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Evening,,have a doodle ref of a new oc of mine!
Basically she's a science experiment made to serve as a daughter to the two mad scientists who made her!
Her father's mixed their magic and tweaked the resulting soul until the baby was 'perfect', and voila!
Unfortunately they're not very good fathers..and tend to be overbearing and controlling narcissists, but y'know, can't win em all
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chubberbaria · 7 years
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Inktober day 2 : fave eating his fave food
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rockinrollsart · 7 years
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rainbow600 · 7 years
Tagged by @computerpile​
Bold all that apply.
Tag 9 people.
I am 5′7″ or taller.
I wear glasses.
I have at least one tattoo.
I have at least one piercing.
I have blonde hair.
I have brown eyes.
I have short hair.
My abs are at least somewhat defined.
I have or have had braces.
I love meeting new people.
People tell me that I’m funny.
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me.
I enjoy physical challenges.
I enjoy mental challenges.
I’m playfully rude with people I know well.
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it.
There is something I would change about my personality.
I can sing well.
I can play an instrument.
I can do over 30 push ups without stopping.
I’m a fast runner.
I can draw well.
I have a good memory.
I’m good at doing math in my head.
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute.
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling.
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch.
I know how to throw a proper punch.
I enjoy playing sports.
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else.
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else.
I have learned a new song in the past week.
I work out at least once a week.
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months.
I have drawn something in the past month.
I enjoy writing.
Fandoms are my #1 passion.
I do or have done martial arts.
I have had my first kiss.
I have had alcohol.
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game.
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting.
I have been at an overnight event.
I have been in a taxi.
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year.
I have beaten a video game in one day.
I have visited another country.
I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts.
I’m in a relationship.
I have a crush on a celebrity.
I have a crush on someone I know.
I have been in at least 3 relationships.
I have never been in a relationship.
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them.
I get crushes easily.
I have had a crush on someone for over a year.
I have been in a relationship for at least a year.
I have had feelings for a friend.
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”.
I live close to my school.
My parents are still together.
I have at least one sibling.
I live in the United States.
There is snow right now where I live.
I have hung out with a friend in the past month.
I have a smartphone.
I have at least 15 CDs. (Not music CDs however)
I share my room with someone.
I have break danced.
I know a person named Jamie.
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce.
I have dyed my hair.
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now.
I have punched someone in the past week.
I know someone who has gone to jail.
I have broken a bone.
I have eaten a waffle today.
I know what I want to do with my life.
I speak at least 2 languages.
I have made a new friend in the past year.
Tag! You’re it!
(if you don´t want to do this you don´t have to, I´m just tagging people)
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marumaruowl · 6 years
((OWO where be the delta tum art you mentioned?))
The lovely chubbyskeletons did a round Ro.uxls over here ! =3
Plus there’s this fic, which I haven’t read myself, cause reader inserts make me a little uncomfy. But it sure does exist, and that’s awesome. 
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chubbyskeletons · 6 years
we’re live i guess
it’s a uhh trainwreck
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oscarvanderhof · 7 years
Hey! I really like that fell gaster drawing! what's that little shuffler thing that you showed beneath it, the one where it gives you the character, universe and the food?
Also props to @chubbyskeletons, this thing is super cool (That and they’re super cool anyway)
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dunkybritscuit · 7 years
For inktumber, maybe a character floating onnwater with his belly fat
I’m following chubbyskeletons’ inktumber prompts, but ill definitely save that one for when inktumber is over. thanks, mate.
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dexterfrench · 6 years
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Throwback Thursday #tbt #chubbyskeleton ☠️💀👻#dexterfrenchhalloween #myfavorite 😘🐾 #halloweencostume #bonez https://www.instagram.com/p/BpWjByZn9pG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bt661tbbvgi2
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rainbow600 · 7 years
30 Questions Tag :D
Tagged by @pachimarissa
Rules: Answer the 30 questions and tag 10 people :)
I follow: 92
Number of followers: 658
Average hours of sleep: 6 to 8 I think, or more lol
Lucky number: 23, it’s like everywhere in my family/life lol (I should tell that story maybe lol)
Instruments: I do percussion, but I like/love playing the bass drum lol
What are you wearing: A (big) T-shirt and some shorts
Dream job: Ice Cream Woman (lol, ok, that ones kind of a joke lol). I want to be an animator or do something in art; otherwise a baker/food decorator lol
Dream trip: Either Hawaii, France, or Germany (because it sounds cool lol)
Significant other: I don’t have one right now irl. I kind of don’t want to think about getting into a relationship right now since I broke up with someone not too long ago.
Birthday: July 23 (not giving year, but there’s that number again lol)
Height: 5′ 8″
Gender/pronouns: She/her, pretty much girl pronouns lol
Other blogs: I have an art blog which if anyone is interested you can check here at @rainbow600-art
Nicknames: (i don’t know if I want to list off my real name nicknames, so I’ll give some that don’t use my name/my online nicknames lol) Blue eyes, Savage, Rainbow; and i think that’s all of them, idk lol
Star sign: Leo (ends on 23 lol)
Time: 7:42 PM
Favorite bands: I have a lot of songs/bands I listen too, I don’t really have favorites lol. But I’ll say right now one that I have been liking is Glass Animals, check them out, they cool.
Favorite artist: (I know this is talking about music, but I’m gonna talk about art) I have a lot of favorites and I was almost gonna list some off, but I remembered that recently I found this 3D animator on youtube called FENNAH and I just love their animations and characters. Go and check them out if you’d like.
Song stuck in your head:
Last movie you watched:The Greatest Showman (I loved seeing that movie, it made me cry so much lol)
Last show you watched: I think it was The Amazing World of Gumball, but I’m not sure lol
Why did you make your blog: At the time I made it, I wanted to be able to ask questions to this one ask blog I was really liking, so I made this blog and found out I could do more than just ask questions and that I could of still asked questions without making one (if they didn’t have anon blocked lol). I also made it to be an ask blog lol
What do you post: On this blog I just reblog a lot of things I like or that I think is interesting and sometimes I will post something that is from me about things I want to talk about or whatever lol
Last thing you googled: Instagram (lol)
AO3: I actually didn’t know what this meant so I googled it and I think it’s for fandoms and making stuff for it (correct me if I am wrong), so I will do drawings/art most of the time for it lol
Do you ever get asks: Yes, not as much anymore and sometimes I fail at answering the ones I still have, but back when I was an ask blog I would get some asks more than I do now lol.
How did you get the idea for your url: when I was making my account I didn’t know how this stuff worked, so when I was making the url I thought it was what you could title your blog as and I wanted to be called Rainbow. When using rainbow didn’t work I used rainbow500, but something went wrong with it so I had to make another and I couldn’t use the same name, so I went a number up and that’s why I have the name rainbow600 lol
Favorite food: I like a lot of foods, but I normally or use to say that it was cotton candy (or grapes lol)
Last book you read: I think the last book I read was The House of the Scorpion and it’s a really go book in my option. Like it made me feel bad for the character and good when they fought through the struggles lol
Top 3 fictional universes: Steven Universe, Overwatch, and maybe Flapjack. But that last one I’m not sure about lol. Let’s change it to a universe where everything is made of candy and you can’t get cavities, just for fun lol.
I tag:
@pixelsbecool @wakeywakeyeggsandanxiety @chubbyskeletons @cara-unbound @dibfan4lifex3 @cinemalover17 and @ask-feline-girl-2000
(Otherwise I’m not tagging 10 people and those that are tagged, you can do this if you want to do it.)
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marumaruowl · 8 years
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A Very Happy (Belated) Birthday @chubbyskeletons! Here’s your boy, Cobalt, stuffed with birthday treats. ^^ Have I mentioned that I love your Un.derswapf.ell version? Cuz I love it. 
You’re awesome, and one of my favorite undertum artists--keep on being amazing. <3
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thesinkitty-blog · 8 years
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Sorry if i draw your character wrong, and sorry if the drawing has errors, but i hope you like what i make for you @chubbyskeletons.
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oscarvanderhof · 7 years
*Hides in the corner* I will never leave.
Alright everybody, this is now a safety bunker. It is one of many, such as @rockinrollsart or @chubbyskeletons. Here, we hide from the normies. Stay as long as you like, but don't tell the normies or they will break in and say mean things.
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rainbow600 · 7 years
Get To Know Me
(I'm not gonna give anything super personal away for this, but I'm still gonna answer the rest of the stuff. LET'S GET STARTED!!!)
I was tagged by @pachimarissa (who i find to be like a buddy that I never talk to but should lol)
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know If you wanna do this too, that’s cool, if not that’s perfectly fine!! No pressure at all! I hope you enjoy reading about me ^^
Age: 18
Birthplace: (Not really gonna say other than) U.S.
Current time: 10:27 AM
Drink you last had: That good old H2O, agua 😜
Easiest person to talk to: My family and rl friends, otherwise I guess it just depends with it comes to the internet lol
Favorite song: I can never have a favorite for long, because I like/love a lot of different music/songs. But just to give a funny real answer, bedtime lullaby music.
Grossest memory: I have a good amount to where I could go on and on of telling stories about them. But I guess the most memorable is when I crashed on my bike on mother's day which is yet another story. But I haven't ride a bike since then (yet). Otherwise probably when I hit my chin on a diving board because I didn't remember what happened and woke up in the hospital wandering what was going on. On man I could go on and on-
Hogwarts house: Not sure, I haven't looked into the houses of Hogwarts that much, but I feel like from what people have said and stuff like that, that I would be Hufflepuff.
In love: I don't really have any crushes or interest in love right now in real life, but I've got so many crushes on fictional characters! Right now it's the good boy Roadhog.
Jealous of people: When I'm upset or angry I can sometimes be jealous of people who seem to be having a good/great day. Otherwise I don't get that jealous of others. It only happens if there was something I really wanted but someone else go it or when I try to roast my sister but she just seems to not care or roast me back.
Killed someone: Nope, not even in my dreams.
Love at first sight or should i walk by you again: I don't think I ever thought about it all being about love at first sight unless it was crushes. But I think it's only once I get to know someone as to whether I like them or not in the terms of loving another person or whatever. But animals is where the love and first sight comes in lol.
Middle name: (don't want to say even though it probable doesn't matter)
Number of siblings: 3. Two sisters and a brother. Middle child 😜
One wish: Right now, I want to be able get through things and make a mark . Otherwise I want the people I know and don't know to be alright. (Other otherwise some overwatch stuff lol)
Person you called last: I believe it was my mom, it was for something important like what do we do.
Question you are always asked: I'm not sure, it's either something about my art or how things/my day is going.
Reasons to smile: Memes (like the you so precious when you smile), things going good for me, having good friends and family, when people like my stuff or are interested in it, and probably some other things too.
Song you sang last: I'm not sure. I have a singing disorder (not really a real disorder, but still I can stop with music), but I'm probably gonna say that it was Bipp by Sophie 😜
Time you woke up: Around 7:20 AM
Underwear color: Pink
Worst habit: It when I pick at my eyebrows, eyelashes, and mess with my ears. I need to stop, but I'm not sure how.
X-rays: I'm not sure if I had to get one or not for either of theses, but the story of when I hit my chin on a diving board and when I had my appendix removed I might of had one for thoses, but again idk.
Your favourite food: "Anything chocolate or pasta." SAME @pachimarissa SAME!!! Otherwise I like a lot of foods and I usually answer this question with cotton candy and grapes.
Zodiac sign: Leo, it's kind of cool that I was born on the last day for that sign lol.
Tagging: @pixelsbecool , @wakeywakeyeggsandanxiety , @chubbyskeletons , @sorenno , @cara-unbound anyone else who wants to do it! Just say I tagged you 😘
(And sorry if you didn't want to be tagged)
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chubberbaria · 7 years
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Inktumber - day 1: draw your feedee with a belly So ill try to be as consistant with this as i can, this is a part of @chubbyskeletons list!
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oscarvanderhof · 7 years
Top five favorite Undertale characters. Top five favorite blogs on Tumblr.
Top 5 UT Characters:
As for blogs on Tumblr:
@tomodachifromhell (Because they’re like the only one who’s fattened Night in the Woods characters besides me)
If you don’t already know them, I suggest checking them out.
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