#chu led neon
giacongchunoiqc · 11 hours
Tăng nhận diện thương hiệu với chữ led neon chiếu sáng
Trong thời đại cạnh tranh gay gắt hiện nay, việc tạo ra một dấu ấn độc đáo và thu hút sự chú ý của khách hàng là điều vô cùng quan trọng đối với mọi doanh nghiệp. Một trong những cách hiệu quả để tăng cường nhận diện thương hiệu và tạo sự ấn tượng mạnh mẽ là sử dụng chữ LED neon chiếu sáng. Dưới đây là một số lý do tại sao chữ LED neon chiếu sáng có thể giúp doanh nghiệp của bạn nổi bật và thu hút
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1. Ánh Sáng Bắt Mắt và Thu Hút
Chữ LED neon tạo ra ánh sáng sắc nét, rực rỡ và độc đáo, thu hút ánh nhìn từ xa. Điều này giúp tạo điểm nhấn mạnh mẽ cho bất kỳ không gian nào mà chúng được đặt.
2. Tạo Sự Khác Biệt và Độc Đáo
Với khả năng tùy chỉnh màu sắc, font chữ và thiết kế, chữ LED neon cho phép bạn tạo ra sản phẩm độc đáo phản ánh chính xác phong cách và giá trị thương hiệu của bạn.
3. Nổi Bật Trong Đêm và Ban Ngày
Khả năng chiếu sáng mạnh mẽ của chữ LED neon giúp thương hiệu của bạn nổi bật không chỉ trong ban ngày mà còn cả vào ban đêm, thu hút sự chú ý của mọi người xung quanh.
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4. Tăng Cường Sự Chuyên Nghiệp và Hiện Đại
Sử dụng chữ LED neon chiếu sáng không chỉ giúp tăng cường sự chuyên nghiệp mà còn tạo ra một ấn tượng hiện đại và sáng tạo với khách hàng.
5. Tạo Không Gian Thương Hiệu Độc Đáo
Bằng cách sử dụng chữ LED neon, bạn có thể tạo ra không gian thương hiệu độc đáo, mang đậm dấu ấn cá nhân và giúp khách hàng nhận biết thương hiệu của bạn một cách dễ dàng.
6. Tương Tác và Gây Ấn Tượng Mạnh
Chữ LED neon không chỉ là một phương tiện quảng cáo mà còn là một cách tuyệt vời để tương tác với khách hàng. Sự sáng tạo trong thiết kế chữ LED neon có thể gây ấn tượng mạnh mẽ và gợi cảm xúc tích cực từ phía khách hàng.
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Chữ LED neon chiếu sáng không chỉ là một công cụ quảng cáo hiệu quả mà còn là một tác phẩm nghệ thuật ánh sáng độc đáo, giúp thương hiệu của bạn nổi bật và thu hút. Hãy để chữ LED neon trở thành người bạn đồng hành đắc lực trong việc tăng cường nhận diện thương hiệu và tạo ấn tượng mạnh mẽ với khách hàng của bạn!
-----------> Xem thêm: Chữ led neon Ahoy Roy
Nếu bạn đang cần sự hỗ trợ tư vấn về chữ LED neon, hãy đừng ngần ngại liên hệ với chúng tôi. Đội ngũ chuyên gia của chúng tôi sẽ hỗ trợ bạn trong việc lựa chọn, thiết kế và triển khai chữ LED neon theo yêu cầu cụ thể của bạn.
- Điện thoại: 0901 399 292 - 0946 161 807 (Mr. Phạm Cường)
- Zalo/SMS: 0901 399 292 hoặc 0946 161 807
- Địa chỉ: Số 52A, Đường số 2, Khu phố 6, P. Hiệp Bình Phước, Q.Thủ Đức, Tp.HCM
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8 October 3153 Islington System, Magistracy of Canopus, Rimward Periphery DropShip Electric Pony - docked with JumpShip Geranium Fever [NOTE: JumpShip unresponsive - disabled/destroyed(?) by misjump] [NOTE: Chronological error - pre-jump date: 4 January 3052]
"A boarding team is being sent to verify the condition of your DropShip."
That was what the Star League Star Colonel had said - Binetti, Rowan de la Rosa remembered his name absent-mindedly as she stared at the viewscreen.
The members of the Neon Knights watched as a small dropshuttle vectored from the Canopian station - difficult to see, surrounded as it was by actual honest-to-God WarShips, all decked out with the SLDF star. What have we missed? Rowan thought.
The muffin-shaped shuttle beelined towards what was left of their ride - the Geranium Fever had gone completely unresponsive, so naturally the worst had been assumed - the comms officer zoomed in on the craft with the Pony's optical sensors. The proud red-and-black dragon insignia was plain to see against the slate grey of the shuttle's plating - as was, next to the dragon on either side, an SLDF Cameron Star. They weren't perfectly aligned with each other - probably means they'd been added later?
"It's a modified Dragonstar class transport shuttle, ma'am. Kuritan markings... the hell are the Kuritans doing in bed with the Clanners? It's squawking friendly ident, they haven't powered weapons, and their commo doesn't sound angry. So I doubt we're about to get vented," the officer snarked, before focusing on something in their headset.
"Hokay, they're sending a message - boarding team is being led by a..." the comms officer stopped mid-sentence, and swore in unbelieving Swedenese, though they recovered quickly and continued. "Led by a Tai-sa Ryūga Kurita, assigned to the... whoa. One of the Ryuken regiments, ma'am."
DCMS elite troops - the one's trained by the Wolf's Dragoons? An actual member of the Kurita family? What the hell have we jumped into here? thought Rowan.
"... also a Chu-sa Dahiya Ult Salah-Miyamoto? Assigned to the ... Hikage regiment? Never heard of them, must be new."
Another message made the comms officer focus again.
"ETA is... two minutes, they're burning hard. Looks like they've got other shuttles coming too, probably checking in on the Gerry and the other droppers."
The officer paused, and looked back to the others.
"We playing this cool?"
Rowan considered for a moment. A slight tremor buckled her knee, before she steadied herself with a hand on the good techie’s head. 
Dammit, not now.
“Aye, Xiong. Cool as cats,” she gave them a pat, “and speaking of cool cats- I want Charles and Jo to be part of the meet-and-greet, and with a quickness. Armed, but weapons holstered. Ags,” Rowan turns towards her XO. She had a white-knuckled grip on the other side of Xiong’s chair, but at least seemed to have steadied her breathing, instead glaring a hole in the Pony’s bulkhead, “I want you to take the conn while I meet the good Star Colonel.”
Agata flinched at Rowan’s words, but eased her grip on the chair nonetheless. “Understood, Commander. I have the deck.”
Some of the tension seemed to drop away from Agata’s shoulders at being given a task, like the strings holding her up were cut, but Rowan could tell she was still higher strung than a substation livewire.
Better to have her stay up here and stay cool. 
Rowan nodded, and turned in a parody of an about face to head on down to the airlock.
Time to meet the SLDF.
In the span of a hallway and an elevator ride, the tremor had made it’s way out of her leg and up to her arm.
Least this means I shouldn’t loose my balance in front of our guests.
She hard them before she saw them, around the corner. Quiet chatter, the sharp bark of Joana’s laughter cutting through Charles’ curt replies, nearly drowning him out.
None of Jo’s usual warmth.
No laconic drawl out of Charles.
Both were already posted up, and their conversation withered as she approached.
“Boss,” Charles spoke up, one furry ear twitching with nerves, “what’re we expecting?” 
Rowan fiddled with the zipper of her jumpsuit, finally working the shakes out of her hand as she replied, “They claim they’re SLDF, but they’re using Clanner ranks and talk with a stick up their ass. Maybe got some Dracs with them too, from the sound of things. I’unno just what their game is here, but we’re playin’ it cool. Leave me talkin’ with the good Star Colonel, an if y’all think you can swing it, chat up some of their boarding crew. We’re working on limited intel here, and-” the sound of the shuttle docking to the Pony’s airlock cut her off.
Rowan flicked open her sunglass, setting the round lenses over her eyes.
A deep breath in.
And slowly out.
The Commander turned to the airlock, wearing her role like a uniform jacket thrown over a shoulder.
“And we’re out of time. Buckle up, y’all. Let’s see just who’s claiming to be the SLDF.”
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inox-vang2023 · 5 months
Bí quyết nào giúp bảng hiệu của bạn nổi bật hơn hẳn?
Bảng hiệu là một phần quan trọng trong việc quảng bá và thu hút sự chú ý của khách hàng đối với doanh nghiệp của bạn. Một bảng hiệu nổi bật và thu hút sẽ giúp tạo dựng thương hiệu mạnh mẽ và tạo ấn tượng tốt đối với khách hàng tiềm năng. Dưới đây là một số bí quyết giúp bảng hiệu của bạn nổi bật hơn hẳn.
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==> Xem thêm các loại bảng hiệu chữ inox lồng mặt mica: https://giacongchuinox.net/chu-inox-long-mat-mica-10
Thiết kế độc đáo và ấn tượng
Sử dụng hình ảnh và màu sắc bắt mắt: Hình ảnh và màu sắc là yếu tố đầu tiên thu hút sự chú ý của khách hàng. Hãy sử dụng những hình ảnh độc đáo, ấn tượng và liên quan đến thương hiệu của bạn. Màu sắc cũng đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc tạo ấn tượng ban đầu. Hãy chọn những màu sắc nổi bật, tương phản và phù hợp với thương hiệu của bạn.
Sử dụng phông chữ dễ đọc: Phông chữ đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc truyền tải thông điệp của bạn. Hãy chọn phông chữ dễ đọc, rõ ràng và phù hợp với thiết kế tổng thể của bảng hiệu.\
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Tạo sự cân bằng và bố cục hợp lý: Bảng hiệu cần có sự cân bằng và bố cục hợp lý để tạo sự dễ chịu cho mắt người nhìn. Tránh lạm dụng quá nhiều thông tin hoặc hình ảnh, hãy tập trung vào những thông tin quan trọng nhất.
Vị trí lắp đặt
Lựa chọn vị trí dễ nhìn thấy: Bảng hiệu cần được lắp đặt ở vị trí dễ nhìn thấy, thu hút sự chú ý của khách hàng tiềm năng. Nên chọn những vị trí có lưu lượng giao thông cao hoặc nơi tập trung đông người qua lại.
Đảm bảo độ cao phù hợp: Bảng hiệu cần được lắp đặt ở độ cao phù hợp để mọi người có thể dễ dàng nhìn thấy. Tránh lắp đặt quá cao hoặc quá thấp.
Sử dụng hệ thống chiếu sáng: Nếu bảng hiệu của bạn được lắp đặt ở nơi thiếu ánh sáng, hãy sử dụng hệ thống chiếu sáng để đảm bảo bảng hiệu được nhìn thấy rõ ràng vào ban đêm.
Chất liệu sản phẩm
Sử dụng chất liệu bền bỉ: Bảng hiệu cần được làm từ chất liệu bền bỉ, có thể chịu được tác động của thời tiết. Một số chất liệu phổ biến được sử dụng cho bảng hiệu bao gồm: bạt, mica, alu, inox, v.v.
Đảm bảo chất lượng in ấn: Chất lượng in ấn ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến độ sắc nét và thẩm mỹ của bảng hiệu. Hãy chọn nhà cung cấp dịch vụ in ấn uy tín để đảm bảo chất lượng in ấn tốt nhất.
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Ánh sáng
Sử dụng ánh sáng: Sử dụng ánh sáng để thu hút sự chú ý vào bảng hiệu, đặc biệt là vào ban đêm. Bạn có thể sử dụng đèn LED, đèn neon hoặc đèn chiếu sáng để tạo hiệu ứng mong muốn.
Ánh sáng phù hợp: Sử dụng ánh sáng có độ sáng phù hợp để không gây chói mắt cho người nhìn.
Kết hợp hiệu ứng: Kết hợp ánh sáng với các hiệu ứng khác như chuyển động hoặc hình ảnh để tạo sự thu hút hơn.
==> Xem thêm: https://giacongchuinox.net/gia-cong-chu-inox-chat-luong-ket-hop-mat-mica-yuna-cafe-1176.html
Bằng cách áp dụng những bí quyết trên, bạn có thể tạo ra một bảng hiệu ấn tượng giúp doanh nghiệp của bạn nổi bật hơn hẳn và thu hút nhiều khách hàng hơn. Hãy nhớ rằng bảng hiệu chỉ là một phần trong chiến lược marketing tổng thể của bạn. Do đó, hãy kết hợp bảng hiệu với các kênh quảng cáo khác để đạt hiệu quả tối ưu.
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Bộ Sưu Tập Mẫu Đèn LED Neon Uốn Chữ Trang Trí Đẹp Nhất 2023
Hãy cùng chúng tôi khám phá và lấy cảm hứng từ những mẫu đèn LED neon uốn chữ trang trí đẹp nhất của năm 2023 và biến những ý tưởng sáng tạo thành hiện thực trong không gian của bạn.
Xem thêm: https://khanhthylighting.com/bo-suu-tap-mau-den-led-neon-uon-chu-trang-tri-dep-nhat-2023/
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banghieuviet · 1 year
Báo giá biển quảng cáo chữ nổi Mica, Alu, Inox, đèn Led
Biển quảng cáo chữ nổi hiện nay được thiết kế trên nhiều chất liệu đa dạng khác nhau phổ biến nhất đó là: Mica, Alu, Inox… được ốp trực tiếp trên bề mặt dựng Aluminium. Đây được xem là một loại bảng hiệu chữ nổi sang trọng, nổi bất nhất hiện nay được rất nhiều công ty, cửa hàng tin dùng lựa chọn.
Bảng báo giá biển quảng cáo chữ nổi Alu, Mica, Inox, Đèn neon: 
Biển quảng cáo alu dày 2×0.06mm và 3×0.06mm: 340.000 VNĐ – 410.000 VNĐ
Biển quảng cáo alu dày 2×0.08mm và 3×0.08mm: 340.000 VNĐ – 440.000 VNĐ
Biển quảng cáo alu dày 3×0.2mm: 700.000 VNĐ – 830.000 VNĐ 
Bảng hiệu chữ nổi Mica: 1.200.000 VNĐ 
Bảng hiệu Alu chữ nổi: 800.000 VNĐ 
Bảng quảng cáo chữ nổi Inox: 65.000/cm2 
Bảng quảng cáo đèn Neon:  1.100.000 VNĐ
Thông tin liên hệ Công ty TNHH Bảng Hiệu Việt
Địa chỉ: 51/4 Trường Chinh,  phường 12, quận Tân Bình, TPHCM
Hotline: 0962 63 73 53
Website: https://banghieuviet.org/bien-quang-cao-chu-noi/
#bienquangcaochunoi #banghieuchunoi #bienaluchunoi
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letterboxd · 3 years
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Two Filipino indies lead the Letterboxd Top 25 at the 2021 halfway point, as the coronavirus pandemic continues to shake—and reshape—the film industry. Jack Moulton and Gemma Gracewood take stock.
Cleaners, Glenn Barit’s photocopied, hand-colored, stop-motion feature about high schoolers in the northern Philippines city of Tuguegarao, is the highest-rated 2021 film on Letterboxd at the halfway point of the year, with a weighted average of 4.3 out of 5 stars. Ode to Nothing, by Barit’s fellow countrywoman Dwein Baltazar, is in second place, and Shaka King’s two-time Oscar-winner Judas and the Black Messiah rounds out the top three.
Last year was a transition year in many ways: for the world, a pandemic-led move away from cinema screenings to at-home virtual theaters and streaming-first releases; for Letterboxd, a move away from US-led release dates in our annual calculations. This has opened the way for notable films from around the world to be included on our lists far sooner than their oft-delayed American releases (which had resulted in, for example, Brazil’s Bacurau not making the 2019 Letterboxd Year in Review).
Both of these factors help to explain why we have two Filipino independent features leading our midway Top 25. “Cleaners and Ode to Nothing are exactly the kind of small Filipino films that would have struggled to get national distribution in theaters in the before times, despite the buzz that they garnered,” writes Manila-based film critic Philbert Dy in his companion essay to the Top 25, in which he explains how the Philippines’ particularly long and harsh Covid lockdown has “led to smaller, quirkier films being made accessible to more Filipinos, whose consumption of cinema were once beholden to the whims of conglomerate cinema owners”.
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‘Cleaners’, written and directed by Glenn Barit.
When we shared the good news with him, a delighted Cleaners director Glenn Barit specifically shouted out his nation’s film lovers: “It is a testament to a vibrant Filipino film community still actively watching and supporting films of our own. Especially with a film like ours set in a small city far from the capital, it is amazing to read in reviews that it resonates with a lot of people (sometimes even outside our country).”
From this year forward, our mid-year rankings include films that have been released in any country, with at least a limited theatrical, streaming or video-on-demand run, and a minimum of 1,000 views on Letterboxd. These new rules allow us to celebrate the love for Katie Found’s lesbian romance My First Summer—released in Australia in March—without having to wait for the US to catch up. It joins indie highlight Shiva Baby, Michael Rianda’s animated hit The Mitchells vs The Machines and Heidi Ewing’s swooning romance, I Carry You With Me, on the Top 25 in putting young, queer characters on the screen.
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‘My First Summer’, written and directed by Katie Found.
As expected, many films on the list have suffered pandemic delays. We use premiere dates to mark the year of record for each film, so A Quiet Place Part II will always be attached to its March 2020 red-carpet screening, despite the fourteen-month hibernation that followed. This is Not a Burial, It’s a Resurrection by Mosotho director Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese screened at 2019’s Venice Film Festival and had a very long festival run until Mubi picked it up for streaming in the UK this year. The film’s lead, Mary Twala, passed away a year ago, July 4, 2020 (see her also in Beyoncé’s Black is King). Gabriela Cowperthwaite’s Our Friend—one of the eight women-directed films on the list—went to TIFF, London, and AFI before being released this January without screening once in 2020.
More than half of our Top 25 films are directed by BIPOC directors, nearly a dozen of whom are of Asian descent, illuminating a key benefit of the new eligibility system. Challenging the US for the most represented country is India with five films in the list, taking advantage of Amazon’s distribution deal and creating greater accessibility for Hindi, Tamil and Malayalam-language films at home and abroad.
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‘Red Post Post on Escher Street’, written and directed by Sion Sono.
Also among the Asian directors making the list are legends Tsai Ming-liang and Sion Sono. Tsai’s Days recently received a limited run in Spain (it will be brought to the US by Grasshopper Films this August), while Sono’s Red Post Post on Escher Street had a quick VOD run in February courtesy of Japan Society Film.
Produced in the US and directed by Japanese-Brazilian Edson Oda, Nine Days qualifies due to an exclusive run at the Singapore arthouse theater The Projector in May—it’ll be released in the US later this month. Finally, Asian American director Jon M. Chu makes the list with his adaptation of Quiara Alegría Hudes and Lin-Manuel Miranda’s In the Heights. We are also happy to see a couple of Letterboxd members in the halfway 25: Cleaners’ Barit and Chad Hartigan (Little Fish). If you’d like to discover more 2021 releases by our member-filmmakers, we have a list for that.
The Top 25 is, of course, solely made up of narrative feature-length films. On the documentary front, Flee is currently the highest-rated non-fiction feature of 2021. Neon is expected to release the film in the US for an awards run later this year, but it’s eligible now due to a release earlier this month in director Jonas Poher Rasmussen’s homeland of Denmark.
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‘Flee’, directed by Jonas Poher Rasmussen.
Fellow Sundance Film Festival winner Summer of Soul (or… When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised) is currently the year’s highest-rated documentary in general, but was 48 hours shy of eligibility for the halfway list, releasing in theaters and on Hulu on July 2. The runners-up are: Sir Alex Ferguson: Never Give In, directed by the notorious football manager’s son; David Attenborough’s The Year Earth Changed, directed by Tom Beard; and rock-docs TINA and (in his doc-directing debut) Edgar Wright’s The Sparks Brothers.
In other categories, It’s a Sin is the highest-rated narrative miniseries at the midway point, Can’t Get You Out of Our Head by Adam Curtis is the highest-rated documentary miniseries, Bo Burnham: Inside is the highest-rated comedy special, Blackpink: The Show is the highest-rated music film, Save Ralph is the highest-rated animated short film, and Four Roads, by Alice Rohrwacher, is the highest-rated live-action short film.
With Cannes underway and more festivals to come, it is still a long road to the 2021 Year in Review for these films—but given the journey most of them have already travelled, it is pleasing to celebrate the filmmakers’ success. Ang galing ninyong lahat!
On top of its meticulously bonkers production process, our highest-ranked film, Cleaners, had a long journey to its first theatrical distribution, and it’s far from over. The film premiered at the QCinema International Film Festival in October 2019, to raves from Filipino Letterboxd members, and it still holds a firm grasp on its high rating nearly two years later. Ultimately, the first non-fest release for Cleaners occurred when Singapore’s Asian Film Archive screened it for a week in April, thus qualifying the film for our 2021 lists.
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‘Ode to Nothing’, written, directed and edited by Dwein Baltazar.
Ode to Nothing has been on an even longer journey. The film also debuted at the QCinema Festival, but in 2018, and finally arrived on local streaming services iWantTFC and KTX.PH earlier this year.
Being celebrated by their countryfolk on Letterboxd is one thing, but how can those of us outside the Philippines see these top two films? Perhaps we need to give our local distributors a nudge. As Cleaners director Barit explains: “We are a team of three first-time filmmakers and producers. We are still learning the ropes of film distribution and marketing—and it’s been very hard. I just want to shamelessly say that our doors are wide open for distribution and acquisition; we are not yet available on any streaming platforms locally or internationally [winks nervously].”
See the Halfway 2021 list on Letterboxd and watch the Top 10 countdown on YouTube
Follow Jack and Gemma on Letterboxd
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hectabdr · 4 years
Dragon Raja IV - Chapters 13 - 15 + epilogue (Abridged)
Hi everyone, sorry for taking so long to post the last part, I had a lot of work this week.
BTW, since it's over, I put the whole novel summary on a PDF document, which you can download from here.
Previous Chapters
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Chapter 13
The nurse at the mental hospital couldn't believe her eyes when Luminous came back and requested to be admitted in his old room. He asked for his usual injection and went back to his not-so-favorite video game level.
In his vision, he kept accelerating far away form the swarm of death servitors, everything went according to plan and they still had lots of time to spare. He made many excuses to Nono in an attempt to justify his incredible performance, in the radio, there was a very strange song, Luminous recognized it, the name was "Daily Growing" by the folk group Altan, it was the same song that Johann and his father heard before they ran into Odin.
Nono was confused, Luminous just seemed to know way too many things. He knew about the damaged tire, about every safe route, the reach of the Nibelungen and the presence of a small, strange building hiding in the distance. It was the Media Asia Group building, according to Finger, this is the place where Nono found Chu Tianjiao's home. If this was a Nibelungen, an exact copy of the room should be there as well, still intact.
There was nothing surprising about the small place, but that was intentional. A person like Tianjiao was probably trained against people with skills like Nono's, so there had to be a secret compartment or a hidden door. He lifted the bed and there it was!
Mr Chu managed to create an underground bunker for himself. There was a bigger, more comfortable bed, a record player with Elvis Presley's discs and leather jackets. Luminous wanted to be more like this stylish man every second he spent there.
He noticed a bunch of pictures hanging from a string. Tianjiao spend a lot of time making copies of photographs from his family, but he wasn't in them, there was another man next to his wife and his son, but he used chemicals to erase him from the images. He also wrote small phrases dedicated to his wife in the back of the photos, like:
"This is the first year since you left me, you look good"
"This is the third year, you're getting fat"
"Fifth year, I don't have time to think of you anymore"
"Sixth year. ...but I still miss you".
The rest of the walls were filled with images and documents connected by red strings. Multiple events were listed in them, including the fall of Black Swan Bay in 1991 and the Greenland incident from November 7, 2002. These events related to dragon sightings and awakenings all led to a specific incident: The resurrection of the Black king Nidhogg. Even to the other dragon overlords, Nidhogg is a god-like existence, and its words are taken as prophecies. Chu Tianjiao was the city's watchman, he came to that place with a special purpose, but he mistakenly fell in love with a young dancer. They got married and had a child, they were happy, but he knew very well that he couldn't give them a peaceful life, so he signed the divorce papers and watched her take Johann away and marry a different man. While that family went to amusement parks and movie theaters, Tianjiao stayed on his underground room thinking about the fate of mankind.
Luminous memorized as much as he could from Tianjiao's investigation and went back with Nono, he kept driving and they entered the empty city, the lights were still on and the amusement park shined like a neon show.
- I always wanted to be in a Nibelungen, but I didn't expect it to be like this.
- How did you think it would be?
- Distorted, scary, definitely not this beautiful.
They looked up and they saw Odin, standing on top of the clock tower, Nono raised a gun and pointed at him but Luminous held it down, telling her not to disturb him, they kept driving silently and the god didn't notice their presence.
Luminous took her to a shopping mall, where they entered a department store and he gave her a dry change of clothes. This was still strange to her, he already knew her size, he never stopped looking at his watch and somehow he also picked an outfit that she liked (a pair of burgundy sports trousers and a fleece hoodie).
He gave her a cup of hot coffee and he suggested they waited on an empty movie theater while they waited for help.
Nono waited uncomfortable in front of the screen, Luminous picked up a random movie from the projector room, it was Wall·E, the second film roll to be exact, so the film started from the halfway point. The movie slowly relaxed her and she started chewing popcorn while they waited.
- I've been here before, haven't I?.
This was the theater where she rescued him from a failed love confession to Wenwen, before taking him to sign his Cassell admission papers. Actually, Luminous was watching Wall·E with his fellow literature club members. All of these were deliberate choices, he only picked the second half of the movie because they didn't have enough time to watch it from the start.
- You have been here, you have experienced all the things we are experiencing now and I have lived this moment many times.
Nono was a profiler, it wasn't that easy to trick her, so he admitted the truth. At 12:00am, Nono was going to die, like every other time.
- This dream will become a reality. I have repeatedly entered this dream just to find a way to save you, but I couldn't find it.
- If you can't find a way to save me, why don't you save yourself instead?
- My senior brother said that he always regretted leaving his father here alone, that feeling of regret is so terrible, it made him want to go back and die right there.
- Don't say such disgusting things, if this is really my end I will accept it.
The answer became obvious, the only way to escape this Nibelungen was for one person to stay behind and die. As the movie reached its climax, a spear broke through the screen, Nono didn't move, Luminous didn't move.
- No, senior sister, this will not be you end, it will be mine.
Chapter 14
Luminous opened his eyes, it was still a quiet summer night, he slid a small knife that he bought at the convenience store and ripped the straitjacket open. The hospital personnel were resting in different rooms so he sneaked out with ease.
His last attempt was the 108th, none of them managed to give him the perfect ending that he desperately chased. The old man with the tricycle was waiting for him outside, Luminous got on the small bike and drove away. The security guard couldn't believe it when he saw the same tricycle pass by for a third time that night, straight into the elevated road.
Luminous reached the old Asia Group building, now flooded and filled with rubble and mud. He managed to find the secret door and found the insides half-submerged as well, but not everything was ruined, he located a small metal suitcase in the corner that was filled with multiple weapons, including a revolver, a tactical shotgun and a Uzi submachine gun.
All seemed to indicate that this equipment came directly from Cassell College, an academy that never bothered to mention Tianjiao's existence.
In his way out, he picked one of the photographs that managed to survive the flood, it portrayed a family of three. Johann was probably five years old and his expression was as emotionless as usual, his robot face wasn't the result of some traumatic event after all, it came with him from the moment he was born. In the corner, Tianjiao wrote some words as well: "Stay like this, not crying, just looking into the distance".
This arsenal was strong, but insignificant in front of a being like Odin. Ming·Z·Lu showed up to offer one last gift.
Something for nothing, 50% fusion.
Luminous was familiar with that sensation, his nerves burned and the depths of his mind seemed to be cracked open, the pain was bigger than any human can endure, but once it was over, there was a feeling of euphoria, a need to fight. His senses increased immensely, he could now distinguish every single drop in the middle of the rainfall. This usually costed him a full quarter of his life but now it was... Free?
He finally heard the distorted noises of the death servitors, it sounded like the crying of babies. The wall of water and wind that protected Odin became visible, the black figure mounted an eight legged horse. He was in the Nibelungen again, this time he didn't plan to turn around.
Luminous approached them and parked the tricycle next to the Maybach, he stood in front of Odin and the god stayed silent. The words "You are finally here" were not uttered this time, he was right, Odin was waiting for Nono, but he didn't bring her this time, Luminous's presence was meaningless to his rival.
Odin kept staring at the end of the road, waiting for Chen Motong to appear and show her face.
- This is the right way to start the game, my senior sister is not here, only you and me, only one of us can leave this place alive!
He was vey happy, he finally played the god. He slowly grabbed a spear rocket launcher from the tricycle, the little devil was as reliable as always. The servitors immediately recognized the destructive potential of the weapon and tried to disperse, but Luminous opened fire first and scattered their shadowy remains on the road.
He saw his face in a puddle, the crazy expression of Ming·Z was now his own, like every other time they fused, it felt like this was his true nature. Weapon after weapon he ran out of ammo, some servitors sneaked behind him and sliced his torso with their claws, if it wasn't for the bulletproof vest that Tianjiao left in his suitcase, Mingfei would have died already.
A shot of his last gun, a M500 revolver finally broke one of the servitor's masks. He hadn't seen one of those faces since his mission in Japan, their skin was covered in scales and their teeth were long and alien-shaped. Odin gave them black robes and masks to use them as his personal servants. Odin was definitely different to every other dragon king he had faced before, they were all savage and aggressive, but this one was stoic and dressed like a figure of mythology, unless...
That was it! Odin wasn't a dragon disguised as a mythical character, Odin, the myth himself has been a dragon all along. The secret party had misread norse mythology, now it was clear that it narrated the history of the dragon clan and it was written by the dragons themselves. Every god was in fact a dragon king, in those myths, the main antagonist of Nidhogg was Odin. This god had already foreseen the coming of the end of the world, the so-called twilight of the gods, where the world tree would wither.
The suppressed Nidhogg will rise in the air, ready for revenge, it will destroy everything and ruin the kingdom of the gods. Therefore, Odin prepared himself for this battle, ordering the Valkyrie goddesses to gather the heroes's souls and place them in the Hall of Valor to assist him in resisting the black dragon. If the norse myths are indeed dragon history, the hall of valor must represent a place filled with countless dragon cocoons and embryos waiting to be awakened.
This information, this great secret was about to be buried there with him if he didn't survive this battle. Nono was probably packing, ready to leave with Finger and go back to Cassell, for whatever reason Odin needed her, she would be out of his reach, he just needed to endure and Odin was still as invincible as ever. Making a deal with Ming·Z was inadmissible, giving the little devil enough power to materialize could bring an immeasurable catastrophe. The boy appeared in front of him.
- Brother, you finally asked to see me, do you want to... Shake my hand?
The multitude of servitors overwhelmed him, he contemplated dying there, it wouldn't be so bad, just very lonely. With a loud bang! the strongest servitor flew out and fell motionless on the mud.
A red BYD car swiftly parked next to him, a hand came out of the window and shot the three closest servitors, that was Finger, of course it was him!
- Drive faster! Why the fuck are you here?
- What do I know? I was eating dumplings with your aunt and the hospital called to tell me you were gone!
Finger placed a tracking device on Luminous just like he did with Nono and saw his trace disappearing in the highway, so he went to investigate and entered the Nibelungen by accident.
- Don't get confused by my F-Rank rating, I started as an A-rank, remember?
Flammel tasked Finger with helping Luminous to prove Johann's existence, he didn't remember the young hybrid either, but he trusted Anjou, and Anjou believed in the importance of Luminous more than anyone. Not everyone on Cassell gave up on him after all.
- Don't drive away, we can't escape!
- I thought you told me to drive faster!
- Yes I did, but I meant towards Odin!
The servitors quickly realized what they were intending to do, so they formed a barrier in front of their master. Finger pressed a button on the car and one mini-gun came out of each side of the vehicle.
- The equipment department makes phones that double as grenades, you think they can't make 007's car?
The gatling guns opened fire on the crowd of servitors, effectively cleaning the way. Finger put the car on self destruct mode and got ready to jump out, Luminous got on the roof, aiming his knife at Odin. The car hit Odin's water barrier and exploded, the shockwave soared into the sky, filled with flames. Luminous jumped and managed to pass through, and with a swift move, he pierced through Odin with the blade, just like Tianjiao attempted to do many years before.
Every servitor stopped their movements, Odin's scores started dropping down immediately and his body got split in two. There had to be something wrong with that, there's no way he would fall to his death so easily. Luminous took the god's skull and removed the mask, under it, the face of a death servitor greeted him instead, the others started crying and laughing at them. Odin's only goal is Nono, it had always been Nono, this was a trap and he was already on his way to get her.
Chapter 15
Nono was sitting next to Su Xiaoyan's bed, peeling an apple. The woman happily ate the bonbons that Nono brought for her as a gift.
- Nono, how is your mother doing?
- She's fine, she's still working and always asks me when I'll get married but I just don't tell her.
Nono had to make up that story, but at that moment she really felt like Xiaoyan's niece. She checked the woman's medical records, apparently the doctors thought she was schizophrenic and amnesiac, as long as Nono played her role well, the medical personnel would think Xiaoyan's amnesia made her forget about her relative.
Because Nono brought Bonbons, Xiaoyan recognized her immediately and happily accepted her gift.
She had been there since her son's death, she lost track of time, to the point where she felt like she had been there for three or four months, when in reality, seven years had passed. Not many people visited her in that time, her husband would take her home for a few days every now and then, but those events became less and less usual. Of course, Nono was there for a reason, without Tianjiao's apartment, her only remaining clue was Johann's mother, but the woman wasn't very open about her life. Nono's ability allowed her to put puzzles together, but Xiaojiao kept messing up the pieces.
- Did your former husband treat you well?
- He couldn't make enough money and he was very unmotivated, playing foolish all day long, I had enough of him!
- But he's handsome, and he's probably still breaking hearts.
- How do you know that he's handsome? You haven't seen him before.
- Of course I have, I remember hugging my uncle!
- Come on, do you really think I'm that broken? I know I don't have a niece.
- Then why didn't you tell the doctor?
- Because you're so pretty, and I like to chat with pretty girls, there's no one else here to chat with me, and you don't look like a bad person either.
Nono was genuinely surprised, so she declared her intentions straight on, she wanted to know more about Chu Tianjiao, but his ex-wife didn't seem to know a lot about him either, he would constantly lie about his past and alternate between multiple versions of the story.
- Sometimes he told me that he was a great spy, and that he came here to complete a task, and I believed him, without a clue of his salesman-like nature!
- And you still married him?
- He was handsome, and I was young.
Xiaoyan didn't express any regret in divorcing him, she'd rather be with someone she could rely on, but there was something else she could not explain.
- But he seems to have left something behind with me, a very important thing, I just can't remember it.
- What is it?
- I said I can't remember it, I've been thinking about it for a very long time.
- What kind of thing?
- A very important thing, I must find it, it would be very bad if I didn't.
A burst of cold wind opened the windows and made them shiver, Nono stood up and went to close them but she noticed something strange, the flowers on the outside were all withered, black petals flew through the room, she closed the window as fast as she could, something bad had happened and the air outside smelled of death.
She took out a desert eagle from her bag and stopped Xiaoyan from screaming, the woman relied on her intuition to understand that Nono wasn't going to hurt her. The place was silent and the lights flickered, the instinctive feeling of being alert that came from true isolation soon got a hold of her. She and Xiaoyan got out of the room, door after door, every doctor and every patient had disappeared.
The rain and the wind rapidly eroded the building. The day was finally here, she had never been in a Nibelungen before, she once regretted not being able to experience it, now Nibelungen came to see her. She didn't knew wether to be nervous or excited.
- Someone, someone is coming. Su Xiaoyan's voice trembled slightly.
The sound of footsteps made an echo in the building, those weren't human steps, that sounded like a few horses were coming their way. The storm, the Nibelungen, the steed, the rider, it seemed to be an ancient king who came with a strong breath of death, and the flowers in the garden withered in front of him. Nono remembered him, she saw his silhouette in the reflection of the glass when she went to Tianjiao's apartment.
The rider didn't seem to know where Xiaoyan's room was and he was checking them one by one. They ran towards the elevator, the rider was on the first floor so they needed to get to the top as fast as they could without the sound of their steps giving away their position. Behind them, the fluorescent lights went out one by one. Nono finally saw the reflection of the elevator's door in a mirror, but when its doors opened, the light of Odin's flames came out.
They ran in the other direction and soon reached the stairs, they ran down but it didn't matter, they were trapped on an endless loop. She shot at the creature but the bullets melted before touching the god's armor. They kept running and Nono kept shooting back but it wasn't buying them any more time, temperatures were rising and there was no way out.
Odin wasn't even in a hurry to reach them, Nono took Xiaoyan in her arms and ran across a hallway, enduring the terrible heat of the floor. She tried to get out through a window, but after opening the curtains she noticed that the whole world outside had changed and she was greeted by the sight of a roman pantheon.
Nono suddenly fell silent, she helped Xiaoyan to sit down on a bench and put her boots on the woman's feet. She noticed something, she was crying, she was remembering.
- There might be a way for you to get out of here by yourself, now tell me, what did Tianjiao left for you exactly?
- It's... A child. I had a son with him, his name is Johann Chu, I can't find my son... I can't find my son!
Xiaoyan was holding a pillow in her arms, the doctor said that she would put this pillow in her belly every morning and happily declare that she was pregnant. Nono took it from her hands and threw it away.
- Since you have a clear memory of him, you don't need this anymore, you will find your son, although I don't know where.
In this world, those who are not lunatics are the ones who were deceived. Luminous and Su Xiaoyan were the craziest because of their link to Johann Chu, to the truth. His mother's mental disorder was not there because she had lost a son seven years ago, a certain god wanted to modify her memory of him and she was resisting. She tied the little pillow to her back because a child is only safe in his mother's body, she sensed that someone was going to hurt her boy, so she wanted to feel like she could protect him.
Nono pushed Xiaoyan into a cubicle next to the ward and told her to keep the door closed until someone came to rescue her. She took Finger's GPS device out of her bag and broke it, expecting Luminous and Finger to arrive there after seeing her signal disappear. Odin arrived, his flames evaporated the strong currents of water and stood in front of her, Nono kept two knives on her back and a desert eagle in each hand.
- Odin!
The creature and his lance were impossible not to identify, the god actually exists.
- You are finally here.
He slowly raised Gungir and a faint white thread appeared, connecting the tip of the spear and Nono's heart. She thought his goal was Xiaoyan, due to her connection to Johann, but she was wrong, Odin's goal was her and only her. No wonder Luminous threw her down in the library, he probably had a foreboding of her death for some reason and tried to save her, his eyes showed a constant state of panic.
She didn't believe him and they put him on a psychiatric institution. She really wanted to tell him that she was sorry, because she had underestimated him.
She had always tried to be there for Luminous, she couldn't deny that she saw a lot of herself in him, this obsession with taking care of her sidekick was so prevalent because she knew how it was like to be powerless, lost and defenseless, but in the most critical moment, she had failed him.
Nono vaguely heard a song, a duet about a father and his daughter, it was coming from somewhere, along with the noise of a car engine. Luminous was coming, that song came from the radio, but how could she hear him? It didn't matter, she felt him presence and she believed it.
- Luminous! Don't you fucking dare to come here!
Nono shot every bullet she had left and they melted on Odin's presence. The lance was thrown and suddenly, the Maybach smashed through the wall, its lights illuminated Nono's eyes. She smiled, the moment she saw him, the cartridge of her gun was empty. The lance had already started its course and Luminous could only see her lips moving:
- I'm sorry
- Ming·Z·Lu! Luminous roared, time slowed down in his eyes
- The little one is here! Ming·Z smiled, Since I promised my brother that I'd try everything!
Come out! Golden saint cloth of the zodiac!, Phase shift armor!, Fierce fist! Seven-fold ring of the blazing sky!, Absolute domain AT Field!.
Every time he yelled a strange name, Luminous froze for a moment, these strange spells were taken directly from anime shows, they were weapons that lined up in front of Odin's lance, even a nuclear explosion could be rejected by them.
- What are you doing?
- I don't really know what tricks would work so I'm doing all of them!
Ming·Z kept casting spells, the speed of the lance was indeed affected but it never stopped nor it changed its trajectory.
- Hurry up brother, run!
Nono tried to yell, telling Luminous to stay away, but her mouth moved too slowly. Luminous ran past Odin and past the lance. The seven-fold ring was the strongest defense against projectiles, every time the Gungir lance pierced through a layer, it made a loud noise. Nono dropped the empty gun, she didn't have the strength to wield her knives. The spear hadn't arrived yet, and she was already like a lamb crucified on an altar.
Gungir hit the final defense, the sound was almost glass shattering.
- I couldn't stop it, even with the last layer. Give her a hug, kiss her! This is going to be your last chance! I'll buy as much time as possible for you!
Ming·Z made another barrier but the lance broke it, the little devil's hands were splashed with blood and they stained his bow tie, but he didn't care and looked at his side as an indifferent Luminous passed by and stood in front of Nono. He never managed to change the events, just the scenery. Gungir pierced through Ming·Z's chest.
- Brother, I tried my best
- It's ok, I'm here as well.
Luminous wasn't going to hug or kiss Nono, he was there to take her place. He could clearly feel his heart being cut open. The spear hadn't even touched his skin and his body had begun to carbonize and turn black, showing a rare struggle, burning it inch by inch.
- No! No! No! Nono struggled to stand up and pull the lance away from him.
- Don't come near me!
The lance tried to go through him, but it only managed to pin him against the wall. Nono shivered slightly and tears slowly ran down her face, but she didn't realize that she was crying. She always wanted him to grow up and go his own way, to use any advantage she might have over him to push him forward, but now the person who was crying on the floor was her.
- Senior sister, are you okay? It's okay.
Luminous raised his head, half of his head and body were carbonized, the cracks at the end of his lips extended all the way to the roots of his ears. He was really happy, because he finally managed to achieve his goal. He didn't want to live with the regret of losing her, he had seen Johann's own regret already.
Odin wasn't pleased, the god roared as he realized he had missed his chance. Luminous whispered:
- Ming·Z·Lu...
- Brother, I am here, you really found a method to stop the lance!
- In this world, only a monster can stop a monster, and I am the biggest monster in the world...
- Yes, you are the biggest monster in the world, brother! You are awesome! Then, are you ready to make the last deal? I can't do much against the lance, but I can take care of the monster behind it, the little devil is good at this dirty work!
Luminous stared at him and asked for two conditions:
- Kill Odin, but also take Nono back to safety.
- Alright but hurry up! That guy is almost here!
Sleipnir's eight legs made a thunderous sound, the dragon subspecies that Odin mounted carried its master into the room. Luminous raised his blood-soaked hand and gave the little devil a high-five. Ming·Z's figure suddenly appeared in the night sky, this time he stopped laughing and opened his arms. He looked like a suspended cross.
- Something for nothing, 100% fusion.
He breathed deeply, as if he wanted to inhale all of the world's air into his lungs. Sharp bone spurs protruded from his body and he was covered in black scales. Huge black wings sprung from his back and he took flight, diving down, his image poured into Luminous's body.
The carbonized skin quickly peeled off, he experienced musculoskeletal growth and deformation and the sound of a glacier cracking was heard across the hospital.
The black wings were opened and Gungir was ejected from his chest. Sleipnir couldn't move a single inch closer to them, because Luminous placed his hand on the horse's chest. Nono stared blankly at him, because she couldn't tell if the monster in front of her was a friend or an enemy, but Luminous stared back at her.
- Sister, don't be afraid, as long as I live, you'll be fine.
After two years, Chen Motong saw the devil that rescued her from the bottom of the Three Gorges Dam once again. She remembered how he held her, his childlike fear and his voice.
Don't die, don't die, don't die... Don't Die!
- So it was you...
But Luminous didn't hear those words at all, he rushed to Odin, at the flash of lightning, the monsters that had been in conflict with each other so many times, leaving countless disasters, clashed once again, and the claws and the sword stained the place red and black.
They roared, they fought, a war between kings that can only be ended by death.
On the elevated road, Finger stopped for a moment to catch his breath. This guy is usually slacking and his posture is erratic. The death servitors are struggling to even reach his clothes.
There should be half a marathon left before he can lose them, however, the physical strength of those things is almost unlimited.
Seeing him stop, a group of servitors suddenly became excited and the baby-like cries they made reached the heavens. A girl in a black outfit and a gauze mask appeared in front of him, a ninja.
- How did you know I was here?
- I have a radar for pretty girls... Can you handle that many servitors?
Mai Sakatoku drew two small blades.
- Those are too many, I'm specialized in assassination, not group combat. It's a pity that the other two girls are not here...
- Then I hope I can help.
He had a sword in his hand, the mirror-like Murasame suddenly turned black, the black blade light soon extended all the way to his body and the rain around it evaporated. Mai was surprised by the brutality of the sword, but Finger remained indifferent.
- What kind of sword is that?
- Murasame, have you never heard of the Dragon Slayer of Fire? Then you are really kind, but a bit ignorant, my friend!
After saying that, he jumped and cut off the elevated road.
26 notes · View notes
Dragon Dancer: Forgotten Princess
I couldn’t stop trembling. I held little Ru’Yi to my body under my shirt and tight against my skin. I knew Chizuru was a quick reference point for teleportation in my mind. What I hadn’t accounted for was the time difference. 
I emerged in Japan in the frigid pre dawn hours of the following day. Ru’Yi was whimpering with discomfort. I had to find somewhere warm and fast. Not only that, the cut on my back was killing me. I couldn’t stand up straight and had to shuffle bent over like an old woman.
Chizuru was not like Tokyo. English was spoken here, but only by the young and the rich who had an interest in foreign culture. Most people in Chizuru were locals living local lives and wouldn’t speak anything past ‘hello’. 
But I knew that Hydra controlled the police here. They may not have gotten word of my escape yet. I sniffled. My nose and ears had already gone numb. I looked up and spotted a bright light of a late night Ramen stand. As soon as I approached my legs felt the heat of a space heater hidden somewhere in the booth and was near moved to tears at the warmth.
The proprietor eyed me in terror. “No English! No English!”
“Kekkou desu!” I shouted laughing in hopes to reassure him. “Nihongo ga sukoshi hanashimasu, ne...” I told him that it was fine and I can speak a little Japanese. Then I cleared my throat and asked him as clearly as I could, “Where is the police station?”
He paused and looked at me a little closer, his eyes shifting down to the the baby in my arms and the swords at my side.
Chizuru was a major area for gang conflict a year ago. Perhaps this hadn’t changed. Without any further questions, he picked up a phone, pressed a quick dial number and started talking. 
The rest of the clientele who had been nervously talking about me in front of my face, suddenly went quiet, pretending I didn’t exist.
The Ramen stand man turned back to me and said in perfectly good English, “Someone will come and pick you up.”
“Thank you...” I sighed with relief. “May I please... have something to eat?”
Without another word, he handed me a bowl of broth and noodles. The steam warmed my face as I devoured them, barely breathing between scoop and swallow. The other clients paid for their meals and left.
“Thank you.” I said, bowing gratefully I as low as I could with my sore back. “I’m sorry for scaring off your other customers.”
“Don’t try to escape.” He said.
My eyes widened and I looked up, down the barrel of his pistol.
A car with dark tinted windows rolled up. Three people got out, yelling in Japanese. 
I couldn’t fight without risking Ru’Yi. I put my hand up and let them haul me into the back of the car. The fabric seat pulled at my injury. I cried out and was slapped. 
“Who are you? Where are you from!”
“I’m Chu Meixiu! I’m from the US! I’m just a lost tourist!” I shielded my face.
“Lies! Where did you get those swords?” They demanded.
“At a gift shop! Please! I just want to go to the police station!” I pleaded with them. “Please!”
I folded myself over to protect Ru’Yi who was crying yet again. Her voice seemed to give pause. Even the most fierce gangster was reluctant to harm a baby so young.
We drove until the old brick buildings were lit into bright colors by neon lights. Pieces of paper blew about in the streets Rust colored the corners of the windows of convenient stores and small clinics that had seen better days.
From the car, I was taken to an alley way back door. One of them knocked three times and bowed deeply. He said something in Japanese, but one word I heard loud and clear.
The door opened and we were allowed inside. I was transported from a dingy alley in a run down neighborhood to plush surroundings. Wine red patterned carpet covered the floors and dazzling gold fabric covered the walls. A crystal chandelier twinkled from the ceiling. I was hauled into this room, like a sack of common trash and tossed to the floor, forced to kneel.
Gritting my teeth against the pain, I could do nothing when one of my captors pulled Spider Fang and Tongzi from my waist and brought them to a woman standing in the center of this room.
Her long black hair was tied back in a simple pony tail. Her dark eyes stared at me with open malice. She was tall and stood with a regal air in a dark blue Kimono.
The man presented Spider Fang to her with a deep bow and she accepted it, turning it in her hands until her eyes fell on the Gentian crest.
She lifted her eyes to me again. “Where did you get this?”
“If I tell the truth... will you let me go?” I asked.
“That depends on what the truth is...” She lifted her thumb against the guard, unlocking the blade from its sheath.
I took a breath. “My name is Chu Meixiu. The blade was given to my husband at our wedding.”
“Who is your husband?”
“If you ask around, my husband is Lu Mingfei... but my real husband is Chu Zihang.”
“Lu Mingfei... you’re with the Academy.” She turned slightly toward me. “And if you have these then... You are acquainted with that Chisei.”
She pulled the sword all the way out of its sheath. “Are you with Hydra?”
“No...” I shook my head.
She looked at the beautiful gilding on the blade, running her fingers over it. “I’m really supposed to believe that these... precious swords were just... gifted to you?” She gave a little bitter laugh. “Ah... I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.”
She lowered the silvery blade to her side. “But I am grateful that these have been returned to me and freed from that imposter.”
I raised my eyes to her. 
“Confused?” She asked. She then turned her eyes away, irritated. “You know Chisei as Chisei Gen. But he is not of the Minamoto Clan. He is an imposter. Do you know why?”
“I can guess... Tachibana?”
Her carefully manicured eyebrows lifted, she tilted her head in surprise. “Oh. You’re not entirely ignorant?”
“The team that came over a year ago to investigate his activities? I led it.” I explained.
Her eyes narrowed. “You and the Academy never questioned his origins! According to Hydra, there are two members of the Gen clan left. But there is only one. Me.” She tapped her chest. “Chisei and Chime? They are invaders,” she whispered, her lips lifting in a snarl. “Thieves.”
I lowered my eyes, nodding. “I believe you. And you’re right. It never occurred to me that Minamoto existed before Tachibana’s arrival.” I paused, swallowing. “He killed your family?”
She didn’t answer. When I looked up, she was glaring at me in silence.
“He killed my family too.”
Her shoulders relaxed slightly. She lifted the blade and pushed it back in its sheath. “Chu Meixiu... I haven’t heard that name. Who were you to Tachibana?”
“I was an enemy. I helped kill him.”
Her eyes snapped to me in fury.  “Don’t make such bold claims!”
“It’s true! He was an imposter! His real name was Bondarev! We have no disagreements here! He was deeply involved in the Tokyo Crisis and was eliminated by my Cassell team!”
“If that’s the case, then why have they ignored my pleas for restitution and compensation?!” 
“I... I can’t answer that... I don’t know. I’m... looking for a place to hide. If you hide me, I’ll be willing to help you get what you want.”
“What I want?” Her face twisted in a smirk. “What I want... Is Chisei’s head on my wall!”
She looked at one of the men. “Take the child.”
“What? No! Stop!” I was kicked to the floor. Pain exploded from my back and I was too stunned to keep them from pulling Ru’Yi from me.
“Bring Chisei here... and your daughter lives.”
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shy-magpie · 4 years
RQG 151
Moving the patreon names a good idea but changes to structure take up more brain space than they should. I hope they keep the reminder they moved it as a substitute, at least for a while. The rest of the structure is the same and I can feel my shoulders coming away from my ears as the theme plays. I choose to interpret that as Alex saying his players being fine is his highest priority. Borb Under the sea bed🎵. 1)its great when I barely start a thought before a player says the same thing 2) we will get our musical one way or the other 3)I know they're from an improv background but it never ceases to delight how joyfully they support each other's unexpected bits. 4) Alex seems like he gets a kick out of playing up his annoyance at the musical idea more than actually being frustrated it keeps coming up. I thought so but nice to confirm. Bless this cast, it wouldn't have been a huge deal if they let Alex's description stand but its so nice they not only corrected it, they did so without hesitation and Alex seemed to appreciate the help in getting to better phrasing rather than take it as an accusation. Not that I thought he would but feeling grateful for RQ not falling into behavior I see elsewhere. Also hearing everyone chiming in; with Bryn being the one to name check the trope instead of it being on Helen to always take the lead is nice to hear. "he was very encountered" Have I mentioned lately that I love literally everything about this show? Even when he thinks he knows exactly what the party is going to do and certainly knows what he is guiding them towards Alex checks instead of putting anyone in the position of having to derail. Cel! I wonder if cis people get anywhere near my joy in Cel having that kind of control over their body. I mean its just objectively cool even without the gender aspect so I hope they at least enjoy that much. I need cancan art. Did Alex know how delighted Lydia would be with the image of being popped out like a cork before he said it? Coo coo ca chu, thank you Ben Zolf remains 200% done and doesn't bother checking the door Ben don't! 92 HP, well that would be comforting if it wasn't Zolf. Like I don't think it's actually a death wish/that he is suicidal but well, see not checking the door. He is far too comfortable with the idea of being hurt. Alex:Chill sea dude Ben: sounds of objection Lydia: chill environment neutral dude Still love Alex's set design. A person! Bryn sounds alarmed about implications of the walk ways. Cel can shield themselves. Yes Hamid can armor himself! Also casts fly on himself & Azu. Thank you Ben/Zolf. This show does get deep into moral quandaries sometimes but unless these guys are as drugged as the Kobolds they objectively need to die. The dice love us Altruism run Darn it Alex, are you hinting they are drugged against their will? Azu feels tapping their shoulder then killing them is better even if they don't have a prayer of defending themselves. Oh I see Helen has our back and is checking for mind control before we do Kobolds 2: the guilt continues. Well yes they are surprised Bryn sounds so pleased as goes through exactly how many ways the odds are in Hamid's favor. Then he rolls 6,6,5,5 on D6s for 26 damage so no kill like over kill. Watsonian explanation: emotion is at least partially fueling Hamid's magic especially anything fire/desolation aligned, and there is no way he isn't overflowing with emotion after the last few hours. Zolf is happy to let Azu handle the last one and uses his action to ask if Cel knows what (something, the equipment in this room?) does. Cel determines its a notification board for the cell cavern. So these guys were directly aware and involved with the mistreatment of the Kobolds. I officially am dropping the last tiny part of me that cared if they were drugged/otherwise forced into the work. If they were cognisant enough to read that and still did it then its time to find Zolf's old bucket. Glad the table is having fun! I wonder what the face Alex pulled looked like.  Raw terror? The equivalent of a neon sign reading "I'm screwed"? I shouldn't have implied Alex would leave the listeners out, this is a wonderful description. Helen is more thorough than I am. There you go, time to die. Oh episode name drop. That's my Zolf, killing who needs killing doesn't mean we ignore collateral damage. And Cel just invented the departures board. Zolf: not worth destroying? Cel: If you'd enjoy it Priorities Heading towards the shore I like how Alex sounds pleased they broke his dungeon Vital info for visualizing this. Poor Azu is trying to swim while Hamid & Cel are zooming elegantly and Zolf is walking because boots or no he is ungainly. Hamid enjoying flying & Azu being adorable even under the circumstances is endearing. Correction Cel is walking Lockers & propaganda posters I can't put it in words but there is a connection being made between how little these mooks care about messing up shared spaces & the rest of the mundane evil that led to them being bucket worthy. Thank you all for the taking water breathing potions I'm not sure how I feel about Alex giving us stuff for free Oh Dear! Are the mooks heading to the village? Zolf is reassuring Never over the little touches Alex has to make the world feel more real like the water proof flares Oh Cel dear, 1)you don't know that, you don't need mourn your village while they yet may live 2)what kind of trauma have they been through? "Again"? Lydia gets a quick dig in about the party not being allowed to sleep. Cel shifts into a creature who can see. ~Break~ Nevermind just enlarge person Somewhere Babs is begging for a simple answer. I don't think we got a simple answer Hamid is reassuring Cel. Something both relateable and possibly a bad sign that "don't worry they have been spending all their time preparing to kill us, so they can't be attacking your people" is legitimately both the line Hamid took and probably the most effective possible. The others help too. I love how they openly care, reassuring Cel without telling them to repress or that they are wrong to experience the emotions in the first place. Lights and colors flashing in the water. The dice seem to be favoring Bryn today. There's a fight up ahead. They all run to the fight, Cel leaves them in the dust. Hamid flies after Cel since he couldn't catch up on foot The dice do know I promise I will appreciate the set design on relisten,  but for the love of god who is fighting who? Mooks vs who? Humans Yes! Alex hasn't quite gotten there but the cast sound convinced its Barnes & Carter. Ah is Wilde with them? Did Wilde tear his hair out worrying then send back up the second Zolf was overdue? Bleeping Carter Barnes sounds like he is having fun Carter is throwing knives at people. Odd knife & dagger are basically synonyms but not getting Sasha feels 2 vs 8 Ben points out Carter stole Sasha's gimmick Ok warming to Carter will take a minute but I already like Barnes Natural 1 on bomb throwing. Thank you Alex for not being a "death by nat 1 is funny" GM Alex keeps forgetting what a bad bum Cel is. Giblet heavy day Moving quickly past possible misgendering of Cel. Best way to handle that I think, no distracting corrections but Lydia doesn't let it stand. Thank you for being safe Hamid! Hamid protects Barnes. Love the extra extra pew. Finger guns! Alex is 3rd person level stressed Cel gets out the crossbow and punctuates their correction on pronouns. I love this podcast. I really, really, love this podcast and stuff like that shows they love their listeners back. Cel: Pronouns. Are. They. Them Helen: the dice say they/them rights Not sure if dead but 13 damage against one misgendering mook Hamid continues to shoot very well in support rather than endangering himself needlessly. Azu, spotting Carter: You! You? Accidently restarted the episode when I unpaused and now my phone is acting up, and is doing strange things when I try to fast forward to where I was. The annoyance at the above is cancelled out by hearing "Pronouns. Are. They/Them" 4 times Zolf: great seeing you again I love Barnes Alex the fandom appreciates this description Ah Zolf got Barnes into the Campbell books And they attempt to flee badly Carter finally rolls decently but not impressively Cel shoots one in the neck they're still moving Hamid mutters in draconic:  this is for the Kobolds Thank you Bryn Barnes successfully seduced <Azu> Helen I love that the trained mathematician is the one who participates in dice superstition Ben! Huh patreon names still make my brain happy. Wonder if it's something deep about community or I just got pavloved by it being before RQG & TMA for so long
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giacongvietnet2013 · 4 years
Bảng hiệu quán cafe thường làm đường nét phá cách, mới lạ, mang đến phong cách riêng cho thương hiệu. Thiết kế sản phẩm tùy thuộc vào khách hàng, với các dạng tiêu biểu, như in bạt, biển vẫy, chữ nổi, neon sign,... Khách hàng có thể tự do bố trí lắp đặt trong nhà hoặc ngoài trời. Do các quán cafe có hoạt động xuyên suốt ngày đêm và luôn có mặt ở những trung tâm dân cư, đô thị đông đúc, việc trang trí thêm led dẫn sáng luôn cần thiết. Các nguồn sáng đảm bảo khu vực kinh doanh thêm mới mẻ, sang trọng nhất.
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mysticpirateland · 4 years
Làm Bảng Hiệu Tại Quận 2
Dịch vụ làm bảng hiệu tại quận 2 chuyên thiết kế thi công bảng hiệu alu, mica, inox, hiflex … Chúng tôi có đội ngũ chuyên nghiệp bảo đảm đem đến những sản phẩm tốt nhất tinh tế nhất hợp túi tiền của quý khách.
Dịch vụ làm bảng hiệu tại quận 2
Nhận làm bảng hiệu cho các Shop, quán trà sữa, quán ăn, nhà hàng, quán nhậu quán cà phê, salon tóc, thẩm mỹ viện, phòng khám đa khoa, cửa hàng điện thoại, siêu thị mini, garage, cửa hàng xe máy, cửa hàng mắt kính, tiệm cầm đồ, tiệm bánh, trường học, bệnh viện, phòng khám đa khoa, nha khoa, cửa hàng thời trang, shop quần áo. công ty, cửa hàng, doanh nghiệp tại Quận 2, nhận thi công bảng hiệu mica, bảng hiệu hiflex, bảng hiệu led, bảng hiệu tole dán decal, bảng hiệu alu, bảng hiệu chử nổi, bảng hiệu inox tại Quận 2, TP.Hồ Chí Minh.
làm bảng hiệu hộp đèn quận 2
Bảng hiệu K69 là công ty chuyên nhận làm bảng hiệu tại Quận 2 các hạng mục quảng cáo gồm:
Ốp mặt dựng alu, bảng hiệu alu giá rẻ
Làm bảng hiệu công ty quận 2
làm bảng hiêu neon sign quận 2
Thi công bảng hiệu mica chữ nổi giá rẻ
Thi công bảng hiệu, hộp đèn hiflex, hộp đèn led, chữ nổi mica led, chữ nổi inox giá rẻ
Thi công hàng rào công trình xây dựng, biển báo an toàn lao động giá rẻ
Thi công backdrop, phông sân khấu, phông hội nghị, tất niên…giá rẻ
Sản xuất thi công chữ inox các loại giá rẻ tại quận 2
Chữ nổi mica, chữ nổi inox,..giá rẻ tại Quận 2
Bảng hiệu tôn dán decal Quận 2 giá rẻ
Hộp đèn mica hút nổi ép nổi tại Quận 2 giá rẻ
Bảng hiệu đèn LED, hộp đèn led giá rẻ quận 2
Thi công Pano lớn giá rẻ quận 2
Thi công dán decal Quận 2 giá rẻ
làm bảng hiệu alu quận 2
Vì sao lựa chọn chúng tôi:
Khảo sát tư vấn làm bảng hiệu tại Quận 2 miễn phí
Thiết kế mẫu bảng hiệu miễn phí
Thi công lắp đặt hoàn chỉnh bảng hiệu tại Quận 2
Đơn vị thi công bảng hiệu số 1 tại Quận 2, giá thành rẻ, chất lượng cao, uy tín
Đội ngũ nhận viên nhiều năm kinh nghiệm, tay nghề cao, cẩn thận, chỉnh chu, tỉ mỉ
Sản xuất tại xưởng giá thành rẻ, máy móc đầy đủ, có phương tiện chuyên chở khắp các quận huyện
Gần Quận 2, chi phí vận chuyển tiết kiệm nhất
Khảo sát nhanh nhất cho quý khách cần làm gấp, cần khai trương gấp đúng ngày
làm bảng hiệu Hiflex quận 2
Làm Bảng hiệu bạt hiflex tại Quận 2 giá 180.000 – 290.000 VND/M2 .
Bảng hiệu bạt Hiflex Có Lót Tôn (dày 0.3mm) tại quận 2 có giá 220.000 – 330.00đ/m2
Bảng hiệu tôn dán Decal ngoài trời chất lượng cao giá 380.000 – 480.000đ/m2
Hộp Đèn bạt hiflex 1 mặt, 3 mặt giá 560.000 – 680.000đ/m2
Bảng hiệu Alu, (Chữ nổi Mica, decal, inox, Form) giá 500.000 – 750.000đ
Thi công Ốp Mặt Dựng Nhôm Alu giá 500.000 – 680.000VNĐ
Chữ Nổi, Chữ hộp, Logo, Trang trí khác: 800.000 – 1.500.000đ/m2
Chữ nổi INOX tại Quận 2: 3.000.000 – 4.500.000đ/m2
Liên hệ làm bảng hiệu tại quận 2
Nếu quý khách có nhu cầu thiết kế thi công bảng hiệu tại quận 2 còn chần chờ gì hãy gọi ngay cho chúng tôi đã trải nghiệm dịch vụ tốt nhất hiện nay.
Liên hệ  : 0369.341.435
Xem thêm về đối tác của chúng tôi : làm bảng hiệu quận 2 cheapadv247
  Nguồn bài viết : Làm Bảng Hiệu Tại Quận 2
from Bảng Hiệu K69ADV https://ift.tt/2CaQpnl
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sunfold · 5 years
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exercise 6 - robotic toolpaths
Work done in collaboration with Annette Chu ‘20 and Halima Matthews ‘21.
location - Princeton University Embodied Computation Lab (ECL)
program - Grasshopper Definition through Rhino
tools - ABB 120 6-axis robotic arm with 6 bulb multicolor LED end-tool; DSLR camera - Wide Angle and Telephoto Lenses
This week’s exercise involved using a robotic arm to trace the path of a line in real space. A camera with extended exposure time was used to document the moving path of the LED light robotic end tool as one complete image. This medium of documentation was interesting in that it allowed for spatio-temporal compression, or a reconfiguration of the exercise-as-process into one as-object. The first two images of the set explore this duality. Post-production work enables the reading of the trace as an abstracted object in fig. 1, as opposed to fig.2, in which tool and workshop are legible as actors in-process. In this way, the photo itself exists is a layer of trace or index beyond the production of the line trace. 
A main focus of all three studies was to explore depth through directional manipulation of points on the trace line. This method utilized the primacy of one view (top, front, left, etc.) in relation to the set camera point to preserve the “original” reading of the path. The study curve of a an abstract face (fig. 4 - 6) reads as programmatically defined in the straight-on photo (fig. 1, 2). In fig. 3, an intervention at the point of documentation was made. Throughout the duration of the trace path at the given camera shutter speed (~30 seconds) the zoom was manually adjusted on the lens. Instances or points of the robot’s traced path were documented in relation to the zoom operation, or location of the camera lens in space (moving along a linear axis perpendicular to the aforementioned primary view, rather than in relation to the set plane of a non-moving photo frame). The result is an image in which hyper-distortion of space reveals the hidden relationships of points along the trace, or the three-dimensional actualities of the curves between points that is obscured in the normal view of fig. 1. 
This exercise further highlights the autonomy of documentation media as tools or moments of intentionality and intervention in the design process (not just as objective records, speaking to Allen’s points in “Plotting Traces on Process”). Secondly, and more relevant in a building systems context, the image set of fig. 1 - 3 allows for a structural reading of the trace.  “In Deplazes’ discussion on space frames, he notes that they ‘consist of delicate linear members’ (Deplazes, 136). In discussing ‘diamonds and diagonals’ Deplazes notes that ‘horizontal loads can be accommodated with a single structure of linear members seemingly without any hierarchy, but equally because the network takes on an ornamental quality’ (Deplazes, 137). These linear members are not dissimilar to the movements of the robot arm, which follow the paths of the curves. The arm moves through each point of the line in a certain order, so each movement contributes in a very specific way to the final produced form. This aligns with the lack of hierarchy that Deplazes mentions.  In fig. 1, moments of strong light begin read as junctures at which forces would be concentrated if this line were to exist as a space frame. However, fig. 2 upends understanding of which moments exist as actual joints of the line occupying the same point in space at two moments, and which just appear to do so from the primary perspective. This further complicates ideas of hierarchy and calls into question the true extent of structural need for geometrically repetitive forms in space frames, comparing for example the highly regular rhombi of Herzog and de Mueron’s Prada store in Tokyo, versus the more organically linear members of the columns in Toyo Ito’s Mediathek in Sendai. 
The study curve in fig. 7 is less of a precise form but still depicts depth through the use of two colors. The yellow LED light slightly offsets the red, making it appear as a three-dimensional form. The study curve in fig. 8 was supposed to take the shape of a house but the low number of points on the grasshopper definition distorts the image. The LED light image might not show the depth as well, but by looking at the Rhino screenshots you can see the various forms that come out of pulling a few points in different directions.”
(notes adapted from Matthews ‘21 writings on exercise 6)
Source for Discussion: 
Stan Allen. “Chapter 3, Plotting traces on process” in P​ractice: Architecture, Technique and Representation.​ ​L​ondon: Routledge, 2003. 47–70. 
Deplazes, Andrea. Construction Architecture: Materials, Processes, Structures: A Handbook (4th Edition). Berlin: Birkhauser, 2005.
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dungk396 · 4 years
Cà phê Mê Trang file gốc
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Các bạn Dowloand Cà phê Mê Trang file gốc vector  free tại đây hoặc link:
Link mediafire: http: http://www.mediafire.com/download/lk9k3e71z7s030s/ca+phe+me+trang.zip
Xem thêm chi tiết tại:   http://nguyenlongidea.com/shop/bang-hieu-dep-mat-dung-alu-chu-noi/
Bạn đang cần quảng cáo !
Bạn đã mở công ty, nhà hàng, quán ăn hay những dịch vụ mua sắm mà vẫn chưa có khách hàng…
Bạn đang đau đầu suy nghĩ về việc quảng cáo thiết kế thương hiệu như thế nào, hay quảng bá chúng ra sao
Những vấn đề khó khăn đó đã không còn quan trọng khi bạn đến với chúng tôi. Với đội ngũ nhân viên giỏi, nhiệt tình sẽ tư vấn, đưa ra ý tưởng và giải quyết từng yêu cầu mà khách hàng đề ra.
Chúng tôi cam kết với chính mình sẽ luôn nỗ lực để tạo ra những sản phẩm tốt nhất, dịch vụ chất lượng nhất, giá cả cạnh tranh nhất hướng tới Quý khách hàng:
Tumblr media
Quảng Cáo giá rẻ
– Thiết kế logo Cà phê Mê Trang file gốc
– Bộ nhận diện thương hiệu
– Thiết kế, In ấn catalogue, Tờ rơi, Card visit, Folder,
– In PP, In Decal, Hiflex, Thùng caston …
– In đồng phục, In vải, In Túi xốp, Túi xách, In ấn trên mọi chất liệu
– Tư vấn, Thiết kế, Thi công các loại biển quảng cáo.
– Biển Pano in bạt, Biển hộp đèn, Bảng hiệu
– Bảng Mica, Chữ nổi, Biển mica phòng ban, Biển chức danh
– Thi công các công trình mặt dựng Alu
– Biển đèn LED siêu sáng, Led quảng cáo,  Neon Sign
– Cắt Decal giá cực rẻ
– Thiết kế, In ấn Thiệp cưới, Thiệp tân gia, Sinh nhật, Chúc mừng…
– Thiệp in nhủ, Ép kim, Mạ vàng, Dập nổi….
Mái xếp
Mái hiên
Mái vòm
Mái Chữ A
Mái thả
Bạt che mưa…
Đội ngũ gồm 10 nhóm thi công chuyên nghiệp tổng hợp lại trên 40 thành viên hàng ngày chuyên thi công bảng hiệu, hộp đèn phần đa là địa bàn TPHCM các quận như quận 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, Gò Vấp, quận 7, xa nhất là Bình Chánh, Củ Chi hay đi ngoại tỉnh là Long An, Bình Dương, Biên Hòa.Nhóm thợ được huấn luyện chuyên nghiệp đáp ứng mọi đòi hỏi những yêu cầu kỹ thuật cao, chúng tôi tự hào sẽ là đơn vị chuyên nghiệp để quý đối tác tin tưởng và giao phó. Hãy gọi ngay để được tư vấn, báo giá nhanh nhất !
Cuối cùng chúng tôi xin gởi tới Quý khách hàng lời cảm ơn chân thành và  những lời chúc tốt đẹp nhất.
bảng hiệu hiflex ,  BẢNG HIỆU HỘP ĐÈN , Bảng màu CMYK , Bảng hiệu led cà phê ,  Bảng hiệu cà phê , Hộp đèn Mica tròn ,Mái xếp di động , Mái che , Mái xếp , Decal dán kính , Bảng điện tử led , Bảng đèn led , Bảng Hiệu Đẹp  ,
0 notes
casualcrownfestival · 4 years
Làm bảng hiệu Quận 3
Thi công bảng hiệu quảng cáo quận 3 TpHCM ở đâu uy tín chuyên nghiệp? Địa chỉ uy tín thiết kế thi công lắp đặt làm bảng hiệu quảng cáo giá rẻ tại Quận 4? Bạn cần làm bảng hiệu quảng cáo giá rẻ tại Quận 3 Tp HCM nhưng chưa chọn được công ty hay đơn vị làm bảng hiệu tại quận 3 quảng cáo chuyên nghiệp tại các quận TpHCM, mời bạn tham khảo bài viết sau để chọn nơi làm bảng hiệu phù hợp uy tín
Nhận thiết kế, thi công, làm bảng hiệu tại quận 3 giá rẻ TPHCM
Đơn vị chuyên thi công quảng cáo làm bảng hiệu đẹp giá rẻ trên các chất liệu khác nhau với đa dạng màu sắc kích thước tại Quận 3. Mang lại dịch vụ tư vấn nhiệt tình và chu đáo, đảm bảo mang lại cho khách hàng sự an tâm về tính thấm mỹ và chất lượng cho mọi công trình.
Cheapadv247 lựa chọn nhà cung cấp vật tư uy tín, bên cạnh đó sản xuất với công nghệ tiên tiến nhất hiện nay và để tránh các sự cố đáng tiếc có thể xảy ra, được kiểm tra thực nghiệm trước khi xuất xưởng, mang đến sản phẩm đáng tin cậy nhất và chất lượng tốt nhất cho khách hàng.
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Cheapadv247 chuyên thiết kế thi công làm bảng hiệu tại Quận 3 Tp HCM giá rẻ
Thi công bảng hiệu quảng cáo chuyên nghiệp tại quận 3 TpHCM
Hiện nay hầu như các lĩnh vực kinh doanh nào đều có bức tượng cạnh tranh rất cao do bạn đang kinh doanh mặt hàng sản phẩm được nhiều khách hàng ưa chuộng hai vào đang có dự định kinh doanh quán cà phê kinh doanh mỹ phẩm này rất thời trang khi nào cũng ban đầu tư cho mình một đảm hiệu thật đẹp nhất là tại trung tâm TpHCM như tạo quận 4, quận 1, quận 2,..
Xã hội đang ngày càng phát triển như các cửa hàng, nhà hàng, quán ăn, shop thời trang, quán bar hay những cửa hàng nhỏ, quán cà phê, trung tâm thương mại,.. Xuất hiện ngày càng nhiều kéo theo đó là nhu cầu làm bảng hiệu quảng cáo rất cao
Hạng mục thi công thiết kế làm bảng hiệu tại Quận 3 Tp HCM
Thi công, thiết kế, làm bảng hiệu quảng cáo chữ nổi Inox (Inox trắng bóng, inox trắng xước, inox vàng gương, inox vàng xước).
Thi công, thiết kế, làm bảng hiệu quảng cáo hộp đèn, hộp đèn vẫy, hộp đèn LED, hộp đèn Mica, hộp đèn Hiflex.
Thi công, thiết kế, làm bảng hiệu quảng cáo chữ nổi, chữ nổi alu – mica, chữ nổi có đèn…
Thi công, thiết kế, làm bảng hiệu đèn Neon Sign, đèn LED ma trận.
Thi công, thiết kế, làm bảng hiệu quảng cáo Alu, mặt dựng Alu.
Thi công, thiết kế, làm bảng hiệu quảng cáo Tole sóng chữ nổi, Tole dán decal.
Thi công, thiết kế, làm bảng hiệu quảng cáo Hiflex, Hiflex có lót tôn.
Thi công, thiết kế, làm bảng hiệu quảng cáo theo yêu cầu.
Nếu quý khách có thắc mắc gì cần được giải đáp hoặc muốn làm bảng hiệu tại quận 3 có thể liên hệ với chúng tôi theo số điện thoại 0969.3636.60 – 0385.958.494 để được tư vấn, khảo sát miễn phí tận nơi. Rất hân hạnh được phục vụ quý khách !
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Cheapadv247 chuyên thiết kế thi công làm bảng hiệu tại Quận 3 Tp HCM giá rẻ
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Cheapadv247 chuyên thiết kế thi công làm bảng hiệu tại Quận 3 Tp HCM giá rẻ
Bài viết liên quan :
Làm bảng hiệu Quảng Cáo
Làm bảng hiệu tại Quận 4
Làm đèn neon sign
Hãy liên hệ với cheapadv247 nếu quý khách đang có nhu cầu Làm bảng hiệu tại quận 3
Quảng cáo – Nội thất – Triển lãm
Address 1: 15/3 Đường 1 – Khu phố 3, Phường Tam Phú, Quận Thủ Đức, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Address 2: 710/2/8 Phan Văn Trị, Gò Vấp, Hồ Chí Minh
Điện thoại: 0969.3636.60 – 0385.958.494
Website: cheapadv247.com
Fanpage: lambanghieuquangcaocheapadv247
Nguồn bài viết : https://cheapadv247.com/lam-bang-hieu-tai-quan-3/
source https://lambanghieu247.wordpress.com/2020/05/23/lam-bang-hieu-quan-3/
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jancowood-blog · 5 years
Gỗ nhựa ốp bảng hiệu - tôn vinh giá trị truyền thống
Không phải các bảng hiệu đèn led, đèn neon, bảng hiệu bằng gỗ nhựa composite mới là vật liệu trang trí hoàn hảo giúp tăng khả năng thu hút, đồng thời tôn vinh nét đẹp và giá trị của những công ty, doanh nghiệp, thương hiệu thời đại 4.0.
Chất gỗ được sử dụng để ốp bảng hiệu ngoài trời hoàn toàn được sản xuất theo phương pháp và công nghệ mới, tuy nhiên nhờ sử dụng thành phần bột gỗ tự nhiên chiếm 50% nên những bảng hiệu bằng gỗ nhựa vẫn giữ được dáng vẻ mộc mạc, sang trọng rất truyền thống nhưng cũng không kém phần hiện đại, độc đáo. Có thể bạn chưa biết, ngoài việc được sử dụng để ốp bảng hiệu thì gỗ nhựa còn có tính ứng dụng đa dạng có thể ốp tường và ốp trần gỗ nhằm làm tăng thêm vẻ đẹp cho không gian sống, xem loạt ảnh gỗ nhựa ốp tường đẹp qua http://jancowood.com/go-op-tuong
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Được biết, xu hướng hòa nhập với thiên nhiên và môi trường sống xanh đang không ngừng được phát động và lan tỏa rộng rãi khắp cả nước, do đó việc trang trí bảng hiệu bằng gỗ nhựa cũng là một cách hưởng ứng thiết thực và mạnh mẽ, bảng hiệu gỗ nhựa đẹp, giá thành hợp lý, thể hiện được tính văn minh khi có thể tái sử dụng lại, góp phần hạn chế việc khai thác gỗ mới từ rừng.
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Xu hướng làm đẹp tự nhiên không bao giờ lỗi thời và luôn được quan tâm. Vì vậy, các bảng hiệu gỗ sẽ giúp không gian đón khách tự nhiên, thoải mái tạo cảm giác thân thiện và thu hút hơn với khách hàng.
Dưới góc độ của các chuyên gia, gỗ nhựa ốp bảng hiệu mang lại nhiều giá trị hơn cả mong đợi và là vật liệu gần như không thể thay thế. Các yêu cầu về tính thẩm mỹ, độ bền cao đều được đáp ứng một cách tỉ mỉ, chính xác và chỉnh chu. Đâu chỉ có vậy, quy trình thi công liên kết các thanh gỗ nhựa với hệ thống khung xương đà bên trong cũng rất đơn giản, không đòi hỏi nhi��u về thời gian, công sức lẫn tiền bạc nhưng vẫn mang lại hiệu quả cao về mặt ứng dụng.
Xem các tinh tức nổi bật khác  Bật mí bí quyết giúp bạn mua gỗ lót ban công chất lượng, độ bền cao
Khi sử dụng gỗ nhựa ốp bảng hiệu người dùng thường ít khi phải lo lắng về các vấn đề thích nghi với điều kiện môi trường của vật liệu. Không bị hỏng hóc hay cong vênh, co ngút trước những tác động từ các yếu tố nắng mưa, bảng hiệu gỗ luôn giữ được hình dáng ổn định, chắc chắn theo thời gian, ít khi phải vệ sinh và cần phải bảo trì, bảo dưỡng.
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Bảng hiệu gỗ nhựa thường có nhiều biến tấu khác đi để tạo nên sự sáng tạo bắt mắt và thu hút hiệu quả hơn với tâm lý người nhìn.
Bề mặt láng min, màu sắc ấm áp cùng các họa tiết vân gỗ nổi bật là những điểm cộng lớn nhất của những bảng hiệu được tạo ra từ những thanh lam gỗ nhựa tổng hợp. Đơn giản nhưng không bị nhạt nhòa mà vẫn tạo được sức hút, độ ấn tượng riêng, bảng hiệu gỗ nhựa góp phần thúc đẩy quá trình kinh doanh, phát triển và nâng tầm giá trị thương hiệu khu du lịch, resort, hotel, quán cafe sân vườn, trà sữa, quán ăn trong khu mua sắm, trung tâm thương mại,....
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Ốp bảng hiệu bằng gỗ nhựa JancoWood vừa thể hiện tính chuyên nghiệp vừa quảng bá thương hiệu rộng rãi.
Theo tìm hiểu, tại JancoWood luôn có những mẫu bảng hiệu bằng gỗ nhựa để khách hàng có sự lựa chọn phù hợp với loại hình kinh doanh của mình. Các tấm ốp gỗ nhựa được ứng dụng vào việc tạo hình gỗ nhựa của Janco được sản xuất theo công nghệ Nhật, được xử lý chống thấm ưu việt (có khả năng khô nhanh sau khi gặp mưa), chống mối mọt tốt, được gia công chuẩn xác và nhanh chóng. Khi làm bảng hiệu gỗ tại Janco, quý khách hàng được bảo hành bảng hiệu lên đến 10 năm. Vì vậy, quý khách có nhu cầu ốp bảng hiệu bằng gỗ nhựa composite, vui lòng liên hệ qua hai 2 hình thức sau, hotline để được tư vấn 24/7: 0903.120.239 hoặc đến trực tiếp địa chỉ Số 10, đường 17, phường 4, quận 4, Tp. Hồ Chí Minh.
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tiendulight · 5 years
Làm biển hộp đèn led căng bạt 3m tuyệt đẹp
Đối với các thương hiệu lớn, việc sử dụng bạt 3M, decal 3M và đèn Led chip SamSung đã trở thành yêu cầu bắt buộc đối với các nhà sản xuất biển quảng cáo. Ad-mart Việt Nam là nhà cung cấp vật liệu 3M trên Toàn Quốc nên luôn có giá tốt nhất thị trường cho các khách hàng của mình. Chúng tôi chuyên sản xuất, thi công các loại:
Biển quảng cáo chữ nổi, biển kim loại ăn mòn, biển chữ nổi mica, biển chữ nổi aluminium, chữ gỗ sơn phủ pu, các loại biển quảng cáo led, biển neon sign, biển inox ăn mòn, biển bạt hiflex độ bền màu cao…
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Biển quảng cáo tấm lớn, pano billboard, biển quảng cáo ngoài trời.
Thi công Aluminium composite panel chất lượng cao.
Quảng cáo trên xe buýt, quảng cáo trên xe taxi
In ấn chất lượng cáo trên mọi chất liệu.
Ngoài ra, tùy theo yêu cầu cụ thể của khách hàng, các loại bảng hiệu và hộp đèn do Công ty ad-mart Việt Nam thi công có thể được bổ sung hay gia cố thêm các phụ kiện như bộ hẹn giờ tắt mở đèn tự động; mặt hộp đèn tự đổi hình ảnh,…
Nếu có bất cứ thắc mắc nào về dịch vu thi công bảng hiệu, hộp đèn, xin quý khách hàng hãy gọi ngay cho chúng tôi để được giải đáp chu đáo, tỷ mỷ.
Chúng tôi tự hào là công ty quảng cáo có đội ngũ chuyên viên lành nghề trong lĩnh vực thi công các công trình bảng hiệu, hộp đèn, chữ nổi cho nhiều doanh nghiệp lớn.
Công ty ad-mart Việt Nam tư vấn và cùng bạn xây dựng những thương hiệu có giá trị. Chúng tôi cũng giúp bạn kinh doanh thật hiệu quả bằng cách cung cấp cho bạn những sản phẩm truyền thông ấn tượng, sáng tạo và chất lượng cao.
Mọi thắc mắc xin vui lòng liên hệ tới Ad-mart Việt Nam để được giải đáp, tư vấn
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