#cillian you beautiful motherfucker
elskiee · 4 months
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you are playing the father of the atomic bomb why the fuck are you wearing huda beauty voluminizing mascara glossier blush in the shade "beam" charlotte tilbury concealer pat mcgrath eyeliner and dior fucking lip oil with clinique black honey lipstick???? cunt
pic: @/cill_i_am on twt
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mrsunderhill678 · 4 years
oH gOd tHe wRiTiNg dEmOnS pOsSeSsEd mE aGaIn!!
“I've lived my whole life in a single mile, no wonder I remain stagnant. Highways littered with broken bones and roadkill, why must death follow me? I am no commander of death, I am just a man, and I fear the stench that wafts around me.” - Houston Cavanfinch
“Am I just a corpse, reanimated again and again to face the same fucking horrors?” - Houston Cavanfinch
“For if life is pain, the past is torture, and the future is a weapon, the only thing that could be peace, is nonexistence.” - Houston Cavanfinch
“Though my soul sinks into darkness, I must realize, again shall it rise at dawn, washed in new light. Though my heart lies heavy in my chest like stone, I have to learn that I can lift that weight if only I breathe.” - Mekhi Winstead
“I've spent my life defending the defenseless, so no one defended me. If you fight for those who can't, you forget to fight for yourself. You raise your gun in the name of another and forget to use it in your darkest hour. Because eventually, when you raise that gun for a thousand names, you forget you have your own.” - Mekhi Winstead
“I refuse to believe that there's no good in the world, because if there was no good, there'd be no people.” - Mekhi Winstead
“I imagine my life iz simply damage control. I am a focus test, and ze moment I find myself crawling to ze top, zey alter ze description and leave me at ze bottom of my failure, simply because life changed my goal.” - Cillian Suchett
“Olympus haz seen Hell on Earth simply because he imagined it, he haz seen angels fall because ze thought provoked him. He stirs a thousand varriors to action only to realize, zey stand against him.” - Cillian Suchett
“V'one by v'one he can vatch us fall, v'one by v'one he can vatch us rise like smoke from fire.” - Cillian Suchett
“Time is his opposer, no dynasty has ezah survived her wrath. No man, no kingdom no creature on God's Earth has withstood Time's wrath, because if she can wittle mountains and turn rivers into oceans, she can cause Olympus to vhither, to fade to bones, and though his skull shall forezah grin, no v'one vill remember ze man who defied history.” - Cillian Suchett
“Vhat is a god to time?” - Cillian Suchett
“You need a couple bucks the world will give you a penny, ya need a life worth living and life gives you a fucking noose.” - Robin Von Lamperts
“This world is kill, or be killed, slaughter, or be led to it. You can't survive without earning it, these days.” - Robin Von Lamperts
“Hope won’t kill a motherfucker but I just might.” - Robin Von Lamperts
“Life will never give you what you need, don't go begging for pennies when you hold a dollar bill, don't go begging for a life well lived when you haven't earned it. Fix your tie, breathe in, breathe out, and realize, life wasn't meant for you, it was meant for those who'll fight for it, and survive because they fucking deserve it.” - Robin Von Lamperts
“Life is pain, but at least it's not hell. Though I've got to wonder, why would a loving God constrict us in a world bound with cruelty?” - Kat Warden
“I'm lost, walking on cracked ice, hoping someday I'll drown. Maybe then a hero will run to the ice, only to realize the right thing to do, is watching me sink.” - Kat Warden
“In the pursuit of greatness I found death. I'm alone in this world, the sun has ripped my shadow from the concrete and left me with my regret.” - Burasbley Highersman
“I'm blind to myself, I worry I've lost me, or perhaps I never met me. I fear I am my trauma and nothing more. I am so haunted by the man I am and was, I fear the specter that rises from my grave.” - Burasbley Highersman
“Time is so achingly slow, the seconds tick by and they feel like years, I'm trapped in the ticking of the clock, waiting for the damn thing to strike twelve so I can finally rest in peace. But the ticker's broken, it doesn't go forward, it only rewinds and reminds me, I'm cracked.” - Burasbley Highersman
“I fear that if I met all of me all at once, I'd perish, because with that much pain, how can a man survive? Instead, I can only breathe and call it getting by.” - Burasbley Highersman
“My demons lurk just beneath my skin, battling me from within, locking me in superstition and grief.” - Salvation Sinfritz
“I do not own myself, I belong to another, I am a puppet in the play, dancing, forgetting someone else holds my strings. And if they so please they can rip the strings from my back and leave me with my scarred flesh.” - Salvation Sinfritz
“I have died a thousand times, and I wonder if ever I was meant to live.” - Salvation Sinfritz
“I have seen the worst the world has to offer, for I have stared into the river that bares my reflection. I am the ugliest parts of this world, wrapped into a mortal vessel that can bleed, bones that can break and flesh that can be cut.” - Starburden Vaganrok
“What's a god to a man who is doomed? What is the after life to a man that seeks to conquer? If I can conquer myself, then the gods should fear what I strive for next. They created me, but do not hold the power to contain me.” - Starburden Vaganrok
“I stare into my reflection, and watch as the water ripples, for every man slain leaves a ripple in time. I end lives as I would toss a pebble into the sea to watch the water create waves that mean nothing to the tide.” - Starburden Vaganrok
“The enemy is me, because I'm apart of the problem, man! My mouth is shut because I fear the punishment the powerful shall give me, but in the end, all that does is transfer my pain to another.” - Leopolo Diamon
“The rule was never golden, no one will treat other's how they wish to be treated. To a man in power, every one is a stepping stone, the stairway to heaven is paved in good deeds, but to those who don't know grace, the path out of hell is paved in the backs of those they can step over in order to reach heaven.” - Leopolo Diamon
“The rule's broken, and has only been painted gold, to us, it is precious, but fool's gold never brings us anything, after all.” - Leopolo Diamon
“I read between the lines of the scripture, I blur the lines between light and dark, holy and sinful. Am I a saint, or a duality?” - Graham Davison
“I am a prophet of a different kind, sipping poison and preaching it's taste to those in the pews.” - Graham Davison
“We are born sinners, but I never made a name for myself amongst the rubble, I am filth and dirt, grime on the bottom of a dog's paw.” - Graham Davison
“I heard long ago that God loves all, but does he love those who says Amen as a curse? Does he love those who's prayers are damning? There's blood in the water of my lies, and these days, I'm begging to bleed.” - Graham Davison
“Before God said, "Let there be light," was it all dark? And did he ever look into my soul, and whisper, "Let there be dark?” - Graham Davison
“The path to hell is paved in my belief, and the stairway to heaven is paved in what I cannot have.” - Graham Davison
“Do not damn us, for what we could not survive. Monsters do not exist, except for in the minds of those who seek to demonize a vulnerable man.” - Nak’Tilli Sinsbane
“These terrors of my life are forgotten by me, but remembered by those within that hold it. Life is beautiful, even when you're different, even when you're fragile.” - Nak’Tilli Sinsbane
“People paint me as a monster, they conjure up images in their heads of a killer with a bloodied knife and seven personalities meant just to end you, but that's not true. I am human, we all are, and we all have a right to live.” - Nak’Tilli Sinsbane
“We are strong, we refuse to be buried under the hate. I'll never understand how a man could damn something for the simple fact that in their mind, it doesn't exist. Life is a beautiful masquerade of everything we've been through, the good, the ugly, the horrible, we are everything we should be and everything we've ever wanted to be. And it's okay, to be who you didn't think you'd be.” - Nak’Tilli Sinsbane
“Do not bury yourself under something you can never change, and please, if life treats you like dirt, remember flowers grow from the soil.” - Nak’Tilli Sinsbane
“I do not seek my cure, I seek the vial from which I was first poisoned. Perhaps it is in death the missing gaps of my life shall flash before my eyes.” - Angelo Lariplank
“They call me mad man, they call me sinner, they call me beast, but I am human, and that's all I've ever been.” - Angelo Lariplank
“I cannot close my eyes, for I fear what I may do in a single moment of darkness, let alone a night of it.” - Angelo Lariplank
“Isn't it strange, how we're the killers of our own destiny? God could watch over us, but he can't save us from ourselves, he gave us free will and forgot that with the connotations of destiny, comes lack of control. With fate, comes the morbid reality of being pulled along on string and twine that you do not weave.” - Angelo Lariplank
“Umanity 'as been a doomed race ever since God gave Adam and Eve da' choice 'a sin. Look at us now, squabblin' amongst bloody rubble, New York is a graveyard 'a concrete specters and railroads, lost in da' false image 'a freedom.” - Dimitrious Ricondo
 “Dis' world ain't a bloody brave one, it's given us everyfin', and we've given it fuck all.” - Dimitrious Ricondo
“It's a soldier's job ta fight da' oppression 'e sees every day, but most men just stay silent. If your mouth's shut you're part 'a da problem, da empire 'a silence is deadlier than da brotherhood 'a action.” - Dimitrious Ricondo
“Da weight in my mind would break me neck if I let one more ounce 'a regret in.” - Dimitrous Ricondo
 “I am a man forged in da' fires 'a my own self worf', burnt down ta ash by all I was so I could become all I am. Da' strongest men are da' ones who 'ave let pieces of themselves die so they can live on.” - Dimitrious Ricondo
“Life ain't about da' end 'a it, it's about how long you're willin' ta stand. So what'll ya do, mate? Die wif' no name worf' rememberin', or live wif' a name dat meant everyfin', ta da ones who stood by your bloody side?” - Dimitrous Ricondo
“It would be just as cruel to lie to me as it would be to tell the truth, either I'm crazy or a monster, I can't handle both.” - Carson Brady
“My thoughts are nagging jesters, juggling truths and lies, turning them into a powder I can't fucking differentiate from. Besides, aren't truth and lies just different shades of the same damn spectrum?” - Carson Brady
“Am I just a Queen's fucking Gambit? United we stand, united we fall they say, until the moment the pawn becomes unnecessary. Am I the pawn sacrificed for an advantage against the enemy?” - Carson Brady
“We are a united nation divided by our fucking unity.” - Carson Brady
“They say united we stand, united we fall, but if you look just a little closer, you'll find that united we stand, alone we fucking fall.” - Carson Brady
“Have you ever thought that you're not yourself, that to die, would be to finally be you?” - Romulus Sparrows
“All I have is my revolver, but, this little thing? It only kills the bad ones. The false prophets, the men selling a false dream, those who wish me harm. And sometimes, me.” - Romulus Sparrows
“Everything slips through my fingers eventually, so I wouldn't be surprised if I already have.” - Romulus Sparrows
“Perhaps old Romulus has gone mad, perhaps, I'm not even here, sometimes I fear I am another's delusion. For all I know I am a figment of imagination, the false light to someone else's mosaic.” - Romulus Sparrows
“I fear all that stands, all that walks, all that breathes. I can hear the whispers of the trees and in the song of the birds is blood and the sins of many. They who fly see all, friend. They soar above us and rule the skies, whilst we have only the land to wander. And it is no glory at all, living in a world gone made whilst you yourself are mad.” - Romulus Sparrows
“I am no creature so grand, often I wonder if I am just a peasant, and every shadow is a king whom I shall bow to. Does every speck of darkness wear a crown? Is all light enslaved to the shadow?” - Romulus Sparrows
“I heard long ago that the man who questions all is the man who must be questioned, and if I hold so many questions about the world, am I the single one I can't answer?” - Romulus Sparrows
“In a world of the brave and the soldiers, how can a coward like me survive? Do I sacrifice myself and become one of the brave, or am I supposed to be another corpse crushed under the snow? I've seen too many goodbyes, and too few hellos, I'm scared of the future, because it's a fight, and I'm no warrior. I've lost so much, how am I to understand myself when the people that made me who I am are... Gone?” - Diamond Valos
“I was never strong, I've always been the one crushed under the rubble, and with a spirit so weak I must wonder, when the day dies, as shall I?” - Diamond Valos
“In River I see who I used to be, but even now I can see that changing. Perhaps, every remnant of the scared girl I used to be is dying, and I have to rise anew. In this brave new world... I suppose I must be brave, too. If I'm to pick up a blade, I'll do so in the name of love, in the name of Madeline.” - Diamond Valos
“My life will never be complete, not without those I love, but the life of the man who put them down, will be. But is it still a sin, to kill a man who's killed? I fear I'm damning myself, but if that's the price of keeping my promise... So be it. So be it.” - Diamond Valos
“Maybe I'm the one who suffers and carries on, or maybe I'm just running like a wolf on the path that leads to the hunters, but so long as I carry Madeline's promise in my heart, and River in my arms, I will run. I will fight. I will be something more than who I was. Because the girl I was isn't strong enough to survive this world... Perhaps she's not dead, but reborn, baring the war-paint of her promise, and the scars of her tomorrow with not fear... But for once in her life, with pride.” - Diamond Valos
“Love is no war, we're not soldiers of hearts and valor, we're people, living, breathing, people, and isn't that all we can aspire to be? War can come our way but we'll fight, we're lovers and soldiers, facing a war some would say we can't possibly win, but they forget that the sun rises after every period of darkness. And even if clouds blot the sun, and rain patters down, we can find solace in the fact that flowers will bloom from the tragedy, and the harvest of our love is so much greater than what our enemies choose to reap.” - Rea Myers
“My whole life I've known love, my fathers have always taught me that love was never meant to be a burden, it was always meant to be a dance. Sure, it's tiring sometimes, but when have you ever seen someone on the dance floor without a tear in their eye? Tears don't always mean pain, tears are just the language of emotions we can't speak.” - Rea Myers
“I will dance through this life with a smile damn it, war will not break me down. It can rain, I can bleed, I can be put through hell but damn it! If I don't come out smiling what's it for? If I have love, and I have people I can rely on, and if I have myself and my smile, I'll never fall. I'll always be okay, because war is a fight, and love is my shield, my ax and my army.” - Rea Myers
 “I am as much a part of nature as war is peaceful, I am rotted and cruel, corrupt and dark, my roots weren't never burrowed, just dug out from the soil and left to fester.” - Samuel Envers
“Oh lord take my soul, bless my little black heart, I've lost who I am and gained everythin' I should be. From two gallows do I swing, ropes of war and strings of morality, frayin' and beggin' to just let me go. I am a blood stained feud between me, myself and I, and I've learned, two wars do I face. One is fought with blades and guns, the other fought between red and black blood, both fightin' for dominion and leaderhood.” - Samuel Envers
“You could face me in all your glory, but you'd die in it.” - Samuel Envers
“All it takes ta make a widow is a dead man, and all it takes ta make an orphan is two.” - Samuel Envers
“Lay me at the bottom 'a the river, drown me in the blood I've spilled, cause the only possible thing that could make me apart 'a nature, is my burial.” - Samuel Envers
“Secrets bury you underneath themselves, but despite the secrets I hold in my heart, I can claw my way out of this coffin and rise again. The dark has tried so long to bury me, but in one way or another, love always shields me. It keeps me safe when I forget to fight for myself. And I have Zoey to thank for that, in her eyes I can see the rising of the sun and in her heart I can hear the ocean wave's lapping at my legs, beckoning to peace. She's in my heart and my soul and I wouldn't have it any other way.” - Linda Prattens
“My strength is built upon every lie that threatened to break me, and here I stand, unbroken.” - Linda Prattens
“I don't intend to just survive, do you really think the flower doesn't bloom again after the killing frost? Nothing good ever stayed down.” - Linda Prattens
“I'd ask for an amen and a couple of prayers if I thought it'd save me, but I've spent so long with the lord I fear he's abandoned me. Someone I used to know always told me secrets bury you underneath themselves, but she never told me just how deep they dig. I fear I'm so deep down in the dirt that God can't hear my cries, for I can't say anything past the soil in my throat.” - Jett Layden
“The only thing that'll save me is grace, the kindness of the human heart. But most people don't have that, these days. The world ripped it from them and left nothing but a heart of black.” - Jett Layden
“But oh father tell me, do we get what we deserve? Does karma exist, or is that just a concept of man to justify revenge? I do not wish harm and those who have wronged me, only peace in their hearts and a revival. I was born a sinner, but I don't got to stay that way. If I became karma, I'd become vengeance, and if I become vengeance, I become Judas. I become King Saul, and I have no intention of becoming a traitor to myself.” - Jett Layden
“Da strong always seek ta break da weak, for dey fear what'll 'appen when da weak become da' strong. You should fear da' pup that bares it's teef' and grows inta it's fur, aye?” - Rowena Joy
“We can't change who we were wifout changin' who we are.” - Rowena Joy
“Ya can live life in fear dat it one day will end, or you could live life knowin' it nevah ends so long as you leave goot memories in da 'earts 'a those who loved ya.” - Rowena Joy
“Wif da love 'a family standin' by my side, 'ow could I evah lose?” - Rowena Joy
“Love and be loved, fight if it means sumfin' worf' fightin' for, and it's my belief, dat if you 'ave nuffin' worf' fightin' for, you 'ave nuffin' worf' livin' for. So I spose wif' family and love by me side, I 'ave sumfin' worf' fightin' for, sumfin' worf' breathin' for, and when da sun sinks inta da night, I ‘ave sumfin' worf dyin' for, sumfin' worf' breathin' me last for. And dat's all I evah bloody need, mate.” - Rowena Joy
“Life isn't about the consequences, it's about what ya did to earn em, and I think, if I always fight for truth, all I'll get is freedom, huh? The truth can be so hard to find, you've got to dig for it some days, because others find themselves burying it. But I won't stop digging until I find the truth, because it was never meant to be buried.” - Jamie McGary
“Liars are more common than good men these days, but hey, even if the many outweigh the few, the few can still fight.” - Jamie McGary
“Something you don't know is always worth learning.” - Jamie McGary
“War can come, but we'll fight, our fists are enough to survive the battle and our hearts are enough to keep us going.” - Jamie McGary
“Some see impossible as a roadblock, but I see it as an invitation to something greater, something new, and something worth learning.” - Jamie McGary
“These midnight thoughts are all I got, cause I can only see as far as the palm of my hand.” - Kristoff Washko
“I am so lost in these halls that I've forgotten what it was to be found. Perhaps one day I'll find Neverland, or perhaps, I'll never land. You could pray for me, but that won't save me in the land of no salvation.” - Kristoff Washko
 “I am beaten down and bruised, trodden over by the overwhelming majority, no one cares about the missing man, all but those who knew him.” - Kristoff Washko
“There was a time I could look death in the eyes and say, "You won't kill me, not like you could," but now I look him in those crooked eyes of his and say, "Fulfill your promise, motherfucker." - Kristoff Washko
 “I won't be the last one standing, nor will I be the first to fall, for so many have fallen before me. I'm just one of the many to fall.” - Kristoff Washko
“Life has never favored me, I am a victim to it, a prey to the great beyond, but as long as I can run, life cannot catch me.” - Karolina Firesbane
“I've learned that the strongest bonds come from the hardest situations, and I look at my daughter, knowing that though it's been so, hard, she's worth it.” - Karolina Firesbane
 “My whole life I've been drowning in darkness, no wonder I'm drawn to the flame. It conquers the dark and brings warmth, yet it has the same power as the dark, the same ability to destroy. It reflects human nature, as often we fight fire with fire. I have been at war with rival tribes, but war never brought peace. All war brings is death and another war if you're lucky enough to survive. No war ever brought us love. All it gave us was something to fear.” - Karolina Firesbane
“Blood has spilled on the grass and corrupted nature's pallet, the dead rise and give us every reason to fear death itself, for it no longer sets us free. Beasts of wax candle flesh and hungry eyes hunt us down, death has sent his reapers to hunt us. In this new age, we're all prey, and all we can do is pray.” - Karolina Firesbane
“I am a warrior, and though death wishes to hunt us, I will not go down so easy. As a child I was made strong, and in the reflections of the river I see not a beast, but a loved woman who knows what it is to hunt and be hunted, to love, and be loved.” - Karolina Firesbane
“It's a brave new world out there, no wonder soldiers are rising up and farmers find themselves picking up their shovels and marching into war. Perhaps we've learned you don't have to be a soldier to lead a revolution, all you need is a dream, and the will to catch it.” - Shilo Heartsworth
“Primaline always told me that the life of a soldier is one bound to a code of honor she didn't follow, and I've learned that most soldiers ain't honorable, just lookin' ta kill. It ain't bout the gun in your hand, it's bout who the fuck you are. A gun can kill two men with a single bullet, the one it's aimed toward, and the one pullin' the trigger.” - Shilo Heartsworth
“So farmers, soldiers and saints, raise your pitchforks, guns and crosses, cause all ya need to power a revolution is a dream of something greater. This world weren't meant ta die, and neither were we. So be greater than the cause they give you, be greater than the cause you gave yourself, cause our destiny ain't ta bleed out, our destiny, is to God damn live.” - Shilo Heartsworth
“You can see life as a struggle, or an opportunity to change and grow. All you ever need to get by, is a new perspective, and a brave smile to push forward into the unknown, because that's all we can strive for, really.” - Vinceta Dalliinfritz
“Life only wishes to kill the ones who fight because they're on the front lines. But in your life, the front lines is where you should be. Fighting for yourself and those you love.” - Vinceta Dallinfritz
“I've seen pain, I've seen blood spill and good men die, but I won't let life break me, I won't let my sorrow be my coffin.” - Vinceta Dallinfritz
“Humans aren't monsters, we just mimic them thinking it our destiny, but no human ever became a wolf, no man ever grew claws and howled into the night. We're all human, it's time to start acting like it.” - Vinceta Dallinfritz
“Life isn't about a twenty dollar bill or a raise, it's about family, man, family and love is all you ever need. I was a man with nothing, but look at me now, I couldn't be happier with the choices I've made, even the ones that ended in failure. I once looked at all my mistakes and said to myself, "Man, how could you do that?" But now, I say, "What did you learn?" I've learned through every experience I've ever had, I'm a culmination of every day I've lived, and maybe I'm not a masterpiece, but none of us are. I don't want perfect, I've found everything in the mess of it all.” - Glenn Drewell
“My wife, Kiasha, she's my strength, I can look into her eyes and know, she's the better half of me. She'll always be my number one, two and three. I've learned that even a man with nothing, can have everything if he has love. For himself, even. My life is a whole lot more than good enough, I'm proud to be me, and I'm proud to look at my family and see something worth fighting for it.” - Glenn Drewell
“My kids, man, my baby girls, I can still see them at the age of five, baking cookies with Kiasha, throwing flour at each other. It was the biggest war of the century, the battle of flour and cookie dough, they even dragged me into it. My favorite shirt still has bits of flour coming off it.” - Glenn Drewell
“I don't got a twenty dollar bill, I don't got a high paying check or a single cent in my wallet, but I do got family, and man, isn't that what matters? As far as I'm concerned, I'm the richest man alive, because in the eyes of my family, I see all the wealth and diamonds in the world, and God, if I had one thing to say, it's that, "It's worth it, man, always.” - Glenn Drewell
“I ain't a hero, I ain't a saint, just a man doin' what's right in a world that gets on it's knees and begs for my death.” - Malik Druvebecker
“I won't stand for the murder 'a the weak, you shouldn't have ta swoop down and cut the throats 'a the weak ta become one 'a the strong. In my eyes, that makes ya weak, and one 'a the real strong ones gon' swoop down and cut your throat.” - Malik Druvebecker
“Justice flows in crimson rivers and corpses in the crick, and sadly, it ain't the cruel that fill this river 'a souls.” - Malik Druvebecker
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, Cyrus Hollow, but it's me, who's gon' break you. You have seen this world through eyes tinted red and cruel, but if you're the devil, I'll act as the sinner if only ta be sent ta your burnin' sanctuary, just ta slit your throat. I got two bullets in my chamber, etched with a name that is yours, and a name that is mine, and I've been waitin' to pull the trigger ever since you took my life and made it another of your fucking conquests.” - Malik Druvebecker
“Hell's gone, all the devils are dead, the angels lay painted red on the damn floor, all that's left is humanity, and ain't that the cruelest fate 'a all? To be stuck in a world 'a monsters trapped in human skin?” - Malik Druvebecker
“I've spent so long hunting the man that took everything from me that I almost took everything from myself. I've taken up my own beck and call, and it almost cost me everything.” - Octavia Cross
“I'm a crack in my castle of glass, I'm the only shard left, lying in a kingdom of rubble. Centuries could pass and I'd only dig deeper into the dirt.” - Octavia Cross
“I fear I can't rely on myself, there's blood on the writing of my tale, my history is stained with blood money, regret, and memories I never had. Empire's fall in a single day, and I suppose the empire of me fell the day Walt ran with my daughter in his fucking arms.” - Octavia Cross
“Perhaps Neverland isn't for just the lost girls and boys, perhaps it's for anyone who ever dared have a dream when they couldn't breathe. Sometimes, the only thing keeping you alive, is a dream, something you can't quite reach, but you have to believe you will.” - Patricia Wellburn
“Most of those I lost still walk.” - Patricia Wellburn
“I think life is about more than what we've lost, it's about what we've gained. My life has been sorrowful, it's been full of pain, heartbreak, but at the end of my rainbow I found love, family, a dream worth having. If I stand tall in the face of my fear nothing can break me, I'll always stand tall, even if I'm a little smol. So long as my heart beats, I will love, and so long as I have Macy, and I have Luna, I'll be alive. Because it is in their hearts that mine learned to beat. I no longer hold on to the sorrows of my past, because I hold onto the people I love, it is with them that my sun rises, and in me their love blooms.” - Patricia Wellburn
“Love can never be selfish, but hate always is.” - Enzo Evans
"The end of over a million lives knocks at my door." - Cedric Popovici
"The gods don't seem much interested in fair, my friend. Look at how the dark outnumbers the light of the stars, how the shade of the trees overwhelms the light that trickles through. This world is darker than you would like to believe, because if this world was kind, I would not exist." - Valskirith Deskgrotirr
"I am nothing more than a piece of flesh stuck between Dr. Emory's teeth." - Changreta Alderbright
"I'd say I'm a tragedy, but dose' one day bloody end." - Angel Benson "The pullin' 'a this here trigger is like the beatin' 'a my heart, it's the only fuckin' thing that keeps me alive." - Sampson O’Connel
“You want to fuck with the O'Connels on the off chance that you'll make it ta sunrise?” - Sampson O’Connel
"I have fought wars in countries you ain't heard 'a, killed men with names I never learned, and you, Mr. O'Connel, are no fucking different. You want a fight? I'll give you war." - Casimiro Boheken
"And what're you gonna do, huh? Fire bullets off til' ya run out? Cause you will. You don't have enough God damn bullets to cut the head from this dynasty." - Casimiro Boheken
“Those who built the tower of Babel never expected ta fall, the confederates who fought the civil war didn't expect ta lose, and the human population didn't expect ta fuckin' plummet. Your threats don't mean a damn thing ta a man who expects ta die, general. So pull that trigger, or don't, either way, I win." - Sampson O’Connel
"As a soldier you've spilled so much blood, now you'll fuckin' drown in it." - Clayborne Pettygore
"You wanna kill me, that it? Now Natasha, you can kill a man with good intentions, but that don't make you a good man, makes ya just as much 'a killer as the man lyin' in a pool 'a his own blood. Sure, you can put me down, think yourself high and mighty, but you're just a killer like the rest of us, so don't come preachin' ta me with your bullshit, cause I see right through it." - Clayborne Pettygore
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