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my-chubby-bubby · 5 months ago
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Try to hang in there, it will all eventually be daijoubu.
(Just hoping that it will become daijoubu faster)
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goldiloxnpaintedhands · 1 year ago
411 WEATHER UPDATE 🌬️❄️☔🏖️✨✨
#catsoffacebook #catsoftiktok #catsofinstagram #bakedbean #prettygirlsrock #builtlikeabaedbean #pudgy #porky #rotund #roundandprofound #chubbybubby #fannypackgang #chubbycat #PudgyCat #homevideo #homesweethome #homevibes #catslovers #catsagram #catsdoingthings #singing #homelife #castingcall #nowcasting #opencastingcall #actingauditions #castingcallSFL #SouthFloridacastingcall
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“This chubby calf is probably the best thing I've ever seen.😂👏🏽💕 Another beautiful picture from oceangrant.com 😊”
quote and pic from https://www.instagram.com/manatee_iglove/
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cheryldlee · 5 years ago
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“I will sit still for exactly one nanosecond so you can admire my handsomeness” said Nightmare Taco the cat. #sohandsome #nightmaretaco #wetnose #cat #catsofinstagram #cats #catstagram #floofycat #chubbybubby #neko #gato #catlovers #cats_of_instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B9nk2JihO6h/?igshid=162rj8spsd76a
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herdrawings · 8 years ago
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How I usually feel #cat #chubbybubby
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worthlessimperfection · 7 years ago
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Playing with their new fishy poles;) LoL #momofboth #loveourkids #funinthesun #cutestkidever #soblessed #prettygirlsissy #chubbybubby #alwayshavingagoodtimetogether #lovemylife #happywifehappylife #happyhubbyhappyme #justmissingtwogirls (at San Bernardino, California)
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burritozbaby · 8 years ago
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#tbt to the first time I gave Mr. Poker a bath 🛀🏼 he was not impressed 🐀 #throwbackthursday #pokertherat #furbaby #rataccount #ratcommunity #ratsofinstagram #ratlove #ratmom #ratsarecute #rescuerat #adopt #agoutirat #malerat #chubbybubby
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anthonycollins04 · 8 years ago
Hey guys! Please check out my newest video, the chubby bunny challenge, and please subscribe to my channel thanks!
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mrgreedyguts · 4 years ago
Rhys tying Jack down and kissing all over Jack's body, leaving hickies on places Jack's secretly insecure about. Takes off the mask and leaves very gentle kisses. Lotta hickies on Jack's belly
Gngbcgvgg I think this was for you @chubbybubby
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jodibreeze61490 · 7 years ago
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It's almost like he can read my to buy list lmaooo 😿😹😸😺😻#1 #dietcatfood #chubbybubby #tigerlilly #thatface #mybubby #catsofinstagram #catsondiets
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alwaysfaceleft · 6 years ago
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sapphyrnidae · 7 years ago
Hey y’all I’m literally never on tumblr anymore so I feel no real need to keep 3 separate blogs going, and I’m just gunna lump my two mains into one and keep the frog blog separate. That means that after July 1st, THIS BLOG WILL BE NSFW. I frequently share bdsm dynamic porn, queer porn, and things that border on edge play and torture. If this is not something you are comfortable with being on your feed or you are a minor in your country, the unfollow will not upset me in any way. I will of course always tag NSFW content and potential triggers, but I know that doesn’t do much for mobile users.
If you would like to continue to follow me in some way without seeing porn, @chubbybubbies is my reptile & amphibian blog, or you can message me for my instagram.
I’m going to be posting this once a day until the 1st got ample warning, st which time I will then flip to an nsfw blog and begin including porn in my queue. Im probably also going to be changing my url to that of my porn blog, which is @downstrokes for consistency and so I don’t have to change my hyperlinks on other websites.
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firespirited · 4 years ago
Lily is bigfatfluff chubbybubby fluffcube to sis, pissepartout, honeybun, bunbun, floofybun or most often !!puppy!! to me but she only responds to Lily or doggy. We tried various words in the sing song way you call a pet and it doesn't register but considering she went unsocialised for 7 years she's caught on to her nickname at least. Her name is câline to match her old name divine but at the time we didn't know she'd never been called by a name and it didn't stick as well as leelee. I guess it's fitting to her strong character that she chose her own name.
Does anyone else want share what nicknames they use for their animals?
Thor has many lol
They include, but are not limited to, sugar, booger, goober, goob (my favorite), shithead (affectionate, pronounced shhh-theed), mister...
That's all I can think of right now haha
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zeebeesinning · 5 years ago
Random reminder I made a tummy/stuffing related blog called @chubbybubby and a gore/horror blog called @gorewhoreonthedancefloor if anyone is interested in following 👌 just wanted to seperate some interests from this one and my SFW account @misfortuneofthewannabeauthor 💕
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jodibreeze61490 · 7 years ago
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It's almost like he can read my to buy list lmaooo 😿😹😸😺😻#1 #dietcatfood #chubbybubby #tigerlilly #thatface #mybubby #catsofinstagram #catsondiets
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