#chuck taylor imagines
daddyhausen · 1 year
• bet — chuck taylor •
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{ masterlist } | { aew masterlist } | { chuck taylor masterlist }
{ summary } — dustin makes a bet that prays he doesn’t lose
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact }, road head, oral sex { male receiving }, male orgasm, throat pie, facials
{ word count } — 646
{ pairing } — fem!reader x chuck taylor
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @stxrrlightwrites13 @boutmachines @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @baysexuality @legit9thlunaticwarrior @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @damnnhausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @baybay-boom @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @eddie-kingstons-wifey @thenerdybaker523
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
the sexual tension had been boiling over at this point
dustin and yourself remained silent
seated in the car on your way to a local indie show in your home town
so desperate to touch each other
yet hopelessly refraining
“tell you what…”
dustin’s voice sprang up in a light chirp amongst the silence
“let’s make a bet”
you turned to him, a slight cock in your eyebrow
“oh really? i’m intrigued, let me have it”
you replied with a mild flirtatious grin
a mere chuckle passed dustin’s lips
“if someone recognises me at this show, you gotta blow me on the drive home”
“ha! babe, you really think that’s gonna happen?!”
you burst out into a fit of cackles at your boyfriend’s supposed bet
“deal!” your remarked still trying to contain your laughter
it had been going well so far on your end
no one had seemed to recognise dustin as of yet
however dustin was silently begging for someone to catch a glimpse of him
the show went on without any sort of commotion
dustin growing increasing worried about losing the bed he’d been so confident about winning just an hour prior
the show had finished about and hour and a half later
dustin could feel the phantoms of your lips slowly slipping away from his cock
metaphorically of course
“well…looks like i won” you smiled triumphantly as the two of you were leaving
dustin was willing to admit defeat at this point, sighing dramatically
running his fingers through the tufts of his dark brown hair
as he was about to speak he heard his ring name being called out in the distance
turning around to greet the voice with such enthusiasm that he almost knocked himself over
the supposed fan in your eyes, greeted him asking for a picture
one of which dustin graciously accepted
“looks like i won…” he mocked your words quickly before taking the picture
“that’s fucking bullshit…you had to have paid him or something” you exclaimed is disbelieve making your way back to the car
all the while dustin beamed like a kid on christmas
“i can assure you i did not pay him” dustin chuckled, opening the passenger door for you to get in
the was a quick silence as dustin started the car up
“well…a deal is a deal” he remarked, already unbuttoning his jeans
“fine…but you owe me” you retorted rolling your eyes.
“start driving”
“yes ma’am!” he remarked a bit too emphatically
you pried his cock out from his already unbuttoned jeans
slowly beginning to jerk him off as he started to drive
feeling his shaft harden in you palm, leaning down to give his tip small kitten licks
he hissed at the contact, using his free hand to gently massage your scalp
you let you lips sink down his shaft, lightly bobbing your head
hollowing your cheeks for the desired effect
hearing him grunt and groan softly as he tried not to seem too suspicious
it would surely be embarrassing to get pulled over by the cops in such a state
“fuck babe…” dustin muttered softly through gritted teeth
fingers gripping the steering wheel
his knuckles turning bone white
you hummed around his cock, the sensation making his hips jolt slightly
he applied more pressure the the back of your head
seeing how much of his length your could fit down your throat
“y/n…fuck baby…i’m close…”
quickly he pulled off the main road, into a side street
turning off the car, allowing you to continue until he spilled over
his warmth flooded the back of your throat
hot cum gracing your taste buds
“oh shit…” he gasped breathlessly
the remainder of his cum splashing up onto your cheeks
smiling up at him as you licked your lips clean
“babe, i don’t think i can wait until we get home, get in the back seat”
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smartycvnt · 2 years
Pairing: Chuck Taylor x Reader Summary: You're stuck in a room with Chuck for a night.
"Alright, you're in room 215 with Chuck," Tony told you as he placed the key card in your hand. You stared at it for a moment in confusion and disbelief. It was ballsy for non-couples to be put in co-ed rooms in the first place, but for Tony to place you with Chuck was stupid. This was supposed to be a calm and quiet weekend. Everyone and their mother knew that you and Chuck would end up at each other's throats within moments of being stuck together. Hopefully this room would have more than one bed because you could not fathom the idea of having to share such a close space with him.
"If you're sure," you said as you walked towards the stairwell. A freak snowstorm had shut everybody into the same hotel for the weekend and left it with no vacancies. The elevators were down to converse energy for the heaters, which were most likely running on generators with the rolling blackouts going through the city. This was an awful situation that you had just been informed was made even worse by your company for however long you were stuck here. Surely someone would be willing to trade with you, but you doubted that you could find someone before the night was over. Everybody was exhausted from having to haul themselves and their shit out of the arena with the blizzard going on.
"You're my roommate for this?" Chuck asked, as if he couldn't believe it either. "I told Tony I wanted Trent."
"Don't act like this is ideal for me. Do I look like I want to spend my weekend with a backwoods hick?" You knew that was a bit mean to say, but you wanted to make sure Chuck wouldn't try and make friends with you. You unlocked the door and placed your things on the bed closer to the window. Chuck shut the door behind him and booked it straight for the shower. He had wrestled a match tonight, which you were sort of jealous of. You hadn't gotten to wrestle in months because you weren't cleared to. You had hoped that whenever Saraya was clear, you would also be so that the two of you could work together again. Working with her had been the highlight of your career at NXT before it had come to an abrupt end.
"Is there a reason that you're staring at me?" Chuck asked you. You quickly turned away from him, not having realized that you had been looking nearly as long as you had been. You were certain that it was only a glance that you had stolen, but apparently you were wrong.
"You're not gonna go hang out with your buddies?" you asked. Chuck shook his head as he laid back in his bed. "Surprising, you idiots do everything together."
"It's a lot less lonely when you find your people. Didn't you used to travel with Saraya?" Chuck asked you.
"Yeah, and then it was me and Madison when I came back," you said with a small smile. Chuck had never heard you speak so comfortably around him before. The two of you swapped a few stories from traveling with various people. You learned that Chuck took care of his friends a lot more than you had expected, always having seen him as immature and annoying. Although, you had based all of that after the first couple of times the two of you had been around each other. Chuck had obviously done the same thing with you, having expected you to be a bitch all of the time. However, you were actually really fun and a bit of a wild child.
"I don't know if I would have bailed you out that night," Chuck said with a laugh. You had just finished telling him a story about when you and a few girls from Impact had gotten arrested in some small town while playing a game of truth or dare. "I mean, stealing a cop car is a big deal."
"They never found out I did that. Turns out we were in a dry county and we were walking around going between bottles of Jack and Tito's," you clarified. "I've cleaned my act up a bit now. It's hard sometimes, keeping on the straight and narrow when I'm not sure I'm even working towards anything anymore."
"You're younger than me, surely you've got at least another ten years to go. Just pace yourself in the ring, there's no need to be groundbreaking in every match if it means you only get half as many as you should have," Chuck told you. "You're too good to be putting yourself at constant risk."
"Was that a compliment?" you asked as you sat forward. Chuck ducked away bashfully, but you heard him mutter a confirmation. "Well, thank you Chuck. You know, you're not so bad to be around."
"I think that's as close to a compliment as you can do, so thank you," Chuck laughed. The two of you had a bit more of a back and forth going before he got tired and decided to go to bed. You rolled over onto your side and tried not to think about how your heart fluttered when he'd smile and laugh at your stories earlier in the night. Chuck was a nice guy, but there was no way that you could let yourself get feelings for him.
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I Know I Can Treat You Better Than He Can
Pairing: Chuck Taylor x gender neutral!reader
Category: Hurt/Comfort/Fluff
Word count: 1,505
Summary: Upon catching your boyfriend cheating, you’re hurt and heartbroken so you go to your best friend, Chuck Taylor for comfort. When he finally admits his true feelings to you, will you feel the same, or will your friendship be ruined?
Warnings: Swearing, reader gets cheated on
A/N: I tried to keep this as gender neutral as possible. Also, as I was writing this, Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes kept popping into my head, and I thought about it and realized how well it fit. So here’s the song if you wanna listen!
You knew you probably shouldn’t, but you couldn’t help yourself. You really needed him. He’s been there through it all; he’s your best friend.
You wiped your eyes the best you could. You knew he’d be able to tell due to your red, puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. You sucked in a breath and went for it, knocking three times on the door. You didn’t have to wait long before the door opened revealing the person you knew you could always count on: Chuck Taylor.
He takes in your appearance after he hears you sniffle a few times, not asking questions just yet, he ushers you inside his home. You’re aware he shares his home with his friend they call Orange Cassidy. You’ve met him multiple times, and you would consider him a friend.
Cassidy was on the couch when you entered the room. He looked up upon hearing the footsteps and, when he saw the look on your face, he knew the two of you needed the room. Never one for words, Orange gave you nod in acknowledgment and a pat on the shoulder as he passed by you to exit the room; his way of comforting you and letting you know he’ll help however you need. You give the quiet man a forced smile and a whispered “Thanks” not trusting yourself to say much more.
Chuck gently pulls you to the couch and you drop down on it, letting out a puff of air. He scoots closer to you and wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you into him, his chin resting on the top of your head once you settle against his chest. He doesn’t say anything for while, just letting you get it all out.
You feel so safe, loved, and comfortable in Chuck’s embrace; hell, you feel that in general whenever he’s around. Once you’ve calmed down enough to trust your voice, you wipe your eyes and look up at Chuck; you don’t know what exactly you did to have him as your best friend, but your damn sure glad you did it.
When he feels you move, he relaxes his arms so you can sit up, only to catch you looking at him; he feels his heart skip a beat and breath hitch. He knows now isn’t the time to be feeling like this, but it’s how he always feels when you’re around. He gathers himself before speaking, “Do you wanna talk about it?”
You thought about it briefly before ultimately nodding your head. “Yeah, I think so.” You watched as Chuck truly focused on you, giving you his undivided attention. “I… I caught him…. I caught him with some blonde at the cafe down the street from my apartment. They were sitting practically on top of one another…. I stopped on the sidewalk trying to figure out a reason. I ended up getting one when I saw him kiss her. It wasn’t a kiss on the cheek or the forehead; it was right on the lips. It was no peck on the lips kiss either; they were sucking face right there in the open.” You stopped to take a deep breath to keep from crying again, angry tears this time.
As Chuck listened to you recounting the events, he was fuming. How could someone do that to another person? More importantly to you? He was trying his best to keep calm, but he noticed your feelings changing from hurt to anger as you spoke.
“How dare he! How dare he do this to me! I gave him the best two years of his life!” You shouted, anger dripping from your lips and radiating off you. “I should have known he didn’t truly feel the same because he never put in the effort like I did.” You sighed, laying back in the couch, head resting on the back of the couch and staring at the ceiling. “I guess the past few months when he would go out with his friends; he was really going to see that girl. Why didn’t I notice sooner?” You asked, seriously curious; you had always been able to see the red flags in your friends relationships, but now you’re left wondering: how could you have been so blind when it came to your own relationship?
After Chuck knew you were done talking and he finally cooled off, he decided it was time to speak. “I know you already know this, but you deserve some who values you.” He couldn’t stop himself, the words fell out of his mouth before he could process what he said, “If I was your boyfriend, I’d pepper you with kisses and gifts and spoil you so bad.” He froze, eyes wide when his brain finally caught up. Did he really just say that? He wasn’t supposed to say that; only think it. He had decided he was going to tell you soon, thanks to Trent and Orange Cassidy constantly encouraging him; this wasn’t how he planned it though. He wasn’t sure how you felt about him, and he’d be completely devastated if he lost you because of this. He couldn’t look at you, holding his breath, hoping this was all a dream. When he heard you speak, he knew it was reality.
“I know I deserve better, I thought that—wait…” You cut yourself off, Chucks words registering slowly but surely. “Did you just indirectly say you want to be my boyfriend?” You questioned, wanting to make sure your mind and ears aren’t playing tricks on you. Turning to face him, you notice he’s looking everywhere but at you; you had heard him correctly. Chuck was mentally kicking himself for possibly ruining everything; how could he not catch himself, not stop his words, or think it through? You gently reached out and softly took his chin between you thumb and index fingers, turning his head and making him look at you. You weren’t mad or upset; honestly, you never really thought about your best friend like that, but now you’re thinking back to all those times he was the only one there for you, how you remembered feeling in those moments. Chuck had seen you at your highest of highs and your lowest of lows. He saw the good, the bad, and the ugly. You never noticed until this very moment that you were trying to fight those feeling that would float and flutter around when you were in his presence; it didn’t matter if other people were present or the two of you were alone.
Chuck let you turn his face towards yours, knowing that he has to face the consequences of his words. He finally built up the courage to look you in the eyes. He noticed you were lost in thought but still had your eyes on him. “I… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that, especially not now. I get it if you don’t—” You cut him off, crashing your lips onto his. You realized that the only person that was going to value you, pepper you with kiss, shower you with love and affection, spoil you, and make you laugh was your best friend, Chuck Taylor. Your kiss was one-sided until, after a few moments, Chuck began to reciprocate, letting himself go, letting you feel every ounce of love and adoration he had for you. Now was as good a time as any. You were surprised at the intensity, feels overwhelming you so much that you had to break the kiss.
When you pulled back, you felt yourself tearing up and smiling like you won the lottery, and, in your opinion, you did. Chuck slowly opened his eyes, a smile plastered on his face, but that changed into a frown. Worried and concern, he quickly placed his hands on either side of your face, wiping away the tears that fell. “Was it that bad? I know I haven’t kissed anyone in a while—” You couldn’t help but laugh.
“No! It was perfect.” You reassured him, bring your hands up to hold his wrists. “Those were happy tears. I felt everything you put into that kiss; all the love you’ve kept to yourself. I’m so sorry I didn’t pay attention to my own feelings and listen to my gut or my heart. I’m sorry it took me this long to admit to myself what I knew deep down — it’s always been you.” You apologized, feeling terrible about coming to him with all your boy troubles and boy drama when he had to have been feeling like he wasn’t good enough for you.
“It’s always been you too.” He repeated your words back to you. “Let me treat you like you deserve.” He whispered. You couldn’t speak, too captivated by his sweet words and handsome face; all you could do is nod your head and lean forward pressing your lips to his one more time; this time the kiss was slow and sweet, filled with all the love could have ever dreamed of.
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thesupreme316 · 20 days
Ranking da AEW Roster: Who I Would I Trust to do My Makeup
Pairings: Everyone and their momma
Supreme Speaks: Hi guys, thank you for being so patient. For the past months, I have been dealing with severe depression and writer's block. But I'm back up in here. To start off here is a quick little tier list for the roster with no detail or explanation. I will upload another part to Had It Coming by Sunday.
Please remember that you are loved, appreciated, and I am happy you are here.
Warnings: None really...Jumpscare (old photos)
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Taglist: @hookerforhook @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @triscillal @wwenhlimagines @kat04ie @batzy-watzy @cassie0sstuff (idk if you guys are still here or if you guys are okay with me tagging you now...just let me know if you wanna be tagged or not)
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princessxpunk · 2 months
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Walter is All Elite!
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 5 months
AEW Wrestlers Pregnancy Headcannons
Requested by @moondust-imagines
Summary: AEW Wrestlers reactions to finding out you are pregnant
Main Masterlist Part 1
Wrestlers mentioned: 'Hangman' Adam Page, Christian Cage, Chuck Taylor and Swerve Strickland
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"Hangman" Adam Page
Adam cried when you told him you were pregnant.
You were scared by his reaction, the only time you saw him cry was after the whole brawl out
The diffrance was this time they were happy tears
He coudn't wait to be a father, he promised he would do everything he could to protect you and your baby
Adam did EVERYTHING for you, he wound't let you lift a finger during your pregnancy
It was adorable but also anoying at times, you were capable of walking 10 feet to grab a glass of water
Adam would run to the store in the middle of the night without a second thought for whatever you were craving
He was ment to be a father, he was everything you ever wanted in a partner
Christian Cage
I wrote a four part fic about Christian Cage that you can find HERE, in the second part the reader finds out she is pregnant. I decided to include the scene instead of making headcanons
I went out to pick up a few groceries and once I returned I found Y/n sitting on the floor of the master bathroom with tear-stained cheeks. I sat next to her and asked “What’s wrong?” nothing “If something happened the other day at work you can tell me you know” I waited, I knew she wanted to say something but was having trouble getting the words out. “You’re going to be mad at me” Her words were so quiet it was barely a whisper. “Why would I be mad at you honey?” What would I be mad at? “Don’t yell, I’m sorry. I don’t know how this happened” Y/n had tears in her eyes as she spoke. “I won’t yell, I promise but I need to know what happened so I can help you,” I told her carefully Just then she got up and handed me four items from the sink before returning to her spot on the floor. She was now fully crying and turned her back to me. It took me a minute to realize what I was holding in my hands. Four pregnancy tests, all different kinds but all were positive. “Are these real?” She turned to face me, mascara now ruined. “Are you mad at me?” I wasn’t mad but I was shocked, but I was also happy. “No sweetheart, I would never be mad at you. Especially over something like this” I gave her a hug to which she returned, burying her head in my chest as she continued to cry. I knew what this would mean, Y/n being pregnant would change everything. Although this was a shock I was so happy. We had never talked about having kids, Y/n was still in her prime and I was nearly 50. “What are we going to do?” I wanted Y/n to know that I would support her for whatever she decided. I mean she is making history with her current title reign and at the end of the day this is her body we are talking about. “This is your decision Y/n. I want you to know that I am happy about this but I understand if you don’t want to go through with this.” She looked at me with a sad smile. “Would I be crazy if I said I want to keep it? I still don’t understand how it happened in the first place but the more I think about it, I want to go on this journey with you Christian” I placed a kiss on her temple before saying “Don’t worry, I am going to be here with you for every second of it. We will do this together” 
Chuck Taylor
Looking down at the positive test in your hands you coudn't stop the happy tears that fell from your face
You coudn't wait to tell Chucky the news
When you told him you were pregant he was so happy
During your pregnancy he would constanly kiss your stomach and talk to your unborn child
Chuck Taylor is such a teddy bear, he would be the best dad
Once your baby was born the two of them instanly had a special bond, you swear your baby liked Chuck more than you
Chuck would build you the most perfect nussery and have the best friends come over to help baby proof the house
As much as he loved his friends he woudn't trust them alone with your baby
Swerve Strickland
When you told Swerve you were pregnant he was secretly terrfied
Not just because he would become a father but because of what he did to hangman
He would get nightmares of the cowboy breaking in and taking your baby, simiular to what he did to hangmans son
He was exited to be a dad but was scared of the responsibilities that came with being a father
He was scared that he would mess everything up, scared he would disipoint you
His thoughts kept him up at night and you assured him he would be a great dad
just like you predicted once your baby was born he was a great dad
Swerve promiced he would do anything and everything to keep the two of you safe
He would kill for you
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plentyoffandoms · 4 months
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Main Masterlist ♡ Christian Cage Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous Wrestler Masterlist ♡ Chuck Taylor Masterlist ♡ Adam Copeland Masterlist
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Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: reader getting hurt.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Requested by anonymous. Hope you like it.
WC: 828
Jay - Christian Cage ☆ Stephon - Swerve Strickland ☆ Dustin - Chuck Taylor
𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓪𝓷 𝓒𝓪𝓰𝓮
Jay still couldn't believe that happened.
One second, you were standing behind him, outside the ring, the next second, you were flying back against the barriers.
You didn't have enough time to brace yourself.
You hit your back at an odd angle, and you laid on the floor, not moving, groaning in obvious pain.
Jay ran to your side, just as the Doc got there.
You were looked over and got taken out on a stretcher.
Jay rushing beside the stretcher, not caring at this moment that this was a Championship Title Match.
His main concern was you, and only you.
You were taken to the nearest hospital and had tears done, Jay by your side the whole entire time.
Emergency surgery.
Jay didn't leave your side until he finally had to let go of your hand.
He took a seat in the waiting room.
He was going over what happened in his mind, over and over again.
Trying to see what went wrong.
If he did anything wrong.
His name was called, as the doctor came out to let him know what your diagnosis was.
Central cord syndrome, which is an incomplete Spinal Cord Injury.
Jay took time off of work to help you with rehab.
He moved you into his home, knowing that this was the best place for you.
He was there every step of the way.
𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭
Stephon felt sick to his stomach as he watched Joe land on top of you.
Even Joe was stunned as he quickly got off of you.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
You were supposed to push Stephon to the side and then take a few steps back.
But something happened, with Joe jumping too far, or you did step back far enough.
You went down like a sack of potatoes, and even Stephon could hear from where he was standing that something broke, and you scream out in pain.
Stephon only saw red as he full on decked Joe on the face before turning to you.
Stephon looked you over, as did Bryce the ref, and saw that your ankle was swelling, but also at a weird angle.
Stephon helped you out of the ring and up the ramp, as you insisted that you didn't need a stretcher.
Even with Stephon insisting on a stretcher.
You finally listened when you were told by the medical team that you needed some imaging down and were taken to the hospital.
Stephon sadly had to stay back to deal with him punching Joe in the face.
Which resulted in a suspension for a month.
But Stephon didn't care.
Stephon got to the hospital just when you were coming out the doors, with crutches and with a boot on.
"No surgery. It is just a posterior malleolus fracture."
Stephon breathed a sigh of relief as he helped you into his car.
𝓒𝓱𝓾𝓬𝓴 𝓣𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓸𝓻
Dustin didn't see you get hit.
He was busy dealing with Matt, and his back was turned.
Matt indicated for Dustin to turn around, and Dustin did, knowing that this wasn't some type of trick.
He saw your face first on the ground, with thumb tacks all in your body, and Mike standing next to you.
Mike was supposed to bring Dustin down, and he was supposed to land in the thumb tacks, as they all know you do not work with them IF you can help it.
You looked up, and Dustin all most threw up. Your whole face was just covered in thumb tacks.
The match was considered a draw, as he helped rush you to back.
The medical team working to try and get them all out.
But Dustin didn't leave your side, as he held your hand the whole entire time.
Got you drinks, and made sure you stayed hydrated.
Mike and Matt tried to come by to see if you were okay, but Dustin didn't let them through.
"Give it a few days, and I will see if they want to see you."
Once Dustin sat down next to you, you squeezed his hand as to thank him.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
𝓐𝓭𝓪𝓶 𝓒𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭
Adam was pissed when he saw that you had thrown the table instead of him.
He knew that Jay didn't mean to, but Adam also knew that Jay would do anything to keep that stupid title, and that means using you to get to him.
Adam looked at you, and you gave him the thumbs up, indicating that you were okay.
So Adam knew he had the all clear to go after Jay.
Jay didn't know what hit him.
Adam lifted him in the air by the scuff of his turtleneck, and Jay was even scared for a moment, never seeing his best friend act like this with him.
Jay knew he fucked up the moment Adam flung him across the ring.
You stood off to the side, refusing to leave as you watched Adam become the new champion.
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sycamoretrees · 4 months
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this might as well happen
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POV: A happy Chuckie T is bringing you a drink (non alcoholic so everyone can enjoy!) and he's also got you some tulips that he picked from the garden!
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 2 months
●Chuck Taylor x Reader●
Summary: You watch Chuck and Trent's Parking Lot Brawl.
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*Y/N's POV*
Standing in the parking lot with Kris and Orange Cassidy, I am holding Walter watching Chuck getting prepared for his match. He looks over at me and sees the look of concern and worry on my face. He gets up, walks over to me and puts his hands on both sides of my face.
"Baby. I will be okay. I'm doing this for us. He will pay for what he has done to you. To Cassidy. To Kris. To every one of us. I got this."
He kisses my forehead as I look down taking a deep breath. He walks back over infront of the cameras and gets ready for his parking lot brawl. I hand Walter over to Kris and she takes him back to the locker room. I stand behind the cameras watching and waiting.
*match has started*
I am breathing hard, watching these to former best friends beat the living shit out of each other. Trent picks up Chuck and slams him into the car hood.
"Cmon babe!"
Trent looks over at me and smirks. He grabs Chuck by his hair and drags him over infront of me.
"Cmon babe. You can do it."
Trent mocks me, pulling Chuck up by his hair and pointing at him. I slap Trent across the face and he lets go of Chuck's hair. I hand Chuck a trash can lid and he goes to hit Trent with it but, Trent dodges it hitting Chuck in the stomach with a boot. Trent grabs the trash can lid out of Chuck's hand, looks over at me and blows me a kiss. I roll my eyes shaking my head. He proceeds to smack Chuck in the head with the lid and I gasp covering my mouth.
Trent picks up Chuck and hits him with a piledriver ontop of the white sedan. He pins him and gets the win. I cover my mouth with a tear rolling down my face. I run over to Chuck and grab his arm, squeezing it a little. Trent grabs my arm and pulls it to make me look at him.
"Let me go!"
"Not before I do this!"
He grabs my face and kisses me. I start pushing him but, he doesn't let go. He lets go as a ref grabs him by his waist and pulls him away from me. Kris comes over standing infront of me wiping my face. Trent grabs a wrench and lines it up with Chuck's ankle on the car.
I try and push past Kris but, she has her back to Trent. Trent smashes Chuck's ankle with the wrench and I push Kris out of the way. I go to run after Trent as he is retreating but, Kris grabs my waist holding me back. I kick and scream trying to get to him. Kris finally let's me go and I climb up ontop of the car hood grabbing Chuck's head.
"Hey. Baby. I'm here."
He looks up at me.
"Are you going to the hospital with me?"
"Of course baby. I'll be by your side forever."
"I love you Y/N."
"I love you too Dustin."
The doctors load him onto the stretcher and I follow them to the ambulance. They put him in as I climb in and take a seat next to his head. I put my hand ontop of his chest and we head off to the hospital.
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allelitedweaming · 10 months
Chuck Taylor x Reader - Post Stadium Stampede
The Big One
Chuck Taylor x Reader
smut, oral sex (male receiving), 18+
Chuck's hairline still had dried blood crusted to the roots of the follicles. You were sitting across from him at the tiny table in your hotel room, watching him eat his french fries. Every molecule in your body wanted to reach out and touch him, take care of him, wet a cloth and wipe his forehead. He noticed you staring and smiled. His mouth was still full. "Will you stop worrying?" He laughed. "I'm fine. I promise."
You trusted him. That was never the issue. The issue was you watched the match. You knew what they'd all put their bodies through. It was so hard to have to watch him on the monitor, to not be able to be by his side. "You still have blood in your hair," you told him softly, trying not to betray how desperate you felt.
He laughed again. "Yeah, but it's not my blood. That's the amazing part." He popped another three or four fries in his mouth. "See, usually the other guy wins, they play his music, and he walks up the ramp all covered with my blood. This time our dumb song played and I got to walk up the ramp covered in their blood. And some of Orange's, I guess."
You put your hand to your mouth gingerly. Suddenly your heart was swelling with so much pride you could hardly stand it. These last few weeks had been such an emotional roller coaster, and by some miracle the boys had won the big one and come out on top. Seeing them walk up the ramp together at Wembley, in front of so many adoring fans, it was too much for you to bear. You'd always known he deserved it, but seeing it happen was difficult to process.
Chuck finished his fries and licked his fingertips. "What's the matter? You don't believe me?"
Before you could answer, he stood up and scooped you up into his arms. You let out a short, loud yelp. "Chuckie!!"
He started laughing and swinging you back and forth while holding you bridal style in his arms. You laughed too, and wrapped your arms around his neck to held on tightly. As his movements started to slow, he kissed the top of your head. "What can I do to prove to you I'm fine?" He asked. You could hear him breathing heavier than before. His breath smelled like salt and fried food, but it was warm and pleasant on your cheek. You loved to be so close. "Do you want to kiss it better?"
He laid you down on the hotel bed and you propped yourself up on your elbows as he stood above you at the side of the bed. "Where does it hurt?" You asked him, your voice barely breaking above a whisper. You could practically feel your heart in your throat when you saw his expression soften.
He jumped over you and crashed down onto the empty spot on the bed next to you. "My arms are sore," he admitted, wiggling to position himself on his back with his head on the pillow. It reminded you of watching him position himself on the canvas as his opponent climbed the turnbuckle. You turned on your side to face him and planted a kiss on his shoulder, his bicep, the soft spot inside his elbow. "My chest definitely hurts." You leaned over further and kissed him through his t-shirt, your lips landing on the 'A' in 'STATLANDER.'
You locked eyes with him again, his eyes weren't so soft and melting anymore. Now there was something burning behind his irises. The same thing burning in your stomach as you felt the warmth from both of your bodies mingling in the middle of your hotel bed. Holding his gaze, you reached down and started to undo the buckle of his belt. He pulled his arms out from his sides to give you space, inviting you to continue. You pulled his pants down. He helped by shimmying his hips a little and lifting his butt off the mattress. He was wearing blue boxer briefs and you could tell he was already reacting physically to your touch.
You swung one leg over his inside leg so you were straddling it with one of your knees landing between his thighs. He laced his fingers together behind his head and grinned at you. "You're so fucking beautiful." Sometimes the way he complimented you, so confident and self assured, made you feel lightheaded. You leaned down, steadying yourself with your hands on his chest, and kissed him sweetly.
"I'm so proud of you," you whispered with your lips still practically touching his.
He put one hand on the back of your head, cradling your skull and pulling you back in for another deeper kiss. He wrapped his other arm around your waist to hold you tight against his body. Your lips moved easily against each other, tongues slipping past each other, figuring out where to go next. He pulled away first, threading his fingers through your hair and tugging lightly to expose your neck to him. Slowly, he kissed the center column of your throat, dragging his teeth gently against your skin. When he heard you sigh contentedly, he bit down softly and started to suck the skin until it turned bright pink. You whimpered and melted further into him until your chests were almost flush pressed together.
As his kisses slowed, you started to kiss his forehead, the bridge of his nose, his lips, his chin, his jaw, his neck. Then you shifted your weight down on the bed to continue down his chest and his stomach. You pulled the fabric of his t-shirt up slightly to kiss the exposed skin of his stomach, just below his belly button. Then, through the fabric of his boxer briefs, you wrapped your lips around his half hard member and exhaled until he could feel the warmth of your breath. His body shuddered and you smiled up at him. He brought both his hands to your head, fingers tangling in your hair without applying any pressure.
You tugged down the waistband of the briefs until his cock was freed, then cupped his balls with one hand, massaging tenderly as you planted kisses along his happy trail, turning as you reached his bush to avoid making contact to his cock with your mouth. He groaned but you could hear a soft chuckle at the tail end of the sound. He was getting harder in front of your eyes and his cock twitched slightly as he waited for you to take him. You sat back on your heels and pulled your shirt over your head, revealing a patterned sports bra. You used the hair tie around your waist to pull your hair back into a high ponytail. Smiling down at him, you licked your lips. "I want you to relax," you told him, placing a palm flat on his chest. "You earned it."
You bent back down, leaving your arm extended with your hand on his heart. He'd showered after the match and his skin still smelled like the Dove body wash that the hotel provided but it was mingled with that Chuck smell that intoxicated you whenever you drank him in. You took him in your mouth in one smooth movement, taking him to the hilt and letting his tip hit the back of your throat.
"Jesus fuck," he grunted as his hands returned to the back of your head. He'd often ghost his palms along the back and sides of your skull while you were working, as if he was guiding an opponent to the next move. It made you smile. With your free hand, you reached around and laid it flat on one of his hands until you could feel his palm and fingers all making firm contact with your head. He followed your lead and pressed his other hand down, thrusting up very slightly into your mouth until you started to gag around him. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he breathed. "That feels so good baby."
As he released his grip, you released your suction and pulled up slowly, sticking your tongue out and dragging it up his shaft to wet it as much as possible with the movement. You swirled the tip of your tongue around the tip of his cock, then took him in your mouth again, this time moving up and down a few times to establish a rhythm. You could still hear him sighing as he watched you. Every few bobs, you would lower your lips all the way down again, taking him into your throat and fucking yourself with his cock as your spit pooled around his base.
After a few minutes of this, when you came up for air again, he held your face in both his hands. "There's actually something I've always wanted to do," he said. He was panting slightly, his cheeks were flushed a deep red. "I think this bed has the right headboard for it. It's taller than ours at home."
"Okay," you grinned at him, wiping your lips with the back of your hand.
"Get on your back," he told you. You complied and he straddled you. "Can I fuck your face?" He asked, looking down at you. You felt a surge of heat rush through your entire body at once, like you'd been struck by lightning while you were already inside an erupting volcano. You nodded eagerly as you felt your face take on a deeper shade of red. "Okay. If it gets to be too much, just tap my belly three times." He grabbed your wrist, guiding your hand to his stomach. You tapped three times and he nodded. "Exactly. Does that work?" You nodded again, your breathing was starting to get shallow. There was that lightheaded feeling again.
He spit into his palm and spread it over his cock as he started to inch up your body until his thighs were under your armpits and his hard on was right in front of your face. Steadying himself on the headboard, he used his other hand to guide himself past your lips. He slid easily into your mouth, the spit that had been cooling in the air mingling with the warm spit on your tongue as he pushed back to hit your throat again. He stopped and looked down at you, checking to make sure you were alright. You blinked at him slowly to show you were calm and not to worry. Biting his lip in concentration, he put both hands on the headboard and started to move, fucking your mouth slowly at first but increasing his tempo as he went.
"Fuck baby that feels good," he grunted. "You're so good for me, baby." You stuck your tongue out until the tip poked past your lips, letting spit spill out past them and bubble up around the base of his cock. The wet sound of you gagging on him and his labored breathing filled the room. You could tell from the slight hitch in his hips as he moved that he was going to cum soon right before he asked, "Where do you want it baby?"
You reached back and put your hands on both his hips, holding him tightly so he knew he didn't have to stop. At the realization, he let out a shuddering sigh. His body tilted forward slightly and he thrust three more times, cumming in your mouth at the last movement. You rubbed the small of his back as he pulled out. He fell back to a seated position between your legs. He watched as you swallowed his load and wiped the sides of your lips with your thumb.
"Where the hell did they make you?"
"Born in the U. S. of A," you told him, raising your hand to your forehead for a salute.
He pounced on you, pinning your wrists on either side of your head and smiling down at you. "Do you feel better?" He asked, kissing you and nipping at your bottom lip playfully.
"You've still got blood in your hair," you told him with your brow furrowed. He burst into delighted laughter and rolled over to pull you into his arms and cover you with kisses.
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daddyhausen · 9 months
• kinktober day six : forced orgasms — chuck taylor •
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{ masterlists } | { kinktober 2023 }
{ commissions info } | { like me work? buy me a coffee — kofi — dxddyhxusen }
{ summary } — a simple punishment wasn’t enough, he needed to break you, make sure that you’d never disobey him again
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact } cnc, fingering, face slapping, ropeplay, restraints, sex toys, multiple orgasms, dacryphilia daddy kink, sub!reader, forced orgasms, degradation, overstimulation, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, squirting, male + female orgasms vaginal creampie, internal cumshots
{ word count } — 1.4k
{ pairing } — fem!reader x chuck taylor
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @cosmoholic13 @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @adamjf @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @elsteenerico @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk @thepalaceofmelanie @violetmacher @seeingstarks
{ beta readers } — @allelitesmut + @legit9thlunaticwarrior
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
you could not move, body bound to the bed with thick rope, tautly secured around your wrists
your legs bent at an angle, the rope wrapped around your thigh and shin, securing them in a spread, uncomfortable position
same with the ankles having been tightly bound, secured to the bedframe also
a vibrator positioned at your clit, currently buzzing at high speed
abusing your sensitive pearl as dustin looked over you with a faux concern
“don’t look at me like that” he remarked noticing the swell of tears forming in your eyes, pleading for him to show you mercy
how your cheeks flushed with arousal, a thin sheen of sweat gathered at your hairline
he did not care for your predicament, maybe you should have known better than to flaunt yourself so recklessly in front of the locker room then maybe he might have just spared you
your crime? wearing an outfit that was the slightest bit more scandalous than your usual ensemble
it was simple, enough to catch the eye of even the most nonchalant of men
a tight-fitting mini-skirt, leather of course, the fabric always accentuated your features so well
and a brassiere like halter top, the fabric wrapped around your waist, two large straps that crossed over your breasts with a cutout exposing the underside of the pillowy mounds
leaving very little to the imagination
“daddy…please…” you whimpered, body twitching against the harsh pulses of the vibrator
“what?” he paused, only emphasising his statement to come
“do you think i want to punish you princess? of course i don’t. but you need to learn your lesson”
“l-lesson?” you stammered. you had no idea what the lesson entailed but you sure knew it was one that aggravated him
dustin rolled his eyes, followed by a scoff as he smoothed down his beard, having let it grow out the slightest
“this body…” he gripped your knees in his large palms for emphasis, not even referring to your body as your own.
“it belongs to me. and the sooner you get that through your pretty little head i won’t have to punish you like this”
he poked your forehead between every word in the phrase of “pretty little head” to further instill the significance within your mind
he leaned down, increasing the speed of the vibrator by one- no two pulses.
your head instantly recoiled back into the sheets, a long drawn out moan left your lips, followed by desperate pants as the pleasure coursed through you.
“look at me” he grabbed your chin when he noticed your gaze began to faulter.
“look at me!” he repeated, free hand slowly starting to tease your dripping folds
“i. own. you.”
he kept his wording slow and deliberate.
as if having to explain to someone not of great intellect
he let his fingers dance against your soaked folds, dipping them in and out as he gathered your wetness on his fingertips
“i own this pretty pussy, sweetheart. i’m the only one who can fuck you so good it’ll leave you cock drunk for days. i’m the only one who can make you cum until you’re begging for me to end it-“
his monologue was cut off by a rush of pleasure leaving your belly
your juices coated his fingers, dripping from your void like the waterfalls of niagara
he merely scoffed with a devilish smirk
“that’s it?” he cockily questioned. “that’s all you got?”
his taunts rang true in your ears, that was indeed all you had.
your mind had been absent these past twenty minutes or so, having not even registered the sheer lack of magnitude your orgasm has created for him
“i know you got more than that in you” he added to the vibrators speed, turning it up to the maximum intensity
“daddy no-“
“daddy yes” he cut you off
“don’t be a greedy little whore, share some of that sweetness with daddy”
he dipped his fingers into your void, curling upwards in a sort of come-hither motion, all the while pumping the lanky digits in and out of you
your pussy clenched around his fingers, so desperate to please him
to apologise for your actions earlier in the day
you peered down, watching the way his fingers disappeared inside of you.
“don’t look down. look at me.” he reminded sternly
your gaze met his own again.
he stared intently through you, deep into your soul
his eyebrows knitted together in concentration as if he was trying to examine your thoughts
his mouth only moved to utter an insult or a soft groan due to the sizeable erection pressing up against the inside of his jeans
“i- i’m sorry daddy” you pleaded, desperate and on the verge of another orgasm
“sorry doesn't cut it, princess. you know what you did and you need to pay for it”
you threw your head back again, frustrated at the pleasurable assault on your cunt
it wasn’t the fact that he was ruining you with his fingers, the vibrator included
it was the fact you couldn’t touch him while doing so
you struggled against the ropes
twisting your wrists and tugging at the knots he’s created
“don’t struggle, it’ll only make them tighter” he spoke with an unusual monotone in his voice
his nonchalant demeanor made you feel unnerved
it was so unlike dustin
part of the reason why it turned you on so much
your cunt throbbed with pleasure, a sick squelching sound ringing through both your ears as you grew increasingly wetter with his movements
dustin increased his speed, finger pumping into you at rapid force as you spilled over
he freed his fingers from your void as your walls contracted around air, juices squirting from between your thighs
“oh shit-“ dustin remarked, cleaning his fingers by bringing them to his lips, haphazardly licking them clean
“see? much better this time, princess”
his praise held a mocking undertone to it as he turned off the vibrator
you sighed with relief, your clit far too overstimulated to continue taking any more abuse of that nature
“i still think you’ve got one more in you through”
your eyes winded, wanting him to repeat his sentence just to make sure you were not hearing things
his thumb gingerly drew circles against your clit
your body jolting back, clit too stimulated and sensitive to his touch
“n-no more daddy…please no more” you begged through tears
“oh princess…” he pouted, you thought that he would have had a shred of sympathy for you in that moment
“what good is your punishment if i didn’t force you to cum all over my cock?”
he stood up, unbuckling his belt letting his jeans fall to the floor with a thud
“i gotta fill that pussy up, make sure everyone knows; that you know, i own it”
his cock stood tall and proud against his stomach, tip
leaking pre-cum as you licked your lips in anticipation
he teased your folds, lightly slapping the tip against your overstimulated clit
you winced in pleasure, cunt shuttering at the touch
he gave you no time to catch your breath, even less time to collect your thought as he pushed deep into you
his thrusts violent and quick
in desperate need to get himself off
“god…don’t know how a whore like you has such a perfect little cunt”
he slapped your cheek playfully, fully emtoumbing himself in your warmth
“i’m a lucky man, aren’t i, princess?”
“y-yes daddy”
he pushed down on your knees, that spread of your legs caused your hips to angle up, gaining him further access to your cunt
he slammed into with vicious force, hell bent to retrieve at least one more orgasm from you
your cunt, so overstimulated, fucked beyond what you thought humanly possible, quivered around his size
so needy with your third, and hopefully final orgasm of the night
“f-feels so good daddy…your cock is so b-big!”
“i know” he remarked, his tone as self-absorbed as ever
“c’mon sweetheart i can feel it, why don’t you give daddy another one?”
you whimpered through clenched teeth, fingers gripping at air as you tried desperately to hold on
“fuck fuck fuck!!!” you chanted, feeling your release crashing through you
you screamed with pleasure, body convulsing with your orgasm
he was soon to follow, holding your hips still as he filled you to the brim without warning
cum leaking from beneath your thighs
“i hope you learned your lesson princess”
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smartycvnt · 2 years
pairing: chuck taylor x reader
prompt: "you can cry, there's no shame in it."
"I don't know what the big deal is man, just tell her how you feel." Usually, you weren't one to eavesdrop, but this time you couldn't help yourself. You had been on your way to hang out with Trent, Chuck, and OC when you overheard Trent trying to talk to one of the guys. One of these guys liked a girl, and if you could help out, then you would.
"Oh sure, let me ask Y/n out and completely embarrass myself Trent. Just because Sue tells me that I'm a very handsome young man, does not mean that I'm even close to Y/n's league. Come on, her last ex looked like he benched firetrucks for a warm up. I am not that guy, I can't be that guy." Chuck sounded tired, like he had been through this discussion before.
You thought that what he was saying was bullshit, but you couldn't just interrupt them without letting them know you were listening in. Chuck was absolutely in your league. Most of the time, you had only dated the meatheads you had in the past because he didn't pay attention to you otherwise. Chuck had a lot of qualities that those other guys didn't have, ones that you knew you'd enjoy more in the long run. You saw yourself ending up with a guy like Chuck, but had given up on him ever looking at you in that way.
"Cass, what do you think?" Trent asked. There was silence after that, so you assumed that OC had just shrugged. You heard footsteps and scurried away to make it look like you were just rounding the corner towards where they had been. You were looking down at your phone, so you had accidentally run into Chuck.
"Whoa, careful," Chuck said as he caught you. Feeling brave, you decided to flirt a little.
"Guess I can't help but fall for you Chuckie," you said with a wink. Trent and OC shared a look, like they couldn't believe Chuck wouldn't just go for it. Both of them knew how you felt, but Chuck refused to believe them. You had told both guys how perfect you thought Chuck was on several occasions when they went to pick you up from someone else's room or a bar after you'd been drinking.
"Y-yeah," he said awkwardly. You frowned as you pushed out of his arms. You tried to link arms with Chuck as the two of you walked, but he was adamant on keeping his distance. Eventually, you gave up and moved towards Trent. Unlike Chuck, he offered you his hand immediately as the four of you walked to lunch together.
"You know, he's an idiot sometimes," Trent said as the two of you pulled ahead of everyone else. "One day, he'll get it through his skull that you like him."
"Maybe I was too subtle before," you said quietly. Trent gave you a skeptical look. Subtly had never been your strong suit, especially when it came to Chuck. "Maybe to him I'm still that kid who lied about her age to train."
"You should talk to him, let him know how you feel," Trent suggested. Even with all the flirting you'd been doing, actually letting Chuck know how you felt was scary.
"If it goes sideways, can I still get lunch with you guys?" you asked. Trent nodded, immediately moving to fall back with the other guys. He pushed Chuck forward, nearly sending him crashing into you. "Hi Chuck."
"Hey Y/n," Chuck mumbled. "You look nice."
"Thanks, can I ask you something?" You looked at him, patiently waiting for some sort of answer. He nodded, glancing down to look into your eyes. "How come you never asked me out?"
"I-I didn't know I was supposed to," Chuck stammered. You could see confusion on his face, but beneath that was fear. The two of you had come very close to being something, but it had lasted just one night. Neither one of you had spoken about it afterwards, but this was confirming that it wasn't just a drunken mistake. "Not with all those other guys fawning over you."
"I don't like those other guys. Some of them were nice, but that's not my type. They were just available, and then you started paying attention to me when I'd bring them around," you admitted. Chuck stopped in his tracks, barely giving Trent and OC enough time to also stop to give the two of you some privacy. "I didn't want them, I wanted you."
"Why me? What could I have possibly been that those guys weren't?" Chuck asked you. He tried to keep his voice even, but you could hear the little crack towards the end of his questions.
"Aside from the brief period of time when you avoided me after taking my virginity, every single time I'm around you, I feel better. I can be going through the worst of it, but the moment you text, call, or visit me, it's better than it was before. I didn't know what it was at first, but I think it's love Chuck, I really do. And I know it's stupid, but there's no way I could have known you this long like I do without having fallen for you a little bit."
"Shit, this is not how I thought today was gonna go," Chuck said as he turned away from you. He hadn't turned fast enough though, so you saw the tears he was trying to hide from you.
"Hey, look at me," you said sternly.
"Give me a minute." Quickly, Chuck tried wiping away his tears. "Shit."
"You can cry, there's no shame in it." You wiped away a tear with your thumb as you pulled his head down a couple of inches. "If it's okay, I'd really like to kiss you now."
"Yeah, I think that'd be okay," Chuck said with a small chuckle. You smiled and leaned up to close the distance between the two of you. Chuck's arm wrapped around your waist, holding you against him even after the two of you had stopped kissing. "So, um, do you think I could take you to a movie or something?"
"Yeah, I'm free tonight actually. I think the guys will understand if we cancel on them," you said, glancing back at Trent and OC who weren't even trying to pretend they hadn't been watching intently. "We're going on a date tonight guys. Sorry, we can't hang out!"
"It's okay, I'd like to actually win Mario Kart for once!" Trent yelled back. OC leaned towards him and whispered something in his ear. Trent nodded and couple of times and then shouted at you, "You guys can go to lunch alone too. Don't put out on the first date Chuck, and Y/n, keep those hands to yourself missy!"
"Those guys are idiots," you laughed as you pulled Chuck along the sidewalk.
"Just so you know, I am not putting out today," Chuck told you. You rolled your eyes as you pulled open the door for him. "Thank you, such a gentlewoman."
"We've got two dates today," you reminded him. "Those are pretty good odds in my book."
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Brownie Points
Pairing: Chuck Taylor x female!reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 1,487
Summary: A shy and nervous Chucky Taylor asks you on a lunch date.
Warnings: None
A/N: Happy Birthday Chuckie!! 🥳
Moodboard is not mine. Credit goes to @katries 🩵
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First dates. First dates can be fun and sweet or they can be awkward and a total disaster.
When Chuck Taylor asked you out after a few weeks of you living next door, he was nervous and had no clue how you would react, mainly because he’s on the road a lot. Therefore, he didn’t have many opportunities to get to know you better. All he knew was you left for work around 6:30am and returned home at 4:30pm, and you went to the gym for an hour or so on certain days, and on some weekends a few of your friends would come over for a girls night. A simplistic life, a life he sometimes wished he had.
It took encouragement from his best friend Orange Cassidy to fully convince Chuck to give it a shot and ask you out, so here he was on your doorstep, last minute nerves slowly getting the better of him, but before he could chicken out, a ding from his phone grabbed his attention. It was Orange Cassidy, who was watching from the kitchen window because he knew his best friend would need encouragement and support.
Orange Man 🕶️🍊
Knock. You look creepy just standing there.
Chuck shook his head, a little smile forming on his face and a brief chuckle escaped his lips. He’s right. I can do this. Deep breath and knock. Chuck did just that - took a deep breath and knocked on your door before he lost his nerve.
Less than a minute later the front door opened. There you stood in your loungewear consisting of an old oversized t-shirt and sweatpants, your hair was a little messier than when you left this morning and you hardly had any makeup on. You weren’t a huge makeup wearer, you liked just enough to accentuate your natural beauty.
Chuck stood there stunned. He had seen you all dressed in your work clothes or gym clothes, but he hadn’t seen you like this before. To him, you looked breathtaking. Get it together! Speak! Chuck quickly blinked away the cobwebs in his brain. “I… um… I was wondering if you would maybe… want to go out sometime?” Chuck hated he was stumbling over his words but that’s what happened he spoke to a gorgeous woman. Chuck watched her open her mouth to speak.
You were aware of who Chuck Taylor was. Truth be told, you were a fan of his, so to hear him clumsily ask you on a date was absolutely insane to you. Out of all the women he could ask out, he chose you. You took a moment to calm your mind. “I would love to.” You softly spoke feeling the heat rising in your cheeks.
“How does lunch on Saturday sound?” Chuck quickly crossed his fingers in hopes you were free because if not, it would a few months before he would have free time like this again.
Usually, you’d make the guy sweat by saying you would have to check your schedule, but with Chuck, you just couldn’t do that. You could see he was already stressing out as it was plus you already knew you were available then. “It’s a date.”
The remainder of the week was slow and boring. All you could think about was your lunch date with Chuck. You really wanted things to go well, especially since he was so sweet. You remembered when one particularly windy day a few days ago, the wind knocked your trash can over at the end of the driveway, trash strewn across your front yard. You had been at work and didn’t know about trash filled yard until you pulled into your driveway where Chuck was in your yard picking up the trash. You thanked him and he brushed it off with a ‘What are neighbors for?’
Finally, Saturday arrived. You got up earlier than usual, made a small breakfast then dug through your clothes for a nice outfit. You didn’t think to ask what he had planned for lunch. Would he take you on a picnic? To a cafe? To a restaurant? Would there be any kind of activity that a dress wouldn’t work with? Part of you felt like you were over reacting and that he would have told you if you needed to dress in a particular outfit, but then again he was nervous and could have forgotten.
When Saturday rolled around, Chuck was a nervous wreck. Thankfully, Orange Cassidy was there to help him calm down and prepare for the date. With everything prepped and ready to go, all Chuck had to do was get dressed.
One he was satisfied with his clothes, a nice pale blue shirt and a pair of jeans, and got the Orange Cassidy thumbs up of approval, he was out the door and on the short walk to your house. He hoped you ready and his arrival wouldn’t rush you.
Meanwhile, you had finally settled on a pretty, flowy lavender dress that came down to your knees. You did your makeup like always but added just a little bit more eyeshadow. Your eyes were your favorite feature and wanted to make them pop just a bit more.
A knock at the door pulled your attention away from your thoughts about what this date might hold. You quickly made your way to the door and peeked out the nearby window to see Chuck all dressed up. You stepped back and took a deep breath before opening the door.
Your soft voice brought Chuck back to the present. He looked up at you and he had to pause to collect himself. “Wow.” He breathed out, absolutely stunned. He thought you looked breathtaking.
With his brain short-circuiting, you take the time to really examine him. The blue shirt made his eyes stand out, his hair still had that shagginess to it but styled just enough to give it a more dressed up feel.
Once Chuck finally got his brain back on track, he remembered the baked goods in his hands behind his back. “Oh! And I brought you these brownies. I’m not much of a baker but I think they turned out okay.” Chuck didn’t want to do the traditional, cliché flowers, he wanted to be unique.
“You made me brownies!” You beamed. You loved brownies along with cookies, cakes, pies, cupcakes. Desserts are your weakness. “This is so nice. I typically get boring flowers but baked goods are always welcome. Thank you Chuck.” You accepted the brownies and placed them on the small table by the door. You grabbed your purse hanging on the hook above the table before turning back to Chuck. “I’m ready if you are.”
Chuck couldn’t stop smiling. He was thrilled you loved the brownies, even if they might end up tasting disgusting. “Let’s go.” He held his arm out for you, a big smile on his face. Things were going great and he hoped they would stay that way.
Once the two of you were in Chuck’s car, a ding came from his phone. He apologized for the brief interruption to which you shook your head insisting it was okay. He quickly looked at the text.
Orange Man 🕶️🍊
You’re doing great. Have fun!
Chuck glanced up and sure enough there was his best friend, watching out the living room window with a thumbs up. He shook his head with a grin while starting the car.
The ride consisted of talks about random favorite things likes animals, movies, shows, books, music, etc.
When the car came to a stop in the small parking lot, you finally noticed that Chuck had taken you to a little cafe that had pretty much everything from coffee and tea to sandwiches and pastries.
Entering the cafe, you noticed the decor was simple yet fun. “This is a cute place.” Your compliment made Chuck relax; he was worried you wouldn’t like a cafe date.
After ordering and picking a table by the window, you decided to ask him about life on the road and what got him into wrestling. You watched as his eyes lit up. The conversation flowed smoothly and ended up transitioning into swapping embarrassing stories. Some of his stories seemed too outrageous to be true but you didn’t mind.
As Chuck listened to you tell a story about how you and your friends pranked one of your friend’s brothers, he got this fuzzy feeling that he had only heard about in books and movies. Guess it is real after all. He just hoped you were feeling the same way.
The butterflies in your stomach were nonstop from the moment you two began learning about each other. Turns out this feeling in the books and movies was real. You could really see yourself being with Chuck Taylor. Most importantly, being happy and loved. You just hoped he was feeling the same way.
General Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @plentyoffandoms @1dluver13xx @sunshinevirus @wwenhlimagines @crowleysqueenofhell @jackson-nickthedate @omg-im-such-a-masochist @kmc1989
Chuck Taylor Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @springgirlwaiting4fall @morgan-bucks @rubyred1980
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moxleys-whore · 10 months
chuck taylor x fem! reader where reader is trent berettas sister and he falls head over heels for her?
Best friends sister
I read this request and screamed thank you<3 I love chuck sm
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It was wrong. Trent was his best friend. Yet here Chuck was, watching as his best friends sister laughed with Kris. He was completely enamored with her, everything about her. Her smile made his knees give out, and when she hugged him, he was certain he had died and gone to whatever heaven there was. Chuck was completely and utterly in love. He would have made his move already, if not for the fact that the girl he so helplessly loved, was the sister of his best friend.
A punch to the shoulder knocks Chuck out of his thoughts.
"If you keep staring it'll be obvious that you like her", Orange was the only one who knew, well only one Chuck had told, of his crush.
"I can't help it man, she's just.. everything. She's everything to me and I don't know what to do anymore." Cassidy gave his friend a look before speaking up.
"She feels the same about you. Told me so a couple months ago. Just go talk to Trent and get it over with."
"Talk to me about what?" Shit. Shit. Chuck could feel his face heating up and he tried to find the words to explain everything. Everytime he opened his mouth, nothing came out. Fear consumed him. What if Trent told Chuck he wasn't good enough for his sister? What if he got upset? Doubt and his insecurities filled his mind. Cassidy saw this and decided to speak for the Kentucky Gentleman.
"Chuck likes your sister. Well, he's actually in love with her." Chuck would swear he felt his stomach lurch out of his body. He turned to Trent, ready to apologize before Trent spoke, "Oh yeah I know. She feels the same you know?"
"I'm sorry man, she's just everything I've ever wanted in a girl and she's real pretty. She's got a great sense of humor and I... hold on what? You know? She.. she feels the same?"
"Yeah dude, she's been in love with you for years, like ever since we met. It's obvious you love her too, I've known that since I introduced the two of you. I'll admit, I was pissed at first, but I see how she is with you, she really loves you. But if you hurt her, you'll end up on the list with Brandon."
"Holy fuck... I have to tell her." Chuck rushed out of his seat, almost tripping on his own feet as he raced over to where you and Kris stood.
"Hey Y/N, could I talk to you?"
"Yeah sure what's up?"
"In private actually."
You said your goodbyes to Kris before walking with Chuck to your locker room. Turning to look at Chuck with a questioning look before he speaks up.
"I'm in love with you. I think I have been ever since Trent introduced us. You're perfect to me and honestly I'm not sure how much longer I can go without being able to hold you and call you mine but also if you don't feel the same that's okay. I just really love you and-", his words are cut off when you kiss him. It takes him a moment to understand what's happening but soon after he's grabbing your hips and pulling you closer, returning the kiss with fevor.
You pull away first, laughing softly, "I love you too Chuckie."
Chuck opens his mouth to speak again, but fails to come up with words. Instead he resorts to kissing you again, never wanting to stop. His life was complete, he had his best friends, and the love of his life.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 8 months
Chuck Taylor X Fem reader (Chuck is referred to as Dustin)
You taught me how to love, I was broken, shattered into a million pieces and you put me back together. I don’t want to be with anyone else but you. You are enough, more than enough.  
Word count: 2215
Main Masterlist
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Every now and then I would get asked why I married Chuck Taylor? What was it that I saw in him? How was I still with him? The internet was a ruthless place, I would see the comments, people were always shocked to find out that not only Dustin and I were married but we shared a son. People would say that I deserved better, that it was a miracle that he pulled someone like me and I hated it. Everytime someone said he was undeserving of my love it honestly broke me. 
I know for a fact that Dustin saw what was being said of him online, and as much as he pretended it didn’t bother him I knew it did, because I knew it bothered me.
Today was All In, in London. Dustin and I decided to take our son Damian along for the ride, wanting him to experience the historical event. We flew straight from dynamite to London, arriving a few days before the event in order to prepare. On the card Dustin would be a part of the stadium stampede and I would be defending my AEW women’s world championship in four way. Before the show I did a press conference, talking about the difference between the first All In all those years ago and now. 
“So, Y/n. You will be defending your AEW Women’s championship in a fatal four way. How is today different from the first All In all those years ago?” A reporter asked me. 
“Well, something that is different is that I have a kid now” I told the reporter truthfully 
“Um, well, I have been honored to be a part of the ever growing womens division in AEW. Kenny, Matt, Nick and I had this vision back in Japan to create our own wrestling promotion and to see what it is today is something I would have never believed if you told me five years ago” 
“As you said, something that is different is that you have a kid now. How do you balance being a mother and a wrestler?” 
“It’s difficult, especially since we are traveling more now that everything has opened back up. In all honesty it’s not too bad, some shows I will bring my son with me but other times he’s staying with my parents or someone. It’s like you said balance, when I’m gone for weeks at a time then I would bring him, where as if it were a few days I probably wouldn't” 
“ How do you feel about your match tonight? Walking in ready to face three other opponents has your chances of winning smaller.” 
  “Well for starters I don’t think that this being a four way puts me at a higher chance of losing. Statistically speaking I have a good track record with these kinds of matches. If you look back at the first All In I successfully defended my ROH Women's championship in a fatal four way. One of which was Britt Baker. I will be going into this match like I do all my other matches, cool, calm and collected. Although this is a huge match and I have a lot of pressure on me, it’s nothing I haven’t felt before.” 
“One last question Y/n  your husband will be a part of the stadium stampede match, what are your thoughts on the match?”
“I personally love a good bloody brawl.  Anarchy in the arena, stadium stampede, blood and guts, they are my favorite. I know Mox is going to do some insane things and I’ll be on the edge of my seat watching this amazing murder scene unfold before my eyes. That being said, as much as I adore the Blackpool Combat Club I will be on the side of Best Friends tonight. I know people think that Best Friends are all hugs and rainbows but I think they have proved time and time again that they have a dark side. The parking lot brawl being a perfect example, Chuck and Trent have bathed in their own blood before and can be just as ruthless as the BCC. I do hope, for the sake of my mind, that I have my match before theirs so I can watch it and not stress about my match. Regardless it’s going to be a great match and I hope nobody gets hurt too bad” 
Soon it was the final hours before we went on air and for once I began to grow nervous. Not nervous about my match but Dustins. This wasn’t anything new, Dustin has had bloody brawls in the past but something about this one felt different. 
“How ya feeling Champ?” I didn’t even hear Dustin enter the room. I only noticed him when he wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me from behind. 
“Nervous” I replied 
“How so?” Dustin asked
“Not sure, I know my match and I’m genuinely really happy that Saraya is going to get her moment and all but…” 
“But what?” 
“I’m more nervous for you” I told Dustin before turning around so I could bury my face in his chest, holding him in a tight embrace 
“Why are you nervous for me doll? It’s nothing I haven’t done a dozen times over?” 
Truthfully I didn’t know why I was so nervous, the match itself didn’t worry me too much but it was what came after. This would be a bloodbath and right now I was questioning that bringing Damian along was a good idea. Did I really want him to witness his father bloodied and bruised? Imagine trying to explain that to a 3 year old. 
“I know, but I just have this feeling. It’s hard to explain, I just have this gut feeling that somethings going down tonight. I’m not necessarily talking about you, Dusty,  but in general I just have this feeling” 
Well boy was that feeling right. Other than the backstage beef that went down, as I expected I knew the people would talk. Dustin’s match went great, no bad falls, no stitches needed but for some reason no matter how good the match was you would always have those negative people. 
I returned to the hotel around 1am, exhausted. All I wanted to do was have a hot shower and sleep. Although Dustin and I both washed up at the arena after our matches you still are left feeling a bit gross. That final shower before bed calming your burning muscles. 
As Dustin was In the shower I put Damian to bed, just then I got a text on my phone. 
I looked and saw a message from Matt. Looking at the text I noticed it was just a link to which I clicked and ended up on a chain of tweets. 
I guess an old image resurfaced of me and an ex boyfriend of mine. I read the messages and they all said the same thing. “Y/n should have stayed with him” “They were perfect together” “She settled for Chuck” just to name a few. 
Looking back at the image I could feel the tears start to form in my eyes. That Ex boyfriend of mine was none other than Tyler Black. Tyler and I had been together when we were teenagers. We were dumb kids trying to make it in the industry. The people loved us not only as our characters but as us as a couple, the thing was all of that quick fame can get to your head. Yet we never broke up, that was until I found out he had been cheating on me for months. I remember when I found out, oddly enough it was Chuck Taylor himself and Dalton Castle who told me about it. But that was years and years ago, since then so much had changed. 
Dustin and I got together later on in 2009 when he debuted in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. I fell in love with him 14 years ago so why is it now that all of a sudden people have a problem with it? 
My brain just couldn't seem to comprehend it. Yeah of course people change, everyone has changed, in 14 years we have both changed. Physically that is, through it all Dustin still had that sense of humor and smile that would light up a room. 
Just then I heard the shower turn off. I quickly hid my phone pretending like nothing happened. 
I then quickly grabbed my things and headed for a shower, Dustin could tell something was up I knew he did. “Is everything alright? You seem on edge” He asked, blocking me from entering the washroom to escape. “yeah , everything is fine, I’m just tired that’s all” I responded. Dustin knew I was lying straight to his face but decided to leave it. 
The hot water felt perfect against my sore muscles, that match was definitely a brawl. Although I lost I was happy Saraya won. I remember when she got injured all those years ago, being able to help her get back in the ring after seeing what had happened made me happy. During the match I did not get pinned, Toni did which meant that I would get my rematch at some point and who knows maybe become a 2-time champion? 
After I noticed the tips of my fingers becoming a bit pruney I got out, wrapping myself in a fluffy towel and finishing getting ready for bed. 
When I returned, I saw Dustin under the covers, scrolling on his phone. 
“Whatcha looking at?” I asked, as I jumped on top of the bed, joining him under the warm covers
“Nothing” He said, trying to hide the screen 
“Okay then” 
“By the way Matt was texting you when you were in the shower” 
Shit, do you think he saw the texts from Matt? Looking at my phone I saw more messages from Matt. ‘What is wrong with people’, ‘I can’t believe this is still going on’, ‘I’m sorry that you have to deal with this Y/n’ 
I only now realized the sad look on Dustin’s face, he definitely saw them. 
“What’s wrong honey?” I asked in a gentle tone, being cautious  of my next words
No response
“You know you can tell me anything right? Whatever it is that’s bothering you, I can help you”   I hated seeing him down like this. Tonight was supposed to be a night of celebration, not pity. 
“Can I ask you something?” Dustin asked, with a sad puppy dog look in his eyes 
“Of course, anything” 
“Why do you love me? Why are you still with me when you could be with someone else. They can treat you better, what about Matt, you should be with someone like him but your stuck with me” 
His words felt like daggers, it killed me. 
“Well, I love you for many different reasons Dusty. You are kind, loving, you're really funny, I love everything about you. I think you forget just how long we have been together. You have been with me through everything. You were there when I got signed to New Japan, you were there when I founded bullet club. I remember how scared I was to move to Japan by myself, you were there for me, supporting me through it all even on the other side of the world. You are always so supportive of me and my crazy ideas. Heck, you believed in me when I said I wanted to start my own wrestling company. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?” 
“14 years is a long time” 
“It sure is, and I wouldn't trade any of it. You are always looking out for me, protecting me, without you I would probably be in some Psych ward trying to get clean or let’s be honest dead. Do you remember that you saved my life, quite literally. You never once judged me for my problems, instead you helped me through them, every single one. You taught me how to love, I was broken, shattered into a million pieces and you put me back together. I don’t want to be with anyone else but you Dustin. I love you so much.” 
“I love you too Y/n” 
“Just look at us, sure yeah we have changed but to loved is to be changed. We have a son, I never wanted kids before you changed my mind. We have accomplished so much together. I love you for you, always have, always will. So stop reading that stupid stuff online, it doesn’t matter what they say. You are enough, don’t you ever forget it” 
“Even if I’m fat now?” asked laughing to lighten the mood
“Shut the hell up boy, you are not and plus I love me a dad bod” I said laughing 
“Thank you Y/n, sometimes I just need that reassurance” Dustin said as he shifted in the bed, laying his head on my lap. 
“Anything for you my love. I will always love you” 
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