chraera · 3 years
this  is  the  magic  before  the  chaos.           party preparations ft. @chrsomin
the late afternoon sun casts an orange shadow through the venue and she is filled with nothing but contentment at the vision that greets her. hours worth of planning, directing, and organising had led to this ─ a party decked out in shooting star’s decadent lush. of course, only the best for the best as that has always been aera’s mantra when it comes to customer service. even more so, when said customers were people she used to brush shoulders with in high school.
( underneath all that lies the bigger mantra that she absolutely cannot fail under the scrutinising eyes of the people she went to high school with. there would be no words of disappointment shot towards any parties assisted by her business for as long as she’s the one helming it. )
“somin,” she approaches the younger girl, a smile poised on her lips. “i just saw the pictures you posted on the events’ instagram stories. they look so pretty!” obviously, she cannot relish in this success all by herself. aera was grateful for the help she was able to get and given somin’s eye for detail and her sense of creativity, she knew giving her free reign over social media managing was one of her greatest decisions yet.
“what else do you think we need to cover?” she asks, eyes scanning the place. “i think that section over there where they’re going to set up the little finger foods are just about to start. would it be cute to take photos of it?”
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jamiechr · 3 years
dare <3
    i. the first time jamie saw somin , she hasn't forgotten it.. still makes her smile , honestly. a college freshman at best , walking in with the confidence that had the woman intrigued from the very start. she had stopped the server assigned to that table and took the job for herself , introducing herself and smiling at every single friend she brought along. but only did the both of them know about her gaze lingering just a few seconds longer on the bassist. ever since , in a room full of people , jamie's eyes always seemed to be holding her gaze.
    ii. somin started to become a regular and jamie'd always look forward to the moment she came by. made sure the table she usually sat at was available and would bring by the drinks before they were ordered. but , call her selfish because the times she came alone and sat in front of the bar table to keep her company were her favorite.. even when she stayed after closing hours and the two talked for hours ( also some nights when they did more than talking heh )
    iii. when somin told her about the idea for a band , jamie was instantly on board. falling in love with music ever since she was in school , the woman was arguably just as , if not more , excited. even promised her that her debut performance had to be at her bar. and when she was asked to fill in for lead guitar , probably one of the happiest moments of jamie's life -- thanks to somin , a small dream she once had was fulfilled and the woman was eternally grateful.
   iv. one thing jamie makes sure of when she knows she'd be meeting the younger is always to wear a jacket -- in case she needs it , of course. after the first few times it happened-- it being the other wrapping arms around herself and jamie instantly draping over the clothing to offer protection , the habit formed. you'd still find some of her jackets missing.. location? somin's closet.
   v. there's not a lot that could catch jamie off guard... but their first kiss proved to be otherwise. the woman had lived long enough to be somewhat confident with her sexuality , never hesitating the more than innocent flirty remarks towards woman-- but , she was hardly ever the first one to initiate something physical. so when the two were at her apartment and jamie was helping with the compositions of one of new songs , practicing with her.. the air seemed different. "accidental" hand brushes , the unintentional closing of distance , the gaze slipping lower whenever she bit down on her lesser lip --- it was brave but jamie went for it... pretty good decision.
   vi. whether she knows it or not , somin always has jamie standing behind her.. or beside her , wherever she needed her to be. wasn't quite sure when the overprotective nature was built but it was there , stronger than ever and even though it was thought that jamie was probably nothing more than a harmless chihuahua -- when she needed to , her unwavering gaze was enough to keep danger away. and if that didn't work , she always had her fists , so you'd really wanna think twice before getting on somin's bad side.
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haseokth · 3 years
truth : what's your favourite memory about your siblings?
there's the time the middle of the three had come home too late once; he'd reeked of ash and burnt wood that haseok knew meant his brother was out with his psycho, lunatic pyro-fucking-maniacs he called his "friends." not that haseok had given a shit when and if his brother ever came home — preferring he stay a missing case in his head for as long as he could without having to remember the second jin child's existence as much as possible. it was the panic in his eyes when he begged the eldest not to tell their parents, that he would hook him up with whatever illicit drug haseok or his other self-absorbed friends wanted when they were drunk and bored.
or there's the sound her spine popping and neck cracking whenever he yanked at the roots of her hair — the clarity that he'd caused her discomfort, confirmed verbally by the pitch of her yelp going so high it feels like she ruptures his eardrums. another reason to hate her even more — she's always so fucking loud about everything. dramatic and over the top, boisterous and migraine inducing, like the time their parents had taken them to australia and haseok had almost drown her in the sydney harbour. their parents had been buying tickets at the box office; haseok was holding his sister with his fingernails digging into her poorly dyed scalp. their middle siblings watched, saying nothing. just as he'd learned from his past mistakes.
or there's the best time — the time when they just didn't exist at all. not to haseok, at least. london always felt like its own separate universe, far away from the unbearable weight of the jin parents' expectations and need for absolute perfection. he didn’t want to be included in their equation, never wanted to. it was never his choice to go to london in the first place, but it was never his choice to leave, either. he never asked for any of them, never asked for the responsibility of being the older brother. 
and he always hated how both of them always had to say it with so much disdain.
“hayoung, hamin,” he repeats their names in the same vain they always do to him; uninterested, disgusted, aloof — just as they are with him — it makes him nauseous. “we don’t have any memories together.”
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chrmimi · 3 years
( ♡ ) closed starter: hannam high school, circa 2015         ⤷ @chrsomin​
from the day that they first met, mimi knew that there was something about the other that simply did not rub her the right way. every so often, she’d take a moment to openly glare at the fellow scholarship recipient, taking the time to discover exactly what that ‘thing’ was. was it her smile? her hair? her exceptionally pompous attitude? yes, but no. it was the similarities in which they carried herself that caused alarms to go off in mimi’s mind. bae somin was certainly hiding something, and mimi took it upon herself to discover what it was. 
of course, she knew none of it was any of her business. everyone had secrets to hide, and it was their right to keep them. however, maybe discovering this secret would help bring the other’s ego down a notch or two — this thought was enough to wipe any thoughts of consideration for somin clean from her mind. 
“if you’re going to sweep, then sweep well.” despite being the only two students remaining, mimi spoke with volume, as if she were speaking over a crowd. “after all, it is your fault that we’ve ended up in this mess in the first place. i’m not sure if you know, but some of us actually do need these scholarships.” following her words, mimi spread a strained smile across her lips. 
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sunanchr · 3 years
It’s unlike him to be this steeped in liquor, coherence amiss as he blunders through the night. His steps drum a loud chaos upon the deck, kneeling into his narrow and unseeing peer as his hands fiddle stupidly with the small boat’s binding rope. Much to his exasperated surprise, his success does come eventually and he boards, sat still amidst chirping darkness, ruminative. 
It was unlike him, drunken stupor, though he knows what leads him astray. Always the same conundrum: his human heart and its seemingly immovable residency in things uninhabitable ―  other people. Another person, rather, one he keeps anonymous almost desperately, as if their name was a malicious incantation whose invocation spelled suffering. All of the personal theatrics aside, it usually did mean just that. Pain in some iteration. 
Why he kept going, he couldn’t say. That same speechlessness had even claimed whatever it took to be genuine with himself. One: it did hurt. Two: he had no idea how he was going to move forward. He did know that it was never really moving forward though. Just repeating the cycle. Whatever.
His mind drags itself back to where he is now, though, alone on his dinghy, overhead explosions unified in twinkling white. Gentle stars alongside their quiet mother moon. The world felt different like that. Livable. Beyond that, survivable. 
A good moment finds itself shattered by an encroaching stumble. 
Sunan falls to his back immediately, trying rather pointlessly to hide, phone kept overturned against his chest, its flashlight readied. 
“Nobody’s here, demon.” He announces loudly, somehow challenging. His words sound as if they carry their own weight, toppled into the next with an inseparable slur. “Nobody’s here. At all, ghost. Don’t look at this boat. Don’t even think about this boat. This is my boat. My tiny boat. A good boat. Plus, nobody is here. So, go away. Thanks!” A pause, his head raised gradually. “... Wait. Fuck, no,” eyes still useless, keenly honed in, decisive, “you’re alive. Yeah, you are. You are, aren’t you? Fuck.”
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chrinsu · 3 years
NEW MESSAGE !!       to: @chrsomin​     subject: slander
     his phone screen flickers alight, revealing the lockscreen so bleak it radiates nothing but a harsh tint of black. the white number peering through as optics narrow on the notification hanging just below. the words slander in bold, and it’s all he can see. digits grappling at the phone, bringing it to the forefront of his vision, reading the message closely. making sure he had every word deciphered, not wanting to make any accusatory claims in the heat of the moment. a rarity, honestly. 
     the studio door swinging open, an almost empty room except for one. digits move to rake through his untamed strands, stygian hues still recovering from their hour nap in the car as he slides his phone across the table. palms pressing against the edge of the desk, leaning in ever so slightly. “look.” the message on his screen, screaming denigration in the face of retro rosy. “skipping rocks. they’re planning slander against us.” his sources have never lead him astray, precise and always reliable. discretion in their art and he’s already planning to retaliate. he will make them regret in their choices, a clear message sent in ichor.
     gaze moving to meet with hers, skipping rock’s publishing prowess although, domineering, it was surely not a game the two of them can’t win. tainted digits, palms so painted over by impiety that he felt his soul seeping through the gaps of his fingers. no amount of desperation could withstand the hell-flames that burnt in the nooks and crannies of his being, joints so ached by irreverence that it lights a cold flame. one that burns through ice and lathers his spirit with a tint of insanity, so dark that it bleeds into his veins, an ichor so avariciously bold that he lets it consume him whole. 
     fists clenching, retrieving his phone, “this can’t happen. i can’t let this hap— we can’t let this happen.” belligerence cemented in his tone.
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chrarisa · 3 years
° ✦﹕ ‹  hit that pose, take that flick; check your angle, post that shit  ›    ⏤  with @chrsomin ♡
they’re at a place that displays scenes that are only displayed on laptop displays in the store, glossed postcards that you would receive from the relatives that travel to find themselves, commercials for vehicles that have the tagline of living life on the edge ... or something. the trail is something arisa finds after stalking a celebrities’ instagram page, saving it for a day when the weather is nice and summery without being too disgusting ⏤ and when that day comes and there’s nothing of importance left for her to do after class ( or nothing that can wait for this moment ), she finds herself outside of somin’s place, brunette ringlets bounding off of her frame as she bounces on her toes, waving her phone in the air until she joins her. they then find themselves at the nature hike, making the most out of the natural backdrops all for some instagram worthy photos.
and nevermind the fact that it’s like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole while looking at them ⏤ flashy clothes with designer tags completely contrasting the serene environment, an entire set up station complete with tripods and blankets taking up a good portion of the trail, an aggravating hinderance to those attempting to get some exercise in bargain basement athleisure clothes. in normal circumstances, arisa would be apologizing as the trekkers cut their eyes at the two while going around them, but her main focus is getting the best shot of somin amongst the vivid field of flowers in bloom. they’ve been going at it for a good while at this point anyway, prancing from one place to the other with sounds of camera shutters, cackles and squeals. just girly things.
a gasp, “you look sooooo pretty, oh my god,” compliments fall off her tongue every time they get in their zone, every time she even glances at somin, only adding to the eighty dozen others given to her within the past hours, “wait, wait ⏤ so what are we going for here? are we giving ‘the background is nice but i’m the real view’ kind of pretty? a little bit of risque poses to contrast? or have we done that enough?” she questions the other in front of her, iphone sweltering in her palms due to overuse, but continues to look swipe through her photo album to see what gems they have so far. groomed eyebrows furrow, concentrating on some new ideas ⏤ because snapping photos for instagram was business that required her full concentration ⏤ before giving another dramatic gasp, eyes wide as excitement swims within them, as she shuffles over towards somin, “what if ... what if i go on the tree branch and take some from above then?”
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chrngmin · 3 years
dare 💀
1. Changmin has actually listened to Retro Rosy play prior to "bumping into" Somin. Intel purposes, he says. Found himself actually bopping with the band's song and, voila, maybe he is a little bit of a fan.
2. Changmin tries hitting on Somin sometimes. Force of habit, really. Does it work? Nuh uh. Is he baffled? Uh huh (cause he thinks he's always the charmer). Is he frustrated about it? Definitely! His pride won't take it.
3. Changmin's always sus that Somin can see through his "nice guy" ruse — and cause of that he's still very careful about what he says around her. Of course, his main goal is to gain her trust. Basically, his mindset is "call me an asshole, but I hope not a dangerous asshole."
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chrjunseo · 3 years
a starter for @chrsomin​ ,
the scene of the two of them, outside with their phones out, hyping each other up as they snapped photos for one another wasn’t an unusual one. they were the kind of friends to go to brunch, simply so they can take pictures with the delicious, aesthetic food before picking at it and leaving most of it for the wait staff to clean up. were they ever really hungry in the first place ? probably not, but at least they had stunning new pictures for their socials to post in the coming days. what was the point of instagram if not for making everyone jealous of the expensive and aesthetic social life.
oh, and advertisements. paid ones.
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“ are you sure this is going to be worth it ? ” junseo questioned his companion, face scrunched as he attempted to avoid the loose patches of dirt, still soft from the morning dew when they stepped through the sticks and the mud in attempt to get to ... wherever is is they're going. for a moment he’d almost forgotten about what exactly it was they were doing out here, too focused on keeping his white gucci sneakers as pristine as possible. 
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jamiechr · 3 years
⏤  bruised knuckles and battered egos with  :  @chrsomin  !!
   breathe in.. nine.. breathe out... breathe in... ten... --- yup , one of those days nights. the only disturbance in a rather peaceful evening was the huff let out after each pull-up , silenced for a second only to be replaced by the chains rustling with every jab at the unfortunate sandbag having to deal with the brunt of pent up exasperation.  
   it’s routine , it’s grounding sanity being found through a rather unexpected outlet and it’s a good use of her time because sleep never came easy to begin with. an innocent secret kept between her and the rather nice building owner who allowed for this little sanctuary to be built ( for the right price , of course.. but still ). a secret that couldn’t have been extended further , at least not the extent of it’s severity , because ahn jamie was a confident , strong , supportive and emotionally stable woman-- she had to be what with people needing someone like that in their life , she couldn’t let them down , couldn’t be any more of a disappointment her mind made her believe to be. 
     the way defined lines curved in all the right places on a visibly lean body that stood exposed right now was proof enough to show that it had been going on for awhile now , but it never seemed enough. not until she’d be on her knees with arms and legs refusing to work and her mind to tired to think of anything else --- only then did sleep actually come , only then could she wake up with a smile on her face the next day. healthy coping mechanisms weren’t a thing , were they? 
     after the final set is when jamie takes a little water break , heads to the bench where her things were scattered before reaching for the hand towel , that’s when her gaze accidentally falls at the entrance , rather on the person standing by at the entrance and eyes widen. it takes a second to register but soon enough there’s a warm smile , one that couldn’t be helped with somin around , and now she’s haphazardly wiping down beads of sweat that continued to trickle down her face before taking a step closer , “ somin-ah.. hey.. ” eyes quickly scan their surroundings , yeah they were at the rooftop of her apartment and not at the bar or anywhere else she’d usually see the younger so..... “ what are you doing here? ” she questions before realisation sets and the bar owner takes a few more strides to be close enough , any confusion exchanged for worry as her wrapped hands place themselves on the side of her arms , “ are you okay? -- is everything okay? ”
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chrmimi · 3 years
dare <3
when making plans with somin, mimi will go out of her way to ask the other where she wants to go and then do the exact opposite.
mimi often questions whether or not she and somin are actually friends or if it's all just a fever dream.
despite bad mouthing somin to her face and behind her back, mimi will almost always take somin's side in an argument against someone else.
mimi considers somin to be someone essential in her life.
on somin's birthday, mimi will deliver a present anonymously, but claim to forget her birthday every year.
𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓽𝓱 𝓸𝓻 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓮 : ACCEPTING
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chrngmin · 3 years
to: @chrsomin
​The beeping of his car resounds around the half empty parking space, filling the hollowness momentarily. He spins his car key around one finger, whistling a merry tune as he walked. He dons his usual work attire — the usual suit and tie colored black with a white under shirt replaced with dark navy — a sign that he respects the professional setting he is about to set foot on.
It's the usual schedule he has agreed upon with this particular client: two o'clock in the afternoon sharp every other Wednesday, unless there was an emergency, of course. He liked meeting Changmin in his office as well, not fond of stepping foot at the law firm for whatever reason. He looks over his watch briefly, delighted that he was once again punctual with ten minutes to spare. It seems that the people in the building are quite familiar with his presence, receiving words of greeting laced with the respect his profession would automatically elicit from even strangers. And even if he wasn't given a greeting, they would just walk past him as if he were working in there.
He boards the elevator, pressing the floor to where the man in question occupies as his office. He stands there calm and collected, that is, at least until he sees someone he absolutely did not want to see: not here, and certainly not today. He tries to appear as indifferent as possible, careful not to let his panic show as he presses the close button on the elevator numerous times, growing more agitated by the minute as it fails to close down and puzzling the few others inside the elevator. Shit. He mentally curses as the elevator fails to close on time, letting none other than Somin inside the elevator, the two of them standing side by side at the very front. 
He looks up, and to someone else he probably looked a little awkward and stiff. Inside his head, however, he was more frustrated than anything, hoping she wouldn't recognize him in the attire, at least.
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jamiechr · 3 years
truth : do you ever get tired of taking care of people?
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 “ tired?? --- oh no , not really.. does it seem like that’s a tiring thing to do? ” the perplexed expression almost too innocently looking on as she really tried her best to be honest. “ ---- i mean , if i can help and be there for someone when they really need it? well , that sounds great to me.. but yeah , everyone has bad days and there are times when i don’t really want to do... anything.. or times when i need a moment to get myself together. although , if anyone called and needed me beside them , i’d still be there because to be fair , it works as a great distraction too. --- it’s more selfish than i’d care to admit... ”
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