figureskatingcostumes · 2 months
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Emilie Demers Boutin and Stuart Chutter competing in the 2008 Junior Canadian Nationals, in the free skate.
(Source: Janet)
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chutterart · 2 months
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(via "Red Dot Pattern" Leggings for Sale by Chris Hutter)
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brokenstick · 1 year
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wheeek wheek wheek wheek wheek consuming hay consuming hay consuming hay napping stretching napping purring wheek wheek wheek wheek wheek wheek consuming vegetable consuming vegetable consuming vegetable consuming vegetable consuming fruit chutter chutter popcorn popcorn popcorn popcorn popcorn
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we're learning all the different little chirps and cheeps and chworps but my favorite noise (other than the very soft beeping when Beast is comfy) is the little chuttering sound we make to hype ourselves up to leap-jump to a higher perch. or dare i say, the swing
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sodorsteam · 1 year
…oh i don’t like that Rook lol, i like his big dumb peets but…just imagine the most awful, pitiful corvid creaks and chutters, and shivering like he’s in the refrigerated section of the dang ole grocery store
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ade112 · 8 months
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rkcdlitt · 3 months
Rising to the Beauty of Our Lord’s Day
I arise to the glory of the Lord’s Day; the cacophony of the silence interrupted by the rustling of the floral fronds in the gardens surrounding our rustic patio; my morning reverie is paused by the chuttering of a nearby squirrel demanding I return to the darkened cavern of my home, allowing him to return to his burglary of the finch’s feeds. I hear the finches whispering their demands for me to…
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highestweightever · 6 months
🌄Early mornings🌅 02-01-24
Gym ✔️ Before work 05:55-06:43. (4.20km, 241cal). *Could not be done on any other day than a Monday.
Steps: 14,586
Food ✔️
Breakfast:Before gym had bone broth and coffee. At around 11am was very hungry, banana and a clementine.
Lunch: Carrot soup, with oil and bread. Then 1 glass of soya milk.
Snack: A bit too much cheese, chutters and wrap.
Dinner: After ruining my appetite, I tried to eat my chicken dinner. With 3 cocktails and 1 refresher sweet.
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Today was a good day...lightly binged immediately after typing that :(, its alright though we went hard today.
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lenenupharroux · 10 months
y a
toutes les fois que ça a été coloré
un peu de strass aux stries de la lancinance obligatoire des obligations non-probatoires et jamais attestantes
dès que ça a été:
bim! on t’a dit prend ça dans les dents, mange du plâtre, et crois: 
ça va aller mieux.
et une
et deux
et énième (on aime “ène”) 
lourdes, cognitivo-neuralement actives, affectant humeurs appétits sommeil et même
tu l’a constaté de toi-même
au-delà de ce qu’on pense possible d’asséner à
un être humain:
des défections de pans entiers de
la capacité à exister -en tant qu’-être-soi-au-monde-
, de sa personnalité.
toujours tapir,
chutter et fuir
tout ce qui dépasse, tout ce qui ne se repasse, tout ce qui fait un peu tâche mais au final jamais raté, donne le flou rendant impérative l’activité proprement humaine à lisser, rendre net;
ça chut.
on dit aux gens qui ont la propension un peu lâche à cela,
ou qui se font repérer pour un manque de pesanteur,
qu’ils et elles chutent!
n’est pas hilarant? trop haut ou trop bas, trop à droite ou trop à gauche;
terrifiannnnts, ces gens-là. non?
j’suppose que le sujet est pour vous enfin délimité? ma furaxerie moribonde, de bâtarde en innocente honnêteté intellectuelle, je suis devenue bâtarde des abîmes aussi. et j’ai pas eu à pelleter profond pour évoluer; j’ai fait la poupée de son.
j’te jure j’ai rien, tout abdiqué, soulevé tout ce qui traînait à soulever -sauf cela que je sentais mauvais et qui m’ont ostensiblement déplu à l’abord-, du moment qu’y m’ont internée j’ai réfléchi en acceptant de ne plus donner de valeur à ce que je réfléchis, 
mais plutôt à ce qu’ils-elles me proposaient de “réfléchi-pour-moi”. ils connaissaient tout, ce que je sentais de la texture de quoi que ce soit de ma vie: erreur, ambivalence, paradoxes. mais si je vous en parle; c’est bien que justement moi aussi j’ai mis le doigt dessus sans parvenir à le retirer, alors dites-moi d’où qu’ça bloque, que je débloque, mais venez pas me seriner tout à fait de ce fait cessez et faites ce que vous pouvez. 
parce que ce que tu peux avec une molécule, c’est vomir de ton impuissance, et faire des sourires pour quand même en faire, des trucs,
sauf que la vie devient comme ce jeu de bois à panneau aux inclinations modulables, où tu es la bille de métal qui circule le labyrinthe;
sauf que ce jeu il est fallacieux: l’issue en petit rond creusé, n’existe pas. tu finiras t’affaiblissant, mais la vitalité intrinsèque de la vie
te sera retirée. il faudra faire avec: faire sans.
et ça moi les gars, attendez bien un instant là là; et entendez-le distinctement: je sais pas comment
mais je vais pas laisser ça se passer.
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winged-rat · 1 year
conception of human perception /chapter.2
Chapter 2 
As we road, i learnt more about my strange new guide and what was happening to me, according to him he said that what was happening to me was a process known as ‘aviation’ and is very rare and very un researched or known about, just known in legends, what takes place in the process or what will happen to me he said he didn’t know but something about his tone made me think otherwise, afterall why would i trust a guy with a tv for a head and sounds likes he’s being constantly broadcasted on a 1950s radio, anyways, the tv man said that his name was stanford or ‘stanly for short’ he said with his usual broadcaster tone to him he actually said that he was the mayor of this strange avalon and that he was having a stroll thru the field and came across me, i can feel those quills poking me in the back and as the car slowly shuttered and chuttered to a halt stanly turned to me ‘’now then dearest friend, i must warn you my neighbours aren't  keen to outsiders as i said before we do not get many visitors never the less one thats at strange looking as you’’, a polite way of saying that these citizens may try to kill me most likley, but after today that was the most unsurprising thing ive been told, i stepped out from my car to be revealed to a  town that was so familiar yet distant to me i almost felt id been there before, the roads were plain no markings like they have usually just blank concrete and the buildings, they were like play ones they were almost all painted a pastel colour usually pink but on the off occasion their would be a blue or yellow one and the only decor to be seen was the light being projected by street lamps, no litter no trash cans just hedges, as though i was in a tv set up. At that moment i wanted someone to tell me that this was all just an elaborate prank but that never happened.
‘’Welcome new neighbour to avalon’’! He announced to me ‘’do follow me good friend its getting late, you don’t want to be out for too long here or else’’ he said to me my brain flashed to those last words ‘or else’ panking i followed him close behind, we passed a few more pastel houses and brightly lit streets and he brought me to a seeming manor house, it was huge i assumed this was stanly’s house after all he was the mayor, must be dragging in quite the paycheck ‘’welcome friend wilbur to my home’’! He announced his speakers letting off a weird clapping effect ‘’come now inside its almost sundown. He was right it was dark out but i could hardly tell due to the amount of light that was being shone from those fluorescent lights, he showed me thru the entrance the house had two spiral staircases leading to more rooms above, the wall paper was hideous a tangent stale yellow colour i didn't say anything though as not to offend him and he lead me to a room ‘’ah you see i wasn't expecting visitors but you can use my spare room for now is that alright’’? Stanley said ‘’yes that's fine thank you’’ he was such a polite guy i still didn't trust him, i hadn’t even seen a single citizen in this town yet for all i know he could be the only one here and he’d tricked me now holding me here prisoner. He seemed to have been looking at me when he said ‘’alright you can stay here for as long as you need, i don't share this huge house with anyone and to be quite honest i'm happy to have you as a guest even though your situation is a curiosity to me as well as a tragedy’’ i looked at the blank screen on his head showing no emotion but his voice displayed a lot of feeling ‘’thank you’’ i finally said, ‘’your welcome’’ he replied ‘’it is late’’ he glanced to his watch ‘’you should get some sleep’’ he said in a calm tone ‘’okay..’’stanley slowly shut the door and i turned the light on, the room was very empty, much like the rest of this place to be honest, the only objects that were filling it were a small single bed with a rose embroidered cover on it and a mirror, i walked up to the mirror to look at myself, i then realised what i looked like, my hair was the same scruffy brown it always was but my eye, one of my eyes were completely blank, no pupil nothing, but my other was fine, i had the same outfit on i can remember vividly, a baggy white tank top with some green shorts, i felt a twinge in my back so i removed my t-shirt then felt a rush of relief, ‘finally ah that's so much better’ i felt my feathers stretch and spread, and it was a glorious feeling i had been hiding it but with them compressed on my back it was so painful like an ache you cant get rid off. I turned my head around to look at them, they were jet black and spiked the centre of my torso is where it was the worst, like a pile of coal the quills all squashed together in the centre and now without my shirt they were pointed and brisley, but as they got to the bottom of my hip and the top of my neck the feathers seemed to get smaller and thinner, i turned back to look at the mirror ‘what is happening to me’.
I decided to keep the t shirt off as i slept it was just too uncomfortable to keep it on and i flipped back the covers to the mattress, and layed down, on my stomach the feeling of the blanket on my back unsettled me so i turned it into a tight roll to my side and closed my eyes.
Midnight, i woke up gasping and sweating like crazy i rushed over frantically to switch the light on knocking the mirror a bit as i did so, pain filled my body and anxiety as i stumbled to the mirror to look at myself, they were growing, plumes of mass erupting from my skin. I collapsed to the floor in a huge heap, wanting to give up, it was like I'd just been injected with some sort of poison. Its effects had just started. I clutched my head as I constantly flinched and shuttered from soreness and discomfort as the plumage kept coming. Finally after what seemed hours i felt a rush of relief i unclenched my fists from my head, and i looked up to see stanley in the doorway ‘’by jove wilbur are you alright’’! He rushed to me and knelt to my side i was huddled at the foot of the bed ‘’great scott y..your’’ my heartbeat was rapid and so was my breathing, stanley noticed he didn't say anything just continued to sit besides me at the foot of the bed we didn't say anything for a while before he said finally ‘’its, 1:00’’ he was staring at his watch, ‘’w..what's happening to me’’ i finally said ‘’y..y..you said it was something called aviation w..what even is that i..’’ i stumbled on my words and my eyes began to drip ‘’i..i want to go home’’! I yelled that Stanley's mood changed to caring too frightened and he hastily covered my mouth ‘’I'm sorry but could you please keep your voice down’’! He said, whispering yet loudly. I felt a rush of fear, fear i had not received from stanley since i met him, his hand was tightly around my mouth as though he was desperately hoping i hadn't woken something or someone, after a while he finally let go ‘’apologies, but it is late’ he said his tone almost cracking ‘’you must keep your voice down you understand, it’ll find you’’ he said at normal volume.
‘’What will’’? I inquired 
‘’The entity’’ he responded ‘’is it looking for me’’? I almost yelled again ‘’yes..’’ he replied coldly. ‘’Why, I mean , is it hunting me or something’’? I asked ‘’no just searching and we cannot let it find you, you understand’’? Stanley's voice had changed when i met him his tone was always cheerful and bubbly but now it was stale and cold i still didn't trust him but this entity sounded dangerous and the way stanley was behaving lead me to believe that i should go with him for now till i discover a way out of this place for myself, so i nodded 
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chutterart · 10 months
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drrestlesshate · 2 years
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Edward Hawkshaw - Bird's eye view of the Chutter Manzil, Lucknow, from the bridge, 1881
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love how guinea pigs make little squeaky chuttering noises when they walk because they absolutely look like the type of animal that would make sound effects when they move around
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garyquayphotography · 2 years
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“Storm Brewing, Rowena, Oregon”
©2022 Gary L. Quay
No, the camera is level. That's just the way the land slopes.
This is from back in the Spring. There was storm brewing over Rowena Crest in the Columbia Gorge, Oregon. Lightning was flashing seeming anytime my camera chutter was closed. That's just the way it goes.
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: 214-85mm Nikon
#pnwexplored #nikon #oregonexplored #pacificnorthwest #garyquay #cascadiaexplored #oregon #onlyinoregon #viewfromhere #YourShotPhotographer #pnwcrew #myoregon #rowena #columbiagorge #hoodgorge #hcrh #spring #springtime #wildflowers #rowenacrest
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starburst2000 · 5 years
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