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The #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "It's time for WAR. I heard the Hon #ElijahMuhammad say that Allah #MasterFardMuhammad is going to destroy the 6th AND 7th Fleet. I didn't ask him how, I just know what he said. It's War Time now." Farrakhan "The U.S. #7thFleet is the largest U.S. numbered fleet, with 60-70 ships, 200-300 aircraft and approximately 40,000 Sailors and #Marines operating in the region on a typical day. In addition to U.S.-based carrier and expeditionary strike groups that conduct rotational deployments to the region, there are 23 ships forward deployed to U.S. facilities in #Japan and #Guam. They form the heart of the 7th Fleet and provide a permanent, ready and highly capable presence, while reducing transit times and support costs by operating from overseas bases." http://www.c7f.navy.mil/forces.htm " The #6thFleet" Sixth Fleet, headquarterd on its command ship USS MOUNT WHITNEY(LCC 20), consists of approximately 40 ships, 175 aircraft and 21,000 people. The Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean is the major operational component of #Naval Forces #Europe. The principal striking power of the Sixth Fleet resides in its aircraft carriers and the modern jet aircraft, its #submarines, and its reinforced battalion of US #Marines on board amphibious ships deployed in the Mediterranean. Commander, Sixth Fleet has both US national and #NATO responsibilities. He reports to the Commander-In-Chief, US Naval Forces, Europe (#CinCUSNavEur) in the US chain of command and to #CinCSouth when the Sixth Fleet operates as part of NATO as #StrikForSouth. The CinC Naval Forces Europe, based in #London, is responsible for US naval operations in the European area, and also holds the NATO position of CinC Allied Forces Southern Europe, responsible to the NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe. The CINC Naval Forces Europe does not have administrative responsibilities for support of US naval forces in Europe, which are under the cognizance of CINC Atlantic Fleet." http://navysite.de/navy/fleet.htm 
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