#ciar speaks
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butchlesbiannero · 1 month ago
you ever think about the number of times dante has thought he’s killed vergil. survivors guilt from the fire number one killing gilver number two dmc3 number three dmc1 number four then he thinks he’ll have to kill him a fifth time in 5. do you ever think about that cause i do
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endstatement · 10 months ago
maybe not so vague discussion under the cut
the implications from the statement today really make you wonder about gerry ngl… and where gertrude comes into things
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nineliabilityrisk · 1 year ago
i have a sudden severe need for ciarán to meet wills ex-wife and for her to be like "oh honey. honey i promise you could do better than him literally date ANYONE else youll be so much better off" at first but then she spends like five minutes around him and realizes "oh shit hes just as fucking batshit as william was. okay. maybe they were meant for each other. maybe this is good. at least nobody else has to date them. but also im not quite sure this is safe for the people around them. jesus christ."
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 3 months ago
Clearing out some outdated docs from my drive, and I felt like sharing a Skeld Crew scene that got some revisions to it! The overall scene is sticking around, but the way I handled everything felt like it was too... loose? Even for the comedy leaning I want the story to go.
However, I liked some aspects of it and thought it was silly, so I'm gonna share it here for funsies!
“Excellent. Any questions?” 
This time two hands raised - Red’s hand once again, and Pink’s. Since Red had already gone once, White decided to focus on Pink. 
“Hold your question Red, I’ll circle back to you. Pink?” She prompted. 
“Yes, I was just wondering… Could we perhaps take a moment for introductions? It would be nice to know who’s who,” she asked, voice gentle with humility. White hesitated at this - she figured using the colors was basis enough. It avoided divulging too much information about anyone, while keeping everyone easily identifiable. White didn’t get to verbalize this thought however, as Red bounced in her peripheral. 
“Yes, actually that was part of my question! Well more like - can we all have our own nicknames to go by? And the other half was, can we personalize our suits?”
White came to a dead stop at this inquiry. Nicknames? Suit customization? What in all of space was she supposed to make of this proposal? 
“Er,” White replied rather elegantly to this baffling twofold request. 
“I suppose… nicknames are suitable, since it sounds like a couple of us would appreciate having the option,” they allowed, seeing Pink nodding in affirmation at this. 
“But… personalization? What are you thinking?” She prompted, dreading the answer. 
If White didn’t know any better, she’d swear she could see Red brighten up from beneath the tinted helmet. 
“This!” Red replied, deftly whipping out an oversized baseball cap and fixing it, backwards, to the top of his helmet in a matter of seconds.
The table went entirely still for just a second, before erupting with noise and excitement. Yellow began cackling at the display, while Cyan had jumped to his feet, hands pressed to the table as he leaned forward in eagerness. Pink and Brown were looking at each other in approval of this idea, murmuring excitedly betwixt each other. Black appeared to be glancing between Red and White in nervousness as the former stood proudly, fists propped against his hips in satisfaction. White sat slackjawed, taking in everyone’s reactions and the navy blue hat that was sitting prominently atop the red helmet. 
“Well,” White started hesitantly, before clearing her throat loudly. The table began to quiet down, all attention on her. Surely even an infiltrator rarely felt this much pressure on the chopping block. 
“I suppose… As long as it doesn’t risk compromising the suit itself in any way… And you don’t let it get in the way of your work… I’ll allow it.”
The excitement picked up again, forcing White to raise their voice over the din.
“However! Any and all changes must be approved by me first! If I see any unauthorized personalization, it’ll be summarily destroyed and will go on your record as an act of disobedience! Do I make myself clear?” She prompted as everyone finally quieted down. The unified, overeager nods she received from the table was somewhat disquieting. Well… Perhaps this would be good for morale, she pondered uncertainly. 
“Alright then. Any further questions?” White asked, kicking herself internally for even giving them all the opening. The table stayed silent. Thank the outer reaches. 
“Very well then. Dismissed! If you have any questions or reports, I will be here until 1400 hours!” She announced, and the table emptied out in a flurry of “yes, sirs!”, everyone moving with a sense of purpose as if challenged to some race that all but their own captain were aware of. 
As White sat to marinate in the comforting silence that followed, it dimly occurred to her that the nicknames and introductions hadn’t actually been discussed. This prompted a snicker from her.
“Like a pack of five year olds who were just told the cookies were baked,” they muttered to themself with another giggle at the thought. Well. It was no skin off her nose. They could all revisit the nicknames idea themselves at the next meeting, come morning. 
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wildercrow · 1 year ago
A Meeting With Death by Nuri (SpicyIsopods)
Yet another fall/spooky prompt ("a meeting with death"), which I used as an excuse to tell an important piece of Bethany's story and introduce a minor OC (Fiadh's uncle, Cormac)~
Rating: Teen Characters: Bethany Hawke, Cormac Ciar Main Relationship: Bethany & Cormac Genre: Angst with a Hopeful Ending Words: 570 Content Warnings: Near-death experience, vomit AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50566441 Fic:
Bethany’s feet are already off the ground by the time she realizes what’s happening. She’s so focused on trying to set a hurlock on fire before it can launch an arrow at her mother that she’s barely aware of her own body.
That is, until Carver shouts “Bethy, no!”
Then suddenly all she can think about is her own body, which is in imminent danger of being either crushed or flung by the ogre currently holding her in its grasp. Which in turn makes her feel terribly selfish. How can she worry about herself when her family is—
The last thing Bethany hears before everything goes black is the sound of her own head hitting the ground. But she won’t remember that part later.
When she wakes up, nothing makes sense. Where is she? Where is everyone else? Why does her body barely move when she tells it to? Where did all this blood come from? It’s barely started to dry. It must be fresh.
Her head will hurt later, but not now. Right now she feels nothing at all, really. She hardly feels real as she takes stock of her circumstances with something that is simultaneously panic and complete indifference.
It doesn’t take long for her to drift off to sleep.
The next time she wakes up, it’s to voices right above her. Unfamiliar voices speaking a barely familiar language. The Chasind tongue, if she’s not mistaken. She’s heard enough of it in passing to recognize the way it sounds, even in her current state, but she barely speaks ten words of it on a good day. And today is most certainly not a good day.
She cracks an eye open to see who’s speaking, but the moment the light hits her eye, she shifts from being fully unaware of her body to being all too aware of it. Mostly of the splitting pain in her head and the nausea rapidly flooding her consciousness, bringing with it panic as she realizes she’s about to be sick. She grasps feebly at the stones beneath her in a futile effort to flip herself over.
One of the mystery people – a middle-aged man who appears to have been kneeling at her side – gets the hint and gently rolls her onto her side just in time for her to throw up what little was in her stomach. She’s so relieved not to be on her back that she forgets to be embarrassed about it.
“Glad to see you’re awake!” the man says, now speaking Trade. “Less glad to see further evidence of a brain injury, but we’ll take what we can get! I’m Cormac, my family’s resident healer. We’re fleeing the Blight just like I assume you are – would you be interested in some company and, more importantly, some medical attention?”
Relief washes over Bethany, followed almost immediately by overwhelming guilt as she realizes that not just this man, but his entire family are wasting precious time trying to help her.
For a moment she wants to say no. Tell them to go on without her, that she’s not worth risking their lives over. But then she realizes they’ve already risked their lives for her, so she might as well make it worth their while.
And besides. There’s some little spark within her that doesn’t want to die today.
So she gathers all her meager strength and replies with a half-delirious “uh-huh.”
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oculusxcaro · 2 years ago
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# OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES.   1  /  2  /  3 +
TONE OF VOICE.   high  /  average  /  deep
ACCENT.   yes  /  soft  /  no
DEMEANOR.   confident  /  shy  /  approachable  /  hostile  /  other
POSTURE.   slumped  /  straight  /  stiff  /  relaxed
HABITS.   head tilting  /  swaying  /  fidgeting  /  stuttering  /  gesturing  /  arm crossing  /  strokes chin  /  er, um, or other interjections  /  plays with hair  /  clothing  /  hands at hips  /  inconsistent eye contact  /  maintains eye contact  /  frequent pausing  /  stands close  /  stands at distance
VOCABULARY.     ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻ ◻ .
EMOTION.    ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻ ◻.
SENTENCE STRUCTURE.    ◼ ◼ ◻ ◻ ◻ .
FREQUENCY.     ◼ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ .
CREATIVITY.     ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ .
bold all that apply.    arse.  ass.  asshole.  bastard.  bitch.  bloody.  bugger.  bollocks.  chicken shit.  crap.  cunt.  dick.  dickhead.  frick.  fuck.  horseshit.  motherfucker.  piss.  prick.  screw.  shit.  shitass.  son of a bitch.  twat.  wanker.  pussy.  dipshit.
given proper religious context.    christ on a bike.  christ on a cracker.  damn.  goddamn.  godsdamn.  hell.  holy shit.  jesus.  jesus christ.  jesus h christ.  jesus h.  roosevelt christ.  lord sithis have mercy.  jesus, mary and joseph.  sweet jesus.  seven hells.
this or that?    contractions or enunciation ?  straightforward or cryptic ?  jargon or toned ?  complexity or simplicity ?  finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind ?  masculinity, neutrality, or femininity ?  formalities or abrasiveness ?  praise or equivocation ?  frankness or lies ?  excessive or minimal hand gestures ?  name-calling or magnanimity ?  friendly or blunt nicknames ?
almost always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
almost always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
almost always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
almost always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
yes  /  no  /  only ironically
but  /  though  /  although  /  however  /  perhaps  /  mayhaps
walk away  /  ask if that’s everything  /  say that that’s everything  /  give a proper goodbye  /  tell their company they’re done here  /  remain quiet  /  they don’t
titles  /  first names  /  surnames  /  full names  /  nicknames
upper  /  middle  /  working  /  lower
accent  /  vocabulary  /  tone  /  level  /  politeness /  brusqueness  /  it doesn’t
TAGGED BY. Stolen from an old blog!​ (Was it Ciar? I think it was Ciar ♡)
TAGGING. @arkhmlcst, @enigmavis, @freak1ish, @gnarledbite, @goldenmedic, @grasshopperqueen, @sheldoney, @the-rorschach-mask (either Rorschach or Dan) and anybody who'd like to do this?
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trapton · 2 years ago
" you look so good like this , all tied up and bloodied . " - will to ciar, because i am. unwell about them. [ @ninesrizks ] ( just in case lol )
🔧 @ninesrizks (THE CAPTIVE AUDIENCE)
there's something cathartic about this. about being deranged. fully embracing himself, with a wolfish smile and knuckles singing as they shake from the swat of fist to chin. watching the blood drip from the side of the man's mouth.
drip, drip, drip. trio of rivulet streams down naked chest. afraid he was being too soft on him. failed to give him what he needed -- so with the thrill of the kill diminished, well it only naturally fell on ciar to supplement. man wrapped around his little finger, he knows his place enough to know what consequences his behavior reaps. even if for ciar he can wager they weren't so hard to bear.
broken down to begging for this type of treatment.
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" you look so good like this , all tied up and bloodied . "
greying hair disheveled, uncaring if it impedes vision. he speaks it like liquid amber rolling smooth from his tongue. moving forth to straddle the man before reaching behind his head to yank head back. "how easily i could cave in that throat of yours." so marred by his bites, his bruises. manic eyes alight, narrowed in his grin with low chuckle as head tilts.
holding chin upward, it is twisted to inspect. "tell me. do people ask you where those came from?" he muses. letting go of his face to strike a flat palm over his cheek.
"do you even get propositioned, with all of that evidence of my possession?" his toes are curled, long legs accommodated. checkered socks flashed with holster of which he brandishes blade from. glinting along with his grin, scarily magnetic.
"perhaps i'll have to make it even more clear, then. if not for my own personal reflection. did you know i used to be an artist?" william asks. hand pressed to shoulder, whilst he takes the blade to the man's chest. beginning to carve out his initials, there.
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gender-queeries · 4 months ago
So right now I have a main name or two, but im nomifluid and always looking for names lmao. I wont be too specific cuz i feel like thats rude 😭but im looking for names from these:
Culture wise: celtic/irish, germanic, slavic, american/british
Can also be straight made up lmao, i make up names all the time
Mythological: greek, celtic, slavic, germanic, cryptid/folklore
Any object/aesthetic name to do with weirdcore, cryptids, darkness/shadows, mushrooms, dreams, demons, angels, grunge/punk/goth
Any time period from now to literally the middle ages is fine lol
ILL TAKE ANY NAME FROM THESEEE it doesnt have to be a huge list either 😭😭😭
For the sign off ill do 🫧🍄
you didn't tell me whether you preferred feminine, masculine, or gender-neutral names, so i'll give you some of each!! i hope at least one of these speaks to you
(also i'm so sorry there are so many, i got carried away and did this for literal hours on end)
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'Real' Names
Achlys - from Greek Mythology, means "mist" or "darkness", is said to be the name of one of the figures on Herakles' shield
Aisling (typically pronounced "ash-ling" or "ash-lin") - Irish, means "dream" or "vision". variations include Ashling, Aislin, Aislinn, and Aislynn
Aureole - English, means "radiant halo"
Ciara (typically pronounced "keer-ah") - Irish, feminine version of Ciar. variations include Kiera
Melanie - English, French, Latin, and Greek, the French form of the Latin name Melania, which was derived from the Greek word μέλαινα (melaina, means "black" or "dark"). variations include Melany
Michaela - English, feminine variant of Michael. variations include Makayla, Mckayla/McKayla, Mikayla, Michayla, and Mikhaila
Morrigan - Irish, means "demon queen" or "great queen", the name of a goddess of war and death in Celtic mythology
Naomh (typically pronounced "neeve") - Irish, means "holy". variations include Niamh and Nieve
Reverie - English, means "daydream"
Sanja - Slavic, means "to dream"
Sanjica - Slavic, diminutive of Sanja
Seraphina - English, derived from the biblical words seraphim (the name of an order of angels)
Asmodeus - of Biblical origin, means "wrath" and "demon", the name of a demon in the Book of Tobit. variations include Ashmedai, Asmodai, and Asmodaios
Ciar (typically pronounced "keer") - Irish, means "black", variations include Kier
Duff - Scottish or Irish surname, Anglicized spelling of the Gaelic word dubh (meaning "dark")
Erebus - from Greek mythology, means "nether darkness", was the personification of the "primordial darkness" in Greek mythology, variations include Erebos
Ingram - Germanic, composed of Germanic words angil or engil (see Engel) and hram (raven)
Kirk - English surname, derived from the Old Norse word kirkja (meaning "church")
Malachi - English & Hebrew, meaning "my messenger/angel". variations include Malakai
Michael - English, means "who is like God?", the name of an archangel
Naomhan (typically pronounced "neeve-in" or "nevv-in") - Irish, masculine version/diminutive of Naomh. variations include Niven and Nevan
Orpheus - from Greek mythology, likely means "the darkness of night", the name of a prominent figure in Greek mythology
Rocco - Germanic, possibly derived from the Germanic word hruoh (meaning "crow/rook"). variations include Rochus
Sanjin - Slavic, masculinized version of Sanja
Angel - English, meaning is pretty self-explanatory
Ciaran (typically pronounced "keer-in" - Irish, diminutive of Ciar. variations include Kieran, Kieron, and Kyran
Engel - Germanic, originally associated with the Angles, but has since come to be closely associated with angels due to its similarity to the Old German word for angel, engil
Mikey - English, common nickname for Michael, sometimes used as a name on its own
Phoebe - English, the Latinized form of the Greek name Phoibe, meaning "bright" or "pure". Phoibe was also the name of a Titan from Greek mythology, who was associated with the moon
Raven - English, self-explanatory meaning
most of these names were found and/or defined using the Behind the Name website, which is a very helpful resource that i recommend to folks looking for names (for themselves, friends, and/or OCs)
Nouns and Made-up Names
Agaric - shortened form of the name of a large genus of fungi (Agaricus)
Amanita - the name of a large genus of toxic mushrooms
Caddy - a common nickname for the Cadborosaurus willsi, an old cryptid, said to be a sea serpent
Leed/Leeds - another name for the Jersey Devil, a well-known cryptid said to roam the South Jersey Pine Barrens
Willsi - the end of the name of the Cadborosaurus willsi (prev.)
Yarri - a common nickname for the Queensland Tiger, a cryptid said to roam the Queensland area of Australia
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apricusnights · 8 months ago
Chapter Sixteen: Framed.
Location: Apricus City.
Lydia Reliford: "Attention everyone, this is an emergency broadcast. The city council are currently being assaulted by what appears to be the Consecration's Templar Order. Several establishments across the city are reportedly under attack as well."
"It seems the chaos being caused by the Templar coup attempt has provided the city's criminals a distraction. Law enforcement is struggling to handle the workload. The PWSB is spreading it's forces out to attempt to handle the situation. We ask that you please stay indoors during this time. If you are currently out, find a safe place to take shelter."
"We have confirmation that the Bounty Hunters have also mobilized to assist law enforcement and the PWSB. Again, please stay inside. Avoid heavily trafficked areas. We will be here bringing you any and all updates that..."
"ReVeL In WhAt YoU ArE."
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Location: Cathedral Of the Sun, Delta Town.
Merek: "This is ridiculous, I know your order is well trained, but these ones seem to take the cake. I can barely keep them down!"
Lucianna: "This isn't MY order; this is Julius's doing. I have no idea what he's done to them, but I am inclined to agree something is very wrong. Nevertheless, do not kill them. they are not themselves."
Ajax: "Speaking of Julius, where is that fucking weasel?"
Merek: "I imagined he'd be here."
Lucianna: "He's too smart to be in the obvious place. It is however important to regain control of the cathedral and the district."
Merek: "Hope that little vacation did you good because we're about to have more company..."
Another group of enhanced Templars close in on them as the fighting continues.
Location: Upper Docks.
Larsen: "I can handle these morons, no matter how durable they are! Van, Viridian, go help Kawakami. We need to secure the district."
Nerys: "What about me?"
Larsen: "If I told you to go with them, you'd just refuse and want to stay by me anyway so I'm skipping the bullshit. Just fight."
Nerys: "I'm gonna be late to my bartending shift.."
Van, and Viridian manage to push through the mob and make their way further into the district by are separated when both are attacked.
Location: Aurora Vale.
Andrasta: "You're getting slow old man."
Ciar: "I can handle these pathetic imitations!"
Stephanie: "And you're having too much fun!"
Esmeray: "I haven't had exercise like this in ages!"
Jacqueline: "Just don't kill them..if you can help it."
Andrasta: "One question, how did they get ahold of.."
Ciar: "We already knew there were traitors in our midst. Someone stole the research for the project and Julius was likely the high bidder.."
Andrasta: " I wonder if he really was.."
Location: Capitol Square.
Lowell: "And you're sure this is going to work?"
Shin: "If it doesn't, the council will resort to lethal matters and the lives of innocent Templars will be lost due to Julius."
Lowell: "I admit when you prompted me to deactivate my security system, I was a little baffled however I do not wish any harm to come to these people. I just wonder, can you undo the programming?"
Solomon: "Julius is likely using a control signal. He hasn't had the time to brainwash every member of the order on an individual basis. If we shut down the signal, we stop the rampage. Then perhaps we can see what he's done to several members that has seemingly increased their strength and durability."
Lowell: "Fair enough. I'm willing to trust you on this but you don't have much time. Darcie reported that her district is safe, but I doubt I can convince her to spare the intruders for long. The other council members will do what they must if pushed."
Shin: "Getting word from Lucianna. She and Merek have secured the cathedral but are about to be under siege from a larger force headed their way."
Lowell: "I can get you there quickly, head down to the lobby and take my private elevator. It'll send you down to my railway station. Been working on a new train. You're gonna love it!"
Shin: "Brother Solomon, stay here with the Mayor. We need you to coordinate things. If we manage to shut the signal down, pay the audio recording I sent you."
Solomon nods as Shin, May, and Castor head down to the Mayor's private subway station.
Location: Smokey Gardens.
Cordelia: "We come by to check just to find you attacked by these morons again?"
Myte: "Fine by me, needed the practice! But what the hell is the church feeding these guys, it feels like kicking a brick wall!"
Styles: "Just shut up and fight! You doin alright kid?"
Lazuli: "I don't wanna hurt any of them. I don't even have control over this ability they say I have! I don't know.."
Styles finds himself surrounded and even with his tech he's knocked aside. Cordelia and Myte are stopped by several Templars as a small group approaches Lazuli.
Lazuli looks around and clenches her fists.
Lazuli: "You want this stupid power so badly...YOU CAN HAVE IT!"
Lazuli screams as her power erupts once again. Several ghostly figures appear around her and rush towards the shocked Templars.
Myte: "The fuck was that..."
Location: Bundles of Lavender Corporate Headquarters.
Board Member: "We're getting reports that several low life individuals have assaulted some of our primary warehouses and retailers.."
Amorette glances at security footage and smirks.
Location: Cathedral of The Sun, Delta Town.
Merek and Lucianna stand ready for the next group of Templars as the doors burst open.
Shin: "Wait! It's just us!"
Lucianna: "I am pleased to see you well Brother Shin."
Shin: "You two aren't exactly looking the best.."
Merek: "Forgive the appearance but combating seemingly superhuman Templars in waves will do that to you. I fear I'm running low on power as it were."
May: "Julius isn't in the district?"
Castor: "He may have fled when the battles began to take too long."
Shin: "Or he went to his control room.."
May: "Underground.."
Merek: "I'm afraid you're running low on time. Another wave is approaching. The other council members are all likely running on fumes by now and will resort to whatever measure necessary to protect their districts."
Lucianna: "Yes I fear this will resort in either the loss of council members or the loss of many innocent brothers and sisters."
Shin: "We have to get down to Julius's cathedral."
Castor: "Solomon did give you instructions on how to reach it. I assume it will be heavily guarded.."
Lucianna: "Brother Shin, take this." Handing over her staff.
Shin: "Sister Lucianna.."
Lucianna: "Whatever I said or did while under Julius's influence is something I must make amends for. If sacrificing myself for the greater good is necessary for you to stop him, so be it."
Merek: "I'm not leaving you to fight alone."
Castor: "Nor am I."
Lucianna: "Thank you both. Sister May, go with Brother Shin."
Shin takes the staff reluctantly, using its gravity powers to clear a path for himself and May to make the long trek down to the cathedral.
Moments after both are gone from view, more Templars appear to assault Lucianna's location. Lucianna, Merek, and Castor begin to do what they can to buy Shin and May time.
Merek and Castor battle against enhanced Templars but are forced away from Lucianna. Just as Lucianna looks to be overwhelmed, an armored figure crashes through the roof and knocks an entire group of Templars aside.
Oct: "Sorry I'm late, got caught up in traffic."
Lucianna: "You couldn't have used the door?"
Oct: "I like a dramatic entrance. I'm sure the boss will pay for repairs. Now, let's rock and roll..."
Location: Underground Cathedral.
Julius: "Bravo on your meaningless counterattack. In the end it won't matter. Either your council tragically falls, or they resort to taking the lives of members of my order. It'll just add fuel to the fire and all I have to do is.."
Shin rushes forward, knocking aside two Templars guarding the door and swings Lucianna's staff only for Julius to hold his own up and deflect the attack. Both men battle throughout the room, stray strikes crashing against the walls and floor.
Just as May breaks away from the few Templars she disarmed she sees Julius knock Shin to the ground and aim his staff. Before Julius can fire a blast at Shin, May fires a round, Julius is forced to activate a shield instead to block the round.
Julius turns and fires a blast at May, she dodges out of the way as Shin strikes Lucianna's staff against the ground, altering the gravity. Shin and Julius are momentarily sent into the air but come crashing down hard. The force causes the already unstable floor to crumble sending Julius and Shin falling down several floors.
Shin awakens moments later, his vision blurry. He glances over to see Julius standing in front of a control console. Shin goes to move only to realize he's been restrained.
Julius: "Seems you don't quite have the hang of Lucianna's weapon yet Brother Shin. Nor are you "enhanced" as they say. I must give credit where it's due. My dear colleague did a tremendous job procuring research notes for me."
Shin: "You tested it on them first...whatever you did to certain members of the order. You used them to make sure you could handle it yourself.."
Julius: "Something like that." Glancing over as the limp body of May is tossed into the room by another Templar.
Shin: "May!"
Julius: "Don't worry, she's very much alive. She has too much potential to throw away. I'll just have to reprogram her before I put her through the enhancement process. She'll have a place in my new order. My second, the right hand of God."
Shin: "You really are delusional..."
May remains awake but continues the ruse until she's able to flick something from er sleeve to her hand without Julius noticing. As Julius approaches May she leaps up and kicks him back while throwing a small knife that breaks Shin's wrist restriants.
Shin jumps up and rushes to the control console as May tries to hold Julius back. The other Templar grabs May and tosses her against the wall allowing Julius to grab the Bishop's Staff and strike Shin in the back.
May manages to dodge out of the way as the Templar goes to punch her and instead makes a hole in the wall. She spins behind him and ties his ankles together before striking him several times while his hand is stuck in the wall. He pulls free and turns only to trip and fall to the ground.
May grabs Lucianna's staff and tosses it to Shin who uses it to block Julius's next strike. Julius and Shin struggle as May runs to the controls and attempts to figure out how to stop the signal. Julius pushes Shin away and activates the staff's powers. May finds herself disoriented and falls to the ground and the room seems to spin.
Julius goes to strike her, but she manages to drop a flashbang from her sleeve and closes her eyes. Shin manages to cover his eyes as well. The grenade goes off and blinds Julius momentarily. He attempts to shake it off as Shin swings Lucianna's staff at him. He swings his own staff and finally manages to break Lucianna's apart as it had already shown cracks from the earlier battle between Lucianna and Shin.
Julius smirks and reveals a blade concealed in the bottom of the staff. Using it as a makeshift spear to attempt and impale Shin. May leaps up and lands a strike to Julius's back that propels him forward. Shin rolls out of the way and Julius's blade strikes the control console, causing it to spark.
Shin takes the broken half of Lucianna's staff and uses its jagged edge to strike the console several times, carving out pieces of it as it begins to shut down.
The restrained Templar on the ground begins to shake his head as the signal is broken.
Shin: "It's over Julius, you're finished."
Julius is furious as he looks to the control console. He presses a button on the Bishop's Staff which seems to activate something else in the Cathedral.
"Alert, demolition sequence initiated. Evacuate the premises immediately."
Julius begins to laugh as he catches Shin by surprise, stabbing him with the staff. May rushes over and pulls the staff back from Shin, struggling to pry it from Julius's grip. Julius overpowers her and slashes her across the face, striking one of her eyes.
May steps back in pain but now Julius is distracted, and Shin takes the opportunity to charge into him, knocking the staff aside. Julius stumbles backwards and gasps as he looks down and sees a sharp piece of metal partially broken off from the control console sticking through his side.
Shin ignores his own wound and reaches down to free the restrained Templar. Both take hold of May and help her exit the building as it begins to crumble. Julius struggles to free himself as the demolition charges go off one by one. He looks up as the entire cathedral crumbles down.
Templars across the city suddenly find themselves shaken up as if they were woken up from a dream. The battles cease. Solomon plays the recording from Shin's aShine of Julius admitting to all his wrongdoing across all aShines, televisions, and radio.
A few days later.
Shin, and May are treated for their injuries. Both expected to recover in time though May finds herself without the use of her left eye.
Lucianna has returned to her position as High Priestess but continues to state she has a lot to atone for. She begins to consider finding a true successor.
Julius is presumed deceased however no body has been recovered from the rubble.
A rabbit masked figure recovers the Bishop's Staff and seems to vanish into the tunnels.
Days later.
Lydia: "And while damage cleanup continues around the city, things have settled into relative normalcy again. We now take you live to the newest member on the Bundles of Lavender board of directors who has a special announcement to make."
Amorette: "Thank you Lydia. Hello Apricus City, it's wonderful to be here on behalf of the board. I know we've had a rough bit of business lately. With the dismissal of Miss Nava Lavender from the company, and the disappearance of our founders but we must soldier on."
"During the recent chaotic events, several of our warehouses, and retailers experienced violent break-ins. Millions of credits worth of goods were stolen. Several of our employees were viciously assaulted."
"We have combed through the security footage and think we have identified some suspects. As you see here one is very clearly augmented with rabbit ears and wielding a baseball bat. The DNA left behind at one of the crime scenes has identified some suspects, chief amongst them...Van Marigold."
"We here at Bundles of Lavender have authorized a large bounty for any and all suspects."
Several wanted posters are shown on screen, Van's is directly in the middle.
Amorette: "Thank you for your time Apricus, have a wonderful week."
Lydia: "That's it for today's news. Tune in tonight for an update about the strong storms expected to hit Apricus in the coming days."
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halodoved · 9 months ago
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Sunday  has  always  been  calm  and  collected,  but  around  this  little   r  a  s  c  a  l  ,  his  entire  persona  falls  apart.  Insecurities  well  up  and  emotions  always  run  kettle  hot  around  Sora  for  whatever  reason—and  he  knew  Sora   e  n  j  o  y  e  d   goading  him,  enjoyed  watching  him  fall  apart,  and  Sunday  every  time  falls  for  his  inane  antics.
Perhaps  he  should  reflect  and  repent.
❛      I  am  very  perfectly...   U  N  W  O  U  N  D  .  Thank  you,     ❜         he  hisses  through  clenched  teeth.
Sunday  finally  lets  go  of  Sora's  wrist,  and  he  can't  help  but  feel  that  something  about  this  conversation  is  so  unfair.  Sora  speaks  about  that  dog  he  spends  so  much  time  around  with  such  fondness  and  care  despite  him  being  uneducated,  low  status,  basically  from  the  trash  heap.  Sunday  could  give  Ciar  more  grace  if  not  for  the  fact  that  he  continues  to  illegally  trade  drugs  and  dreams  and  causes  many  problems  for  Sunday  and  his  staff—but  despite  all  that,  Sunday  has  let  Ciar  go  many  times  just  for  Sora's  sake,  and  yet  he's  the  one  being  reprimanded  by  Sora  for  telling  Sora  to  consider  Ciar's  feelings?
❛      How  could  he  support  giving  you  away  to  someone  who  doesn't  even  know  the  the  surface  of  your  soul?     ❜
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batfall-a · 2 years ago
I adore your portrayal ! the way you feature bruce’s thoughts in a gotham project - esque monologue is incredibly unique.
! ciar , first off i have to say that your blog is - wow so thought out and i'm constantly in admiration of that. your writing whew! whenever i write against you i know it's going to be so deeply thought out and challenge my own muse (in the best way possible). thank you so much for this ! my dash wouldn't be the same without you ciar
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butchlesbiannero · 1 month ago
i feel insane
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masquenoire · 3 years ago
# OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES.   1  /  2  /  3 +
TONE OF VOICE.   high  /  average  /  deep
ACCENT.   yes  /  soft  /  no
DEMEANOR.   confident  /  shy  /  approachable  /  hostile  /  other
POSTURE.   slumped  /  straight  /  stiff  /  relaxed
HABITS.   head tilting  /  swaying  /  fidgeting  /  stuttering  /  gesturing  /  arm crossing  /  strokes chin  /  er, um, or other interjections  /  plays with hair  /  clothing  /  hands at hips  /  inconsistent eye contact  /  maintains eye contact  /  frequent pausing  /  stands close  /  stands at distance
VOCABULARY.     ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻ ◻ .
EMOTION.    ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻.
SENTENCE STRUCTURE.    ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻ ◻ .
FREQUENCY.     ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻ ◻ .
CREATIVITY.     ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ .
bold all that apply.    arse.  ass.  asshole.  bastard.  bitch.  bloody.  bugger.  bollocks.  chicken shit.  crap.  cunt.  dick.  dickhead.  frick.  fuck.  horseshit.  motherfucker.  piss.  prick.  screw.  shit.  shitass.  son of a bitch.  twat.  wanker.  pussy.  dipshit.
given proper religious context.    christ on a bike.  christ on a cracker.  damn.  goddamn.  godsdamn.  hell.  holy shit.  jesus.  jesus christ.  jesus h christ.  jesus h.  roosevelt christ.  lord sithis have mercy.  jesus, mary and joseph.  sweet jesus.  seven hells.
this or that?    contractions or enunciation ?  straightforward or cryptic ?  jargon or toned ?  complexity or simplicity ?  finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind ?  masculinity, neutrality, or femininity ?  formalities or abrasiveness ?  praise or equivocation ?  frankness or lies ?  excessive or minimal hand gestures ?  name-calling or magnanimity ?  friendly or blunt nicknames ?
almost always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
almost always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
almost always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
almost always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
yes  /  no  /  only ironically
but  /  though  /  although  /  however  /  perhaps  /  mayhaps
walk away  /  ask if that’s everything  /  say that that’s everything  /  give a proper goodbye  /  tell their company they’re done here  /  remain quiet  /  they don’t
titles  /  first names  /  surnames  /  full names  /  nicknames
upper  /  middle  /  working  /  lower
accent  /  vocabulary  /  tone  /  level  /  politeness /  brusqueness  /  it doesn’t
TAGGED BY. @arkhampsychiatrist​ (Thank you very much Ciar! ♡)
TAGGING. @caestusvulpes, @dimxndsareforever, @libertytaken, @noetic-noesis-noein, @wingingthenight, @undeadasshcle and anybody else who’d like to do it?
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nineliabilityrisk · 1 year ago
fully incapable of not thinking about ciarán for even a moment so here have a ramble abt him.
so. i was thinking abt how henry and will both have their ,, yknow, their mascots, their assigned animals, their most definitely not fursonas. will has spring bonnie, so he gets the rabbit symbolism, and henry has fredbear so he gets bear symbolism, obviously.
and i was just. wondering which animal / animatronic ciarán would be most heavily associated with. because if there is one thing about me i am a SUCKER for animal symbolism in characters. like the inherent symbolism of how spring bonnie is a prey animal, so they inherently seem more trustworthy and "safe" and will, by association, was less likely to be suspected for anything he did? because what would a harmless little bunny do? because the kids subconsciously trusted him? yeah i eat that shit up.
anyway like. if we go off of ciaráns personality, hes almost certainly something canine. smth abt his unwavering loyalty + how readily he resorts to violence to protect those he cares about + how easily manipulated (trained?) he is + how well he reacts to positive reinforcement is very very doglike. so that points towards either roxy or foxy and i KNOW that wolves are closer to domestic dogs but like. just hear me out on the fox symbolism here. like particularly how it pertains to william + his rabbit symbolism.
foxes are a rabbits natural predator. like the Big One you think of when you think "what eats rabbits?" rabbits are seen as smaller, weaker, practically defenseless against foxes - as foxes can even chase them down into their burrows. they have nowhere to hide, no way to defend themselves. and ciar,,, he very much Presents like a fox, just as will presents himself as a rabbit. hes tall, hes loud, hes bold, and hes intimidating, and he isnt afraid to use those traits to his advantage. he likes to play with people. he doesnt much care what they might think of him on their own time, as its not like they actively have anything to hold against him. hes very clever. very much a trickster. very foxlike in that aspect.
william, on the other hand, is a man who is all about reputation. keeping up the act, keeping others happy — demure and sweet and oh so nice to the customers and their kids. a family man. its incredibly rare for a stranger to see him without a smile plastered onto his face. he has an act to keep up. as far as the outside world is concerned, hes the perfect man to play spring bonnie. he is the sweet, friendly little bunny. great with kids, sociable towards adults. he could never be a threat — i mean look at him! hes too sweet! that man could never hurt a fly! and seeing him around ciarán all the time — they cant imagine thats a very functional friendship. theres no way william manages to get even a word in edgewise, right? ciarán is far too overbearing.
... and yet, with each other, the dynamic completely flips. william takes the mask off, and ciarán stows away his little bag of tricks. why would he ever need it, when hes with the man hes so wholly devoted to? theres no need to fool, to intimidate him. not when hes too busy hanging off of every single word william says. ciaráns not here to gain any kind of control over the situation. hes the sidekick, the assistant, the extra pair of hands — hes just happy to be there.
the rabbit isnt being pursued, after all, no — its simply leading the fox, and the fox is more than eager to follow right behind.
just. something about the role reversal, the switch in dynamics / expectations really Gets Me. idk im just rambling here this may not even make sense to anyone but me
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greatwrath · 4 years ago
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“My nephew has terrible taste in men.”
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ghaisgeach · 5 years ago
Guess who is going cry every time she goes into one of her OC’s folder? This girl.
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