#chsmpion emmet
betasuppe · 2 years
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So, she safely gets him home, locks them in after ordering some pizza & getting the poor guy into something more comfortable than his uniform. For Emmet, having one single person genuinely caring for him kinda fills that horrible empty hole in his heart that Ingo left behind. He passes out on the couch besides her & everything happens really fast after that lol!
The following day, Elesa stops by to check on her subway bro, as she saw some rather concerning tabloid headlines about the last remaining Subway Boss being kidnapped lol & of course, she meets Mina. After quickly getting to know one another, Mina & Elesa agree Emmet's got a terrible case of abandonment issues & because of it, he's grown incredibly clingy to Mina. She's well aware that she can't just leave him now - nor does she want to!!! -, so the girls work out a plan together. Mina is with Emmet most of the time as he's recovering & Elesa fills in for when Mina needs to go shopping, get some fresh air or even for her to grab all her personal belongings from her apartment because apparently she's now moving in with Emmet?????
After all, during her second night at his place, she tried sleeping on the couch again. It wasn't long before he trudged besides her & nudged her awake, saying he couldn't sleep on his own & asked if she could make some room for him. As they cuddled up under a shared blanket in the tight space, Mina jokingly says that if this is how its gonna be, they're both going to start out in his bed tomorrow instead of trying to fit two people on one single couch lol. Thinking he was already out of it, she did not expect him to respond, but he agreed verrrrrrrrrrry quickly.
Immensely grateful to be in a dark room, her face practically burst into flames because NO WAY was this sorta thing happening to little old Mina with the guy she's had a silly crush on since he cracked the first awful joke her way on her ride into the city!!!
But, it happened just the same!
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[Cont'd below, sorry this one got kinda long x0 !!]
With Mina looking after him, making sure he ate & slept, as well as having her Krokorok chase down reporters & nosy trainers from harassing the poor guy, Emmet more or less gets back on his feet. But while taking time off from running the subway, Emmet & Mina start doing everything together & are almost always right by each other's side.
Sometime later, on the night Emmet proposes to her, poor Mina's a bit oblivious and didn't really realize that they were even dating yet lol That is, despite them already living together, sleeping in the same bed, giving each other good morning / good night smooches, going on dates &..... nevermind, she just is clueless lmao
So it isn't long before they are officially married & starting to get their lives back on track. But, even having altered the Battle Subway so he could run it himself, alternating days between single & double battles, his old home seemed to only be causing Emmet pain from remembering his missing brother. But, after really seeing him come to life in a friendly battle between their own pokemon, Mina suggests that Emmet could try challenging the Elite Four to push himself toward a goal he never would've aimed for before. Because there's only room for one champion, Emmet & Ingo agreed as kids to not go that route so they wouldn't be fighting each other just fir a silly title. But because he's all on his own now, it's Emmet's turn to shine!!!
Of course, you all know he ends up getting a savage taste for winning & becomes a rather cocky son of a bitch as the new Champion of Unova lol
Despite his cruel & slimey personality in public, he always puts Mina first with everything, as she's the only person that stood besides him when everyone else ignored him, including his damned missing brother. But still, Mina knows he's not well & is not allowing himself to process or mourn the loss of his brother, which is only causing unhealthy personality traits & other dangerous coping mechanisms to appear [smoking & drinking, oh noooo!!]. She tries to get him help, but he's resistant to accepting that his brother is gone for good & refuses to move on.
So in the meantime, crazy Champion Emmet is still reigning with an impressive win streak. Mina loves him & is proud of him, but ultimately? She's extremely worried, because it's only a matter of time before he sizzles out completely.
Here's hoping his brother might eventually make it back from the dead, somehow!!!!!!
[Additional sketching for getting her design down, including her sandile inspired jacket lol! :P]
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samthecookielord · 2 years
What if there was a bw3 and. emmet was the chsmpion
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