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thelien-art · 6 months ago
🖍 and đŸŽŒ for the art ask :)
Â đŸ–ïž When did you start drawing? Do you remember?
I think I always liked to draw, I don't really remember not drawing, but I started drawing a lot more when I got my diagnoses :)
đŸŽŒ Your favorite music to draw to right now?
I'm listening to Riptide by Vance Joy, Mile Magnificent by Molly Ofgeography, As the World Caves in by Matt Maltese, and Somewhere Only We Know by Keane on repeat rn while drawing for a Chtullu one shot now that I finished Haleth XD
Ask game here
Cupid's Chokehold just got added while answering :p
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kleiner-ghost · 1 year ago
Played my first Call of Chtullu game yesterday. The whole party were in the Irish mob.
Here's an out of context conversation we had:
Me: this whole cult and eldritch magic ordeal sounds a bit far fetched. But things sure have escalated from a simple job.
Colm "The hat", my business partner: Sure has. We'll need to make sure to stop by the church that false prophet is running. Can't have heresy in our town.
Me, definitely a Catholic who's against heresy, sweating profusely: you said it.
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isthisasin · 2 years ago
tingeltangeltek probably doesn't want to hear it, but he is probably already a primary rock of all domestic TEK, Tekno & Techno spheres (true Raves) - a world and genre stroller.
Here everything revolves around the spirit and the credo is unmistakable: "TingelTangelTek is a free thinker, genre boundaries are for die-hards". Not only does the post punk era constantly resonate here, here you can hear to the last pore the turbulent history of domestic sound systems, FreeTekno, as well as sound tapestry research across all underground genres that have ever been relevant and will be relevant in the future. TingelTangelTek also means an expedition that often ends psychedelically - lost in all the unexplored cave systems of our hypothalamus, an octopus with extremely flexible tentacles, always good for a surprise. The basic philosophy is the logical consequence of any post era: "Chtullu can also be post internet". TingelTangelTek is part of the S.B.S. Soundsystem and his production catalog has shaped, formed and will continue to actively co-navigate the domestic Acid & Tek(no) - simply Rave-spheres until all eternity.
Shut up & Dance, you are on vacation here.
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oli-w-p · 5 years ago
ARKAM. I belong there
ARKAM. I belong there
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Lorsque je descends du bateau, la brume peine Ă  se dissiper et je manque de finir Ă  l’eau
est-ce bien de l’eau? HumiditĂ©, comme la pression atmosphĂ©rique ressentie en latitude zĂ©ro, les forĂȘts tropicales, Ă  la mousson,.. Et puis, j’arpente les pavĂ©s visqueux pris par moments de spasmes tant l’odeur du port et jusqu’au centre de la ville, ces humeurs horripilantes m’insupportent. Aussi lorsqu’une

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pablo-b-guerrero · 7 years ago
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Prepare for your destruction, KAKATHULU IS COMINING!!!! #kakapo #chtullu #lovecraft #ink #traditionaldrawing
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zeliavee-art · 8 years ago
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Yo! So here are the first button designs done and ready to be printed!
I’ll be selling those at the upcoming SagGeek in july :D
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abyssmalice · 4 years ago
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(today is apparently “flower will just think of random silly things happening to tonia or that tonia would do” so
im just gonna sit here and imagine tonia trying to replicate childe’s gigantic whale attack)
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manfrommars2049 · 3 years ago
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Chtullu Rising by Thiago Lehmann via ImaginaryLeviathans
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ph0s · 3 years ago
Lovecraft books be like:
The one where I’m terrified of POC (the call of chtullu)
The one where I’m terrified of terrified of archeology and science (hallucinated mountains)
The one where I am terrified of the intellectuals (necronomicon)
The one where I am terrified of AC (cool air)
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petrichormeraki · 4 years ago
Small children will fear the dark and the idea of monsters but when it comes down to it they will venture into the dark blind and bite the ankles of chtullu because he called one of them annoying.
- Xisuma
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androgynousblackbox · 3 years ago
Honestly LE will be completely fine. She has managed to build a fanbase large enough to push her derivative book to become a NYT bestseller when a lot of it is just "Story of You Life" by Ted Chiang but without everything inventive that makes Chiang's book philosophically poignant and the prose of a debut YA author who couldn't make it into literary fiction. She'll be back in a few months to maybe dramatically "analyze" these few months and recontextualize them into a "fall from grace," like white women tend to do.
I don't know anything about that book (I might have to check it out now, sounds interesting) nor have I read the work of LE so I can't say anything about either. I just know about her YA parody she made with a friend where the main love interest was Chtullu, that I thought was funny, and that is it. But regardless, yeah. People are filling their mouth off talking about how she was "cancelled", how the left is devouring itself, bla bla bla, when this is really nothing but a break for her mental break and like... whatever, good for her, I guess? Like, not to dismiss the actual horrenderous shit people were saying to her or about her, I am sure that would wreck probably anyone's mind and she has a right to think about her own wellbeing like anyone else. But I am not about to cry about a lady that ultimately is only going to get even more support after this, not less. I guess I am just bothered because her case is the one people are going to think about when they want to talk about how internet mobs can be harmful, and not the people who literally had their livehoods actually destroyed but get dismissed constantly with shit like "go outside".
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za-ra-h · 4 years ago
yo you got any more art of ethan??? love him. if not, any writing? backstory?? i don't know anything about call of chtullu (i can't even spell ot) but now i do lmao
Aw thank you! It always makes me happy when people are interested in my OC’s.
This is actually the first art I’ve ever made of him because we’re starting our first game on Wednesday (so excited), but I did give him a little backstory.
He’s originally from a small town in Rhode Island, but currently resides in Chicago. He’s an ex-detective; lost both his wife and daughter seven years ago (in 1926), and after that he just fell apart and left the force. Four years later, after wasting whatever saving he had and with the Great Depression he started working a more stable enough job again and became a private investigator.
Ethan had moved away from Rhode Island when he was 18 after having a falling out with his parents, but he kept in touch with his younger brother (Edward) through letters. Edward hasn’t written back for the last few months, despite Ethan’s several attempts to contact him.
In the story a number of mysterious disappearances were taking place is a military base, and since Edward Hallowell was a solider Ethan decided to come back home to find out what happened to his little brother.
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programapilototv · 4 years ago
‘Territorio Lovecraft’ llega el lunes 17 de agosto a HBO Amantes de Lovecraft y adoradores de Chtullu, podĂ©is dejar de invocar a los primigenios porque la nueva serie de HBO, Territorio Lovecraft, basada en la novela homĂłnima de Matt Ruff de 2016, se estrena este prĂłximo lunes 17 de agosto.
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hamliet · 5 years ago
In Bungou Stray Dogs, how did Dazai manage to use his ability on corruption when his ability didn't work on Lovecraft? We already know Chuuya can only use corruption because of Arahabaki and it's a god of destruction. So, since its heavily implied Lovecraft is the god Cthulhu, how us Dazai able to nullify one but not the other?
Plot reasons.
No, for real, I don’t have an answer for you lol. Unless we want to say that is Chtullu’s true form whereas “Corruption” is Arahabaki’s ability rather than its true form? That’d be my bet.
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oli-w-p · 5 years ago
[ ARKHAM (1). I belong there Page 2 J’entends les rats dans le mur ]
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Comment dĂ©crire ce bruit insidieux? Avez-vous dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© rĂ©veillĂ© par le grignotage d’un rongeur ou d’un lagomorphe?
En plein sommeil à Puteaux [92800 France], rue Marius Jacotot. Le petit immeuble, plutÎt une maison de quatre étages transformée en clapier fongueux était visité de jour comme de nuit par musaraignes et autres mignonnettes, en plein sommeil donc je me demande quel est ce bruit métallique à ma droite.
Faut-il vous avouer que pour m’endormir je m’adonne depuis 1975 Ă  un rituel digne des psychopathes avĂ©rĂ©s, un trouble obsessionnel compulsif (TOC) et nĂ©anmoins gourmand, j’engloutis environ une tablette de chocolat en lisant. Longtemps de la littĂ©rature dont celle de Howard Philipp et mes auteurs cultes, Kerouac, TolstoĂŻ, Burgess, Sartres...et, depuis quelques annĂ©es principalement des romans graphiques et bandes dessinĂ©es.
Je tends alors la main vers l’interrupteur de la lampe de chevet, clic, Ă©change un regard interdit avec ce qu’en gros plan je qualifie de gros rat, en vĂ©ritĂ© une musaraigne. C’est dĂ©gueulasse. Elle finira probablement elle ou ses sƓurs dans une tapette en bois car je ne peux lui permettre de squatter ainsi ma studette, ma fille a 3 ans et je ne veux pas perdre mon droit de week-end et mercredi, un sur deux.
En pleine conscience Ă  Arkham [Massachusset USA] les rats sont beaucoup plus imposants. Terrifiants. Et de part le monde ils prolifĂšrent inexorablement. Ces temps derniers qui craint le rĂ©chauffement climatique, Macron, la CGT? Alors que le pĂ©ril rampe Ă  la vue des passants sur le boulevard de Clichy Ă  Paris ou dans les allĂ©es de Central Park, Hide park. Malheureux condamnĂ©s congĂ©nĂšres, comme vous ĂȘtes naĂŻfs.
Depuis la fenĂȘtre de ma chambre d’hĂŽtel, Ă  l’entrĂ©e d’East Cukwen street, Ă  travers les persiennes j’entraperçois une colonne d’humanoĂŻdes encapuchonnĂ©s, ils avancent lentement, leur dĂ©placement rĂ©pugnant fastidieux, poisseux nausĂ©abonds. Dans ma tĂȘte le bruit incessant des grignotages, du piĂ©tinement d’une horde de rats dans le mur ouest pĂšse comme si l’immeuble entier s’était effondrĂ© sur moi. Je perds mes moyens, pleure comme un enfant seul quand la porte du placard grince au milieu da la nuit, je vois leurs yeux rouges perçants, ils me menacent, c’est la fin, j’ai mal dĂ©jĂ  comme lorsqu’ils m’ont attachĂ© sur le lit Ă  l’asile avant d’appliquer sur mon ventre la cage avec le rongeur affamĂ©.
Au secours, aidez-moi s’il vous plait, envoyez quelqu’un, pardon, je ferai tout pour revoir le soleil, je n’ai pas voulu cela, ma curiositĂ© n’est pas morbide, je suis comme l’enfant qui visite un lieu interdit, juste un flĂąneur fouille-au-pot, incorrigible fureteur
Ă  suivre – Ω.Λ.Ι ω.ρ
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reon-t · 8 years ago
Me now: I'm studying to be a cook!
Me, in two years: I'm studying molecular gastronomy because science! And fun!
Me in a few years: I'm studing cryptozoology
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