#cidderan scaleback
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Oh no this ain't that kinda situation where Sids gonna walk away....leave the gun take the cannoli
Let me know which you'd prefer. Personally, I'm a fan of the former.
#shes a dead trandosian walking#badda bing#tech bad batch#the bad batch#tech bb#cidderan scaleback#hunter bad batch#reader insert#wrecker bad batch#omega bad batch
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The Phoenix Rises (Part 2 of If I had known - Tech x Reader)
Summary: The reader hasn't seen Tech, Omega or their brothers in so long. On the night the Empire stormed the city, she knew what had happened. Rising above her fears and insecurity, she sets out on a mission she doesn't know she'll survive.
Author's Note: So I don't know how good I am at combat writing. Not a favourite of mine. But I wanted to write a what happens next.
Warnings: a little gore and references to torture? No behaviour outside the ordinary Clone Wars episode.
Word Count: 7.6 K (I'm getting out of hand now)
“CIDDERAN SCALEBACK,” you voice boomed through the parlour, “get your slithery, scaley ass OUT HERE NOW.” Bolo and Ketch made a beeline for the door immediately and you knew why. You'd never raised your voice like that before, not with such anger. Never like this.
The before, you’d hidden yourself away, locked in your apartment as the chaos of the Empire swelled and boomed around Ord Mantell. From the window, you saw them take Omega. You saw them take the girl you considered to be your little sister. But what could you have done really? You weren't a solider. You were just some nobody kid from a nowhere part of the world.
Yet, it felt like it fell to you to fix this because deep down inside of you, you’d known exactly what had happened and who was responsible for it.
Cid appeared at the door, shoulders slumped, “alright, alright, stop your yammering. I’m right here.” The moment you saw her, you strode directly over to her and punched her square in the side of her face. She fell back, knocked by the weight of your full force assault. She knew she deserved that. She had been waiting for you to show up.
“It was you, wasn’t it?” You seethed, nostrils flaring, “you gave them up. Let me guess, received yourself a nice sizeable reward in return huh?” She stood straight and stretched herself at the shoulders and looked you square in the eye. She had a case in her hand, and you instantly knew that it was the credits she’d sacrificed their lives for. You sneered at her. Cid was taken aback, not once had she seen you this angry. "Their lives were not yours to destroy."
“It was just business, kid,” she responded neutrally, “stay outta it.”
“Just business?” You voice raised several octaves as you repeated that filth. How could she? “Stay out of it?! You've dragged me into it! They are family. They were my family. You gave me them and then you gave them up as if they were nothing.”
"They were just clones, kid." You grabbed the nearest glass on the counter and threw it directly at her head. Unfortunately, she dodged it.
"They were everything, Cid. You and your dodgy deals, your spineless nature. You. This was all you." You strode forward and punched her a second time, a lot harder this time, and this time when she stumbed back, you grabbed the case and opened it. Pretty profitable business for you, huh?” You scoffed, carefully picking up one credit and chucking it at her. “That’s all you get. The rest belongs to the boys that you gave up, you poisonous snake.” She came at you, greedy for her credits, but you simply removed your new blaster from your holster and pointed it directly at her. You didn’t need to look at her to shoot. You’d been practicing, just as Tech had taught you.
The blaster had been a very strange gift from Tech. One you were currently very grateful for. He needed to ensure that should the Empire arrive, you could protect herself. And right now, she was the Empire and it took everything inside you not to fire. So, instead, you simply warned her, don’t. She would not use another one of these credits. They were not hers to spend.
“I was your family long before they were,” she retorted, handed now rubbing the cheek you’d hit. Twice. As you watched her pain you couldn't help but think, man, that had felt good.
What were you becoming? What had this done to you? You were never this person.
“That’s right you were,” You took a step towards her, and she instinctually took two steps back, “but you are no family of mine. I don’t’ even know who you are anymore.” You closed the briefcase, the heaviness of credits yanking your arm downwards. With that you turned on your heel, pausing in the doorway. You reached out to either end of the door frame to steady yourself, a shuddering breath escaping you. You turned your head back, but only a little, “You were better than this. I thought you’d change. But once a snake, always a snake I suppose. I’ll be taking the shuttle. The one Tech and I repaired for you. I’m not sure you’ll have far to travel anyway. Call it... karmic retribution."
“What are you gonna do, huh kid?” She moved towards you, “take on the whole damn Empire?” Her arms were flailing above her as she spoke. “You’re just a nobody from Ord Mantell. What are you gonna do?” That's right, you were just some nobody; a scared, confused and sad nobody from Ord Mantell. But right now, something was being reborn inside of you. An anger, a sense of justice. A war that was not yours had just become the very thing you knew you needed to be a part of. You needed to rebel, you needed to resist.
“I’m going to start by helping fix whatever fucking mess you created. They shoulda left you on Safa Toma.” You sighed as her hand reached for your shoulder. “Omega was too good for the likes of you.”
“Goggles is dead.” She yelled at you and you knuckles whitened for grip on the door. “The Empire showed up and told them. Threw his broken goggles right there on the floor.” She pointed to the spot that she’d seen him. You knees buckled slightly as you stared at the spot, as if you could see his broken goggles there.
“Oh, and the Empire is widely known for its reliable intel.” You knew the goggles were either truly all that were left or a very clever ploy. When did the Empire ever tell the truth.
“Those boys of yours seemed to think he was too.” You sighed, you felt like your heart was shattering on the floor. It couldn’t be true, could it? Either way, it didn’t matter it was time stand up and do the right thing. You had to fight for Omega. For Tech, even if he had gone where you could not follow.
“Even if he is,” you dropped your hands, “even if that is true, I owe it to them to fix the mistakes of a traitor.” The word dripped from your mouth, burning her as she realised how much you now hated her. Turning to face her, your eyes filled with rage, “if I hear that you have provided so much as one more piece of intel, given them up in any other way, I will come back here and I will kill you.” Her hand dropped from your shoulder, shock withering her already aged features. “Goodbye, Cidderan Scaleback.”

You looked into the blue hues of the hyperspace and wondered what the hell you were doing. You were no hero. You had no abilities, no real skill with a blaster and you were heading to planet far from your own that you did not know. What the hell were you doing?
The right thing, you heart told you.
Truthfully, you did not know what you expected to find on Coruscant. You’d never even left Ord Mantell before, let alone travelled thousands of lightyears away to a planet you knew nothing about other than it was the jewel of the Empire. It was pure luck that the shuttle you had stolen from Cid had an Imperial clearance code, probably as a result of her treachery. You shuddered at the thought. But, at least, you wouldn't stumble at the first hurdle and that's enough of a start.
As you brought the shuttle into land, you immediately found the nearest attendant and asked them to fuel up the ship, tossing a credit in their direction. He was an overweight, greying man with no defining features. The perfect dockyard assistant. A humanoid who blended into the background. As the began to walk past you, you turned and queried, “oh and you couldn’t tell me how to find Riyo Chuchi by any chance?”
His eyebrows rose into his grey Imperial cap, and he responded, “the Senator?” You simply nodded. “What do you want with that clone lover?” You saw red at that. You would not have people judged for supporting clones. But beating a man would only land you in a cell, and you were not here for that.
So, instead, grabbing him the scruff of his collar, you wrenched him toward you, “Listen here, you overweight glob of grease, if I weren’t in a rush, I’d teach you a thing or two about manners." You pulled him closer, scrutinising his features to memory for future reference, "but, as it's your lucky day and I have places to be, I’ll just take that answer as a yes. Where do I find her?”
“Kriff’s sake,” he reached up and grasped at your hands trying to be released from your hold, “alright, alright. She’s probably at the Imperial Senate. That's where most senators are. I’d start there if I were you.” As you released him, he muttered lunatic under his breath as he went to refuel your ship. You watched him go with a sneer.
As you tried to walk away confidently from the scene, feeling eyes on you, you sped around the corner of the dockyard and towards the city. You took a moment to flatten yourself against a wall, your breath heaving. You were not this person. You didn’t threaten people. You didn’t assault people and yet, you knew that this was how the new world worked and Cid had dragged you out of the light and into the shadows of traitorous ascent. You needed to rise from your fragility and become something better. If you had any chance of surviving, you had to do what you must. After all, you had to fix the damage she had done. Placing your hands flat on the wall behind you, you focused on the cool sensation of the coarse brickwork.
You’ve got this, you reminded yourself. You had no choice.
You clambered your way up the steep stairs to the taxi rank platform. For a moment, you simply looked out a sea of lights and shuttles. This truly was a different world than the one you knew. Once you broke the spell of the view, you hailed one of the infamous Coruscant Air Taxis. As you stepped into the cab with a sigh, you requested they take you to the Imperial Senate. Much like the shipyard attendant, his eyebrows rose questioningly but instead of saying anything, you simply sped off into the city.
You took a minute to admire the breadth and vibrancy of the place that now surrounded you. But this area seemed almost as seedy as Ord Mantell, it wasn’t until you rose above the lower districts that you saw it all. The remainders of the Jedi Temple in one direction and the shining beacon of the Imperial Senate. A reminder of what has past and what is. A sight of splendour and riches you had never known. You fondled at the Imperial chain code that Tech had made you that was secure in your pocket. Hopefully it would be enough to fool any guards that came your way. Hopefully there would be none.
When you finally reached the Senate, you took a breath before entering. Act like you belong, you reminded yourself. Though your scruffy appearance would do nothing to help you with that. As you walked as assuredly as you could, you reached the guard at the desk and immediately found yourself asking for Riyo Chuchi. When he looked at your questioningly and you sighed before continuing, “please inform her that we share a mutual acquaintance by the name of Echo. She will come down for that.” You mockingly lifted your chin high as you waited, nerves swimming around your body.
When the senator, with two armed guards, appeared before you questioningly. She offered her hand for you to take and you gave your name as you shook it.
"I need you to tell me where Echo is," you said, "last I heard, he was here and I need to help them." She pulled you away from the main stretch of corridor in the nearest alcove.
"Yes, your friend is here," she said, "but first, you must learn to be a little more covert with your enquiries. Dark things fester here." A warning that spread to her eyes as she kept you by the arm in the alcove. "How do you know Echo?"
"He is like a brother to me, all of the Bad Batch are. I came as soon as the Empire left Ord Mantell." She searched your eyes for lies, as a good senator must. But she only found truth and resolve so she nodded.
"I will tell you where to go," she decided, as she pulled you back into the hallway, "but first, we must act like good friends so as to not rouse suspicion. Can you manage that?" You simply nodded, placing a fake smile upon your lips.

Hunter called out your name in disbelief, as you walked to them as they huddled around a holomap, placed carelessly on a crate in front of them. The hanger was messy and crowded. Everybody seemed to be doing everything and nothing all at once. A blonde haired clone reached for the holomap and yanked it from the table as you approached. You couldn't help but yank Hunter into a drawn out hug. You were so glad to see him. “Hunter,” you greeted him cautiously, as you pulled back from the hug, still with the credits clutched to your side. “I – uh – know this won’t make up for what Cid did but,” you threw the heavy container onto the crate and opened it, turning them to face it, “I took the credits she certainly did not deserve from turning you in. I hope they can help you, help this, somehow.” Hunter appeared tired and grief stricken, now that you truly saw his face in the dim light.
“So, it’s all true then?” You murmured in disbelief, “they took Omega?” Hunter could only nod in response and then you realised if that were true, then, “and Tech is…” you couldn’t bring yourself to say it. The lump in your throat constricting your breathing. You felt the tears brimming at your eyes.
“He fell,” Hunter said, trying to catch your eyes, “he fell saving us.” Of course, he did, you realised. Of course, he’d bloody sacrifice himself for them. Plan 99, the plan you’d always known about. He’d told you about it of course. Of 99 on Kamino and the sacrifice he made. You had tried to make him promise that he never would, even though you knew he never would promise that. You knew that if the situation called for it, he would do it without question. But he also knew that you didn’t truly expect him to promise that. You knew him too well to demand such a promise.
“I’d hoped it wasn’t true.” You sighed, grief stricken but resolute, “what can I do to help? I have a ship, the credits, a blaster… though I’m not sure I know how to use it as well as clone.” As you rambled off the ways you thought you could be useful, before Hunter simply walked towards you and placed his hand on your shoulder. “Tech taught me enough, I can help, Hunter.”
"You seem different," he said, searching your eyes for something. "Where's that fear gone?"
"Where's your happiness gone?" And then he understood that your grief was no different from his own but they had impacted you in different ways.
“Listen kid, this is going to be difficult and without Tech,” he cleared his throat, “well, we are going to struggle even more. You need to be sure you are willing to lay your life on the line because we aren't sure we will make it out of this one unscathed.”
“I love Omega. I’ll do anything I can to protect her,” you placed your hand atop his, “I’ve got this Hunter. I’ll grieve for Tech when I know Omega is safe. Just tell me what to do.” Suddenly, you whipped your head around to stare at the blonde clone who stood there watching the interaction intently, realising you'd ignored him fully. “And this is?”
“This is Rex, of the 501st.” He reached out his hand to you as Hunter introduced you as a dear friend from Ord Mantell. A title you no longer felt you deserved but were grateful for none the less. You smiled at the clone as he observed you carefully. “Rex is helping us to try and locate Omega.”
“You mean you don’t know where she is?” You almost shouted, “how is that even possible?” You ran your hands through your hair in desperation. This situation was well and truly fucked.
“The Empire is running a clandestine cloning operation,” Rex explained with an air of seniority, “it is very difficult to trace.”
"Yeah, that tracks," you grumbled, "and without Tech, tracing them must be..."
"Difficult, yes," Rex kindly finished for you as your mind drifted back to his gentle caresses.
“Fantastic,” you groaned, before realising, “I know someone who may be able to help. He can be sketchy, bit like Cid but less of a snake in the grass, and his intel is almost always good. Cid introduced us years ago." With a new found sense of purpose, you affirmed, "just leave it with me, he should be here on Coruscant.” Neither clone had a better plan, so they shrugged trusting you just enough to try and salvage this situation.
"Just remember..." Hunter began but you held your hand up to stop him.
"Covertly and carefully," you said remembering the Senator's words. "Don't worry I've got this."
And with that, you took off into the night of Coruscant, determined to find Dexter Jetter. Friend to Jedi and clone alike.

About three rotations later, you'd gone over the plan countless times. You were lazing on some crates, one leg carefully dangling off the side, letting it swing back and forth aimlessly.
Wrecker and Hunter stood beside you. Rex, Gregor and Echo stood over the holomap you'd retrieved of Mount Tantis and all the intel you'd managed to coax out of bounty hunters in bars. As it turns out, being an innocent looking female meant that intel was given out fairly freely. If you just batted your eyelids a little.
"Question, if you don't mind," you said as you leant up onto elbow. You leg suddenly very still, "how many of these plans actually go according to plan?"
"HA," Wrecker's laughter echoed through the hangar, "usually, none. But that's where the fun begins."
"You and I have very different definitions of fun, Wrecker." You reminded him gently.
"That's cus you've never tried it my way," he retorted, laughing again. When he punched your shoulder gently, you couldn't help but smirk at him. He had a point.
"So, this is it. Mount Tantis. Rescue Omega. Maybe find Crosshair? High tail it out there before too much security shows up?"
"Terminate Dr. Hemlock should we find him too," Rex reminded you.
"Right, right right. Just a minor execution hidden amongst the rescue plan." You flapped your head back down, covering your eyes with your arm, "how could I forget?"
What the holy fuck had you gotten yourself into? You groaned to yourself inwardly. You just had to keep reminding yourself, this was the right thing to do.

You'd gone over the plan again and again aboard the shuttle. Not that it mattered; you knew there was no way it would be this easy.
You’d landed the ship several hundred clicks away. You had walked with tactical devices, a blaster and the company of nothing but clones for what felt like an eternity. You were barely able to control your breathing without heaving. You thought you were going to throw up. The uphill struggles you felt on the walk, clearly did not affect anyone else. Some cardio may be needed if I'm to keep doing this, you thought to yourself. Then, on top of all of that, was the cliff face, of which there was only one way up and the tip of it was nowhere in sight. You sighed and as you stared upwards, Rex came to stand beside you, to simply ask, “are you sure you’re ready for this, kid?” You nodded resolutely.
Just think of Omega. Just think of Omega. You repeated to yourself in an odd sort of mantra as you began to scale the side of the cliff. Luckily, you had some experiences in climbing on the outer edges of Ord Mantell. But nothing like this. You knew that if you simply did not look down and focused on each movement you would be fine. Climb slowly to scale quickly. That was what you had always known to be true.
“We’re gonna die. We’re gonna die. We’re gonna die.” Was all you could hear Wrecker saying beside you. You looked over to him, eyebrow cocked, as if to say, seriously? “I don’t like heights. Tha’s all.”
“Well that little mantra of yours definitely isn’t going to help.” You hissed back. “Climb slow to scale quickly,” you told him. “And stop looking down for goodness sake.”
“R-right. Climb Slow. Scale Fast.” He nodded before continuing his climb. You felt some comfort in knowing he was afraid too. It made you feel like less out of place amongst this group. You each continued upon the path upwards. Your hands began to ache and your legs throbbed from the pain but you knew you had to persevere. For Tech's sister, you reminded yourself. This was for Omega.
Landing at the top, you all took immediate cover. Noticing the dockyard was eerily empty, you all crept silently along to the wall, heading directly for the entrance. This was it. No turning back now. As you crept behind Rex, relying on his knowledge to see you through, his hand moved to halt you, as TK troopers, patrolled the hallway. You slammed yourself into the wall as quietly as you could.
As they patrolled on by, unaware of your presence, you pulled out the PADD and located the prison corridor where you suspected you’d find Omega. Directing Rex and Gregor down the corridor, you continued to follow the map as they guarded you. Realising you were suddenly assuming Tech’s usual roll in all of this.
Twists and turns, ducking and dodging all the troopers. This place was heavily fortified and there was only so many times that Echo could jam their security feed before an error was made. You simply did not have enough time and you knew when, not if, when this went wrong, it was going to be one hell of fight to get out again.
When you finally arrived at the cells, you searched and searched for Omega as Rex and Gregor set about freeing as many clones and prisoners as they could. You ran frantically down, head flipping from side to side until you found her. Your eyes went wide as she ran towards the barrier calling out your name in surprise. You raised your finger to your lips as if to quieten her. “Hunter,” you whispered, “over here.” Immediately, he was at your side, working on the panel to release the shield.
She immediately fell into his arms and you smiled; she had tears in her eyes. Until suddenly, she rammed into your side, hugging you too. Until she looked up at you, a pained expression on her features. “T-tech,” she began.
“He’s dead,” you sighed, “I know, kid.” “N-no, he’s down that way. I-in the testing facility,” she said all in one breath, “Crosshair’s there too. He refused to give us up. I – I don’t know what that doctor did to him. To either of them.” You could hear the desperation in his voice. He’s alive?! Your brain was screaming in a million different ways. There was a ringing in your ears as your brain tried to take everything in. You handed her the map and told her to show you where. She pointed to the rough area where they were being held, though she said she couldn't be certain.
“Okay,” you said with authority, “Rex, Gregor… get these clones outta here and on that shuttle. Omega, go with them.” Rex simply looked at you with a smirk on his face and simply said, “and like that, she was a phoenix borne from the ashes.” You smirked at him and gave him a nod of friendship. Behind you, Omega went to protest your command but Hunter grabbed her shoulder and nodded that she should listen, “Omega, if you don’t get out of here then we came here for nothing. Please, go.” You'd gotten onto one knee, a hand on a shoulder. The whole thing, it was almost a beg.
“That’s an order, soldier,” Hunter murmured to her. The only thing that would make her go.
With reluctance, she took towards Rex and tried to help the stragglers reach safety. Hunter watched her dumbly as she did so. To have been so close and now leaving her in the care of regs was not easy for him. “Hunter,” you commanded, “Wrecker, Echo, you three need to come with me. Let’s go get our boys back.” Wrecker raised his hand for a high five and you smiled before raising your hand to his.
All stunned by your sudden authority, they simply complied. Everyone rushing into action as silently as possible. You knew that the alarms would be triggered as soon as someone checked the feed for the prison cell or when they noticed the feeds for the corridors leading back to the entrance had all gone dark. You had so little time, but you would not leave without him.
You’d lost him once. Not again.
You removed your blaster from your holster and began leading the Batchers down the corridors, stopping only to hide from further patrols or when Echo needed to disable a door or camera. The closer you got, the more nervous you became. What if you were too late? What if he was too injured?
There were so many what ifs running through your mind as you made your way towards the testing lab Omega had pointed out. And as Echo worked on the door, you thought your heart may explode for fear of what you may found.
That’s when a platoon of six TK troopers rounded the corner and yelled ‘halt’ at you. Echo paused only momentarily before continuing on the door. You reached into your pocket and threw a stunning device dead centre between them. Seconds later, they were down.
“Nicely done,” Wrecker boomed, and you gave him another stern look. Subtlety really was not his strong suit. “Sorry,” he whispered. The doors suddenly opened, and you turned.
What you saw did little to quell that fear etched into your heart. Tech and Crosshair were strapped to two separate tables and neither seemed conscious. After checking the room was empty, you ran straight to Tech, clutching to him in relief as the monitors showed the stable rhythm of his heart. You pressed your forehead to his clammy one. He stirred slightly. He was alive.
“Tech, hey,” you placed your hand on his head, tears streaming from your eyes, “Tech, it’s me. I’m here.” You stroked at his head gently as his brothers unbuckled his restraints. He reached out to touch your face.
“W-what?” Tech’s eyes were foggy, glassy. It was as if he couldn’t see you. What the hell had they done?! A rage surged through you at the sight of him. “What trickery is this? What cruelty is this?” He groaned out in pain, and he was finally free of the restraints. You continued to just stroke his hair gently, whispering gentle words of safety as he called out for them to stop. Once he was free, his brothers went to help Crosshair.
“No trickery, Tech, I promise I’m here,” you whispered close to his ear, taking his hand in yours and giving it a gentle squeeze. You realised you had little time and needed to convince him it was you. So you said the words that only you knew, “if I had but known…” you whispered lowly to him and his eyes finally focused, looking you dead in the eye.
“What are you doing here?” His voice an urgent plea, as the reality of the situation came crashing down upon him. “You shouldn’t be here. Why are you here?”
“Oh, you know, fancied a tea party on Imperial soil and who doesn’t love a tea party in a clandestine medical facility?” You joked and he sputtered a laugh at that. “I’m here for you, silly man. Well, technically, I thought you were dead. So, I was here for Omega and then she said she’d seen you. Now, I’m here for you and I’m not going anywhere without you. Not again.” You squeezed his hand again, his grip getting firmer on yours. “We need to move and fast. We don’t have long and I’m not sure I can carry your weight and fire all at once.”
“G-give me the blaster.” He mumbled, heaving in a weighty, laboured breath, as he moved to sit upright. “You keep me steady, and I’ll shoot. It would be the more effective plan.” Even halfway to death, his plans were still more logical than yours. But you were no tactician. Handing him the blaster, you placed his arm around his shoulder and counted him up to movement. His legs buckled slightly and with all of your might, you tried to keep him upright.
You looked to your left and saw that Crosshair had been on the bed next to him, unconscious. Hunter had gone to him with Wrecker. Wrecker lifted his limp body from the bed, hoisted him over his shoulder with ease and made for the door.
Then, suddenly, the alarms went. Well, you couldn’t help but think, that was almost a smooth operation.
When Tech finally steadied himself, he gave you a brief nod and you moved towards the door with the others. Omega was safe. Wrecker, Echo, Hunter, Crosshair and Tech were all with you. The full Bad Batch working together; surely, you’d escape with such a formidable group, right? Even if two of them were injured. They'd been injured before. This would be fine, right? But you couldn’t stop your heart hammering in your chest. You didn’t want to die. You’d just wanted to do the right thing. You didn't want to die here.
We just have to get to Rex on that shuttle. Then you would be able to go home, safe. But where was home now? Kriff’s sake, you moaned to yourself, no time for that now. Worry about home later.
As Echo opened the door, there was intense blaster fire immediately coming through the door. You pushed Tech against the wall to the right, earning an 'oomf' sound from deep in his throat and you simply held Tech to your side, plastered against the wall and hoped that the others could handle the TK troopers. Everyone held their position as the blaster fire continued.
“Am I about to find out about this infamous Wrecker strategy?” You joked as you held yourself and Tech steady against the metal framework of the wall.
“Hell YEAH,” he boomed and ran dead centre into the door frame, firing at will. Laughing as he did so. You peered around the wall to find his stance firm as he fired at will.
“It’s not really a strategy, is it?” You whispered to Tech who looked up at you.
“No, it is more of an active extemporisation.” He informed you and you scrunched your face up in agreement. Yet, his particular brand of explosive chaos seemed to be working. So you pulled Tech alongside you and made for the exit as fast as you could.
You were still able to successfully hide in the numerous alcoves but the moment you reached the open space of the hangar bay, blaster fire began coming from every angle. You reached for your second blaster and using your non-dominant hand to aim, you began firing at the troops blocking your escape.
You limped your way across the landing pad as Tech tried with all his might to hit on target as he aimed at the approaching troopers. His aim was understandably off but there was no excuse for their pathetic aim. Tech managed hit after hit until you reached the cliff face.
“Now what?” You shouted at Hunter, who appeared at your side. He lifted Tech over his shoulder and shouted ‘climb’ at you. “Wrecker, come on!” You yelled at the clone still emitting heavy blaster fire at the troopers. Echo had Crosshair loosely over his shoulder as he began to climb downwards.
You needed time, to get below the cloud line. You remembered the smoke device in your other pocket and as you threw it, you yelled at Wrecker to climb. And so he did.
You’d managed to buy yourself just enough time to get low enough that the erratic blaster fire from above missed all of you. Luck, that was pure luck.
As you ran through the wooded area, you continued to provide cover fire with Wrecker. Ducking behind and weaving through the trees as Echo and Hunter carried the fallen brothers to the shuttle.
As you got the gangplank, Hunter handed Tech back to you and began to help Wrecker buy some time. The ship was crowded with clones which, truthfully, was quite an alarming sight.
You helped Tech weave through the sea of them and then suddenly you called out, “which bunk is his?” Does it really matter, you wondered to yourself. You just needed to get him somewhere safe.
“Furthest on the left,” Hunter called out as the ship clunked closed and immediately burst into the sky. Wrecker ran for the gunner’s seat and began to fire at the deployed Imperial air support.
You followed his directions and lowered Tech onto his bed. As you stood to move, he grabbed your hand and appealed that you stay. How could you refuse him? You couldn’t refuse the man a thing. Placing your hand on his, you promised him, “I will be back just as soon as we actually get out of here.” He simply nodded dumbly at you.
He barely recognised this version of you. You were thinner, more exhausted, the mirth seemed to have diminished in your eyes. You were hardened. There was no fear. Where had the girl from Ord Mantell gone? This was not that like that night at your door. How did you change so drastically? From a girl scared of her feelings to a fighter for the rebellion. You gave orders, lay your life on the line, scaled up and down a cliff face and faced off blaster fire. His mind reeled at the changes, but he simply lay his head back and tried to relax himself. His body ached and his mind was exhausted. He was simply grateful to be alive.
The second you jumped to hyperspace, you ran back and knelt beside him, keeping his warm in both of yours and he simply lay there staring at you, he couldn't help but take in the features of your face. He'd almost forgotten what you looked like, thanks to Dr. Hemlock. Sudenly, Rex appeared in the doorway and came in to place his hand on your shoulder, “you did well out there, soldier. Kept your cool, mostly,” he said, glancing at Tech with a smirk, “we wouldn’t have them without your help. You have my thanks.”
“No, thank you, Captain, you didn’t force me to leave him again,” removing one hand from Tech's, you offered him your arm in bond, which he returned. As he left the quarters of the ship, leaving you alone with Tech once again. You refocused your attention on him, small tears of joy forming in your eyes. A small smile on your lips, until you noticed a peculiar look in his eyes.
“You seem different,” Tech eventually murmured as he squeezed his hand into yours differently. Tears began streaming down your cheeks.
“A phoenix borne from the ashes,” you reminded him.
“Well, I decided to paint my ledger with a little red,” you told him quietly, “that changes a person.”
"DAMN RIGHT IT DOES!" Wrecker bellowed from the doorway, entering with a laugh. "Wha' did Rex call you again?"
“That’s it,” Wrecker said, plopping down next to both of you, ��your girl’s a damn phoenix, Tech. When she heard you were alive, weren’t no damn clone gonna stop her gettin’ to you. Told you you’d like my way of doin’ things.” He laughed again, clipping you on the shoulder with his first. You had to admit… deep down, you had enjoyed doing things the Wrecker way. Even if it was chaotic.
Wrecker fell silent and then you all humbly fell into a companionable silence. Then, Wrecker noticed you holding onto Tech’s hand and flushed a soft pink before excusing himself, rather awkwardly, realising he’d interrupted a moment of some sort. You'd been parted a long time, and he'd just sort of barged his way into it. He was just glad to have his brothers back.
“Is that true?” Tech said as he rested his head softly on its side as he stared at you. You shrugged, unable to truly process the actions of the past several hours. You truly were not the same person he had left behind all those rotations ago. “If I had but known…” Tech repeated, as he had done so long ago, with a soft smile on his lips, “if I had but known you were phoenix waiting to be reborn…”
“What can I say? You boys, Omega… you changed me. The Empire brought the fight to my family, and I wasn’t… I couldn’t…” You began to sob, a sob which touched every part of your being, with your head pressed into your joined hands. “You were dead, Tech. I couldn’t just go on the way I was. They took you from me.”
In that moment, Tech sat up in his bed with a slight groan. He patted the space beside you, and you complied still sobbing uncontrollably, he pulled you flush against him. “I am right here beside you,” he reminded you as he simply held onto you. You realised that these were the tears you’d been holding back for so long. It was over and everyone was safe. “I do not intend to go anywhere again anytime soon. No tea parties at Mount Tanis for us.” You couldn’t help but giggle at this.
You wiped away your tears and stared at him with a sheepish gaze, “I blame that comment on the phoenix.”
“Well, the phoenix is certainly a mighty creature.” He placed a hand softly beneath your chin, encouraging you to raise your eyes, “one of hope and renewal. It is rather fitting when I truly think of it.” You placed his hand on his cheek and carefully brought his lips to yours. Gentle and sweet. You would push it no further than that. The sensation of his plush but cracked lips against yours was more than enough. A demonstration of the hope renewed in you now that he was at your side again.
You pulled away suddenly, a thought racing to enter your mind and interrupting your tender moment with Tech, though you remained close to one another.
“Hey, Hunter,” you called out and you heard the gentle thud of movement as he popped his head around the corner, “where the fuck are we going now?” Tech smiled as he realised your mind was still on the mission. Perhaps you were far more like him than either of you had previously realised.
“Pabu.” He said simply, before closing the curtain to the bunks and walked away.
“What the kriff is a Pabu?” You asked, looking at Tech perplexed.
“A remote isle. They - ” Tech paused to groan as he lay back down, “they will not find us there. Will you stay now?” He asked, searching your eyes for the warmth he loved so dearly. “I thought of you so often and now you are here. Please do not go away again?” Your eyes couldn’t help but warm at the sentiment.
And so, you carefully lay yourself down beside him and pressed your face into his neck. “I’m going nowhere. But promise me something,” you whispered into his neck and he hummed, “please stop going places that require that kind of extraction.” He barked a small laugh but the pain overcame it before the mirth managed to reach his voice.
“I will try.” He whispered as he turned his head into your soft hair with a contented sigh.

You’d all arrived on Pabu as weary refugees and were welcomed instantly. By Phee. By Shep. By countless others. Even though many of you had arrived, with very little warning that you would, they took you all in with good grace. They set about healing and helping you all wherever they could. You were grateful.
After spending the afternoon with Omega, simply catching up on all that you’d missed and chasing moonyo’s around the winding steps of the city. Hunter came and found you, calling you to dinner. As you moved to go with them, Hunter stopped you by the shoulder. Perplexed, you simply looked at him, fear etched into you. Where you no longer welcome?
“Relax,” he said as he felt your tension, “Tech is waiting for you. He’s down on the docks.” With a simple but knowing smile, he pointed you in the direction of his location. You walked slowly down the steps, unsure of what to expect. When you arrived, you heart soared. A healed Tech was sitting with his legs over the edge of the wall, simply looking out at the sunset.
“Hi,” you offered up meekly. He turned slightly to look at you with a small smile on his lips. You sat beside him on a woollen blanket with a grunt. All of that climbing had left an ache in your body that you’d never felt before and without the adrenaline, boy did it hurt.
“I did not know how to express my gratitude,” Tech began, adjusting his goggles. “Then Omega and Hunter recommended a simple dinner shared between us. Shep set up the dinner itself. I was just informed to be here at a certain time.” He looked at your awkwardly, and when you said nothing, when you continued to stare out at the sunset, “I believe I owe you my thanks. For saving my life. For saving Omega and Crosshair also.”
You looked at him with confusion, “that was very much a group effort, Tech.”
“Yes, well, they are clones. It is in their DNA to fight. It is not in yours. You went above and beyond all that could have been expected.” You reached in and kissed his cheek.
“I’d do it a thousand times over if it meant you were safe.” He simply looked at you as you couldn’t meet his eye. This was the version of you he could remember. Not the soldier. Not the tactician. The nervous woman he’d fallen for long ago. Suddenly, you turned and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek and his hand instinctually reached up to touch the spot which was warmed by your affection.
"I thought about you every day," you told him, taking a sip of your poured wine.
"I thought of you also, perhaps not every day. But certainly more than I should have, given the circumstances," he looked at you peculiarly, "I had almost forgotten those eyes. When I lost my data PADD with our photo and was separated from my brothers, I had to rely on memory alone. But I feel as though somehow you saved my mind." He showed you his new device in his hand, the photo had been placed the background once more.
You smiled up at him, placing a hand on his cheek. "Perhaps soon, a new photo would be in order?" He agreed wholeheartedly.
“You know, I think I could do it.” You said suddenly.
“Do what?” He asked quickly, wondering where your thoughts were.
“Help with the effort against the Empire.” You began to pick at your nails as you spoke. “What they’re doing… what they did to you, to so many…it’s wrong.”
“It is.” He agreed simply. “But there are others that could do that job.” He reached over the blanket and grasped at your fidgety hands and brought one to settle between you. “You were admirable and commendable. But there are others.”
“You don’t think I could do it?” It was a painful question to ask him. After all that, he still thought you were some fragile thing that needed protecting.
“I have no doubt that you could.” He sighed slightly, struggling for the right words. “I just wish that you would stay here. With me. At least for now. I have been craving to be near you, to be with you, ever since we left Ord Mantell. I do not wish to part from you again so easily. This war will go on for a long time yet. We can rejoin the effort after I have done all the things I wish to do. Things I hope you want to do as well.”
He reached over and cupped your chin, as you often did with his, and he quickly brought his lips to yours. It was soft and sweet and contained all the things neither of you could say to each other. At least, not yet. When you pulled away, an airy smile on your face, “I think I could do that.”
"Good," he affirmed, "now, please eat something. You're thinner than the optimum weight for someone of your height." He took a berry into his hand and pushed it towards you. Instead of taking it with your hand, you leaned forward, tucking your hair behind your ears and took the berry with your mouth. Not once did you break eye contact. His lips parted as he watched you. Yes. He certainly liked this bolder version of you.
#tbb tech x reader#tech x reader#tech bad batch#gregor clone#captain rex#hunter bad batch#wrecker bad batch#omega bad batch#crosshair bad batch#the bad batch#reader insert#fix episode 16
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Both. Punch her in the face and then steal all the money.
... or i guess you could punch her in the face so hard she's forced to used all that money for a medical bill.
... personally i like the idea of punching her, stealing the money, and the repurposing said money into helping out TBB and other clones
Let me know which you'd prefer. Personally, I'm a fan of the former.
#tech bad batch#the bad batch#tech bb#cidderan scaleback#hunter bad batch#reader insert#wrecker bad batch#omega bad batch
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