aquagirl1978 · 1 year
More Than Words - Chevalier Michel x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N: Continuing this apparent trend of writing wedding stories based upon gacha cards for the princes
Pairing: Chevalier Michel x Reader
Prompt: wedding gacha card
Tags: fluff
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You stared at yourself in the mirror, the reflection gazing back at you barely recognizable. Who was this person looking back at you, you asked yourself, as you tilted your head, checking to see if this was really you. 
Wrapping an arm around your midsection in a half-hug, you reflected back to how much had changed in the time since you first arrived at the palace in Rhodolite – from being appointed to Belle to selecting the next king, and everything in between and after. 
Who would have predicted that day when you first met Sariel in the bookstore, that not only would you fall in love with one of the princes, but that he would be the next king of Rhodolite? Certainly not you.
Or your love.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t hear the door open and footsteps approach. Familiar arms wrapped clumsily around your waist, pulling you from your reverie.
“Oh…” you gasped when you felt familiar fingers laced in between yours. Without turning to face him, you whispered softly. “You shouldn’t be here. It’s tradition for the groom to not see the bride…”
Chevalier cut your words off with a kiss pressed roughly against your neck. “You should know by now, I give no credence to superstitions.” With his thumb on your chin, he tilted your face to meet his, greeting you with a proper kiss – the kind you would read about in fairy tales, the kind that could steal your breath away, the kind that expressed more than words ever could.
“Then why are you here?” you asked breathlessly after he pulled away.
“When have I ever done anything I didn’t want to?” he smirked, his tone teasing, playful almost, as he left a trail of biting kisses down your neck following the slope of your shoulder.
“Chevalier…” As he reached a particularly sensitive spot, he tightened his arm around your waist as you moaned his name. Back arched, you leaned your head against his warm chest, heat flushing your face. 
“Shhh…” he whispered as he placed a soothing kiss. “I won’t leave any marks,” he added, his teeth gently grazing your skin as he swiped his tongue over your collarbone, sending shivers down your spine.
And as quickly as his torment began, it was over. 
“Your hair, let me fix it.” Removing the jeweled hair clip from your now messy hair, Chevalier brushed your strands, recreating the exact style you were wearing. 
Once he was finished, he turned you to face the mirror. You looked the same you did earlier, but somehow your reflection felt more familiar to you now. Perhaps it was the gorgeous gentleman standing beside you who made you feel complete, more like yourself.
Turning to him, you held his hands in yours. “Thank you,” you whispered, gazing into his eyes.
He looked at you strangely, then laughed. He held your chin in his hand, his gaze turning tender as he spoke to you softly.
“The next time I see you, you’ll be my queen.”
He turned on his heel and walked out the door. You smiled as you touched a finger to your lips, the ghost of his kiss still fresh, your whispered words so soft you almost couldn’t hear them yourself.
“My king.”
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @violettduchess @jet-ivory @bellerose-arcana @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @cilokgoang @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @midnightarxsia @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap
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lorei-writes · 1 year
HC: Insecurities of his lover - Stretch marks - Leon
x f!Reader
Mmm, my titles game is especially strong today, isn't it? Oh well. Screw the title, there's Leon in it and that's more than enough.
Content Warnings: nudity [inexplicit]
He didn't initially realise it may be an issue you deal with. Between chemises, corsets, petticoats, long skirts, high necklines, shawls, and the dim candlelight of your bedroom, it just hadn't come up for the longest time.
It only surface one otherwise uneventful morning, as if by accident.
You usually didn't sleep exposed. On the rare occasions that you did, you'd pull the duvet up to your very chin. Well, your feet had always been truly glacial, so it was more than easy to assume that you were merely cold.
This time, however, Leon caught a glimpse of something else as you hurried to hide below the covers. Perhaps it was because the air was particularly hot that night, or because your skin was still obviously flushed and in dire need of being cooled down. Regardless, he saw it and so it would not leave his mind.
Over the course of the few following days, his efforts focused on finding the cause behind your trouble. Leon didn't want to pressure you, however -- instead, he made sure to show you his affection.
He went out of his way to spend more time with you. You sneaked out of the palace to go eat in the town, had a picnic, cooked together (at which point Leon realised all his early plans strangely revolved around food -- one could say the clarity came to him once he filled his stomach), went out to browse through the local bookshop, milliners'*, all to end each day with a relaxing evening.
How did he manage to get all his work done while you were occupied with your own schedule? Who knows. However, Leon was Leon -- if he set his mind to achieving something, it could be considered done... And this time, regardless of the outcome, he wholeheartedly wished to reassure you.
He didn't ask. He wanted for you to tell him. And you did.
It was a little over a week after he had first noticed something being amiss. In essence, it was a perfect reproduction of that morning. This time, however, you didn't hide from him... not entirely, at the very least.
The both of you lay in bed, you talking and he listening. Leon gently brushed your hair, careful as not to miss even a single whisper of yours. It was hard to share secrets held close to one's heart, he knew.
But he too had things that he wished to say.
"I don't think those marks are ugly, not at all. I've seen them before, but I never knew you were self-conscious about them," Leon confessed once you finished talking. "If anything, they are like paths over your body. I like to follow them."
He drew you closer by the waist, his eyes never leaving yours as the duvet slid down your body. Leon stroked your shoulders, as if fearing you may get cold. Painfully slow in his descent, he had his finger tap at your collarbone before moving further down, to the very edge of a white line that started over your breast.
"Will you let me to... one day?" he asked.
You hugged him tight in reply to his inquiry. Leon understood it quite well... Perhaps it was not yet the day you'd feel good with yourself, but he was certain it'd happen eventually, the duvet reaching up merely to your waist seemingly assuring him about it.
*milliners' -- in this instance I meant to refer to sellers of general accessories (hats, belts, jewellery, etc). The term milliner initially referred to a person producing those, for said meaning to later become narrower and focus strictly on a certain type of hats -- please, assume said shift was yet to occur at the time this headcanon is set in.
Tag List: @cilokgoang @violettduchess @pathogenic @fang-and-feather @tele86
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ikemenlibrary · 2 years
Hi hi Bryn!! For the writing ask, could you please do for 2, 4, 33 & 36? :) have a nice day/night!
ask me some writing asks?
hi eirene! how have you been? it's been a while since we've last chatted! thank you for asking me some questions! i'm currently diving into a Critical Role D&D obsession at the moment and will be spending the rest of my night listening/watching that while I catch up with some things on tumblr <3
2. Anything that you'd like to write but feel like you're unable to?
I would absolutely love to delve into more AU story-type of writing, but I tend to get so stuck when writing those. I feel like my brain doesn't have the capacity to write outside of the actual time and place canon happens in. I know if I push myself, I'd be able to do so, but I just feel like my writing wouldn't be as up to par in an AU rather than the other stuff I tend to write.
4. Do you have any OCs? Do you have a story for them?
I have 3 OC's currently! Only one has a fic written for them so far, and they haven't even made an appearance in the series so I'll keep who it is a secret for now. But, I will give a name for each OC and a little snippet of writing between them and their love interest (just so I don't spoil their reveals later on)!
Lucinda "Lucia" Clary
"You're so.... UGH." She yelled out, her clenched fists shaking. Lucinda turned her body away from the man who helped guide her into this strange world, so different from her own.
"I'm so... Ugh?" He asked, his own fists clenched at his sides. He wanted to reach out and grasp her shoulder, calm her trembling body.
"I can't tell if I want to smack you or kiss you." She said, rearing around, her eyes blazing.
"How about we try both? You can kiss me first and if that doesn't solve what you're feeling, you're more than welcome to slap me."
"This is exactly what I'm talking about! How can you be so calm about this?"
"Ma Chèrie," Comte grasped her hand, bringing it up to his erratically beating chest. "I'm not calm in the slightest."
Grace Elffire
Ray brought up his hand, gently catching the next falling tear with his forefinger. He tapped on her red nose with the same finger before cupping the back of her neck in his palm. “Listen to me,” he started. “You really think nothing you’ve done has impacted anything?”
Grace shrugged, averting her eyes so her cloudy sapphire ones wouldn’t be outshone by his clear emerald. 
“Will anything I ever do amount to anything in the scheme of things?” She asked again, rephrasing her question and bowing her forehead to press against his, her tears dripping on his dark blue jacket.
“Silly,” Ray responded affectionately, waiting for her eyes to meet his own. Much better, that beautiful blue hue shouldn’t be hidden. “Don’t you know that just by coming into my world, you changed everything for the better?”
Scarlett Beaumont
"Doesn't the quiet ever get to you?"
Grace and Isaac were sitting together in his room. Isaac was sitting at his desk, tinkering around with a new experiment he had been working on. Scarlett was sitting on his bed, taking a break from her work and halfway skimming the pages of a book Isaac had sitting near his bedside.
"Hmm?" Isaac looked up, pushing up his protective goggles to the top of his head and Scarlett giggled at the way his normally unruly hair went in every different direction. "No, not really. I like the quiet." He responded, going to pull his goggles back onto his nose. He paused just before, noting the twist of Scarlett's lip, something he picked up as a sign of her annoyance. "Why do you ask?"
"Sometimes, the quiet drives me mad," Scarlett noted. Isaac put down his tools, going to join her on his bed.
Isaac took her smaller hand in his own. He wasn't sure what to say to console her, he didn't relate to what she said and it was hard to picture how she was feeling. So, he said the only thing that came to his head. "When I sit in quiet with you, it brings me the most peace I've felt in eternity."
33. Give your writing a compliment.
I do generally believe I'm a good writer. I really like my descriptions, and I like the way I write character interactions!
36. How do you come up with fic titles? What's the one you're most proud of?
I am absolutely awful at coming up with fic titles. that is one of the biggest things that hold me back from posting fics. I have things written, they're just not titled and they don't feel complete without a title. maybe one day I'll discover a niche for fic titling, but today will not be that day.
I am really proud of my series titled In Your Veins. It's a series and the title doesn't make complete sense, but it'll become to make sense later on in the series!
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atelier-maroron · 3 years
Heyyy waffle Silvio—errrm I mean Atelier! May I request Kenshin Bun for six fanart? ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
Hello~~ Thank you for the request :)
But uh... Kenshin as a bunny or Kenshin with a hairbun? ^^;
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cilokmantul · 4 years
PROMO,call/wa 0857-9825-1180,Cilok Isi Keju Magelang Deskripsi
PROMO,Cilok Isi Rasa Kacang,Cilok Isi Rasa Pedas,Cilok Isi Rasa keju
Cilok Isi Mantul Kp rancamanyar rt 02/rw 12 des.Margamukti kec.pangalengan
Info pemesanan : Ibu Nur Call/wa 0857-9821-1180 (Im3) Ig : _cilokmantull
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Chev, Jean, Silvio
Hello! Long-time-no-see! Hope you are well~
The only thing I haven't done to Chev yet is serenade him, and I know the moment I open my mouth as I waffle around on a medieval lute, Chev will utter in his teeth-gritting mind the strongest, most bold, most italicized "愚鈍 / simpleton" of his entire career.
I wish to sing the Narwhal song to him.
I really want to rob Jean! No hear me out. It would be a cutesy robbery. Jean's the type of man who writes his name super-big on his belongings so no one makes any mistake, non? So a box of marorons is no exception to this, and it would be fun to pretend to take them and see him get hangry.
(I also think it would be fun to be robbed of freshly-made marorons by caper!Jean. Imagine his cute, guilt-ridden face when he gets caught maroron-handed ><)
Which leaves the biting for a certain Mr. S. Ricci. I honestly wouldn't attempt this without his full consent, given his reservations about receiving physical contact. But if he ever gave it, if he was 10000% sure, then my bites are his : )
Rob: Jean, but cutely Bite: Silvio, but sweetly Serenade: Chev, but meanly
Thank you for the ask!
▶▶ Send me 3 names (Ikepri or Ikevamp) for rob-bite-serenade ^^
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lordsisterxotome · 3 years
Hi! How are u doing? Idk if ur taking requests but if so could u do a sort of ‘Another’ Napoleon story with Arthur instead please?
Why, yes I can! Sorry it took me forever, but you know! Real life (uni exams) calls! Hope you enjoy it anyway, dearest!💕
Moon and Stars (Arthur Conan Doyle x Reader)
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Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Arthur Conan Doyle x Reader 
Warning: Smut, Minors DNI!!!🔞 Oral sex (female receiving) | Dirty talk | Breeding kink | Vaginal penetration | Creampie/unprotected sex
Intended Audience: Female Audience
Word Count: 3,515
Ko-fi: Click here to support me on ko-fi!<3
Disclaimer: I do not own Ikemen Vampire or any of its characters. All of that goodness is the property of Cybird. I do, however, own the plot of this fanfic. Please do not repost this on any other website.
Tag list: @yesmarsx @nad-zeta @kisara-16 @cheese-ception @cailann @vespeshadowmoon @ravenarld @juminly @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @otomefoxystar @otome-scribbles @lucyw260 @milimontero @wonderwrench @kpop-and-otome @queengiuliettafirstlady @cilokgoang @kiwibaekie @ikesimp100 @niphredil-14 @psychoangelinmydreams @nipple-s0shi @jamleon @sadshaxk @i-am-totally-a-weirdo @ikehoe  @minsuwu @arigallesi @tinyxhalo @talayafollowingstuff @otome-and-fanfiction
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       The betrayal left you utterly shattered, jaw hanging open as you stared down at the little demon giggling in your arms. Your husband shared a similar expression to your own with the exception of the fact that his lips curled up at the edges in the beginnings of a massive smile, soft, breathless laughs puncturing the silence as the toddler squealed harder at her parents’ dumbstruck expressions.
       After nine hard months of pregnancy, of feeding this child from your own body, what was her first word? Nothing other than “dada.”
       “What am I? Chopped liver?” you sighed to yourself as you settled little Alice into her crib that night, taking a moment to lean your chin in your hand and contemplate what you and Arthur had brought into this world. She was only a year old and already she had brought so much joy into the lives of the people around her. Dark blue curls framed cherubic cheeks, eyelids closed over what you knew to be bright, curious blue eyes. While she had inherited her father’s coloring, the shape of her face was entirely yours, tiny features mimicking the curve of your nose, your jaw. Chubby little limbs stuck out at all angles as she slept, the peace of her slumber at odds with the way she’d kept you and Arthur up at all hours of the night when she’d first been born.
       Given the fact that your husband was prone to all-nighters with his writing, it wasn’t unusual to see him cradling her while he wrote or went down to the kitchen for another cup of coffee, leaving you to catch some much-needed rest before she needed to be fed again.
       Of course, the other residents of the mansion had reacted to the news of your pregnancy with differing levels of excitement, but absolute support. It had surprised you at first, given that they were men who hadn’t grown up in the most forward-thinking of time periods, but it only made you that much more appreciative. Le Comte in particular had formed a special bond with the infant, often taking her for walks in the garden or reading to her in the library in order to allow you and your husband a moment alone. Theo, who’d put on a show of faux reluctance upon being named godfather, had affectionately started referring to her as “pup,” a nickname that never failed to elicit a stream of laughter from the little girl as he pretended to nibble her tiny fingers.
       Already, she had proved herself to be a joyful child, the squealing screech of baby laughter echoing down the halls of the mansion and making it that much more lively. But that meant she cried just as hard as she laughed, breaking your heart whenever she clung to you in one of her bouts of hiccupping sobs, big eyes swimming with tears.
       You couldn’t wait to see how she grew, whose personality she would take after. The world had better look out if it turned out to be her father’s, which it just might be if the incident from earlier was any indication.
       With a last pet to Victoria’s head - the canine refused to leave the nursery whenever the baby was in there - you turned out the lights and shut the door softly behind you. If she woke up in the night, you and Arthur would be able to hear her cry from your room next door.
       Collapsing on the bed in a heap when you entered your shared bedroom, you sighed languidly as you frowned up at the ceiling. Rationally, you knew she was just a baby, that it was a very common first word, but an unreasonable part of you still felt hurt, your skills as a mother insulted.
       “You know you’re a great mum, my love.”
       Another sigh passed your lips, head rolling to stare at Arthur where he sat at his desk, leaning over the back of his chair. You frowned harder at the mirthful smirk on your husband’s lips but already what hurt you still felt was disappearing. Chuckling, he removed his glasses and folded them before rising to join you.
       “I only built her in my womb and gave birth to her. No biggy,” you muttered as he flopped down onto the bed beside you, turning you onto your side with a hand on your waist. Leaning forward, he peppered your face with soft pecks, his contagious smile threatening to undo your pout with each sweet smooch.
       “You know…” he drawled, twirling a lock of your hair around his fingers. His forehead settled against yours as he wriggled closer, tangling his legs with yours. “There’s a simple way to remedy this.”
       His smile, hopeful and mischievous, made you raise a brow. The big blue eyes your daughter had inherited sparkled back at you, though with an intent far less innocent than she possessed. “Which is…?”
       Arthur’s grip on your waist tightened meaningfully, his other hand reaching down to hoist your thigh over his hip. “We have another,” he murmured, lips a mere hairsbreadth away from your own.
       This wasn’t the first time he had brought this up. Before you’d become pregnant, before you’d even gotten married, the both of you had agreed on wanting children, a family full of warmth and love. Sometimes you caught Arthur drifting off at his desk, a lazy smile on his lips, as he admitted to daydreaming of what could be.
       As such, you didn’t even blink when the proposal of having another baby passed his lips now. On the contrary, the words sent an excited tingle down your spine, a familiar heat already pooling in your lower abdomen. “She will need a playmate,” you drawled in mock contemplation, tucking your leg tighter around his hip.
       His smile broadened in response. “Is that a yes then?”
       Sitting up, the motion of your hips rolled him onto his back, leaving you astride him. You could see the effect the movement had on him, could feel it swelling against your clothed core. “I believe it is, Mr. Doyle.”
       A tender hand cupped your cheek as Arthur sat up and kissed you, all his love and excitement conveyed to you through the hot slide of his smile against yours. The flick of his tongue against your bottom lip had your mouth parting eagerly for him, the slippery appendage wasting no time to tangle with yours as he swallowed each and every one of the sweet moans beginning to emerge from you.
       His hands, sliding languidly down to your hips, guided your movements as you started to move against him. Your skirt, hiked up, left you free to grind your panty-clad heat against the growing bulge in his pants, drawing deep groans from him in return as your fingers worked distractedly at the buttons of his shirt.
       You squeaked when your positions were suddenly reversed, the soft comforter cushioning your tumble as your husband loomed over you. As you gazed up at him, beaming down at you as if you were the most wondrous thing since shooting stars and sliced bread, you felt the same grin stretch your cheeks, lovestruck and so amazingly happy.
       With a quick kiss to your nose, your husband slipped down your body, unbuttoning and unlacing as he went. By the time he reached the edge of the bed, you were well and truly naked, and Arthur sank to his knees, ready to worship at the altar between your legs.
       He took his sweet time smoothing his hands up your bare calves, kissing over the expanse of your thigh. This was more than just a quickie when your little angel was napping or in the care of one of the other residents. He could finally enjoy and pleasure you at his leisure and love you as you deserved, the goddess who’d given him the world.
       Hoisting your legs over his shoulders, he gave you a devilish look, drumming his fingers thoughtfully over the skin of your thigh. “When was the last time I ate you out properly, dove?”
       “Yester-oh!” your snort of the word broke off on a shuddering moan as he licked up your slit, the stroke quick and teasing. Your fingers clawed into the sheets beneath you, back arching, as Arthur wasted not another moment to shove his face into your glistening folds. Now that he’d gotten a taste of you, he couldn’t help himself.
       “Arthur!” you gasped, writhing in the face of his hunger. His noisy slurps and groans resounded lewdly in your ears, sending hot curls of warmth through your nethers.
       True, it had been just yesterday that he’d prowled up on you while you were dusting in the library. Your darling husband had nearly given you a heart attack before making it up to you on his knees, leaving you grasping one of the ladders for stability. Even so, he would never pass up the opportunity to bring you to completion with his mouth, untiring of the taste of your nectar on his tongue and ultimately turning him into a pussy-drunk fool of a man. Forever, he would desire you, even when you were both old and gray.
       Arthur’s grip on the tops of your thighs shifted in slow circles, massaging as his mouth attached to your clit. “Ah!” Your eyes fluttered shut, toes curling as his tongue slipped inside of you, pleasure spasming up your spine. His nose continued to brush your engorged bud with each eager lap, and your legs trembled on either side of his head, threatening to close around him.
       Skilled in the art of making love to you, Arthur knew exactly where and what would make you feel the best, teasing you closer and closer to that blessed peak. His mouth and chin dripped with your arousal, blue eyes blown wide as they moved lazily between your lustful expression and weeping pussy. The throb of his cock in his trousers ached particularly painfully tonight as thoughts of breeding another child into you awakened the primal part of his brain.
       “Wait!” you cried, tears blurring the edges of your vision. “Arthur, wait, I’m going to-!” Teeth joined the fray of lips and tongue in their quest to bring you to your climax, spurred on by your half-minded coos and moans. When his fangs grazed the swollen, sensitive petals or your cunt, it was all you could do to turn your face into the pillow, biting down on your bottom lip as your orgasm wracked your form. All that filled your lover’s mind was your satisfaction, catering to the pride and love that swelled in his chest to have you as his woman and to be able to make you feel as no other ever could.
       Breasts heaved with each pant, fingers gone limp and nerves left pleasantly fuzzy. Arthur drank up your release like a starving man, half-lidded eyes focused on your fluttering pussy as his tongue flicked over your folds, thirsty for every last drop. Your soft call of his name tore him away from your sopping heat. With a last kiss to your inner thigh, he sat back on his haunches to stare up at you with the unabashed adoration of a worshiper, fumbling at his shirt and trousers.
       Your arms lifted of their own accord to embrace him, his equally bare body sinking against yours as he kissed across your collarbone and up your throat. One hand settled beside your head, propping him up, as his other smoothed stray hairs away from your cheeks and forehead, caressing the flushed skin in his palm.
       “I haven’t taken it out of you yet, have I?” he chuckled, tickling you with a noisy smooch placed just beneath your ear.
       You responded by locking a leg around his hip and rolling your pelvis into his, unable to help shooting him a smug look when he let out a surprised grunt. The weight of his manhood falling between your legs made you shiver, a delighted sigh passing your lips as your fingers tightened on his back and you ground against him again.
       “You want to kill me, don’t you?” he chuckled against your ear, the sound husky and strained as his hand smoothed down your side to grasp your hip.
       “I want you,” you murmured back, “to put another baby in me.” You giggled when his hips bucked, the tips of his ears turning red as he dropped his face into the crook of your neck. Part of you expected him to sink his fangs into your throat right then and there and you welcomed it, holding your breath as the atmosphere shifted to something primal, something animalistic, humor giving way to hunger.
       Wolfish lips followed the line of your jaw, nibbling at the shell of your ear. His hands roamed up and down your body, exploring every inch he’d already committed to memory before his fingers finally laced with yours. “You want me to fill you up again, dove?” he purred, “Breed you until you're round with my baby?”
       “Yes,” you gasped, arching into him as his cock slid through your slick. The catch of the head against your swollen clit nearly drove you insane, capable of little more than needy little whines as you mewled, “Please, Arthur!”
       The deep blush on his cheeks matched yours, eyes hazy with the smoke of lust and the spark of need. “I’ll give you what you want then.” His hand reached to cup your face, the gesture so precious and sweet, even as his cockhead brushed your entrance, smearing precum across your folds. “I’d give you the moon and stars if I could.”
       Turning your head, you placed a lingering kiss to his palm, smiling when you heard him inhale sharply. “All I want is you, darling.” You watched as his smile took on a bashful edge. “You and our children; my moon and stars.”
       The heat in his eyes deepened, fingers trailing in a whisper over your skin as it slipped between your bodies. You took a shuddering breath as you felt him position himself, heart hammering in your chest. So many times had you made love, and every time the excitement and love would well up to consume you, emptying your thoughts of anything but him. Your free hand grasped Arthur’s upper arm and your lashes fluttered, eyes darting between his face and downwards.
       Swollen lips collided with yours, and the taste of his moan on your tongue only amplified the feeling as he sank himself within your welcoming heat, greedy walls sucking him deeper. Tongues twined in a hot, slippery mess as Arthur explored your mouth with the ferocity of a hurricane. He swallowed each sound you made, every mewl and moan, as his hips began to move, slow yet sharp, before he was pistoning in and out of you, stealing your breath away with each wet squelch of your pussy around his cock.
       His damp forehead pressed against yours as you panted together, the lewd slap of skin against skin and the smell of sex suffusing the air. Legs tangled and locked, yours instinctively wrapping around his waist as Arthur dug in, overcome by the animalistic need to breed.
       “There!” you gasped as he found the sensitive patch deep within you, nails digging into his skin. “Arthur, right there!”
       “There?” You yelped when hands grasped the backs of your thighs, hooking your calves over his shoulders and curling you into a mating press. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?” he growled. “I could barely control myself when you were pregnant, knowing it was me who fucked you nice and full, who put a baby in your belly.”
       Oh, you remembered quite well how much he’d appreciated your pregnant body. Countless nights (and days at that) had been spent making sure you knew how much it aroused him, leaving you a hot, writhing mess beneath his ravenous touch. Truly, if there was one thing you would never doubt, it was your husband’s love-borne lust for you.
       You cried out when the tip of his cock kissed your cervix on a particularly deep thrust, pussy clamping down on him. Tears of pleasure spilled from the corners of your eyes, his grunts fanning over your face as Arthur continued to batter the spot. The slight pain it brought only succeeded in further turning your body to heat and smoke, stars dancing across your damp skin.
       Relying on the weight of his body to hold your legs in place, your husband plowed into your sucking depths without restraint, heavy balls slapping against your ass with each plunge. His body shook with the effort not to simply cum right there and then, to paint your insides white and fuck the cum back inside of you. Not that he wouldn’t do so, but Arthur wanted to feel you climax again first, wanted to know how good he was making you feel. God, he was reduced to a mere beast, mind vacant of nothing but feeling you tighten around him, that wonderful rush of heat and wetness that triggered his own right to flood your insides with his seed.
       “Arthur!” you gasped, body jolting under the force of his thrusts. Bang, bang, bang, the headboard went against the wall. Combined with the tell-tale squeak of the bed, the squelch of his cock in your pussy, and his growls and your moans, quite the erotic symphony was formed. The roar of pleasure was reaching a fever pitch. Every inch of you felt so sensitive that a single touch might send you over the edge. “I…I’m going to-mmh!”
       Glancing down, the vampire ravaging your pussy nearly lunged to sink his fangs into your neck. The sight of his engorged manhood disappearing and reappearing within your puckered entrance, glistening with arousal and aching with desire, made him all too aware of the delicious liquid rushing through your veins, singing to him. The thread of his control was rapidly fraying, balls aching with the need to cum.
       “Oh god, it feels so good!...My love…” Reaching up, you brushed a strand of dark, wayward hair off Arthur’s sweaty forehead. His face whipped towards your hand, fangs grazing your wrist as he peered down at you through bleary, half-lidded eyes. If you didn’t know any better, you’d have thought him incapable of understanding you, reduced to basic animal instinct. “Don’t stop…please, I need-ah!” You screamed as his fangs finally sank into your flesh, tossing you into the abyss of your orgasm.
       Walls clamping down on his pulsing length, the image of you, heavy with child, imprinted itself in your husband’s mind as your blood filled his mouth and he joined you in climax. Burying himself to the hilt, he unloaded himself against your cervix, the swollen tip flooding your womb with hot spurts of seed.
       Arthur groaned into your flesh, both at the sweet taste of your lifeblood, sharpened by desire, and the twitch of his cock, milked by your loving cunt. Instinct made him rock his hips against you a couple of times for good measure, humping the rest of his release into your core.
       Your legs slipped from his grip and tangled with his as his fangs released you. A languid tongue swiped over the wound, lips touching a kiss to it, before his body slumped atop yours. You purred as his mouth traced over your jaw, your cheek. His cock remained lodged firmly inside you, plugging his cum within your fertile cunt, and a welcome pulse vibrated from the spot where you joined. Your nerves felt wonderfully fuzzy, warmth and satisfaction bringing a lazy smile to your face as you stroked your fingers through your lover’s hair.
       “Clementine if it’s a girl?” came his voice, muffled against your temple as he nuzzled the spot.
       Your eyes fluttered open, turning to blink at him. “Hmm?”
       “And Oliver if it’s a boy?”
       You blinked again, a heartbeat passing, and then the giggles erupted. Throwing your arms around his neck, you rolled him over and kissed him with wild abandon. Smiling against his lips, you murmured, “When I get pregnant again, we have to move out. I don’t think this mansion could withstand two Doyle children.”
       “Anything you want, darling,” he answered, pulling you in for another kiss with a hand on your cheek. “Love nest second though, first…”
       A roll of his hips from under you made you gasp, clinging to his shoulders as a shot of arousal burst through you. Your inner thighs, already sticky from the combined release that had managed to leak out, clenched as you pushed yourself onto his thrust. “Mmm…” A soft moan passed your lips as you continued grinding against him, beginning to work yourself on the dick hardening within your cunt.
       “I’m going to make love to you every day until we’re certain you’re pregnant again,” Arthur growled, the force of his midnight blue gaze sending an excited tremor straight to your core.
       “Best we get to work on that then, huh?”
       “Mmm, best we do.”
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xxsycamore · 2 years
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kyle ash x main character (alice)
rating: E
tags: Strip Tease; Playing Doctor; Hot Weather; Cunnilingus; Squirting; Female Ejaculation; Dirty Talk; a lot of dirty talk; I know Kyle has it in himself
wordcount: 1,228
written for Summer of Smut 3.0 hosted by me and @voltage-vixen
a/n: This is a late start of Summer of Smut for me and a belated Happy Birthday to our favorite army doctor! ❤ I wrote this in the middle of a brain-melting heatwave - apologizes in advance if it makes things worse accidentally to all of you who can relate. Remember to take care and stay cool!
Special tag for @mcofthemansion who made me super happy by expressing her love for last year's SOS fic featuring Kyle! I already had plans of writing Kyle again, but her enthusiasm skyrocketed MY enthusiasm. So this is partly for you, dear Nori! I hope you like it!
Another special tag for @cilokgoang for being a Kyle lover and one of the most supportive people I know. Thank you for always enjoying my works ❤ I hope you like it!
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Alice eyes Kyle in disbelief, his serious gaze seemingly sharpened by his working glasses.
"K-Kyle you pervert, so this is what you were thinking about…"
Alice hesitates, reaching for the buttons of her blouse as per his request nonetheless. To her surprise, the previously unwinding gaze changes as Kyle raises his brows.
"What were you thinking about? I want you to strip because you're clearly overdressed in this hot weather. We don't want you overheating now."
She pauses, her agape lips slowly closing again as she stares at him blankly. So he wasn't the one thinking about this, but rather…
"Hm. Pervert."
Alice gasps in betrayal, not happy at all with how this played out. She hastily buttons her blouse anew, demonstratively aiming for the door. Two arms wrap around her waist from behind before she can leave as she hears Kyle laughing close to hear ear. She lets him pull her into an embrace, his lips kissing a line from her shoulder to her jaw in apology.
"I lied, I'm the pervert. I've been thinking about fucking you all day."
This new surprise shifts the tides inside her differently, this time with a certain shiver running all the way down to her lower belly. His statement is so bold, so filthy… she bites on her lip, imagining him sitting on his desk, beating the boredom by thoughts about her. He rarely talks pure filth in her ears, she can imagine him even slightly blushing behind her, but on the other hand, his desire must be burning so hot as to talk like that.
"Now… as I said, strip. Doctor's orders."
His arms keep their tight hold on her, but now his hands move upward, assisting her on undoing the buttons of her blouse. He can feel her heartbeat as he slides a hand inside her bra, squeezing on her breast.
Alice breathes out in a whimper, gaining her senses after a few seconds of this treatment. She turns around and kisses him fully on, leaving him just as breathless as he did her. She grabs his shoulders, but not simply for purchase - rather, pushing him down until he gets the hint.
Kyle falls to his knees, anticipating her joining him on the floor. Instead, she remains standing, hands moving over her clothes.
"I believe you told me to strip, doctor Ash…"
Taking it slow for the sake of putting a nice show for her boyfriend is one thing, but getting to see this absolutely dirty and flushed expression on his face is definitely a bigger reason for her unhurried ministrations. The blouse falls to the floor before Kyle can state his impatience, and his complains are silenced with the sight of newly exposed for his eyes skin. Because of his earlier groping Alice's bra is pushed up, squeezing her breasts in an erotic display, and Kyle swallows thickly at the sight of Alice turning over and showing Kyle now she unclips her bra. Next time she faces him, the piece of clothing is sliding down her arms, exposing her breasts.
No longer content with the distance between them, she steps closer - still wearing her skirt. It's nothing like the long skirts she normally wears, so she is not sure where his accusation of being "overdressed" came from earlier - it's perhaps even a little too short - because she can easily do what she had in mind.
With Kyle kneeling on the floor, Alice can easily tower over him at an angle that shows everything under her skirt to his eyes. Kyle blushes again.
While that's exactly what Alice wanted to happen, it still feels dirty. Like seeing something that he is not supposed to see. The giggles that rise to surface past his dried lips bear faint nervousness.
"Oh yes, I'm definitely a pervert."
Alice laughs too, her laugher however quite different from his - sultry and content.
"Why? Did you see something interesting, doctor Ash?"
Oh, fuck. This doctor play is a little too effective. He should start to worry about turning out to be the one who gets overheated instead of her.
Alice just continues her act, moving slowly and lasciviously over him, her hands barely grazing the ends of her skirt and releasing them, her legs moving away just before Kyle can catch a taste of the skin of her thighs with his thirsty lips. He remains chasing after a mirage in the desert.
This time her hands reached further underneath, but not simply to provoke him - rather, to hook her thumbs on the hem of her panties on each side and pull them down, peeling them off her wet core that they've been sticking to.
Kyle lets her continue the game just a little longer. Enough for her to get rid of the article, stepping out of it and resuming her position. Then he decides he can't wait anymore.
"Fuck. I'm going to eat you out until your legs can't hold you up anymore."
He pushes his glasses up on top of his head and pulls her in close, her pussy aligning perfectly over his face. His tongue has been craving for a taste of her juices, and he gives into his desire unashamed.
Alice moans out loud his name, her previous boldness thrown out of the window as she sees what she created. His threat is already making her legs weak, she is not sure how to handle the rest of what he has in store for her.
His hot tongue dances between her folds, sucking them into his mouth and purposely neglecting her clit for the time being. He laps at her entrance, feeling it contract around nothing, so deliciously aching for something hot and thick to full it. He sticks his tongue inside, soothing the ache as Alice's needy whimpers turn into moans of pleasure.
The position is purely erotic - with her trembling legs spread over him, Kyle kneeling on the floor and greedily eating her out. Alice grips his shoulders to gain just any sense of stability, and she is fairly sure her nails must be leaving marks even if over his shirt. She feels good, so good being serviced like that, but she can't handle it much longer.
"Kyle…Kyle I'm gonna-"
A certain sensation seizes her, one that makes her subconsciously try and struggle out of his hold, but it's too strong, and before she can warn him-
Kyle hastily snakes a hand to her clit, stroking it with vigor as Alice almost screams his name. Her juices squirt out uncontrollably, soaking his chin and streaming down his exposed cleavage. He keeps stroking her until she gives him everything she has, letting her ride her euphoric orgasm to the point of letting out cries of his name that echo in the room.
Her legs start jolting with the last few strokes, overstimulation taking over orgasmic bliss, and Kyle rubs gently to a stop. Granted, this did make her legs weak to the point of giving out.
Kyle supports her waist as she falls down into his lap, collecting her and soothing her heavy pants with kisses all over. Seeing how red her face is, with stray hairs sticking to the side of it, he smirks as he delicately moves them aside.
"I think it's time for doctor Ash to introduce you to more methods of beating the heat."
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran  @thehappycat123 @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @theuwuisunreal @ravenarld @kyokirigiri-22 @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @trishtori @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou  @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @fun-ghoul-neela @salty-fed-up-bitch  @coornn @cilokgoang​ @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @moonstuck-writing @cilogoang @joy-the-reader let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
Chevalier, hug, 12 💜 please!
Thank you, Violet for this request! Last year for my birthday, I posted some Chevalier fluff, so let's make that an annual tradition.
She is Mine - Chevalier Michel x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N: Part of my New Year, New Celebration event
Pairing: Chevalier Michel x Reader
Prompt: carrying the other one in their arms
Tags: fluff
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“I heard today is a special day, little rabbit.” Gilbert leaned on his cane as he peered at you, head tilted cute like a puppy dog. A puppy dog who happened to be a worldwide disaster, instilling fear in everyone he came in contact with.
Placing your bookmark on your page, you closed the book in your lap. Swallowing your breath, you schooled your expression as you returned the prince’s gaze. “Yes, it is.”
Gilbert took a seat next to you, his chill surrounding you. Uninvited. And a little too close for your comfort. “And what are you doing to celebrate this special day?”
“I have plans,” you replied, purposefully vague.
“Will there be cake? I’ve heard that it is a Rhodolite tradition to have cake on your birthday.” His gloved finger traced your jaw; your body shivered at his touch.
“I like cake,” he whispered.
A breeze blew by; the wind rippled around you, blowing your bangs into your eyes. A shadow loomed above you, its owner having withdrawn his sword, its sharp tip pointed straight at Gilbert’s throat.
"She's mine." His growl was low, ready to bare his fangs. "She is mine."
"Chevalier…" Gilbert smiled at his nemesis, his red eye burning bright. "The little rabbit is my friend -"
Uninterested in what else Gilbert had to say, Chevalier turned and scooped you up, claiming you as his as he heaved you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. 
You sighed, breathing in the scent of fresh-cut roses as you rested your head on his shoulder, finding yourself almost comfortable with this unprincely behavior from your favorite prince. 
Without a word, Chevalier stalked off, his arm hooked around your knees, securing your body close to his chest, presumably taking you to his room where he would further claim you as his. Using your vantage point to your advantage, you lifted your hand in a small wave to Gilbert, whose dark figure appeared to diminish into the background the further you got away.
Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @atelieredux @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @devildomwritersposts @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @violettduchess @jet-ivory @bellerose-arcana @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @cilokgoang @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @midnightarxsia @wordycheeseblob @wendolrea
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lorei-writes · 1 year
HC: Magical Abilities - Clavis
Premise: what type of a magical ability would he have.
Content Warnings: none
Note: Abilities in this AU are innate.
Clavis Lelouch: Wonder Realm
Base premise: Clavis can create an enclosed space by the name of Wonder Realm, and entrap others within it.
Specifics: Wonder Realm does not follow the conventional laws of the universe. Instead, it's governed strictly by what rules Clavis can come up with. It is an imaginary space with a limited (although yet to be defined) capacity that is conjured differently each time. It is impenetrable from the outside, and the only ways to escape out of it are: a. to think: "Clavis Lelouch thought of [...] when creating this realm.", and for the guess to be correct; b. to pass all of Clavis' trials. However, the number of those depends strictly on his whims, so it is not much different from surviving long enough for him to dispel it.
Weakness: The ability is especially flawed against quick-thinking mind-readers. And his insufferable older brother happens to be one, although Clavis is not aware of that much. [Read HC: Magic - Chevalier to learn more.] Of course, it results in him underestimating his own strength. :'')
Wonder Realm is a fairly versatile ability. It can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes, although its applications go past combat situations altogether.
Offensive: Clavis can trap his opponent in it, and have them exhaust themselves through countless trials.
Molten cheese foamed, yellow turning to ecru as bubbles stretched it thin. There was nothing there, but a wide river of abundant camembert, gouda and brie, bushes of blooming breadsticks saluting along banks.
"Clavis Lelouch thought of cheese when creating this realm!" a man shouted. However, the space remained intact, Clavis licking his fingers clean while waiting on the other shore.
"Nu-uh, not even close, my friend. You can take a swim and get to me, or you can eat it dry. Which one is it?"
The man picked a breadstick. Reluctantly, he dipped it into the river of cheese, and began munching on it. Soon enough, he fell asleep.
"What had you believe it'd be a normal sort of cheese, hm? That solves that, haha," Clavis laughed. The realm collapsed with the clap of his hands.
Defensive: Clavis does need to trap anybody in Wonder Realm. Given the fact that it is impenetrable for as long as he is able to sustain it, it can perform as a sort of shield. It is generally not advantageous to use it over long periods of time, but rapidly summoning it and dispelling it can be of use -- especially since the size of it can be manipulated at will.
Other applications: All that being said, Wonder Realm can be applied outside of strict combat situations as well. Clavis does not have to be present within the space to use it, so it's viable as a trap, or a detainment place.
Personal uses: ... However, it can also be used as his personal playground. Of any sort. The realm bends to his will -- he can make you float, he can have the ground be as soft as bed, he can conjure any item (real, or just something he was meaning to design, but has not yet made). He can do anything there. And NOBODY can disturb him (or, well, you) while he's at it.
Other: The thing about Wonder Realm is that, as much as it can seem overpowered, it is not easy to wield. It requires for Clavis to have a wide array of knowledge of all sorts, and to be well-versed in science in particular. He must think fast while also being creative, possibly inventing or otherwise exploring new possibilities each time he casts it. The complexity of the spaces he can conjure is a testimony to both his ingenuity and resilience. It took him a lot of effort to get to that point, but he does not seem to realise not everybody would be capable of doing the same.
+ Additionally, the range and capacity of the space corresponds to his mental state.
Tag List: @cilokgoang @violettduchess @pathogenic @fang-and-feather @tele86
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ikemenlibrary · 3 years
🌷🌼 Send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going! (no pressure <3)🌼🌷
Thank you, love!
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atelier-maroron · 2 years
Hi Atelier! Could you please tag me in the Jean and the Coin series? Thank youuu ☺️
You got it, pal! Thank you so much for tuning in :)
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cilokmantul · 4 years
≥DISKON,call/wa 0857-9825-1180,Cilok Goang Deskripsi TERBARU,Cilok Isi Kentang,Cilok Isi Baso,Cilok goang
Cilok Isi Mantul Kp rancamanyar rt 02/rw 12 des.Margamukti kec.pangalengan
Info pemesanan : Ibu Nur Call/wa 0857-9821-1180 (Im3) Ig : _cilokmantull
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that's just tumblr for you...
hello everyone from my xxsycamore taglist and sorry for spamming you all, i just wanted to say that currently my messages at xxsycamore are unavailable. just like that. the tab disappeared 🤷‍♀️ it happened just after I posted my most recent event in there, which, by the way, again didn't show up in the tags. sometimes i feel like my writing blog is cursed... Ngl, it's kind of discouraging when issues like this occur all the time, especially as I'm fighting writer's block and part of my efforts get hidden. But hell if that's gonna stop me from writing!
Please don't hesitate to turn to me if you have any questions or just to chat - in the dms of this blog! I'm typically slow with replies but i'll do my best to be around!
I'm getting in contact with support so hopefully this will get fixed soon. in the meantime here are some posts that im not even sure if you got notifications for:
-> I'm hosting Napoleon week 2022! Reblogs are appreciated but please, please don't feel obligated to! <3
-> If you're feeling thirsty for Kyle i have the thing for you - freshly written for SOS day 1 (again not showing up in tags :') )
If Kyle is not your thing don't worry - I have a varying selection of characters I plan on writing soon for all your smut needs ❤️
And if you're not interested in the above things then I can offer you some positive vibes and wishes for a nice day, a nice week, i hope you find a reason to smile ❤️ thank you for your attention!
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran  @thehappycat123 @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @theuwuisunreal @ravenarld @kyokirigiri-22 @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @trishtori @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou  @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @fun-ghoul-neela @salty-fed-up-bitch  @coornn @cilokgoang​ @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @moonstuck-writing @cilogoang @joy-the-reader @atelieredux @delicateikemenmemes @gilbertvonobsidian
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deemichaelis · 7 years
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Cilok goang kuah tulang + sayap lapangan Ahmad Yani. Ini lebih enak dari ayam keju kemaren😚 Gw pecinta berat keju, tp dengan harga cuma 20k ini lebih worth to buy. Daging sayap ayamnya lembut dan tetep berasa ayam, tulang mudanya juga ga susah2 amat dikunyah, kuahnya agak berminyak sih tapi enak apalagi ditambah peresan limo. Ciloknya mah biasa, tp ketutupan lah dg rasa kuah dan ayamnya. #cilokgoang #ciloktulang #kulinertangerang
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sketsacafe-blog · 7 years
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------------------------------- Cilok Goang Cilok dengan bumbu goang yang super pedas dan lezat di satukan dalam sajian yang enak radanya demakin mantap, buat kalian kalian yang suka pedas, dan memanjakan lidah nya dengan panas dari goang itu yuk cobain deh gak nyesel kalo udah nyoba, kalo nyesel beritau kami kalo puas beritau teman kerabat atau sodara anda. #foodbandung#food#lapar#pennecarbonara#drink#bandungjuara#bandungpisan#makanenak#infokulinerbandung#kulinerbandung#makanbandung#makanpakereceh#foodnation#makansantai#makanbareng#makansambilkaroke#reuni#gathering#enak#goodfood#soekarnohatta#spicy#eat#cilokgoang#pedas#hot#cilok#taste#bandungcullinary
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