#ci hndcpm1
raz0rkin · 3 years
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This is my take on the brief and what I and my mum thought scottish culture was to us as individuals and to us as mother and daughter. I used a lot of my upbringing and how i viewed living in scotland to my advantage to really find a theme that worked for me and made me feel good about my work. I also looked and what people in my life see Scotland as, many seeing it for the scenic beautiful country it is. So here you have my take!
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kanaepark · 4 years
Standing stone experiment with cardboard print
I was thinking about the material which we can do recycle to reduce the rubbish. My house has got so many cardboards so I decided to do relief print with them.
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It looks quite easy but actually it was harder than I thought. Especially the parts which had to peel of the top layer. I could manage to use a couple of different texture so excited to print out!
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First, put relief ink for background.
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Then, add gray stone colour.
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Compare to the Lino cut or wood block print, the details are really rough and bold but I think showing the textures was a success.
Maybe next time, I will reduce the bumpy texture areas and more smooth areas would be better to show texture on and off.
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I also think this board is more interesting than the print. It’s like a 3D print.
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raz0rkin · 3 years
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This research was more aimed towards the calming side of the sea, the side i actually like to the sea. Looking at the ripples and how the shadows and highlights lay on them and then looking at gairloch itself, my hometown, the place i grew up and how that place is a huge comfort to me and has been my entire life. And then lastly looking at scottish fish as my grandma being a marine biologist and always having a lot of fishy themed things in my life i thought adding fish to my references and to my sketchbook was a smart idea.
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raz0rkin · 3 years
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These next couple of posts will be my research and inspiration for my scottish culture themes! I looked through the internet and through books on the internet to try and find the same sort of feeling and ideas i was going for and i think these do it justice.
The deep sea with horrifying looking monsters really helps to show through my fear to my art and to help me express what kind of fear it really is.
I also took some inspiration from a book i found online called Folklore of the scottish highlands, which gave me the idea of doing kelpies as an experiment.
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raz0rkin · 3 years
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this is my mind map for my ideas for scottish culture, I tried to look at everything that i thought was scottish culture and not just what other people think it is! I also got the help of my mums thoughts on it and my girlfriends to see if i could link what they think to how i feel.
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raz0rkin · 3 years
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REMEDIATION These are my pages of my second theme idea for scottish culture! I chose to do it on the sea as Scotland is obviously surrounded by the sea and the sea holds a close place in my bringing up in Scotland itself. This theme holds close to me as i was brought up close the sea. My house in Gairloch that my grandma owns is right in front of the sea, and even when my family moved to the east coast we were always close to the sea and would spend many weekends going for long walks on the beach, etc. I decided it would be a good theme to go with as although the sea is a special place to me as a Scottish person, it is also one of my biggest fears, I do not mix well with the ocean as I cannot swim and the deepest parts of the ocean scare me endlessly! So taking both my love of the sea and the sounds of the sea and also taking my fear, I tried to create experiments and a semi final piece that showed exactly that, fear and love!
While I think this idea could be devloped into the final piece, I prefer my initial idea of Scottish witchcraft, as it felt more interesting and i had a clear idea for seeing it to the finish.
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raz0rkin · 4 years
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Last but not least this is my final print! This is my favourite because i feel like it brings across the message i wanted in a abstract way. I also feel this will work well as a riso print! I love how this turned out, i like the very blacked out areas and i like how the flames are white to show that flames are shining brighter than the souls that were taken. The cork keeping the bottle sealed shows the lack of interest and research that went into showing our painful past, our past of killing many many innocent people, mainly women, just from the fear of them having power.
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raz0rkin · 4 years
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For a lot of my art inspo i used plenty of traditional images and such that i found on pinterest. I wanted a more authentic feel to my traditional art. I wanted to show where all my ideas of sketches, final pieces, etc came from and how from a small image something bigger developed, that’s what i was really looking for in my research.
I also used a book called Scottish witchcraft as i wanted to get an insight into scottish witches more than just the stereotype i knew.
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raz0rkin · 4 years
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This is a big print of one of my ideas, again i really like this one but i don’t feel it conveys the message i wanted, it’s too open to interpretation and i feel like people won’t realise it is about witches, let alone scotland.
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raz0rkin · 4 years
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These are the sketches of my two explored ideas. The first one is more of a trippy witches hands plus a skeleton. I tried to bring forward the idea of they have eyes in their hands, like they see all. The skull represents the dead souls that they communicate with, and all the lives of innocent women that were taken just because of the fear of women with power, aka witch powers.
The second idea which i chose in the end is a bottle filled with the past. It’s engulfed in flames with a centre piece witch hanging by her neck. There’s also loads of faces, completely blank and some without actual faces. All of this is meant to represent all the death and despair these witches in the past must of gone through and how our countries past has treated not just witches but also women.
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raz0rkin · 4 years
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i created my witches hut into a lino, i actually really loved this but i knew it wasn’t enough for a final piece.
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raz0rkin · 4 years
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My insperation for this blocks project was Tom Hazelmyer, he is a musician and printmaker. He started up printmaking after he came out of a monthlong meningitis/encephalitis-induced coma, doctors told him to go home and do Sudoku puzzles to regain his motor skills and brain function. He basically said "Screw that" to the doctor. “Veronica had a school project at home, some carving stuff, and we got some linoleum slabs and I started dickin’ around with it,” Hazelmyer said. “The brain damage was such that writing and some other stuff was scrambled up. So you have to relearn how to do everything, think about doing it while you’re doing it, and it’s to the point now where I can write backward upside down.”
Hazelmyer became “completely obsessed” — a phrase he uses often to describe his many projects. His office walls overflow with new prints by his artist alter-ego HAZE XXL.
I think what really struck close to me about his artwork is how much he adores the process of lino, I've loved lino for years and seeing someone just pick it up and instantly adore it is really great to me. I also adore how dark and blocky his prints are, its very similar to how i've always done lino prints and the familiarity feels really nice, especially as an insperation.
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raz0rkin · 4 years
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I continued to look a bit at more modern witches, i wanted to see the contrast between how we’ve viewed witches from around the 90s onward to how they used to view them way back when there was still witch trials
It’s interesting to see how differently we now view them, they aren’t seen as a bad thing anymore, we now embrace witches and many people go to witches for tarot readings and such.
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i stuck with a beach theme for these images and created a series of jellyfish. i love how these turned out i think there so interesting and cool to look at but yet still very simple and in my style.
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this is a set of prints and digital images based off of rocked pools at the beach. this idea didn’t work out as well as i would of liked but i still took it and developed it as far as i could. i used pastels and ink and took it into a digital format, altered the appearance and added and edited images over the top.
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