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markashtonlund · 6 years ago
The Registration
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This past Wednesday I registered to attend the American Film Market (AFM). It’s a market I’ve been wanting to attend for some years. It’s interesting, the last time I was in Los Angeles was in 2013 for the West Coast Premiere of Justice Is Mind that took place during AFM but wasn’t connected to it. Now I return to network and to introduce my six film projects.
As I was uploading the details of…
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beyondparadisemovie · 7 years ago
My bed ! 😇 Movie Addict😳🎬@BeyondParadiseMovie in Cannes Marché du Film. The mostly weekly trade magazines all publish Cannes special editions DAILY! To cover about a hundred films in various competitions + 1000’s from 💕World Cinéma 🙌 #festivaldecannes #cannes2018 #cannesfilmfestival #marchedufilm #cannesfestivalducinema #cannes18 #producersnetwork #worldcinema #producers #cinando #cinephile ♥️ #worldcinema #filmbuff #moviebuff #movieaddict @cardinalxdmedia 👍 (at Cannes Film Festival France)
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catiandmikegonzalezfilms · 7 years ago
If you're in Santa Monica for the American Film Market, stop by @indierights at Loew's (booth #727) and ask Linda about our Film 'Ekaj'
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entrepalabrasmx · 3 years ago
La Comisión de Filmaciones de Guanajuato es ente fundamental en la estrategia de promoción del destino
Las Comisiones Fílmicas apoyan a los productores durante su estadía en los destinos mexicanos
La CFGTO es marca registrada ante el Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI) y es 1 de los 7 miembros del comité “Board Red Mex 2020”
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La Comisión de Filmaciones del estado de Guanajuato (CFGTO), organismo a cargo de la Secretaría de Turismo, se ha convertido en un ente fundamental en la estrategia de promoción para el destino y en un importante enlace de coordinación para la industria cinematográfica y audiovisual nacional e internacional.
A fin de continuar posicionando a la entidad en la “pantalla grande”, Eduardo Aburto Garduño, comisionado de la CFGTO, participó en la “9na. Reunión Nacional Comisiones Fílmicas” con el lema de este año “Impulsando la Industria Audiovisual en México”, evento organizado por la Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno de México, a través del Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (Imcine) y la Comisión Mexicana de Filmaciones (Comefilm).
Esta reunión presencial, que siguió los protocolos para el cuidado de la salud y en apego a los semáforos epidemiológicos, del 8 al 11 de septiembre en el estado de Jalisco, conjuntó estrategias para promover las diversas iniciativas de producción cinematográfica y audiovisual como parte de los programas destinados al fomento y desarrollo de la industria en México, así como a la profesionalización del sector.
La CFGTO, marca registrada ante el Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI), es 1 de los 7 miembros del comité “Board Red Mex 2020” que representan a las 34 Comisiones Fílmicas del país; todos ellos responden a las crecientes necesidades de dicho mercado.
Las Comisiones Fílmicas apoyan a los productores durante su estadía en los destinos mexicanos. Sin fines lucrativos, los comisionados son enlace con el gobierno local para facilitar el apoyo con la policía municipal, con los departamentos de carreteras y autopistas, además les facilitan información turística, sobre todo de locaciones. Gracias a ello, las filmaciones en el lugar tienen éxito.
Además, la CFGTO es miembro de “Latin American Film Commission Network”, la inclusión a esta Red, como Comisión Fílmica Regional que es Guanajuato work, “nos acerca y nos permite tener alianzas en Latinoamérica, como la de NETFLIX Latinoamérica”, señaló Aburto Garduño.
Guanajuato también está registrado en LatAm Cinema, portal especializado en la industria del cine latinoamericano; y es miembro de CINANDO, principal red que ofrece a los profesionales las mejores herramientas para navegar en la industria del cine.
Entendiendo las necesidades de las producciones, la CFGTO creó el sitio web www.comisionfilmgto.com y https://www.registroestataldeturismo.com/consulta/ en donde se encuentra todo lo relacionado para dar atención, información y facilitación de como filmar en Guanajuato.
Y creó el “Directorio de Productores, Proveedores y Locaciones 2020”, -solo 4 estados tienen este directorio: Ciudad de México, Guanajuato, Jalisco y Nuevo León- Único en su tipo que contiene los servicios que requieren y demandan las producciones, además de información precisa a cerca de disponibilidad hotelera, tablas de distancias en tiempos y kilómetros, conexiones aéreas, datos turísticos e históricos, servicios de emergencias e imágenes de las locaciones del estado.
Este se encuentra en formato descargable para todo público:  https://comisionfilmgto.com/normatividad/Directorio_Cinematogr%c3%a1fico_CFGTO.pdf
La Comisión de Filmaciones hace que la industria cinematográfica y audiovisual Viva Grandes Historias en el estado de Guanajuato
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fromthe3rdstory · 5 years ago
Homeless at Christmas currently viewable on Cinando
Homeless at Christmas currently viewable on Cinando
James English‘s documentary on Homelessness is currently available to registered attendees of the Cannes Market to watch on Cinando so that you can watch it during or after the festival.
The Scottish filmmaker spent a week onthe streets of Glasgow meeting the homeless and those that give their time to support them at this difficult time of year.
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ireneguo-blog · 8 years ago
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Beijing Vasoon Animation Co., Ltd. is one of most historical private animation company in China, which was founded in 1992. The company has more than 150 professionals, production and distribution of a variety of animation and entertainment products. In addition, base on the richness of Chinese cultural, Vasoon Animation company creates many unique works, which are both outwardly dazzling and imaginatively exciting because of the inventive thoughts of its innovative talents (Cinando. 2017). 
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However, from the research of Sina Weibo that is the famous platform in Asia as well as Facebook that is a famous platform in global can see that only a handful of people are concerned about Vasoon Animation. Although it 's hard to make technical production for comics, Vasson uses efficient and convenient technology to solve these problems (Adobe Systems Incorporated 2013). However, the promotion of their products are not very well that led to the awareness of this company is not high and the product can not be sold. For example, KUIBA is a well-produced and good reputation animation, but its box office is very low. For this animation, the biggest issue is publicity and promotion. From 2008 to 2011, the whole team pays all of their attention in the creation of "KUIBA 1", and continued to improve until the last moment on the release of the film and they do not realise to use the power of Distribution Company to promote their products. Particularly in recent years, many foreign animations in China by the high degree of concern and welcome, led to some of the domestic works, which may have spent many years to update the script and improve the technology, but so far the box office still far less than foreign competitors. Evenly, when the film released, product mangers go directly took to the streets to promote with passerby and ask them to enter the theatre to watch to the final box office 3.5 million. Furthermore, “ KUIBA 2” and “KUIBA 3” both do not have high box office due to the show times. However, for the cinema, Chinese animation in the domestic can not attract the attention of the crowd, in contrast, many foreign animations in China before the premiere carried out a great publicity to attract the audience's interest. Therefore, they will be based on the expected box office to arrange the show time, which can get the maximum profit. So “KUIBA” is an animation film without high anticipated box office will not be arranged to a good show time (Xinlei 2011). Consequently, Vasoon should build its own social media strategy to achieve customers and understand competitors to improve their competitiveness. Because a social media strategy determine how the company utilise social media to achieve its communication objectives as well as support platforms and tools that will be used to achieve this goal. Furthermore, failure to actively participate in social media may lose most of the customers because they do not understand real-time conversations that can not satisfy the demand of other related businesses and customers, as well as can not effectively manage the brand online to increase visibility and can not ensure that the target customer can get the message which will hands the advantage to competitors (Gurd 2017). Moreover, Base the evolution of web 2.0, the Information sharing rate is getting higher and higher, and an enhanced disseminate of instruments such as blogs, social networks and media platforms. Web 2.0 provide a set of dynamic facilities that allow people to open interlocution, participation, co-creation, crowdsourcing, and help improve communication from businesses to others (The University of Edinburgh 2016).
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From the statistic of social media users from 2010 to 2016 with conjecture 2020, illustrate there are 2.34 billion social media users in the world in 2016 and it still showing a rising trend (The Statistics Portal 2017).  Therefore, use social media to promote Vasoon Animation Company will increase the awareness of the company and product sales.
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emmywinnercriss · 8 years ago
What do you do at the Marché?
If you're a producer or a filmmaker, "you come here to meet agents, distributors, and financiers," said Espenant. "Everybody comes here to try to make deals, sell their movies, or make appointments."
Before arriving in Cannes, every market participant gains access to Cinando, the largest professional database of the film industry. The Marché operates this online platform, which contains participants' contact information, lists of projects in development, market screening schedules, and available screeners. Through Cinando, you can reach out to your target contacts and schedule meetings long before the festival begins.
"When people come here, they're serious about doing business," Espenant explained. "They're serious about their craft. It's not like people come here and just show up. By the time you get here, you mean business."
That sentiment is evident from even the most casual stroll through the marketplace. Wheeling and dealing is omnipresent; stop and talk to someone for merely five minutes before they have to excuse themselves to rush off to a meeting.
Much more at the link
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n3actes · 7 years ago
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Cine Paris on Cinando--Cinando is an online database resource for film buyers and filmmakers...#film #filmmaker #indiefilm #brandingforactors #cinando
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markashtonlund · 6 years ago
One Sheet
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In the entertainment industry it is the “one sheet” that advertises and promotes a film. In an instant the release of a one sheet sets the tone for a film that could be weeks, months or years from release. It is a form of media that should be carefully thought out. While it’s impossible to convey the entire story in a film poster, it should at least project a certain atmosphere.
When I was in…
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beyondparadisemovie · 7 years ago
My bed ! 😇 Movie Addict😳🎬@BeyondParadiseMovie in Cannes Marché du Film. The mostly weekly trade magazines all publish Cannes special editions DAILY! To cover about a hundred films in various competitions + 1000’s from 💕World Cinéma 🙌 #festivaldecannes #cannes2018 #cannesfilmfestival #marchedufilm #cannesfestivalducinema #cannes18 #producersnetwork #worldcinema #producers #cinando #cinephile ♥️ #worldcinema #filmbuff #moviebuff #movieaddict @cardinalxdmedia 👍 (at Cannes Film Festival France)
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beyondparadisemovie · 7 years ago
My bed ! 😇 Movie Addict😳🎬@BeyondParadiseMovie in Cannes Marché du Film. The mostly weekly trade magazines all publish Cannes special editions DAILY! To cover about a hundred films in various competitions + 1000’s from 💕World Cinéma 🙌 #festivaldecannes #cannes2018 #cannesfilmfestival #marchedufilm #cannesfestivalducinema #cannes18 #producersnetwork #worldcinema #producers #cinando #cinephile ♥️ #worldcinema #filmbuff #moviebuff #movieaddict @cardinalxdmedia 👍 (at Cannes Film Festival France)
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catiandmikegonzalezfilms · 7 years ago
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EKAJ on Cinando... https://cinando.com/en/Film/ekaj_283256/Detail
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ireneguo-blog · 8 years ago
Reference List:
Adobe Systems Incorporated. 2013. “Vasoon Animation Offers a Visual Feast.” Accessed June 1, 2017. http://wwwimages.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/hk_en/casestudies/customershowcase/pdfs/20130604_Adobe_Vasoon%20Animation_en.pdf
Cinando. 2017. “VASOON ANIMATION CO.,LTD.” Accessed June 1, 2017. https://cinando.com/en/Company/vasoon_animation_coltd_20611/Detail
Gurd. 2017. “6 reasons why you need a social media.” Accessed June 1, 2017. strategyhttp://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/social-media-strategy/social-media-strategy-planning-essentials-6-reasons-need-social-media-strategy/
Nield. 2014. “How to get all of your social media updates in one place.” Accessed June 1, 2017. https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2014/10/how-to-get-all-of-your-social-media-updates-in-one-place/
Sokolovka. 2016. “Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Buying Behavior.” Accessed June 1, 2017. http://www.guided-selling.org/impact-of-celebrity-endorsement-on-consumer-buying-behavior/
The Statistics Portal. 2017. “Number of social media users worldwide from 2010 to 2020 (in billions).” Accessed June 1, 2017. https://www.statista.com/statistics/278414/number-of-worldwide-social-network-users/
The University of Edinburgh. 2016. “Why social media is important for businesses.” Accessed June 1, 2017. http://www.summerschool.ed.ac.uk/content/social-media-businesses
What’s on Weibo. 2015. “An Introduction to Sina Weibo: Background and Status Quo.” Accessed June 1, 2017. http://www.whatsonweibo.com/sinaweibo/
Xinlei. 2011. “Chinese cartoon "Kuiba" fails to attract audience.” Accessed June 1, 2017. http://en.chinaculture.org/focus/focus/2011dmyx/2011-08/03/content_421582.htm
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markashtonlund · 6 years ago
The Countdown
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In First Signal an alien signal is detected.
Since I registered for AFM (American Film Market) it has been a whirlwind of activity. From setting up personal and film profiles on MyAFM and Cinando to arranging meetings in advance, there seems to be no shortage of things to do as I prepare to leave for Los Angeles on November 1.
The one thing I’m looking forward to is learning something new. In an…
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beyondparadisemovie · 7 years ago
My bed ! 😇 Movie Addict😳🎬@BeyondParadiseMovie in Cannes Marché du Film. The mostly weekly trade magazines all publish Cannes special editions DAILY! To cover about a hundred films in various competitions + 1000’s from 💕World Cinéma 🙌 #festivaldecannes #cannes2018 #cannesfilmfestival #marchedufilm #cannesfestivalducinema #cannes18 #producersnetwork #worldcinema #producers #cinando #cinephile ♥️ #worldcinema #filmbuff #moviebuff #movieaddict @cardinalxdmedia 👍 (at Cannes Film Festival France)
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