#chronicles of Jean de Vavrin
vladdocs · 3 years
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If I was to make a video talking about Mircea II Dracula would you guys be interested in it? Is there any interest in Vlad's Older brother who was blinded and buried alive at 19? Here is something about Mircea (Who was 15 at the time) From The chronicles of Jean de Vavrin: "In the meantime, the son of the lord of Wallachia went to visit the lord of Wavrin, to whom, after greeting him, had an interpreter say that he was planning an enterprise against the Turks: and, if he promised him not to judging him badly, he would tell him his secret; which the lord of Wavrin absolutely swore to him. And then the interpreter, having received instructions from the son of Wallachia, spoke in this way: "My father sent for me and told me that, if I do not avenge him of that subachi of that castle of Georgye (Giurgiu), he will disown me and he no longer considers me his son; because he is the one who betrayed him and who, with a safe conduct from the Turk, made him go to the aforementioned Turk, then took him prisoner to the castle of Gallipoli, where he held him for a long time with chains on his legs . Now the fact is that he and his Saracens have now surrendered to my father, their lives and possessions must be spared, and they must be taken to Vulgarye (Bulgaria); and I will go, along with 2000 Wallachians, two leagues from here, cross the river and set up an ambush on their path: so, when they try to go to Nicopolis, I will be in front of them, so I will put them all to death . " A thing to which the aforementioned lord of Wavrin did not answer a single word, neither good nor bad. So the aforementioned son of Wallachia went away, to go and carry out his enterprise." The outcome of that battle + His reaction after Jean informs him that Radu have been molested by Mehmed + other information will be in that video (If you guys want it) chronicles of Jean de Vavrin: https://archive.org/search.php?query=Jehan%20de%20Wavrin
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vladdocs · 3 years
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The trusty governor Vlad Dragul and his three sons, Mircea, Vlad and Radu. The name of Vlad is first mentioned in his father's letter of 20 January 6940 (that is, in modern parlance 1432, the document was later corrected to 1437, given the dates of other documents. "... and not in the days of our dominion, nor in the days of my sons, the first-born Mircea and Vlad", 20 January 1432, Targoviste. Later the governor mentioned his two sons more than once (2 August, 10 August and 23 August 1437). And a little later, in 1439, August 2, the letter will consistently mention Mircea, Vlad and Radu, indicating that Radu appeared only in 1438-39. The historian Professor Andreescu mentions that Vlad was always second in the sequence. Duca, a 15th-century Greek historian, writes in his work that in the spring of 1442 the voivode Dragul was summoned to the court, suspecting him of conspiring with other Christians. By deceit he was forced to come (see the chronicle of Jean de Vavrin), "In order to impress the governor with the magnanimity of a high ranking Turk, his ambassador brought with him splendid gifts and offerings as a sign of welcome, informing him who his lord was and that he saw it imperative to further his friendship and collaboration with the governor of Wallachia. And in order to achieve this, the high-ranking Turk begged the governor of Wallachia as insistently as he could to come to him in Adrianople, and in order that the governor could stay in his country in complete safety, the Subashi gave the governor a corresponding guarantee from the high-ranking Turk". (Jean de Wavrin, Anciennes Chroniques d'Angleterre, chapter "How a High-Ranking Turk called the Ruler of Wallachia to talk to him and sneakily deposed him"). So, the Turks captured him and threw him in prison at Gallipoli. Deceit was in the Turks' esteem, for they knew no honor and held not their word: "But if they swear on books of soap, as it is written above, they do not perform this oath, nor any other oaths when they can; they make the innocent guilty, so that they may always carry out their malice." "But if the Sultan makes peace or truce with anyone, he always plots its violation, and when he makes peace with one, then he wrestles with another, but he always blames his subjects, and therefore they are wicked, as if they were spinning in a wheel, so that always the Christians are oppressed, as we shall describe below, and those who ate the broth with them must pay them with meat," from the Janissary's notes, chapter "O TURKISH JUSTICE AND THEIR DEFAULTY AND Cunning". The 15th century Turkish military historian Asık Pasha-zade (Asık Pasha-oğlu) recorded that the janitor arrived not alone but in company of his two sons who were also captured and locked up in the Eğrigöz fortress (see also Neşri's chronicle). The two sons mentioned by the 15th century historians were Vlad and the little Radu:, because the firstborn, Mircea, remained in Walachia. Thus, the Serbian chronicles of the 15th century note that "in 1442 the Turks captured Vlad's governor, and left his son Mircea in Walachia in his place". But, as we considered earlier, most likely by the summer Hunyadi, still the voivode of Transylvania, went with an army to Walachia and drove young Mircea (14-15 years old) from the throne, bringing with him his pretender of the Daneshti family at that time, Basarab, who would already be busy signing the letters in Kurtia de Ardzesh on January 9, 1443. Duca notes that the governor Vlad regained power already in 1443, and his "young", as the historian stresses, his children will remain in captivity with the Turks. Elder son Mircea will be reunited with his father and already in 1444-45 take an active part in the Crusade: "My father called me to him and asked for the following. My father told me, if I on behalf of him will not pay vengeance subashi from the fortress Djurdzhu, he will deny me, and I will no longer be worthy to be called his son. The reason for this is the treachery of the subashi. He brought his father to a high-ranking Turk, promising him escort
and safety, but instead he was imprisoned at Gallipoli, where he kept him prisoner in iron fetters for a long time. Now that Subashi and his Saracens are before us, surrendering to their father in return for their lives and property being spared and brought safely to Bulgaria. But I will cross the river, two leagues from here, taking two thousand Vlachs with me, and I will set a trap for them, so that the Saracens will think that they go to Nicopolis, but I will be on their way, and their death will be there", the words of Mircea, recorded from a dialogue with him by Mr. Wavrin, from the chronicle of Jean de Wavrin, chronicler of the crusade of 1444-45, Jean de Wavrin, Anciennes Chroniques d'Angleterre). It was then that Mircea would avenge his family and the culprit who had forced his father to come to the Turks by lying was executed. In 1445 all three sons also appear in the charter, in the same order.
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