squirefox · 2 years
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Law! Congratulations on your award for best actor in your ensemble cast as Trainer in “Elephant’s Graveyard” at @southcarolinatheatre this past weekend!!!!! 👏👏👏 I’m so proud of you and the rest of the cast for such an extraordinary performance about a heart wrenching true story. The audience was in tears. Written by George Brant, "Elephant's Graveyard" tells the true story of a circus elephant being hung in a small Tennessee town in 1916. The play explores issues of justice, violence, fear, morality, and spectacle. @lawfox @chsschoolofthearts @coastaltalent #lawfoxactor #actor #actorslife https://www.instagram.com/p/CkqpapGLokU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nobodygrindsnews · 5 years
Music video production Hit my site for pricing and let's work. www.jigmediafilms.com #musicvideo #scartist #westashleyhigh #music #westashleyhigh #fortdorchesterhighschool #ashleyridgehighschool #rbstallhighschool #charlestonsc #summervillesc #summervillehighschool #crosshighschool #hanahanhighschool #dorchestercountysc #goosecreekhighschool #westashleysc #canebayhighschool #northcharlestonsc #monckscornersc #chsschoolofthearts #berkeleycountyschooldistrict #danielislandsc #goosecreeksc #follybeach #mountpleasantsc #ladsonsc #timberlandhighschool #jamesislandsc #laingmiddleschool #moultriepatriots https://www.instagram.com/p/B1-fOGJHTJD/?igshid=1bh8y1cm0dad0
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squirefox · 2 years
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I’m all choked up…. It was one of those moments when the world will never be the same. It paused in awe. Law exploded bringing Hamlet to life and I was taken over by his performance. He made me understand Hamlet like no other! I still don’t know what to do with my emotions after experiencing this transformation that he made and his unbridled commitment as an actor!   So many of our friends, family and classmates came to watch Law perform and that meant everything. Tears were abundant.     A big shout out to George Younts for the long hours and for your creativity directing your dedicated actors. Thank you to the stage designers and lighting tech!   Thank you @chsschoolofthearts for providing a creative environment for young artist’s to learn, be fully expressed and grow.    Steph and I are grateful for such a rare and amazing opportunity that Law was entrusted with, to play the role of Hamlet.    #hamlet #shakespeare #actor #lawfoxactor #prouddad 
@coastaltalent Thanks for some bts photos @jarbo101 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj3z7HIr1xJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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squirefox · 2 years
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So psyched for you Law, on landing the role of Hamlet!!! What an honor for you and following the footsteps of great actors who have played this role. We’re thrilled for you!!! @lawfox #hamlet #lawfoxactor @chsschoolofthearts @coastaltalent https://www.instagram.com/p/ChhuxZsO-_D/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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