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geekpopnews · 10 months ago
A Semente Do Mal | Terror tem data de estreia antecipada
A estreia de "A Semente Do Mal" foi antecipada!! Veja o trailer e saiba quando o filme chegará aos cinemas! #terror #asementedomal
A Imagem Filmes divulgou trailer e nova data de estreia de “A Semente Do Mal”, filme de terror protagonizado por Brigette Lundy-Paine. A produção chega nos cinemas em 13 de junho. Veja o trailer: No trailer podemos perceber momentos bastantes tensos repletos de mistérios. De acordo com a sinopse, ao lado de sua namorada (Brigette Lundy-Paine), Edward (Carloto Cotta) decide desvendar os…
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virag-creations · 2 years ago
Digital diary 2023.08.20.
Dear diary, today I argued with my mom. Me and my dad went to the cinema to see Blue Beetle. The movie was super, Jaime's Nana was fun, and the action was creative. The only problem with the film was the flashing lights. 9/10
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444names · 1 month ago
Names generated from proper star names and common herbs
Acham Achibah Achives Acraba Acracrux Adfak Adrux Alado Alaecrum Alafards Alathah Albah Alchashamon Alcheetnar Alchek Aldah Aldembura Alderra Aldha Aldhamalimal Aldhibar Aldhilla Alduhr Aleaf Aleaffi Alecca Alemonmyrtan Alfaffiram Alhab Alhadroot Alhaurmat Alheetaisim Alhellweet Alherka Aliam Alicorik Aliper Aljih Alkal Alkalnam Alkulaschius Alkuma Allow Almata Almulah Alnam Alnaosubeno Alnastara Alnavijasper Alniskesa Alphelip Alpher Alraf Alrak Alram Alsaffi Alscher Alshair Alshelley Alsumalsch Altakarda Altanib Altay Alter Alwaingalla Alyar Alybah Alzibahaf Alzim Andarli Ander Anfloweenkab Aniganget Aningenki Anlessoliget Anpepper Antrus Arjoro Aryseediska Ashah Ashir Ashlemont Asinchez Askennasafir Asleminassat Asmah Assorpe Astauva Aster Astrabath Attonek Auluak Aulue Aveseratrim Avoros Azhar Azhark Azibah Azminga Azoteiada Bacheavias Balas Baldo Barak Basiaph Basserra Benaniperter Benara Bench Beneminava Benessinev Benugrux Blueflowhela Blumiraird Blura Bolah Borpe Borrope Botenke Bothfar Calchirote Calla Canisa Canna Capery Caphasl Carab Casadla Castid Catracintros Celgel Cella Cellsh Celpan Cepaph Chalphauva Chbah Chenellant Cheniphira Chercregubra Cherrak Chiba Chice Chillux Ciander Ciaspic Cicock Cinam Clamintri Clanis Clotena Cloveschubra Clower Coche Cornekka Cornele Corry Cosuhr Cosula Coxime Cubenkib Cudarah Culah Cumidubbanek Curnebela Cyoni Demonmyrtar Denange Denhabi Derak Deria Diannekkab Dilova Diperhely Dirak Disterf Dunke Dunkisabitay Dusegraz Ellova Ellshil Ellus Elniba Erabas Ergreshacrus
Ferazard Fiada Filoweed Finkenavegor Foeds Furan Furmalge Furra Furragolim Furria Gacuram Galba Galger Galshives Galtenhak Gassilder Gastradlara Gelphib Giamirf Giebatabi Gieboth Giebothea Giene Gienebah Gingres Gireserry Gonbah Gorawayen Gorradla Grabi Graidus Grasiakra Greetniphda Gresh Hadburuch Halnih Harka Heion Herah Hoetwood Holpheis Homse Homsemon Horas Huakrail Hyadraid Hydro Hydrux Hymegon Hymein Hymen Hymerrawat Izalbah Jasalhaltak Jidhaib Jidirka Kadilad Kelemom Kellanib Klessascha Kocicheianle Kokange Kokuramah Korga Ksollary Ksolyadan Ksoraz Kularkasilla Kurnebol Leacheed Leafarf Leafoedaldus Leara Leathfatz Leccassalha Leiadhil Lemonmyrme Lesseeiot Linaosminih Linepe Lionebsuhr Maceppers Macia Macra Macuruffard Makiskenkar Mamah Markamuphent Mebal Mechim Meduberaf Meflot Megied Megien Meley Meneb Menebsuud Merant Mergoleaf Mergret Merreze Metlamse Miadat Mianfloweze Miangeus Mianita Mimek Minat Minder Minev Mingra Minteram Mirageus Miranock Miricene Mirkasaf Mupha Muphrium Muria Murzam Muthyadah Nasaddyheaff Naveneser Nebatik Nellatles Nellower Neluseginas Neppersl Nepperum Nisceleafin Nubike Nugra Nugrux Nukab Nustero Okalk Okura Orasaf Oreed Ornetergac Orpepow Orsakibalkaa Padaricher Padilanch Padla Panfloweion Pange Paniah Pareeteid Pearminch Peppe Perbenasiata Peroweed Phalus Phercrux Phimalcynock Plangedar Powhekab Powhez Prian Prosturux Proweed Pulam Ramincher Rassint Rothfaf Ruffropus Rukbath Rumalias Sadam Sadhmeno Sadilingach Sadla Safarkanleaf Safat Safflowheron Safraniga Sagon Salhai Sarjor Sartentrium Satange Scellandemon Schbalha Scherma Schib Schibar Seediper Seekai Shabia Shabir Shiraph Shleavoca Shles Sicos Sillin Sillsurne Soldalbi Solphary Spicchelint Spicorry Stalk Starkaib Stica Storidi Strix Suhria Sulkum Suramark Sweekkab Swerb Tabaltarka Tainaos Taipus Terasin Tercrega Thach Thafias Therbelem Thymela Tulandecra Turak Vangera Veschemosut Veschibalam Viamir Vijavager Vioram Wacreekka Waintra Watik Weeda Weedamonbant Werid Wezellovesaf Wezenfloven Wilduhr Wiliphereo Willa Wilphelerher Wingreb Woodr Worilluak Zallik Zanetamalbik Zarma Zauthfalatz Zavia Zosar Zotarastmak Zubebper Zubechbi Zubellaf Zubeneba Zubens Zuber Zuberat Zubih Zubik
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myimaginarywonderland · 8 months ago
Who is this F1 film for?
It's not for F1 fans. It can't be for motorracing fans in general.
It surely isn't for F1 curious people because it so far actually seemingly has done nothing to awaken interest in F1. It also does not tell you anything about F1 at all seemingly from the teaser other than throw some big names around.
It isn't for casual movie enjoyers because it is just another bland racing movie.
It certainly isn't for ciname lovers because it is filmed horribly and already making me realise how bad it is just from a teaser.
It isn't for fans of actors because most people don't rate Brad Pitt high and I haven't heard of any other active popular-ish actor being in it. Sure the actors that are in it might have some fanbase but there isn't a big enough name to get even the money it cost back.
It isn't a family movie because racing means there will be crashes/accidents which you can't let anyone under maybe 12 see.
It isn't of interest to any particular genre enjoyers because it doesn't fit into an average genre.
It isn't for people that want a story told because that story has already been told in some ways almost exactly like that just a few years ago and that attempt was much better. Also from that teaser I would have no idea what the actual plot is.
Like who is actually the target audience for this?
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normalbrothers · 11 months ago
6, 14, 27?? <3
6. most hated song in your native language?
given that we have this great musical genre called schlager it's hard to narrow it down to just one song tbh though if you're drunk enough at your grandma's birthday party you are going to holler along anyway. some other genre that emerged in recent years is like, "german poet pop" or however they call it; whoever sort of falls under the bracket ... hatred. flames on the side of my face
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
oh absolutely. especially anything before the 2000s; if you go further back you have to make a division between the gdr and west germany though. the ciname of today is a bit of a hit and miss, there are some real great movies being made, but also some trash of a specific aggravating manner (the til schweiger sort of comedy. die.)
i'm not too sure about tv though, and i'm generally not a show person; i don't think i've ever really been invested in a german tv series lol there's probably some good stuff there though ... wait no i liked rainer werner fassbinder's berlin alexanderplatz ...
favourite national celebrity?
idk these people. WAIT. sandra hüller, give it up for sandra hüller!!!!!!!!!! ossi rep in hollywood! (makes her an international celebrity though, i reckon)
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abr · 2 years ago
E due (colossi), nello spazio di una settimana. Prima hanno esportato il covid, ora ci riprovano col crollo dei mercati finanziari ?
Cetero censeo Cinam esse delendam.
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cbros5 · 2 years ago
Youtube host Accented Cinema looks Thai actress Yanin "Jeeja" Vismitananda, the star of the action film ''Film/{{Chocolate}}'', one of the few action movies with an autistic protagonist. Accented Ciname also looks at why Vismitananda didn't quite take off, while examining the film three perspectives: action film fans, female viewers and neuro-diverse individuals.
@hellyeahheroes @positively--speculative
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ignemia · 1 year ago
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Come back from ciname, watched Dune part 2, and find my tv on the ground, pick it up and it looks like this.
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lily-on-the-fence · 2 years ago
Why I love Star Trek TNG
so, I'm having dinner just me and my mum and we need to watch something light and cool, so I put on a random episode of Star Trek TNG, which we both like very much. I randomly go to season 5 (cause the earlier seasons can be a bit hit or miss), close my eyes and click on a random episode.
episode 17: The Outcast
now I don't know what serendipitous higher power is pulling the strings but that just happens to be the trans/gay rights episode. It was lovely and I loved it and it's so much more relevant than anything coming out on TV/ciname nowadays imo. Like, Nimona and Spider-verse are subtle compared to this episode. It goes all out and I highly recommend it!
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virag-creations · 1 year ago
Digital diary 2023.12.01.
I had plans for today but, my dad called to go see a movie with him and my uncle and aunt. My aunt and uncle drove us there. In the car I findout both of my aunt and uncle is homophobic. In the ciname we watched Wish. I already watched in english but in my own language it was a bit better but, not my much. We went shoe shopping for my aunt. I eat a waffle with punch and raspberry whipcream. I became sleepy for a bit because, I didn't ate much. I bought a pastry and ate it. (I'm usually a bit crabby). So, I stepped away from my relatives because, I watched my dad going to the pharmacy and to think. My relatives were a bit angry at me for being rude but, didn't care. I just wanted to go home. Now, I'm going to study math because, tomorrow we have a math exam.
Feeling: A bit sleepy
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sawtellaustralia · 2 years ago
Tidy Villa Available NOW!
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60s-heartshaped-chevrolet · 4 years ago
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Moon Over Miami (1941)
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g-artx · 4 years ago
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Apostle - 2018
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smeccea · 5 years ago
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16s---stills · 5 years ago
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Buffalo ‘66 | Vincent Gallo (1998)
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moodboardmix · 3 years ago
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Jean-Paul Belmondo (April 9, 1933 - September 6, 2021)
“Bébel” as a young former boxer and knockabout was thrust into international art-house stardom by Jean-Luc Godard's “Breathless” (1960) and became a major box office draw in all kinds of films.
“The Magnifique” was the personification of the Old World's infatuation with the New, his character's Humphrey Bogart fixation (the cigarette, the trilby, the tie, the rumpled nonchalance) expressing all our sophomoric crushes on American pop culture and style, as well as the Nouvelle Vague's obsession with pulp.
Born in 1933 he his the son of sculptor Paul Belmondo. After contracting tuberculosis, he became interested in performing, and applied to the elite National Academy of Dramatic Arts, eventually gaining a place in 1952.
After graduation, Belmondo began acting in the theatre, appearing in plays by Anouilh, Feydeau and George Bernard Shaw. He also secured a string of small film roles: in one of them, Marc Allegret’s 1958 comedy Un Drôle de Dimanche, he was spotted by Godard who was then still a critic at Cahiers du Cinéma. Godard cast him in a 12-minute short, Charlotte and Her Boyfriend – billed as “a homage to Cocteau”.
The success of Breathless catapulted him into the limelight and he quickly became an international star, appearing in Peter Brook’s adaptation of Moderato Cantabile and playing opposite Sophia Loren in Two Women, from Italian director Vittorio De Sica.
But he preferred to concentrate on French cinema, extending his relationship with Godard with “ A Woman Is a Woman” (196) and developing another with Jean-Pierre Melville. Belmondo played an ambiguous, sexy cleric in Léon Morin (1962), following it up with “Le Doulos” (1963).
He specialised in playing gangsters and low-lives, although he scored a big hit in 1962 with “Cartouche” opposite Claudia Cardinale. “That Man from Rio” – a spy spoof with Françoise Dorléac – was another big hit with director Philippe de Broca.
In 1967-8, Jean-Paul Belmondo returned to work, making films for Truffaut’s “Mississippi Mermaid”, Claude Lelouch’s “Love Is a Funny Thing” and Jacques Deray’s “Borsalino”.
Jean-Paul Belmondo kept up a string of popular hits in into the mid-80s, with comedies, action films and crime dramas, but his output began to slow towards the end of the decade, and he returned to the theatre, performing in “Cyrano de Bergerac” and Jean-Paul Sartre’s “Kean”. 
His highest-profile film role of the 1990s was in Lelouch’s adaptation of “Les Misérables”, while he reunited with Delon in “Une Chance Sur Deux” in 1998.
He did not make any films until 2009’s “A Man and His Dog”, which did not hide the effects of his condition (In 2001, he was hospitalised with a stroke).
He was gifted with athleticism, great likability, masculinity and an extraordinarily expressive face making him an indelible mark in “L'art du cinéma”.
Rest in power !
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