#chumby tumby
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toadalled · 2 years ago
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A particularly unkempt Kieran. This is what the villagers see when she crawls out of the woods for the first time in months because she has a craving for pickles and beets.
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titanofthedepths · 9 months ago
Yes you’re not fatphobic but are you capable of talking about fat people in a positive manner without saying somft/round/rotund/squishy/tumby/chumby/any other variation of the sort. Are you capable of talking about us in a positive manner without it being about beauty or attractiveness. Are you able to talk about fat people in general without being dehumanizing or infantilizing. Can you treat fat people with respect.
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coolerdracula · 2 years ago
[in ref to something that only I think about when seeing a specific user] that shit is still so stupid like if you call fat stomachs "chumby tumbies" you should be put in some kind of canister
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closetdbisexual · 2 years ago
i cant get over those tags on a picture of b*ll that were like "ohhh chumby tumby<33" like . Please i cant even figure out where to start over how horrific that is. it haunts me i cant stop thinking about it. it haunts me . thats a 45 year old man also please dont ever talk to a fat person
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idealteeth · 7 months ago
hot take and this specifically applies to me but like go ahead and call me chumby and somft and tumby and squishy and huggable or whatever
hell tell me you'd stack a teapot on my ass i genuinely dont care. go ahead and objectify me
but if you specifically mock me i reserve the right to break knees
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cypric-rat-hyperfixation · 3 years ago
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insidiousclouds-2 · 5 years ago
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I missed drawing him. Here is chumby.
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ticklishraspberries · 5 years ago
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some pics of bill hader’s dad bod (credit is on one pic, other was also from twitter idr who i saved it from whoops)
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ain · 5 years ago
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coolerdracula · 2 years ago
remembered that one funnyman’s horny sideblog where they would say shit like “chumby tumbys” and I think I want to kill them
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thinger-strang · 5 years ago
gideon this took my BREATH AWAY 😍😍😍
A little bit more
inspired by this lovely post by @tracy7307
Steve runs his hands over and over and over the softness that sits just above Billy's hips - he knows Billy is self conscious about it, knows he thinks he's lost something since he came back from the edge of death, back from the edges of Hell itself; knows Billy thinks he is somehow less than since he hasn't been able to work out after that night, after spending months upon months in the hospital, after only just barely being able to walk across their tiny, dingy apartment without breaking into a sweat three months ago, but...
Steve likes him better this way.
Now, don't get him wrong, Billy's abs were nice - smooth and hard to the touch and gorgeous and all of that, but... there's something a little more real about him this way, something a little less caustic, something a little less...
A little less like Billy is putting on a show for the whole world to see and doing it as one big, giant fuck you to everyone and everything that ever thought he was nothing.
And Billy might hate it, and Steve can't possibly imagine how awful it must feel to still be in so much physical pain after nearly a year but also he sees the things that Billy doesn't - like that he smiles more now, and real smiles, not that fake megawatt, hey-watch-me-disarm-you-with-my-charm shit he used to do all the time, but real, tilt your head back, bite-down-on-your-lower-lip-to-keep-from-laughing smiles. And Billy laughs now, too. And cracks jokes. And eats actual meals. (Because, before, like back in high school, Steve had never seen Billy eat anything. Like any lunch break Steve ever went to go find him, it was always to find him outside smoking. He never saw Billy eat anything. Ever.)
So this is better. Scars and all, extra little bit of softness and all, this is better and Steve makes a point of touching Billy whenever he can, but especially on nights like tonight, when Billy storms into the apartment, exhausted after having only worked for four hours at a job Steve keeps telling him he doesn't need but that Billy keeps insisting he has to go to because, "if I don't have a reason to leave the house I'll lose my fucking mind." It's on nights like this, where Billy is exhausted and almost snarling with it that Steve coerces him onto the couch to watch a movie and he just slowly runs his hands over and over and over every perfect, scarred up, soft inch of Billy's body until Billy melts into it and his grunts and his snarls turn into soft moans and slowly exhaled breaths, like something sharp that was held close enough to hurt is being let go - it's on nights like this that Steve takes extra care and attention to show Billy that he's whole and he's real and he's loved and he's perfect. Every scarred up, soft inch of him is perfect and Steve will keep doing this - offering constant little touches, little kisses, giving Billy this constant, unending praise with his fingertips, until Billy gets it.
He's perfect like this, like this and like any other shape his body will take over the years, it's perfect because he's in it and that is enough.
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mirismuffins-ovo · 4 years ago
Hi!! do you have any favorite sfw mpreg (or any preg really) artists to recommend to a fellow ace?
These are most the sfw blogs I follow on tumblr,theyre all pretty soft and safe,I would link all of them but it’s late and I’m a bit lazy. But here ya go! ✨
trigul (mostly sfw but it’s in Spanish)
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chubcores · 5 years ago
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@chumby-tumby i love u bitch here’s ur husbands
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owlet · 4 years ago
me: [picks up a rat by their chumby tumby]
rat: [tiny squeak]
me: 🥺
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bellybiologist · 4 years ago
On Depicting "Aged Up Characters"
Just some rambling and ranting about something im coming across with work regarding character depiction.
First and foremost, most of my long-time followers probably already know that when it comes to fictional characters, i do not care about needing to age up characters to enjoy them and whatnot, cuz fictional. But also, i 100% understand why people age them up to properly enjoy them.
That said, i need people to at least kinda explain to me what they need to see to consider a character aged up.
This is mostly for patreon work and commissions, cuz this pops up really often???
I don't subscribe to "traditional traits" of what makes a person appear "aged up." Stylistic choices aside, i generally try to make a character look as much like how they are canonically as possible with more realistic proportions, barring me changing traits to something i personally find more attractive (see me making literally every character i like chumby with a tumby). My drawing actually being seen as "oh hey, its THAT character" asap (preferably, on sight) is very important to me.
Real people don't always have the (mis)fortune to get all the traits that people need in order to appear like an "adult" to everyone.
Not everyone gets taller after that last growth spurt they got at 15.
Not everyone gets facial hair, or hell, they decide to stay clean shaven regardless of the level of hairy they achieve.
Not everyone gets broad superman shoulders or huge tits
Not everyone gets a Dorito-faced bad touch senpai chin. (this one drives me up the wall because round face shapes are CUTE and not everyone gets chiseled cheekbones or jawbones at 18, god dammit.)
A lot of these traits are only seen as "adult traits" mostly cuz hollywood really fucked us because they depicted a LOT of teenagers in media using adult actors that are deemed conventionally attractive. So most people's perceptions of what looks like an adult is pretty warped.
IMO, subscribing to traditional traits of being an adult, or simply appearing older, limits what you can do when designing a character, and also comes with othering people who dont get those traits in reality. I, myself, for example, am pretty short compared to most amab people of the race on my mom's side (which is black). And when i shave, people tended to think i was like, 16, even in my mid-20s because my filipino genes kept my face relatively roundish too. (Which is to my advantage being a trans woman, but thats not my point.). Most traits that are taped onto a charatcer to "age them up" dont apply to me when i became an adult. Then this becomes more difficult when you add in stylistic choices in art (see: chibi art)
So where i stand, i dont care for traditional adult traits because most of them are dumb anyway. But, im more than amenable to depicting them for work and art if asked!
When people ask, i follow up to ask them to clarify how they'd want them to appear "older" or "aged up" or "adult" and one of two things happen:
they never explain what would they want to see and magically expect me to read their mind or something
They literally don't know what they're looking for.
Which is problematic to me because, some people dont change at all as they get older. Genetics just be like that; Some of us grow into our final proportions once we hit 15, and das it.
So my choices in this situation are to either take a wild guess at what they want, or just do nothing and leave them the same (the latter often being suitable enough to most situations since my style is semi-realistic enough in terms of proportions, which leads me to think its less them wanting them aged up, and more to cover their own ass in case of implications). I don't like defaulting to "the traditional traits" to make them appear like an adult cuz it may end up not looking like that character after a point. Some of those traits dont even apply when you make them chubby or they gain weight or won't even be noticeable unless you put in something else as a frame of reference. ie. being fat diminishes the chiseled cheeks/chin that a lot of older male characters are depicted with, so to some who follow this rubric, chubby faces make people look younger.
But it also infuriates me because it goes to show that people are often just saying these things in order to adhere to demands of the political climate. Which, of course, is totally valid when you want to avoid Discourse™, but less so when you're not thinking about it critically and go around assuming that everyone reacts to and copes with the concept the same.
Also... it dumps all the brainwork on ME. >:T
I know i'm a badass artist and whatnot, but guesswork is my least fun thing to do to make sure some cartoon character looks suitably adult enough to enjoy guilt-free by one-person-in-particular
Taller? i can do that. Body hair? sure! Definitely. But you gotta give me something to work with. I can't read minds (yet).
So in the end. When you ask for commissions or make patreon nominations, tell me what you want. xD
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