before stopping cold. She wrapped her arms around herself, squeezing.
“If I agree to your terms… you'll call them off?”
“And if I don't?”
Annie shrugged. “Guess they'll stop when the body goes cold.”
Sarah's head dropped. All the triumph and excitement she'd felt just moments ago was gone. They could never win, could they? Corp kept finding a way, kept proving there was no low they wouldn't stoop to in order to keep the status quo.
“I accept. Now stop them. Please.”
Annie casually reached for the phone on her desk, punched in a number. “That's enough on Cinder. We've reached an understanding.”
Sarah scrambled for the tablet, falling to her knees and flipping it face-up, needing to be sure. Thankfully, the others in the cell were backing away, leaving Lex in place, motionless.
“Let me see him,” she murmured. Even just for a moment. He had to know he wasn't alone. She'd get him out, she had to.
“That wasn't part of the deal,” Annie said coolly. “But once you get the rest of your rogues in here, I'll consider it.”
Akeela and Hugo and Rosie… she'd promised she'd keep them safe, and she'd practically delivered them into the clutches of another Corporate power. But what choice did she have when Annie had Lex by the throat?
“You made the right decision,Spyglass.” Annie was beside her. Slender fingers gripped the edge of the tablet, pulling it out of Sarah’s grasp. Lex hadn’t moved; the image of him slumped over the bed—exhausted, hurt, alone—was burned into the back of her eyelids, lingering long after Annie turned off the device. It couldn't be the last image she had of him. She'd do anything to keep this from being the last time she'd see him.
“We'll take good care of you.”
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